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** Librarycall-include v1.0 written by Rasmus K. Ursem, Dreamline Designs **
** For the dos.library. **
** **
** This is an include to help assembler-programmers when accessing **
** libraries. You probably know the situation where you just can't **
** remember which registers a library call is using. This will aid you **
** by the use of some logic. This include-file is build like this: **
** All entries starts with the same as the library-calls name, e.g for **
** dos/_LVORead() is the entries _LVORead_FH, _LVORead_Buffer and **
** _LVORead_Size, and the result register is _LVORead_Result. **
** An Example: Say You want to call dos/_LVORead() but cannot remember **
** which registers is used for the input, but with some logic you guess **
** that _LVORead() needs a Filehandle, a buffer and a size. And then it **
** should be pretty easy to guess the names in the include. **
** Some general names: **
** <Library-Call-Name>_Result = the result register. **
** <Library-Call-Name>_Result2 = the 2nd result register. **
** <Library-Call-Name>_RFail = the fail-value. **
** NOTE: This is a value NOT a reg. **
** <Library-Call-Name>_RSuccess = the success-value. **
** NOTE: This is a value NOT a reg. **
** a call will NEVER have both fail **
** and success-values. **
** <Library-Call-Name>_Name = ALWAYS a STRPTR to a name. **
** E.g. a library-name. **
** <Library-Call-Name>_FH = ALWAYS a BPTR filehandle. **
** <Library-Call-Name>_Lock = ALWAYS a BPTR lock. **
** <Library-Call-Name>_Size = ALWAYS an ULONG size. **
** <Library-Call-Name>_Length = ALWAYS an ULONG size. **
** <Library-Call-Name>_Buffer = ALWAYS an APTR. **
** <Library-Call-Name>_Port = A pointer to a msgport. **
** <Library-Call-Name>_MsgPort = A pointer to a msgport. Same as **
** above. If a call needs 2 ports **
** the other port will have a name **
** like <LCN>_ReplyPort. In other **
** words <LCN>_Port and **
** <LCN>_MsgPort ALWAYS refer to the **
** same register. **
** **
** Furthermore you can use the following to check the amount of registers **
** used in a call. (If you cannot remember how many regs a call needs.) **
** **
** <Library-Call-Name>_RU = a number indicating how many regs **
** this call uses for INPUT. **
** Example of use: **
** **
** ... **
** move.l MyFileHandle, _LVORead_FH **
** move.l MyBufferPtr, _LVORead_Buffer **
** move.l #1000, _LVORead_Size **
** move.l DosBase, a6 **
** jsr _LVORead(a6) **
** **
** cmpi.l #_LVORead_RFail,_LVORead_Result **
** beq CouldNotRead **
** ... **
** **
** dos.library **
*** _LVOAbortPkt() ***
_LVOAbortPkt_Port equr d1
_LVOAbortPkt_MsgPort equr d1
_LVOAbortPkt_Packet equr d2
_LVOAbortPkt_Pkt equr d2
_LVOAbortPkt_RU = 2
*** _LVOAllocDosObject() ***
_LVOAllocDosObject_Type equr d1
_LVOAllocDosObject_Tags equr d2
_LVOAllocDosObject_Result equr d0
_LVOAllocDosObject_RFail = 0
_LVOAllocDosObject_RU = 2
*** _LVOClose() ***
_LVOClose_File equr d1
_LVOClose_FH equr d1
_LVOClose_FileHandle equr d1
_LVOClose_Result equr d0
_LVOClose_RFail = 0
_LVOClose_RU = 1
*** _LVODoPkt() ***
_LVODoPkt_Port equr d1
_LVODoPkt_MsgPort equr d1
_LVODoPkt_Action equr d2
_LVODoPkt_Arg1 equr d3
_LVODoPkt_Arg2 equr d4
_LVODoPkt_Arg3 equr d5
_LVODoPkt_Arg4 equr d6
_LVODoPkt_Arg5 equr d7
_LVODoPkt_Result equr d0
_LVODoPkt_Result2 equr d1
_LVODoPkt_RFail = 0
_LVODoPkt_RU = 7
*** _LVOExamine() ***
_LVOExamine_Lock equr d1
_LVOExamine_Block equr d2
_LVOExamine_FIB equr d2
_LVOExamine_FileInfoBlock equr d2
_LVOExamine_Result equr d0
_LVOExamine_RFail = 0
_LVOExamine_RU = 2
*** _LVOExamineFH() ***
_LVOExamineFH_FH equr d1
_LVOExamineFH_Block equr d2
_LVOExamineFH_FIB equr d2
_LVOExamineFH_FileInfoBlock equr d2
_LVOExamineFH_Result equr d0
_LVOExamineFH_RFail = 0
_LVOExamineFH_RU = 2
*** _LVOExNext() ***
_LVOExNext_Lock equr d1
_LVOExNext_Block equr d2
_LVOExNext_FIB equr d2
_LVOExNext_FileInfoBlock equr d2
_LVOExNext_Result equr d0
_LVOExNext_RFail = 0
_LVOExNext_RU = 2
*** _LVOFreeDosObject() ***
_LVOFreeDosObject_Type equr d1
_LVOFreeDosObject_Object equr d2
_LVOFreeDosObject_Ptr equr d2
_LVOFreeDosObject_Pointer equr d2
_LVOFreeDosObject_RU = 2
*** _LVOGetConsoleTask() ***
_LVOGetConsoleTask_Result equr d0
_LVOGetConsoleTask_RFail = 0
_LVOGetConsoleTask_RU = 0
*** _LVOInput() ***
_LVOInput_Result equr d0
_LVOInput_RU =0
*** _LVOLock() ***
_LVOLock_Name equr d1
_LVOLock_Mode equr d2
_LVOLock_AccessMode equr d2
_LVOLock_Result equr d0
_LVOLock_RFail = 0
_LVOLock_RU = 2
*** _LVOOutput() ***
_LVOOutput_Result equr d0
_LVOOutput_RU = 0
*** _LVOOpen() ***
_LVOOpen_Name equr d1
_LVOOpen_Mode equr d2
_LVOOpen_AccessMode equr d2
_LVOOpen_Result equr d0
_LVOOpen_RFail = 0
_LVOOpen_RU = 2
*** _LVORead() ***
_LVORead_FH equr d1
_LVORead_Buffer equr d2
_LVORead_Size equr d3
_LVORead_Lenght equr d3
_LVORead_Result equr d0
_LVORead_RFail = 0
_LVORead_RU = 3
*** _LVOSeek() ***
_LVOSeek_FH equr d1
_LVOSeek_Position equr d2
_LVOSeek_Pos equr d2
_LVOSeek_Mode equr d3
_LVOSeek_Offset equr d3
_LVOSeek_Result equr d0
_LVOSeek_RU = 3
*** _LVOSendPkt() ***
_LVOSendPkt_Packet equr d1
_LVOSendPkt_Pkt equr d1
_LVOSendPkt_Port equr d2
_LVOSendPkt_MsgPort equr d2
_LVOSendPkt_ReplyPort equr d3
_LVOSendPkt_RU = 3
*** _LVOWrite() ***
_LVOWrite_FH equr d1
_LVOWrite_Buffer equr d2
_LVOWrite_Size equr d3
_LVOWrite_Lenght equr d3
_LVOWrite_Result equr d0
_LVOWrite_RFail = 0
_LVOWrite_RU = 3
*** _LVOUnLock() ***
_LVOUnLock_Lock equr d1
_LVOUnLock_RU = 0
*** _LVOWaitPkt() ***
_LVOWaitPkt_Result equr d0
_LVOWaitPkt_RU = 0