Meeting Pearls 3
< prev
Text File
7,536 lines
output work:scypmon
;Used Assembler: Devpac 3.02 by HiSoft
OPT o+,ow-
RSave macro
movem.l a0-a6/d0-d7,-(sp)
RLoad macro
movem.l (sp)+,a0-a6/d0-d7
Push macro
movem.l \1,-(sp)
Pull macro
movem.l (sp)+,\1
CALL macro
jsr _LVO\1(a6)
FlushCursor macro
move.w rp_cp_x(a5),FlushCursorX(a4)
; Slowdown (Scrolling) bei laengerer Benutzung?
; More Windows
; (Own Pubscreen?)
; f3: wie f1, doch adressen*4 (BPTR)
incdir "system:devpac/include/"
;include "exec/io.i"
;include "exec/memory.i"
;include "devices/console_lib.i"
;include "exec/exec_lib.i"
;include "exec/execbase.i"
;include "devices/inputevent.i"
;include "intuition/intuition.i"
;include "intuition/intuition_lib.i"
;include "libraries/dos_lib.i"
;include "libraries/dosextens.i"
;include "libraries/dos.i"
;include "graphics/graphics_lib.i"
;include "graphics/gfxbase.i"
;include "df0:source/dis_lib.i"
include "other/dis_lib.i"
include "libraries/diskfont_lib.i"
include "dos/filehandler.i"
StackSize equ 4000
MInPos equ 11
DInPos equ 11
DirAdress equ 60
DOpPos equ 23
SmallestHeight equ 5*8-2
HistorySize equ $400
MyDisPrefs equ DF_68030!DF_68020!DF_68851!DF_68881!DF_HexMode0!DF_HexMode1!DF_ShortInst!DF_LineX!DF_LowerInst!DF_LowerHex!DF_LowerReg!DF_AdrPC!DF_NoEACheck!DF_Bcc_S!DF_UseFlags
Startup cmp.b #"?",(a0)
bne NoInfoPrint
suba.l a1,a1
move.l $0004.w,a6
CALL FindTask
move.l d0,a0
move.l pr_COS(a0),d7
lea DosName,a1
moveq #0,d0
CALL OpenLibrary
move.l d0,a6
move.l d7,d1
lea ShortHelp,a0
move.l a0,d2
move.l #ShortHelpe-ShortHelp,d3
CALL Write
move.l a6,a1
move.l $0004.w,a6
CALL CloseLibrary
moveq.l #0,d0
NoInfoPrint movem.l d0-d7/a0-a7,RegisterSave
move.l $0004.w,a6
move.l ThisTask(a6),a1
tst.l pr_CLI(a1)
bne.s CliStart
lea pr_MsgPort(a1),a2
move.l a2,a0
CALL WaitPort
move.l a2,a0
move.l d0,d2
jmp MainWB
CliStart moveq #RETURN_FAIL,d7
lea DosName,a1
moveq #0,d0
CALL OpenLibrary
move.l d0,d6
beq DetError1
move.l #ML_SIZE+ME_SIZE,d0
move.l #MEMF_CLEAR,d1
CALL AllocMem
tst.l d0
beq DetError2
clr.l d5 ;test
move.l d0,a2
move.l ThisTask(a6),a0
move.l pr_CurrentDir(a0),d1
beq NoDupLock ;test
exg d6,a6
CALL DupLock
exg d6,a6
move.l d0,d5
beq.s DetError4
NoDupLock move.w #1,ML_NUMENTRIES(a2)
lea PARTII-8,a3
move.l a3,(ML_ME+ME_ADDR)(a2)
move.l (a3),(ML_ME+ME_LENGTH)(a2)
lea ProgramName,a0
move.l a0,d1
moveq #0,d2
lea MainCLI-4,a0
move.l a0,d3
lsr.l #2,d3
move.l #StackSize,d4
CALL Forbid
exg d6,a6 ; DOSBase/SysBase umtauschen
CALL CreateProc
exg d6,a6
tst.l d0
beq.s DetError3
clr.l (Startup-4) ;2.ten Teil anhaengen
move.l d0,a0
move.l d5,(pr_CurrentDir-pr_MsgPort)(a0)
lea (TC_MEMENTRY-pr_MsgPort)(a0),a0
move.l a2,a1
CALL AddHead
CALL Permit
moveq #RETURN_OK,d7
bra.s DetachOK
DetError3 CALL Permit
exg d6,a6
move.l d5,d1 ;test
beq NoDup2
NoDup2 exg d6,a6
DetError4 move.l a2,a1
moveq #ML_SIZE+ME_SIZE,d0
CALL FreeMem
DetError2 ;
DetachOK move.l d6,a1
CALL CloseLibrary
DetError1 tst.w StatusLine ;auf Auswertung der paramter warten
beq.s DetError1
move.l d7,d0
section Program
DoNotDetach ;
MainCLI moveq #0,d2
MainWB moveq #RETURN_FAIL,d3
;*** Installations ***
MonitorStart move.l $0004.w,a6
move.l a7,d0
sub.l #$800,d0 ;Damit echter und Trace-Stack nicht
move.l d0,USPstack ;so leicht kollidieren
lea MonStart(pc),a5
CALL Supervisor
bra.s MainProgramm
MonStart move.w SR,d0
and.w #$dfff,d0
move.w d0,SRregister
move.l a7,SSPstack
moveq #0,d0
btst.b #AFB_68010,(AttnFlags+1)(A6)
beq.s StandardVBR
dc.w $4e7a,$0801 ;movec VBR,d0
StandardVBR move.l d0,VBRreg
MainProgramm move.l $0004.w,a6
move.l #GesLen,d0
move.l #MEMF_CLEAR,d1
CALL AllocMem ;Speicher für Zeropage
move.l d0,ZeroSpeicher
beq ErrorTotal2
move.l d0,d1
add.l #ZeroPage,d0
move.l d0,ZeroPageMem
move.l ZeroPageMem,a4
move.l ThisTask(a6),a0
move.l a0,OwnTask(a4)
move.l d2,WBMessage(a4)
move.l d3,ReturnCode(a4)
move.l VBRreg,a0
move.l $bc(a0),OLDTRAP15(a4)
move.l a7,BaseStack(a4)
move.l d1,d7
lea ConName(pc),a0
moveq.l #-1,d0
lea IORequest(a4),a1
moveq.l #0,d1
CALL OpenDevice
tst.l d0
bne ErrorTotal
move.l (IO_DEVICE+IORequest)(a4),ConDevice(a4)
move.l d7,d1
move.l d1,FileLocker(a4)
add.l #FindBufferR,d1
move.l d1,FindBuffer(a4)
add.l #MaskBufferR-FindBufferR,d1
move.l d1,MaskBuffer(a4)
add.l #OutDeviceR-MaskBufferR,d1
move.l d1,a0
move.l d1,OutDevice(a4)
add.l #VariableBuff-OutDeviceR,d1
move.l d1,VarBuff(a4)
add.l #CommandHist-VariableBuff,d1
move.l d1,HistoryMem(a4)
move.l d1,HistPointStart(a4)
move.l d1,HistPointAct(a4)
addq.l #1,d1
move.l d1,HistPointEnd(a4)
add.l #HistorySize-1,d1
move.l d1,HistoryEnd(a4)
lea OutDeviceTx(pc),a1
move.w #$04,d0
InstallNames move.b (a1)+,(a0)+ ;prt:
dbf d0,InstallNames
;Test for Batchfile
move.l RegisterSave+32,a0
move.w #8000,TextWidth2(a4) ;Nur damit GetTextString geht
LetCross tst.b (a0)
beq NoBatchFile
RetryOption cmp.b #" ",(a0)
bne.s GotChar
addq.l #1,a0
bra.s LetCross
GotChar cmp.b #"-",(a0) ;Test for options
bne Normalmake
OtherOptions addq.l #1,a0
tst.b (a0)
beq NoBatchFile
cmp.b #"b",(a0)
beq ScreenToBackOpt
cmp.b #"p",(a0)
beq Dontpatch
cmp.b #"f",(a0)
beq.s ParseFont
cmp.b #"P",(a0)
beq NewPosition
cmp.b #"S",(a0)
beq NewSize
cmp.b #"s",(a0)
beq PubScreen
cmp.b #"d",(a0)
beq UseDisLib
cmp.b #"-",(a0)
beq.s OtherOptions
cmp.b #" ",(a0)
bne NoBatchFile ;Option Error=> Ignore Rest!
addq.l #1,a0
tst.b (a0)
beq NoBatchFile
bra.s RetryOption
ParseFont Push d0-d7/a1-a6
clr.b NewFontName(a4)
move.l a0,-(sp)
moveq.l #1,d5
move.l a0,a1
bsr GetTextString
beq WrongOp
cmp.w #40,d0
bcc WrongOp
lea NewFontName(a4),a3
bsr InsertText
WrongOp move.l (sp)+,a0
add.l d5,a0
move.l a0,-(sp)
moveq.l #0,d5
move.l a0,a1
bsr GetDezNum
move.w d0,NewFontSize(a4)
move.l (sp)+,a0
add.l d5,a0
Pull d0-d7/a1-a6
bra RetryOption
FirstChar cmp.b #" ",(a0)
bne.s FCharFound
tst.b (a0)
beq.s FCharFound
addq #1,a0
bra.s FirstChar
FCharFound rts
NewPosition Push d0-d7/a1-a6
addq #1,a0
bsr FirstChar
move.l a0,-(sp)
moveq.l #0,d5
move.l a0,a1
bsr GetDezNum
move.w d0,WindowDefs
move.w d0,WindowDefs2
move.l (sp)+,a0
add.l d5,a0
bsr FirstChar
move.l a0,-(sp)
moveq.l #0,d5
move.l a0,a1
bsr GetDezNum
move.w d0,WindowDefs+2
move.w d0,WindowDefs2+2
move.l (sp)+,a0
add.l d5,a0
Pull d0-d7/a1-a6
bra RetryOption
NewSize Push d0-d7/a1-a6
addq #1,a0
bsr FirstChar
move.l a0,-(sp)
moveq.l #0,d5
move.l a0,a1
bsr GetDezNum
move.w d0,WindowDefs+4
move.l (sp)+,a0
add.l d5,a0
bsr FirstChar
move.l a0,-(sp)
moveq.l #0,d5
move.l a0,a1
bsr GetDezNum
move.w d0,WindowDefs+6
move.l (sp)+,a0
add.l d5,a0
Pull d0-d7/a1-a6
bra RetryOption
PubScreen Push d0-d7/a1-a6
clr.b PubName(a4)
move.l a0,-(sp)
moveq.l #1,d5
move.l a0,a1
bsr GetTextString
beq WrongOps
cmp.w #40,d0
bcc WrongOps
lea PubName(a4),a3
bsr InsertText
WrongOps move.l (sp)+,a0
add.l d5,a0
Pull d0-d7/a1-a6
bra LetCross
ScreenToBackOpt move.l WindowFlags,d0
and.l #~ACTIVATE,d0
move.l d0,WindowFlags
bra OtherOptions
Dontpatch move.w #1,PatchFlag(a4)
lea PatchitFlag(pc),a1
or.w #CHECKED,(a1)
bra OtherOptions
UseDisLib lea UseDisFlag(pc),a1
eor.w #CHECKED,(a1)
bsr SwitchDislib
bra OtherOptions
SwitchDislib RSave
lea UseDisFlag(pc),a1
move.w (a1),d0
and.w #CHECKED,d0
bne.s DisUse
OtherOptionsx tst.l DislibBase(a4)
beq.s DunnoClose
move.l DislibBase(a4),a1
CALL CloseLibrary
DunnoClose clr.l DislibBase(a4)
lea UseDisFlag(pc),a1
and.w #$ffff-CHECKED,(a1)
lea ConfigVal(pc),a1
and.w #~ITEMENABLED,(a1)
DisUse move.l a0,-(sp)
lea DisLibText(pc),a1
move.l $0004.w,a6
moveq #2,d0
CALL OpenLibrary
move.l (sp)+,a0
tst.l d0
beq.s OldVersion
move.l d0,DislibBase(a4)
move.l d0,a6
CALL GetDisPrefs
lea DisStruct(a4),a3
move.l d0,dl_InFlags(a3)
lea ConfigVal(pc),a1
or.w #ITEMENABLED,(a1)
OldVersion move.l a0,-(sp)
lea DisLibText(pc),a1
move.l $0004.w,a6
moveq #1,d0
CALL OpenLibrary
move.l (sp)+,a0
tst.l d0
beq.s OtherOptionsx
move.l d0,DislibBase(a4)
lea DisStruct(a4),a3
move.l #MyDisPrefs,dl_InFlags(a3)
Normalmake move.l FindBuffer(a4),a3
clr.b (a3)
moveq.l #0,d5
move.l a0,a1
bsr GetTextString
beq NoBatchFile
cmp.w #80,d0
bcc NoBatchFile
bsr InsertText
move.l FindBuffer(a4),a3
tst.b (a3)
beq.s NoBatchFile
move.l a3,BatchFile(a4)
NoBatchFile move.w #1,StatusLine ;jetzt kann der andere Proc weg!
Skippy move.l $0004.w,a6
lea IntuitionName(pc),a1
moveq.l #36,d0
CALL OpenLibrary
tst.l d0
beq.s OpenOlder
move.w #1,V36OK(a4)
bra.s V36Done
OpenOlder lea IntuitionName(pc),a1
moveq.l #0,d0
CALL OpenLibrary
V36Done move.l d0,IntBase(a4)
bsr OpenDisplay
move.l $0004.w,a6
lea DosName(pc),a1
moveq.l #0,d0
CALL OpenLibrary
move.l d0,DosBase(a4)
move.l #StackBase+64,RoundStackPos(a4)
bsr InitVektors
move.b #$0c,d0
bsr Print
lea EinschaltTxt(pc),a2
bsr PrintText
tst.l BatchFile(a4)
beq.s NoOpenBatch
bset #2,SetError(a4)
move.l DosBase(a4),a6
move.l FindBuffer(a4),d1
move.l #MODE_OLDFILE,d2
tst.l d0
beq.s NoOpenBatch
move.l d0,a1
CALL Close
bclr #2,SetError(a4)
NoOpenBatch move.b SetError(a4),d6
beq.s NoErrorsSet
lea ErrorsOccured(pc),a2
bsr PrintText
ror.b #1,d6
bcc.s SkipEE1
lea StartError1(pc),a2
bsr PrintText
lea NewFontName(a4),a2
bsr PrintText
SkipEE1 ror.b #1,d6
bcc.s SkipEE2
lea StartError2(pc),a2
bsr PrintText
lea NewFontName(a4),a2
bsr PrintText
SkipEE2 ror.b #1,d6
bcc.s SkipEE3
lea StartError3(pc),a2
bsr PrintText
move.l FindBuffer(a4),a2
bsr PrintText
SkipEE3 ror.b #1,d6
bcc.s SkipEE4
lea StartError4(pc),a2
bsr PrintText
move.b #$0a,d0
bsr Print
NoErrorsSet or.l #SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C,SignalMask(a4)
tst.l BatchFile(a4)
beq RegisterComm
move.l DosBase(a4),a6
move.l FindBuffer(a4),d1
move.l #MODE_OLDFILE,d2
move.l d0,BatchHandle(a4)
beq RegisterComm
;*** Mainroutine ***
EmptyLine move.l WDRastPort(a4),a5
tst.w PrinterFlag(a4)
bsr PrExecute
NOCLOSE clr.w PrinterFlag(a4)
bsr PrintReturn
move.b #".",d0
bsr Print
ReKey move.l BaseStack(a4),a7
tst.l BatchHandle(a4)
beq.s NoBatch
move.l BatchHandle(a4),d1
move.l FindBuffer(a4),d2
moveq.l #1,d3
move.l DosBase(a4),a6
move.l d0,d1
move.l FindBuffer(a4),a0
move.b (a0),d0
tst.l d1
bne.s DoBatch
move.l BatchHandle(a4),d1
CALL Close
clr.l BatchHandle(a4)
NoBatch bsr ExorCursor
bsr WaitForKey
bsr ExorCursor
DoBatch lea SpecialFunkt(pc),a0
bsr SearchCodea0
beq.s NoSpecial
lea SpecialJMP(pc),a0
jmp (a0,d1)
NoSpecial bsr PrintInsPoss
bra.s ReKey
SpecialFunkt dc.b $0a,$90,$91,$81,$82,$94,$95,$83,$84,$9c,0 ;SpecialTasten
SpecialJMP bra.w LineAuswertung
bra.w CursorUpSpecial
bra.w CursorDnSpecial
bra.w BlaetternUp
bra.w BlaetternDn
bra.w JsrDissIn
bra.w JsrDissOut
bra.w HistUP
bra.w HistDN
bra.w ChangeVMode
HistDN move.l HistPointAct(a4),a0
ScanForw bsr IncIt
cmp.l HistPointEnd(a4),a0
beq ReKey
tst.b (a0)
bne.s ScanForw
bra BothHister
HistUP move.l HistPointAct(a4),a0
DoScanBack cmp.l HistPointStart(a4),a0
beq ReKey
cmp.l HistoryMem(a4),a0
bne.s CanScan
move.l HistoryEnd(a4),a0
CanScan subq.l #1,a0
tst.b (a0)
bne DoScanBack
BothHister move.l a0,HistPointAct(a4)
bsr IncIt
move.l a0,-(sp)
bsr Return
bsr ClearRight
move.b #".",d0
bsr Print
move.l (sp)+,a0
cmp.l HistPointEnd(a4),a0
beq ReKey
HistPLoop move.b (a0),d0
beq.s PrintHiste
bsr Print
bsr IncIt
bra.s HistPLoop
PrintHiste bsr TextFlush
bsr Return
bsr CursorRight
bsr TextFlush
bra ReKey
BlaetternUp bsr GetScrollCodeUp
lea BlaetterJMP(pc),a0
moveq.l #-1,d4
jmp (a0,d1)
CursorUpSpecial move.w Y0Pos(a4),d4
cmp.w rp_cp_y(a5),d4
bne NoSpecial
bsr Print
bsr GetScrollCodeUp
moveq.l #-1,d4 ;Sign For Up
OtherSCR move.w rp_cp_x(a5),-(sp)
lea ScrollJMP(pc),a0
jsr (a0,d1)
bsr TextFlush
move.w (sp)+,rp_cp_x(a5)
bra ReKey
GetScrollCodeUp moveq.l #1,d5
moveq.l #0,d4
move.l TextScreen(a4),a1
TryAnother move.b (a1,d5),d0
lea ScrollCodes(pc),a0
bsr SearchCodea0
bne.s ScrollCodeFound
TryAnother1 add.w TextWidth(a4),d5
addq #1,d4
cmp.w TextHeight(a4),d4
bcs.s TryAnother
move.l (sp)+,d0
bra ReKey
ScrollCodeFound move.l d5,-(sp)
addq #1,d5
bsr TestAdressGueltig
move.l (sp)+,d5
tst.l d0
bne.s TryAnother1
subq #1,d5
add.l d5,a1
moveq #2,d5
BlaetternDn bsr GetScrollCodeDn
lea BlaetterJMP(pc),a0
moveq #1,d4
jmp (a0,d1)
CursorDnSpecial move.w rp_cp_y(a5),d4
add.w Y0Rest(a4),d4
cmp.w maxY(a4),d4
bne NoSpecial
bsr Print
bsr GetScrollCodeDn
moveq.l #1,d4 ;Sign for Down
bra OtherSCR
GetScrollCodeDn moveq.l #0,d5
move.w TextHeight(a4),d5
subq.l #1,d5
mulu TextWidth(a4),d5
addq #1,d5
moveq.l #0,d4
move.l TextScreen(a4),a1
TryAnother2 move.b (a1,d5),d0
lea ScrollCodes(pc),a0
bsr SearchCodea0
bne.s ScrollCodeF2
TryAnother3 sub.w TextWidth(a4),d5
addq #1,d4
cmp.w TextHeight(a4),d4
bcs.s TryAnother2
move.l (sp)+,d0
bra ReKey
ScrollCodeF2 move.l d5,-(sp)
addq #1,d5
bsr TestAdressGueltig
move.l (sp)+,d5
tst.l d0
bne.s TryAnother3
subq #1,d5
add.l d5,a1
moveq #2,d5
GetAMemAdr suba.l a3,a3
cmp.b #":",d0
bne OverParse
addq #1,d5
bsr GetHexAdress
move.l d0,a3
move.w rp_cp_x(a5),d5
divu FontX(a4),d5
bsr GetHexAdress
lsl.l #8,d0
lsl.l #8,d0
move.l d0,d4
bsr GetHexAdress
move.w d0,d4
move.l d4,a2
moveq #0,d7
bra Formem
OverParse move.w rp_cp_x(a5),d5
divu FontX(a4),d5
bsr GetHexAdress
move.l d0,a0
bra DochM
ChangeVMode bsr SearchFirstChar
beq ReKey
cmp.b #",",d0
beq SwitchToMem
cmp.b #":",d0
bne SwitchToDiss
addq #1,d5
bsr GetHexAdress
move.l d0,a0
bra LikeOtherDXX
SwitchToMem addq #1,d5
bsr GetHexAdress
move.l d0,a0
bra DochM
SwitchToDiss move.w rp_cp_x(a5),d5
divu FontX(a4),d5
bsr GetHexAdress
move.l d0,a0
bra LikeOtherDXX
JsrDissIn bsr SearchFirstChar
beq ReKey
cmp.b #",",d0
bne GetAMemAdr
addq #1,d5
bsr GetHexAdress
move.l d0,a3
move.w #DOpPos,d5
bsr SearchNextChar
beq ReKey
cmp.b #"#",d0
bne.s NormNum
addq #1,d5
NormNum cmp.b #"-",d0
bne.s PosNum
addq #1,d5
moveq.l #0,d0
bsr GetHexNum
neg.l d0
bra.s NegNum
PosNum moveq.l #0,d0
bsr GetHexNum
NegNum move.l d0,a2
bsr SearchNextChar
cmp.b #"(",d0
bne.s EhKlar
addq #1,d5
bsr SearchNextChar
cmp.b #"p",d0
beq.s EhKlar
cmp.b #"a",d0
bne.s EhKlar
addq #1,d5
bsr GetHexNum
and.l #$07,d0
lsl.w #2,d0
lea RegisterSave(pc),a0
add.l 32(a0,d0),a2
bsr SearchNextChar
cmp.b #",",d0
bne.s EhKlar
addq #1,d5
bsr SearchNextChar
move.l d0,d4
addq #1,d5
bsr GetHexNum
and.l #$07,d0
lsl.w #2,d0
cmp.b #"a",d4
beq.s AdressJsr
add.l #8*4,d0
AdressJsr add.l (a0,d0),a2
EhKlar moveq #-1,d7
Formem move.l RoundStackPos(a4),a0
move.l a3,-(a0)
cmp.l #StackBase,a0
bne.s BaseNotReached
move.l #StackBase+64,a0
BaseNotReached move.l a0,RoundStackPos(a4)
move.l a0,d1
sub.l #StackBase,d1
lsr.w #2,d1
move.l StackKind(a4),d2
bclr d1,d2
tst d7
bmi.s KeepCleard
bset d1,d2
KeepCleard move.l d2,StackKind(a4)
move.l a2,d0
and.l #$fffffffe,d0
move.l d0,a0
cmp.b #"b",DInPos(a1)
beq.s LikeOtherD
cmp.b #"j",DInPos(a1)
beq.s LikeOtherDXX
DochM move.w #$0c,d0
bsr Print
move.l a0,d1
and.l #$fffffffe,d1
move.l d1,a0
moveq.l #0,d0
move.w TextHeight(a4),d0
subq #1,d0
lsl.w #4,d0
add.l d0,d1
move.l d1,OutPutStop(a4)
PrintNextDD bsr PrintMemLine
bsr PrintReturn
cmp.l OutPutStop(a4),a0
bcs.s PrintNextDD
bsr TextFlush
move.w #MInPos,d0
bsr SetCursorX
bra.s LikeOtherD2
LikeOtherD cmp.b #".",(DInPos+3)(a1)
bne.s DochM
LikeOtherDXX bsr OneDissPage
bsr TextFlush
move.w #DInPos,d0
bsr SetCursorX
LikeOtherD2 FlushCursor
move.w Y0Pos(a4),rp_cp_y(a5)
bra ReKey
JsrDissOut move.l RoundStackPos(a4),a1
cmp.l #StackBase+64,a1
bcs.s KeepJsrDiss
move.l #StackBase,a1
KeepJsrDiss tst.l (a1)
beq ReKey
move.l (a1),a0
move.l a1,d0
clr.l (a1)+
DoView sub.l #StackBase,d0
lsr.w #2,d0
move.l a1,RoundStackPos(a4)
move.l StackKind(a4),d1
btst.l d0,d1
beq.s LikeOtherDXX
bra DochM
LineAuswertung bsr SearchFirstChar
beq EmptyLine
bsr InsertHistLine
SecondAuswert lea BefehlsCodes(pc),a0
bsr SearchCodea0
beq FrageZeichen
addq #1,d5
lea BefehlsJMP(pc),a0
jmp (a0,d1)
ScrollCodes dc.b ":;,",0
ScrollJMP bra.w SMemory
bra.w SASCII
bra.w SDizzy
BlaetterJMP bra.w BMemory
bra.w BASCII
bra.w BDizzy
BefehlsCodes dc.b "x^$#%&m?i:dwflLs,aoDtgr'c<>VBTAFSCbOpPeMh",0
BefehlsJMP bra.w EndeDesPrg
bra.w EvalVar
bra.w CalcExpression
bra.w CalcExpression
bra.w CalcExpression
bra.w CalcExpression
bra.w MemoryBefehl
bra.w CalcExpression2
bra.w ASCIIOutput
bra.w ChangeMemory
bra.w DisAssemble
bra.w WriteASCII
bra.w FindSomething
bra.w LoadFile
bra.w LoadFile
bra.w SaveFile
bra.w Assemble
