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4LANGS.ZIP 82705 03-29-94 U Ultimate Language Tutor for Windows
| L S
| T If you want to learn French, German, O
| I Spanish or Italian, d/l this!!!!!!! F
| M T
| A This program makes it easy to learn W
| T the vocabulary of any of the above A
| E languages. Has built-in test and R
| flashcard modules. Req VBRUN300.DLL E
ACCEL1.ZIP 19899 10-05-93 Accel-One - helps investigate questions
| about the motion of an object
| undergoing constant acceleration in one
| dimension. It provides graphical,
| numerical, and analytic solutions to
| such problems using either Newtonian or
| special relativistic expressions. Any 3
| of 5 independent variables are allowed.
| VBRUN200 is required..
ACT123.ZIP 123116 06-14-92 Action 123, Teach Tots Numbers, Letters Etc.
| The Best Program to Learn Advanced English.
| Fully compatible with XT/286/386/486/Pentium
| TXT/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA;DOS 3.1+ or Windows 3.1+
| Advanced English Computer Tutor (AECT)
| is an innovative tutorial that teaches
| you SUBTLETIES of the English language.
| The program is significantly useful for
| those who have a good command of English,
| yet find certain features of the language
| somewhat puzzling. The AECT tutorial
| elegantly highlights these aspects of
| the language and improves your speech
| and writing skills.
| Last Updated: October 22, 1994
| Version: AECT 1F
ALW113.ZIP 385370 08-20-92 Innovative & Fascinating Astronomy Lab
ASTROW.ZIP 534124 03-05-93 Astro World for Windows 1.1
| An astrological program for Windows without
| any restriction whatsoever, which does Natal
| Chart calculation as well as a text
| evaluation of up to 30 A 4 pages.
ASTROWIN.ZIP 117804 10-14-91 Astronomy Software For Windows, Many Features
BABYSTF1.ZIP 30781 11-14-93 Baby Stuff! v1.0: MS-Windows program
BCS104.ZIP 101015 01-06-93 Berlin Cheat Sheets, Math Tools For Windows
BEAR_BEE.ZIP 206079 06-20-93 Bear_bee.txt . . . about "The Bear and the
| Bee." A children's book. This is a shareware
| product from LeftJustified Publiks
BIBLE20A.ZIP 259986 09-11-93 Holy Bible for Windows 2.0 King James Version
CATCNT10.ZIP 180645 03-06-93 Counting Application For Ages 3-6 (Win&SB)
CBMATH15.ZIP 75976 04-08-93 Chalkboard Math Version 1.5a
| All new release of the popular math tutor
| (ages 5-10) for Windows. Music, animation and
| difficulty levels. Bright game-like design.
| Shareware. Pegasus Developement
CENTL091.ZIP 255509 09-02-93 Statistics - explore central limit theorem
CLRBK10.ZIP 813830 12-27-93 SCHOOL-MOM for Windows Vol 1, v1.0; First in
| a series of children's educational products
| for Windows from Motes Education Software.
| This first version is both a delightful
| coloring book for kids and a powerful
| graphics tool for adults. Requires Windows
CMATHA.ZIP 50053 02-01-92 Fun & Easy To Learn Math Tutor For Windows
DBTWIN1.ZIP 279101 10-15-93 THE DEBUG TUTOR v1.0 [1/2]; Making Secret
| Docs, Finding Hidden Program Commands,
| Rebooting a PC, Reading and Writing the CMOS,
| Changing Commands Like "DIR" and "COPY",
| Viewing Previous Keystrokes, these are all
| simple tasks if you know debug. Download
| this Windows program and learn the "Black
| Magic" of debug from a master of hacking.
DBTWIN2.ZIP 412775 10-16-93 THE DEBUG TUTOR v1.0 [2/2]; Making Secret
| Docs, Finding Hidden Program Commands,
| Rebooting a PC, Reading and Writing the CMOS,
| Changing Commands Like "DIR" and "COPY",
| Viewing Previous Keystrokes, these are all
| simple tasks if you know debug. Download
| this Windows program and learn the "Black
| Magic" of debug from a master of hacking.
ECUWIN11.ZIP 253135 03-04-92 ECU Visual/Highly Graphical Astronomy Program
GB302.ZIP 331321 01-02-94 GRADEBOOK FOR WINDOWS v3.02; Advanced
| Windows based GradeBook for the professional
| educator. Req VBRUN300.DLL, 2MB and win ver
| 3.x. Online help, user categories, opt ID#'s,
| tot pt or weighted scores, discard worst
| score(s), ext credit, score & grade dist's
| with charts, progress reports, import export
| clipbd & font support, interim weights, reqd
| final scores, teacher notes, much more. Also
| Word and Excel macros.
