Meeting Pearls 3
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Text File
643 lines
% Variants of Computer Modern, specially for the TeX/METAFONT manuals
if unknown cmbase: input cmbase fi
def generate suffix t= enddef;
inner cmchar;
font_size 10pt#;
font_identifier "CMMAN";
font_coding_scheme "PI";
input cmtt10; font_setup;
cmchar "Cross between 0 and O";
italcorr fig_height#*slant-.5u#;
penpos1(vair,90); penpos3(vair,-90); penpos2(curve,180); penpos4(curve,0);
x2r=round max(.7u,1.45u-.5curve); x4r=w-x2r; x1=x3=.5w;
y1r=h+o; y3r=-o; y2=y4=.5h-vair_corr; y2l:=y4l:=.52h;
penstroke pulled_arc.e(1,2) & pulled_arc.e(2,3)
& pulled_arc.e(3,4) & pulled_arc.e(4,1) & cycle; % bowl
penlabels(1,2,3,4); endchar;
input cmssq8; slant:=sind 12/cosd 12; font_setup;
cmchar "Lowercase Greek beta";
italcorr .5[x_height#,asc_height#]*slant-u#;
adjust_fit(0,0); pickup fine.nib;
pos0(hair,180); pos1(hair,180); pos2(vair,90);
pos3(stem,0); pos4(vair,-90); pos5(hair,-180);
pos6(vair,-270); pos7(curve,-360); pos8(vair,-450); pos9(hair,-540);
x0=x1=x9; lft x0l=hround(1.5u-.5hair); x2=x4=x6=x8=.5w+.25u;
rt x3r=hround(w-1.5u); rt x7r=hround(w-1.5u+.5curve); rt x5l=hround(x4-u);
bot y0=-d; y1=top y6r=x_height; top y2r=h+oo; y3=.5[y2,y4];
y5=.5[y4,y6]; top y6r-bot y4r=vstem+eps; bot y8=-oo; y7=y9=.5[y6,y8];
if y6l<y4l: y6l:=y4l:=y5; fi
filldraw stroke z0e---z1e...pulled_arc.e(2,3)
& pulled_arc.e(3,4)...{up}z5e; % stem and upper bowl
filldraw stroke z5e{up}...pulled_arc.e(6,7)
& pulled_arc.e(7,8)...{up}z9e; % lower bowl
penlabels(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); endchar;
cmchar "Lowercase thorn";
italcorr .5x_height#*slant+min(.5curve#-.85u#,-.1u#);
pickup tiny.nib; pos1(stem',0); pos2(stem,0);
pos0'(stem',0); pos0(stem,0); z0l=z0'l; x0'=x1; x0=x2;
lft x1l=hround(2.5u-.5stem'); top y1=h;
numeric edge; edge=rt x2r;
pickup fine.nib; pos3(if hefty:thin_join else: hair fi,180);
pos4(vair',90); pos5(curve,0); pos6(vair,-90);
rt x3l=1/3[rt x2,edge]; y3=1/8[bar_height,x_height];
x4l=w-.5(w-serif_fit)+.5u; top y4r=x_height+oo;
rt x5r=hround min(w-1.35u+.5curve,w-.6u); y5=.5x_height;
x6=x3; bot y6r=-oo;
(x,y4r)=whatever[z3l,z4l]; x4r:=min(x,.5[x5r,x4]);
filldraw stroke z3e{up}...{right}z4e&super_arc.e(4,5)
&z5e{down}...{5(x6-x5),y6-y5}z6e; % bowl
pickup tiny.nib; bot y2=-d;
filldraw stroke z1e--z0'e--z0e--z2e; % stem
pickup crisp.nib; pos8(hair,0); pos7'(stem,0);
z7'=z2; x8l=x7'l; bot y8=0;
filldraw stroke z7'e--z8e; % point
if serifs: sloped_serif.l(1,0',a,1/3,jut,serif_drop); % upper serif
dish_serif(2,0,b,1/3,jut,c,1/3,0); fi % lower serif
penlabels(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,8); endchar;
input cmr10; font_setup;
message "Parentheses";
code:=ASCII "0"; % the characters will be 123456789:
for c=0,1,2,4,infinity:
cmchar "Left paren with curl "&decimal c;
beginchar(incr code,7u#,body_height#,paren_depth#);
italcorr body_height#*slant-.5u#;
adjust_fit(0,0); pickup fine.nib;
pos1(vair,0); pos2(.75[hair,stem],0); pos3(vair,0);
rt x1r=rt x3r=round(w-u); lft x2l=round(x1-4u if monospace: +4/3u fi);
top y1=h; y2=.5[y1,y3]=math_axis;
filldraw stroke z1e{curl c}..z2e..{curl c}z3e; % arc
penlabels(1,2,3); endchar;
cmchar "Right paren with curl "&decimal c;
beginchar(incr code,7u#,body_height#,paren_depth#);
italcorr math_axis#*slant-.5u#;
adjust_fit(0,0); pickup fine.nib;
pos1(vair,0); pos2(.75[hair,stem],0); pos3(vair,0);
lft x1l=lft x3l=round u; rt x2r=round(x1+4u if monospace: -4/3u fi);
top y1=h; y2=.5[y1,y3]=math_axis;
filldraw stroke z1e{curl c}..z2e..{curl c}z3e; % arc
