Media Gallery 1995 April
< prev
Text File
519 lines
@Name = "SPEA Software Installation"
@Version = "CD ROM - Release 0295.1"
@OutDrive = C
@Subdir = "\\SPEA\\"
@Requires @HardDisk
@If(@BoardID != 0) @Integer @IDpassed = 1 @Else @Integer @IDpassed = 0 @Endif
@QString @d8 = "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
@Integer @V7 = @BoardID
@QString @Lpar = "-e"
@QString @t111 = " Use the SPACE BAR to select YES or NO. Press [─┘] to continue."
@QString @t133 = " Use the keys [] and [] to select. Press [─┘] to continue."
@QString @t500 = " Please select:"
@QString @t501 = " Software Installation for"
@QString @t502 = " Board:"
@QString @t503 = " WELCOME to the S P E A Software Installation!"
@QString @t504 = " --------------------------------------------------"
@QString @t505 = " This program offers the possibility to detect the SPEA graphics board"
@QString @t506 = " in your system automatically and display the appropriate software which"
@QString @t507 = " you can select for installation. "
@QString @t508 = " The automatic detection can be disabled on request."
@QString @t509 = " Shall the automatic detection be enabled?"
@QString @t510 = " Automatic detection disabled."
//@QString @t510 = " "
//@QString @t511 = " No SPEA graphics board has been detected in your system."
@QString @t511 = " No SHOWTIME PLUS, V7-MIRAGE P-64, V7-MIRAGE or V7-VEGA PRO board\n has been detected in your system."
@QString @t512 = " For which SPEA board do you want to install software?"
@QString @t513 = " If Windows is not active, run Windows."
@QString @t514 = " Execute, in the directory:"
@QString @t515 = " the program SETUP.EXE."
@QString @t516 = " the program WINSTALL.EXE."
@QString @Drivers = "Drivers"
@QString @for = "for"
@QString @Lpar = "-d"
@QString @t111 = " Wählen Sie JA / NEIN mit der LEERTASTE. Drücken Sie anschließend [─┘]."
@QString @t133 = " Benutzen Sie die Tasten [] und [] zur Auswahl. Bestätigen Sie mit [─┘]."
@QString @t500 = " Bitte wählen Sie:"
@QString @t501 = " Installation von Software für"
@QString @t502 = " Karte:"
@QString @t503 = " WILLKOMMEN zur S P E A Software Installation!"
@QString @t504 = " -------------------------------------------------"
@QString @t505 = " Dieses Programm bietet die Möglichkeit, die SPEA Graphikkarte in "
@QString @t506 = " Ihrem Rechner automatisch zu erkennen und Ihnen die zugehörige "
@QString @t507 = " Software anzuzeigen, die Sie zur Installation auswählen können. "
@QString @t508 = " Die automatische Erkennung kann auf Wunsch deaktiviert werden."
@QString @t509 = " Soll die automatische Erkennung aktiv sein?"
@QString @t510 = " Automatische Erkennung deaktiviert."
//@QString @t510 = " "
//@QString @t511 = " Es wurde keine SPEA Graphikkarte in Ihrem System erkannt. "
@QString @t511 = " Es wurde keine SHOWTIME PLUS, V7-MIRAGE P-64, V7-MIRAGE oder V7-VEGA PRO\n Graphikkarte in Ihrem System erkannt. "
@QString @t512 = " Für welche SPEA Karte wollen Sie Software installieren?"
@QString @t513 = " Falls Windows nicht aktiv ist, starten Sie Windows."
@QString @t514 = " Führen Sie im Verzeichnis:"
@QString @t515 = " das Programm SETUP.EXE aus."
@QString @t516 = " das Programm WINSTALL.EXE aus."
@QString @Drivers = "Treiber"
@QString @for = "für"
@QString @Lpar = "-f"
@QString @t111 = " Choississez OUI/NON avec la barre d'espacement. Appuyez ensuite sur [─┘]."
@QString @t133 = " Employez les touches [] et [] pour choisir. Validez avec [─┘]."
@QString @t500 = " Selectionnez, s.v.p.:"
@QString @t501 = " Installation de logiciel pour"
@QString @t502 = " Carte:"
@QString @t503 = " BIENVENUE à l'installation du logiciel de S P E A !"
@QString @t504 = " ---------------------------------------------------------"
@QString @t505 = " Ce programme permet la détection automatique de la carte graphique"
@QString @t506 = " SPEA dans votre système et vous présente les logiciels que vous"
@QString @t507 = " pouvez sélectionner pour l'installation."
@QString @t508 = " La détection automatique peut être désactivée sur demande."
@QString @t509 = " La détection automatique doit-elle être activée?"
@QString @t510 = " Détection automatique désactivée."