GEP208A.ZIP 587274 08-26-93 Metabolic pathway simulator
GRADE111.ZIP 229686 03-17-94 Grade Organizer v1.11 - Windows application
| to help instructors manage students' grades.
| Define several Subjects and Classes for any
| time period in any teaching context. Grade
| Organizer screen includes toolbar, print
| preview, pop-up menu, 3D look, etc.
GW4WIN.ZIP 436138 11-28-91 Gods Word For Windows, Effective Bible Study
GWW11A01.ZIP 333704 12-08-92 God's Word For Windows Bible Program 1/12
GWW11A02.ZIP 361005 12-08-92 God's Word For Windows Bible Program 2/12
GWW11A03.ZIP 361005 12-08-92 God's Word For Windows Bible Program 3/12
GWW11A04.ZIP 361005 12-08-92 God's Word For Windows Bible Program 4/12
GWW11A05.ZIP 330291 12-08-92 God's Word For Windows Bible Program 5/12
GWW11A06.ZIP 361005 12-08-92 God's Word For Windows Bible Program 6/12
GWW11A07.ZIP 361005 12-08-92 God's Word For Windows Bible Program 7/12
GWW11A08.ZIP 361005 12-08-92 God's Word For Windows Bible Program 8/12
GWW11A09.ZIP 361005 12-08-92 God's Word For Windows Bible Program 9/12
GWW11A10.ZIP 361005 12-08-92 God's Word For Windows Bible Program 10/12
GWW11A11.ZIP 295790 12-08-92 God's Word For Windows Bible Program 11/12
GWW11A12.ZIP 107064 12-08-92 God's Word For Windows Bible Program 12/12
JWP48X48.ZIP 818335 10-31-92 Japanese Word Processor, JIS Code Tables 2/8
JWPEDICT.ZIP 956819 11-20-92 Japanese Word Processor, On/Kun Readings 3/8
JWPFONTS.ZIP 479129 10-21-92 Japanese Word Processor, Stroke Count 4/8
JWPKINFO.ZIP 175713 09-02-92 Freeware Windows Japanese Word Processor 5/8
JWPPROG.ZIP 307859 12-02-92 Japanese Word Processor, IconBars & More 6/8
JWPSRC.ZIP 184861 10-26-92 Japanese Word Processor, Kana-Kanji Conv. 7/8
JWPWNN.ZIP 251278 07-06-92 Japanese Word Processor, Eng-Japan Dict. 8/8
KYAW10.ZIP 177309 09-30-93 Know Your Aircraft for Windows v1.0; Program
| for studying aircraft systems and related
| items such as Emergency Procedures,
| Performance, FARs, and etc. Can be used with
| any aircraft and has User Definable Menus.
| Created by a major airline pilot.
| VBRUN200.DLL is required
K_FUN.ZIP 557450 08-03-94 Kanji for Fun! & Kanji Writer!
| Copyright C 1994 ComCul International
| Shareware - Japanese Language
| --------------------------------------------
| Complete Installation Procedure
| Contains entire grade 1 kanji set
| 80 Kanji True-Type character fonts
| Context-sensitive on-line help
| Print kanji study sheets, sound support,
| and more...
| --------------------------------------------
| Contact: ComCul International
| Internet: comcul@cam.org
| Compuserve: 73730,761
| --------------------------------------------
LATIN35.ZIP 48772 07-24-93 Lingua Latina vIII.V: MicroSoft Windows
| program that teaches the basics of Latin
| grammar. Req. VBRUN200.DLL
LOOKANIM.ZIP 327224 12-31-92 Educational Windows Prog (Animals Kingdom)
LOOKCOLO.ZIP 328831 12-31-92 Look & Listen Colors For Win, Teaches Colors
LOOKSHAP.ZIP 284266 12-31-92 Look & Listen Shapes; Talking Windows Program
LUNARBBL.ZIP 385174 02-28-94 LunarBBall is a shareware Windows simulation
| of a basketball court on earth, the moon,
| jupiter and in orbit.. great package for
| learning about gravity.
MAGIC104.ZIP 413407 12-23-93 Magic Squares v1.04; This is a Windows
| educational game for kids age 7 to 11. A 3
| by 3 grid of 9 numbers is shown where each
| row, column and diagonal all add to the same
| number. This number is know as the magic
| number. You have to fill in all the unknown
| numbers to win. Requires Windows 3.1+
MATHSTUD.ZIP 1080570 10-18-94 Mathviews 1.71a - Student Version for Windows
MB12.ZIP 214724 03-19-92 Memory Builder, Master Foreign Language Drill
MBINGO11.ZIP 356621 12-07-94 Math Bingo v1.10 <ASP>. Your child will
| easily learn math facts while having fun
| playing bingo in an easy-to-use program which
| teaches math in a non-drill way. It is geared
| to kids; they learn without realizing that
| they are learning. Create voice overlays, and
| hear yourself or your child as the patient
| instructor. For one or two players. Full on-
| line help, and option to turn voices on and
| off.
