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206 lines
1SGATHTX.ZIP 258,532 03/06/92 Seagate tech support's disk ref (needs HHV20)
313BBS25.ZIP 18,834 02/17/92 Horst Mann's 313 area BBS list. Feb. 17, 1992
313EXCHG.ZIP 5,683 02/09/91 List of phone exchanges in 313 area code
401BUGS.ZIP 3,620 06/05/91 2 bugs found in MSDOS 4.01, with test programs
800NUM2.ZIP 2,445 06/28/90 Toll-free 800 BBS numbers as of July 1990
896K_MEM.TXT 9,460 06/23/92 Increase XT memory
96LISTB2.ZIP 88,267 02/01/92 9600 bps bulletin board systems list, Feb '92
ADDHELP.ZIP 9,149 06/18/91 Change or add to the DOS 5.0 help file
ALSNUTT1.ZIP 1,520 12/30/90 Big Al's Norton util tech tips, vol 1 num 1
ALTMPX33.ZIP 3,842 02/23/92 Alternate multiplex interrupt proposal v3.3
AMLST002.ZIP 50,369 04/01/92 AMERIBOARDS: Nationwide BBS listing, Apr. 1992
ASP5202.ZIP 338,921 04/02/92 Assn. Shareware Professionals product catalog
ASQ130.ZIP 177,870 04/01/91 Displays information on system configuration
AUTHOR09.ZIP 12,578 06/25/92 List of MS-DOS PD & SW author e-mail addresses
BBS0592A.ZIP 87,676 05/02/92 'THELIST' national BBS list for May, 1992
BESTPR24.ZIP 5,751 05/19/92 Timo Salmi's list of the best PC programs
BLOKE5.ZIP 13,722 10/06/91 BBS Locator, avoids 313BBS.LST zone/toll calls
BORL_AT.ZIP 2,221 07/11/91 Borland buys Ashton Tate: Press Release
CDROMSUM.ZIP 12,000 03/12/91 CD-ROM summary on CD-ROM technology
CIAFACT1.ZIP 308,711 01/18/91 The CIA's World Fact Book 1990, 1 of 3
CIAFACT2.ZIP 254,011 01/18/91 The CIA's World Fact Book 1990, 2 of 3
CIAFACT3.ZIP 243,849 01/18/91 The CIA's World Fact Book 1990, 3 of 3
COM1234.ZIP 1,813 11/17/91 Mod will allow you to use all four COM ports
COM3COM4.TXT 5,211 06/23/92 Info on COM3/COM4
COMP0292.ZIP 20,662 02/01/92 DRC's directory of computer companies 02/92
CON0292.ZIP 40,489 02/01/92 DRC's directory of corporate controllers 02/92
CONCTTY.INF 2,248 06/23/92 Null modem cable and DOS
CUSER26A.ZIP 150,927 06/12/91 Cyclopedia for users, authors/distributors 1/2
CUSER26B.ZIP 245,267 06/12/91 Cyclopedia for users, authors/distributors 2/2
DATEROLL.FIX 10,800 06/23/92 Fix date rollover problem on PC's
DB25_36C.ZIP 962 06/21/90 DB-25 to 36 pin Centronics adapter diagram
DISPINST.TXT 2,373 07/09/92 Info on manually installing OS/2 2.0 display drive
DOS5BUG1.ZIP 4,229 07/01/91 Program demonstates, documents bug in DOS 5.0
DOS5PATS.DOC 3,623 06/23/92 Information on DOS 5.0 patches
DOS5TEC.ZIP 11,067 06/26/91 More info from Quarterdeck regarding DOS 5.0
DOSIMP10.ZIP 281,401 08/12/91 New DOS 5.0 tutorial, for new and oldtimers
DOSREF22.ZIP 241,113 01/12/92 List of interrupts, memory locations, IO ports
DTPBBS02.ZIP 14,102 02/03/91 List of Desktop Publishing BBSs, Feb. 1991
DV_DOS5.ZIP 2,966 06/15/91 More help with running DesQview under DOS 5.0
EMAILGUI.ZIP 7,136 01/05/91 How to send E-Mail from one network to another
ENGR0592.ZIP 30,962 05/02/92 Engineering-oriented U.S. BBS list, May 1992
EXERCISE.ZIP 13,637 08/13/90 Exercise file system and show performance
FAQP9205.ZIP 33,249 05/20/92 comp.os.msdos.programmer FAQ from Usenet