//@QString @t510 = " "
//@QString @t511 = " Aucune carte graphique SPEA trouvée dans votre système."
@QString @t511 = " Aucune carte graphique SHOWTIME PLUS, V7-MIRAGE P-64, V7-MIRAGE\n ou V7-VEGA PRO trouvée dans votre système."
@QString @t512 = " Pour quelle carte graphique SPEA souhaitez-vous installer du logiciel?"
@QString @t513 = " Si Windows n'est pas active, lancez Windows."
@QString @t514 = " Executez dans le répertoire:"
@QString @t515 = " le programme SETUP.EXE."
@QString @t516 = " le programme WINSTALL.EXE."
@QString @Drivers = "Gestionnaires"
@QString @for = "pour"
@QString @Lpar = "-s"
@QString @t111 = " Seleccionar SI / NO con el espaciador. A continuación dar [─┘]."
@QString @t133 = " Utilice las teclas [] y [] para seleccionar. Confirme con [─┘]."
@QString @t500 = " Seleccione, por favor:"
@QString @t501 = " Instalación del software para"
@QString @t502 = " Tarjeta:"
@QString @t503 = " ¡BIENVENIDO a la instalación del software de S P E A!"
@QString @t504 = " ------------------------------------------------------------"
@QString @t505 = " Este programa ofrece la posibilidad de reconocer la tarjeta"
@QString @t506 = " gráfica de SPEA en su ordenador automáticamente e indicarle"
@QString @t507 = " el correspondiente software que puede seleccionar para la instalación."
@QString @t508 = " El reconocimiento automático puede ser desactivado si así se desea."
@QString @t509 = " ¿Quiere usted que el reconocimiento automático esté activo?"
@QString @t510 = " Reconocimiento automático desactivado."
//@QString @t510 = " "
//@QString @t511 = " No se ha reconocido ninguna tarjeta gráfica de SPEA en su sistema."
@QString @t511 = " No se ha reconocido ninguna tarjeta gráfica SHOWTIME PLUS,\n V7-MIRAGE P-64, V7-MIRAGE o V7-VEGA PRO en su sistema."
@QString @t512 = " ¿Para qué tarjeta de SPEA quiere usted instalar software?"
@QString @t513 = " Si Windows no está activo, arranque Windows."
@QString @t514 = " Ejecute en el directorio:"
@QString @t515 = " el programa SETUP.EXE."
@QString @t516 = " el programa WINSTALL.EXE."
@QString @Drivers = "Driver"
@QString @for = "para"
@ScrHead(1, M, 0, 63, "$062@Name $063@Version")
@If(@BoardID == 0) // Abfrage nur, wenn kein oder ungültiger Wert übergeben
//////////////////// AUTOMATISCHE ERKENNUNG JA/NEIN ? /////////////////////////
@GetOption @Cls @Checkbox @LocalWindow(18, 39)
@Option 0 = ""
@EndOption // Automatische Erkennung Ja/Nein ? ////////////////////////////////
// Aktiviere ggf. automatische Erkennung
@If(0 [= @Option)
@V7 = @BoardID
@Endif // @BoardID war Null //////////////////////////////////////////////////
// SHOWTIME PLUS ////////////////////////////////
@If (@V7==0xAB || @V7==0xBB)
// V7-STORM PRO /////////////////////////////////
@If (@V7==0x5B || @V7==0x6B)
// @BarOffset(1)
// V7-MERCURY P-64 //////////////////////////////
@If (@V7==0x1B || @V7==0x2B)
// @BarOffset(2)
// V7-MERCURY ///////////////////////////////////
@If (@V7==0x5A || @V7==0x6A || @V7==0x9A)
// @BarOffset(3)
// V7-MERCURY PRO ///////////////////////////////
@If (@V7==0x7A || @V7==0x8A)
// @BarOffset(4)
// V7-MERCURY Lite PCI //////////////////////////
@If (@V7==0xAA)
// @BarOffset(5)
// V7-MIRAGE P-64, Vision864 und TRIO64 /////////
@If (@V7==0xCA || @V7==0xDA || @V7==0xEA || @V7==0xFA || @V7==0xCB || @V7==0xDB || @V7==0xEB || @V7==0xFB)
// @BarOffset(6)
// V7-MIRAGE P-32 ///////////////////////////////
@If (@V7==0xCA || @V7==0xDA || @V7==0xEA || @V7==0xFA)
// V7-MIRAGE ////////////////////////////////////
@If (@V7==0x3A || @V7==0x4A)
// @BarOffset(8)
// V7-VEGA PRO //////////////////////////////////
@If (@V7==0x1C || @V7==0x2C)
// @BarOffset(9)
// V7-VEGA PLUS /////////////////////////////////
@If (@V7==0x3B || @V7==0x4B)
// @BarOffset(10)
// V7-VEGA //////////////////////////////////////
@If (@V7==0x1A || @V7==0x2A)
// @BarOffset(11)
// SHOWTIME PLUS, V7-MIRAGE P-64, V7-MIRAGE oder V7-VEGA PRO installiert?