penlabels(1,2,3); endchar;
cmchar "Variant letter g";
italcorr x_height#*slant-serif_fit#+.5stem#-2u# if serifs:+.5u# fi;
adjust_fit(0,serif_fit# if serifs: -.5u# fi);
pickup tiny.nib; pos1(stem',0); pos2(stem,0);
pos0'(stem',0); pos0(stem,0); z0r=z0'r; x0'=x1; x0=x2;
rt x1r=hround(w-2.5u+.5stem');
numeric edge; edge=lft x2l;
path edge_path; edge_path=(edge,h)--(edge,0);
pickup fine.nib; pos3(if hefty:thin_join else: hair fi,0);
pos4(vair,90); pos5(curve,180); pos6(vair,270); penpos7(x3r-x3l,360);
lft x3l=min(lft x3l-(rt x3r-tiny.rt x2r),2/3[lft x2,edge]); y3=bar_height;
x4l=.5(w-serif_fit)-.3u; top y4r=x_height+oo;
lft x5r=hround max(1.35u-.5curve,.6u); y5=.5x_height;
x6l=x4l-.2u; bot y6r=vround 1/3vair;
lft x7l=edge; y7=min(y3,y6+y4-y3+.6vair);
(x,y4r)=whatever[z3l,z4l]; x4r:=max(x,.5[x5r,x4]);
(x',y6r)=whatever[z7l,z6l]; x6r:=max(x',.5[x5r,x6]);
filldraw stroke z3e{up}...{left}z4e&super_arc.e(4,5)
&super_arc.e(5,6)&z6e{right}...{up}z7e; % bowl
y1=ypart(edge_path intersectionpoint(z3l{up}...{left}z4l));
y0=ypart(edge_path intersectionpoint(z7l{down}...{left}z6l));
pickup tiny.nib; bot y2=if serifs: -.25d else: 0 fi;
filldraw stroke z1e--z0'e--z0e--z2e; % stem
pickup crisp.nib;
pos8(hround(hair-stem_corr),0); pos7'(stem',0);
z7'=z1; x8r=x7'r; top y8=h+oo;
filldraw stroke z7'e--z8e; % point
if serifs: pickup tiny.nib;
pos9(vair,-90); x9=.5[x2,x10]; bot y9r=-d-o-1;
pos10(hair,-180); lft x10r=hround u; y10=-.75d+.5flare;
pos11(flare,-180); z11r=z10r;
bulb(9,10,11); filldraw stroke super_arc.e(2,9); % tail
else: pickup fine.nib; pos2'(stem,0); z2'=z2;
z2''r=z2'r; z2''=z2'; z2''l=(x2'l,0);
pos9(vair,-90); x9=4.5u; bot y9r=-d-o-1;
pos10(.5[vair,flare],-90); lft x10=hround 1.25u;
y10r=good.y -5/6d; y10l:=good.y y10l;
filldraw stroke z2'e..z2''e&super_arc.e(2'',9)
& term.e(9,10,left,.9,4); fi % tail
penlabels(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11); endchar;
input cmtt9; font_setup;
cmchar "Variant letter g";
italcorr x_height#*slant-serif_fit#+.5stem#-2u# if serifs:+.5u# fi;
adjust_fit(0,serif_fit# if serifs: -.5u# fi);
pickup tiny.nib; pos1(stem',0); pos2(stem,0);
pos0'(stem',0); pos0(stem,0); z0r=z0'r; x0'=x1; x0=x2;
rt x1r=hround(w-2.5u+.5stem');
numeric edge; edge=lft x2l;
path edge_path; edge_path=(edge,h)--(edge,0);
pickup fine.nib; pos3(if hefty:thin_join else: hair fi,0);
pos4(vair,90); pos5(curve,180); pos6(vair,270); penpos7(x3r-x3l,360);
lft x3l=min(lft x3l-(rt x3r-tiny.rt x2r),2/3[lft x2,edge]); y3=bar_height;
x4l=.5(w-serif_fit)-.3u; top y4r=x_height+oo;
lft x5r=hround max(1.35u-.5curve,.6u); y5=.5x_height;
x6l=x4l-.2u; bot y6r=vround 1/3vair;
lft x7l=edge; y7=min(y3,y6+y4-y3+.6vair);
(x,y4r)=whatever[z3l,z4l]; x4r:=max(x,.5[x5r,x4]);
(x',y6r)=whatever[z7l,z6l]; x6r:=max(x',.5[x5r,x6]);
filldraw stroke z3e{up}...{left}z4e&super_arc.e(4,5)
&super_arc.e(5,6)&z6e{right}...{up}z7e; % bowl
y1=ypart(edge_path intersectionpoint(z3l{up}...{left}z4l));
y0=ypart(edge_path intersectionpoint(z7l{down}...{left}z6l));
pickup tiny.nib; bot y2=if serifs: -.25d else: 0 fi;
filldraw stroke z1e--z0'e--z0e--z2e; % stem
pickup crisp.nib;
pos8(hround(hair-stem_corr),0); pos7'(stem',0);
z7'=z1; x8r=x7'r; top y8=h+oo;
filldraw stroke z7'e--z8e; % point
if serifs: pickup tiny.nib;
pos9(vair,-90); x9=.5[x2,x10]; bot y9r=-d-o-1;
pos10(hair,-180); lft x10r=hround u; y10=-.75d+.5flare;
pos11(flare,-180); z11r=z10r;
bulb(9,10,11); filldraw stroke super_arc.e(2,9); % tail
else: pickup fine.nib; pos2'(stem,0); z2'=z2;
z2''r=z2'r; z2''=z2'; z2''l=(x2'l,0);
pos9(vair,-90); x9=4.5u; bot y9r=-d-o-1;
