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File List
6,950 lines
Desqview: Applications
50LINE.EXE 268 07/25/89 Set 50 line VGA mode
ACCTEST.ZIP 11,199 02/02/89 All Charge Card -- test pgms
ALLCC251.ZIP 174,643 02/08/91 AllCharge card software ver 2.51
ALLDOC20.ZIP 5,020 01/04/89 All Charge Card -- docs
ALLEMM4C.ZIP 11,409 01/26/89 All Charge Card -- driver
ALLMENU.ZIP 168,612 02/01/91 Allcomputer system diagnostics ala MFT
ALLREMMS.ZIP 46,333 08/07/89 Rampage Extended Memory Manager
ASCIITBL.ZIP 6,941 01/30/88 DESQview-aware ASCII table
ATTPAT.ZIP 2,036 07/23/87 DV 2.0+ patch for some ATT bios's
BG.ZIP 3,295 04/18/89 Force window to BackGround
CALCDV.ZIP 28,032 01/28/88 DESQview-aware calculator w/ C source
CLD2_120.ZIP 7,342 05/17/89 Swap Opus to disk/more mem outside prgms
CMD20.ZIP 37,030 05/13/90 Control DV remotely or between windows
CMONITOR.ZIP 16,659 12/09/88 Carrier detect & restart shared pgm
CNTDWN.ZIP 3,094 06/25/89 Simple DV aware countdown timer
COLORTBL.ZIP 4,948 01/30/88 DESQview-aware color table w/ C source
COMMO421.ZIP 75,692 04/14/90 A full feature comm program for DV
CONCURE.ZIP 38,986 07/26/89 Determine system's multitasking capability
CRITTER.ZIP 12,435 10/05/91 DV aware DOS TSR critical error handler
DESQTEST.ZIP 2,439 04/22/88 Test if DV is loaded or not (for batches)
DESQ_RB.ZIP 1,235 03/25/89 DESQview script to close another window
DNANSI.ZIP 2,737 06/15/89 DV aware ansi.com TSR from BNU author
DPC.ZIP 12,542 09/30/87 Printer control for DV 1.x
DSPACE11.ZIP 8,955 12/14/88 Show free disk space in 15K window
DVASCII2.ZIP 6,275 10/24/87 DESQview-aware ASCII table
DVATTR.ZIP 3,410 12/26/87 DESQview-aware screen attribute display
DVC17.ZIP 54,624 04/15/91 Control DESQview from the command line
DVCAL.ZIP 4,935 11/15/87 DESQview-aware perpetual calendar
DVCLOCK3.ZIP 11,765 07/13/89 Small dv aware clock
DVCO12.ZIP 29,653 10/21/89 DV Commander - A command line utility for DesqVie
DVCRON21.ZIP 31,430 01/26/92 DV Unix like cron scheduler
DVCTIMER.ZIP 5,852 03/11/90 DV carrier detect timer pgm
DVDEVL10.ZIP 6,729 08/11/91 load device drivers in DESQview windows
DVDUMP2.ZIP 6,174 12/09/87 DESQview-aware memory display
DVEX0320.ZIP 3,665 06/28/90 Load DV window from BATch
DVFREE.ZIP 863 01/30/89 For dv prog to free window when finished
DVKPOL2.ZIP 1,490 06/18/88 DesqView utility: fine tune keyboard polls
DVLOAD.ZIP 11,894 04/22/88 Load pgms into DesqView from a batch file
DVMON13.ZIP 8,893 06/20/88 Monitor % of CPU usage by pgms under DV
DVMULTI.ZIP 18,118 10/17/89 MIPS magazine DV test programs
DVP101.ZIP 10,911 10/10/89 Enhanced print spooler accepts wildcards
DVPROG.ZIP 4,446 12/29/88 Load window/process from command line
DVPRTSCR.PAT 1,313 06/11/90 DV 2.26 patch to fix Print Screen hangs
DVRUN.ZIP 2,064 03/02/89 Open DesqView windows from batch files.
DVSCODE.ZIP 5,438 11/08/87 DESQview-aware scan-code display
DVSI11.ZIP 66,120 08/11/91 Desqview System Utilities
DVSI1_0.ZIP 12,380 07/22/91 shows handles maps memory tasks etc
DVSI2_00.ZIP 233,444 02/22/92 utils for controlling various aspects of DV
DVSLICE.ZIP 1,553 04/13/87 Time Slice Utility for DV
DVSPRT.ZIP 4,633 12/13/87 DESQview-aware printer setup for Epsons
DVTIME.ZIP 663 11/23/87 DESQview-aware clock
DVTMAN12.ZIP 30,245 10/07/90 DV task manager scheduler
DVTMAN13.ZIP 34,908 02/10/91 Automated event manager for DV
DVTREE19.ZIP 70,919 10/15/90 DV specific file manager shell
DVTREE21.ZIP 137,689 02/10/91 File manager/shell for DV
DVTREE22.ZIP 143,127 04/04/91 DesqView specific file manager/shell
DVTREE23.ZIP 155,412 08/29/91 DVTree 2.3
DV_EDSCR.ZIP 1,371 11/06/89 Batch file for processing scripts
DV_FONDI.ZIP 2,718 06/17/88 DV companions phone dir
DV_HOLID.ZIP 622 01/05/89 DV companions holidays for Datebook
DV_LOAD.ZIP 12,843 10/16/88 Load DV task from batch file
DV_SCRIP.ZIP 3,713 06/09/88 Example scripts from QD BBS
EMS_REPT.ZIP 11,862 01/01/87 Expanded memory status report
EXEINFO1.ZIP 5,837 10/16/89 Specify partition size required by EXE prg
EZCOLOR.ZIP 2,431 01/10/88 DESQview-aware color table
FATAL14.ZIP 16,768 12/25/89 TSR DOS critical error handler NICE!
