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README for package "ums11_6_public_beta.lha",
the 6th release of V11 of the Universal Message System.
This package contains
- a stable, full-featured version of umsserver and ums.library
- everything needed for using UMS with AmiTCP or Envoy
- complete documentation of the UMS message-format and API
- interfaces for C, Modula-2 and AmigaOberon
- documentation and tools for converting a MB from UMS V10 to V11
- new import/export tools with documentation
- incomplete user documentation concerning UMS' configuration
- a rudimentary, experimental installer-script installing only
the umsserver, but no UMS tools, applications, importers or exporters
Esp. due to the last two points this package is still "beta" and
no "real release".
Differences from UMS 11.3:
- bugfixes
- new handling of SYSNAME and ID generation, read
Gateways might need a new gatekey.
- some new features, e.g.:
- reduced memory usage
- binary message fields/attached files (see UMS/Doc/english/files.txt)
- more powerful configuration (see UMS/Doc/english/vars.txt)
- complete ARexx functions library (see UMS/Doc/english/RexxUMS.doc)
Differences from UMS V10:
- completely new configuration, some new functions and many new
features that cannot be listed here ;)
Besides this README, this package contains the following files:
12881 ----rwed 03-Aug-95 13:19:45 UMS/UMS-Install
548 ----rw-d 03-Aug-95 13:34:12 UMS/UMS-Install.info
The rudimentary installer-script. New users should try this for a start,
but still have to read documentation and install a newsreader and
importers/exporters manually.
11988 ----rwed 13-May-95 20:02:48 UMS/Doc/english/RexxUMS.doc
Complete documentation of the ARexx function library.
1688 ----rw-d 10-Jun-95 17:09:44 UMS/Doc/english/server-strings.txt
6040 ----rw-d 10-Jun-95 17:48:38 UMS/Doc/english/vars.txt
2011 ----rw-d 10-Jun-95 17:15:54 UMS/Doc/english/files.txt
3075 ----rw-d 15-Jun-95 14:14:46 UMS/Doc/english/login.txt
4997 ----rw-d 09-Jul-95 16:25:31 UMS/Doc/english/options.txt
Various, but not complete user-documentation.
9122 ----rwed 03-Aug-95 11:52:28 UMS/Doc/english/history/server.log
6580 ----rwed 16-Jun-95 00:00:58 UMS/Doc/english/history/umslib.log
1715 ----rwed 03-Aug-95 23:23:11 UMS/Doc/english/history/export.log
1050 ----rwed 23-Apr-95 16:16:43 UMS/Doc/english/history/import.log
RCS log-files for umsserver, ums.library, export and import.
2767 ----rwed 10-Jun-95 18:20:03 UMS/Doc/english/ums.config.sample
775 ----rw-d 02-Aug-95 10:19:14 UMS/Doc/english/ums.config.FTN.sample
A general sample "ums.config", and an examaple for additions making FTN
MSGIDs nicer.
1001 ----rwed 10-Jun-95 18:32:14 UMS/Doc/english/UMS10_to_UMS11.readme
Instructions for converting a MB from UMS V10 to V11.
8264 ----rwed 23-Apr-95 16:09:47 UMS/Doc/english/export.man
2052 ----rw-d 23-Apr-95 15:44:37 UMS/Doc/english/import.man
1632 ----rw-d 07-Dec-94 14:07:32 UMS/Doc/english/ServerControl.doc
Manuals for the export, import and servercontrol tools.
513 -s--rwed 09-Jul-95 22:56:08 UMS/Bin/umscopy
636 -s--rwed 09-Jul-95 22:56:25 UMS/Bin/umscopy.v40
69 -s--rwed 09-Jan-95 00:09:10 UMS/Bin/umsdelete
41904 --p-rwed 21-Jul-95 22:11:19 UMS/Bin/export
35196 --p-rwed 23-Apr-95 15:42:59 UMS/Bin/import
1460 --p-rwed 07-Dec-94 13:45:40 UMS/Bin/ServerControl
Some basic UMS tools.
"umscopy.v40" is the same as "umscopy", but optimized for an >= V40
FFS. It uses hardlinks instead of copies whenever possible. FFS <= V39
has a bug that might corrupt the whole partition if hardlinks are used
the way UMS does!