pos10(.5[vair,flare],-90); lft x10=hround 1.25u;
y10r=good.y -5/6d; y10l:=good.y y10l;
filldraw stroke z2'e..z2''e&super_arc.e(2'',9)
& term.e(9,10,left,.9,4); fi % tail
penlabels(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11); endchar;
input cmbx9; font_setup;
cmchar "Variant letter g";
italcorr x_height#*slant-serif_fit#+.5stem#-2u# if serifs:+.5u# fi;
adjust_fit(0,serif_fit# if serifs: -.5u# fi);
pickup tiny.nib; pos1(stem',0); pos2(stem,0);
pos0'(stem',0); pos0(stem,0); z0r=z0'r; x0'=x1; x0=x2;
rt x1r=hround(w-2.5u+.5stem');
numeric edge; edge=lft x2l;
path edge_path; edge_path=(edge,h)--(edge,0);
pickup fine.nib; pos3(if hefty:thin_join else: hair fi,0);
pos4(vair,90); pos5(curve,180); pos6(vair,270); penpos7(x3r-x3l,360);
lft x3l=min(lft x3l-(rt x3r-tiny.rt x2r),2/3[lft x2,edge]); y3=bar_height;
x4l=.5(w-serif_fit)-.3u; top y4r=x_height+oo;
lft x5r=hround max(1.35u-.5curve,.6u); y5=.5x_height;
x6l=x4l-.2u; bot y6r=vround 1/3vair;
lft x7l=edge; y7=min(y3,y6+y4-y3+.6vair);
(x,y4r)=whatever[z3l,z4l]; x4r:=max(x,.5[x5r,x4]);
(x',y6r)=whatever[z7l,z6l]; x6r:=max(x',.5[x5r,x6]);
filldraw stroke z3e{up}...{left}z4e&super_arc.e(4,5)
&super_arc.e(5,6)&z6e{right}...{up}z7e; % bowl
y1=ypart(edge_path intersectionpoint(z3l{up}...{left}z4l));
y0=ypart(edge_path intersectionpoint(z7l{down}...{left}z6l));
pickup tiny.nib; bot y2=if serifs: -.25d else: 0 fi;
filldraw stroke z1e--z0'e--z0e--z2e; % stem
pickup crisp.nib;
pos8(hround(hair-stem_corr),0); pos7'(stem',0);
z7'=z1; x8r=x7'r; top y8=h+oo;
filldraw stroke z7'e--z8e; % point
if serifs: pickup tiny.nib;
pos9(vair,-90); x9=.5[x2,x10]; bot y9r=-d-o-1;
pos10(hair,-180); lft x10r=hround u; y10=-.75d+.5flare;
pos11(flare,-180); z11r=z10r;
bulb(9,10,11); filldraw stroke super_arc.e(2,9); % tail
else: pickup fine.nib; pos2'(stem,0); z2'=z2;
z2''r=z2'r; z2''=z2'; z2''l=(x2'l,0);
pos9(vair,-90); x9=4.5u; bot y9r=-d-o-1;
pos10(.5[vair,flare],-90); lft x10=hround 1.25u;
y10r=good.y -5/6d; y10l:=good.y y10l;
filldraw stroke z2'e..z2''e&super_arc.e(2'',9)
& term.e(9,10,left,.9,4); fi % tail
penlabels(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11); endchar;
message "big G";
u#:=50/36pt#; % unit width
width_adj#:=0pt#; % width adjustment for certain characters
serif_fit#:=0pt#; % extra sidebar near lowercase serifs
cap_serif_fit#:=0/36pt#; % extra sidebar near uppercase serifs
letter_fit#:=0pt#; % extra space added to all sidebars
body_height#:=12pt#+250/36pt#; % height of tallest characters
asc_height#:=body_height#; % height of lowercase ascenders
cap_height#:=body_height#; % height of caps
fig_height#:=body_height#; % height of numerals
x_height#:=155/250asc_height#; % height of lowercase without ascenders
math_axis#:=90/250asc_height#; % axis of symmetry for math symbols
bar_height#:=87/250asc_height#; % height of crossbar in lowercase e
comma_depth#:=70/250asc_height#;% depth of comma below baseline
desc_depth#:=comma_depth#; % depth of lowercase descenders
crisp#:=0pt#; % diameter of serif corners
tiny#:=1.2/36pt#; % diameter of rounded corners
fine#:=1.1/36pt#; % diameter of sharply rounded corners
thin_join#:=1.1/36pt#; % width of extrafine details
hair#:=14/36pt#; % lowercase hairline breadth
stem#:=75/36pt#; % lowercase stem breadth
curve#:=90/36pt#; % lowercase curve breadth
ess#:=81/36pt#; % breadth in middle of lowercase s
flare#:=66/36pt#; % diameter of bulbs or breadth of terminals
dot_size#:=114/36pt#; % diameter of dots
cap_hair#:=17/36pt#; % uppercase hairline breadth
cap_stem#:=96/36pt#; % uppercase stem breadth