@If (@V7==0x1C || @V7==0x2C || @V7==0x3A || @V7==0x4A ||
@V7==0xCA || @V7==0xDA || @V7==0xEA || @V7==0xFA ||
@V7==0xCB || @V7==0xDB || @V7==0xEB || @V7==0xFB ||
@V7==0xAB || @V7==0xBB)
@Integer @RightBoard = 1
@Integer @RightBoard = 0
// KARTE WÄHLEN ODER ERKANNTE KARTE BESTÄTIGEN ////////////////////////////////
// Automatische Erkennung ja -> markierte Karte bestätigen ////////////////////
// Automatische Erkennung nein oder keine SPEA Karte erkannt -> Karte wählen //
@GetOption @Cls @LocalWindow(15, 39)
@t504 @Endif @If(0 [! @Option && @IDpassed == 0)
@t510 @Else /*@If(@V7==0)*/ @If(@RightBoard==0)
@t512 @Else
@t502 @Board @Endif @Endif
@Option 101 = "SPEA SHOWTIME PLUS"
//@Option 102 = "SPEA V7-STORM PRO"
//@Option 103 = "SPEA V7-MERCURY P-64"
//@Option 104 = "SPEA V7-MERCURY"
//@Option 105 = "SPEA V7-MERCURY PRO"
//@Option 106 = "SPEA V7-MERCURY Lite PCI"
@Option 107 = "SPEA V7-MIRAGE P-64"
//@Option 108 = "SPEA V7-MIRAGE P-32"
@Option 109 = "SPEA V7-MIRAGE"
@Option 110 = "SPEA V7-VEGA PRO"
//@Option 111 = "SPEA V7-VEGA PLUS"
//@Option 112 = "SPEA V7-VEGA"
//@Option 113 = "SPEA V7-media fx"
// Karte wählen oder erkannte Karte bestätigen ////////////////////////////////
//////////////// AUSWAHL DER S/W TEILE ABH. VON KARTE /////////////////////////
// SHOWTIME PLUS ////////////////////////////////
@If(101 [= @Option)
@GetGroups @LocalWindow(13, 39)
@If(0 [! @Option) @t510 @Else
@t502 @Board @Endif
//@Set B = "SHOWTIME PLUS Basic Installation"
@Set M = "SHOWTIME PLUS @Drivers @for Windows, MCI @Drivers @for MPEG"
@Set O = "SHOWTIME PLUS @Drivers @for OS/2"
@Endif // SHOWTIME PLUS /////////////////////////
// V7-MIRAGE P-64 ///////////////////////////////
@If(107 [= @Option)
@GetGroups @LocalWindow(13, 39)
@If(0 [! @Option) @t510 @Else
@t502 @Board @Endif
@Set B = "V7-MIRAGE P-64 Utilities, DOS Drivers, @Drivers @for Windows"
@If (@V7==0xDA || @V7==0xFA || @V7==0xDB || @V7==0xFB)
@Set A = "V7-MIRAGE P-64 BigFocus 12 @Drivers @for AutoCAD 12"
@Endif // @V7
@Set O = "V7-MIRAGE P-64 @Drivers @for OS/2"
@Set N = "V7-MIRAGE P-64 @Drivers @for Windows NT"
//@Set D = "Dual Screen"
@Endif // V7-MIRAGE P-64 ////////////////////////
// V7-MIRAGE ////////////////////////////////////
@If(109 [= @Option)
@GetGroups @LocalWindow(13, 39)
@If(0 [! @Option) @t510 @Else
@t502 @Board @Endif
@Set B = "V7-MIRAGE Utilities, DOS Drivers, @Drivers @for Windows"
//@Set A = "V7-MIRAGE BigFocus 12 @Drivers @for AutoCAD 12"
@Set O = "V7-MIRAGE @Drivers @for OS/2"
@Set N = "V7-MIRAGE @Drivers @for Windows NT"
//@Set D = "Dual Screen"
@Endif // V7-MIRAGE /////////////////////////////
// V7-VEGA PRO //////////////////////////////////
@If(110 [= @Option)
@GetGroups @LocalWindow(13, 39)
@If(0 [! @Option) @t510 @Else
@t502 @Board @Endif
@Set B = "V7-VEGA PRO Utilities, DOS Drivers, @Drivers @for Windows"
@Set O = "V7-VEGA PRO @Drivers @for OS/2"
@Endif // V7-VEGA PRO ///////////////////////////
//////////////////////////// INSTALLATION AUSFÜHRUNG //////////////////////////
@QString @FName = "CONTINUE"
@If('O' [= @Group)
@QString @FExt = "CMD"
@QString @FExt = "BAT"
@If('O' [= @Group && 101 [! @Option)
@GetString @FName @Cls @LocalWindow(20, 39)
Zur Fortsetzung der Installation wird ein Hilfsprogramm erzeugt.
