Meeting Pearls 3
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Text File
598 lines
; $VER: Install-UMS 11 (06.09.95)
( if (= @language "english")
(set #intro
(cat "Installing Universal Message System V11..."
(set #info
(cat "This installation script only configures a basic UMS system with "
"only one single user and no newsfeeds.\n\n"
"In order to run a point on any network you need to install "
"the required network drivers.\n\n"
(set #dest
(cat "In which disk or drawer should Universal Message System be "
"(This script does not create a sub drawer for UMS).\n\n"
"You can install in place (just select ok)."
(set #envoy
(cat "Do you want to run UMS server on this machine or do you want "
"to access the message base over a local area network using "
"the networking software Envoy?"
(set #amitcp
(cat "Do you want to run UMS server on this machine or do you want "
"to access the message base over a local area network using "
"the networking software AmiTCP?"
(set #localmb
(cat "message base is on this machine"
(set #remotemb
(cat "message base is accessed via network"
(set #umsservice
(cat "Do you want to export UMS as an Envoy service?\n"
"(This enables other machines in a local area network "
"to use the message base of this machine over the net)"
(set #umsd
(cat "Do you want to export UMS using TCP/IP?\n"
"(This enables other machines in a local area network "
"to use the message base of this machine over the net)"
(set #instrexxdos
(cat "Installing rexxdossupport.library"
(set #instflush
(cat "Installing flush.library"
(set #instumslib
(cat "Installing ums.library"
(set #instumslib10
(cat "Installing ums.library ('010 version)"
(set #instserver
(cat "Installing UMS Server"
(set #instserver10
(cat "Installing UMS Server ('010 version)"
(set #servicedrawer
(cat "In which drawer should ums.service be placed?"
(set #instservice
(cat "Installing UMS Service"
(set #instumsd
(cat "Installing UMS Deamon"
(set #activateservice
(cat "Please activate \"ums.service\" using Envoy's \"Services Manager\""
(set #updaterexxx
(cat "Updating ARexx Scripts"
(set #updatescripts
(cat "Updating AmigaDOS Scripts"
(set #mbdest
(cat "In which disk or drawer should the message base be placed?\n"
"(you get better performance increase if you place the "
"message base on a seperate partition with a larger block "
(set #globconf
(cat "Now configuring global variables"
(set #fullname
(cat "Please enter your full name"
(set #short
(cat "Please enter your short (nick) name"
(set #password
(cat "Please enter your password"
(set #envexists
(cat "ENV:UMSSERVER ist already set. Overwrite this environment variable?"
(set #whichserver
(cat "Please enter the name of the UMS server you want to use.\n\n"
"This name consists of two parts. The part following "
"the \"@\" sign is the name of the machine the server "
"is running on. The other part is the name of the "
"message base on this server. Use \"default\" in order "
"to get the default message base of this server."
(set #confexists
(cat "ums.config already exists in your message base. Overwrite "
"this configuration file?"
(set #instpaths
(cat "Installing Paths for UMS (binaries/scripts)"
(set #uniquename
(cat "Please enter a unique name (domain address) for your computer\n\n"
"For RFC-Systems it's easy: just use your fully qualified domain "
"FTN Systems must convert their fido address to RFC style (eg. "
"\"2:2471/1216.3\" must be converted to "
"It's VERY important that you enter a correct string!"
(set #envalreadyset
(cat "ENV:UMSMB.default ist already set. Overwrite this environment "
(set #appenddb
(cat "In order to allow UMS to work with AmiTCP the files "
"\"AmiTCP:db/services\" and \"AmiTCP:db/inetd.config\" must be "
"extended. Should this be done automatically (the old files will "
"be backupped)?"