98700 --p-rwed 04-Jul-95 14:10:40 UMS/Bin/ConfUMS
584 ----rwed 22-Dec-94 22:15:00 UMS/Bin/ConfUMS.info
5376 ----rwed 04-Jul-95 14:10:40 UMS/Locale/Catalogs/deutsch/ConfUMS.catalog
2354 ----rw-d 04-Jul-95 14:09:00 UMS/Tools/ConfUMS/README.Beta
10045 ----rw-d 04-Jul-95 14:16:50 UMS/Tools/ConfUMS/deutsch/ReleaseNotes
The tool for maintaining the UMS configuration. Somewhat like "UMS
preferences". With German catalog and release notes, and English
36584 --p-rwed 26-Apr-94 12:00:31 UMS/Bin/addsysname
51068 --p-rwed 26-Apr-94 11:55:46 UMS/Bin/umsconvert
Tools for converting a MB from UMS V10 to V11.
3514 -s--rwed 21-Dec-94 21:15:44 UMS/rexx/GroupContents.rexx
4052 -s--rwed 25-Jan-95 17:26:28 UMS/rexx/MailForwarder.rexx
3449 -s--rwed 13-May-95 19:35:54 UMS/rexx/ReadMessage.rexx
10551 -s--rwed 25-Jan-95 17:16:44 UMS/rexx/ReplyDaemon.rexx
3443 -s--rwed 21-Dec-94 21:12:42 UMS/rexx/ShowGroups.rexx
1070 -s--rwed 21-Dec-94 19:12:48 UMS/rexx/UMSEdit.rexx
1775 ----rwed 25-Jan-95 17:24:56 UMS/rexx/UMSInit.rexx
2468 -s--rwed 13-May-95 19:35:38 UMS/rexx/WriteMessage.rexx
5138 -s--rwed 10-Mar-95 08:15:57 UMS/rexx/WakeUp.rexx
42473 -s--rwed 30-May-95 20:00:06 UMS/rexx/ListManager.rexx
3143 ----r-ed 31-May-95 18:35:40 UMS/Tools/ListManager/ListManager-Helpfile.txt
9937 ----r-ed 31-May-95 18:38:04 UMS/Tools/ListManager/ListManager.doc
Various examples and tools written in ARexx.
51416 ----rwed 21-May-95 12:36:25 UMS/libs/ums.library
54764 ----rwed 21-May-95 12:37:49 UMS/libs/ums.library.debug
The ums.library. Use "ums.library.debug" to get sushi
debugging-output from ums.library for reporting bugs.
178472 --p-rwed 03-Aug-95 11:48:34 UMS/L/umsserver
132992 --p-rwed 03-Aug-95 11:51:53 UMS/L/umsserver.nodebug010
The UMS server binary. You can use "umsserver.nodebug010" instead of
"umsserver", if have at least a 68010 processor and want better
performance, but NOT FOR REPORTING BUGS!
5288 ----rwed 06-Dec-94 23:18:46 UMS/Envoy/Services/ums.service
450 ----rw-d 30-Sep-93 14:33:13 UMS/Envoy/Services/ums.service.info
Envoy-Service for using UMS over an Envoy network.