FAX0292.ZIP 48,596 02/01/92 DRC's directory of corporate FAX numbers 02/92
FAXG3.ZIP 5,178 12/15/90 FAX Group 3 standards
FONOL400.ZIP 99,329 04/11/91 Phonological programming language
FONOL421.ZIP 180,566 12/18/91 Fonol 4.2.1 Phonological theory/rule simulator
FQ012992.ZIP 17,683 02/01/92 Frequently Asked Questions re DESQview/QEMM
FTP2UK23.ZIP 9,786 04/10/92 Unix scripts (2) for JANET FT-RELAY
FTPLIST.ZIP 36,306 06/10/92 Updated list of sites w/FTP & MAIL access
FUNC_10.ZIP 1,635 09/25/91 Patches QEMM 5.10-5.13 for UMB problem
GLOSRY41.ZIP 334,615 01/01/92 Microcomputer terminology glossary 4.1. 920101
GOVT91.ZIP 1,971 01/03/91 Listing of government-run bulletin boards
GUIDE534.ZIP 273,955 02/20/91 Home/office legal guide & forms generator
HAM9204.ZIP 10,241 04/17/92 List of BBSs w/Amateur Radio interests, Apr 92
HCAP0492.ZIP 24,733 03/27/92 List of handicap-related BBS's (April 1992)
HELPPC21.ZIP 283,758 04/15/91 Extensive PC Programmer's information database
HHV20.ZIP 121,085 11/23/90 Hyper Helper viewer for 1SGATHTX.ZIP
HKRP122.ZIP 10,687 04/30/92 The Hack Report, list of fraudulent programs
HOF0192.ZIP 37,214 01/01/92 HOF Freeware Hall of Fame, January, 1992
HR0292.ZIP 63,577 02/01/92 DRC's directory of human resources execs 02/92
IFP1P155.ZIP 119,991 04/21/92 InfoPlus v1.55: 21 screens of system info
IFP1S155.ZIP 120,098 04/21/92 TP & MASM source code for InfoPlus v1.55
INFO_PC.ZIP 202,575 08/22/90 Index of all Info-IBMPC issues before Aug 1990
INTER30A.ZIP 321,289 04/26/92 Comprehensive list of interrupt calls, part 1
INTER30B.ZIP 199,889 04/26/92 Comprehensive list of interrupt calls, part 2
INTER30C.ZIP 160,498 04/26/92 Prgs to convert interrupt list into hypertext
INTSHARE.ZIP 7,227 08/06/91 Info on software interrupt-sharing protocol
IP_HOOK.ZIP 34,570 03/27/91 Information on hooking up a PC to the Internet
JARGN299.ZIP 471,073 04/07/92 A series of .INF files which explain computer jarg
JPRINT.ZIP 44,411 07/09/90 Print Japanese on Epson
JULY92.ZIP 27,168 05/18/92 Ultimate OS/2 Game source code - July 1992
KGEN02.ZIP 32,138 04/18/91 Rule compiler for the PC-KIMMO parser
KTEXT093.ZIP 104,947 03/07/91 Text processing using the PC-KIMMO parser
LEGAL11.ZIP 121,862 08/18/90 Collection of 150+ legal forms, with index
MED0492.ZIP 14,095 04/02/92 Medical/Science/EMS/Fire BBS list (April 1992)
MF2.ZIP 2,862 12/03/90 emTeX font libaries [math]
MFTFLP.ZIP 1,286 11/19/91 Patch for QOS Manifest v1.11 for floppy read
MIS0292.ZIP 35,773 02/01/92 DRC's directory of MIS executives 02/92
MK20DEMO.ZIP 60,496 08/21/90 Japanese language utility/demo
MKT0292.ZIP 50,642 02/01/92 DRC's directory of sales/mktg executives 02/92
MNPDEF.ZIP 5,128 10/12/90 MNP error correction definitions
MODEMLEX.ZIP 7,028 04/21/91 Glossary of modem terms
MODER09.ZIP 7,865 06/09/92 Listing of Internet moderators (FTP)
MSLAN12.ANN 5,395 07/09/92 Announcement: LAN Enhancements for OS/2
MSOS212.ANN 3,584 07/09/92 Microsoft announcing OS/2 1.2
MSOV212.ANN 2,355 07/09/92 Microsoft announcing Office Vision for OS/2 1.2
MS_OS.ZIP 2,140 09/27/90 Microsoft and other support phone numbers
MURPHY.ZIP 8,635 04/19/91 Murphy's Law quotes!