bra.w InstAssembler
bra.w Occupy
bra.w DirectoryLoad
bra.w Transfer
bra.w GotoCommand
bra.w RegisterComm
bra.w GetRegister
bra.w CompareSth
bra.w DiskLoad
bra.w DiskSave
bra.w ChangeDevice
bra.w BreakCommand
bra.w TraceCommand
bra.w AllocSegment
bra.w FreeSegment
bra.w SegmentList
bra.w BlockCheckSumm
bra.w BootCheckSumm
bra.w OutPutDevice
bra.w PrintThemOut
bra.w PrintThatText
bra.w ExamineTask
bra.w CheckFreeMem
bra.w ShowHistory
ShowHistory move.l HistPointStart(a4),a0
HistL1 cmp.l HistPointEnd(a4),a0
beq ReKey
bsr TestBreak
move.b (a0),d0
bsr Print
bsr IncIt
bra.s HistL1
CNEXT move.b #$0a,d0
bsr Print
move.b #".",d0
bsr Print
bsr IncIt
bra HistL1
InsertHistLine RSave
move.w TextWidth2(a4),d7
FindSize subq #1,d7
cmp.b #" ",(a1,d7)
dbne d7,FindSize
addq #2,d7
move.l HistPointEnd(a4),a3
CopH move.b (a1,d5),d0
bsr PutHistByte
addq #1,d5
cmp.w d7,d5
bcs.s CopH
move.l a3,HistPointAct(a4)
clr.l d0
bsr PutHistByte
move.l a3,HistPointEnd(a4)
PutHistByte cmp.l HistoryEnd(a4),a3
bne.s NoOverHist
move.l HistoryMem(a4),a3
NoOverHist cmp.l HistPointStart(a4),a3
beq.s PushOnStart
GotHist move.b d0,(a3)+
PushOnStart move.l a3,a0
SeekOn bsr IncIt
tst.b (a0)
bne.s SeekOn
move.l a0,HistPointStart(a4)
bra.s GotHist
IncIt lea 1(a0),a0
cmp.l HistoryEnd(a4),a0
bcs.s NoOverHist2
move.l HistoryMem(a4),a0
NoOverHist2 rts
; *** Calculation-Befehle ***
CalcExpression subq #1,d5
CalcExpression2 bsr CalcRoutine
ZuweisungOut bsr PrintReturn
move.b #"$",d0
bsr Print
move.l RechenSpeicher(a4),d0
bsr PrintLong
move.b #"=",d0
bsr Print
move.l RechenSpeicher(a4),d0
bsr PrintDezimal
move.b #"=",d0
bsr Print
move.b #"%",d0
bsr Print
move.l RechenSpeicher(a4),d0
bsr PrintBinaer32
move.b #"=",d0
bsr Print
move.b #$22,d0
bsr Print
lea RechenSpeicher(a4),a0
moveq #3,d4
bsr CharacLoop
move.b #$22,d0
bsr Print
bra EmptyLine
CalcRoutine move.l FileLocker(a4),a2;Buffer für die Berechnung
move.b #1,(a2)+
GetCalcStream bsr GetAnyExpression ;Stream umkopieren
bsr SearchNextChar
bne.s GetCalcStream
move.b #2,(a2)+
move.l FileLocker(a4),a0
sub.l a0,a2
move.l a2,d7 ;Laenge des Buffers
moveq.l #0,d0
moveq.l #0,d1
moveq.l #0,d2
CheckKlammer move.b (a0,d0),d2 ;Klammer Auf/Zu pruefen
bne.s StandardTok
addq #4,d0
StandardTok cmp.b #1,d2 ;=Klammer auf
bne.s NoKlOn
addq #1,d1
NoKlOn cmp.b #2,d2 ;=Klammer zu
bne.s NoKlOff
subq #1,d1
NoKlOff addq #1,d0
cmp.w d7,d0
bcs.s CheckKlammer
tst.w d1
bne FrageZeichen ;Klammer Mismatch
moveq.l #0,d0
moveq.l #0,d3
bsr CalculateEx
move.l d3,RechenSpeicher(a4) ;Ergebnis
CalculateEx move.b (a0,d0),d2
bne.s Anders
addq #1,d0
bsr GetValueD3
bra.s CalculateEx
Anders cmp.b #1,d2
bne.s ParseOn
moveq.l #0,d3
moveq.w #5,d2
bra.s IntoPlus
ParseOn cmp.b #2,d2
bne.s ParseOn1
addq #1,d0
ParseOn1 cmp.b #3,d2 ;mal
bne.s ParseOn2
move.l d3,-(sp)
bsr GetNextVal
move.l (sp)+,d4
movem.l d0-d2/d4,-(sp)
move.l d4,d0
move.l d3,d1
bsr Mult32Bit
bra.s CalMDEnd
ParseOn2 cmp.b #4,d2 ;geteilt
bne.s ParseOn3
move.l d3,-(sp)
bsr GetNextVal
move.l (sp)+,d4
movem.l d0-d2/d4,-(sp)
move.l d4,d0
move.l d3,d1
bsr Div32Bit
CalMDEnd move.l d0,d3
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d2/d4
cmp.b #5,(a0,d0)
bcs.s CalculateEx
IntoPlus ;
ParseOn3 move.w d2,-(sp) ;+ and -
move.l d3,-(sp)
bsr GetNextVal
cmp.b #4,(a0,d0)
beq.s SpecC
cmp.b #3,(a0,d0)
bne.s NoSpecC
SpecC bsr CalculateEx
move.l (sp)+,d4
move.w (sp)+,d2
cmp.b #5,d2 ;plus
bne.s ParseOn4_
add.l d4,d3
bra.s BothMiPl_
ParseOn4_ cmp.b #6,d2 ;minus
bne FrageZeichen ;won't happen
sub.l d3,d4
move.l d4,d3
BothMiPl_ cmp.b #2,-1(a0,d0)
bne CalculateEx
NoSpecC move.l (sp)+,d4
move.w (sp)+,d2
cmp.b #5,d2 ;plus
bne.s ParseOn4
add.l d4,d3
bra.s BothMiPl
ParseOn4 cmp.b #6,d2 ;minus
bne FrageZeichen ;won't happen
sub.l d3,d4
move.l d4,d3
BothMiPl bra CalculateEx
GetNextVal addq #1,d0
move.b (a0,d0),d2
cmp.b #1,d2
bne.s MustVal2
bsr CalculateEx
LikeMiBev rts
MustVal2 tst.b d2
bne FrageZeichen
addq #1,d0
bsr GetValueD3
bra.s LikeMiBev
GetValueD3 move.b 3(a0,d0),d3
lsl.l #8,d3
move.b 2(a0,d0),d3
lsl.l #8,d3
move.b 1(a0,d0),d3
lsl.l #8,d3
move.b (a0,d0),d3
addq #4,d0
PushD1ToRight move.w d7,d3
PushD1To move.b (a0,d3),1(a0,d3)
subq #1,d3
cmp.w d1,d3
bcc.s PushD1To
addq.w #1,d7
;d0*d1 in 32 Bit
Mult32Bit move.l d0,d2
move.l d0,d3
move.l d1,d4
swap d3
swap d4
mulu d1,d0
mulu d3,d1
mulu d4,d2
mulu d4,d3
swap d0
add.w d1,d0
moveq.l #0,d4
addx.l d4,d3
add.w d2,d0
addx.l d4,d3
swap d0
move.l d0,d4
;d0/d1 in 32 Bit
Div32Bit tst.l d1
beq FrageZeichen
moveq.l #0,d3
divu d1,d0
bvc.s V_Null
move.l d0,d2
clr.w d0
swap d0
divu d1,d0
move.w d0,d3
move.w d2,d0
divu d1,d0
V_Null move.l d0,d1
swap d0
move.w d3,d0
swap d0
clr.w d1
swap d1
GetAnyExpression ;
bsr SearchNextChar
cmp.b #"0",d0
bcs.s NoNumberNN
cmp.b #"9"+1,d0
bcc.s NoNumberNN
moveq.l #0,d1
bra.s GetDezNumDo
NoNumberNN lea ZahlenFormate(pc),a0
bsr SearchCodea0
beq FrageZeichen
addq #1,d5
cmp.w #$1c,d1
bcc.s Arithmics
GetDezNumDo lea ZahlenJSR(pc),a0
jsr (a0,d1)
clr.b (a2)+
PutLong move.b d0,(a2)+
lsr.l #8,d0
move.b d0,(a2)+
lsr.l #8,d0
move.b d0,(a2)+
lsr.l #8,d0
move.b d0,(a2)+
Arithmics sub.w #$18,d1
lsr.w #2,d1
move.b d1,(a2)+
ZahlenFormate dc.b "#$%&'",$22,"^()*/+-",0
ZahlenJSR bra.w GetDezNum
bra.w GetHexNum
bra.w GetBinNum
bra.w GetHexNumAdr
bra.w GetMax4Char
bra.w GetMax4Char
bra.w GetVarVal
GetHexNumAdr bsr GetHexNum
and.l #$fffffffe,d0
move.l d0,a0
move.l (a0),d0
GetMax4Char moveq.l #0,d4
moveq.l #4,d3
GetMax4C bsr SearchNextChar
addq #1,d5
cmp.b #$22,d0
beq.s Strover
cmp.b #"'",d0
beq.s Strover
lsl.l #8,d4
move.b d0,d4
dbf d3,GetMax4C
bra FrageZeichen
Strover move.l d4,d0
GetVarVal bsr SearchNextChar
addq #1,d5
;bclr #5,d0
cmp.b #"a",d0 ;Kleinbuchstaben: normale Variablen
bcs.s SpecialVars
cmp.b #"z"+1,d0
bcc.s SpecialVars
subq #1,d0
GetVald0 and.l #$1f,d0
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l VarBuff(a4),a0
add.l d0,a0
move.l (a0),d0
SpecialVars cmp.b #"S",d0
beq.s SegmentVars
cmp.b #"L",d0
beq.s SegmentLens
cmp.b #"A",d0
beq.s AdrRegVars
cmp.b #"D",d0
beq.s DatRegVars
bra FrageZeichen
SegmentVars bsr SearchNextChar
addq #1,d5
cmp.b #"0",d0
bcs FrageZeichen
cmp.b #"8",d0
bcc FrageZeichen
sub.w #"0",d0
lsl.w #3,d0
move.l d7,-(sp)
move.l d0,d7
move.l AllocSegs(a4,d7.w),d0
tst.l AllocLength(a4,d7.w)
bpl.s NormalSegX
addq.l #1,d0
lsl.l #2,d0
NormalSegX suba.l a0,a0 ;keine Zuweisung moeglich
move.l (sp)+,d7
SegmentLens bsr SearchNextChar
addq #1,d5
cmp.b #"0",d0
bcs FrageZeichen
cmp.b #"8",d0
bcc FrageZeichen
sub.w #"0",d0
lsl.w #3,d0
move.l d7,-(sp)
move.l d0,d7
move.l AllocSegs(a4,d7.w),d0
tst.l AllocLength(a4,d7.w)
bpl.s NormalLenX
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,a0
move.l -4(a0),d0
subq #8,d0 ;Len und NextHunk zaehlen nicht
bra.s SpecialAL
NormalLenX move.l AllocLength(a4,d7.w),d0
SpecialAL suba.l a0,a0 ;keine Zuweisung moeglich
move.l (sp)+,d7
AdrRegVars ; -ni-
DatRegVars bra FrageZeichen
EvalVar bsr GetVarVal
move.l a0,-(sp)
bsr SearchNextChar
cmp.b #"=",d0
beq Zuweisung
BackOneMore subq #1,d5
bsr SearchNextChar
cmp.b #"^",d0
bne.s BackOneMore
addq #1,d5
bra CalcExpression
Zuweisung addq #1,d5
bsr CalcRoutine
move.l (sp)+,a0
move.l d3,(a0)
bra ZuweisungOut
;******** Examine Task - based on ZZAs printtask *******
ExamineTask move.l $0004.w,a6
bsr SearchNextChar
beq FrageZeichen
cmp.b #$22,d0
bne.s HexedTask
bsr GetNameToBuffer
move.l FindBuffer(a4),a1
CALL Forbid
CALL FindTask
move.l D0,D4
bne.s DoPrintTask
CALL Permit
TaskUnfound lea TaskNotFound(pc),a0
bsr PrintText0
bra EmptyLine
HexedTask bsr GetHexAdress
and.l #$ffffffe,d0
move.l d0,d4
CALL Forbid
DoPrintTask move.l D4,A0
bsr GetTaskInfo
CALL Permit
tst.l d0
bmi.s TaskUnfound
bra EmptyLine
GetTaskInfo RSave
move.l A0,A2
lea ProcessName(pc),a0
beq.s TypeOKP
cmp.b #NT_TASK,LN_TYPE(A2)
beq.s TypeOKT
moveq #-1,D0
TypeOKT lea TaskNameTxt(pc),a0
TypeOKP bsr PrintText0
move.l LN_NAME(A2),a0
move.l a0,d0
bne.s HasName
lea Str_Unset(PC),A0
HasName bsr PrintText0
lea AdressTxt(pc),a0
bsr PrintText0
move.l A2,D0
bsr PrintLong
lea PriorityTxt(pc),a0
bsr PrintText0
move.b LN_PRI(A2),D0
ext.w D0
ext.l d0
bsr PrintDezimal
lea Sign1(pc),a0
bsr PrintText0
move.l TC_SIGRECVD(A2),d0
bsr PrintBinaer32
lea Sign2(pc),a0
bsr PrintText0
move.l TC_SIGWAIT(A2),d0
bsr PrintBinaer32
lea Sign3(pc),a0
bsr PrintText0
move.l TC_SIGALLOC(A2),d0
bsr PrintBinaer32
lea Stack1(pc),a0
bsr PrintText0
move.l TC_SPUPPER(A2),d0
bsr PrintLong
lea Stack2(pc),a0
bsr PrintText0
move.l TC_SPREG(A2),d0
bsr PrintLong
lea Stack3(pc),a0
bsr PrintText0
move.l TC_SPLOWER(A2),d0
bsr PrintLong
bne.s NoCLI
move.l pr_CLI(A2),D0
beq.s NoCLI
lea Str_Command(PC),A0
bsr PrintText0
PrtCmdL move.l D0,A0
add.l A0,A0
lea Str_None(PC),A1
move.l cli_CommandName(A0,A0.l),D0
beq.s HasNoCmd
move.l D0,A1
add.l A1,A1
add.l A1,A1
HasNoCmd moveq #0,D1
move.b (A1)+,D1
bra.s EnterPrtCNL
PrtCNL move.b (A1)+,d0
bsr Print
EnterPrtCNL dbf D1,PrtCNL
move.b #"'",d0
bsr Print
bsr PrintReturn
clr.l d0
BLIINK Push d0-d1
move.w #$001,d0
Blink2 move.w #$ffff,d1
Blink1 move.w d1,$dff180
dbf d1,Blink1
dbf d0,Blink2
Pull d0-d1
;******** DISK - I/O ************
;*** SAVE ***
SaveFile bsr GetNameToBuffer
bsr GetHexAdress
move.l d0,OutPutStart(a4)
bsr GetHexAdress
sub.l OutPutStart(a4),d0
move.l d0,OutPutStop(a4)
bmi FrageZeichen
lea SavingText(pc),a2
bsr PrintText
move.l OutPutStart(a4),d0
bsr PrintLong
move.w #"-",d0
bsr Print
move.l OutPutStop(a4),d0
add.l OutPutStart(a4),d0
bsr PrintLong
bsr TextFlush
move.l DosBase(a4),a6
move.l FindBuffer(a4),d1
move.l #MODE_NEWFILE,d2
move.l d0,d7
beq FileError
move.l d0,d1
move.l OutPutStart(a4),d2
move.l OutPutStop(a4),d3
CALL Write
tst.l d0
bmi FileError
move.l d7,d1
CALL Close
bra EmptyLine
;*** LOAD ***
LoadFile cmp.b #"d",(a1,d5)
beq AmDosLoad
bsr SearchNextChar
beq FrageZeichen
bsr GetNameToBuffer
bsr GetHexAdress
move.l d0,OutPutStart(a4)
move.l #$7fffffff,d6 ;load all
bsr SearchNextChar
cmp.b #"!",d0
beq.s UnControlledX
move.l OutPutStart(a4),a0
bsr TopsRoutine
move.l d0,d6
UnControlledX move.l OutPutStart(a4),d0
lea LoadingText(pc),a2
bsr PrintText
moveq.l #"S"-"A",d0
bsr GetVald0
move.l OutPutStart(a4),d0
move.l d0,(a0)
bsr PrintLong
move.w #"-",d0
bsr Print
bsr TextFlush
move.l DosBase(a4),a6
move.l FindBuffer(a4),d1
move.l #MODE_OLDFILE,d2
move.l d0,d7
beq FileNotFound
move.l d0,d1
move.l OutPutStart(a4),d2
move.l d6,d3
tst.l d0
bmi FileError
add.l OutPutStart(a4),d0
move.l d0,OutPutStop(a4)
move.l d7,d1
move.l FileLocker(a4),d2
move.l #1,d3
tst.l d0
bmi FileError
move.l d0,d6
move.l d7,d1
CALL Close
moveq.l #"E"-"A",d0
bsr GetVald0
move.l OutPutStop(a4),d0
move.l d0,(a0)
bsr PrintLong
tst.l d6
bne Incomplete
bra EmptyLine
Incomplete lea ExceededText(pc),a2
bsr PrintText
bra EmptyLine
FileNotFound move.l d7,d1
CALL Close
lea FILENFText(pc),a2
IntoFNF bsr PrintText
bra EmptyLine
FileError move.l d7,d1
CALL Close
DiskError2_ lea FileErrText(pc),a2
bra.s IntoFNF
DiskError2 lea FileErrText(pc),a2
StandardNumErr bsr PrintText
move.l d7,d0
bsr PrintDezimal
bra EmptyLine
CouldNotOpenDev lea OpenDevErr(pc),a2
bra.s StandardNumErr
;*** DIRECTORY ***
DirectoryLoad move.l FindBuffer(a4),a3
clr.b (a3)
bsr SearchNextChar
beq.s CurrentMake
bsr GetTextString
beq.s CurrentMake
bsr InsertText
CurrentMake movem.l d0-d7/a0-a2/a4-a6,-(sp)
move.l DosBase(a4),a6
moveq.l #ACCESS_READ,d2
move.l FindBuffer(a4),d1
move.l d0,d7
beq DiskError2
cmp.b #":",-2(a3)
beq.s KeepSo
cmp.b #"/",-2(a3)
beq.s KeepSo
move.b #"/",-1(a3)
clr.b (a3)
KeepSo move.l d0,d1
move.l FileLocker(a4),d2
CALL Examine
tst.l d0
beq DirEnde
move.l FileLocker(a4),a0
tst.l 4(a0)
bmi.s DirEnde2
moveq.l #0,d0
bsr PrintReturn
DirectoryLoop suba.l a0,a0
move.l d7,d1
move.l FileLocker(a4),d2
tst.l d0
beq DirEnde
bsr PrintDirLine
bsr TestBreak2
bra.s DirectoryLoop
DirEnde2 bsr PrintReturn
move.b #" ",d0
bsr Print
bsr Print
move.l FindBuffer(a4),a2
clr.b -(a3)
bsr PrintText
move.l FileLocker(a4),a2
bsr OverName
DirEnde move.l d7,d1
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a2/a4-a6
bra EmptyLine
PrintDirLine moveq.l #0,d0
move.b #$05,d0 ;Clear rest of line
bsr Print
move.b #" ",d0
bsr Print
bsr Print
move.l FindBuffer(a4),a2
bsr PrintText
move.l FileLocker(a4),a2
moveq.l #0,d4
PrintDirName move.b 8(a2,d4),d0
beq.s OverName
bsr Print
addq #1,d4
bra.s PrintDirName
OverName bsr TextFlush
move.w #DirAdress,d0
bsr SetCursorX
tst.l 4(a2)
bmi.s ItsAFile
lea DirTXT(pc),a2
bsr PrintText
bra.s ThisWasDir
ItsAFile move.b 124(a2),d1
bsr PrintHex
move.b 125(a2),d1
bsr PrintHex
move.b 126(a2),d1
bsr PrintHex
move.b 127(a2),d1
bsr PrintHex
ThisWasDir bra PrintReturn
ChangeDirectory addq #1,d5
bsr SearchNextChar
beq.s PrintCurrentDir
bsr GetTextString
beq.s PrintCurrentDir
move.l FindBuffer(a4),a3
bsr InsertText
movem.l d0-d7/a0-a2/a4-a6,-(sp)
move.l DosBase(a4),a6
moveq.l #ACCESS_READ,d2
move.l FindBuffer(a4),d1
move.l d0,d7
beq DiskError2
move.l d0,d1
CALL CurrentDir
move.l d0,d1
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a2/a4-a6
bra EmptyLine
PrintCurrentDir bra EmptyLine
DiskLoad bsr CheckDevThere
bsr SearchNextChar
beq FrageZeichen
addq #1,d5
cmp.b #"b",d0
beq.s ByBlockNrRead
cmp.b #"o",d0
beq.s ByOffsetRead
cmp.b #"t",d0
bne FrageZeichen
bsr GetHexAdress
cmp.w TextWidth2(a4),d5
bcc FrageZeichen
move.l d0,d6
mulu DESurfaces(a4),d6
mulu DEBlocksPerTrack(a4),d6
bsr GetHexAdress
cmp.w DESurfaces(a4),d0
bcc FrageZeichen
mulu DEBlocksPerTrack(a4),d0
add.l d0,d6
bsr GetHexAdress
cmp.w DEBlocksPerTrack(a4),d0
bcc FrageZeichen
add.l d0,d6
bra.s InsideRead
ByOffsetRead bsr GetHexAdress
divu DESizeBlock(a4),d0
move.l d0,d6
bra.s InsideRead
ByBlockNrRead bsr GetHexAdress
move.l d0,d6
InsideRead bsr GetThemTwo2
move.l OutPutStop(a4),d4
move.l OutPutStart(a4),a3
tst.l d4
bne.s DoLoadb
clr.l d0
move.w DESizeBlock(a4),d4
DoLoadb bsr LoadBlock
bra EmptyLine
DiskSave bsr CheckDevThere
bsr SearchNextChar
beq FrageZeichen
addq #1,d5
cmp.b #"b",d0
beq.s ByBlockNrWrite
cmp.b #"o",d0
beq.s ByOffsetWrite
cmp.b #"t",d0
bne FrageZeichen
bsr GetHexAdress
cmp.w TextWidth2(a4),d5
bcc FrageZeichen
move.l d0,d6
mulu DESurfaces(a4),d6
mulu DEBlocksPerTrack(a4),d6
bsr GetHexAdress
cmp.w DESurfaces(a4),d0
bcc FrageZeichen
mulu DEBlocksPerTrack(a4),d0
add.l d0,d6
bsr GetHexAdress
cmp.w DEBlocksPerTrack(a4),d0
bcc FrageZeichen
add.l d0,d6
bra.s InsideBlockW
ByOffsetWrite bsr GetHexAdress
divu DESizeBlock(a4),d0
move.l d0,d6
bra.s InsideBlockW
ByBlockNrWrite bsr GetHexAdress
move.l d0,d6
InsideBlockW bsr GetThemTwo
move.b #1,Uncontrolled(a4)
move.l OutPutStop(a4),d4
move.l OutPutStart(a4),a3
tst.l d4
bne.s DoSaveb
clr.l d4
move.w DESizeBlock(a4),d4
DoSaveb bsr SaveBlock
bra EmptyLine
; Block laden, Blocknummer in d6, d4:Len a3:Adr
LoadBlock move.w #CMD_READ,d5
bra.s DiskDoings
; Block speichern, Blocknummer in d6, d4:Len a3:Adr
SaveBlock move.w #CMD_WRITE,d5
DiskDoings clr.l d0
move.w DESizeBlock(a4),d0
neg.l d0
and.l d0,d4 ;auf volle Blocks anden
move.l d6,d0
divu DEBlocksPerTrack(a4),d0 ;Ganze Seiten
swap d0
tst.w d0 ;Rest = Sectoren
beq.s GanzerTrack
clr.l d2
move.w DEBlocksPerTrack(a4),d2
sub.w d0,d2
mulu DESizeBlock(a4),d2
cmp.l d2,d4
bcs.s GanzerTrack
sub.l d2,d4
bra.s LSF2
GanzerTrack move.l d4,d2
cmp.l DEBytesPerTrack(a4),d2
bcs.s LessThanFull
move.l DEBytesPerTrack(a4),d2
LessThanFull sub.l DEBytesPerTrack(a4),d4
LSF2 RSave
move.l d2,d7
bsr PrintReturn
lea TrackTxt(pc),a2
bsr PrintText
move.l d6,d0
divu DEBlocksPerTrack(a4),d0
and.l #$ffff,d0
divu DESurfaces(a4),d0
bsr PrintWord
bsr PrintSpace
move.l d6,d0
divu DEBlocksPerTrack(a4),d0
and.l #$ffff,d0
divu DESurfaces(a4),d0
swap d0
bsr PrintWord
bsr PrintSpace
move.l d6,d0
divu DEBlocksPerTrack(a4),d0
swap d0
bsr PrintWord
tst.b Uncontrolled(a4)
bne MemOK
movem.l d1-d7/a0-a6,-(sp)
move.l a3,a0
bsr TopsRoutine
movem.l (sp)+,d1-d7/a0-a6
cmp.l d0,d7
bcs.s MemOK
lea ExceededText(pc),a2
bsr PrintText
bra EmptyLine
MemOK lea AtTEXT(pc),a2
bsr PrintText
move.l a3,d0
bsr PrintLong
move.b #"-",d0
bsr Print
move.l a3,d0
add.l d7,d0
bsr PrintLong
move.l $0004.w,a6
lea Readreply(a4),a1
move.l OwnTask(a4),MP_SIGTASK(a1)
CALL AddPort
lea DiskIO(a4),a1
move.l DeviceUnit(a4),d0
