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167 lines
; Install For ARArchive ©1995 Robert Reiswig
; $Id: ARArchive 1.5
(set osver (/ (getversion "LIBS:version.library") 65536))
( if (= osver 37) ( (set workbench "2.0")) ( if (= osver 38) ( (set workbench "2.1"))
( if (= osver 39) ( (set workbench "3.0")) ( if (= osver 40) ( (set workbench "3.1"))
( if (= osver 41) ( (set workbench "4.0")) )))))
( if (= osver 37) ( (set DefCpu 0)) ( if (= osver 38) ( (set DefCpu 1))
( if (= osver 39) ( (set DefCpu 2)) ( if (= osver 40) ( (set DefCpu 3))
( if (= osver 41) ( (set DefCpu 4)) )))))
(if (< osver 37) (abort "Sorry You need 2.0 or higher to run ARArchiver!") )
(message "ARArchive V1.3.08\n\nBy: Robert Reiswig\nrcr@netcom.com\n\n"
"This Installer will do a few things:\n\nCopy ARArchive to where you tell it."
"\nAdd an AR: assign to your User-Startup.\n "
"Create a 'C:ARA' script for ARArchive-XXX\n(If selected)"
(set How (askchoice (choices "In LHA format (ie: ar301.lha)" "In LZX format (ie: ar301.lzx)" "In Uncompressed format (ie: ar301.guide)")
(prompt "How do you store your Amiga Reports?")
(help "How do you store your Amiga Reports?")
(default 0)
(if (= How 0) (set HowText "ARArchive-LHA") )
(if (= How 1) (set HowText "ARArchive-LZX") )
(if (= How 2) (set HowText "ARArchive") )
(set ARA_dest
(prompt (cat "Where do you wish to install:\n" HowText))
(help @askdir-help)
(default @default-dest)
(set @default-dest ARA_dest)
(if (= How 0) (set HowCompress "LHA'ed") )
(if (= How 1) (set HowCompress "LZX'ed") )
(if (= How 2) (set HowCompress "Uncompressed (AmigaGuide)") )
(set AR_dest
(prompt (cat "In which drawer are the\n*" HowCompress "* Amiga Reports\nstored?"))
(help @askdir-help)
(default @default-dest)
(set DoThis (cat "ASSIGN AR: " AR_dest))
(run (DoThis))
(if (= How 0) (set HowCompress "LHA") )
(if (= How 1) (set HowCompress "LZX") )
(if (= How 2) (set HowCompress "Uncompressed (AmigaGuide)") )
(if (= How 0) (copyfiles (source "ARArchive-LHA") (dest ARA_dest) (infos) ))
(if (= How 1) (copyfiles (source "ARArchive-LZX") (dest ARA_dest) (infos) ))
(if (= How 2) (copyfiles (source "ARArchive") (dest ARA_dest) (infos) ))
(if (< How 2)
(message (cat "\n\n\n\nNOTE\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~\nYou must be running AREXX and have " HowCompress
" in the command path to use ARArchive!"))
(set osverS (askchoice (choices "2.0" "2.1" "3.0" "3.1")
(prompt "Please Select the OS Version you are running. "
"This will be the Machine you will install ARArchive on. "
"This is needed to tell the ARexx script to use AmigaGuide or Multiview. "
"The Installer has found\n" workbench " version of the OS." )
(help "Select OS Ver")
(default DefCpu)
(if (< osverS 3) (set AGViewer "SYS:Utilities/AmigaGuide") )
(if (> osverS 2) (set AGViewer "SYS:Utilities/Multiview") )
(delete "c:ARA")
(if (= How 0) (set UCC "lha -q x"))
(if (= How 1) (set UCC "lzx -q -m x"))
(textfile (dest (tackon "c:" "ARA"))
(append "/* ARA-UnCompress Robert Reiswig V1.1 rcr@netcom.com */\n")
(append "ADDRESS COMMAND\n")
(append "parse arg ARfilePath ARfile\n")
(append " \n")
(append "/* Clean names off */\n")
(append "ARfilePath = Strip(ARfilePath,'B')\n")
(append "ARfile = Strip(ARfile,'B') \n")
(append " \n")
(append "/* Set UnCompress command , AmigaGuide Viewer, where to Uncompress */\n")
(append "Where = \"T:\"\n")
(append "UnCompressCommand = \"" UCC "\"\n")
(append (cat "GuideViewer = \"" AGViewer "\"\n"))
(append " \n")
(append "/* Do Its thing, Unpack , display , delete */\n")
(append "UnCompressCommand || ' ' || ARfilePath || ' ' || Where \n")
(append "GuideViewer || ' ' || Where || ARFile \n")
(append "'delete >nil: ' || Where || 'AR#?'\n")
(append " \n")
(if (= How 0) (set filename "ARArchive-LHA"))
(if (= How 1) (set filename "ARArchive-LZX"))
(if (= How 2) (set filename "ARArchive"))
(if (< osverS 3)
(tooltype (prompt "Setting Tooltypes")
(help "Setting Tooltypes")
(dest (tackon ARA_dest filename))
(setdefaulttool "AmigaGuide")
(startup "ARArchive"
(prompt "Adding an ASSIGN to your S:User-startup.")
(command (DoThis))
"\nIn order for ARArchive to find the Amiga Reports"
"an assign must be made for AR:"