Meeting Pearls 3
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Text File
297 lines
; Install script for MUI Fido File Request
; $VER: Installation MUIFFR V1.2 (10.04.94)
(set @default-dest "")
; English strings
(set default_lang 1)
(set #bad-kick "MUIFFR only runs under OS 2.04 or higher!\n")
(set #install-msg
(cat "\n\nMUI Fido File Request installation script.\n"
"This script installs MUIFFR on your Amiga.\n\n"
"Read the documentation for\n"
"further information on MUIFFR.\n\n"
"MUI Fido File Request © 1994 Martin Steppler\n"
"All rights reserved."
(set #update-msg
(cat "\nIf this is an update from 1.1 to 1.2 you\n"
"may install 1.2 over 1.1. Your old 1.1 configuation\n"
"file will *NOT* be overwritten.\n\n"
"You only have to adapt your configuration to 1.2\n"
"after the installation, if you want to make use of\n"
"the new 1.2 features. (See ReadMe file)\n"
(set #ask-destination
(cat "Enter the name of the destination-directory!"
(set #ask-destination-msg
(cat "\nEnter the name of the directory, you wish to\n"
"install MUIFFR to. A directory called MUIFFR will\n"
"automatically be created in this directory\n"
"All other files will be stored in the directory MUIFFR.\n\n"
"This is why you do not have to create a directory\n"
"on your own.\n"
(set #which-language
(cat "Which languages (incl. documentation) are to\n"
"be installed?\n"
(set #ask-font
(cat "Do you want to install an IBM font, too?")
(set #ask-dest_font
(cat "Where do you want to install the IBM font to?")
(set #yes "Yes")
(set #no "No")
; German strings
(if (= @language "deutsch")
(set default_lang 2)
(set #bad-kick "MUIFFR läuft nur unter OS 2.04 oder besser!\n")
(set #install-msg
(cat "\n\nMUI Fido File Request Installationsskript.\n"
"Diese Befehlsdatei installiert MUIFFR auf Ihrem\n"
"Amiga. Lesen Sie die Dokumentation für\n"
"weitere Informationen über MUIFFR.\n\n"
"MUI Fido File Request © 1994 Martin Steppler\n"
"All rights reserved."
(set #update-msg
(cat "\nIm Falle eines Updates von 1.1 auf 1.2, können\n"
"Sie 1.2 über 1.1 installieren. Ihre alte 1.1 Kon-\n"
"figuration wird *NICHT* überschrieben.\n\n"
"Sie müssen nur nach der Installation Ihre Konfigu-\n"
"ration auf 1.2 anpassen, wenn Sie von den neuen 1.2\n"
"Funktionen Gebrauch machen wollen. (Siehe LiesMich)\n"
(set #ask-destination
(cat "Geben Sie das Zielverzeichnis an!"
(set #ask-destination-msg
(cat "\nGeben Sie den Namen des Verzeichnisses an, wohin\n"
"MUIFFR installiert werden soll. In diesem\n"
"Verzeichnis wird automatisch ein Verzeichnis MUIFFR\n"
" erzeugt, in dem die weiteren Dateien abgelegt werden.\n\n"
"Sie brauchen also kein Verzeichnis selbst anlegen."
(set #which-language
(cat "Welche Sprachen (inkl. Dokumentation) sollen\n"
"installiert werden?\n"
(set #ask-font
(cat "Soll der IBM-Zeichensatz ebenfalls installiert werden?")
(set #ask-dest_font
(cat "Wohin soll der IBM-Zeichensatz installiert werden?")
(set #yes "Ja")
(set #no "Nein")
; make sure we are running under a 2.04 ROM
(complete 0)
(if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 37)
(abort #bad-kick)
(message #install-msg)
(complete 5)
(message #update-msg)
(complete 10)
(message #ask-destination-msg)
(complete 15)
; ask user where to install MUIFFR to
(set @default-dest
(prompt #ask-destination)
(help @askdir-help)
(default "Work:")
(complete 20)
; ask user which languages are to be installed
(set lang
(prompt #which-language)
(help @askoptions-help)
(choices "english"
(default default_lang)
(complete 30)
(set inst_font
(prompt #ask-font)
(help @askbool-help)
(choices #yes #no)
(complete 35)
(if (= 1 inst_font)
(set dest_font
(prompt #ask-dest_font)
(help @askdir-help)
(default "Fonts:")
(complete 40)
; copy all language non-specific files
(source "/")
(dest @default-dest)
(pattern "(MUIFidoFileRequest|ReadMe.mui|List)#?")
(complete 50)
; copy configuration file if it does not already exist
(if (= 0 (exists (cat @default-dest "/muiffr.config") (noreq)))
(source "/muiffr.config")
(dest @default-dest)
(complete 60)
; no catalogs, if only "deutsch" or nothing was specified
; do not create dir if dir already exists
(set catalogsdir (cat @default-dest "/Catalogs"))
(if (AND (<> 2 lang) (<> 0 lang))
(if (= 0 (exists catalogsdir (noreq)))
(makedir catalogsdir)
(complete 70)
; copy all language specific files
(set n 0)
(set language
(select n "english"
(if (IN lang n)
; copy Catalog files
(if (<> 1 n)
(cat "/Catalogs/" language)
(cat @default-dest "/Catalogs/" language)
; copy readme file
(select n "/ReadMe"
(dest @default-dest)
(set n (+ n 1))
(complete 90)
; install IBM fonts
(if (= 1 inst_font)
(source "/Fonts")
(dest dest_font)
(pattern "IBM")
; so long and thanks for all the fish
(complete 100)