cap_curve#:=111/36pt#; % uppercase curve breadth
cap_ess#:=105/36pt#; % breadth in middle of uppercase s
rule_thickness#:=1pt#; % thickness of lines in math symbols
dish#:=2/36pt#; % amount erased at top or bottom of serifs
bracket#:=50/36pt#; % vertical distance from serif base to tangent
jut#:=70/36pt#; % protrusion of lowercase serifs
cap_jut#:=2.5pt#; % protrusion of uppercase serifs
beak_jut#:=25/36pt#; % horizontal protrusion of beak serifs
beak#:=comma_depth#; % vertical protrusion of beak serifs
vair#:=12/36pt#; % vertical diameter of hairlines
notch_cut#:=22pt#; % maximum breadth above or below notches
bar#:=17/36pt#; % lowercase bar thickness
slab#:=17/36pt#; % serif and arm thickness
cap_bar#:=17/36pt#; % uppercase bar thickness
cap_band#:=17/36pt#; % uppercase thickness above/below lobes
cap_notch_cut#:=22pt#; % max breadth above/below uppercase notches
serif_drop#:=10/36pt#; % vertical drop of sloped serifs
stem_corr#:=3/36pt#; % for small refinements of stem breadth
vair_corr#:=2/36pt#; % for small refinements of hairline height
apex_corr#:=0pt#; % extra width at diagonal junctions
o#:=12/36pt#; % amount of overshoot for curves
apex_o#:=12/36pt#; % amount of overshoot for diagonal junctions
slant:=0; % tilt ratio $(\Delta x/\Delta y)$
fudge:=1; % factor applied to weights of heavy characters
math_spread:=0; % extra openness of math symbols
superness:=1/sqrt2; % parameter for superellipses
superpull:=1/6; % extra openness inside bowls
beak_darkness:=11/30; % fraction of triangle inside beak serifs
ligs:=2; % level of ligatures to be included
square_dots:=false; % should dots be square?
hefty:=false; % should we try hard not to be overweight?
serifs:=true; % should serifs and bulbs be attached?
monospace:=false; % should all characters have the same width?
variant_g:=false; % should an italic-style g be used?
low_asterisk:=false; % should the asterisk be centered at the axis?
math_fitting:=false; % should math-mode spacing be used?
cmchar "The letter G";
if serifs: beginchar("G",14u#,cap_height#,0);
italcorr cap_height#*slant-1.5u#-.5cap_serif_fit#;
pickup tiny.nib; pos0(cap_stem,0); pos7(cap_stem,0);
rt x0r=hround(w-2u); y0=good.y(.1[bar_height,x_height]+1); x7=x0;
pickup fine.nib;
if hefty: bot y7=0; pos5(cap_stem,0); x5=x0; top y5=tiny.top y0;
else: pos5(cap_hair,0); pos8(cap_stem,0);
y7=.5bar_height; z5l=z8l; z8=z7; x9=x8r; bot y9=0;
filldraw z8l{down}..{4(x9-x8),y9-y8}z9--z8r--cycle; fi % spur
pos1(cap_hair,0); pos2(cap_band,90);
pos3(cap_curve,180); pos4(cap_band,270);
rt x1r=hround(w-2u); lft x3r=hround u; x2=x4=.55[x3,x1];
top y2r=h+o; bot y4r=-o; y3=.5[y2,y4];
bot y1=vround max(.6h,x_height-.5vair);
(x2l',y2l)=whatever[z2r,z1l]; x2l:=x2l';
(x4l',y4l)=whatever[z4r,z5l]; x4l:=x4l';
filldraw stroke z1e{x2-x1,10(y2-y1)}
...pulled_arc.e(2,3) & pulled_arc.e(3,4)...z5e{up}; % arc
x6=x1r; top y6=h+o; x1r-x1'=2cap_curve-fine; y1'=y1;
path upper_arc; upper_arc=z1{x2-x1,10(y2-y1)}..{left}z2;
numeric t; t=xpart(upper_arc intersectiontimes (z6--z1'));
filldraw subpath(0,t) of upper_arc--z6--z1r--z1--cycle; % barb
pickup tiny.nib; filldraw stroke z0e--z7e; % stem
dish_serif(0,7,a,1/3,max(cap_jut,2.25u),b,1/3,1.25u); % serif
else: beginchar("G",12u#,cap_height#,0);
italcorr cap_height#*slant-.5u#;
pickup fine.nib; pos1(1.2flare,80); pos2(slab,90);
pos3(cap_curve,180); pos4(slab,270); pos5(flare,270);
rt x1r=hround(w-1.35u); x2=x4=.5w+u;
lft x3r=hround max(u,2u-.5cap_curve); rt x5l=hround(w-1.2u);
top y1r=vround .93h+o; top y2r=h+o; y3=.5h;
bot y4r=-o; bot y5r=vround .07h-o;
filldraw stroke rterm.e(2,1,right,.9,4)&super_arc.e(2,3)