FILES005.ZIP 9,379 06/25/91 Displays a table of currently open files
FMONITOR.ZIP 15,836 12/14/88 Monitor shared pgm using Herc+ fonts
HOLIDAY.ZIP 631 01/02/90 DV Datebook file with 1990 Holidays
IRQ2REV.ZIP 5,368 04/15/88 Fixes IRQ 2 problem when running DESQview
ITS_V105.ZIP 46,099 05/17/90 DV inter partition controller
LDFILTER.ZIP 1,837 10/19/86 Load filter for DV 1.x
LIMITEM.ZIP 2,494 05/17/88 Limits program use of extended mem
LOAD.ZIP 36,486 09/19/89 Start DV process from Dos or Bat (source)
LTDFRE23.ZIP 16,094 08/01/90 Displays free disk space and memory
MCC201.ZIP 14,340 03/24/92 build mouse support for non-mouse pgms
MPRINT40.ZIP 71,765 02/01/89 DV-aware spooler
NCWS.ZIP 1,223 04/15/88 Special NC.EXE for DESQview/Topview
NEWBELL.ZIP 1,090 02/08/89 New Bell ringer optimized for Desqview
NOFF.ZIP 1,795 06/18/87 Speed up screens under Desqview
NOVER.ZIP 1,140 12/02/88 Cause DV 2.+ to ignore Topview calls
ONLY1.ZIP 1,496 03/05/90 Share..prevents running mult pgm copies
PRINTDV.ZIP 27,174 04/27/88 Background printing under DV 2.x
PRINTOUT.ZIP 28,052 11/14/87 Background printing under DV 2.x
PROMPTW.ZIP 844 03/29/88 Show window # in DOS prompt
PUTKEY.ZIP 2,032 01/20/88 Force key stroke using Basic
QBCOMM33.ZIP 117,765 02/03/91 RBComm by Ralf Brown - A DV aware comm program
QEMM5060.ZIP 1,616 06/28/89 DV support of IBM 2-8mb boards
QMENU.ZIP 29,231 03/24/90 Menu program for qemm, loadhi, manifest
QTEST.ZIP 15,005 08/01/90 Test EMS4.0 board for DV compat. UPDATE
QUPIE.ZIP 9,746 01/18/88 Background printer for DV
RBCMTCAP.ZIP 1,101 10/05/89 Unix termcap for RBCOMM28
RBCOMM33.ZIP 117,765 02/03/91 Small DV communications pgm
RBMGR101.ZIP 1,897 02/16/92 DV Reboot manager version 1.01
REMM35.ZIP 7,764 09/02/88 AST Remm.Sys version 3.5
REX111.ZIP 1,478 12/23/88 AST Rex.Sys, version 1.11
SAMDVP.ZIP 247 01/10/90 DVP file for Compuserve Information Manager
SETBACK.ZIP 27,404 01/30/90 Sets 2.26 DVP's to start in background
SLEEP_32.ZIP 9,896 04/20/90 DV aware wait pgm
SPAWN15.ZIP 43,868 11/01/90 DV utility to allow you to execute one or more DO
STAC.ZIP 14,594 03/06/92 for easier optimizing using Stacker
STDERR.COM 385 02/25/89 Redirect DOS errors to COM under DV
SWAP.ZIP 5,191 03/05/89 Run 2 programs greater than 640k
SWAPDV15.ZIP 29,980 09/06/89 Swap DesqView into expanded memory
TAMEAN10.ZIP 13,723 01/11/91 Utility to help tune tame
VFOS_DV.ZIP 20,301 10/30/88 Vfossil for DV
VIDBUF.ZIP 4,086 11/09/89 Display DesqView video buffer address
WABIRD.ZIP 8,652 05/18/89 Carrier detect pgm no reboot under DV
WAITDV10.ZIP 10,239 01/16/90 DV multiple event scheduler
WDDV115.ZIP 23,031 07/13/90 WATCHDOG, runs in own DV-window (BUG FIX)
WDPAT102.ZIP 3,437 03/11/90 Patch WD1006V-SR2 BIOS so QEMM can map it
WINPOS.ZIP 18,438 11/21/88 Manipulate Window Position
XDVEE11.ZIP 20,311 06/06/89 REMM 4.2 work better with DV
XSTART.ZIP 446 04/16/89 Stop Desqview startup script
Desqview: Developer
APICSAMP.ZIP 125,177 01/01/89 Partial update to API_EXAM.ZIP 1/3
APIPSAMP.ZIP 57,013 01/02/89 Partial update to API_EXAM.ZIP 2/3
APISHARE.ZIP 19,355 01/26/89 Example pgms & source using shared memory
APITOOLS.ZIP 18,189 01/03/89 Partial update to API_EXAM.ZIP 3/3
ASTREMM.ZIP 4,594 01/21/89 Lisit of AST REMM.SYS attributes
CHKDV.ZIP 6,129 01/20/88 ASM source to make program Desqview aware
DESQ10.ZIP 6,242 06/05/88 DV interface routines w/ TPascal demo
DESQC20.ZIP 10,064 12/03/88 TC2 compatibility routines
DETECT00.ZIP 10,335 03/19/90 ASM & C/src detect & make programs dv aware