MIETAB30.ZIP 63582 07-02-93 MIETAB can calculate the Mie efficiency
| factors and phase functions for homogeneous
| spheres in the size parameter range 0.01 to
| 400 at up to 181 angles. It allows looping
| over up to 101 sizes in a single
| computational "run".
MMBOOK.ZIP 208958 11-10-93 PCxxx BOOK "THE MAGIC OF THE MIND" v1.0
| An absorbing and contentious new evaluation
| of the peculiarities and diversities of
| human behaviour, presented as a non-assertive
| but philosophical awakening to reality.
| Any person who reads this book must become an
| even better person. Suitable for adolescents
| and adults alike. Don't miss out on this
| dynamic and fascinating reading experience.
| Requires MS Windows 3.0 or higher, "WRITE"
| 700k of hard disk or second 1.2m--1.4m
| floppy drive.
MMT_V1C.ZIP 77380 12-17-94 My Math Tutor. Interactive quizes
| and print/view multiplication table
| from 1 x 1 to 100 x 100. For
| Windows 3.1+
NORSK.ZIP 170320 01-26-94 Windows English-Norwegian,Norwegian-English
| Translator req vbrun200.dll
NT4W16.ZIP 667730 01-01-94 NEW TESTAMENT FOR WINDOWS 1.6; Bible search
| and study program- The complete King James
| New Testament text in an easy-to-use, 3-D
| graphical user interface. It includes a
| powerful text search, maps, timeline,
| personal notes linked to the Scripture,
| tutorial, context sensitive help, and
| hypertext study aids.
NTS10A.ZIP 30181 11-25-91 Helps Kids Learn U.S. States & Capitals
ORIGIN15.ZIP 1167703 01-10-94 Origins of Mythology v1.5 for Windows
PAGNW10A.ZIP 184525 10-24-93 Pagan Daybook for Windows 1.0a The Pagan
| Daybook is a small Windows calendar which
| will display the current pagan festivals, the
| time and tides and other arcane lore. It's
| colourful, configurable and much more fun
| than a conventional calendar. Never miss
| another solstice again... or perhaps more
| important, another Saturnalia.
PARWN306.ZIP 96425 09-29-93 Parents v3.06: MS-Windows genealogy pgm to
| easily gather, store, and view information
| about all of your ancestors as well as your
| children and your children's children.
PHOEB2.ZIP 223422 09-22-92 Phoebe, Windows Astronomical Almanac
PICABC.ZIP 72581 10-02-91 Teaches Alphabet/Words By Pictures, Ages 2-6
PT202A.ZIP 307802 10-27-93 Periodic Table v2.02 for Windows 3.1 [1/2]
| The ultimate periodic table. It shows all
| 110 chemical elements. Gives over 30 data
| items for each one. View element details on
| multiple elements via its MDI interface. It
| has data on over 800 isotopes and can display
| radioactive decay trees for over 500. It has
| a quiz mode to test your knowlege of the.
| View bond properties. Allows printing of the
| Table, data & decay trees.
PT202B.ZIP 174324 10-27-93 Periodic Table 2.02 for Windows 3.1 [2/2]
| The ultimate periodic table.
PTABLE.ZIP 120314 08-08-93 Well done periodic table for win
PTS42.ZIP 83010 10-12-93 Personality Type HELP file for Windows. Will
| help you to understand the diversity and
| dynamics of normal human personality. By
| studying this document, you will truly learn
| more about yourself and the people who are a
| part of your life. Written specifically for
| the lay person - you.
RECOIL.ZIP 51314 08-18-93 Windows Program is intented to show how
| varying gun weights, bullet weights, and
| velocities affect free recoil.
SCIENCE.ZIP 20464 03-14-93 Science Tutorial In Windows 3.1 .WRI Format
SIGNMAST.ZIP 59197 12-28-91 American Sign Language Tutor, Helpful
SKYMP20A.ZIP 484771 12-29-93 SKYMAP v2.0 <ASP> Windows 3.1 Planetarium.
| Draws accurate maps of the sky, showing
| stars, planets, deep sky objects, comets
| etc. Detailed information can be shown for
| any object. Can print maps to any printer.
| Pictures can be displayed, in many formats.
| For both serious amateur & novice users.
SKYMP20B.ZIP 575501 12-29-93 SKYMAP v2.0 <ASP> Part 2 of 2.
| SkyMap data file archive. This forms a
| part of the SkyMap package together
| with "skymp20a.zip".
