In order to configure the MicroStation device driver with the environment variable MSPEAPM and the corresponding parameters you must be aware of the possible video modes of your graphics board (see also MSPEAPM.BAT in your SPEA directory).
To see a list of the video modes for your primary board change to your SPEA\GDC directory and enter:
Once you know the modes available you can use them in the following environment variable call:
SET MSPEAPM =-Ccardr -Vx
-Ccardr defines the card number for the graphics board for the right screen.
10= Primary board
-Vx Video mode primary screen
The BigMicro driver exclusively supports 8 or 32 bit color modes.
If your monitor flickers ...
If your monitor flickers, you may be using your monitor with a refresh rate that is too low. Check your monitor's maximum parameters and then select another refresh rate from the DOS level using the utility SPEAtune. Make sure that your monitor is capable of running the selected refresh rate first.