DVAPMN12.ZIP 105,944 05/27/89 DesqView Application Program Menu
DVA_TCPP.ZIP 23,611 08/06/90 TC++ library: make DV aware programs w/src
DVECT.ZIP 8,681 11/19/86 Capture DV interrupt table
DVGLU101.ZIP 61,508 08/13/88 Patch fo DVGLUE10
DVGLUE10.ZIP 183,971 08/10/88 DesqView APL for programmers - source
DVGLUL10.ZIP 68,243 08/10/88 DesqView APL - compiled version
DVIFACE.ZIP 1,484 12/31/87 ASM source for interfacing DV
DVINT29.ZIP 68,928 02/09/92 DV Interrupt list from Ralf Brown
DVINT30.ZIP 72,733 04/26/92 view interrupt list from Ralf Brown
DVINT590.ZIP 52,834 10/14/90 1990 version of DV interrupts
DVINTASM.ZIP 1,331 12/08/87 ASM file for Desqview interface calls
DVINTB2.ZIP 1,868 01/20/88 DV subroutines for IBM Basic compiler
DVINTOBJ.ZIP 457 12/08/87 Object files for dv interface
DVINTS1A.ZIP 18,309 04/02/89 A humble DESQview API demo
DVLIB.ZIP 18,116 05/28/90 DesqView API library: MSC compatible
DVLIMIT.ZIP 2,330 04/25/86 Desqview code
DVMACROS.ZIP 5,709 01/11/88 MASM macros for DESQview function calls
DV_INTER.ZIP 2,148 03/04/89 DV functions callable from QB
EXCEPT13.TEC 8,386 02/26/91 DV "exception 13" discussion for 386
GIVEBK31.ZIP 5,328 04/26/88 Speedup MTASK compiled .BAS programs in DV
MSCDVINT.ZIP 1,696 11/05/87 MS C source for DESQview function calls
TASKMAN.ZIP 41,722 06/01/89 Sample of DV Main Menu
TCEMMS.ZIP 887 04/04/89 Turbo C routine to use EMMS memory
TCHK20.ZIP 177,727 01/15/89 Turbo C routines DV aware
TCTVID11.ZIP 6,119 04/14/88 Turbo C 1.5 text with DV/TopView/Windows
TVGLUEML.ZIP 475 02/27/88 *.OBJ TopView/DESQview "glue" functions
TVGLUETC.ZIP 6,047 03/02/88 Turbo C TopView/DESQview "glue" functions
Desqview: .DVP (Desqview PIFs)
ACTSK.ZIP 9,905 02/12/87 Brings up Sidekick in Desqview window
BBSDVNOD.ZIP 3,802 08/12/88 DV setup for multiline + work window
BOYAN4DV.ZIP 5,852 02/11/89 Boyan4 under dv
BUTCHDV.ZIP 9,029 09/04/88 Butch Walker's DV Setup for 2 BBSs
BYLOAD.ZIP 8,198 01/28/88 Desqview setup for Boyan
CVT100.ZIP 53,403 10/01/88 Interrupt drive VT100 under DV
DESQ42.ZIP 6,957 10/01/88 Use Quik42 under DV
DSLIST.ZIP 3,488 03/18/88 A way to use LIST.COM in Desqview
DVCFG.ZIP 2,380 02/15/86 Configure AT/RAMPAGE for DV
DVDSZ20Z.ZIP 4,460 07/12/88 Qmail & wp 4.2 in a dsz dv window
DVNOVELL.ZIP 4,314 05/16/87 Using DV on Novell Networks
DVPCW.ZIP 2,429 08/05/88 Run PCWrite under DV
DVUTIL.ZIP 26,568 01/14/89 Desqview PIFs for various programs
DVZMQD30.ZIP 6,286 10/26/88 DV scripts for DSZ
DV_286.ZIP 11,301 05/18/88 Info on running PCBoard with DV
DV_BAT.ZIP 15,267 04/13/90 Setup for DV/Bink/RBBS/QMail, (batch files)
DV_OPUS.ZIP 6,987 10/26/87 File & techniques to run Opus under DV
EN_PIF.DVP 416 07/10/90 PIF for using Enable under DV
FWRDLOAD.ZIP 4,387 03/21/88 Desqview loader for Final Word
LOTUS3.DV 9,216 10/25/89 How to install Lotus 3 in DV
NEC_BBS.ZIP 5,901 11/24/89 Yet another way to set up DesqView and the batch
PC_PIF.ZIP 237 09/30/88 Desqview PIF for Procomm
PPTD11DV.ZIP 461 11/27/88 Bug-fix for Procomm Plus Test Drive under DV
PP_PIF.ZIP 234 01/01/88 DV setup for Procomm Plus
Q4_PIF.ZIP 243 06/12/88 Qbasic DVP for DV (may fix nasty probs)
QB45LOAD.ZIP 4,108 09/01/89 DV loader for Quick Basic 4.5
QDV.ZIP 3,636 11/17/89 DV setup file for use with Qedit 2.08
QMDVSTUP.ZIP 1,883 03/04/89 Qmodem 4.0 under DV
SHARE.ZIP 36,806 01/10/89 rocedures to run QuickBBS under DV
SPEED.PAT 1,627 08/05/89 Patch to run Landmark in DV window
TA_PIF.ZIP 235 09/18/88 DV setup for Tapcis Version 5.1