12388 --p-rwed 14-Jan-95 19:12:03 UMS/AmiTCP/serv/umsd
208 ----rwed 16-Dec-94 23:56:41 UMS/AmiTCP/db/inetd.conf
54 ----rwed 24-Mar-95 22:31:50 UMS/AmiTCP/db/services
UMS-daemon and configuration-examples for using UMS over an IP
network using AmiTCP. AmiTCP V4.x does it, maybe also earlier
27755 ----rwed 04-Apr-95 19:08:27 UMS/Developer/Oberon/ums.mod
3887 ----rwed 17-Nov-94 19:30:12 UMS/Developer/m2/UmsL.def
24720 ----rwed 26-Apr-95 22:02:10 UMS/Developer/m2/UmsD.def
82453 ----rwed 09-Jul-95 23:02:35 UMS/Developer/doc/ums.doc
1083 ----rw-d 16-Jun-95 01:00:12 UMS/Developer/C/README
1456 ----rw-d 24-Apr-94 16:29:10 UMS/Developer/C/dlib/DMakefile
197 ----rw-d 24-Apr-94 16:21:40 UMS/Developer/C/dlib/UMSLog.c
221 ----rw-d 24-Apr-94 16:27:10 UMS/Developer/C/dlib/UMSMatchConfigTags.c
219 ----rw-d 24-Apr-94 16:22:36 UMS/Developer/C/dlib/UMSReadConfigTags.c
205 ----rw-d 24-Apr-94 16:27:54 UMS/Developer/C/dlib/UMSReadMsgTags.c
206 ----rw-d 24-Apr-94 16:10:56 UMS/Developer/C/dlib/UMSSearchTags.c
206 ----rw-d 24-Apr-94 16:08:22 UMS/Developer/C/dlib/UMSSelectTags.c
221 ----rw-d 24-Apr-94 16:27:46 UMS/Developer/C/dlib/UMSWriteConfigTags.c
287 ----rw-d 24-Apr-94 16:27:32 UMS/Developer/C/dlib/UMSWriteMsgTags.c
1764 ----rw-d 24-Sep-94 17:17:52 UMS/Developer/C/dlib/ums/DMakefile
299 ----rw-d 24-Sep-94 17:11:54 UMS/Developer/C/dlib/ums/UMSLog.c
314 ----rw-d 24-Sep-94 15:45:10 UMS/Developer/C/dlib/ums/UMSMatchConfigTags.c
312 ----rw-d 24-Sep-94 15:45:46 UMS/Developer/C/dlib/ums/UMSReadConfigTags.c
298 ----rw-d 24-Sep-94 15:54:34 UMS/Developer/C/dlib/ums/UMSReadMsgTags.c
299 ----rw-d 24-Sep-94 15:49:36 UMS/Developer/C/dlib/ums/UMSSearchTags.c
299 ----rw-d 24-Sep-94 15:50:10 UMS/Developer/C/dlib/ums/UMSSelectTags.c
314 ----rw-d 24-Sep-94 15:50:38 UMS/Developer/C/dlib/ums/UMSWriteConfigTags.c
307 ----rw-d 24-Sep-94 15:51:18 UMS/Developer/C/dlib/ums/UMSWriteMsgTags.c
289 ----rw-d 01-Aug-93 17:22:42 UMS/Developer/C/examples/DMakefile
2465 ----rw-d 23-Jan-94 13:14:30 UMS/Developer/C/examples/PrintGroups.c
7476 ----rw-d 23-Jan-94 13:14:48 UMS/Developer/C/examples/SelectMail.c
344 ----rw-d 06-Nov-94 02:11:42 UMS/Developer/C/examples/SMakefile
6900 ----rw-d 24-Apr-94 13:14:08 UMS/Developer/C/examples/SumNew.c
290 ----rw-d 24-Sep-94 21:04:30 UMS/Developer/C/examples/ums/DMakefile
2489 ----rw-d 27-Nov-94 11:34:24 UMS/Developer/C/examples/ums/PrintGroups.c
7500 ----rw-d 27-Nov-94 11:35:16 UMS/Developer/C/examples/ums/SelectMail.c
336 ----rw-d 24-Sep-94 15:31:52 UMS/Developer/C/examples/ums/SMakefile
6924 ----rw-d 27-Nov-94 11:36:06 UMS/Developer/C/examples/ums/SumNew.c
1737 ----rw-d 24-Apr-94 14:48:46 UMS/Developer/C/fd/ums_lib.fd
2540 ----rw-d 27-Nov-94 11:42:18 UMS/Developer/C/include/clib/ums_protos.h
18250 ----rw-d 02-Aug-95 10:34:14 UMS/Developer/C/include/libraries/ums.h
1620 ----rw-d 27-Nov-94 11:46:28 UMS/Developer/C/include/pragmas/ums_pragmas.h
141 ----rw-d 24-Sep-94 15:31:50 UMS/Developer/C/include/proto/ums.h
201 ----rw-d 24-Apr-94 16:48:20 UMS/Developer/C/slib/SMakefile
728 ----rwed 06-Nov-94 02:12:36 UMS/Developer/C/slib/ums.lib
283 ----rw-d 24-Apr-94 16:47:16 UMS/Developer/C/slib/UMSFreeConfig.asm
464 ----rw-d 23-Jan-94 13:34:52 UMS/Developer/C/slib/UMSlib.c
62 ----rw-d 23-Jan-94 13:34:54 UMS/Developer/C/slib/UMSlibversion.c
255 ----rw-d 23-Jan-94 14:30:20 UMS/Developer/C/slib/UMSLogout.asm
Developer-information: complete documentation of the API and
interfaces for AmigaOberon, Modula-2 and C.