move.l DeviceFlags(a4),d1
move.l DeviceName(a4),a0
CALL OpenDevice
move.l d0,d7
bne CouldNotOpenDev
lea DiskIO(a4),a1
lea Readreply(a4),a0
move.l a0,MN_REPLYPORT(a1)
move.w d5,IO_COMMAND(a1)
move.l a3,IO_DATA(a1)
move.l d2,IO_LENGTH(a1)
move.l d6,d1
lsl.l #8,d1
lsl.l #1,d1
move.l d1,IO_OFFSET(a1)
move.l d0,d7
bne.s DoError
lea DiskIO(a4),a1
move.l d0,d7
bne.s DoError
lea DiskIO(a4),a1
move.l #0,IO_LENGTH(a1)
DoError lea Readreply(a4),a1
CALL RemPort
lea DiskIO(a4),a1
CALL CloseDevice
tst.l d7
bne DiskError2
bsr TestBreak2
add.l d2,a3
lsr.l #8,d2
lsr.l #1,d2
add.l d2,d6
tst.l d4
beq.s Overtooo
bpl DiskDoings
Overtooo rts
df0name dc.b "df0"
diskio ds.l 20
;readreply ds.l 8
CheckDevThere tst.l DeviceName(a4)
beq.s NeedToSet
NeedToSet move.w #3,d0
lea df0name(pc),a0
bsr DII
bsr TextFlush
bsr CursorUp
bsr CursorUp
bsr SearchFirstChar
addq #1,d5
bsr CursorDown
bsr CursorDown
ChangeDevice bsr GetTextString
beq FrageZeichen
bsr DII
bra EmptyLine
DII move.l FindBuffer(a4),a3
bsr InsertText
move.l DosBase(a4),a0
move.l dl_Root(a0),a0
move.l rn_Info(a0),d0
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,a0
move.l di_DevInfo(a0),d0
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,a0
FindThemLoop cmp.l #DLT_DEVICE,dvi_Type(a0)
bne NoFoundMe
move.l dvi_Name(a0),d0
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,a1
move.l FindBuffer(a4),a3
move.b (a1)+,d2 ;Len
beq NoFoundMe
RetryDevC move.b (a1)+,d3
move.b (a3)+,d1
or.w #$20,d3
or.w #$20,d1
cmp.b d3,d1
bne NoFoundMe
subq #1,d2
bne.s RetryDevC
tst.b (a3)
bne NoFoundMe
move.l dvi_Startup(a0),d0 ;FSSM
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,a0
move.l fssm_Unit(a0),DeviceUnit(a4)
move.l fssm_Device(a0),d0
lsl.l #2,d0
addq #1,d0
move.l d0,DeviceName(a4)
move.l fssm_Flags(a0),DeviceFlags(a4)
move.l fssm_Environ(a0),d0
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,a0
move.l de_SizeBlock(a0),d0
lsl.l #2,d0
move.w d0,DESizeBlock(a4)
move.l de_BlocksPerTrack(a0),d1
move.w d1,DEBlocksPerTrack(a4)
mulu d0,d1
move.l d1,DEBytesPerTrack(a4)
move.l de_Surfaces(a0),d0
move.w d0,DESurfaces(a4)
move.l de_LowCyl(a0),DELowCyl(a4)
move.l de_HighCyl(a0),DEHighCyl(a4)
lea DevInf1(pc),a2
bsr PrintText
move.l DeviceName(a4),a2
bsr PrintText
lea DevInf2(pc),a2
bsr PrintText
move.l DeviceUnit(a4),d0
bsr PrintDezimal
lea DevInf3(pc),a2
bsr PrintText
clr.l d0
move.w DESizeBlock(a4),d0
bsr PrintDezimal
lea DevInf4(pc),a2
bsr PrintText
clr.l d0
move.w DESurfaces(a4),d0
bsr PrintDezimal
lea DevInf5(pc),a2
bsr PrintText
clr.l d0
move.w DEBlocksPerTrack(a4),d0
bsr PrintDezimal
lea DevInf6(pc),a2
bsr PrintText
move.l DELowCyl(a4),d0
bsr PrintDezimal
lea DevInf7(pc),a2
bsr PrintText
move.l DEHighCyl(a4),d0
bsr PrintDezimal
NoFoundMe move.l dol_Next(a0),d0
beq.s DevSearchOver
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,a0
bra FindThemLoop
DevSearchOver lea DeviceNotFound(pc),a2
bra PrintText
BlockCheckSumm cmp.b #"D",(a1,d5)
beq ChangeDirectory
bsr GetHexAdress
move.l d0,a0
move.l d0,a2
clr.l $14(a2)
moveq.l #0,d1
move.w #$7f,d0
BlockCheck2 add.l (a0)+,d1
dbf d0,BlockCheck2
neg.l d1
move.l d1,$14(a2)
bsr PrintReturn
move.w #"=",d0
bsr Print
move.l d1,d0
bsr PrintLong
bra EmptyLine
BootCheckSumm bsr GetHexAdress
move.l d0,a0
move.l d0,a2
clr.l $04(a2)
moveq.l #0,d1
move.b #$10,CCR
move.w #$ff,d0
BootCheck3 move.l (a0)+,d2
addx.l d2,d1
dbf d0,BootCheck3
moveq.l #0,d2
addx.l d2,d1
neg.l d1
move.l d1,$04(a2)
bsr PrintReturn
move.w #"=",d0
bsr Print
move.l d1,d0
bsr PrintLong
bra EmptyLine
;*** Printer Output ***
OutPutDevice bsr SearchNextChar
bne.s NewDefined
bsr PrintReturn
move.l OutDevice(a4),a2
bsr PrintText
bra EmptyLine
NewDefined RSave
move.l DosBase(a4),a6
move.l OutDHandle(a4),d1
beq.s NoFileYet
CALL Close
clr.l OutDHandle(a4)
NoFileYet RLoad
bsr GetTextString
move.l OutDevice(a4),a3
bsr InsertText
bra EmptyLine
PrintThemOut move.w #-1,PrinterFlag(a4)
bsr SearchNextChar
beq EmptyLine
bra SecondAuswert
;*** Amiga-Dos-Things ***
CheckFreeMem move.l $0004.w,a6
bsr GetHexAdress
beq FrageZeichen
move.l d0,a0
bsr TopsRoutine
move.l d0,-(sp)
lea FreeBText(pc),a2
bsr PrintText
move.l (sp)+,d0
bsr PrintLong
bra EmptyLine
TopsRoutine move.l $0004.w,a1
move.l MemList(a1),a1
bra.b .HeaderLoopS
.HeaderLoop cmp.l MH_LOWER(a1),a0
blo.b .NextHeader
cmp.l MH_UPPER(a1),a0
blo.b .FoundHeader
.NextHeader move.l d0,a1
.HeaderLoopS move.l (a1),d0
bne.b .HeaderLoop
bra.b .End
.FoundHeader move.l MH_FIRST(a1),d0
beq.b .End
.ChunkLoop cmp.l d0,a0
blo.b .Fail
move.l d0,a1
add.l MC_BYTES(a1),d0
sub.l a0,d0
bhs.s .End
move.l (a1),d0
.ChunkLoopS bne.b .ChunkLoop
.Fail moveq #0,d0
.End rts
AllocSegment move.l $0004.w,a6
bsr GetHexAdress
cmp.w #08,d0 ;segmente 0-7
bcc FrageZeichen
lsl.w #3,d0
move.w d0,d7
bsr GetHexAdress
move.l d0,OutPutStart(a4)
tst.l AllocSegs(a4,d7.w)
beq.s SegmentUnUsed
bsr DeAllocSeg
SegmentUnUsed bsr SearchNextChar
beq.s AllocGeneral
cmp.b #"C",d0
beq.s DoAllocChip
cmp.b #"F",d0
beq.s DoAllocFast
cmp.b #"P",d0
beq.s DoAllocPublic
bsr GetHexNum
beq FrageZeichen
move.l d0,OutPutStop(a4)
move.l OutPutStart(a4),a1
CALL AllocAbs
tst.l d0
beq MemoryError
move.l d0,AllocSegs(a4,d7.w)
move.l OutPutStop(a4),AllocLength(a4,d7.w)
bra EmptyLine
DoAllocFast move.l #MEMF_FAST,d1
bra.s AllocGen2
DoAllocChip move.l #MEMF_CHIP,d1
bra.s AllocGen2
DoAllocPublic ;
AllocGeneral move.l #MEMF_PUBLIC,d1
AllocGen2 move.l OutPutStart(a4),d0
CALL AllocMem
tst.l d0
beq MemoryError
move.l d0,AllocSegs(a4,d7.w)
move.l OutPutStart(a4),AllocLength(a4,d7.w)
bra EmptyLine
MemoryError lea MemError(pc),a2
bsr PrintText
bra EmptyLine
DeAllocSeg move.l $0004.w,a6
move.l AllocSegs(a4,d7.w),d1
beq.s NoDeAlloc
move.l AllocLength(a4,d7.w),d0
cmp.l #-1,d0
beq.s UnLoadSegment
move.l d1,a1
CALL FreeMem
ClearFromMM clr.l AllocSegs(a4,d7.w)
clr.l AllocLength(a4,d7.w)
NoDeAlloc rts
UnLoadSegment move.l DosBase(a4),a6
CALL UnLoadSeg
bra.s ClearFromMM
FreeSegment bsr GetHexAdress
cmp.w #$08,d0
bcc FrageZeichen
move.l d0,d7
lsl.w #3,d7
bsr DeAllocSeg
bra EmptyLine
SegmentList bsr SearchNextChar
beq.s TotalList
bsr GetHexAdress
cmp.w #$08,d0
bcc FrageZeichen
lea SegTxt2(pc),a2
bsr PrintText
move.l d0,d7
lsl.w #3,d7
tst.l AllocLength(a4,d7.w)
bmi.s SpecialList
bsr OneSegLine
bra EmptyLine
SpecialList move.l AllocSegs(a4,d7.w),d0
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,a2
moveq.l #0,d6
NextADLine bsr PrintReturn
move.w d6,d1
bsr PrintHex
bsr PrintSpace
move.l a2,d0
addq #4,d0
bsr PrintLong
bsr PrintSpace
move.l -4(a2),d0
bsr PrintLong
move.l (a2),d0
beq.s LastSegment
lsl.l #2,d0
addq #1,d6
move.l d0,a2
bsr TestBreak2
bra.s NextADLine
LastSegment bra EmptyLine
TotalList lea SegTxt2(pc),a2
bsr PrintText
moveq.l #0,d7
PrintSegs bsr OneSegLine
addq #8,d7
cmp.l #8*8,d7
bcs.s PrintSegs
bra EmptyLine
OneSegLine bsr PrintReturn
move.l d7,d1
lsr.w #3,d1
bsr PrintHex
bsr PrintSpace
move.l AllocSegs(a4,d7.w),d0
tst.l AllocLength(a4,d7.w)
bpl.s NormalSeg
addq.l #1,d0
lsl.l #2,d0
bsr PrintLong
lea SegTxt(pc),a2
bsr PrintText
bra.s SpecialSeg
NormalSeg bsr PrintLong
bsr PrintSpace
move.l AllocLength(a4,d7.w),d0
bsr PrintLong
SpecialSeg rts
AmDosLoad addq #1,d5
bsr SearchNextChar
beq FrageZeichen
bsr GetNameToBuffer
bsr GetHexAdress
cmp.w #$08,d0
bcc FrageZeichen
move.l d0,d7
lsl.w #3,d7
bsr DeAllocSeg
move.l FindBuffer(a4),d1
move.l DosBase(a4),a6
CALL LoadSeg
tst.l d0
beq DiskError2_
move.l d0,AllocSegs(a4,d7.w)
move.l #-1,AllocLength(a4,d7.w)
bra EmptyLine
PrintThatText bsr GetHexAdress
move.l d0,a2
PrintLimited move.b (a2)+,d0
beq.s EndeOfText
cmp.b #$c0,d0
bcs.s TakeNN
sub.b #$20,d0
TakeNN bsr Print
bsr TestBreak2
bra.s PrintLimited
EndeOfText bra EmptyLine
InsertText subq #1,d0
InsertString1 move.b (a0)+,(a3)+
dbf d0,InsertString1
clr.b (a3)+
;*** Error und Ausnahmeroutinen ***
InitVektors tst.w PatchFlag(a4)
beq.s StopTHAT
lea $08.w,a0
add.l VBRreg,a0
lea Vektors(pc),a1
move.w #$09,d1
MakeAntiGuru tst.l (a1)
beq.s LeaveOut
move.l (a0),d0
move.l (a1),(a0)
move.l d0,(a1)
LeaveOut tst.l (a0)+
tst.l (a1)+
dbf d1,MakeAntiGuru
StopTHAT rts
FrageZeichen move.l BaseStack(a4),a7
mulu FontX(a4),d5 ;Weil Zeiger im Textspeicher
bsr TextFlush
move.l d5,d0
bsr SetCursorX
bsr CursorRight
move.b #"?",d0
bsr Print
bra EmptyLine
Guru2 move.w #2,d1
bra.s AllGuru
Guru3 move.w #3,d1
bra.s AllGuru
Guru4 move.w #4,d1
bra.s AllGuru
Guru5 move.w #5,d1
bra.s AllGuru
Guru6 move.w #6,d1
bra.s AllGuru
Guru7 move.w #7,d1
bra.s AllGuru
Guru8 move.w #8,d1
bra.s AllGuru
Guru9 move.w #9,d1
bra.s AllGuru
Gurua move.w #$a,d1
bra.s AllGuru
Gurub move.w #$b,d1
AllGuru move.l ZeroPageMem,a4
move.l WDRastPort(a4),a5
lea ExceptionTX(pc),a2
bsr PrintText
bsr PrintHex
lea AtTEXT(pc),a2
bsr PrintText
move.l 2(sp),d0
bsr PrintLong
bsr PrintSpace
;move.l USP,a0
;move.l (a0),d0
;bsr PrintLong
;bsr PrintSpace
move.l $0004.w,a6
move.l ThisTask(a6),a0
move.l OwnTask(a4),ThisTask(a6)
bsr GetTaskInfo
tst.w (sp)+
tst.l (sp)+
move.w #0,SR
move.l BaseStack(a4),a7
move.l IntBase(a4),a6
move.l MainWindow(a4),a0
move.l wd_WScreen,a0
CALL ScreenToFront
move.l MainWindow(a4),a0
CALL WindowToFront
bra EmptyLine
GotoCommand bsr SearchNextChar
beq.s NoFixAdress
bsr GetHexAdress
and.l #$fffffffe,d0
move.l d0,PCregister
NoFixAdress move.l PCregister,StartJsr+2
lea ChangeMon1(pc),a5
move.l $0004.w,a6
move.l USPstack,a0
move.l a7,USPstack
move.l a0,a7
jmp _LVOSupervisor(a6)
ChangeMon1 tst.l (a7)+
tst.w (a7)+
move.l SSPstack,a0
move.l a7,SSPstack
move.l a0,a7
move.w SRregister,d0
move.w SR,d1
and.w #$dfff,d0 ;Supervisor off!
move.w d0,SR
move.w d1,SRregister
movem.l RegisterSave,d0-d7/a0-a7
StartJsr jsr $fffffff0.l
movem.l d0-d7/a0-a7,RegisterSave
move.l $0004.w,a6
lea ChangeMon2(pc),a5
jmp _LVOSupervisor(a6)
ChangeMon2 move.w (sp),d1
tst.l (a7)+
tst.w (a7)+
move.l SSPstack,a0
move.l a7,SSPstack
move.l a0,a7
move.w SRregister,d0
and.w #$dfff,d0 ;clear supervisor
move.w d0,SR
move.w d1,SRregister
move.l USPstack,a0
move.l a7,USPstack
move.l a0,a7
move.l ZeroPageMem,a4
bra EmptyLine
BreakCommand bsr GetHexAdress
and.l #$fffffffe,d0
move.l d0,a0
move.w (a0),RememberTrap(a4)
move.l a0,RememberAdress(a4)
move.w #$4e4f,(a0) ;Trap #15
cmp.w #$4e4f,(a0) ;ROM ?
bne FrageZeichen
lea $bc.w,a2
add.l VBRreg,a2
move.l #BreakBack,ComeBackToMe
bra ExecuteTrace
BreakBack sub.l #2,PCregister
move.l RememberAdress(a4),a0
move.w RememberTrap(a4),(a0)
bra RegisterComm
TraceCommand move.l VBRreg,a0
move.l $24(a0),TraceSave
bsr SearchNextChar
beq TracePC
bsr GetHexAdress
and.l #$fffffffe,d0
move.l d0,PCregister
lea TraceStartText(pc),a2
bsr PrintText
TracePC RSave
bsr PrintReturn
move.l PCregister,a0
bsr PrintDisLine
bsr TextFlush
WaitOnT bsr WaitForKey
cmp.b #$0a,d0 ;Naechsten Befehl ausführen
beq DoNextLine
cmp.b #"r",d0 ;Register anzeigen
beq RegisterSpec
cmp.b #"x",d0 ;Trace Beenden
beq ExitTrace
cmp.b #"j",d0 ;Jsr ausführen
beq.s JsrTracer
cmp.b #"g",d0
beq GotoTrace
cmp.b #"n",d0 ;Einen Befehl überspringen
bne.s WaitOnT
move.l PCregister,a0
add.l d7,a0
JsrTrace2 move.w (a0),RememberTrap(a4)
move.l a0,RememberAdress(a4)
move.w #$4e4f,(a0) ;Trap #15
cmp.w #$4e4f,(a0) ;ROM ?
bne.s WaitOnT
lea $bc.w,a2
add.l VBRreg,a2
move.l (a2),OLDTRAP15(a4)
move.l #TraceBack2,ComeBackToMe
bra ExecuteTrace
TraceBack2 move.l VBRreg,a0
move.l OLDTRAP15(a4),$bc(a0)
sub.l #2,PCregister
move.l RememberAdress(a4),a0
move.w RememberTrap(a4),(a0)
bra TracePC
JsrTracer lea $24.w,a2
add.l VBRreg,a2
or.w #$8000,SRregister ;TraceModeOn
move.l #TraceBack3,ComeBackToMe
bra ExecuteTrace
TraceBack3 move.l VBRreg,a0
move.l TraceSave,$24(a0)
move.l USPstack,a0
move.l (a0),a0
bra JsrTrace2
GotoTrace RLoad
bra NoFixAdress
RegisterSpec bsr PrintRegister
bsr TextFlush
bra WaitOnT
DoNextLine RLoad
lea $24.w,a2
add.l VBRreg,a2
or.w #$8000,SRregister ;TraceModeOn
move.l #TraceBack,ComeBackToMe
bra ExecuteTrace
TraceBack move.l VBRreg,a0
move.l TraceSave,$24(a0)
bra TracePC
ExitTrace RLoad
bra EmptyLine
ExecuteTrace move.l $0004.w,a6
lea ChangeMon1br(pc),a5
move.l USPstack,a0
move.l a7,USPstack
move.l a0,a7
jmp _LVOSupervisor(a6)
ChangeMon1br tst.l (a7)+
tst.w (a7)+
move.l SSPstack,a0
move.l a7,SSPstack
move.l a0,a7
move.l PCregister,-(a7)
move.w SRregister,-(a7)
move.w SR,d1
move.w d1,SRregister
move.l #ReturnToMon,(a2)
movem.l RegisterSave,d0-d7/a0-a6
ReturnToMon movem.l d0-d7/a0-a7,RegisterSave
move.w (sp)+,d1
move.l (sp)+,PCregister
move.l SSPstack,a0
move.l a7,SSPstack
move.l a0,a7
move.l USP,a0
move.l a0,RegisterSave+60
move.l USPstack,a1
move.l a0,USPstack
move.w SRregister,d0
and.w #$0fff,d0 ;clear supervisor and trace
and.w #$7fff,d1
move.w d0,SR
move.w d1,SRregister
move.l a1,a7
move.l ZeroPageMem,a4
move.l WDRastPort(a4),a5
move.l ComeBackToMe,-(sp)
ComeBackToMe dc.l 0
RegisterComm bsr.s PrintRegister
bra EmptyLine
PrintRegister lea RegisterSave(pc),a0
move.w #"d",d2
bsr DoRegLine
move.w #"a",d2
bsr DoRegLine2
lea RegText(pc),a2
bsr PrintText
move.l USPstack,d0
bsr PrintLong
move.w #" ",d0
bsr Print
move.l SSPstack,d0
bsr PrintLong
move.w #" ",d0
bsr Print
move.l PCregister,d0
bsr PrintLong
bsr PrintSpace
move.w SRregister,d0
bra PrintBinaer16
DoRegLine move.w #"0",d3
bsr PrintReturn
DDPrinter2 move.w #6,d7
bsr PrintSpaces
move.w #"r",d0
bsr Print
move.w d3,d0
bsr Print
addq #1,d3
cmp.w #$38,d3
bcs.s DDPrinter2
DoRegLine2 bsr PrintReturn
move.w #".",d0
bsr Print
move.w #"'",d0
bsr Print
move.w d2,d0
bsr Print
move.w #" ",d0
bsr Print
move.w #7,d7
bra.s SkipFirstspace
AdressRegs move.b #" ",d0
bsr Print
SkipFirstspace move.l (a0)+,d0
bsr PrintLong
dbf d7,AdressRegs
PrintSpaces move.b #$20,d0
bsr Print
dbf d7,PrintSpaces
GetRegister bsr SearchNextChar
addq #1,d5
cmp.b #"d",d0
beq.s DataMaker
cmp.b #"a",d0
beq.s AdressMaker
cmp.b #"p",d0
bne FrageZeichen
ProcessMaker bsr SearchNextChar
beq EmptyLine
bsr GetHexNum
move.l d0,USPstack
bsr SearchNextChar
beq EmptyLine
bsr GetHexNum
move.l d0,SSPstack
bsr SearchNextChar
beq EmptyLine
bsr GetHexNum
move.l d0,PCregister
bsr SearchNextChar
beq EmptyLine
bsr GetBinNum
move.w d0,SRregister
bra EmptyLine
DataMaker lea RegisterSave(pc),a0
move.w #7,d7
DataM2 bsr SearchNextChar
beq EmptyLine
bsr GetHexNum
move.l d0,(a0)+
dbf d7,DataM2
bra EmptyLine
AdressMaker lea RegisterSave2(pc),a0
move.w #7,d7
AdrM2 bsr SearchNextChar
beq EmptyLine
bsr GetHexNum
move.l d0,(a0)+
dbf d7,AdrM2
bra EmptyLine
;*** TRANSFER ***
Transfer bsr GetStartAndEnd
move.l d0,a2
bsr GetHexAdress
move.l d0,a3 ;Ziel
move.l OutPutStart(a4),a0
move.w #$ff,d6
TransLoop move.b (a0)+,(a3)+
dbf d6,NoBreakTry4
bsr TestBreak
move.w #$ff,d6
NoBreakTry4 cmp.l a2,a0
bcs.s TransLoop
bra EmptyLine
;*** OCCUPY ***
Occupy bsr GetStartAndEnd
move.l FindBuffer(a4),a0
moveq.l #0,d7 ;Counter
moveq.l #0,d6 ;Actual Byte
ByteNotReady2 move.b (a1,d5),d0
cmp.b #" ",d0
bne.s CharFoundoc
addq #1,d5
cmp.w TextWidth2(a4),d5
bcs.s ByteNotReady2
bra.s StringTakeOver2
CharFoundoc bsr TestAdressG2
bne FrageZeichen
move.b (a1,d5),d3
moveq #1,d1 ;One Nibble
moveq.l #0,d0
bsr ConvertNibble
lsl.w #4,d6
or.w d0,d6 ;InsertNibble
lsl.w #4,d4
or.w #$0f,d4
addq #1,d7
btst #0,d7
bne.s ByteNotReady2
cmp.w #$20,d7
bcc.s StringTakeOver2
move.b d6,(a0)+
moveq.l #0,d6
bra.s ByteNotReady2
StringTakeOver2 btst #0,d7
beq.s JustFinishedB2
lsl.w #4,d6
move.b d6,(a0)+
addq #1,d7
JustFinishedB2 lsr.w #1,d7 ;Real Number of Bytes
move.l FindBuffer(a4),a1
move.l OutPutStart(a4),a0
OccupyOn2 move.w #$ff,d6
OccupyOn moveq.l #0,d1
OccupyThrough move.b (a1,d1),(a0)+
cmp.l OutPutStop(a4),a0
bcc EmptyLine
addq #1,d1
cmp.w d7,d1
bcs.s OccupyThrough
dbf d6,OccupyOn
bsr TestBreak
bra.s OccupyOn2
;*** FIND ***
FindSomething bsr SearchNextChar
beq FrageZeichen
cmp.b #"r",d0
beq FindRelative
clr.w SpecialFind(a4)
cmp.b #"d",d0
bne.s NormalFind
addq #1,d5
move.w #1,SpecialFind(a4)
NormalFind bsr GetStartAndEnd
move.l FindBuffer(a4),a0
move.l MaskBuffer(a4),a2
moveq.l #0,d7 ;Counter
moveq.l #0,d6 ;Actual Byte
moveq.l #0,d4 ;Actual Mask
ByteNotReady bsr SearchNextChar
beq.s StringTakeOver
CharFound bsr TestAdressG2
bne.s OtherCause
move.b (a1,d5),d3
moveq #1,d1 ;One Nibble
moveq.l #0,d0
bsr ConvertNibble