NETW92PR.ZIP 366,769 04/30/92 NetWORLD 1992 Boston press releases (text ref)
NEWLAW.ZIP 3,817 10/02/90 New copyright legislation, shareware problems
NGLIM10.ZIP 8,063 07/09/90 Norton Guides for LIMSIM. Installation guide
NIXPUB.ZIP 28,981 05/21/92 List of open *NIX systems
NTE.001 495,718 06/07/92 This is the semiconductor reference. You must
NTE.002 495,718 06/07/92 copy all the files into one archive with
NTE.003 495,718 06/07/92 copy /b. Read NTE.TXT for instructions.
NTE.004 495,718 06/07/92 Semiconductor reference
NTE.005 495,719 06/07/92 Semiconductor reference
NTE.TXT 1,147 06/07/92 Semiconductor reference manual INFO
NULCABLE.ZIP 4,047 01/19/91 How to make serial/parallel null modem cables
OPTIMIZE.ZIP 8,966 03/26/92 QOS .TEC note on the use of OPTIMIZE
OPTIMZ.ZIP 7,402 04/18/91 Quarterdeck tech bulletin on QEMM's OPTIMIZE
OPT_PAT.ZIP 2,207 09/09/91 Bug fix patch for Quarterdeck's OPTIMIZE v2.0
OS220ALL.ANN 124,546 07/09/92 OS/2 2.0 ES/2,DDCS/2,Lan Server & Tools Announceme
OS220QA.ANN 16,970 07/09/92 OS/2 2.0 questions and answers
OS220REL.ANN 6,687 07/09/92 OS/2 2.0 USA release announcement
OS2BOOK2.TXT 7,013 07/09/92 New books on OS/2 2.0
OS2BOOKS.TXT 6,976 07/09/92 New Books on OS/2 2.0
OS2BOOKS.ZIP 3,162 05/07/92 Listing of OS/2 books.
OS2DEALR.TXT 36,699 07/09/92 Listing of OS/2 IBM authorized dealers
OS2FAQ19.TXT 33,572 07/09/92 OS/2 Frequently Asked Questions, release 1.9
OS2GOODS.TXT 7,730 07/09/92 OS/2 2.0 Marketing Premium information
OS2PROB.TXT 7,312 07/09/92 OS/2 2.0 Problem Report Form
OS2PUBS.TXT 6,234 07/09/92 List of OS/2 2.0 Publications
OS2SETNG.TXT 19,634 07/09/92 OS/2 2.0 Migration Database listing
OS2TNT.ZIP 192,920 06/19/92 OS/2 2.0 Tips and Techniques - June 1992
OS2TRAPS.TXT 1,385 07/09/92 Likely causes for the mysterious Trap messages
OS2V2.ANN 6,579 07/09/92 Announcement: OS/2 version 2.0
OS2V2_AP.TXT 41,673 07/09/92 List of vendors writing 32 bit OS/2 apps
OS2V2_DE.TXT 44,701 07/09/92 List of tools for OS/2 application developement
OS2V2_ES.ANN 3,477 07/09/92 Announcement: OS/2 2.0 Extended Services
OS2V2_LS.ANN 5,700 07/09/92 Announcement: OS/2 2.0 Lan Services
OS2_HPFS.TXT 38,952 07/09/92 Microsoft Jounal tehnical info on HPFS
OS2_QAS.TXT 35,984 07/09/92 OS/2 2.0 Questions and Answers
OS2_QAS.ZIP 14,707 05/07/92 OS/2 questions and answers
PATCH_LF.TXT 1,731 07/09/92 Patching Lotus Freelance to install on OS/2 2.0
PCBEN60A.ZIP 176,705 10/20/91 PC Magazine benchmark program 6.0, 1 of 3
PCBEN60B.ZIP 182,729 10/20/91 PC Magazine benchmark program 6.0, 2 of 3
PCBEN60C.ZIP 146,442 10/20/91 PC Magazine benchmark program 6.0, 3 of 3
PCDIAG.ZIP 3,214 06/30/90 Listing of PC diagnostics error codes
PCHLP201.ZIP 53,837 01/23/92 TSR online help program for MS-DOS
PCIERRAT.ZIP 10,802 01/22/92 Errata/notes for PC Interrupts by Brown & Kyle
PCKIMMO.ZIP 77,606 09/15/90 Two-level processor for Morphological analysis
PCL56.ZIP 283,425 01/25/92 PC-Learn 5.6: Computer/MS-DOS tutorial system