& super_arc.e(3,4) & term.e(4,5,right,1,4); % arc and terminals
pos0(stem,0); pos7(stem,0);
z7r=z5r; x0=x7; top y0=1+vround .35[bar_height,x_height];
filldraw stroke z0e--z7e; % stem
pos8(cap_bar,90); pos9(cap_bar,90);
z0r=z9r; y8=y9; lft x8=hround x4;
filldraw stroke z8e--z9e; % bar
math_fit(-.3cap_height#*slant-.5u#,.5ic#); fi
penlabels(0,1,1',2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); endchar;
message "The TeXbook title";
f:=20/3; % magnification factor (based mostly on cmssdc10)
u#:=f*19/36pt#; % unit width
width_adj#:=f*15/36pt#; % width adjustment for certain characters
serif_fit#:=-f*8/36pt#; % extra sidebar near lowercase serifs
cap_serif_fit#:=-f*9/36pt#; % extra sidebar near uppercase serifs
letter_fit#:=-.2u#; % extra space added to all sidebars
body_height#:=f*270/36pt#; % height of tallest characters
asc_height#:=f*265/36pt#; % height of lowercase ascenders
cap_height#:=f*265/36pt#; % height of caps
fig_height#:=f*265/36pt#; % height of numerals
x_height#:=f*170/36pt#; % height of lowercase without ascenders
math_axis#:=f*95/36pt#; % axis of symmetry for math symbols
bar_height#:=f*95/36pt#; % height of crossbar in lowercase e
comma_depth#:=f*40/36pt#; % depth of comma below baseline
desc_depth#:=f*60/36pt#; % depth of lowercase descenders
crisp#:=5*23/36pt#; % diameter of serif corners
tiny#:=5*23/36pt#; % diameter of rounded corners
fine#:=5*8/36pt#; % diameter of sharply rounded corners
thin_join#:=12*8/36pt#; % width of extrafine details
hair#:=5*40/36pt#; % lowercase hairline breadth
stem#:=5*40/36pt#; % lowercase stem breadth
curve#:=5*40/36pt#; % lowercase curve breadth
ess#:=5*37/36pt#; % breadth in middle of lowercase s
flare#:=5*31/36pt#; % diameter of bulbs or breadth of terminals
dot_size#:=5*38/36pt#; % diameter of dots
cap_hair#:=5*40/36pt#; % uppercase hairline breadth
cap_stem#:=5*44/36pt#; % uppercase stem breadth
cap_curve#:=5*44/36pt#; % uppercase curve breadth
cap_ess#:=5*42/36pt#; % breadth in middle of uppercase s
rule_thickness#:=5*25/36pt#; % thickness of lines in math symbols
dish#:=0pt#; % amount erased at top or bottom of serifs
bracket#:=0pt#; % vertical distance from serif base to tangent
jut#:=0pt#; % protrusion of lowercase serifs
cap_jut#:=0pt#; % protrusion of uppercase serifs
beak_jut#:=0pt#; % horizontal protrusion of beak serifs
beak#:=f*1.5/36pt#; % vertical protrusion of beak serifs
vair#:=6*23/36pt#; % vertical diameter of hairlines
notch_cut#:=6*40/36pt#; % maximum breadth above or below notches
bar#:=6*23/36pt#; % lowercase bar thickness
slab#:=6*31/36pt#; % serif and arm thickness
cap_bar#:=6*29/36pt#; % uppercase bar thickness
cap_band#:=6*27/36pt#; % uppercase thickness above/below lobes
cap_notch_cut#:=6*37/36pt#; % max breadth above/below uppercase notches
serif_drop#:=f*2/36pt#; % vertical drop of sloped serifs
stem_corr#:=5*1/36pt#; % for small refinements of stem breadth
vair_corr#:=5*2/36pt#; % for small refinements of hairline height
apex_corr#:=f*14/36pt#; % extra width at diagonal junctions
o#:=f*7/36pt#; % amount of overshoot for curves
apex_o#:=0pt#; % amount of overshoot for diagonal junctions
slant:=0; % tilt ratio $(\Delta x/\Delta y)$
fudge:=.91; % factor applied to weights of heavy characters
math_spread:=-.3; % extra openness of math symbols
superness:=.74; % parameter for superellipses
superpull:=1/18; % extra openness inside bowls
beak_darkness:=0; % fraction of triangle inside beak serifs
ligs:=2; % level of ligatures to be included
square_dots:=true; % should dots be square?