1160 ----rwed 07-Apr-92 22:47:24 UMS/libs/flush.library
2266 ----rw-d 10-Apr-92 21:38:38 UMS/FLUSHLibrary/README
1037 ----rw-d 14-Apr-92 22:09:32 UMS/FLUSHLibrary/History
705 ----rwed 07-Apr-92 22:46:08 UMS/FLUSHLibrary/Flush_lib.I
8259 ----rwed 14-Apr-92 22:07:38 UMS/FLUSHLibrary/Flush.doc
974 ----rwed 07-Apr-92 21:40:08 UMS/FLUSHLibrary/Defs.I
2712 ----rwed 10-Apr-92 21:36:38 UMS/FLUSHLibrary/COPYRIGHT
1597 ----rw-d 01-Apr-92 20:01:02 UMS/FLUSHLibrary/BUG
329 ----rw-d 14-Apr-92 21:59:28 UMS/FLUSHLibrary/C-Support/README
145 ----rwed 08-Apr-92 22:28:00 UMS/FLUSHLibrary/C-Support/Flush_lib.fd
1260 ----rw-d 14-Apr-92 21:57:14 UMS/FLUSHLibrary/C-Support/Flush.H
139 ----rw-d 10-Apr-92 21:40:54 UMS/FLUSHLibrary/C-Support/FlushTest/README
769 ----rw-d 10-Apr-92 21:22:58 UMS/FLUSHLibrary/C-Support/FlushTest/FlushTest.c
82 ----rw-d 14-Apr-92 22:02:16 UMS/FLUSHLibrary/C-Support/FlushLib/README
428 ----rwed 13-Apr-92 23:48:04 UMS/FLUSHLibrary/C-Support/FlushLib/Flushsr.lib
128 ----rwed 08-Apr-92 22:28:00 UMS/FLUSHLibrary/C-Support/FlushLib/FlushEnableAnnounce.o
379 ----rwed 08-Apr-92 22:28:00 UMS/FLUSHLibrary/C-Support/FlushLib/FlushEnableAnnounce.asm
96 ----rwed 08-Apr-92 22:28:00 UMS/FLUSHLibrary/C-Support/FlushLib/FlushDo.o
232 ----rwed 08-Apr-92 22:28:00 UMS/FLUSHLibrary/C-Support/FlushLib/FlushDo.asm
116 ----rwed 08-Apr-92 22:28:00 UMS/FLUSHLibrary/C-Support/FlushLib/FlushDisableAnnounce.o
297 ----rwed 08-Apr-92 22:28:00 UMS/FLUSHLibrary/C-Support/FlushLib/FlushDisableAnnounce.asm
420 ----rwed 08-Apr-92 22:28:00 UMS/FLUSHLibrary/C-Support/FlushLib/Flush.lib
The "flush1_1new" with flush.library, which can be used by UMS (not
required, but recommended).
4996 ----rwed 18-Jul-94 22:11:10 UMS/libs/hgrexxsupport.library
8668 --p-rwed 10-Apr-95 18:00:34 UMS/libs/rexxdossupport.library
20891 ----rwed 10-Apr-95 18:00:36 UMS/rexxdossupport/rexxdossupport.doc
1019 ----rwed 10-Apr-95 18:05:44 UMS/rexxdossupport/rexxdossupport.readme
2124 -s--rwed 10-Sep-94 12:11:58 UMS/rexxdossupport/RxDS_test.rexx
4512 ----rwed 07-May-94 21:08:56 UMS/rexxdossupport/txt/RxLibsSupport.mod
134 ----rwed 03-Apr-95 16:10:04 UMS/rexxdossupport/txt/RexxDosSupport.wth
38598 ----rwed 01-Apr-95 23:27:12 UMS/rexxdossupport/txt/RexxDosSupport.mod
hgrexxsupport.library and the "rexxdossupport" package, which are used
by some of the UMS tools written in ARexx.