PCM105.ZIP 31,534 06/19/91 PostCode Master: Power On Self Test codes
PCMAGTST.ZIP 3,665 04/22/91 Comments on PC Mag's Comm program article
PCT7.ZIP 3,052 10/02/91 QD tech note: PC-Tools 7 under DESQview & QEMM
PER_POS.ZIP 18,812 04/30/92 List of periodic postings (FAQs) to Newsgroups
PIC20S01.ZIP 237,170 01/05/92 Baker's PC Industry Catalog (text ref), 1 of 4
PIC20S02.ZIP 236,257 01/05/92 Baker's PC Industry Catalog (text ref), 2 of 4
PIC20S03.ZIP 232,763 01/05/92 Baker's PC Industry Catalog (text ref), 3 of 4
PIC20S04.ZIP 17,415 01/05/92 Baker's PC Industry Catalog (text ref), 4 of 4
PKLITE.WRN 2,780 06/23/92 Warning about hacked PKZIP
POPADBUG.ZIP 964 10/31/90 Tests for bug in some 386 processors
PROGUIDE.ZIP 119,310 04/25/91 Programmer's Guide: Tips on writing Shareware
PUBMAIL.ZIP 59,743 06/22/92 Publicly accessible Internet mailing lists
QEM601.ZIP 1,639 10/25/91 Information on upgrading to QEMM 6.01
QEMMERR.ZIP 6,083 03/26/92 QOS .TEC note on QEMM error messages
QEMMTEC.ZIP 20,777 12/03/90 Quarterdeck Tech Notes for QEMM/DESQview/Win3
QOSSWIT3.ZIP 9,273 05/28/92 Commandline switches for DESQview/QEMM/etc
QRAM.ZIP 6,208 12/11/91 Info on QRAM capabilities
QTDK9103.ZIP 32,377 03/07/91 Technical notes & patches for QEMM 386, 910307
QTEST100.ZIP 17,751 08/30/90 Test if QRAM from Quarterdeck gets more memory
QWPDOS5.ZIP 6,268 06/18/91 Quarterdeck Tech Note 200 on QEMM and DOS 5.0
RBHELP31.ZIP 80,463 03/15/91 Online help for MSDOS commands, including 4.01
READBACK.ZIP 5,426 05/27/91 Reads back all its args. Diagnostic. w/C src
README.INF 89,920 07/09/92 OS/2 2.0 README in the .INF format
REVEAL11.ZIP 34,515 05/05/91 Displays DOS memory information
SAAREXX.ZIP 139,021 08/20/91 Online SAA Rexx documentation
SH12A.ZIP 296,728 09/20/90 SHOEBOX, linguistic data management program
SHOWS174.ZIP 15,028 12/02/91 BIOS upgrade aide; displays system chip types
SNOOP107.ZIP 46,777 07/04/91 Snooper reports on system: CPU, BUS, memory
SSV1N3.ZIP 31,429 05/26/92 SatScan satellite services chart V1N3 - 920526
STAC2.ZIP 2,492 12/06/91 More info on using Stacker with QEMM/DV
STACTEC.ZIP 42,602 03/11/92 Stacker Technical Notes #0-30
STAT_COM.ZIP 10,710 11/10/90 Display and change COM port status registers
SVGA20.TXT 13,191 07/09/92 OS/2 2.0 SVGA information from the net
SWEDISH.STD 1,583 06/23/92 Swedish recommendations for VDU's
SYSCH233.ZIP 70,595 03/23/92 SysChk v2.33: System checkout utility
SYSID602.ZIP 33,362 09/02/91 Displays 17 pages of system information
TCPIP12.ANN 39,898 07/09/92 Announcement: IBM TCP/IP 1.2 for OS/2
TCPIP121.TXT 2,514 07/09/92 How to get IBM TCP/IP 1.1.1
TECHSUP2.TXT 55,456 07/09/92 IBM technical support answers to common questions
TECHTIPS.ZIP 329,171 01/26/92 .INF file of tech tips for OS/2 1.x
THEREF42.ZIP 168,696 10/02/91 Technical list of HDs,controllers,cables,mfgrs
TIPS0491.ZIP 40,197 05/10/91 TIPS: QEMM, DESQview, LANtastic, RBBS-PC, etc.