hefty:=true; % should we try hard not to be overweight?
serifs:=false; % should serifs and bulbs be attached?
monospace:=false; % should all characters have the same width?
variant_g:=true; % should an italic-style g be used?
low_asterisk:=false; % should the asterisk be centered at the axis?
math_fitting:=false; % should math-mode spacing be used?
cmchar "The letter T";
italcorr cap_height#*slant-beak_jut#-.25u#;
pickup tiny.nib; pos1(cap_stem,0); pos2(cap_stem,0);
lft x1l=lft x2l=hround(.5w-.5cap_stem); top y1=h; bot y2=0;
filldraw stroke z1e--z2e; % stem
pickup crisp.nib; pos3(slab,90); pos4(hair,0);
top y3r=h; x3=x1; rt x4r=hround(w-.65u); y4=good.y(y3l-beak);
arm(3,4,e,beak_darkness,.7beak_jut); % right arm and beak
pos5(hair,180); x5=w-x4; y5=y4;
arm(3,5,f,beak_darkness,-.7beak_jut); % left arm and beak
if serifs: dish_serif(1,2,a,1/3,.5cap_jut,b,1/3,.5cap_jut); % upper bracketing
dish_serif(2,1,c,1/3,1.414cap_jut,d,1/3,1.414cap_jut); fi % lower serif
math_fit(-.75cap_height#*slant,ic#-2.5u#); penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6); endchar;
cmchar "The letter h";
italcorr .5[bar_height#,x_height#]*slant-serif_fit#+.5stem#-2u#;
pickup tiny.nib; pos1(stem,0); pos2(stem,0);
pos1'(stem',0); pos2'(stem',0); pos3(stem,0);
lft x1l=hround(2.5u-.5stem); x1l=x1'l=x2l=x2'l; x3=w-x1;
top y1=h; bot y2=0; y1=y1'; y2=y2';
filldraw stroke z1'e--z2'e; % left stem
h_stroke(2,a,3,4); % arch and right stem
if serifs: sloped_serif.l(1',2',b,1/3,jut,serif_drop); % upper left serif
numeric inner_jut; pickup tiny.nib;
if rt x2r+jut+.5u+1<=lft x4l-jut: inner_jut=jut;
else: rt x2r+jut+.5u+1=lft x4l-inner_jut; fi
dish_serif(2,1,c,1/3,jut,d,1/3,jut); % lower left serif
dish_serif(4,3,e,1/3,inner_jut,f,1/3,jut); fi % lower right serif
penlabels(1,2,3,4); endchar;
cmchar "The letter e";
italcorr .5[bar_height#,x_height#]*slant+.5min(curve#-1.5u#,0);
adjust_fit(if monospace: .25u#,.5u# else: 0,0 fi);
numeric left_curve,right_curve;
left_curve=right_curve+6stem_corr=curve if not serifs: -3stem_corr fi;
if right_curve<tiny.breadth: right_curve:=tiny.breadth; fi
if left_curve<tiny.breadth: left_curve:=tiny.breadth; fi
pickup tiny.nib; pos1(right_curve,0);
pos2(vair,90); pos3(left_curve,180);
y1=good.y bar_height; top y2r=h+vround 1.5oo; y0l=bot y1;
rt x1r=hround min(w-.5u,w-u+.5right_curve);
lft x3r=hround max(.5u,1.25u-.5left_curve); x2=.5w+.25u;
{{interim superness:=more_super;
filldraw stroke super_arc.e(1,2)}}; % right bowl
y3=.5[y2,y4]; bot y4r=-oo; x4=x2+.25u;
if serifs: pos4(vair',270); pos5(hair,360);
y5=max(good.y(.5bar_height-.9),y4l+vair); x5r=x1r;
(x,y4l)=whatever[z4r,z5]; x4l:=x;
filldraw stroke pulled_arc.e(2,3) & pulled_arc.e(3,4)
...{x5-x4,5(y5-y4)}z5e; % left bowl, arc, and terminal
else: pos4(vair,270);
filldraw stroke super_arc.e(2,3) & super_arc.e(3,4); % left bowl and arc
pickup fine.nib; pos4'(vair,270); z4=z4';
pos5(.5[vair,flare],275); rt x5r=hround(w-.6u);
y5r=good.y(y5r+1/3bar_height-y5); y5l:=good.y y5l; x5l:=good.x x5l;
filldraw stroke term.e(4',5,right,1,4); fi % terminal
path testpath; testpath=super_arc.r(2,3) & super_arc.r(3,4);