TE_PIF.DVP 416 08/25/89 PIF file for Telix 3.11
WCDVPS.ZIP 403 04/26/87 DV setup for WildCat! BBS program
WP5DV.ZIP 232 05/26/88 Use Word Perfect with 5.0 with DV
Desqview: Miscellaneous
286.TEC 17,157 05/21/91 Technical note on 286's
ACTSK.ZIP 9,892 02/12/87 Bring up SideKick menu from DESQview window
APISHARE.ZIP 16,432 10/20/88 Ex of shared task memory using DV API library
API_EXAM.ZIP 162,450 10/11/88 Ex programs using DV API library
ASCIITBL.ZIP 6,933 01/30/88 ASCII table for DESQview
BACKDRP2.ZIP 5,217 09/28/90 DESQview background. Displays date, status
BALLPT.ZIP 2,094 10/15/91 Patch DV to operate MS Ballpoint mouse device
BOYAN4DV.ZIP 5,845 02/11/89 DESQview loader for Boyan v.4 comm program
BUZY102.ZIP 1,211 02/27/91 DESQview window exerciser: Tune tick settings
CALCDV.ZIP 27,981 01/28/88 A calculator for DESQview (w/MSC source)
CD_CHECK.ZIP 2,937 07/06/91 Check for carrier before starting new DV task
CLOCKCAL.ZIP 6,808 07/09/91 Small time-date disp for DV including day/week
CLOSE101.ZIP 2,527 11/03/91 Close files left open in DV by terminated pgms
CMONITOR.ZIP 16,620 12/09/88 DESQview: monitor carrier-detect & abort task
CNTDWN.ZIP 2,450 05/07/89 Countdown timer with alarm for DESQview
COLORTBL.ZIP 4,942 01/30/88 Popup table for color attributes for DESQview
DESQ10.ZIP 6,239 06/05/88 Turbo Pascal code to interface DesqView
DESQC20.ZIP 10,054 12/03/88 TC 2.0 bindings for some basic DESQview calls
DESQTEST.ZIP 2,435 04/22/88 Check from .BAT whether DESQview is loaded
DESQ_RB.ZIP 1,234 03/25/89 Reboot windows in DESQview (requires DVEXEC)
DNANSI.ZIP 2,724 06/15/89 Replaces Desqview's DVANSI.COM -- small, fast
DPC.ZIP 12,528 09/30/87 Control printer setup from DV window
DSLIST.ZIP 3,483 03/18/88 Use Vernon Buerg's LIST.COM in DESQview window
DV286.ZIP 6,844 05/21/91 Info for using DESQview with 286, 8088 system
DV2VIEW.ZIP 4,890 06/24/90 How to run 2 monitors with DESQview
DV2_DOS3.ZIP 886 12/11/87 Using DESQview 2.0 with DOS 3.x
DVALARM.ZIP 14,337 04/22/91 Configurable alarm clock for DESQview
DVASCII2.ZIP 6,271 10/24/87 Desqview 2+ Sidekick-like Ascii Reference
DVATTR.ZIP 3,407 12/26/87 Desqview 2.0+ video attribute display
DVAWARE.ZIP 2,369 03/16/91 DESQview program interface ASM code
DVC17.ZIP 54,623 04/15/91 DV Commander: Command-line control of DESQview
DVCAL.ZIP 4,922 11/15/87 A popup calandar for use with DesQview
DVCRON10.ZIP 37,541 12/18/91 CRON-like util for DesqView. 20K window
DVCTIMER.ZIP 5,843 03/11/90 DV-aware clock triggered by carrier detect
DVDEVL10.ZIP 6,728 08/11/91 Load device drivers inside DESQview windows
DVDUMP2.ZIP 6,163 12/09/87 A hex dump utility for use with DesQview
DVEX0320.ZIP 3,327 03/20/89 Start another DESQview window from batch file
DVEXCPT.ZIP 1,987 04/16/90 Quarterdeck technical note 'EXCEPTION #13'
DVEXEC.ZIP 5,084 03/02/89 Spawn a new program in a new DESQview window
DVGLU101.ZIP 61,426 08/13/88 DVGLUE update DESQview API functs in Turbo 'C'
DVGLUE10.ZIP 183,715 08/10/88 TC interface & funcs for DESQview API src/exe
DVINT28.ZIP 63,367 11/17/91 DV/QEMM-specific extract of interrupt list
DVINTF.ZIP 777 01/02/92 DesqView interface
DVINTQB.ZIP 1,746 07/23/90 Object module to make programs DESQview-aware
DVKPOLL.ZIP 1,491 06/18/88 Inhibit keyboard polling in DESQview windows
DVLIB.ZIP 18,115 05/28/90 Lib routines for DV and Microsoft's C compiler
DVLOAD.ZIP 11,878 04/22/88 Load Desqview apps from command line, w/C src
DVMACROS.ZIP 5,703 01/11/88 MASM macros for Topview/Desqview pgm develop.
