Q: The Windows startup lasts very long. Is the V7SETUP logo responsible for that?
A: No, the V7SETUP logo does not have any influence on the Windows startup. Create a permanent swap file.
Defragment your hard disk regularly (e.g. with Norton SpeedDisk).
Remove unnecessary entries from your WIN.INI file (e.g. fonts, programs).
Q: Fonts are displayed incorrectly.
Icons or Windows are displayed unclear or not complete.
The image scrolls through when clicking on the scroll bar.
Pixels remain on the screen.
The image flickers.
The system crashes.
A: Add the following entry to the SYSTEM.INI file under the section [CAR1K.DRV]:
Reduce the refresh rate via the V7SETUP
Reduce the clock rate of the sytem via the System-BIOS Setup.
Q: Windows or applications unter Windows crash.
Mouse functions or icons are not correct.
Wrong colors are displayed.
A: Set - depending on the SETUP of your system - DEQUOPLE REFRESH, REFRESH=HIDDEN, REFRESH=AT-STYLE or REFRESH to 'disabled'.
Use COM port #2 for your mouse.
Q: Working with QEMM 6.x: Windows cannot be started.
A: If you get the message 'no UMBs free' set the following entry into the CONFIG.SYS: C:\QEMM386.SYS R1:ST:M RAM X=C000-C7FF
Q: The Test button of the V7SETUP is not active.
A: The Test button is only active with the actual settings. If you change any setting in the V7SETUP the Test button becomes inactive. Restart Windows (with the saved new settings) and call V7SETUP again. The Test button is now active for the new setting.
Q: No DOS prompt appears after the termination of Windows.
A: Delete the additional remark 'V7START.DLL' from the entry