FileType GetIDType(char *IdString); /* used to search a particular Type, if not found return TYPE_UNKNOWNIDSTRING */
WORD CmpFileType(FileType Type1, FileType Type2); /* used for sorting the type, if (Type1 == Type2) return 0; if ( Type1 > Type2) return >0; if ( Type1 < Type2) return <0; */
ULONG GetIDStringMaxLen(void); /* Max strlen() of all file types */
FileType FirstType(void); /* Get the first Type: used to get the list of type */
FileType NextType(FileType Type); /* When NextType() == NULL you reach the end of the list */
FileType ParentFileType(FileType Type); /* Return the parent type of the type you passed, return NULL if no parent exist */
BOOL IsSubTypeOf(FileType Type, FileType ParentType); /* Is the type 'Type' a subtype of the type 'ParentType', return TRUE if yes */
APTR MakeTypeInfos( ULONG SizeOfInfo); /* return a Handle on private type info, you pass size of your info data for one FileType */
void *GetTypeInfo( APTR Handle, FileType Type); /* return ptr on your data for this FileType */
void FreeTypeInfos( APTR Handle);
* if AskReparse() returns 0, file was successfully parsed.
* if InstallTypes() failed, return <0
* if Now is not possible, return >0;
long AskReparse(BOOL Now); /* if Now = TRUE, you ask a reparse now, this can be done only if you are the only owner of the lib ( else reparse was deffered). After Reparse the Type you have are no longuer valid */
FileType WhatIsTags(char *Name, Tag FirstTag, ...);