SKYW101R.ZIP 200494 03-29-92 Sky Planetarium Program For Windows
| Windows 3.1 Bible. Over 15 Bibles avail. Demo
| database is limited for BBS dist. Program is
| full function. Easy Bible browse, fast
| search, exhaus- tive word list, user notes,
| more! Tool- bar, Hypertext too! ALSO READS
SOCINDV.ZIP 40365 05-20-92 Mythology Flowcharts For Windows
SWATM.ZIP 19764 09-23-93 SwatM Jr. 1.1a by Jim Fox. Is a
| simple WIN31 hand-eye coordination
| game for young children. Requires
THOUGHT.ZIP 54542 09-30-94 TurboThought 1.0 is a unique program designed
| to help you solve any problem. Utilize your
| mind's free associative abilities to view
| your problem in new ways. The result is a
| highly efficient "brainstorming" session on
| your computer. Use TurboThought anytime you
| need to generate fresh, new ideas. Requires
| VGA, Windows 3.x, or OS/2 2.x (with WIN-OS2
| installed), and file VBRUN200.DLL. Shareware
| ($20) from Amber Timbre Software.
TIPPIN.ZIP 598530 08-15-94 Teach Us! Windows Training and tips
| Interactive training tutorial that
| is geared to beginners, but old
| hands will find useful as well. Easy
| to use and provides a wealth of tips
| and information. Unzip and choose
| File, Run, and SETUP.EXE
| Mouse highly recommended
TTTWIN.ZIP 54711 08-31-92 Touch Type Tutor for Windows v1.0 <ASP> -
| Intelligent self customizing typing tutor.
| Super easy-to-use TOUCH TYPING TUTOR for
| Windows 3.X. Whether you want to rate a
| professional typist's speed or learn to touch
| type from scratch, this program has it all!
| Intelligently customizes to learner's skill
| level, ensuring the fastest learning curve.
| Suitable for individual use, for teachers and
| for employers. $20.
TYPETEST.ZIP 6757 11-24-94 Type Test: A program that tests your
| ablity to type. It can improve your
| typing speed. It's also fun!
| Requires Windows 3.1 and
UIE401.ZIP 487335 11-23-93 SUNSHINE v4.01 <ASP> - Tutor and glossary.
| Sheds light on computers. Hypertext and
| hypergraphic WinHelp system includes latest
| lexicon and acronymous cyberjargon from
| current periodicals. Also, includes tutor
| for absolute beginners, "The World's
| Simplest Computer" and "The Visible Window".
| Requires Windows 3.1 and mouse. Langin
| Software. 1-94.
VPW11.ZIP 524021 09-09-94 Vocabulary Primer for Windows; FUN way to
| learn new vocabulary; includes 10 learning
| activities--8 games; quiz; test for each
| vocab file; *concentration, flashcards,
| whack a word/icon, Analogies; requires Win
| 3.1; sound card; 800x600 recommended;
| requires VBRUN300.DLL. includes 3 word files
| and one test (more on registration--25 / 5);
| editing progs to create your own files.
| Denis L Latkowski, version 1.1
WFRNCHVB.ZIP 20846 07-09-93 Windows: Learn French verbs.
WINBIBV.ZIP 29573 08-30-91 Bible Verse Of The Day
WINCHEM.ZIP 142107 05-17-92 Chemical For Windows, Retrieve Atom Info
WINHERB.ZIP 804082 03-02-94 The Windows Guide To Nature's Herbs
| Offers Information on Nature's remedies
| and How to Obtain Herbs for Free
WINIQ.ZIP 17651 08-15-91 Challenging & Fun IQ Test For Windows
WINQ200.ZIP 282137 06-01-92 Windows QWK Compatible Off-Line Mail Reader
WIN_USA.ZIP 45009 03-29-94 Constitution, Amendments, Declaration of
| Independence. Requires VBRUN200.DLL
WNFAM10E.ZIP 160048 01-19-94 WinFamily Genealogy Program for Windows
WNGRPH.ZIP 67785 04-05-92 Equation Graphing Program, Good For Students
WNRG11.ZIP 219521 08-22-92 Register for Windows; comprehensive grading
| program for teachers; uses points up to 999,
| room for 80 grades for each of 150 students
| per class; extensive reporting and exporting
| of grades and statistics; requires Windows
| 3.1, a sound driver, TrueType or Postscript
| font and VBRUN100.DLL (Visual Basic).
| Based on 4 quarters; Shareware
| Denis L Latkowski, version 1.1
WTP2.ZIP 175824 07-01-93 "We the People," a shareware electronic book
| from LeftJustified Publiks
WWORLD.ZIP 485372 03-07-93 WinWorld Geographic Tutor, Pictures/Sound!
YAPTABLE.ZIP 57836 11-03-93 Periodic Table for Windows v1.0; Ptable is a
| periodic table presented as a Windows 3.1
| help file. Click on any element to bring up
| information about that element. There are
| hypertext links to background information.