Meeting Pearls 3
Text File
152 lines
READ.ME file for AMS-LaTeX 1.2, 23-Feb-1995
[This file resides in the `amslatex' parent directory of the AMS-LaTeX
distribution; for the moment, however, a copy is also placed in the
`math' subdirectory to ensure that the READ.ME file is found on CTAN
(pending resolution of some mirroring complications). 23-Feb-1995 mjd]
AMS-LaTeX is a collection of various extensions for LaTeX to provide
support for sophisticated mathematical typesetting. It has been
developed by the American Mathematical Society and released for general
use as a service to the mathematical community. It is in many cases
distributed at no extra charge with LaTeX, as well as being available
through standard sources of TeX-related software such as the
Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN) (addresses ftp.shsu.edu (USA),
ftp.dante.de (Germany), ftp.tex.ac.uk (UK), and others). Technical
support for AMS-LaTeX is provided by the AMS:
American Mathematical Society
Electronic Products and Services
P. O. Box 6248
Providence, RI 02940
Phone: 800-321-4AMS (321-4267) or (USA/Canada) 401-455-4080
If you are upgrading from an earlier version of AMS-LaTeX, you will want
to print and read diff12.tex, which describes the changes done for
version 1.2. In particular, all LaTeX support that is concerned only
with fonts in the AMSFonts collection has been moved to the AMSFonts
distribution, and the amstex package has been succeeded by a package
called amsmath (although a frozen copy of amstex.sty is provided for use
with existing documents).
Instructions for using AMS documentclasses are no longer included in the
`AMS-LaTeX User's Guide', amsldoc.tex. They are now found instead in
instr-l.tex in the `classes' subdirectory (`Instructions for Preparation
of Papers and Monographs: AMS-LaTeX'). This is a copy of the file
instr-l.tex that is found in the author-info area of e-math.ams.org,
which contains information pertaining specifically to the submission of
LaTeX or AMSTeX documents to AMS publications.
To use version 1.2 of AMS-LaTeX it is necessary for you to have a recent
version of LaTeX (June 1994 or later, "LaTeX2e"). If you're not sure
about the version, look at the startup message that is printed on screen
and in the TeX log when you run LaTeX. It should mention the LaTeX
version number and date somewhere in the first ten lines. If your
version of LaTeX is older than June 1994, we suggest getting the latest
version from the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN), directory
tex-archive/macros/latex, ftp addresses as given above. If ftp file
transfer is not an option for you, contact the source from which you
originally obtained LaTeX. If you are unable for some reason to upgrade
from version 2.09 of LaTeX, you could try using version 1.1 of
AMS-LaTeX, which is available in a separate area (on e-math.ams.org:
Files in the AMS-LaTeX distribution:
amsldoc.tex users' guide
amslatex.faq frequently asked questions, with answers
amslatex.bug history of reported bugs, bug fixes, and other changes
diff12.tex description of differences between versions 1.1 and 1.2
technote.tex some technical notes
testmath.tex test file for general math features
subeqn.tex test file for `subequations' environment
amslatex.ins installation file for unpacking .dtx files
amsbsy.dtx for \boldsymbol and \pmb
amscd.dtx for commutative diagrams
amsgen.dtx auxiliary file
amsintx.dtx alternative syntax for integrals, sums
amsmath.dtx equations and other math
amsopn.dtx for `operator names'
amstext.dtx \text command
amsxtra.dtx misc rarely used commands
amsdtx.dtx document class for printing AMS .dtx files
amsclass.dtx source for amsart, amsproc, amsbook documentclasses
instr-l.tex instructions on using AMS documentclasses
amsthm.dtx provides \theoremstyle, \newtheorem*
upref.dtx makes \ref always produce roman/upright numbers
amsalpha.bst AMS BibTeX style for alphabetic citation labels
amsplain.bst AMS BibTeX style for numeric citation labels
mrabbrev.bib BibTeX abbreviations for MR journal names
amsclass.ins installation file for unpacking .dtx files
thmtest.tex test file for amsthm package
Additional, more specific information on preparing a LaTeX document for
submission to the AMS is found in the `author-info' area of the AMS ftp
archive (e-math.ams.org).
There are two `areas' (directories or folders) on your system that are
involved in installing AMS-LaTeX: an AMS-LaTeX source files area, and a
LaTeX input files area. All files in the `inputs' subdirectory of the
AMS-LaTeX distribution should be placed in the LaTeX input directory or
folder on your system. Consult your TeX documentation if you don't know
where this is. (You could also try looking for the file article.cls; the
place where you find it is almost surely your LaTeX input files area.)
Some representative examples:
LaTeX input files area --- c:\emtex\latex\inputs
AMS-LaTeX source files --- c:\emtex\latex\packages\amslatex
LaTeX input files area --- Folder `TeX inputs' or bullet+`LaTeX'
AMS-LaTeX source files --- Folder `AMS-LaTeX' in `Textures' folder
LaTeX input files area --- /texmf/tex/latex/inputs
AMS-LaTeX source files --- /texmf/tex/latex/packages/amslatex
All other files in the AMS-LaTeX distribution (the ones in the `math'
and `classes' subdirectories) can be placed in an AMS-LaTeX source files
area; if you are installing AMS-LaTeX on a new system, you may need
to create a new folder or directory for this purpose.
For a quick test of the installation, try printing the test file
subeqn.tex. For more extensive tests print the AMS-LaTeX user's
guide (amsldoc.tex) or testmath.tex.
Some AMS-LaTeX 1.1 users whose TeX implementation has relatively limited
memory capacities may not be able to use AMS-LaTeX 1.2. For example,
there is an upper limit of 3500 control sequence names (hash size) in
emTeX's tex286. This was marginally sufficient for LaTeX 2.09 +
AMS-LaTeX 1.1, but is not enough for current LaTeX + AMS-LaTeX 1.2.
Support for LaTeX's `compatibility mode'---that is, reproducing exactly
the same results as version 1.1 for existing documents that use
\documentstyle instead of \documentclass---is incomplete. Most
compatibility-mode documents should run through without error messages
at least, but there will be some observable differences in the results.
Many thanks to David M. Jones for contributing the changes needed in the
amsmath package to support `flush-left equations' (the fleqn option),
and for overhauling align, alignat, and related environments to fix a
number of miscellaneous problems with equation number placement.