Geben Sie bitte einen Namen für das Hilfsprogramm ein.
(Erweiterung ist .@FExt - KEINE Erweiterung angeben!)
@Prompt = " Welcher Name? "
@Else // @L
To continue installation, an auxiliary program will be created.
Please enter a name for the auxiliary program.
(Extension is .@FExt - DON'T type any extension!)
@Prompt = " Which name? "
@Endif // @L
@If(@StrLen("@FName") > 8)
Der Name @FName ist zu lang.
Es sind höchstens 8 Buchstaben zulässig.
@Else // @L
The name @FName is too long.
The maximum length is 8 characters.
@Endif // @L
@Endif // @StrLen
@GetOption @Checkbox @LocalWindow(22, 39)
Die Datei @BootDrive:\@FName.@FExt existiert bereits.
Darf sie überschrieben werden?
Wählen Sie JA/NEIN mit der LEERTASTE. Drücken Sie [RETURN] zu Fortsetzung.
@Else // @L
The file @BootDrive:\@FName.@FExt already exists.
May I overwrite this file?
Select YES/NO with the SPACE BAR. Press [ENTER] to continue.
@Endif // @L
@Option 0 = ""
@If(0 [! @Option) @Goto AGAIN @Endif
@Endif // @Exists
@Endif // 'O' && !101
// SHOWTIME PLUS ////////////////////////////////
@If(101 [= @Option)
@If('O' [! @Group) // OS/2
@Execute("INST.EXE", "@Lpar -. -NB")
@Endif // ! 'O'
@If('O' [= @Group) // OS/2
@Execute("SHOW.EXE", "README.TXT")
@Endif // 'O'
@Endif // SHOWTIME PLUS /////////////////////////
// V7-MIRAGE P-64 ///////////////////////////////
@If(107 [= @Option)
@If('B' [= @Group) // DOS, Utils, BigWin
@Execute("INST.EXE", "@Lpar")
@Endif // 'B'
@If('A' [= @Group) // BigFocus 12
@If(@L==2) @Execute("INST.EXE", "-d") @Else @Execute("INST.EXE", "-e") @Endif
@Endif // 'A'
@If('N' [= @Group) // BigWin NT
@ChDir ("\\SPEA\\INSTALL\\NT")
@Execute("SHOW.EXE", "README.GER")
@Execute("SHOW.EXE", "README.ENG")
@Endif // @L
@Endif // 'N'
@If('O' [= @Group) // OS/2
@Write("@BootDrive:\\@Fname.@FExt", "wt", "@InDrive:\\SPEA\\INSTALL\\MIRP64\\WINOS2\\V7SETOS2\n")
@Endif // 'O'
@Endif // V7-MIRAGE P-64 ////////////////////////
// V7-MIRAGE ////////////////////////////////////
@If(109 [= @Option)
@If('B' [= @Group) // DOS, Utils, BigWin
@Execute("INST.EXE", "-4")
@Execute("INST.EXE", "@Lpar")
@Endif // 'B'
@If('A' [= @Group) // BigFocus 12
@If(@L==2) @Execute("INST.EXE", "-d") @Else @Execute("INST.EXE", "-e") @Endif
@Endif // 'A'
@If('N' [= @Group) // BigWin NT
@ChDir ("\\SPEA\\INSTALL\\NT")
@Execute("SHOW.EXE", "README.GER")
@Execute("SHOW.EXE", "README.ENG")
@Endif // @L
@Endif // 'N'
@If('O' [= @Group) // OS/2
@Write("@BootDrive:\\@Fname.@FExt", "wt", "@InDrive:\\SPEA\\INSTALL\\MIRAGE\\WINOS2\\V7SETOS2\n")
@Endif // 'O'
@Endif // V7-MIRAGE /////////////////////////////
// V7-VEGA PRO //////////////////////////////////
@If(110 [= @Option)
@If('B' [= @Group) // DOS, Utils, Win
@Execute("INST.EXE", "@Lpar")
@Endif // 'B'
@If('O' [= @Group) // OS/2
@Write("@BootDrive:\\@Fname.@FExt", "wt", "@InDrive:\\SPEA\\INSTALL\\VEGAPRO\\V7SETOS2\n")
@Endif // 'O'
@Endif // V7-VEGA PRO ///////////////////////////
Beenden Sie nun das aktuelle Programm
und starten Sie anschließend:
@Else // @L
Now, please terminate the current program and start:
@Endif // @L
@EndFinish ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////