lsl.w #4,d6
or.w d0,d6 ;InsertNibble
lsl.w #4,d4
or.w #$0f,d4
bra.s NextNibble
OtherCause cmp.b #"*",(a1,d5)
beq.s JokerDO
cmp.b #$22,(a1,d5)
beq.s StringDo
cmp.b #"!",(a1,d5)
bne FrageZeichen
move.b (a1,d5),d0
bra.s StringTakeOver
StringDo addq #1,d5
StringLoopG move.b (a1,d5),d0
addq #1,d5
cmp.b #$22,d0
beq.s ByteNotReady
move.b d0,(a0)+
move.b #$ff,(a2)+
addq #2,d7
cmp.w #$30,d7
bcc.s StringTakeOver
bra.s StringLoopG
JokerDO addq #1,d5
Joker lsl.w #4,d6
lsl.w #4,d4
NextNibble addq #1,d7
btst #0,d7
bne.s ByteNotReady
cmp.w #$30,d7
bcc.s StringTakeOver
move.b d6,(a0)+
move.b d4,(a2)+
moveq.l #0,d6
moveq.l #0,d4
bra ByteNotReady
StringTakeOver btst #0,d7
beq.s JustFinishedB
lsl.w #4,d6
lsl.w #4,d4
move.b d6,(a0)+
move.b d4,(a2)+
addq #1,d7
JustFinishedB lsr.w #1,d7 ;Real Number of Bytes
move.l d0,-(sp)
bsr PrintReturn
move.l (sp)+,d0
move.l FindBuffer(a4),a1
move.l MaskBuffer(a4),a2
move.l OutPutStart(a4),a0
move.w #$ff,d6
cmp.b #"!",d0
beq.s NotSearch
CompareOn moveq.l #0,d1
CompareThrough move.b (a0,d1),d0
and.b (a2,d1),d0
cmp.b (a1,d1),d0
bne.s NotFound
addq #1,d1
cmp.w d7,d1
bcs.s CompareThrough
tst.w SpecialFind(a4)
beq.s NormalFind2
move.l a0,d0
btst #0,d0
bne.s NotFound
bsr PrepareForLine
bsr PrintDisLine
bsr TextFlush
bsr WaitForKey
cmp.b #$03,d0
beq EmptyLine
bra.s NotFound
NormalFind2 bsr PrintSpace
bsr PrintSpace
move.l a0,d0
bsr PrintLong
bsr TextFlush
bsr TestBreakDown
NotFound addq.l #1,a0
dbf d6,NoBreakTry
bsr TestBreak
move.w #$ff,d6
NoBreakTry cmp.l OutPutStop(a4),a0
bcs.s CompareOn
bra EmptyLine
NotSearch moveq.l #0,d1
CompareThrough3 move.b (a0,d1),d0
and.b (a2,d1),d0
cmp.b (a1,d1),d0
beq.s NotFoundxx
addq #1,d1
cmp.w d7,d1
bcs.s CompareThrough3
bsr PrintSpace
bsr PrintSpace
move.l a0,d0
bsr PrintLong
NotFoundxx addq.l #1,a0
dbf d6,NoBreakTry2
bsr TestBreak
move.w #$ff,d6
NoBreakTry2 cmp.l OutPutStop(a4),a0
bcs.s NotSearch
bra EmptyLine
FindRelative addq #1,d5
bsr GetStartAndEnd
bsr GetHexAdress
move.l d0,d6
move.l OutPutStart(a4),d0
and.l #$fffffffe,d0
move.l d0,a0
bsr PrintReturn
move.w #$ff,d4
FRelLoop move.w (a0),d0
ext.l d0
add.l a0,d0
cmp.l d6,d0
bne.s NoRelFound
bsr PrintSpace
bsr PrintSpace
move.l a0,d0
bsr PrintLong
bsr TestBreakDown
NoRelFound dbf d4,NoBreakTry3
bsr TestBreak
move.w #$ff,d4
NoBreakTry3 tst.w (a0)+
cmp.l OutPutStop(a4),a0
bcs.s FRelLoop
bra EmptyLine
TestBreakDown Push d0-d1
clr.l d0
clr.l d1
move.w rp_cp_x(a5),d0
divu FontX(a4),d0
move.w TextWidth2(a4),d1
sub.w #10,d1
cmp.w d0,d1
bcc.s CarrRet
move.b #$0a,d0
bsr Print
bsr TestBreak
CarrRet Pull d0-d1
;*** COMPARE ***
CompareSth bsr GetStartAndEnd
bsr SearchNextChar
beq FrageZeichen
bsr GetHexAdress
move.l d0,a0
move.l OutPutStart(a4),a1
move.w #$ff,d6
bsr PrintReturn
CompareThrough2 move.b (a1),d0
cmp.b (a0)+,d0
bne.s CompareFound
CompT2 tst.b (a1)+
dbf d6,NoBreakTry5
bsr TestBreak
move.w #$ff,d6
NoBreakTry5 cmp.l OutPutStop(a4),a1
bcs.s CompareThrough2
bra EmptyLine
CompareFound bsr PrintSpace
bsr PrintSpace
move.l a1,d0
bsr PrintLong
bsr TestBreakDown
bra.s CompT2
; *** Memory - Befehle ***
BMemory move.w TextHeight(a4),d6
subq #1,d6
lsl.w #4,d6
bsr GetScrollParas
bmi ReKey
move.l d0,d1
move.b #$0c,d0
bsr Print
move.l a0,d0
cmp.l d0,d1
bcc RightBMem
exg.l d0,d1
RightBMem move.l d0,a0
move.l d1,OutPutStop(a4)
bra PrintNextLine2
SMemory move.w #$10,d6
bsr GetScrollParas
bmi.s ReKey2
bsr PrintMemLine
ReKey2 rts
MemoryBefehl bsr GetThemTwo
PrintNextLine bsr PrintReturn
moveq.l #0,d4
PrintNextLine2 tst.l d4
bpl.s NoOverJ
moveq.l #0,d4
lea $10(a0),a0
add.l #$10,OutPutStop(a4)
NoOverJ bsr PrintMemLine
bsr TestBreak
cmp.l OutPutStop(a4),a0
bcs.s PrintNextLine
bra EmptyLine
PrintMemLine move.w #".",d0
bsr Print
move.w #":",d0
bsr Print
move.l a0,d0
bsr PrintLong
moveq.l #0,d4
MemOutDo move.w (a0,d4),d0
bsr PrintWord
addq #2,d4
cmp.w #$10,d4
bcs.s MemOutDo
move.w #$0f,d4
bra CharPartd4
ChangeMemory bsr GetHexAdress
and.l #$fffffffe,d0
moveq #$0f,d4
move.l d0,a2
move.l d0,a0
ChangMem2 bsr SearchNextChar
beq RePrintLine
bsr GetHexByte
beq FrageZeichen
move.b d0,(a2)+
dbf d4,ChangMem2
RePrintLine move.b #$0d,d0
bsr Print
bsr PrintMemLine
bra EmptyLine
; *** ASCII - OUTPUT ***
BASCII move.w TextHeight(a4),d6
subq #1,d6
lsl.w #6,d6
bsr GetScrollParas
bmi ReKey
move.l d0,d1
move.b #$0c,d0
bsr Print
move.l a0,d0
cmp.l d0,d1
bcc RightBMem2
exg.l d0,d1
RightBMem2 move.l d0,a0
move.l d1,OutPutStop(a4)
bra PrintNextAline2
SASCII move.w #$40,d6
bsr GetScrollParas
bmi.s ReKey3
bsr PrintASCIILine
ReKey3 rts
ASCIIOutput bsr GetThemTwo
PrintNextAline bsr PrintReturn
moveq.l #0,d4
PrintNextAline2 tst.l d4
bpl.s NoOverJ2
moveq.l #0,d4
lea $40(a0),a0
add.l #$40,OutPutStop(a4)
NoOverJ2 bsr PrintASCIILine
bsr TestBreak
cmp.l OutPutStop(a4),a0
bcs.s PrintNextAline
bra EmptyLine
PrintASCIILine move.w #".",d0
bsr Print
move.w #";",d0
bsr Print
move.l a0,d0
bsr PrintLong
move.w #$3f,d4
bra CharPartd4
CharPartd4 bsr PrintSpace
CharacLoop move.b (a0)+,d0
cmp.b #$a0,d0
bcc.s NormPrint
cmp.b #$20,d0
bcs.s UnNormPrint
cmp.b #$7f,d0
bcs.s NormPrint
UnNormPrint move.b #$2e,d0
NormPrint bsr Print
dbf d4,CharacLoop
;*** WRITE ***
WriteASCII bsr GetHexAdress
move.l d0,a2
bsr GetTextString
beq FrageZeichen
subq #1,d0
InsertString move.b (a0)+,(a2)+
dbf d0,InsertString
bsr PrintReturn
move.l a2,d0
bsr PrintLong
bra EmptyLine
;*** Allgemeine Unterroutinen ***
;back: d1: negative = up, positive = down
GetScrollParas move.b #$0d,d0
bsr Print
bsr SearchNextChar
beq.s ReKeyx2
bsr GetHexNum
beq.s ReKeyx2
move.l d4,-(sp)
and.l #$fffffffe,d0
muls d6,d4
move.l d4,d1
add.l d0,d4
move.l d4,a0
move.l d4,OutPutStop(a4)
moveq.l #0,d4
OtherO movem.l (sp)+,d4
ReKeyx2 moveq.l #-1,d4
bra.s OtherO
GetNameToBuffer bsr SearchNextChar
beq FrageZeichen
bsr GetTextString
beq FrageZeichen
move.l FindBuffer(a4),a3
bra InsertText
GetThemTwo2 clr.b Uncontrolled(a4)
clr.l OutPutStop(a4)
bsr GetHexAdress
and.l #$fffffffe,d0
move.l d0,OutPutStart(a4)
bsr SearchNextChar
beq.s MemoryDo
cmp.b #"!",d0
beq.s UncontLine
bsr GetHexNum
move.l d0,OutPutStop(a4)
bsr SearchNextChar
cmp.b #"!",d0
bne.s MemoryDo
UncontLine move.b #1,Uncontrolled(a4)
bra.s MemoryDo
GetThemTwo bsr GetHexAdress
and.l #$fffffffe,d0
move.l d0,OutPutStart(a4)
bsr SearchNextChar
beq.s OnlyOneLine
bsr GetHexAdress
move.l d0,OutPutStop(a4)
bra.s MemoryDo
OnlyOneLine move.l OutPutStart(a4),OutPutStop(a4)
MemoryDo move.l OutPutStart(a4),a0
GetStartAndEnd bsr GetHexAdress
move.l d0,OutPutStart(a4)
bsr SearchNextChar
beq FrageZeichen
bsr GetHexAdress
move.l d0,OutPutStop(a4)
GetTextString bsr SearchNextChar
move.l a1,a0
cmp.b #$22,d0 ;Anführungszeichen
bne.s NoQuotation
addq #1,d5
add.l d5,a0
move.l d5,d2
StringNotOver move.b (a1,d5),d0
cmp.b #$22,d0
beq.s EndeDesStrings
cmp.b #$0a,d0
beq.s EndeDesStrings
addq #1,d5
cmp.w TextWidth2(a4),d5
bcs.s StringNotOver
bra FrageZeichen
EndeDesStrings move.w d5,d0
sub.w d2,d0
addq #1,d5
tst.w d0
NoQuotation add.l d5,a0
move.l d5,d2
StringNO2 move.b (a1,d5),d0
cmp.b #$20,d0
beq.s EndeDesStrings
cmp.b #$0a,d0
beq.s EndeDesStrings
addq #1,d5
cmp.w TextWidth2(a4),d5
bcs.s StringNO2
bra FrageZeichen
SearchFirstChar Push a0
bsr GetTextPos
move.l a0,a1
Pull a0
moveq.l #0,d5
SearchNextChar move.l d5,d2
LineNotOver move.b (a1,d5),d0
cmp.b #$20,d0
beq.s NextChar
cmp.b #$2e,d0
beq.s NextChar
tst.b d0
NextChar addq #1,d5
cmp.w TextWidth2(a4),d5
bcs.s LineNotOver
move.l d2,d5
moveq.l #0,d0
SearchCodea0 moveq.l #0,d1
CodeRoutine tst.b (a0)
beq.s NoCode
cmp.b (a0)+,d0
beq.s CodeFound
addq #1,d1
bra.s CodeRoutine
CodeFound lsl.w #2,d1
tst.b d0
NoCode rts
;*** Exit Befehl ***
EndeDesPrg bsr CloseHelp2
tst.l OutDHandle(a4)
beq.s NoClose2
move.l DosBase(a4),a6
move.l OutDHandle(a4),d1
CALL Close
NoClose2 tst.l BatchHandle(a4)
beq.s EndeDes2
move.l DosBase(a4),a6
move.l BatchHandle(a4),d1
CALL Close
EndeDes2 moveq.l #0,d7
FreeAll bsr DeAllocSeg
addq #8,d7
cmp.l #8*8,d7
bcs.s FreeAll
bsr InitVektors
Error3 bsr CloseDisplay
ErrorScreen move.l $0004.w,a6
tst.l DislibBase(a4)
beq.s NoDislib
move.l DislibBase(a4),a1
CALL CloseLibrary
NoDislib move.l IntBase(a4),a1
CALL CloseLibrary
move.l GraphicsBase(a4),a6
tst.w FontOpen(a4)
beq.s Error1
move.l FontBase(a4),a1
CALL CloseFont
Error1 move.l GraphicsBase(a4),a1
move.l $0004.w,a6
CALL CloseLibrary
lea IORequest(a4),a1
move.l $0004.w,a6
CALL CloseDevice
ErrorTotal move.l BaseStack(a4),a7
move.l WBMessage(a4),d2
move.l ReturnCode(a4),d3
move.l ZeroSpeicher,a1
move.l #GesLen,d0
CALL FreeMem
ErrorTotal2 tst.l d2 ; WB-Start?
beq.s FromCLI
move.l d2,a1
move.l $0004.w,a6
CALL Forbid
CALL ReplyMsg
FromCLI move.l $0004.w,a6
lea DosName(pc),a1
moveq #0,d0
CALL OpenLibrary
tst.l d0
beq.s .NoDos
move.l ThisTask(a6),a0
move.l d0,d6
exg d6,a6
move.l pr_CurrentDir(a0),d1
move.l a6,a1
move.l d6,a6
CALL CloseLibrary
.NoDos move.l d3,d0
CloseDisplay tst.l TextScreen(a4)
beq.s Error2_1
move.l TextScreen(a4),a1
move.l TextSize(a4),d0
move.l $0004.w,a6
CALL FreeMem
clr.l TextScreen(a4)
Error2_1 tst.l MainWindow(a4)
beq.s Error2
move.l IntBase(a4),a6
move.l MainWindow(a4),a0
CALL ClearMenuStrip
move.l MainWindow(a4),a0
bsr RemoveSignal
CALL CloseWindow
clr.l MainWindow(a4)
Error2 rts
OpenMyFont move.l a0,d5
move.l $0004.w,a6
lea GraphicsName(pc),a1
moveq.l #0,d0
CALL OpenLibrary
move.l d0,GraphicsBase(a4)
move.l d0,a6
move.l d5,d0
tst.b NewFontName(a4)
beq TakeThisFont
lea NewFontName(a4),a0
move.l a0,FontDefs
move.w NewFontSize(a4),FontSize
NoInsertNewF move.l $0004,a6
lea DiskFontName(pc),a1
moveq.l #0,d0
CALL OpenLibrary
move.l d0,a6
beq.s TryOrdinary
lea FontDefs(pc),a0
CALL OpenDiskFont
move.l d0,FontBase(a4)
move.l a6,a1
move.l $0004,a6
CALL CloseLibrary
move.l GraphicsBase(a4),a6
move.l FontBase(a4),d0
bne FontIsOk
bra.s ReTakeTopaz2
TryOrdinary lea FontDefs(pc),a0
CALL OpenFont
move.l d0,FontBase(a4)
bne FontIsOk
ReTakeTopaz2 bset #0,SetError(a4)
ReTakeTopaz lea FontName(pc),a0
move.l a0,FontDefs
move.w #8,FontSize
bra.s TryOrdinary
FontIsOk move.w #1,FontOpen(a4)
move.l d0,a0
btst.b #FPB_PROPORTIONAL,tf_Flags(a0)
beq.s TakeThisFont
bset #1,SetError(a4)
ScreenErrorF tst.w FontOpen(a4)
beq.s ReTakeTopaz
move.l d0,a1
CALL CloseFont
clr.w FontOpen(a4)
bra.s ReTakeTopaz
TakeThisFont move.l d0,a0
move.w tf_YSize(a0),FontY(a4)
move.w tf_XSize(a0),FontX(a4)
move.w tf_Baseline(a0),Y0Pos(a4)
move.w FontY(a4),d0
sub.w tf_Baseline(a0),d0
move.w d0,Y0Rest(a4)
OpenDisplay move.l IntuitionBase(a4),a6
tst.b PubName(a4)
beq.s OpenWB
tst.w V36OK(a4)
beq.s OpenWB
lea PubName(a4),a0
CALL LockPubScreen
tst.l d0
beq.s OpenWB
move.l d0,WD_Screen
move.l d0,WD_Screen2
OpenWB lea WindowDefs(pc),a0
CALL OpenWindow
move.l d0,MainWindow(a4)
Push d0/a0-a1
tst.l WD_Screen
beq.s DontUnlock
move.l WD_Screen,a1
sub.l a0,a0
CALL UnlockPubScreen
DontUnlock Pull d0/a0-a1
tst.l d0
beq Error3
move.l d0,a0
move.l wd_WScreen(a0),a1
move.w sc_Width(a1),wd_MaxWidth(a0)
move.w sc_Height(a1),wd_MaxHeight(a0)
move.l sc_Font(a1),ScreenFont(a4)
move.l wd_RPort(a0),a1
move.l rp_Font(a1),a0
move.l a0,FontBase(a4)
bsr OpenMyFont
move.w FontX(a4),d0
mulu #76,d0 ;78 Zeichen solltens schon sein
add.w #24,d0 ;RAND
cmp.w wd_MaxWidth(a0),d0
ble.s ScreenReicht
move.l GraphicsBase(a4),a6
bset #3,SetError(a4)
move.l FontBase(a4),d0
bsr ScreenErrorF
move.w FontX(a4),d0
mulu #76,d0
add.w #24,d0 ;RAND
ScreenReicht move.w d0,d6
cmp.w wd_Width(a0),d0
bcs.s WidthIsOk
sub.w wd_Width(a0),d0
clr.l d1
CALL SizeWindow
move.l $0004,a6
NotThat2 move.l MainWindow(a4),a0
move.l wd_UserPort(a0),a0
CALL WaitPort
move.l MainWindow(a4),a0
move.l wd_UserPort(a0),a0
tst.l d0
beq NotThat2
move.l d0,a1
CALL ReplyMsg
WidthIsOk move.w d6,wd_MinWidth(a0)
lea WindowDefs2(pc),a2
move.w wd_Width(a0),d0
move.w d0,nw_Width(a2)
move.w d0,nw_MinWidth(a2)
move.w d0,nw_MaxWidth(a2)
move.w FontY(a4),d0
mulu #24,d0
add.w #16,d0
move.w d0,nw_Height(a2)
move.w d0,nw_MinHeight(a2)
move.w d0,nw_MaxHeight(a2)
bsr SetupScreen
move.l wd_RPort(a0),WDRastPort(a4)
move.l WDRastPort(a4),a5
bsr EnterSignal
move.l a0,-(sp)
move.l a5,a1
move.l FontBase(a4),a0
move.l GraphicsBase(a4),a6
CALL SetFont
move.l FontBase(a4),a0
lea FirstItem(pc),a2
bsr RepairMenues
lea HelpItem(pc),a2
bsr RepairMenues
move.l (sp)+,a0
move.l IntuitionBase(a4),a6
lea FirstMenu(pc),a1
CALL SetMenuStrip
move.l $0004.w,a6
moveq.l #0,d0
move.l MainWindow(a4),a0
move.w wd_MaxWidth(a0),d0
divu FontX(a4),d0
move.w d0,TextWidth(a4)
move.w wd_MaxHeight(a0),d1
divu FontY(a4),d1
mulu d1,d0
move.l d0,TextSize(a4)
move.l #MEMF_CLEAR,d1
CALL AllocMem
move.l d0,TextScreen(a4)
beq Error3
bsr ShowInsMode
RepairMenues move.l ScreenFont(a4),a0
CALL OpenFont
move.l d0,a1
move.w tf_XSize(a1),d3
move.w tf_YSize(a1),d4
sub.w tf_Baseline(a1),d4
add.w tf_YSize(a1),d4
ManageMenues move.w 6(a2),d1
mulu d4,d1
move.w d1,6(a2) ;Position
move.w d4,10(a2) ;Height
move.w 8(a2),d1
mulu d3,d1
move.w d1,8(a2)
move.l (a2),a2
cmp.l #0,a2
bne.s ManageMenues
CALL CloseFont
;******* Zahlenunterroutinen ******
bsr SearchNextChar
TestAdressG2 cmp.b #"a",d0
bcc.s BuchSTT
cmp.b #"0",d0
bcs.s Ungueltig
cmp.b #"9"+1,d0
bcc.s Ungueltig
BuchSTTok moveq.l #0,d0
BuchSTT cmp.b #"g",d0
bcs.s BuchSTTok
Ungueltig moveq #1,d0
GetHexAdress bsr SearchNextChar
beq FrageZeichen
cmp.b #"^",d0
beq.s ScanVar
cmp.b #"&",d0
beq.s ScanRela
bsr.s GetHexNum
beq FrageZeichen
ScanVar move.l a0,-(sp)
addq #1,d5
bsr GetVarVal
move.l (sp)+,a0
ScanRela move.l a0,-(sp)
addq #1,d5
bsr GetHexNumAdr
move.l (sp)+,a0
GetHexNum moveq.l #0,d0
moveq.l #0,d1
GetHexNum2 move.b (a1,d5),d3
cmp.b #" ",d3
beq.s StringOver
cmp.b #"A",d3
bcc.s BuchStb
cmp.b #"0",d3
bcs.s StringOver
cmp.b #"9"+1,d3
bcc.s StringOver
sub.b #"0",d3
bra.s Puttin
BuchStb cmp.b #"G",d3
bcc.s TakeTwo
sub.b #"A"-10,d3
Puttin lsl.l #4,d0
or.b d3,d0
addq #1,d1
addq #1,d5
bra.s GetHexNum2
StringOver tst.l d1
TakeTwo cmp.b #"a",d3
bcs.s StringOver
cmp.b #"g",d3
bcc.s StringOver
sub.b #"a"-10,d3
bra.s Puttin
GetHexByte moveq.l #0,d0
moveq.l #0,d1
GetHexByte2 move.b (a1,d5),d3
cmp.b #" ",d3
beq.s StringOver3
ConvertNibble cmp.b #"a",d3
bcc.s BuchStb2
cmp.b #"0",d3
bcs.s StringOver3
cmp.b #"9"+1,d3
bcc.s StringOver3
sub.b #"0",d3
bra.s Puttin2
BuchStb2 cmp.b #"g",d3
bcc.s StringOver3
sub.b #$57,d3
Puttin2 lsl.l #4,d0
or.b d3,d0
addq #1,d1
addq #1,d5
cmp.w #$02,d1
bcs.s GetHexByte2
StringOver3 tst.l d1
GetDezNum moveq.l #0,d0
moveq.l #0,d1
moveq.l #0,d2
GetDezNr move.b (a1,d5),d1
cmp.b #"0",d1
bcs StringOver2
cmp.b #"9"+1,d1
bcc StringOver2
sub.w #$30,d1
movem.l d1-d5,-(sp)
move.l #$0a,d1
bsr Mult32Bit
movem.l (sp)+,d1-d5
add.l d1,d0
addq #1,d5
addq #1,d2
bra.s GetDezNr
StringOver2 rts
GetBinNum moveq.l #0,d1
GetBinLoop bsr SearchNextChar
beq.s NumOver
lsl.l #1,d1
cmp.b #"0",d0
beq.s PutNone
cmp.b #"1",d0
bne.s NumOver
bset #0,d1
PutNone addq #1,d5
bra.s GetBinLoop
NumOver move.l d1,d0
PrintHex move.b d1,d2
lsr.b #4,d1
bsr.s GetNibble
move.l d1,d0
bsr Print
move.b d2,d1
and.b #$0f,d1
bsr.s GetNibble
move.l d1,d0
bra Print
GetNibble cmp.b #$0a,d1
bcs.s Number
add.b #"a"-$0a,d1
Number add.b #$30,d1
PrintWord move.w d0,d3
bsr PrintSpace
PrintWordN move.l d1,-(sp)
move.w d3,d1
lsr.w #8,d1
bsr PrintHex
move.w d3,d1
bsr PrintHex
move.l (sp)+,d1
PrintLong movem.l a0/d0-d2,-(sp)
move.l d0,LongTween(a4)
moveq.l #0,d1
lea LongTween(a4),a0
move.b 0(a0),d1
bsr PrintHex
move.b 1(a0),d1
bsr PrintHex
move.b 2(a0),d1
bsr PrintHex
move.b 3(a0),d1
bsr PrintHex
movem.l (sp)+,a0/d0-d2
PrintLongWithout movem.l a0/d0-d2,-(sp)
move.l d3,LongTween(a4)
moveq.l #0,d1
lea LongTween(a4),a0
move.b 0(a0),d1
beq.s PLW1
bsr PrintHex
PLW1 move.b 1(a0),d1
tst.w 0(a0)
beq.s PLW2
bsr PrintHex
PLW2 move.b 2(a0),d1
bne.s PLW3
tst.w 0(a0)
beq.s PLW4
PLW3 bsr PrintHex
PLW4 move.b 3(a0),d1
bsr PrintHex
movem.l (sp)+,a0/d0-d2
PrintBinaer16 move.w #15,d1
swap d0
bra.s PrintBinaerAll
PrintBinaer32 move.w #31,d1
PrintBinaerAll move.l d0,d2
PrintBinaerLoop move.w #"0",d0
lsl.l #1,d2
bcc.s PrintAZero
move.w #"1",d0
PrintAZero bsr Print
dbf d1,PrintBinaerLoop
PrintDezimal lea DezTab(pc),a0
move.l d0,d1
tst.l d0
bpl.s PrDez0
move.b #"-",d0
bsr Print
neg.l d1
PrDez0 moveq.l #0,d4 ;leading zeroes