; (set #
; (cat
; ))
(transcript #intro)
(complete 0)
(message #info)
(set @default-dest
(prompt #dest)
(help @askdir-help)
(default (expandpath ""))
(set inplace (= (expandpath "") @default-dest))
(if (= inplace 0)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(prompt #copying)
(source "")
(dest @default-dest)
(optional "force" "askuser")
(if (<> (substr @default-dest (- (strlen @default-dest) 1) 1) ":")
(set @default-dest (cat @default-dest "/"))
(complete 25)
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
(set envoy (exists "LIBS:nipc.library"))
(set amitcp (exists "AmiTCP:AmiTCP"))
(if envoy
(set envoyclient
(prompt #envoy)
(default 0)
(help @askchoices-help)
(choices #localmb
(if (= envoyclient 0)
(set envoyserver
(prompt #umsservice)
(default 0)
(help @askbool-help)
(set envoyclient 0)
(if amitcp
(if (= envoy 0)
(set tcpclient
(prompt #amitcp)
(default 0)
(help @askchoices-help)
(choices #localmb
(if amitcp
(if (= tcpclient 0)
(set tcpserver
(prompt #umsd)
(default 0)
(help @askbool-help)
(set tcpclient 0)
(set client 0)
(if envoyclient
(set client 1)
(if tcpclient
(set client 1)
(complete 50)
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
(help @copylib-help)
(prompt #instrexxdos)
(source "libs/rexxdossupport.library")
(dest "LIBS:")
(if (= client 0)
(help @copylib-help)
(prompt #instflush)
(source "libs/flush.library")
(dest "LIBS:")
; (set slowprocessor (= (database "cpu") "68000"))
(set slowprocessor 1)
; (if slowprocessor
; (
(help @copylib-help)
(prompt #instumslib)
(source "libs/ums.library")
(dest "LIBS:")
; )
; (
; (copylib
; (help @copylib-help)
; (prompt #instumslib10)
; (confirm)
; (source "libs/ums.library.010")
; (newname "ums.library")
; (dest "LIBS:")
; )
; )
; )
(complete 60)
(if (= client 0)
(if slowprocessor
(help @copylib-help)
(prompt #instserver)
(source "l/umsserver")
(dest "L:")
(help @copylib-help)
(prompt #instserver10)
(source "l/umsserver.nodebug010")
(newname "umsserver")
(dest "L:")
(if envoyserver
(set servicepath
(prompt #servicedrawer)
(help @askdir-help)
(default "SYS:Envoy/Services")
(help @copylib-help)
(prompt #instservice)
(source "Envoy/services/ums.service")
(dest servicepath)
(message #activateservice)
(if tcpserver
(help @copylib-help)
(prompt #instservice)
(source "AmiTCP/serv/umsd")
(dest "AmiTCP:serv/")
(if (OR tcpserver tcpclient)
(set appenddb
(prompt #appenddb)
(help @askbool-help)
(if appenddb
(rename "AmiTCP:db/services" "AmiTCP:db/services.bak")
(rename "AmiTCP:db/inetd.conf" "AmiTCP:db/inetd.conf.bak")
(dest "AmiTCP:db/services")
(include "AmiTCP:db/services.bak")
(include "AmiTCP/db/services")
(dest "AmiTCP:db/inetd.conf")
(include "AmiTCP:db/inetd.conf.bak")
(include "AmiTCP/db/inetd.conf")
(complete 70)
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
(if (= envoyclient 0)
(set writeit 1)
(if (= (exists "ENV:UMSMB.default") 1)
(set writeit
(prompt #envalreadyset)
(help @askbool-help)
(if writeit
(makedir (tackon @default-dest "mb"))
(set mbpath (tackon @default-dest "mb/"))
(set mbpath
(prompt #mbdest)
(help @askdir-help)
(default mbpath)
(dest "ENV:UMSMB.default")
(append mbpath)
(dest "ENVARC:UMSMB.default")
(append mbpath)
(set mbpath (getenv "UMSMB.default"))
(complete 80)
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
(set serverdefault "")
(if (= envoyclient 1)
(set serverdefault "default@envoyserver")
(if (= tcpclient 1)
(set tcpdefault "host.do.main:ums")
(if (<> serverdefault "")
(set writeit 1)
(if (= (exists "ENV:UMSSERVER") 1)
(set writeit
(prompt #envexists)
(help @askbool-help)
(if writeit
(set umsserver
(prompt #whichserver)
(default serverdefault)
(help @askstring-help)
(append umsserver)
(append umsserver)
(complete 90)
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
(if (= client 0)
(set writeit 1)
(if (= (exists (tackon mbpath "ums.config")) 1)
(set writeit
(prompt #confexists)
(help @askbool-help)
(set writeit 0)
(if writeit
(message #globconf)
(set username
(prompt #fullname)
(help @askstring-help)
(default "Joe User")
(set shortusername
(prompt #shortname)
(help @askstring-help)
(default "joe")
(set password
(prompt #password)
(help @askstring-help)
(default "joshua")
(set domainaddress
(prompt #uniquename)
(help @askstring-help)
(default "mycomputer.foo.bar")
(dest (tackon mbpath "ums.config"))
(append (cat "( SysName \"" domainaddress "\" )\n\n"))
(append (cat "( LogFile \"" (tackon @default-dest "ums.log") "\" )\n\n"))
(append "( Sysop\n")
(append (cat " ( Name \"" username "\" )\n"))
(append (cat " ( Alias\n \"" shortusername "\"\n"))
(append " \"sysop\"\n")
(append " \"root\"\n")
(append " \"postmaster\"\n )\n")
(append (cat " ( Password \"" password "\" )\n"))
(append " ( ReadAccess \"#?\" )\n")
(append " ( WriteAccess \"#?\" )\n")
(append " ( NetAccess \"#?\" )\n")
(append ")\n")
(startup "UMS"
(prompt #instpaths)
(help @startup-help)
(set path (cat "\"" (expandpath (tackon @default-dest "bin")) "\"" ))
(set path (cat path " \"" (expandpath (tackon @default-dest "rexx")) "\"" ))
(command (cat "Path " path " ADD\n"))
(complete 100)