TIPS12.TXT 65,429 07/09/92 OS/2 2.0 Tips and Techniques version 1.2
TL0292.ZIP 9,408 02/01/92 DRC's directory of telecomm companies 02/92
TRE0292.ZIP 35,384 02/01/92 DRC's directory of corporate treasurers 02/92
TSRMEM.ZIP 10,160 04/23/91 TSR which displays memory control blocks
TUTORII.ZIP 150,530 12/01/91 DOS 5.0 TUTOR ver 2.0
UNDOCDOS.ZIP 18,482 04/02/91 Errata for the book UNDOCUMENTED DOS - 910309
UNMAP.ZIP 1,848 10/10/91 QEMM386 v6 pat not to unmap freed EMS handles
UPGRADE.CAN 855 07/09/92 OS/2 upgrade information
UPGRADE.USA 5,133 07/09/92 OS/2 1.x -> OS/2 2.0 Upgrade form - USA
USBBS97.ZIP 76,631 06/01/92 Darwin's nationwide IBM BBS listing: 920601
USPSINFO.ZIP 160,216 05/31/91 USPS explains addressing, rates & automation
VCPIMAP.ZIP 13,224 10/22/90 Display physical memory map under VCPI EMS
VENDOR16.ZIP 434,088 05/04/92 15,000+ computer vendors phone/FAX/800/BBS
WARMCOLD.INF 667 06/29/92 Source for warm and cold boot
WCLIST3.ZIP 49,307 01/08/91 List of 2000+ public BBSs world-wide, Jan '91
WHETST.ANS 1,381 06/23/92 Whetsone fortran benchmark
WHETST.FOR 3,830 06/23/92 Whetsone fortran benchmark
WINFLO1.ZIP 12,673 05/14/92 Windows 3.0/3.1 and QEMM-386 troubleshooting
WORDS1.ZIP 95,306 09/06/91 English word list (ascii), A through D, 1of4
WORDS2.ZIP 74,597 09/06/91 English word list (ascii), E through K, 2of4
WORDS3.ZIP 99,024 09/06/91 English word list (ascii), L through R, 3of4
WORDS4.ZIP 84,500 09/06/91 English word list (ascii), S through Z, 4of4
WPSGIFS1.ZIP 31,968 09/02/91 GIF images of the OS/2 2.0 Workplace Shell
WPSGIFS2.ZIP 71,257 10/30/91 More OS/2 2.0 Workplace Shell GIF screens
WPSGUIDE.ZIP 103,122 04/05/92 Guide to the OS/2 2.0 Workplace Shell
XFDISK.ZIP 54,365 08/29/91 Tutorial and useage of FDISK to best advantage
XGAQOS.ZIP 1,935 02/25/92 QOS tech bulletin on IBM XGA standard
XT_640K.UPD 6,940 06/23/92 Increase XT memory
XWINDOWS.INF 29,968 06/23/92 Information on X-Windows