PrDez moveq.l #0,d0
move.l (a0)+,d2
beq.s DivEnde
move.l d1,d3
PrDez2 sub.l d2,d3
bmi.s ZifferOver
move.l d3,d1
addq #1,d0
bra.s PrDez2
ZifferOver tst.w d0
bne.s PrintAnyWay
tst.w d4
beq.s PrDez
PrintAnyWay moveq #1,d4
add.w #$30,d0
bsr Print
bra.s PrDez
DivEnde tst.w d4
bne.s DivE2
move.b #"0",d0
bsr Print
DivE2 rts
DezTab dc.l 1000000000,100000000,10000000,1000000,100000,10000,1000,100,10,1,0
;****************** Dissassembler *****************
BDizzy tst.w d4
bmi.s ComplexOne
bsr GetScrollParas
bmi ReKey
move.l d0,a0
bsr.s OneDissPage
bra EmptyLine
OneDissPage move.b #$0c,d0
bsr Print
move.w TextHeight(a4),d7
subq #2,d7
bra.s OnePD2
OnePageDown bsr PrintReturn
OnePD2 move.l d7,-(sp)
bsr PrintDisLine
move.l (sp)+,d7
dbf d7,OnePageDown
ComplexOne bsr GetScrollParas
bmi ReKey
move.l d0,-(sp)
move.b #$0c,d0
bsr Print
move.w maxY(a4),d0
sub.w FontY(a4),d0
sub.w Y0Rest(a4),d0
bsr TextFlush
move.w d0,rp_cp_y(a5)
move.l (sp)+,d0
addq.l #2,d0
NextLineUPD move.l d0,d1
sub.l #$24,d0
TryToGetIt2 move.l d0,a0
movem.l d0-d6/a0-a6,-(sp)
bsr GetCommandData
movem.l (sp)+,a0-a6/d0-d6
ext.l d7
add.l d7,d0
cmp.l d1,d0
blt.s TryToGetIt2
move.l a0,d0
move.l d0,OutPutStop(a4)
bsr PrintDisLine
move.b #$0d,d0
bsr Print
move.w FontY(a4),d1
sub.w d1,rp_cp_y(a5)
tst.w rp_cp_y(a5)
bpl.s NextLineUPD
move.w maxY(a4),d1
sub.w FontY(a4),d1
sub.w Y0Rest(a4),d1
move.w d1,rp_cp_y(a5)
bra EmptyLine
SDizzy move.b #$0d,d0
bsr Print
bsr SearchNextChar
beq.s eKey2
bsr GetHexNum
beq.s eKey2
and.l #$fffffffe,d0
tst.w d4
bpl.s NormalDown
move.l d0,d1
sub.l #$24,d0
TryToGetIt move.l d0,a0
movem.l d0-d6/a0-a6,-(sp)
bsr GetCommandData
movem.l (sp)+,a0-a6/d0-d6
ext.l d7
add.l d7,d0
cmp.l d1,d0
blt.s TryToGetIt
move.l a0,d0
bra.s NewOne
NormalDown movem.l d0-d6/a0-a6,-(sp)
move.l d0,a0
bsr GetCommandData
movem.l (sp)+,a0-a6/d0-d6
ext.l d7
add.l d7,d0
move.l d0,a0
NewOne move.l d0,OutPutStop(a4)
bsr PrintDisLine
eKey2 rts
DisAssemble bsr GetThemTwo
PrintGain bsr PrepareForLine
bsr PrintDisLine
bsr TestBreak
cmp.l OutPutStop(a4),a0
bcs.s PrintGain
bra EmptyLine
PrepareForLine bsr PrintReturn
Push d0-d7/a0-a6
bsr ClearRight
Pull d0-d7/a0-a6
PrintDisLine move.b #".",d0
bsr Print
move.b #",",d0
bsr Print
move.l a0,d0
and.l #$fffffffe,d0
move.l d0,a0
bsr PrintLong
bsr TextFlush
bsr PrintSpace
bsr GetCommandData
and.l #$ff,d7
add.l d7,a0
bsr TextFlush
move.w #DInPos,d0
bsr SetCursorX
move.l d7,-(sp)
bsr PrintCommand
move.l (sp)+,d7
GetCommandData tst.l DislibBase(a4)
beq.s DoAsUsual
movem.l d0-d2/a0-a2/a6,-(sp)
move.l DislibBase(a4),a6
move.l a0,a1
lea DisStruct(a4),a2
clr.l d7
move.b dl_ByteLen(a2),d7
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d2/a0-a2/a6
DoAsUsual moveq.l #0,d0
move.b (a0),d0
move.w d0,d2
lea DisJumpTab(pc),a2
lsr.w #4,d0
lsl.w #2,d0
move.w (a0),d1
moveq.l #0,d3
moveq.l #0,d5
moveq.l #0,d7
jmp (a2,d0)
DisJumpTab bra.w Code0000
bra.w Code0001
bra.w Code0010
bra.w Code0011
bra.w Code0100
bra.w Code0101
bra.w Code0110
bra.w Code0111
bra.w Code1000
bra.w Code1001
bra.w Code1010
bra.w Code1011
bra.w Code1100
bra.w Code1101
bra.w Code1110
bra.w Code1111
Code0000 tst.w d1
beq SpecialORIB
NormalAsOne lea CommandList5(pc),a1
bra IdentifyCommand
SpecialORIB move.w 2(a0),d0
and.w #$ff00,d0
beq.s NormalAsOne
lea DCW(pc),a2
moveq #AbsWordAdr,d3
move.w d1,d4
moveq #-1,d5
moveq #3,d2
moveq.l #2,d7 ;len 2
Code0001 ;
Code0011 ;
Code0010 lea CommandList4(pc),a1
bra IdentifyCommand
Code0100 lea CommandList(pc),a1
bra IdentifyCommand
Code0101 move.w d1,d0
and.w #$c0,d0
cmp.w #$c0,d0
beq DecBranch
lea CommandList6(pc),a1
bra IdentifyCommand
Code0110 move.w d1,d0
lsr.w #8,d0
and.l #$0f,d0
lea BranchText(pc),a2
lea Branches(pc),a1
lsl.w #1,d0
add.l d0,a1
move.b (a1),1(a2)
move.b 1(a1),2(a2) ;name
moveq #3,d2 ;no size
moveq #-1,d5 ;no dest
move.w d1,d0
and.w #$ff,d0
move.l a0,d4
tst.w d0
beq.s FarBranch
moveq #2,d7
move.b #"s",4(a2)
ext.w d0
BranchTogether ext.l d0
add.l d0,d4 ;source data
addq.l #2,d4
moveq #AbsLongAdr,d3 ;adr source
FarBranch move.w 2(a0),d0
move.b #"w",4(a2)
moveq #4,d7
bra.s BranchTogether
Code0111 lea CommandList10(pc),a1
bra IdentifyCommand
Code1000 lea CommandList9(pc),a1
bra IdentifyCommand
Code1001 lea CommandList11(pc),a1
bra IdentifyCommand
Code1010 lea LineA(pc),a2
bra LineOther
Code1011 lea CommandList8(pc),a1
bra IdentifyCommand
Code1100 lea CommandList7(pc),a1
bra IdentifyCommand
Code1101 lea CommandList3(pc),a1
bra IdentifyCommand
Code1110 lea CommandList2(pc),a1
bra IdentifyCommand
Code1111 lea LineF(pc),a2
LineOther move.w #AbsWordAdr,d3 ;adr source
move.w (a0),d4 ;source data
LineOther2 moveq #3,d2 ;no size
moveq.l #-1,d5 ;no destination
moveq.l #2,d7 ;len 2
Unknown lea UnknownCommand(pc),a2
bra LineOther
DecBranch move.w d1,d2
lsr.w #3,d2
and.w #$07,d2
cmp.w #$1,d2
bne.s SComm
lea DBranchText(pc),a2
bsr DBAndStext
move.w d1,d4
move.w #DirDataAdr,d3
move.w 2(a0),d6
ext.l d6
add.l a0,d6
addq.l #2,d6
move.w #AbsLongAdr,d5
moveq.l #4,d7
moveq.l #3,d2
SComm lea Stext(pc),a2
bsr DBAndStext
addq.l #1,a2
move.w d1,d3
moveq #2,d7
moveq #3,d2
moveq.l #-1,d5
and.l #$3f,d3
move.w d3,d1
bsr CalcDataAndLen
add d0,d7
move.l d1,d4
DBAndStext move.w d1,d2
lsr.w #8,d2
and.w #$0f,d2
cmp.w #$02,d2
bcc.s OkBleib
add.w #$10,d2
OkBleib lsl.w #1,d2
lea Branches(pc),a1
move.b (a1,d2),2(a2)
move.b 1(a1,d2),3(a2)
;Label Bin-Wert Bezeichnung printed as:
DirDataAdr = %000000 ; DataReg dn
DirAdrsAdr = %001000 ; AdressReg an
IndAdrsAdr = %100000 ; Adr Ind Pred -(an)
IndAdrD16 = %101000
AbsWordAdr = %111000 ; absolut kurz: xxxx
AbsLongAdr = %111001 ; absolut lang: xxxxxxxx
ImmAdr = %111100 ; unmittelbar : #xxxx
CalcDataAndLen movem.l a2/d7,-(sp)
lea AdressModes1(pc),a2
move.w d1,d0
bmi.s ThisNegSpecials
and.w #$38,d0
cmp.w #$38,d0
bne.s NormalAdrModes
lea AdressModes2(pc),a2
move.w d1,d0
and.w #$07,d0
lsl.w #3,d0
NormalAdrModes lsr.w #1,d0
jsr (a2,d0)
movem.l (sp)+,a2/d7
ThisNegSpecials and.w #$0f,d0
lsl.w #3,d0
lea AdressModes3(pc),a2
bra.s NormalAdrModes
AdressModes1 bra.w ModdxDirect
bra.w ModaxDirect
bra.w ModaxIndirect
bra.w ModaxIndirectplus
bra.w ModaxIndirectmin
bra.w ModaxIndirectd16
bra.w ModaxIndirectd8rg
AdressModes2 bra.w ModabsShort
bra.w ModabsLong
bra.w ModindPC
bra.w ModindPCreg
bra.w Modimmed
bra.w ModimmedSpec ;101 !
bra.w Modimmed ;110 ! unknowm usage
bra.w Modimmed ;111 !
AdressModes3 bra.w Modimmed ;unused
bra.w ModdxDirect ;CCR
bra.w ModdxDirect ;SR
bra.w ModdxDirect ;USP
bra.w ModMovem ;Movem
ModdxDirect ; "
ModaxDirect ; no extended data !
ModaxIndirect ; "
ModaxIndirectplus ; "
ModaxIndirectmin moveq.l #0,d0
ModindPC move.w (a0,d7),d1
ext.l d1
ext.l d7
add.l a0,d1
add.l d7,d1
moveq #2,d0
ModaxIndirectd8rg ;
ModaxIndirectd16 ;
ModindPCreg ;
ModabsShort move.w (a0,d7),d1
moveq #2,d0
ModabsLong move.l (a0,d7),d1
moveq #4,d0
Modimmed cmp.w #$02,d2
beq.s ModabsLong
bra.s ModabsShort
ModimmedSpec move.w #%111100,d3
moveq.l #0,d1
move.w d4,d1
moveq.l #0,d0
ModMovem move.w MovemRemember(a4),d1
moveq.l #0,d0
;a2 : Name des Befehls
;d2 : Laenge des Operanden
;d3 : Adressmodus Quelle
;d4 : Daten für Quelle (falls nötig)
;d5 : Adressmodus Ziel
;d6 : Daten für Ziel (falls nötig)
;d7 : ByteLänge des Befehls
tst.l DislibBase(a4)
beq.s Nodislibinst
lea DisStruct(a4),a1
lea dl_Instruction(a1),a2
bsr PrintText
bsr TextFlush
move.w #DOpPos,d0
bsr SetCursorX
lea dl_Operands(a1),a2
bsr PrintText
Nodislibinst bsr PrintText
and.w #$03,d2
cmp.w #$03,d2
beq.s NoLength
move.w #".",d0
bsr Print
tst.b d2
beq.s PointB
cmp.w #$01,d2
beq.s PointW
move.w #"l",d0
bra Further
PointW move.w #"w",d0
bra Further
PointB move.w #"b",d0
Further bsr Print
NoLength bsr TextFlush
move.w #DOpPos,d0
bsr SetCursorX
move.w d3,d0
cmp.w #$ffff,d0
move.l d3,d1
move.l d4,d7
bsr ExecuteMode
tst.w d5
cmp.w #$ffff,d5
beq.s NODEST
move.w #",",d0
bsr Print
NOSOURCE move.w d5,d0
cmp.w #$ffff,d0
beq.s NODEST
move.l d5,d1
move.l d6,d7
bsr ExecuteMode
ExecuteMode lea ModusTab1(pc),a2
tst.w d0
bpl.s Normals
and.w #$0f,d0
lsl.w #3,d0
lea ModusTab3(pc),a2
bra.s NormalAdrMod
Normals and.w #$3f,d0
cmp.w #%111000,d0
bcc.s SpecialMode
and.w #$38,d0
bra.s NormalAdrMod
SpecialMode lea ModusTab2(pc),a2
and.w #$07,d0
lsl.w #3,d0
NormalAdrMod lsr.w #1,d0
jmp (a2,d0)
ModusTab1 bra.w dxDirect
bra.w axDirect
bra.w axIndirect
bra.w axIndirectplus
bra.w axIndirectmin
bra.w axIndirectd16
bra.w axIndirectd8rg
ModusTab2 bra.w absShort
bra.w absLong
bra.w indPC
bra.w indPCreg
bra.w immed
bra.w immed ;101 !
bra.w immed ;110 ! unknowm usage
bra.w immed ;111 !
ModusTab3 bra.w immed ; unused
bra.w ToCCRSpecial
bra.w ToSRSpecial
bra.w ToUSPSpecial
bra.w MovemSpezial
dxDirect move.w #"d",d0
bsr Print
and.w #$07,d7
add.w #$30,d7
move.w d7,d0
bra Print
axDirect move.w #"a",d0
bsr Print
and.w #$07,d7
add.w #$30,d7
move.w d7,d0
bra Print
axIndirect move.w #"(",d0
bsr Print
bsr axDirect
move.w #")",d0
bra Print
axIndirectplus bsr axIndirect
move.w #"+",d0
bra Print
axIndirectmin move.w #"-",d0
bsr Print
bra axIndirect
axIndirectd16 move.w d7,d3
bsr PRWordNeg
move.w d1,d7
bra axIndirect
axIndirectd8rg movem.l d3/d4,-(sp)
move.w d1,d4
move.w d7,d1
bsr PRByteNeg
move.w #"(",d0
bsr Print
exg.l d7,d4
bsr axDirect
move.l d4,d7
InJumpPC move.w #",",d0
bsr Print
lsr.w #8,d7
lsr.w #4,d7
btst #3,d7
bne.s AdrReg
bsr dxDirect
bra.s Further2
AdrReg bsr axDirect
Further2 move.b #".",d0
bsr Print
btst #11,d4
beq.s WordInside
move.b #"l",d0
bra.s FurtherX
WordInside move.b #"w",d0
FurtherX bsr Print
move.w #")",d0
bsr Print
movem.l (sp)+,d3/d4
immed move.w #"#",d0
bsr Print
bra PrintNumber
absShort move.w d7,d3
bra PrintWordN
absLong move.l d7,d0
bra PrintLong
indPC movem.l d3/d4,-(sp)
move.l d7,d0
bsr PrintLong
move.b #"(",d0
bsr Print
move.b #"p",d0
bsr Print
move.b #"c",d0
bsr Print
move.b #")",d0
bsr Print
movem.l (sp)+,d3/d4
indPCreg movem.l d3/d4,-(sp)
move.w d7,d1
bsr PrintHex
move.b #"(",d0
bsr Print
move.b #"p",d0
bsr Print
move.b #"c",d0
bsr Print
move.w d7,d4
bra InJumpPC
ToSRSpecial move.w #"s",d0
bsr Print
move.w #"r",d0
bra Print
ToUSPSpecial move.w #"u",d0
bsr Print
move.w #"s",d0
bsr Print
move.w #"p",d0
bra Print
ToCCRSpecial move.w #"c",d0
bsr Print
bsr Print
move.w #"r",d0
bra Print
MovemSpezial movem.l d0-d7,-(sp)
move.w d5,d0
move.w d7,d4
and.w #$38,d0
cmp.w #%100000,d0
bne.s NormalWayRound
move.w d4,d2 ;bits spiegeln für -(ax) adr- art
move.w #15,d0
umshift roxr.w d2
roxl.w d4
dbra d0,umshift
;d2 : bitcounter
;d4 : bits
;d5 : flag for "/"
NormalWayRound clr.w d5
moveq #-1,d6
moveq #-1,d3
clr.w d2
PrintDRegs btst d2,d4
beq.s UnUsedD
tst.w d5
beq.s ErstesReg
move.w d2,d0
subq #1,d0
cmp.w d0,d6
beq.s FollowerD
bsr PrintSelected
move.w #"/",d0
bsr Print
ErstesReg move.w d2,d7
move.w d2,d3
moveq #1,d5
bsr PrintRightReg
FollowerD move.w d2,d6 ;Anfangs-Reg merken
UnUsedD addq #1,d2
cmp.w #8,d2
beq.s DataOver
cmp.w #16,d2
bcs.s PrintDRegs
DataOver bsr PrintSelected
moveq #-1,d6
cmp.w #16,d2
bcs.s PrintDRegs
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7
PrintSelected tst.w d6
bmi.s NoPreFollow
cmp.w d6,d3
beq.s NoPreFollow
move.w #"-",d0
bsr Print
move.w d6,d7
PrintRightReg cmp.w #8,d7
bcc axDirect
bra dxDirect
NoPreFollow rts
PrintNumber movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp)
tst.b d2
bne.s SeemsNoByte
and.l #$ff,d7
SeemsNoByte cmp.b #$02,d2
beq.s LongWord
Word bsr.s PRWordNeg
bra.s EndNum
LongWord bsr.s PRLongNeg
EndNum movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
PRByteNeg move.l d7,d1
tst.b d1
bpl.s NormalBB
neg.b d1
move.b #"-",d0
bsr Print
NormalBB bra PrintHex
PRWordNeg move.l d7,d3
and.l #$ffff,d3
tst.w d3
bpl.s NormalWW
neg.w d3
move.w #"-",d0
bsr Print
NormalWW bra PrintLongWithout
PRLongNeg move.l d7,d3
tst.l d3
bpl.s NormalLL
neg.l d3
move.w #"-",d0
bsr Print
NormalLL bra PrintLongWithout
IdentifyCommand ;
NextCommand move.w d1,d0
and.w CAnd(a1),d0 ;Ausmaskieren
cmp.w CWord(a1),d0 ;Befehl erkannt ?
beq.s CommandFound
NextCommander lea CLen(a1),a1 ;add.l ;Naechster Befehl
tst.l CName(a1) ;Name Vorhanden?
bne.s NextCommand ;dann naechster Befehl
CommandsOver lea DCW(pc),a2
move.w #AbsWordAdr,d3 ;adr source
move.w (a0),d4 ;source data
moveq #3,d2 ;no size
moveq.l #-1,d5 ;no destination
moveq.l #2,d7 ;len 2
CommandFound move.l CName(a1),a2 ;Name holen
move.b CModLen(a1),d0
beq.s NoLenHere
move.w d1,d2
move.b d0,d3
and.w #$0f,d3
lsr.w d3,d2
and.w #$03,d2
lsr.b #4,d0
cmp.b #1,d0
beq.s MurxLen
cmp.b #2,d0
bne.s OtherLens
and.w #1,d2
addq #1,d2
bra.s OtherLens
MurxLen move.w d2,d0
moveq.l #0,d2
cmp.w #1,d0
beq.s OtherLens
move.w #2,d2
cmp.w #2,d0
beq.s OtherLens
move.w #1,d2
bra.s OtherLens
NoLenHere moveq #3,d2
OtherLens moveq.l #2,d7 ;Grundlen = 2
move.b CSpecial(a1),d0
cmp.b #4,d0
bne.s NoMovemHere
move.w (a0,d7),MovemRemember(a4)
addq #2,d7
NoMovemHere move.b CModSource(a1),d0 ;SourceMode Byte
beq NoSource ;no source = no dest
bsr OutMaskModes
move.w d1,d5 ;d1 retten
move.w d3,d1
bsr CalcDataAndLen ;Data and Len holen
add d0,d7
move.l d1,d4 ;data for source
move.b CModDest(a1),d0 ;DestMode Byte
beq NoDest
movem.l d3/d4,-(sp)
move.l d5,d3
bsr OutMaskModes2
move.w d3,d1
move.w d3,d5
bsr CalcDataAndLen
add d0,d7
move.l d1,d6
movem.l (sp)+,d3/d4
OutMaskModes move.w d1,d3
OutMaskModes2 move.b d0,d4
and.w #$0f,d0
lsr.w d0,d3
lsr.b #2,d4
and.w #$3c,d4
jmp DissAssModes(pc,d4)
DissAssModes bra.w NormalMode
bra.w NormalMode
bra.w DatenMode
bra.w AdressMode
bra.w ImmedMode
bra.w TrapMode
bra.w CCRSRMovem
bra.w MoveSpecialTurn
bra.w ImmedInWord
bra.w Minusa0
bra.w a0Plus
bra.w MoveqSpec
bra.w MovepSpec
MoveSpecialTurn and.w #$3f,d3
move.w d3,d0
lsr.w #3,d0
and.w #$07,d3
lsl.w #3,d3
or.w d0,d3
MovepSpec and.w #$07,d3
or.w #%101000,d3
MoveqSpec and.w #$ff,d3
bra.s OtherWin
TrapMode and.w #$0f,d3
bra.s OtherWin
ImmedInWord and.w #$07,d3
bne.s OtherWin
move.w #$08,d3
OtherWin move.w d3,d4
move.w #%111101,d3
CCRSRMovem moveq.l #0,d3
move.b CSpecial(a1),d3
or.w #$8000,d3
Minusa0 and.w #$07,d3
or.w #%100000,d3
a0Plus and.w #$07,d3
or.w #%011000,d3
ImmedMode move.w #ImmAdr,d3
AdressMode and.w #$07,d3
or.w #%001000,d3
DatenMode and.w #$07,d3
NormalMode and.w #$3f,d3
NoSource moveq.l #-1,d3
moveq.l #-1,d5
moveq.l #2,d7
NoDest moveq.l #-1,d5
TestHelp move.l $0004.w,a6
tst.l HelpWindow(a4)
beq.s NoMess
move.l HelpWindow(a4),a0
move.l wd_UserPort(a0),a0
tst.l d0
beq NoMess
move.l d0,a1
cmp.l #CLOSEWINDOW,im_Class(a1)
beq CloseHelp
cmp.l #MOUSEBUTTONS,im_Class(a1)
beq CloseHelp
CALL ReplyMsg
bra.s TestHelp
NoMess rts
PrintHelpScreen RSave
move.l IntuitionBase(a4),a6
lea WindowDefs2(pc),a0
CALL OpenWindow
move.l d0,HelpWindow(a4)
beq HelpError
move.l d0,a0
move.l wd_RPort(a0),a5
bsr EnterSignal
move.l a5,a1
move.l FontBase(a4),a0
move.l GraphicsBase(a4),a6
CALL SetFont
lea HelpScreen(pc),a3
bsr Home
move.w #23,d7
PrintTheHelp move.l a3,a0
move.w #76,d0
move.l a5,a1
move.l GraphicsBase(a4),a6
lea 76(a3),a3 ;add.l
clr.w rp_cp_x(a5)
move.w FontY(a4),d0
add.w d0,rp_cp_y(a5)
dbf d7,PrintTheHelp
HelpError RLoad
CloseHelp CALL ReplyMsg
bsr CloseHelp2
NoClHelp bra TestHelp
tst.l HelpWindow(a4)
beq.s NoClHelp
move.l HelpWindow(a4),a0
bsr RemoveSignal
move.l IntuitionBase(a4),a6
CALL CloseWindow
clr.l HelpWindow(a4)
EnterSignal Push d0-d1/a0
move.l wd_UserPort(a0),a0
move.b MP_SIGBIT(a0),d0
moveq.l #1,d1
lsl.l d0,d1
or.l d1,SignalMask(a4)
Pull d0-d1/a0
RemoveSignal Push d0-d1/a0
move.l wd_UserPort(a0),a0
move.b MP_SIGBIT(a0),d0
moveq.l #1,d1
lsl.l d0,d1
eor.l #$ffffffff,d1
and.l d1,SignalMask(a4)
Pull d0-d1/a0
;****** Bildschirm Routinen ******
TextFlush movem.l d0-d3/a0-a1/a6,-(sp)
moveq.l #0,d0
move.w FlushCursorX(a4),d0
cmp.w rp_cp_x(a5),d0
beq.s FlushNothing
bsr GetTextPos
divu FontX(a4),d0
and.l #$ffff,d0
add.l d0,a0
moveq.l #0,d2
move.w rp_cp_x(a5),d2
move.w FlushCursorX(a4),rp_cp_x(a5)
divu FontX(a4),d2
and.l #$ffff,d2
sub.w d0,d2 ;Anzahl der Zeichen
move.w d2,d0
move.l a5,a1
move.l GraphicsBase(a4),a6
FlushNothing FlushCursor
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d3/a0-a1/a6
ExorCursor bsr TextFlush
movem.l d0-d3/a0/a6,-(sp)
move.l GraphicsBase(a4),a6
move.l a5,a1
move.l a5,a1
lea AtTEXT(pc),a0 ;ist Space!