y1'r=y0r=y0l+.6[thin_join,vair]; y1'l=y0l; x1'l=x1'r=x1;
forsuffixes $=l,r:
x0$=xpart(((0,y0$)--(x1,y0$)) intersectionpoint testpath); endfor
fill stroke z0e--z1'e; % crossbar
penlabels(0,1,2,3,4,5); endchar;
cmchar "The letter E";
italcorr cap_height#*slant-beak_jut#-.5u#;
pickup tiny.nib; pos1(cap_stem,0); pos2(cap_stem,0);
lft x1l=lft x2l=hround max(2u,3u-.5cap_stem); top y1=h; bot y2=0;
filldraw stroke z1e--z2e; % stem
pickup crisp.nib; pos3(slab,90); pos4(hair,0);
top y3r=h; x3=x1; rt x4r=hround(w-u); y4=good.y(y3l-beak);
arm(3,4,e,beak_darkness,beak_jut); % upper arm and beak
pos5(cap_bar,-90); pos6(hair,0);
top y5l=vround(.52[y2,y1]+.5cap_bar); x5=x1;
pos0(cap_bar,90); pos7(hair,0);
z0=z5; x6=x7; y6-y5l=y0l-y7;
if serifs: rt x6r=hround(w-4.4u+.5hair); y6=good.y(y5l+.6beak);
rt x9r=hround(w-.5u);
else: rt x6r=hround(w-1.5u); y6=y5l; rt x9r=hround(w-.75u); fi
arm(5,6,f,beak_darkness,0); arm(0,7,g,beak_darkness,0); % middle arm and serif
pos8(slab if not serifs:+2stem_corr fi,-90); pos9(hair,0);
bot y8r=0; x8=x2; y9=y8l+7/6beak;
arm(8,9,h,beak_darkness,1.5beak_jut); % lower arm and beak
if serifs: dish_serif(1,2,a,1/3,cap_jut,b,1/3,.5cap_jut); % upper serif
dish_serif(2,1,c,1/3,cap_jut,d,1/3,.5cap_jut); fi % lower serif
math_fit(0,.5ic#); penlabels(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); endchar;
cmchar "The letter X";
italcorr cap_height#*slant-.25u#;
numeric stem[],outer_jut,xjut,alpha[];
stem1=cap_stem-2stem_corr; stem2=min(cap_hair,stem1);
outer_jut=.75cap_jut; xjut= if serifs: (stem1-stem2)/4 else: 0 fi;
x1l=l+letter_fit+.5u+outer_jut; x2r=r-letter_fit-u-outer_jut-xjut;
x3l=l+letter_fit+.25u+outer_jut+xjut; x4r=r-letter_fit-.25u-outer_jut;
y1=y2=h; y3=y4=0;
penpos1(alpha1*stem1,0); penpos2(alpha2*stem2,0);
penpos3(alpha2*stem2,0); penpos4(alpha1*stem1,0);
if hefty: z0=whatever[z1,z4]=whatever[z2,z3];
x12=x34=x0; y13=y24=y0;
z12=whatever[z2l,z3l]; z13=whatever[z2l,z3l];
z24=whatever[z2r,z3r]; z34=whatever[z2r,z3r];
forsuffixes $=13,24,34: z$'=.1[z$,z0]; endfor
fill diag_end(12,1r,.5,1,1l,13')--z13'--diag_end(13',3l,1,.5,3r,34')--z34'
--diag_end(24',2r,1,.5,2l,12)--z12--cycle; % diagonals
else: fill diag_end(4r,1r,.5,1,1l,4l)
--diag_end(1l,4l,.5,1,4r,1r)--cycle; % left diagonal
fill diag_end(2l,3l,.5,1,3r,2r)
--diag_end(3r,2r,.5,1,2l,3l)--cycle; fi % right diagonal
if serifs: numeric inner_jut[]; pickup tiny.nib;
prime_points_inside(1,4); prime_points_inside(2,3);
prime_points_inside(3,2); prime_points_inside(4,1);
if rt x1'r+cap_jut+.5u+1<=lft x2'l-cap_jut-xjut: inner_jut1=cap_jut;
else: rt x1'r+inner_jut1+.5u+1=lft x2'l-inner_jut1-xjut; fi
if rt x3'r+cap_jut+.5u+1<=lft x4'l-cap_jut-xjut: inner_jut2=cap_jut;
else: rt x3'r+inner_jut2+.5u+1=lft x4'l-inner_jut2-xjut; fi
dish_serif(1',4,a,1/3,outer_jut,b,2/3,inner_jut1); % upper left serif
dish_serif(4',1,c,2/3,inner_jut2,d,1/3,outer_jut); % lower right serif
f,1/2,outer_jut+xjut)(dark); % upper right serif
h,2/3,inner_jut2+xjut)(dark); fi % lower left serif
math_fit(0,.5ic#); penlabels(0,1,2,3,4,12,13,24,34); endchar;
cmchar "The letter b";
italcorr .5x_height#*slant+min(.5curve#-u#,-.25u#);
pickup tiny.nib; pos1(stem',0); pos2(stem,0);