DVMON13.ZIP 8,873 06/20/88 Display percentage of unused CPU time in DV
DVMU12.ZIP 104,639 05/27/89 Custom DesqView pop-up menus
DVNETBIO.ZIP 3,696 09/27/91 Update:DESQview driver to handle NETBIOS calls
DVNOVELL.ZIP 4,309 05/16/87 Setting up DESQview for Novell and token ring
DVP101.ZIP 10,810 10/10/89 Print spooler for use in DESQview
DVPED1_0.ZIP 88,110 10/19/91 Edit DV DVP w/better interface, undoc'd fields
DVPIF10.ZIP 14,074 03/31/91 PIF editor for DESQview, with C source
DVPLIST1.ZIP 12,783 01/20/90 Transfer DVP setups between DESQview users
DVPSV11.ZIP 12,878 10/23/91 Full featured print spooler for DESQview
DVPTAME.ZIP 3,229 06/04/91 Controls kbd polling to improve DV performance
DVREM17B.ZIP 6,410 08/22/91 Operate DESQview remotely
DVRUN.ZIP 2,066 03/02/89 Start another DESQview window from batch file
DVSCODE.ZIP 5,413 11/08/87 Quick Scan Code ref (Desqview 2.0+)
DVSCRIP1.ZIP 12,294 10/15/90 DESQview scripts simplify CONVSCR use w/editor
DVSI1_21.ZIP 73,750 10/08/91 UnixLike DV utils:PS w/CPUtime,DF,perf mon,etc
DVSLICE.ZIP 1,551 04/13/87 Routine to include to give up time slices
DVSPRT.ZIP 4,626 12/13/87 Epson MX80 printer setup from DESQview window
DVSWITCH.ZIP 1,263 03/13/89 DESQview command line switches documented
DVTIME.ZIP 662 11/23/87 Set the time within DesQview
DVTMAN13.ZIP 34,907 02/10/91 Auto event scheduler/task manager for DESQview
DVTREE23.ZIP 155,381 08/29/91 DESQview disk manager, dual directory display
DVUNDOC.ZIP 5,913 06/20/87 Poorly-documented features of DESQview
DVWINDOW.ZIP 2,926 04/16/90 DESQview 2.2 and QEMM 4.2 with Windows - notes
DV_GUARD.ZIP 7,843 04/09/90 Watchdog-like utility for running RBBS with DV
DV_PAT.ZIP 19,569 12/19/90 Multiple patches for DV/QEMM through June '90
EMMNET.ZIP 21,507 04/11/91 Help IPX/SPX, NETBIOS calls multitask in DV
EZCOLOR.ZIP 2,429 01/10/88 Makes it easy to set colors within DesQview
FILES008.ZIP 13,077 10/02/91 DESQview utility to display open files
FMONITOR.ZIP 15,809 12/14/88 DesqView: monitor/restore Hercules RAMFONT(tm)
HOOKINT.ZIP 3,721 05/16/91 Ensures interrupt availability in a DV window
IRWINBAK.ZIP 12,927 04/30/88 Back up a PCBoard BBS running under DESQview
JUST1V12.ZIP 6,072 07/25/91 Prevents run of simultaneous copy of pgm in DV
L4_LOAD.ZIP 1,989 12/19/90 Lotus v3.1 loader for DESQview
LIMITEM.ZIP 2,486 05/17/88 Limit program's use of EMS under DESQview
LTFRMT12.ZIP 80,786 03/15/91 LtFormat v1.2: DV-aware floppy disk formatter
MIXEDBAG.ZIP 99,938 12/15/90 Several DESQview utilities by author of Tame
MSCDVINT.ZIP 1,693 11/05/87 MSC bindings for basic DESQview calls
MY_D116.ZIP 5,092 10/14/91 DV DIR lister shows locks,fcbs,tasks accessing
NINSTL.ZIP 3,078 05/24/91 Tech note on network installations of DESQview
PPTD11DV.ZIP 461 11/27/88 Improve ProComm+ TestDrive under DESQview
PP_PIF.ZIP 234 01/01/88 Program Information File for ProComm Plus
PQ12.ZIP 15,349 01/21/89 PRINT.COM work-alike for DESQview
PRINTDV.ZIP 27,133 04/27/88 Print ASCII files from bkg window in DesqView
PROMPTW.ZIP 838 03/29/88 Reset the prompt for better use in DesQview
QB45LOAD.ZIP 3,657 09/01/89 DesqView loader for QB 4.5 and its EXE's
QEXT512.ZIP 4,708 06/07/91 QEXT.SYS v5.12 for DESQview and DOS 5.0
QUPIE11.ZIP 17,663 11/06/88 Print files from background DESQview window
SPACE1.ZIP 7,523 03/04/90 DESQview-specific disk space monitor