moveq.l #1,d0
bsr CursorLeft
move.l a5,a1
move.l #RP_JAM2,d0
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d3/a0/a6
PrintText0 movem.l a2/d0,-(sp)
move.l a0,a2
bra.s PrintTextx2
PrintText movem.l a2/d0,-(sp)
PrintTextx2 moveq.l #0,d0
PrintText2 move.b (a2)+,d0
beq.s PrintTexte
bsr Print
bra.s PrintText2
PrintTexte movem.l (sp)+,a2/d0
PrintInsPoss tst.b InsertMode(a4)
beq.s Print
movem.l d0-d5/a0-a2/a6,-(sp)
and.l #$ff,d0
beq Printe
cmp.w #$20,d0
bcs.s NormalChars2
cmp.w #$a0,d0
bcc.s NormalIns
cmp.w #$7f,d0
bcc.s NormalChars2
NormalIns bsr InsertChar
bra.s NormalChars
PrintReturn move.w #$0a,d0
bra.s Print
PrintSpace move.w #" ",d0
Print movem.l d0-d5/a0-a2/a6,-(sp)
and.l #$ff,d0
beq Printe
cmp.w #$20,d0
bcs.s NormalChars2
cmp.w #$a0,d0
bcc.s NormalChars
cmp.w #$7f,d0
bcs.s NormalChars
NormalChars2 lea SpecialKeyTab(pc),a0
bsr SearchCodea0
beq.s Printe
lea SpecialKeyBra(pc),a0
bsr TextFlush
jsr (a0,d1)
bra Printe
NormalChars bsr GetTextPos
move.b d0,(a0,d1)
bsr CursorRight
Printe movem.l (sp)+,d0-d5/a0-a2/a6
CursorEnde ;
CursorRight move.w FontX(a4),d0
add.w d0,rp_cp_x(a5)
ControlCRight move.w rp_cp_x(a5),d4
cmp.w maxX(a4),d4
bcs.s CursorEnde
bra CReturn
CursorLeft move.w FontX(a4),d0
sub.w d0,rp_cp_x(a5)
bpl.s CursorEnde
move.w maxX(a4),rp_cp_x(a5)
move.w FontX(a4),d0
sub.w d0,rp_cp_x(a5)
bra CursorUp
CursorUp move.w FontY(a4),d0
sub.w d0,rp_cp_y(a5)
tst.w rp_cp_y(a5)
bpl.s CursorEnde
move.w Y0Pos(a4),rp_cp_y(a5)
bra ScrollUp
CursorDown move.w FontY(a4),d0
add.w d0,rp_cp_y(a5)
move.w rp_cp_y(a5),d0
sub.w Y0Pos(a4),d0
cmp.w maxY(a4),d0
bcs.s CursorEnde
move.w FontY(a4),d0
sub.w d0,rp_cp_y(a5)
bra ScrollDown
CReturn bsr TextFlush
tst.w PrinterFlag(a4)
beq.s TotallyNormal
bpl.s PrintLineOut
move.w #1,PrinterFlag(a4)
tst.l OutDHandle(a4)
bne.s FileAlreadyOpen
move.l DosBase(a4),a6
move.l OutDevice(a4),d1
move.l #MODE_NEWFILE,d2
move.l d0,OutDHandle(a4)
FileAlreadyOpen RLoad
bne.s TotallyNormal
PrintError clr.w PrinterFlag(a4)
TotallyNormal bsr.s CursorDown
Return move.w #0,rp_cp_x(a5)
PrintLineOut bsr PrExecute
bmi.s PrintError
bra.s TotallyNormal
ShiftCRight Push d0/a0
bsr GetTextPos
move.w TextWidth2(a4),d0
subq #1,d0
cmp.b #" ",(a0,d0)
bne.s IsLast
SpaceDown subq #1,d0
beq.s KeepDown
cmp.b #" ",(a0,d0)
beq.s SpaceDown
KeepDown addq #1,d0
IsLast bsr SetCursorX
Pull d0/a0
;BACK: a0: Adresse der Zeile, d1:Offset auf Cursor
GetTextPos Push d0
moveq.l #0,d0
move.w rp_cp_y(a5),d0
divu FontY(a4),d0
mulu TextWidth(a4),d0
moveq #0,d1
move.w rp_cp_x(a5),d1
divu FontX(a4),d1
and.l #$ffff,d1
add.l TextScreen(a4),d0
move.l d0,a0
Pull d0
;d0:TextPos of Cursor
SetCursorX Push d0
mulu FontX(a4),d0
move.w d0,rp_cp_x(a5)
Pull d0
PrExecute RSave
move.l OutDHandle(a4),d1
beq.s NoFileOpenNow
bsr GetTextPos
move.l a0,d2
move.w TextWidth2(a4),d3
SearchEnd subq #1,d3
bmi.s GiveAnyway
cmp.b #" ",(a0,d3)
beq.s SearchEnd
GiveAnyway addq #1,d3
move.l DosBase(a4),a6
CALL Write
move.l OutDHandle(a4),d1
move.l #Break,d2 ;'cause its a $0a
move.l #1,d3
CALL Write
NoFileOpenNow tst.l d0
DoTab bsr GetTextPos
and.w #$fff8,d0 ;alle 8 Zeichen ein Tab
add.w #8,d0
bra SetCursorX
BackSpace bsr CursorLeft
DeleteChar bsr GetTextPos
BackSpLoop cmp.w TextWidth2(a4),d1
bcc.s OutSloper
move.b 1(a0,d1),(a0,d1)
addq #1,d1
bra.s BackSpLoop
OutSloper move.b #" ",(a0,d1)
move.l GraphicsBase(a4),a6
move.l a5,a1
bsr ClearReg
move.w FontX(a4),d0
moveq.l #0,d1
move.w rp_cp_x(a5),d2
move.w rp_cp_y(a5),d3
sub.w Y0Pos(a4),d3
move.w d3,d5
add.w FontY(a4),d5
subq #1,d5
move.w maxX(a4),d4
CALL ScrollRaster
InsertModeSwitch eor.b #$01,InsertMode(a4)
ShowInsMode lea Mode1(pc),a2
tst.b InsertMode(a4)
bne.s PrintMode1
lea Mode2(pc),a2
PrintMode1 lea ScreenNameMode(pc),a0
InsertSName move.b (a2)+,(a0)+
tst.b (a2)
bne.s InsertSName
move.l IntuitionBase(a4),a6
move.l MainWindow(a4),a0
lea WindowName(pc),a1
lea ScreenName(pc),a2
CALL SetWindowTitles
InsertChar move.l d0,-(sp)
bsr GetTextPos
move.w TextWidth2(a4),d0
InsertCLoop move.b -1(a0,d0),(a0,d0)
subq #1,d0
cmp.w d1,d0
bge.s InsertCLoop
move.b #" ",(a0,d1)
move.l GraphicsBase(a4),a6
move.l a5,a1
bsr ClearReg
move.w FontX(a4),d0
neg.l d0
moveq.l #0,d1
move.w rp_cp_x(a5),d2
move.w rp_cp_y(a5),d3
sub.w Y0Pos(a4),d3
move.w d3,d5
add.w FontY(a4),d5
subq #1,d5
move.w maxX(a4),d4
CALL ScrollRaster
move.l (sp)+,d0
ClearRight bsr GetTextPos
ClRightLoop move.b #" ",(a0,d1)
addq #1,d1
cmp.w TextWidth(a4),d1
bcs.s ClRightLoop
move.l GraphicsBase(a4),a6
move.l a5,a1
Dummy rts
ScrollDown movem.l d0-d1/a0-a1,-(sp)
clr.l d1
move.w FontY(a4),d1
bsr DoScrolling
moveq.l #0,d0
move.w TextWidth(a4),d0
move.l TextScreen(a4),a0
move.w TextHeight(a4),d1
subq #1,d1
mulu d0,d1
;lsr.w #2,d1 now move.b
subq #1,d1
MoveIt move.b (a0,d0),(a0)+
dbf d1,MoveIt
move.w TextWidth(a4),d1
subq #1,d1
ClearIt move.b #$20,(a0)+
dbf d1,ClearIt
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d1/a0-a1
ScrollUp movem.l d0-d1/a0-a1,-(sp)
clr.l d1
move.w FontY(a4),d1
neg.l d1
bsr DoScrolling
moveq #0,d0
move.w TextWidth(a4),d0
move.l TextScreen(a4),a0
move.w TextHeight(a4),d1
subq #1,d1
mulu d0,d1
subq #4,d1
add.l d1,a0
;lsr #2,d1 now move.b
MoveIt2 move.b -(a0),(a0,d0)
dbf d1,MoveIt2
lea (a0,d0),a0 ;add.l
move.w TextWidth(a4),d1
subq #1,d1
ClearIt2 move.b #$20,-(a0)
dbf d1,ClearIt2
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d1/a0-a1
DoScrolling move.l GraphicsBase(a4),a6
move.l a5,a1
moveq.l #0,d0
bsr ClearReg
move.w #0,d2
move.w #0,d3
move.w maxX(a4),d4
add.w FontX(a4),d4
move.w maxY(a4),d5
subq #1,d5
CALL ScrollRaster
ClearPage bsr ClearGraph
bsr ClearTextScreen
Home move.w #0,rp_cp_x(a5)
move.w Y0Pos(a4),rp_cp_y(a5)
End move.w maxY(a4),rp_cp_y(a5)
move.w Y0Rest(a4),d0
sub.w d0,rp_cp_y(a5)
ClearGraph move.l GraphicsBase(a4),a6
move.l a5,a1
moveq.l #0,d0
move.l a5,a1
bsr ClearReg
move.w #0,d0
move.w #0,d1
move.l MainWindow(a4),a0
move.w wd_GZZWidth(a0),d2
move.w wd_GZZHeight(a0),d3
CALL RectFill
move.l a5,a1
moveq.l #1,d0
ClearReg and.l #$ffff,d0
and.l #$ffff,d1
and.l #$ffff,d2
and.l #$ffff,d3
and.l #$ffff,d4
and.l #$ffff,d5
ClearTextScreen move.l TextScreen(a4),a0
move.l TextSize(a4),d0
subq #1,d0
ClearScreenTX move.b #$20,(a0)+
dbf d0,ClearScreenTX
SpecialKeyTab dc.b $90,$91,$92,$93,$0b,$99,$9a,$08,$09,$0a,$7f,$0c,$0d
dc.b $9b,$01,$05,$00
SpecialKeyBra bra.w CursorUp ;$90
bra.w CursorDown ;$91
bra.w CursorRight ;$92
bra.w CursorLeft ;$93
bra.w ClearRight ;$0b
bra.w End ;$99
bra.w Home ;$9a
bra.w BackSpace ;$08
bra.w DoTab ;$09
bra.w CReturn ;$0a
bra.w DeleteChar ;$7f
bra.w ClearPage ;$0c
bra.w Return ;$0d
bra.w InsertChar ;$9b
bra.w InsertModeSwitch;$01
bra.w ShiftCRight ;$06
; ********** Keyboard Routinen **********
WaitForKey movem.l d1-d3/d7/a0-a4/a6,-(sp)
tst.w InBuffLen(a4)
beq WaitForKey3
sub.w #1,InBuffLen(a4)
move.l InBuffPoint(a4),a0
move.b (a0)+,d0
move.l d0,InBuffPoint(a4)
DoneForKey movem.l (sp)+,d1-d3/d7/a0-a4/a6
WaitForKey3 bsr TestHelp
moveq.l #0,d7
bsr GetAMessage
tst.l d0
bmi.s WaitForKey3
bne.s DoneForKey
move.l $0004.w,a6
move.l SignalMask(a4),d0
bne EndeDesPrg
bra.s WaitForKey3
GetAMessage move.l $0004.w,a6
move.l MainWindow(a4),a0
move.l wd_UserPort(a0),a0
tst.l d0
beq WaitForKey2
move.l d0,a1
cmp.l #NEWSIZE,im_Class(a1)
beq VerifySize
;cmp.l #REFRESHWINDOW,im_Class(a1)
;beq RefreshMe
cmp.l #CLOSEWINDOW,im_Class(a1)
beq EndeDesPrg
cmp.l #MOUSEBUTTONS,im_Class(a1)
beq MouseToCursor
cmp.l #MENUPICK,im_Class(a1)
beq MenuPicked
cmp.l #RAWKEY,im_Class(a1)
bne ShutItUp
moveq.l #0,d3
moveq.l #0,d2
move.w im_Code(a1),ActRaw(a4)
move.w im_Qualifier(a1),ActQual(a4)
move.l im_IAddress(a1),a0
move.l (a0),ActIAdress(a4)
CALL ReplyMsg
cmp.w #$60,ActRaw(a4)
bcc.s WaitForKey4
lea KeyConv(pc),a0
move.w ActQual(a4),d2
move.w #$80,d0
btst #0,d2
bne.s ShiftPressed
btst #1,d2
bne.s ShiftPressed
moveq.l #0,d0
ShiftPressed or.w ActRaw(a4),d0
btst #4,d2
bne Alternate
btst #5,d2
bne Alternate
FindConv tst.b (a0)
beq.s ConvertKey
cmp.b (a0)+,d0
beq.s ConvertIt
tst.b (a0)+
bra.s FindConv
ConvertIt moveq.l #0,d0
move.b (a0)+,d0
Arts rts
WaitForKey2 moveq.l #0,d0
WaitForKey4 moveq.l #-1,d0
Alternate cmp.b #$4c,d0
bne.s OtherCK
move.w #$83,d0
OtherCK cmp.b #$4d,d0
bne ConvertKey
move.w #$84,d0
ConvertKey move.l ConDevice(a4),a6
lea InputEventStr(a4),a0 ;InputEvent
move.l FileLocker(a4),a1
move.l a1,a3
move.w ActQual(a4),ie_Qualifier(a0)
move.w ActRaw(a4),ie_Code(a0)
move.b #IECLASS_RAWKEY,ie_Class(a0)
move.l ActIAdress(a4),ie_EventAddress(a0)
move.l #256,d1
sub.l a2,a2
CALL RawKeyConvert
tst.w d0
beq.s WaitForKey4
sub.w #1,d0
move.w d0,InBuffLen(a4)
move.b (a3)+,d0
move.l a3,InBuffPoint(a4)
OnlyBreak move.w im_Code(a1),d4
CALL ReplyMsg
cmp.w #SELECTDOWN,d4
bne.s IgnoreIt
WaitOtherMsg move.l MainWindow(a4),a0
move.l wd_UserPort(a0),a0
CALL WaitPort
move.l MainWindow(a4),a0
move.l wd_UserPort(a0),a0
move.l d0,a1
move.w im_Code(a1),d4
move.l 20(a1),d2
CALL ReplyMsg
bne.s WaitOtherMsg
cmp.w #SELECTUP,d4
bne.s WaitOtherMsg
bra GetAMessage
MouseToCursor tst.l d7
bmi.s OnlyBreak
move.l MainWindow(a4),a2
clr.l d0
move.w im_MouseX(a1),d2
move.b wd_BorderLeft(a2),d0
sub.w d0,d2
move.w im_MouseY(a1),d3
move.b wd_BorderTop(a2),d0
sub.w d0,d3
move.w im_Code(a1),d4
CALL ReplyMsg
cmp.w #SELECTDOWN,d4
bne.s IgnoreIt
tst.w NoCursorToMouseFlag(a4)
beq.s NoNoCursorToMouse
sub.w #1,NoCursorToMouseFlag(a4)
IgnoreIt bra GetAMessage
divu FontX(a4),d2
mulu FontX(a4),d2
divu FontY(a4),d3
addq #1,d3
mulu FontY(a4),d3
sub.w Y0Rest(a4),d3
bsr ExorCursor
move.w d2,rp_cp_x(a5)
move.w d3,rp_cp_y(a5)
cmp.w maxY(a4),d3
bcs.s MTC2
move.w maxY(a4),rp_cp_y(a5)
MTC2 cmp.w #0,d3
bcc.s MTC3
move.w #0,rp_cp_y(a5)
MTC3 bsr ExorCursor
;bsr ShowInsMode
moveq.l #0,d0
SetupScreen RSave
move.l MainWindow(a4),a0
clr.l d0
move.w wd_GZZWidth(a0),d0
subq #1,d0
divu FontX(a4),d0
move.w d0,TextWidth2(a4)
mulu FontX(a4),d0
move.w d0,maxX(a4)
clr.l d0
move.w wd_GZZHeight(a0),d0
divu FontY(a4),d0
move.w d0,TextHeight(a4)
mulu FontY(a4),d0
move.w d0,maxY(a4)
VerifySize bsr SetupScreen
bsr ReDrawScreen
ShutItUp CALL ReplyMsg
bra GetAMessage
;RefreshMe bsr SetupScreen
; bsr ReDrawScreen
; bra.s ShutItUp
ReDrawScreen RSave
move.w rp_cp_x(a5),-(sp)
move.w rp_cp_y(a5),-(sp)
bsr ExorCursor
bsr ClearGraph
clr.l d7
move.l GraphicsBase(a4),a6
move.l TextScreen(a4),a3
move.w Y0Pos(a4),rp_cp_y(a5)
ReDrawLoop move.w #0,rp_cp_x(a5)
move.l a5,a1
move.l a3,a0
clr.l d0
move.w TextWidth2(a4),d0
clr.l d0
move.w TextWidth(a4),d0
add.l d0,a3
move.w FontY(a4),d0
add.w d0,rp_cp_y(a5)
addq #1,d7
cmp.w TextHeight(a4),d7
bcs.s ReDrawLoop
move.w (sp)+,rp_cp_y(a5)
move.w (sp)+,rp_cp_x(a5)
move.w rp_cp_y(a5),d0
sub.w Y0Pos(a4),d0
cmp.w maxY(a4),d0
bcs.s NoOUT
move.w maxY(a4),rp_cp_y(a5)
move.w Y0Rest(a4),d0
sub.w d0,rp_cp_y(a5)
NoOUT bsr ExorCursor
MenuPicked move.w im_Code(a1),d0
move.w d0,-(sp)
CALL ReplyMsg
move.w (sp)+,d0
move.w d0,d1
and.w #$1f,d0 ;Menu-nr
lsr.w #5,d1
and.w #$3f,d1 ;Item-nr
tst.w d0
bne HelpMenu
tst.w d1
beq InsertInterlace
cmp.w #1,d1
beq NowUseDislib
cmp.w #2,d1
beq NowPatchVektors
cmp.w #3,d1
beq ConfigDislib
cmp.w #4,d1
beq EndeDesPrg
bra IgnoreIt
InsertInterlace ;any dummy here!
bra IgnoreIt
ConfigDislib tst.l DislibBase(a4)
beq IgnoreIt
move.l DislibBase(a4),a6
move.l DisStruct(a4),a0
lea dl_InFlags(a0),a0
clr.l d0
move.l MainWindow(a4),a0
move.l wd_WScreen(a0),a1
suba.l a2,a2
CALL ConfigReq
bra IgnoreIt
NowUseDislib bsr SwitchDislib
bra IgnoreIt
NowPatchVektors bsr InitVektors
eor.w #1,PatchFlag(a4)
bsr InitVektors
bra IgnoreIt
HelpMenu cmp.w #1,d0
bne IgnoreIt
tst.l HelpWindow(a4)
bne IgnoreIt
bsr PrintHelpScreen
bra IgnoreIt
TestBreak RSave
moveq.l #0,d7
bra.s TestBreak3
TestBreak2 RSave
moveq #-1,d7
TestBreak3 movem.l d1-d7/a0-a6,-(sp)
moveq.l #-1,d7
bsr GetAMessage
movem.l (sp)+,a0-a6/d1-d7
tst.l d0
beq.s NothingThere2
cmp.b #" ",d0
beq.s WaitCauseSpace
cmp.b #$03,d0 ;ctrl-c
bne.s TestBreak3 ;Alle tasten aus dem Buffer holen!