pos0'(stem',0); pos0(stem,0); z0l=z0'l; x0'=x1; x0=x2;
lft x1l=hround(2.5u-.5stem'); top y1=h;
numeric edge; edge=rt x2r;
pickup fine.nib; pos3(if hefty:thin_join else: hair fi,180);
pos4(vair,90); pos5(curve,0);
pos6(vair,-90); penpos7(x3l-x3r,-180);
rt x3l=1/3[rt x2,edge]; y3=1/8[bar_height,x_height];
x4l=w-.5(w-serif_fit)+.5u; top y4r=x_height+oo;
rt x5r=hround min(w-1.35u+.5curve,w-.6u); y5=.5x_height;
x6l=x4l-.2u; bot y6r=-oo;
x7=x3; y7=min(y3,y6+y4-y3+.6vair);
(x,y4r)=whatever[z3l,z4l]; x4r:=min(x,.5[x4,x5r]);
(x',y6r)=whatever[z7l,z6l]; x6r:=min(x',.5[x6,x5r]);
filldraw stroke z3e{up}...pulled_arc.e(4,5)&pulled_arc.e(5,6)...{up}z7e; % bowl
pickup tiny.nib; filldraw stroke z1e--z0'e--z0e--z2e; % stem
pickup crisp.nib; pos8(hair,0); pos7'(stem,0);
z7'=z2; x8l=x7'l; bot y8=0;
filldraw stroke z7'e--z8e; % point
if serifs: sloped_serif.l(1,0',a,1/3,jut,serif_drop); fi % upper serif
penlabels(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8); endchar;
cmchar "The letter o";
italcorr .7x_height#*slant;
adjust_fit(if monospace: .5u#,.5u# else: 0,0 fi);
penpos1(vair,90); penpos3(vair',-90);
penpos2(curve,180); penpos4(curve,0);
x2r=hround max(.5u,1.25u-.5curve);
x4r=w-x2r; x1=x3=.5w; y1r=h+vround 1.5oo; y3r=-oo;
y2=y4=.5h-vair_corr; y2l:=y4l:=.52h;
penstroke pulled_arc.e(1,2) & pulled_arc.e(2,3)
& pulled_arc.e(3,4) & pulled_arc.e(4,1) & cycle; % bowl
penlabels(1,2,3,4); endchar;
cmchar "The letter k";
italcorr x_height#*slant-.2u#;
adjust_fit(serif_fit#,serif_fit#); pickup tiny.nib;
numeric right_jut,stem[],alpha[];
if serifs: right_jut=.6jut; else: right_jut=.4tiny; fi
pos1(stem1,0); pos2(stem2,0); top y1=h; bot y2=0;
lft x1l=lft x2l=hround(2.5u-.5stem1);
top y3=x_height; rt x3r=hround(r-letter_fit-.7u-right_jut);
bot y6=0; rt x6r=hround(r-letter_fit-.3u-right_jut);
x4=x11=x1; y4=.7bar_height; y11=y3;
penpos3(alpha1*(stem3-tiny),0); penpos4(whatever,-90);
z5=.5[z5l,z5r]; penpos6(alpha2*(stem4-tiny),0);
forsuffixes $=l,r: y3'$=x_height; y6'$=0; z4$=z3'$+whatever*(z3-z4);
z5$=z6'$+whatever*(z11-z6)=whatever[z3,z4]; endfor
z3'r=z3r+penoffset z3-z4 of currentpen+whatever*(z3-z4);
% we have also |z3'l=z3l+penoffset z4-z3 of currentpen+whatever*(z3-z4)|;\]
z6'r=z6r+penoffset z11-z6 of currentpen+whatever*(z11-z6);
z6'l=z6l+penoffset z6-z11 of currentpen+whatever*(z11-z6);
fill z4r--diag_end(4r,3'r,1,.5,3'l,4l)--z4l--cycle; % upper diagonal
fill z5l--diag_end(5l,6'l,.5,1,6'r,5r)--z5r--cycle; % lower diagonal
pos0(stem1,0); pos0'(stem2,0); y0=y0'; x0=x1; x0'=x2;
rt z0r=whatever[z3,z4]; filldraw stroke z1e..z0e--z0'e..z2e; % stem
if serifs: numeric inner_jut;
if rt x2r+jut+.5u+1<=lft x6l-jut: inner_jut=jut;
else: rt x2r+inner_jut+.5u+1=lft x6l-inner_jut; fi
sloped_serif.l(1,0,a,1/3,jut,serif_drop); % upper stem serif
dish_serif(2,0',b,1/3,jut,c,1/3,inner_jut); % lower stem serif
dish_serif(3,4,d,2/3,1.4jut,e,1/2,right_jut)(dark); % upper diagonal serif
dish_serif(6,5,f,1/2,inner_jut,g,1/3,right_jut)(dark);fi % lower diagonal serif
penlabels(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,11); endchar;
font_size 10pt#;
font_identifier "CMMAN";
font_coding_scheme "PI";