STDERR.ZIP 2,299 12/08/87 Redirect standard error message with DESQview
SYSLOG.ZIP 17,098 03/25/90 DESQview-specific system activity logger
TAME261.ZIP 75,649 03/20/91 Speed up pgm execution in DesqView/VM386/other
TASKMAN.ZIP 41,683 06/01/89 Main menu replacement/task mgr for DESQview
TA_PIF.ZIP 235 09/18/88 Program Information File for TAPCIS
TCTVID11.ZIP 6,114 04/14/88 Turbo C 1.5 text w/TopView/DESQview/Windows
TVGLUETC.ZIP 6,040 03/02/88 TurboC bindings for TopView/DESQview calls
XDVEE11.ZIP 20,271 06/06/89 DESQview: Allow use of AST's REMM4.x with XDV
Desqview: Tech info
513233.ZIP 1,332 05/24/91 Technical note from Quarterdeck on QEMM 513 and D
ABOOT200.ZIP 17,632 04/27/91 DV specific Watchdog util; can reboot single part
APIBRO.ZIP 14,666 03/20/91 Quarterdeck Technical Note #187 - DV API General
ARTSPEC.DVN 12,261 11/17/89 Submission guidelines for DVNet News
ASQ120.EXE 187,915 03/07/91 Like QEMM's manifest. Nice
ASQ130.EXE 190,848 04/18/91 Qualitas' Memory Analizer-Update from 120
ATTMEM.ZIP 7,954 11/30/86 How to use 2 Meg. of EMS with Desqview
BACKDRP2.ZIP 5,218 09/28/90 Wallpaper for Desqview
BF131.ZIP 346,861 06/05/90 Back&Forth V1.31 - task switcher
BOARDS.ZIP 12,898 03/07/90 Manifest reports on EMS 4.0 Boards
BUZY.ZIP 1,212 02/27/91 Utility to set back/foreground ticks in DV
CLKWATCH.ZIP 20,515 03/13/90 fixes system clock time loss under DV
CLOCK01.ZIP 3,204 09/28/90 DV clock with ASM source
COMM3N4.ZIP 2,609 03/31/89 TECnote on using Com3 and Com4 in DV
CRON12.ZIP 52,580 10/21/90 Unix like event timer works under DV
DESQHELP.ZIP 3,232 10/14/89 Advice for getting most out of DESQview 386
DESQINFO.ZIP 4,556 10/02/86 How to use Desqview with modem programs
DESQV_X.ZIP 8,489 05/16/90 Info on coming DESQview/Xwindow products
DOS4BUG.ZIP 5,404 08/13/88 Info on DOS 4.0 bug conflict with DV
DOSWINDO.ZIP 4,529 06/09/88 Creative use of DOS window in DV
DSKLSS.TEC 2,786 04/20/91 Tech notes
DV022590.ZIP 12,163 02/26/90 Transcript: Live Chat w/ Quarterdeck Tech
DV2SCRIP.ZIP 2,497 12/07/90 command line DV script converter
DV2VIEW.ZIP 4,891 06/24/90 Running DesqView with 2 monitors
DV2_DOS3.ZIP 888 12/11/87 More environment space for DV ver. 2 w/DOS3
DVALARM.ZIP 14,338 04/22/91 DesqView specific alarm clock
DVAPIX.H 3,854 02/24/89 Defines of 2.2 DVP
DVAT.ZIP 2,400 04/06/86 Setup for running Rampage/Desqview on an AT
DVBLANK.ZIP 1,447 03/12/91 DV screen blanker
DVBOOK.ZIP 1,784 05/06/90 Compilation of DV literature by QD
DVCLK14.ZIP 1,939 04/11/91 puts clock on window border
DVDAYS3.ZIP 5,045 04/23/91 Perpetual calendar built to run in DesqView
DVDIR.ZIP 2,592 12/11/87 Help with DV 2.01
DVDOS.ZIP 2,130 01/13/88 Notes on Dos environment under DV
DVFAQ2.ZIP 19,559 02/25/92 FAQ file for QEMM and DV published monthly
DVFAQ3.ZIP 22,733 03/30/92 FAQ for DV QEMM release 3
DVFAQ4.ZIP 24,779 04/30/92 release 4 for DESQview by D Bodoh
DVMAM11.ZIP 22,487 10/08/90 Memory allocation manager for Desqview
DVNET.LST 11,627 08/21/91 Master DVNet Node List as of AUG 15 91
DVNET.MAP 7,954 08/21/91 DVNet distribution map as of AUG 15 91
DVNET101.ZIP 8,533 11/19/89 DVNet News Vol1 No1
DVNET201.ZIP 9,560 02/25/90 DVNet News Vol2 No1
DVN_TAG.ZIP 9,927 09/29/90 DesqViewNet list of files passed and descriptions
DVPALET.ZIP 2,595 11/28/88 Docs for pallet pgm DV 2.2
DVPCLA.ZIP 6,390 03/22/90 Discussion: DV, PCAnywhere, & Lantastic
DVPIF10.ZIP 14,075 03/31/91 Command line PIF editor