tst.l d7
beq.s ComplexEnd
move.l BaseStack(a4),a7
lea Break(pc),a2
bsr PrintText
bra EmptyLine
NothingThere2 clr.l d0
NothingThere RLoad
ComplexEnd RLoad
move.l BaseStack(a4),a7
lea Break(pc),a2
bsr PrintText
lea AtTEXT(pc),a2
bsr PrintText
move.l a0,d0
bsr PrintLong
bra EmptyLine
WaitCauseSpace bsr WaitForKey
bra.s NothingThere2
;********** ASSEMBLER *************
InstAssembler bsr GetHexAdress
move.l d0,a3
bra AssembleStart
Assemble bsr GetHexAdress
and.l #$fffffffe,d0
move.l d0,AssembleAdr(a4)
;move.w #DInPos,d5
bsr SearchNextChar
beq FrageZeichen
move.l FindBuffer(a4),a0
moveq.l #0,d1
NextCharA move.b (a1,d5),d0
cmp.b #".",d0
beq.s BefehlOver
cmp.b #" ",d0
beq.s WordSize ;Bei Nichtangabe wird Word angenommen
move.b d0,(a0)+
addq #1,d1
addq #1,d5
cmp.w #20,d1
bcs.s NextCharA
bra FrageZeichen
BefehlOver tst.w d1
beq FrageZeichen
addq #1,d5
move.b (a1,d5),d0
cmp.b #"b",d0
beq.s ByteSize
cmp.b #"s",d0
beq.s ShortSize
cmp.b #"w",d0
beq.s WordSize
cmp.b #"l",d0
bne FrageZeichen
LongSize move.w #%10,d2
bra.s AllSizes
ShortSize move.w #%11,d2
bra.s AllSizes
ByteSize moveq.l #0,d2
bra.s AllSizes
WordSize move.w #%01,d2
AllSizes move.w d2,CommandSize(a4)
clr.b (a0)
addq #1,d5
move.w #-1,AdrModeSource(a4)
move.w #-1,AdrModeDest(a4)
bsr SearchNextChar
beq NothingFollows
bsr DissExpression
bmi FrageZeichen
move.l d6,AdrDataSource(a4)
move.w d7,AdrModeSource(a4)
bsr SearchNextChar
beq NothingFollows
cmp.b #",",d0
bne FrageZeichen
addq #1,d5
bsr SearchNextChar
beq FrageZeichen
bsr DissExpression
bmi FrageZeichen
move.l d6,AdrDataDest(a4)
move.w d7,AdrModeDest(a4)
NothingFollows move.w AdrModeSource(a4),d0
bsr CalcAdrMBit
move.w d1,ModeBitSource(a4)
move.w AdrModeDest(a4),d0
bsr CalcAdrMBit
move.w d1,ModeBitDest(a4)
moveq.l #0,d3
move.l FindBuffer(a4),a0
cmp.b #"b",(a0)
beq PossibleBranch
cmp.b #"d",(a0)
beq PossibleDBranch
cmp.b #"s",(a0)
beq PossibleSCond
ThisIsNoBr lea CommandList(pc),a2
CompareList tst.l (a2)
bne.s NextAvaible
addq.l #4,a2
tst.l (a2) ;DoppelNuller = Echtes Ende
beq FrageZeichen ;Unknown Command
NextAvaible move.l (a2),a3
moveq.l #0,d0
CompareString move.b (a0,d0),d1
beq.s StringEqual
cmp.b (a3,d0),d1
bne.s NextString
addq #1,d0
bra.s CompareString
NextString lea CLen(a2),a2 ;add.l
bra.s CompareList
StringEqual cmp.b (a3,d0),d1
bne.s NextString
move.w ModeBitSource(a4),d0
move.w CAdrSource(a2),d1
tst.w d0
bpl.s SourceThere
tst.w d1
bmi.s NewSMode
bne.s NextString
bra.s Control1
NewSMode cmp.b CSpecial(a2),d0
bne.s NextString
cmp.b #4,d0
bne.s Control1
cmp.w #7,ModeBitDest(a4)
bne.s Control1
move.l AdrDataSource(a4),d0
move.w #15,d2
TurnItMV roxr.w d0
roxl.w d1
dbf d2,TurnItMV
move.l d1,AdrDataSource(a4)
bra.s Control1
SourceThere btst d0,d1
beq.s NextString
bsr TestByteAdr
beq.s NextString
move.w ModeBitDest(a4),d0
move.w CAdrDest(a2),d1
tst.w d0
bpl.s DestThere
tst.w d1
bmi.s NewDMode
bne.s NextString
bra.s Control2
NewDMode cmp.b CSpecial(a2),d0
bne NextString
bra.s Control2
DestThere btst d0,d1
beq NextString
bsr TestByteAdr
beq NextString
Control2 move.b CModLen(a2),d0
beq.s NoSizeAtAll
move.w CommandSize(a4),d6
and.w #$03,d6
lsr.b #4,d0
tst.b d6
bne.s Control3
tst.b d0
beq.s NoSizeAtAll
cmp.b #1,d0
bne NextString
LikeThis01 addq #1,d6
bra.s NoSizeAtAll
Control3 cmp.b #%01,d6
beq.s Control3a
cmp.b #%10,d6
bne.s Control4
Control3a tst.b d0
beq.s NoSizeAtAll
cmp.b #1,d0
bne.s Control3b
cmp.b #%10,d6
beq.s NoSizeAtAll
moveq #%11,d6
bra.s NoSizeAtAll
Control3b cmp.b #2,d0
bne NextString
addq #1,d6
and.w #1,d6 ;Angleichen für w,l sizes
Control4 cmp.b #%11,d6
bne.s Control5
cmp.b #3,d0
bne NextString
Control5 ;
NoSizeAtAll move.l AssembleAdr(a4),a3
addq.l #2,a3
cmp.w #$8004,AdrModeDest(a4)
bne.s KeepNormalWay
move.l AdrDataDest(a4),d0
move.w d0,(a3)+
move.w #$8003,ModeBitDest(a4)
KeepNormalWay move.w CWord(a2),d7
move.b CModSource(a2),d0
move.w AdrModeSource(a4),d1
move.l AdrDataSource(a4),d2
move.w ModeBitSource(a4),d3
bsr GenerateOR
move.b CModDest(a2),d0
move.w AdrModeDest(a4),d1
move.l AdrDataDest(a4),d2
move.w ModeBitDest(a4),d3
bsr GenerateOR
move.b CModLen(a2),d0
beq.s NoSizeDoings
and.w #$0f,d0
lsl.w d0,d6
or.w d6,d7
NoSizeDoings move.l AssembleAdr(a4),a0
move.w d7,(a0)
bsr CursorUp
bsr GetCommandData
bsr PrepareForLine
bsr PrintDisLine
AssembleStart bsr PrintReturn
move.b #".",d0
bsr Print
move.b #",",d0
bsr Print
move.l a3,d0
bsr PrintLong
bsr TextFlush
move.w #DInPos,d0
bsr SetCursorX
bra ReKey
TestByteAdr tst.w CommandSize(a4)
bne.s SchonMalGut
cmp.b #10,d0
SchonMalGut rts
GenerateOR move.b d0,d4
lsr.b #2,d4
and.w #$3c,d4
lea ModeBase(pc),a0
jsr (a0,d4)
and.w #$0f,d0
lsl.w d0,d1
or.w d1,d7
move.w d3,d4
bpl.s KeepTruth
moveq #1,d4
cmp.w #$8004,d3
beq.s KeepTruth
move.w #10,d4
KeepTruth lsl.w #2,d4
and.w #$3c,d4
lea AdrMBase(pc),a0
jsr (a0,d4)
ModeBase bra.w NothingTH
bra.w Normal6
bra.w Normal3
bra.w Normal3
bra.w ImmediateToNext
bra.w Special9
bra.w CCRetc
bra.w Special6
bra.w Special8
bra.w Normal3
bra.w Normal3
bra.w Specialb
bra.w Normal3
ImmediateToNext ;
CCRetc ;
NothingTH moveq.l #0,d1
Normal6 and.w #$3f,d1
Normal3 and.w #$07,d1
Special6 and.w #$3f,d1
move.w d1,d4
lsr.w #3,d4
and.w #$07,d1
lsl.w #3,d1
or.w d4,d1
Special8 move.w d2,d1
and.w #$07,d1
LikeSpec8 and.w #$0f,d0
lsl.w d0,d1
or.w d1,d7
move.l (sp)+,d0 ;Rücksprung Adress
Specialb move.w d2,d1
and.w #$ff,d1
bra.s LikeSpec8
Special9 move.w d2,d1
and.w #$0f,d1
bra.s LikeSpec8
AdrMBase bra.w PutLikeLen ;Immediate
bra.w PutAWord ;xx(pc,xn)
bra.w PutAWord ;xx(pc)
bra.w PutALong ;$xxxxxxxx
bra.w PutAWord ;$xxxx
bra.w PutAWord ;xx(ax,xn)
bra.w PutAWord ;xx(an)
bra.w NoExtraBB ;-(an)
bra.w NoExtraBB ;(an)+
bra.w NoExtraBB ;(an)
bra.w NoExtraBB ;an
bra.w NoExtraBB ;dn
bra.w NoExtraBB
bra.w NoExtraBB
bra.w NoExtraBB
bra.w NoExtraBB
PutLikeLen move.w CommandSize(a4),d0
and.w #$03,d0
cmp.b #%10,d0
beq.s PutALong
PutAWord move.w d2,(a3)+
PutALong move.l d2,(a3)+
NoExtraBB rts
AnalyseBranch moveq.l #0,d0
AnalyseBranch2 lea Branches(pc),a2
BranchTryer move.b 1(a0),d1
cmp.b (a2,d0),d1
bne.s NextBTry
move.b 2(a0),d1
cmp.b 1(a2,d0),d1
beq.s BranchFound
NextBTry addq #2,d0
cmp.w #$24,d0
bcs.s BranchTryer
NoBranch moveq #-1,d0
BranchFound lsl.w #7,d0
PossibleBranch bsr.s AnalyseBranch
bmi ThisIsNoBr
cmp.w #$1000,d0
bcc ThisIsNoBr
or.w #$6000,d0
move.w d0,d7
tst.w AdrModeDest(a4)
bpl ThisIsNoBr
tst.b 3(a0)
bne ThisIsNoBr
move.w AdrModeSource(a4),d1
move.l AdrDataSource(a4),d0
OtherIBR cmp.w #%111000,d1
beq.s ReallyFound2
cmp.w #%111001,d1
bne ThisIsNoBr
ReallyFound2 move.l AssembleAdr(a4),a3
addq.l #2,a3
sub.l a3,d0
cmp.l #-$7fff,d0
bcc.s TakeOkSoS
cmp.l #$8000,d0
bcc ThisIsNoBr
TakeOkSoS and.l #$ffff,d0
cmp.w #%11,CommandSize(a4)
beq.s ShortBranchTry
TakeItAsLong move.w d0,(a3)+
bra NoSizeDoings
ShortBranchTry cmp.w #-$7f,d0
bcc TakeOkSoL
cmp.w #$80,d0
bcc.s TakeItAsLong
TakeOkSoL and.w #$ff,d0
or.w d0,d7
bra NoSizeDoings
PossibleSCond moveq #2,d0
bsr AnalyseBranch2
bmi ThisIsNoBr
and.w #$f00,d0
or.w #$50c0,d0
move.w d0,d7
tst.w AdrModeDest(a4)
bpl ThisIsNoBr
move.w #%0000101111111000,d0
move.w ModeBitSource(a4),d3
btst d3,d0
beq ThisIsNoBr
move.w AdrModeSource(a4),d1
or.w d1,d7
move.l AssembleAdr(a4),a3
move.w d7,(a3)+
move.b CModSource(a2),d0
move.l AdrDataSource(a4),d2
bsr GenerateOR
bra NoSizeDoings
PossibleDBranch cmp.b #"b",1(a0)
bne ThisIsNoBr
addq.l #1,a0
moveq #2,d0
bsr AnalyseBranch2
bmi ThisIsNoBr
and.w #$f00,d0
subq.l #1,a0
or.w #$50c8,d0
move.w d0,d7
move.w AdrModeSource(a4),d0
cmp.w #%001000,d0
bcc ThisIsNoBr
or.w d0,d7
cmp.w #%11,CommandSize(a4)
beq ThisIsNoBr
move.w AdrModeDest(a4),d1
move.l AdrDataDest(a4),d0
bra OtherIBR
CalcAdrMBit tst.w d0
bmi.s NoModeHere
cmp.w #%111000,d0
bcc.s Part2Do
lsr.w #3,d0
bra.s TurnWord
Part2Do and.w #$7,d0
addq #7,d0
TurnWord move.w #11,d1
sub.w d0,d1
NoModeHere move.w d0,d1
DissExpression moveq.l #0,d6
moveq.l #0,d7
cmp.b #"#",d0
beq.s Dimmediate
cmp.b #"(",d0
beq Drelative
cmp.b #"d",d0
beq DdataRegPoss
cmp.b #"u",d0
beq USPposs
cmp.b #"c",d0
beq CCRposs
cmp.b #"s",d0
beq SRposs
NoSRUSPCCR cmp.b #"a",d0
beq DadressRegPoss
cmp.b #"-",d0
beq PreDekReg
cmp.b #"$",d0
beq.s Dnumber
cmp.b #"0",d0
bcs.s NoExpression
cmp.b #"g",d0
bcc.s NoExpression
cmp.b #"9"+1,d0
bcs.s Dnumber2
cmp.b #"a",d0
bcc.s Dnumber2
NoExpression moveq #-1,d0
Dimmediate addq #1,d5 ;Doppelkreuz
cmp.b #"$",(a1,d5)
bne.s TakeNumberSo
addq #1,d5
TakeNumberSo cmp.b #"-",(a1,d5)
bne.s SuchNormal
addq #1,d5
cmp.b #"$",(a1,d5)
bne.s TakeN2
addq #1,d5
TakeN2 bsr GetHexNum
sub.l d0,d6
bra.s GoLike
SuchNormal bsr GetHexNum
move.l d0,d6 ;Data
GoLike move.w #ImmAdr,d7 ;Adressmode
rts ;111100 Immediate
NegativeNumber cmp.b #"$",(a1,d5)
bne.s KeepItWO
addq #1,d5
KeepItWO bsr GetHexNum
sub.l d0,d6
bra.s GoLike2
Dnumber addq #1,d5
Dnumber2 bsr GetHexNum
move.l d0,d6 ;Data
GoLike2 bsr SearchNextChar
cmp.b #"(",d0
beq Drelative
cmp.l #$10000,d6
bcs.s DabsShort
move.w #%111001,d7
rts ;111001 Absolut lang
DabsShort move.w #%111000,d7
rts ;111000 Absolut kurz
DdataRegPoss bsr TestNextOnRegEnd
bmi.s Dnumber2t
move.w #DirDataAdr,d7
or.w d0,d7
rts ;000xxx Datenregister direkt
Dnumber2t cmp.b #"/",d0
beq MovemOnlyPoss
cmp.b #"-",d0
bne Dnumber2
bra MovemOnlyPoss
DadressRegPoss bsr TestNextOnRegEnd
bmi.s Dnumber2t
move.w #DirAdrsAdr,d7
or.w d0,d7
rts ;001xxx Adressregister direkt
CCRposs cmp.b #"c",1(a1,d5)
cmp.b #"r",2(a1,d5)
addq #3,d5
move.w #$8001,d7 ;CCR
moveq.l #0,d0
SRposs cmp.b #"r",1(a1,d5)
addq #2,d5
move.w #$8002,d7 ;SR
moveq.l #0,d0
USPposs cmp.b #"s",1(a1,d5)
cmp.b #"p",2(a1,d5)
addq #3,d5
move.w #$8003,d7 ;USP
moveq.l #0,d0
Drelative bsr ShowNextChar
cmp.b #"a",d0
beq.s DadressRel
cmp.b #"p",d0
bne NoExpression
bsr ShowNextChar
cmp.b #"c",d0
bne NoExpression
bsr ShowNextChar
cmp.b #")",d0
beq DpcRel
cmp.b #",",d0
bne NoExpression
move.w #%111011,d7
bra PCinjump
DpcRel move.l AssembleAdr(a4),d0
addq #2,d0
sub.l d0,d6
and.l #$ffff,d6
addq #1,d5
move.w #%111010,d7
rts ;111010 PC Relative
DadressRel bsr TestNextOnRegEnd
bmi NoExpression
move.w d0,d7
bsr ShowThisChar
cmp.b #")",d0
beq.s IndOrIndPlus
cmp.b #",",d0
bne NoExpression
or.w #%110000,d7
PCinjump and.w #$ff,d6
bsr ShowNextChar
cmp.b #"d",d0
beq.s DataFollows
cmp.b #"a",d0
bne NoExpression
or.w #$8000,d6
DataFollows bsr TestNextOnRegEnd
bmi NoExpression
lsl.w #8,d0
lsl.w #4,d0
or.w d0,d6
bsr ShowThisChar
cmp.b #")",d0
bne.s PunktFollows
addq #1,d5
PunktFollows cmp.b #".",d0
bne NoExpression
bsr ShowNextChar
cmp.b #"w",d0
beq.s WordequStay
cmp.b #"l",d0
bne NoExpression
or.w #$0800,d6
WordequStay bsr ShowNextChar
cmp.b #")",d0
bne NoExpression
addq #1,d5
rts ;110xxx Adr ind mit index + reg
IndOrIndPlus bsr ShowNextChar
cmp.b #"+",d0
beq.s IndPlus
tst.w d6
beq.s AdrMode3
or.w #%101000,d7 ;101xxx Adressreg ind +d16
AdrMode3 or.w #%010000,d7
rts ;010xxx Adressregister indirekt
IndPlus addq #1,d5
or.w #%011000,d7
rts ;011xxx AdrReg ind postinc
PreDekReg bsr ShowNextChar
cmp.b #"(",d0
bne NegativeNumber
bsr ShowNextChar
cmp.b #"a",d0
bne NoExpression
bsr TestNextOnRegEnd
bmi NoExpression
move.w d0,d7
bsr ShowThisChar
cmp.b #")",d0
bne NoExpression
addq #1,d5
or.w #%100000,d7
rts ;100xxx Adressreg ind predec
ShowNextChar addq #1,d5
ShowThisChar move.b (a1,d5),d0
bsr ShowNextChar
cmp.b #"0",d0
bcs.s Miinuus
cmp.b #"8",d0
bcc.s Miinuus
and.w #$07,d0
move.w d0,d1
bsr ShowNextChar
cmp.b #",",d0
beq.s OKregTest
cmp.b #" ",d0
beq.s OKregTest
cmp.b #")",d0
beq.s OKregTest
cmp.b #".",d0
beq.s OKregTest
Miinuus subq #1,d5
moveq #-1,d1
OKregTest move.w d1,d0
MovemOnlyPoss subq #2,d5
moveq.l #0,d1 ;Dort Bits Setzen
HauptSchl bsr ShowNextChar
cmp.b #"a",d0
bne.s DataPart
bsr GetNumberMV
bmi NoExpression
addq #8,d0
move.w d0,d2
DownEnde2 bsr ShowNextChar
cmp.b #"-",d0
beq.s BisRoutine2
cmp.b #"/",d0
beq.s SetNTryAgain
cmp.b #",",d0
beq.s SetAndEnd
cmp.b #" ",d0
bne NoExpression
bra.s SetAndEnd
BisRoutine2 bsr ShowNextChar
cmp.b #"a",d0
bne NoExpression
bsr GetNumberMV
bmi NoExpression
addq #8,d0
cmp.b d0,d2
beq.s DownEnde2
bcc.s CountUPD2
MakeSchleife2 bset d2,d1
addq #1,d2
cmp.b d0,d2
beq.s DownEnde2
bra.s MakeSchleife2
CountUPD2 bset d2,d1
subq #1,d2
cmp.b d0,d2
beq.s DownEnde2
bra.s CountUPD2
DataPart cmp.b #"d",d0
bne NoExpression
bsr GetNumberMV
bmi NoExpression
move.w d0,d2
DownEnde bsr ShowNextChar
cmp.b #"-",d0
beq.s BisRoutine
cmp.b #"/",d0
beq.s SetNTryAgain
cmp.b #",",d0
beq.s SetAndEnd
cmp.b #" ",d0
bne NoExpression
SetAndEnd bset d2,d1
move.w d1,d6
move.w #$8004,d7
moveq.l #0,d0
SetNTryAgain bset d2,d1
bra HauptSchl
BisRoutine bsr ShowNextChar
cmp.b #"d",d0
bne NoExpression
bsr GetNumberMV
bmi NoExpression
cmp.b d0,d2
beq.s DownEnde
bcc.s CountUPD
MakeSchleife bset d2,d1
addq #1,d2
cmp.b d0,d2
beq.s DownEnde
bra.s MakeSchleife
CountUPD bset d2,d1
subq #1,d2
cmp.b d0,d2
beq.s DownEnde
bra.s CountUPD
GetNumberMV bsr ShowNextChar
cmp.b #"0",d0
bcs.s Miinuus2
cmp.b #"8",d0
bcc.s Miinuus2
and.w #$07,d0
Miinuus2 moveq #-1,d0
;Versuch einer Tabelle mit deren Hilfe Assemble/Disassemble einfacher
;zu lösen ist :
;0-3 : Pointer auf Name
;4-5 : Feste Bits
;6-7 : Maske zum erkennen der Bits
;8-9 : untere 12 bits : Adressmodes Source
;10-11: untere 12 bits : Adressmodes Dest
;12 : Nibble 1: Mode , Nibble 2: Shift Source
;13 : Nibble 1: Mode , Nibble 2: Shift Dest
;14 : Nibble 1: LenMode , Nibble 2: Shift Len : $00 = No Len
;15 : Extension für negative Adrmodes : $00 = Keine
; $01 = CCR
; $02 = SR
; $03 = USP
; $04 = MOVEM
;Modes : 0 = No Source/Destination
; 1 = Normale Adressierung mit effektivem Adressfeld 6 Bits
; 2 = Datenregisterfeld mit 3 Bits
; 3 = Adressregisterfeld mit 3 Bits
; 4 = Immediate im naechsten Wort
; 5 = trapspecial
; 6 = CCR/SR
; 7 = Special turn round for move
; 8 = Special for addq/subq
; 9 = -(a0)
; a = (a0)+
; b = Moveqspecial
; c = MovepSpecial
;LenModes 0 = Normal b,w,l
; 1 = b,w,l +1
; 2 = Normal w,l
; 3 = Shortsize
CName equ 0
CWord equ 4
CAnd equ 6
CAdrSource equ 8
CAdrDest equ 10
CModSource equ 12
CModDest equ 13
CModLen equ 14
CSpecial equ 15
CLen equ 16
;******* Assembler Command Data ********
;All %0100---- Commands
CommandList dc.l Lea ;4
dc.w %0100000111000000,%1111000111000000 ;8
dc.w %001001111110 ;10
dc.w %010000000000 ;12
dc.b $10,$39,$00 ;15
dc.b $00 ;16
dc.l Chk
dc.w %0100000110000000,%1111000111000000
dc.w %101111111111
dc.w %100000000000
dc.b $10,$29,$00
dc.b $00
dc.l Clr
dc.w %0100001000000000,%1111111100000000
dc.w %101111111000
dc.w 0
dc.b $10,$00,$06
dc.b $00
dc.l Nop
dc.w %0100111001110001,%1111111111111111
dc.w 0
dc.w 0
dc.b $00,$00,$00
dc.b $00
dc.l move ;to SR
dc.w %0100011011000000,%1111111111000000
dc.w %101111111111
dc.w %1000000000000000
dc.b $10,$60,$00
dc.b 2
dc.l Not
dc.w %0100011000000000,%1111111100000000
dc.w %101111111000
dc.w 0
dc.b $10,$00,$06
dc.b $00
dc.l Swap
dc.w %0100100001000000,%1111111111111000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.w 0
dc.b $20,$00,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l Pea
dc.w %0100100001000000,%1111111111000000
dc.w %001001111110
dc.w 0
dc.b $10,$00,$00
dc.b $00
dc.l Ext
dc.w %0100100010000000,%1111111110111000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.w 0
dc.b $20,$00,$26
dc.b $00
dc.l illegal
dc.w %0100101011111100,%1111111111111111
dc.w 0
dc.w 0
dc.b $00,$00,$00
dc.b $00
dc.l Jmp
dc.w %0100111011000000,%1111111111000000
dc.w %001001111110
dc.w 0
dc.b $10,$00,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l Jsr
dc.w %0100111010000000,%1111111111000000
dc.w %001001111110
dc.w 0
dc.b $10,$00,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l Link
dc.w %0100111001010000,%1111111111111000
dc.w %010000000000
dc.w %000000000001
dc.b $30,$40,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l move ;to CCR
dc.w %0100010011000000,%1111111111000000
dc.w %101111111111
dc.w %1000000000000000
dc.b $10,$60,$00
dc.b 1
dc.l move ;from SR
dc.w %0100000011000000,%1111111111000000
dc.w %1000000000000000
dc.w %101111111000
dc.b $60,$10,$00
dc.b 2
dc.l move ;USP
dc.w %0100111001100000,%1111111111111000
dc.w %010000000000
dc.w %1000000000000000
dc.b $30,$60,$00
dc.b 3
dc.l move ;USP
dc.w %0100111001101000,%1111111111111000
dc.w %1000000000000000
dc.w %010000000000
dc.b $60,$30,$00
dc.b 3
dc.l Movem
dc.w %0100100010000000,%1111111110000000
dc.w %1000000000000000
dc.w %001011111000
dc.b $60,$10,$26
dc.b 4
dc.l Movem
dc.w %0100110010000000,%1111111110000000
dc.w %001101111000
dc.w %1000000000000000
dc.b $10,$60,$26
dc.b 4
dc.l Nbcd
dc.w %0100100000000000,%1111111111000000
dc.w %101111111000
dc.w 0
dc.b $10,$00,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l Neg
dc.w %0100010000000000,%1111111100000000
dc.w %101111111000
dc.w 0
dc.b $10,$00,$06
dc.b 0
dc.l NegX
dc.w %0100000000000000,%1111111100000000
dc.w %101111111000
dc.w 0
dc.b $10,$00,$06
dc.b 0
dc.l Reset
dc.w %0100111001110000,%1111111111111111
dc.w 0
dc.w 0
dc.b $00,$00,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l Rte
dc.w %0100111001110011,%1111111111111111
dc.w 0
dc.w 0
dc.b $00,$00,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l Rtr
dc.w %0100111001110111,%1111111111111111
dc.w 0
dc.w 0
dc.b $00,$00,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l Rts
dc.w %0100111001110101,%1111111111111111
dc.w 0
dc.w 0
dc.b $00,$00,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l Stop
dc.w %0100111001110010,%1111111111111111
dc.w %000000000001
dc.w 0
dc.b $40,$00,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l Tas
dc.w %0100101011000000,%1111111111000000
dc.w %101111111000
dc.w 0
dc.b $10,$00,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l Trap
dc.w %0100111001000000,%1111111111110000
dc.w %000000000001
dc.w 0
dc.b $50,$00,$00
dc.b $00
dc.l Trapv
dc.w %0100111001110110,%1111111111111111
dc.w 0
dc.w 0
dc.b $00,$00,$00
dc.b $00
dc.l Tst
dc.w %0100101000000000,%1111111100000000
dc.w %101111111000
dc.w 0
dc.b $10,$00,$06
dc.b $00
dc.l UnLink
dc.w %0100111001011000,%1111111111111000
dc.w %010000000000
dc.w 0
dc.b $30,$00,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l 0
;All %1110---- Commands
CommandList2 dc.l Asl
dc.w %1110000111000000,%1111111111000000
dc.w %001111111000
dc.w 0
dc.b $10,$00,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l Asr
dc.w %1110000011000000,%1111111111000000
dc.w %001111111000
dc.w 0
dc.b $10,$00,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l Lsl
dc.w %1110001111000000,%1111111111000000
dc.w %001111111000
dc.w 0
dc.b $10,$00,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l Lsr
dc.w %1110001011000000,%1111111111000000
dc.w %001111111000
dc.w 0
dc.b $10,$00,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l Rol
dc.w %1110011111000000,%1111111111000000
dc.w %001111111000
dc.w 0
dc.b $10,$00,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l Ror
dc.w %1110011011000000,%1111111111000000
dc.w %001111111000
dc.w 0
dc.b $10,$00,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l Roxl
dc.w %1110010111000000,%1111111111000000
dc.w %001111111000
dc.w 0
dc.b $10,$00,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l Roxr
dc.w %1110010011000000,%1111111111000000
dc.w %001111111000
dc.w 0
dc.b $10,$00,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l Asl
dc.w %1110000100000000,%1111000100111000
dc.w %000000000001
dc.w %100000000000
dc.b $89,$20,$06
dc.b 0
dc.l Asr
dc.w %1110000000000000,%1111000100111000
dc.w %000000000001
dc.w %100000000000
dc.b $89,$20,$06
dc.b 0
dc.l Asl
dc.w %1110000100100000,%1111000100111000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.b $29,$20,$06
dc.b 0
dc.l Asr
dc.w %1110000000100000,%1111000100111000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.b $29,$20,$06
dc.b 0
dc.l Lsl
dc.w %1110000100001000,%1111000100111000
dc.w %000000000001
dc.w %100000000000
dc.b $89,$20,$06
dc.b 0
dc.l Lsr
dc.w %1110000000001000,%1111000100111000
dc.w %000000000001
dc.w %100000000000
dc.b $89,$20,$06
dc.b 0
dc.l Lsl
dc.w %1110000100101000,%1111000100111000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.b $29,$20,$06
dc.b 0
dc.l Lsr
dc.w %1110000000101000,%1111000100111000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.b $29,$20,$06
dc.b 0
dc.l Rol
dc.w %1110000100011000,%1111000100111000
dc.w %000000000001
dc.w %100000000000
dc.b $89,$20,$06
dc.b 0
dc.l Ror
dc.w %1110000000011000,%1111000100111000
dc.w %000000000001
dc.w %100000000000
dc.b $89,$20,$06