DVPS1.ZIP 12,404 05/24/91 DV print spooler/features
DVPSD307.ZIP 14,069 02/14/91 Run direct screens writers in small windows
DVPTAME.ZIP 3,230 06/04/91 limit keyboard polling under DESQview
DVPTIME.ZIP 5,211 11/16/90 Simple DV clock with pascal src
DVREMSYS.ZIP 720 06/15/88 DV/REMM.SYS v4 incompatibility,Quarterdeck
DVSCRIP1.ZIP 12,295 10/15/90 DV script writer/editor/converter
DVSLBBS.ZIP 4,724 10/01/89 How to install Searchlight BBS under DesqView
DVSWITCH.ZIP 1,263 03/13/89 Doc on DESQview command line switches
DVUNDOC.ZIP 5,931 06/20/87 Desqview undocumented features (09/17/88)
DVXPRS.ZIP 2,697 04/01/92 QD announcement re Desqview/X
DVXTEC.ZIP 34,440 03/31/92 for Desqview X
DV_DOS40.TXT 2,373 07/25/89 QD's notes on DOS 4.0 and DV
DV_PAT.ZIP 19,570 12/19/90 Collection of patches and Technical notes from Qu
DV_PIF.ZIP 38,127 01/25/89 Some sample dvp's
DV_REMM.TXT 1,715 07/25/89 QD's notes on REMM versions
DV_TEC.ZIP 7,270 06/27/88 Technical notes on: Lotus, ramdrives, SideKick Pl
DV_ZENTH.ZIP 3,188 06/30/90 Tips on using QEMM with Zenith systems
EMMNET.ZIP 21,514 12/31/90 Driver attempts to resolve conflicts with IPX/SPX
EMMNET1.ZIP 21,508 04/11/91 Updated (4/91) Emmnet Driver
EMSINFO.ZIP 105,052 03/24/90 Specs on LIM 3.2 & LIM 4.0 Expanded Memory
FILES004.ZIP 9,236 03/08/91 Display table of open files
FIXNRE.ZIP 4,794 03/31/92 fix "Drive Not Ready" error when multitask
FORMFEED.ZIP 1,840 07/05/89 patch to stop FF with printer contention Y
FUNC24.ZIP 2,413 05/15/91 QEMM patch - fix moves to 0 length memory regions
HOOKINT.ZIP 3,722 05/16/91 Hooks interupts to let some pgms run in backgroun
IRWINBAK.ZIP 12,938 04/30/88 Using Irwin Tape Backup with DV
L4_LOAD.ZIP 1,990 12/19/90 Allows user to run Lotus 123 3.1 in a DesqView wi
LOADERS.ZIP 64,785 02/04/91 Allcomputer loadhi programs
LOTUS3.ZIP 4,824 03/20/91 Quarterdeck Technical Note #162, Lotus 1-2-3
LTFORMAT.ZIP 82,188 03/15/91 ver 1.20 DV aware floppy disk formatter
MANIFEST.ZIP 3,008 09/16/89 Quarterdeck PR about new products: 8/21/89
MCC200.ZIP 15,616 02/15/91 Mouse control build support for non mouse pgms
MYLESS.ZIP 35,931 04/11/91 Text viewer(+) size scroll to window height
MY_D112.ZIP 5,082 06/13/91 MY-D, replacement for DIR
NEWDV.ZIP 3,072 08/11/88 Steve Gibson's notes on DV 2.2 & QEMM 4.2
NEWQOS.TXT 8,291 08/16/91 New Quarterdeck Products - QEMM Version 6.0
NINSTL.ZIP 3,079 05/24/91 Quarterdeck Technical Note #158, ID:NI Networks &
NOMOUSE.ZIP 2,580 10/24/90 Turn off mouse support in a window
NUQRAM.ZIP 1,017 03/11/91 Quarterdeck note on update to QRAM info
OPTIMZ.TEC 19,147 04/18/91 Technical note on Quartdeck's Optimize
PIF220.ZIP 1,934 11/11/88 Documentation for DV 2.2 "PIF" files
POKEXDI.ASM 9,475 08/25/90 Example XDI interface program from API ref
QEMM511F.ZIP 8,180 09/21/90 Fix for qemm511
QEMMFIX.ZIP 8,180 09/21/90 Fix for Qemm-Windows winliram problem
QMENU11.ZIP 50,564 05/01/90 Menu progam for QD's qemm, loadhi, manifest
QOSCONT.ZIP 10,838 04/10/90 Ways to contact QuarterDeck Tech Support
QOSSWIT2.ZIP 6,720 04/04/92 command line switches for QEMM & DV
QOS_DOS5.ZIP 6,269 06/19/91 Quarterdeck Technical Note #200, ID:D5 DOS 5.0 an
QW10ADD.ZIP 78,773 08/19/90 Tec notes & patches left out of QWHITE10
QW12.EXE 141,312 10/12/90 Version 1.2 of Quarterdeck White Papers
QW12ADD.ZIP 22,449 10/24/90 Addendum to QWhite12 tec notes