dc.b 0
dc.l Rol
dc.w %1110000100111000,%1111000100111000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.b $29,$20,$06
dc.b 0
dc.l Ror
dc.w %1110000000111000,%1111000100111000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.b $29,$20,$06
dc.b 0
dc.l Roxl
dc.w %1110000100010000,%1111000100111000
dc.w %000000000001
dc.w %100000000000
dc.b $89,$20,$06
dc.b 0
dc.l Roxr
dc.w %1110000000010000,%1111000100111000
dc.w %000000000001
dc.w %100000000000
dc.b $89,$20,$06
dc.b 0
dc.l Roxl
dc.w %1110000100110000,%1111000100111000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.b $29,$20,$06
dc.b 0
dc.l Roxr
dc.w %1110000000110000,%1111000100111000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.b $29,$20,$06
dc.b 0
dc.l 0
;All %1101---- Commands
CommandList3 dc.l Add ;adda
dc.w %1101000011000000,%1111000011000000
dc.w %111111111111
dc.w %010000000000
dc.b $10,$39,$28
dc.b $00
dc.l Addx ; -(ax),-(ay)
dc.w %1101000100001000,%1111000100111000
dc.w %000010000000
dc.w %000010000000
dc.b $90,$99,$06
dc.b $00
dc.l Addx ; dx,dy
dc.w %1101000100000000,%1111000100111000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.b $20,$29,$06
dc.b $00
dc.l Add
dc.w %1101000000000000,%1111000100000000
dc.w %111111111111
dc.w %100000000000
dc.b $10,$29,$06
dc.b $00
dc.l Add
dc.w %1101000100000000,%1111000100000000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.w %001111111000
dc.b $29,$10,$06
dc.b $00
dc.l 0
;Move Command
CommandList4 dc.l move
dc.w %0000000000000000,%1100000000000000
dc.w %111111111111
dc.w %111111111000
dc.b $10,$76,$1c
dc.b $00
dc.l 0
;All %0000---- Commands
CommandList5 dc.l Eor ;ccr
dc.w %0000101000111100,%1111111111111111
dc.w %000000000001
dc.w %1000000000000000
dc.b $40,$60,$00
dc.b 1
dc.l Eor ;sr
dc.w %0000101001111100,%1111111111111111
dc.w %000000000001
dc.w %1000000000000000
dc.b $40,$60,$00
dc.b 2
dc.l And ;to CCR
dc.w %0000001000111100,%1111111111111111
dc.w %000000000001
dc.w %1000000000000000
dc.b $40,$60,$00
dc.b 1
dc.l And ;to SR
dc.w %0000001001111100,%1111111111111111
dc.w %000000000001
dc.w %1000000000000000
dc.b $40,$60,$00
dc.b 2
dc.l Or ;to CCR
dc.w %0000000000111100,%1111111111111111
dc.w %000000000001
dc.w %1000000000000000
dc.b $40,$60,$00
dc.b 1
dc.l Or ;to SR
dc.w %0000000001111100,%1111111111111111
dc.w %000000000001
dc.w %1000000000000000
dc.b $40,$60,$00
dc.b 2
dc.l Add
dc.w %0000011000000000,%1111111100000000
dc.w %000000000001
dc.w %101111111000
dc.b $40,$10,$06
dc.b $00
dc.l And ;andi
dc.w %0000001000000000,%1111111100000000
dc.w %000000000001
dc.w %101111111000
dc.b $40,$10,$06
dc.b 0
dc.l movep
dc.w %0000000100001000,%1111000110111000
dc.w %000001000000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.b $c0,$29,$26
dc.b 0
dc.l movep
dc.w %0000000110001000,%1111000110111000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.w %000001000000
dc.b $29,$c0,$26
dc.b 0
dc.l Bchg
dc.w %0000000101000000,%1111000111000000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.w %101111111000
dc.b $29,$10,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l Bchg
dc.w %0000100001000000,%1111111111000000
dc.w %000000000001
dc.w %101111111000
dc.b $40,$10,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l Bclr
dc.w %0000000110000000,%1111000111000000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.w %101111111000
dc.b $29,$10,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l Bclr
dc.w %0000100010000000,%1111111111000000
dc.w %000000000001
dc.w %101111111000
dc.b $40,$10,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l Bset
dc.w %0000000111000000,%1111000111000000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.w %101111111000
dc.b $29,$10,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l Bset
dc.w %0000100011000000,%1111111111000000
dc.w %000000000001
dc.w %101111111000
dc.b $40,$10,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l Btst
dc.w %0000000100000000,%1111000111000000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.w %101111111000
dc.b $29,$10,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l Btst
dc.w %0000100000000000,%1111111111000000
dc.w %000000000001
dc.w %101111111000
dc.b $40,$10,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l Cmp
dc.w %0000110000000000,%1111111100000000
dc.w %000000000001
dc.w %101111111000
dc.b $40,$10,$06
dc.b 0
dc.l Eor
dc.w %0000101000000000,%1111111100000000
dc.w %000000000001
dc.w %101111111000
dc.b $40,$10,$06
dc.b 0
dc.l Or
dc.w %0000000000000000,%1111111100000000
dc.w %000000000001
dc.w %101111111000
dc.b $40,$10,$06
dc.b 0
dc.l Sub
dc.w %0000010000000000,%1111111100000000
dc.w %000000000001
dc.w %101111111000
dc.b $40,$10,$06
dc.b 0
dc.l 0
;All %0101---- Commands
CommandList6 dc.l addq
dc.w %0101000000000000,%1111000100000000
dc.w %000000000001
dc.w %111111111000
dc.b $89,$10,$06
dc.b $00
dc.l subq
dc.w %0101000100000000,%1111000100000000
dc.w %000000000001
dc.w %111111111000
dc.b $89,$10,$06
dc.b 0
dc.l 0
;All %1100---- Commands
CommandList7 dc.l Abcd
dc.w %1100000100000000,%1111000111111000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.b $20,$29,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l Abcd
dc.w %1100000100001000,%1111000111111000
dc.w %000010000000
dc.w %000010000000
dc.b $90,$99,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l Exg
dc.w %1100000101000000,%1111000111111000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.b $29,$20,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l Exg
dc.w %1100000101001000,%1111000111111000
dc.w %010000000000
dc.w %010000000000
dc.b $39,$30,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l Exg
dc.w %1100000110001000,%1111000111111000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.w %010000000000
dc.b $29,$30,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l Muls
dc.w %1100000111000000,%1111000111000000
dc.w %101111111111
dc.w %100000000000
dc.b $10,$29,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l Mulu
dc.w %1100000011000000,%1111000111000000
dc.w %101111111111
dc.w %100000000000
dc.b $10,$29,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l And
dc.w %1100000000000000,%1111000100000000
dc.w %101111111111
dc.w %100000000000
dc.b $10,$29,$06
dc.b $00
dc.l And
dc.w %1100000100000000,%1111000100000000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.w %001111111000
dc.b $29,$10,$06
dc.b $00
dc.l 0
;All %1011---- Commands
CommandList8 dc.l Cmp
dc.w %1011000011000000,%1111000011000000
dc.w %111111111111
dc.w %010000000000
dc.b $10,$39,$28
dc.b 0
dc.l Cmp
dc.w %1011000000000000,%1111000100000000
dc.w %111111111111
dc.w %100000000000
dc.b $10,$29,$06
dc.b 0
dc.l Cmp
dc.w %1011000100001000,%1111000100111000
dc.w %000100000000
dc.w %000100000000
dc.b $a0,$a9,$06
dc.b 0
dc.l Eor
dc.w %1011000100000000,%1111000100000000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.w %101111111000
dc.b $29,$10,$06
dc.b 0
dc.l 0
;All %1000---- Commands
CommandList9 dc.l Divs
dc.w %1000000111000000,%1111000111000000
dc.w %101111111111
dc.w %100000000000
dc.b $10,$29,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l Divu
dc.w %1000000011000000,%1111000111000000
dc.w %101111111111
dc.w %100000000000
dc.b $10,$29,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l Sbcd
dc.w %1000000100000000,%1111000111111000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.b $20,$29,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l Sbcd
dc.w %1000000100001000,%1111000111111000
dc.w %000010000000
dc.w %000010000000
dc.b $90,$99,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l Or
dc.w %1000000000000000,%1111000100000000
dc.w %101111111111
dc.w %100000000000
dc.b $10,$29,$06
dc.b 0
dc.l Or
dc.w %1000000100000000,%1111000100000000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.w %001111111000
dc.b $29,$10,$06
dc.b 0
dc.l 0
;All %0111---- Commands
CommandList10 dc.l Moveq
dc.w %0111000000000000,%1111000100000000
dc.w %000000000001
dc.w %100000000000
dc.b $b0,$29,$00
dc.b 0
dc.l 0
;All %1001---- Commands
CommandList11 dc.l Sub ;Suba
dc.w %1001000011000000,%1111000011000000
dc.w %111111111111
dc.w %010000000000
dc.b $10,$39,$28
dc.b 0
dc.l Subx
dc.w %1001000100000000,%1111000100111000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.b $20,$29,$06
dc.b 0
dc.l Subx
dc.w %1001000100001000,%1111000100111000
dc.w %000010000000
dc.w %000010000000
dc.b $90,$99,$06
dc.b 0
dc.l Sub
dc.w %1001000000000000,%1111000100000000
dc.w %111111111000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.b $10,$29,$06
dc.b 0
dc.l Sub
dc.w %1001000100000000,%1111000100000000
dc.w %100000000000
dc.w %001111111000
dc.b $29,$10,$06
dc.b 0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
;****** Assembler Mnemonics ******
Abcd dc.b "abcd",0
Add dc.b "add",0
addq dc.b "addq",0
Addx dc.b "addx",0
And dc.b "and",0
Asl dc.b "asl",0
Asr dc.b "asr",0
Chk dc.b "chk",0
Clr dc.b "clr",0
Cmp dc.b "cmp",0
Divs dc.b "divs",0
Divu dc.b "divu",0
Eor dc.b "eor",0
Exg dc.b "exg",0
Ext dc.b "ext",0
illegal dc.b "illegal",0
Jmp dc.b "jmp",0
Jsr dc.b "jsr",0
Lea dc.b "lea",0
Link dc.b "link",0
Lsl dc.b "lsl",0
Lsr dc.b "lsr",0
move dc.b "move",0
Movem dc.b "movem",0
movep dc.b "movep",0
Moveq dc.b "moveq",0
Muls dc.b "muls",0
Mulu dc.b "mulu",0
Nbcd dc.b "nbcd",0
Neg dc.b "neg",0
NegX dc.b "negx",0
Nop dc.b "nop",0
Not dc.b "not",0
Or dc.b "or",0
Pea dc.b "pea",0
Reset dc.b "reset",0
Rol dc.b "rol",0
Ror dc.b "ror",0
Roxl dc.b "roxl",0
Roxr dc.b "roxr",0
Rte dc.b "rte",0
Rtr dc.b "rtr",0
Rts dc.b "rts",0
Sbcd dc.b "sbcd",0
Stop dc.b "stop",0
Sub dc.b "sub",0
subq dc.b "subq",0
Subx dc.b "subx",0
Swap dc.b "swap",0
Tas dc.b "tas",0
Trap dc.b "trap",0
Trapv dc.b "trapv",0
Tst dc.b "tst",0
UnLink dc.b "unlk",0
LineA dc.b "linea",0
LineF dc.b "linef",0
DCW dc.b "dc.w",0
UnknownCommand dc.b "?????",0
dc.b 0,0
Branches dc.b "rasr" ;0000
dc.b "hils" ;0010
dc.b "cccs" ;0100
dc.b "neeq" ;0110
dc.b "vcvs" ;1000
dc.b "plmi" ;1010
dc.b "gelt" ;1100
dc.b "gtle" ;1110
dc.b "t",0,"f",0 ;extras for db and s
DBranchText dc.b "dbxx",0
BranchText dc.b "bxx.x",0
Stext dc.b " sxx",0
BitText ;
Btst dc.b "btst",0
Bchg dc.b "bchg",0
Bclr dc.b "bclr",0
Bset dc.b "bset",0
;******* Amiga-Dos Definitionen ******
Xwindow equ 640
Ywindow equ 200
WindowDefs dc.w 0,0,Xwindow,Ywindow
dc.b 0,1
dc.l 0,0,WindowName
WD_Screen dc.l 0,0
dc.w 640,64,2000,2000
WindowDefs2 dc.w 0,0,Xwindow,Ywindow
dc.b 0,1
dc.l 0,0,WindowName2
WD_Screen2 dc.l 0,0
dc.w Xwindow,Ywindow,Xwindow,Ywindow
ScreenName dc.b "Scypmon V1.8",0
WindowName dc.b "Scypmon V1.8 by Jörg Bublath 13-Jan-94 - Mode: "
ScreenNameMode dc.b " ",0
WindowName2 dc.b "Scypmon V1.8 - Help Window",0
IntuitionName INTNAME
GraphicsName dc.b "graphics.library",0
ConName dc.b "console.device",0
DisLibText dc.b "dis.library",0
DiskFontName dc.b "diskfont.library",0
FontDefs dc.l FontName
FontSize dc.w 8
dc.b 0
FontName dc.b "topaz.font",0
;******* eigene Definitionen *******
ProgramName dc.b "Scypmon 1.8",0
Mode1 dc.b "Insert ",0
Mode2 dc.b "Overwrite",0
FILENFText dc.b $0a,"File not found",0
FileErrText dc.b $0a,"Error while disk-access #",0
LoadingText dc.b $0a,"Loading ",0
SavingText dc.b $0a,"Saving ",0
Break dc.b $0a,"Break",0
ExceptionTX dc.b $0a,"Exception #",0
DirTXT dc.b "dir",0
DirIs dc.b $0a,"directory:",0
AtTEXT dc.b " at ",0
RegText dc.b $0a," usp ssp pc t-s--iii---xnzvc",$0a,".'p ",0
TrackTxt dc.b "T H S ",0
TraceStartText dc.b $0a,"TRACE: cr: execute, x: exit, r: register, n: next, j: execute jsr, g: go",0
MemError dc.b $0a,"Memory Error",0
SegTxt dc.b "=PrgStart",0
SegTxt2 dc.b $0a,"Sg Start Len",0
EinschaltTxt dc.b $0a,"Scypmon Version 13-Jan-94, (c) by Jörg Bublath - This is Shareware !",$0a,0
Str_Unset dc.b "<unset>",0
TaskNameTxt dc.b $0a,"Task: '",0
ProcessName dc.b $0a,"Process: '",0
PriorityTxt dc.b " Pri:",0
Sign1 dc.b $0a,"Signals:",$0a,"Alloc=",0
Sign2 dc.b $0a,"Wait =",0
Sign3 dc.b $0a,"Set =",0
Stack1 dc.b $0a,"Stack: Lower=",0
Stack2 dc.b " Reg=",0
Stack3 dc.b " Upper=",0
Str_Command dc.b $0a,"CLI: Cmd ='",0
Str_None dc.b 6,"<none>"
TaskNotFound dc.b $0a,"Task not found!",0
AdressTxt dc.b "' Adress:",0
FreeBText dc.b $0a,"Unused bytes: ",0
ExceededText dc.b $0a,"FreeMem exceeded - use ""!"" to override",0
ErrorsOccured dc.b $0a,"Errors occured:",$0
StartError1 dc.b $0a,"Couldn't open your font: ",0
StartError2 dc.b $0a,"Can't use proportional font: ",0
StartError3 dc.b $0a,"Couldn't open batchfile: ",0
StartError4 dc.b $0a,"Fontwidth too high!",0
OpenDevErr dc.b $0a,"Error opening device #",0
DeviceNotFound dc.b $0a,"Device not found!",0
DevInf1 dc.b $0a,"Devicename: ",0
DevInf2 dc.b " Unit: ",0
DevInf3 dc.b " Blocksize: ",0
DevInf4 dc.b $0a,"Surfaces: ",0
DevInf5 dc.b " Block per Track: ",0
DevInf6 dc.b " LowCyl: ",0
DevInf7 dc.b " HighCyl: ",0
VersionString dc.b "$VER: Scypmon 1.8 (13.1.94) by Jörg Bublath",0
ShortHelp dc.b $0a,"Usage: scypmon [-bdp] [-s <pubscreen>] [-f <fontname> <fontsize>]",$0a
dc.b " [-P <xpos> <ypos>] [-S <xsize> <ysize>] [batchfile]",$0a
dc.b "-b : Background (do not activate)",$0a
dc.b "-d : Use dis.library V2 for disassembling",$0a
dc.b "-p : Patch exception vectors to catch gurus",$0a
dc.b "-f : Use another font",$0a
dc.b "-s : Open on a specified pubscreen",$0a
dc.b "-P : New position for the window",$0a
dc.b "-S : New size for the window",$0a
dc.b "batchfile : Name of textfile with scypmon-instructions",$0a,$0a
OutDeviceTx dc.b "prt:",0
RegisterSave ds.l 8 ;dataregs
RegisterSave2 ds.l 8 ;adrregs
USPstack dc.l 0
SSPstack dc.l 0
SRregister dc.l 0
PCregister dc.l 0
StatusLine dc.w 0
ZeroSpeicher dc.l 0
ZeroPageMem dc.l 0
VBRreg dc.l 0
TraceSave dc.l 0
CurrDir dc.l 0
Vektors dc.l Guru2
dc.l Guru3
dc.l Guru4
dc.l Guru5
dc.l Guru6
dc.l Guru7
dc.l 0
dc.l Guru9
dc.l Gurua
dc.l Gurub
StackBase ds.b 64
;************ Jetzt wirds ernst..... : Menues:
FirstMenu dc.l SecMenu
dc.w 10,0 ;LeftEdge,TopEdge
dc.w 110,10 ;Width,Height
dc.l MenuName ;Name
dc.l FirstItem
ds.w 4 ;4 reservierte Woerter
SecMenu dc.l 0
dc.w 400,0 ;LeftEdge,TopEdge
dc.w 100,10 ;Width,Height
dc.l HelpName ;Name
dc.l HelpItem
ds.w 4 ;4 reservierte Woerter
FirstItem dc.l MenuItem2
dc.w 0,0
dc.w 26,10
dc.l 0
dc.l IntuiText1,0
dc.b "I",0
dc.l 0
dc.w 0
MenuItem2 dc.l MenuItem3
dc.w 0,1
dc.w 26,10
dc.l 0
dc.l IntuiText2,0
dc.b "D",0
dc.l 0
dc.w 0
MenuItem3 dc.l MenuItem4
dc.w 0,2
dc.w 26,10
dc.l 0
dc.l IntuiText3,0
dc.b "P",0
dc.l 0
dc.w 0
MenuItem4 dc.l MenuItem5
dc.w 0,3
dc.w 26,10
dc.l 0
dc.l IntuiText4,0
dc.b "C",0
dc.l 0
dc.w 0
MenuItem5 dc.l 0
dc.w 0,4
dc.w 26,10
dc.l 0
dc.l IntuiText5,0
dc.b "Q",0
dc.l 0
dc.w 0
HelpItem dc.l 0
dc.w 0,0
dc.w 18,0
dc.l 0
dc.l IntuiHelp,0
dc.b "H",0
dc.l 0
dc.w 0
IntuiText1 dc.b 0,1 ;Front/back Pen
dc.b RP_JAM2,0
dc.w 0,0 ;Left/Topedge
dc.l 0 ;FontDefs
dc.l MenuText1
dc.l 0
IntuiText2 dc.b 0,1 ;Front/back Pen
dc.b RP_JAM2,0 ;drawmode
dc.w 0,0 ;Left/Topedge
dc.l 0 ;FontDefs
dc.l MenuText2
dc.l 0
IntuiText3 dc.b 0,1 ;Front/back Pen
dc.b RP_JAM2,0 ;drawmode
dc.w 0,0 ;Left/Topedge
dc.l 0 ;FontDefs
dc.l MenuText3
dc.l 0
IntuiText4 dc.b 0,1 ;Front/back Pen
dc.b RP_JAM2,0 ;drawmode
dc.w 0,0 ;Left/Topedge
dc.l 0 ;FontDefs
dc.l MenuText4
dc.l 0
IntuiText5 dc.b 0,1 ;Front/back Pen
dc.b RP_JAM2,0 ;drawmode
dc.w 0,0 ;Left/Topedge
dc.l 0 ;FontDefs
dc.l MenuText5
dc.l 0
IntuiHelp dc.b 0,1 ;Front/back Pen
dc.b RP_JAM2,0 ;drawmode
dc.w 0,0 ;Left/Topedge
dc.l 0 ;FontDefs
dc.l HelpText
dc.l 0
MenuText1 dc.b " Pay Shareware",0
MenuText2 dc.b " Use dis.library",0
MenuText3 dc.b " Patch Exceptions",0
MenuText4 dc.b " Config dis.library",0
MenuText5 dc.b " Quit SCYPMON",0
MenuName dc.b "Options",0
HelpName dc.b "HELP!",0
HelpText dc.b "Help Window",0
HelpScreen dc.b "----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
dc.b "a=adress, l=length, s=segment(0-7), n=name, <>=required, []=optional, |=or "
dc.b "DISK ACCESS-----------------------------------------------------------------"
dc.b "C <a> :Block Checksum | b <a> :BB Checksum "
dc.b "<X <blockspec><a>[l] :Read Block(s) | >X <blockspec><a>[l] :Write Block(s) "
dc.b "blockspecs:X=t :<track><head><sector>| D [n] :Directory "
dc.b " X=b :<blocknumber> | CD [n] :Dir Change "
dc.b " X=o :<byteoffset> | V [devicename] :Choose Device "
dc.b "INPUT/OUTPUT----------------------------------------------------------------"
dc.b "O [n] :Output Dev/File | ld <n><s> :Load Dos-File | p <comm>:Print "
dc.b "l <n><a>[!] :Load File | s <n><a><a> :Save File | h :History"
dc.b "MEMORY----------------------------------------------------------------------"
dc.b "F <s> :FreeMem | A <s><a><l> :AllocAbs | M <a> : Mem Free"
dc.b "S [s] :Segment List | A <s><l>[C|F|P] :AllocMem "
dc.b "MONITOR---------------------------------------------------------------------"
dc.b "a <a> :Assemble | c <a><a><a> :Compare | d <a>[a] :Dissass "
dc.b "i <a>[a] :ASCII Dump | m <a>[a] :Hex Dump | o <a><a><bytes> :Occupy "
dc.b "P <a> :Textout | r :Show Registers | t <a><a><a> :Transfer "
dc.b "w <a><n> :Text to Mem | x :Exit Program | ? <arith.expr> :Calc "
dc.b "TRACING---------------------------------------------------------------------"
dc.b "B <a> :Breakpoint | e <n|a> :Examine Task | g <a> :goto | T [a] :Trace"
dc.b "FIND------------------------------------------------------------------------"
dc.b "fd <a><a><findexpr>[!] :Find and Dissassemble | f <a><a><findexpr>[!]:Find"
dc.b "fr <a><a><a> :Find Relative "
dc.b "----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
;****** Zero-Page (Flags) ******
FileLockerR rs.w 256
FindBufferR rs.l $20
MaskBufferR rs.l $20
OutDeviceR rs.l $20
VariableBuff rs.l 26
CommandHist rs.b HistorySize
ZeroPage rs.w 1
IntBase rs.l 1
GraphicsBase rs.l 1
DosBase rs.l 1
DislibBase rs.l 1
VarBuff rs.l 1
HistoryMem rs.l 1
HistoryEnd rs.l 1
HistPointStart rs.l 1
HistPointEnd rs.l 1
HistPointAct rs.l 1
AllocSegs rs.l 16 ;8 Alloc-Segmente Pointer,Length
AllocLength equ AllocSegs+4
FlushCursorX rs.w 1
MainWindow rs.l 1
TextScreen rs.l 1
RechenSpeicher rs.l 1
OutPutStart rs.l 1
OutPutStop rs.l 1
BaseStack rs.l 1
AssembleAdr rs.l 1
AdrDataSource rs.l 1
AdrModeSource rs.w 1
AdrDataDest rs.l 1
AdrModeDest rs.w 1
ModeBitSource rs.w 1
ModeBitDest rs.w 1
CommandSize rs.w 1
Uncontrolled = CommandSize ;verwendung überschneidet nicht
MovemRemember rs.w 1
OLDTRAP15 rs.l 1
ActIAdress rs.l 1
DeviceUnit rs.l 1 ;default: 0
DeviceName rs.l 1 ;default: Zeiger auf trackdisk.device
DeviceFlags rs.l 1 ;default: 0
DEBlocksPerTrack rs.w 1 ;default: 11
DEBytesPerTrack rs.l 1 ;default: 512*11
DESizeBlock rs.w 1 ;default: 512
DESurfaces rs.w 1 ;default: 2
RememberTrap rs.w 1
RememberAdress rs.l 1
FileLocker rs.l 1
FindBuffer rs.l 1
MaskBuffer rs.l 1
BatchFile rs.l 1
BatchHandle rs.l 1
RoundStackPos rs.l 1
OutDevice rs.l 1
WBMessage rs.l 1
ReturnCode rs.l 1
OwnTask rs.l 1
StackKind rs.l 1
PrinterFlag rs.w 1
OutDHandle rs.l 1
TextSize rs.l 1
NoCursorToMouseFlag rs.w 1
ConDevice rs.l 1
WDRastPort rs.l 1
FontBase rs.l 1
ActRaw rs.w 1
ActQual rs.w 1
InBuffLen rs.w 1
InBuffPoint rs.l 1
LongTween rs.l 1
HelpWindow rs.l 1
SignalMask rs.l 1
DELowCyl rs.l 1
DEHighCyl rs.l 1
InsertMode rs.w 1
PatchFlag rs.w 1
SpecialFind rs.w 1
maxX rs.w 1
maxY rs.w 1
TextWidth rs.w 1
TextWidth2 rs.w 1
TextHeight rs.w 1
DisStruct rs.b sizeof_DisLine
NewFontName rs.b 40
NewFontSize rs.w 1
PubName rs.b 40
FontX rs.w 1
FontY rs.w 1
Y0Pos rs.w 1
Y0Rest rs.w 1
SetError rs.w 1
FontOpen rs.w 1
V36OK rs.w 1
ScreenFont rs.l 1
IORequest rs.b IOSTD_SIZE
InputEventStr rs.b ie_SIZEOF
Readreply rs.b MP_SIZE
RelativesLen rs.w 1
GesLen equ ZeroPage+RelativesLen
;Keys without anything:
KeyConv dc.b $41,$08 ;Backspace
dc.b $42,$09 ;Tab
dc.b $43,$0a ;Enter
dc.b $44,$0a ;Return
dc.b $46,$7f ;Del
dc.b $4c,$90 ;Up
dc.b $4d,$91 ;Down
dc.b $4e,$92 ;Right
dc.b $4f,$93 ;Left
dc.b $50,$94,$51,$95 ;F1/F2
dc.b $52,$96 ;f3!!!
dc.b $58,$97,$59,$98 ;F9/F10-Keys
dc.b $5f,$0c ;Help
;Numeric Keypad
dc.b $d0,$9c ;Shift + F1
dc.b $8f,$01 ;InsertMode
dc.b $9d,$99 ;End
dc.b $9e,$91 ;Down
dc.b $ad,$93 ;Left
dc.b $af,$92 ;Right
dc.b $bc,$7f ;Del
dc.b $bd,$9a ;Home
dc.b $be,$90 ;Up
dc.b $c3,$0d ;Shift CR
dc.b $c4,$0d ;Shift CR
dc.b $c6,$9b ;Insert (Shift+Del)
dc.b $cc,$81 ;Blättern Up
dc.b $cd,$82 ;Blättern Down
dc.b $ce,$05 ;END Of Line
dc.b $cf,$0d ;Start of Line
dc.b $df,$0b ;Clear Line Right
dc.w 0