QW920327.ZIP 373,788 03/27/92 QWhite tec bulletins for DV amd QEMM
QWHITE12.DIR 2,923 10/18/90 Dir of QW12 tec notes + dir of QW10ADD
RALLOC.PAT 13,524 02/08/91 Patch to fix various versions of QEMM memory allo
REBMGR.ZIP 1,372 03/29/91 DV Reboot manager
SCSIHA.ZIP 2,223 03/24/90 Buffering device driver Adaptec SCSI Host adapter
SMTDRV.TEC 2,209 04/18/91 Tech Noted on MS Smartdrv and Quarterdeck Product
STACKR.ZIP 1,513 04/30/91 Quartdeck Technical Note #194, Optimizing with St
SWITCHES.DOC 1,971 12/22/89 Command line switches for DV and QEMM
TAME261.ZIP 75,650 03/20/91 Tame will speed up any programs when you are usin
TECHNEWS.ZIP 4,557 12/08/87 Info on communications under dv
UPDATE.ZIP 1,165 02/28/91 Quarterdeck Systems Information on QEMM 512 updat
VCPI.ZIP 1,331 05/07/91 Quarterdeck Technical Note #103, ID:VC VCPI DOS E
VIRTIZ.ZIP 6,235 04/01/92 TEC note on virtualizing for DV
VMIX225.ZIP 152,865 11/05/89 Multiuser multitasker for all computers
WHIRAM.VXD 10,826 04/18/91 New Version of Winhiram.vxd for QEMM386 5.1x
WINDOWS.ZIP 2,811 04/28/89 TECnote on running windows and Window Apps
WINRUM.ZIP 6,409 12/18/90 Quarterdeck Technical Note, Windows and QEMM 386
WINSIZE.ZIP 4,219 04/01/92 TEC note on window sizing in DV
WINTIPS.ZIP 21,287 09/22/90 Tips for running Windows under DesqView
WTFOR058.ZIP 24,423 10/05/90 Allows the user to synch events in multiple windo
XGA.ZIP 1,936 02/25/92 TEC note on using XGA with Desqview
Boardwatch: Boardwatch covers
BWAPR91.GIF 80,686 04/29/91 April 91 Cover - Ward Christensen (04-29-91)
BWDEC90.GIF 78,592 12/15/90 Dec 90 Cover - Carter Downer, Genesis (12-15-90)
BWFEB91.GIF 75,721 02/04/91 Feb 91 Cover - Aquila BBS (02-04-91)
BWJAN91.GIF 89,088 01/08/91 Jan 91 Cover - BBS Software Authors (01-08-91)
BWJUN91.GIF 120,171 06/19/91 June 91 Cover - Cliff Figallo of the WELL (06-19
BWMAR91.GIF 116,398 03/25/91 March 91 Cover - Alvin Toffler (03-25-91)
BWMAY91.GIF 73,474 06/19/91 May 91 Cover - Mitch Kapor of EFF (06-19-91)
BWNOV90.GIF 44,594 11/18/90 Nov 90 Cover - Dr. File Finder (11-18-90)
COMDEX90.GIF 94,592 01/11/91 BBS Software Authors at COMDEX (01-11-91)
Boardwatch: 1988 issues
DPCB8801.ZIP 24,965 05/01/92 January 1988 Issue
DPCB8802.ZIP 293 05/01/92 (There was no February 1988 Issue)
DPCB8803.ZIP 24,654 05/01/92 March 1988 Issue
DPCB8804.ZIP 25,041 05/01/92 April 1988 Issue
DPCB8805.ZIP 25,993 05/01/92 May 1988 Issue
DPCB8806.ZIP 25,554 05/01/92 June 1988 Issue
DPCB8807.ZIP 24,995 05/01/92 July, 1988 Issue
DPCB8808.ZIP 29,642 05/01/92 August 1988 Issue
DPCB8809.ZIP 23,103 05/01/92 September 1988 Issue
DPCB8810.ZIP 29,729 05/01/92 October 1988 Issue
DPCB8811.ZIP 27,439 05/01/92 November 1988 Issue
DPCB8812.ZIP 26,453 05/01/92 December 1988 Issue
Boardwatch: 1989 issues
DPCB8901.ZIP 26,488 05/01/92 January 1989 Issue
DPCB8902.ZIP 31,854 05/01/92 February 1989 Issue
DPCB8903.ZIP 27,987 05/01/92 March 1989 Issue
DPCB8904.ZIP 28,403 05/01/92 April 1989 Issue
DPCB8905.ZIP 25,787 05/01/92 May 1989 Issue
DPCB8906.ZIP 27,197 05/01/92 June 1989 Issue
DPCB8907.ZIP 102,034 06/18/89 July, 1989 Issue
DPCB8908.ZIP 83,743 07/19/89 August 1989 Issue
DPCB8909.ZIP 43,086 05/01/92 September 1989 Issue
DPCB8910.ZIP 86,315 09/07/89 October 1989 Issue
DPCB8911.ZIP 88,119 10/16/89 November 1989 Issue
DPCB8912.ZIP 58,585 11/20/89 December 1989 Issue
Boardwatch: 1990 issues
DPCB9001.ZIP 73,173 12/17/89 January 1990 Issue
DPCB9002.ZIP 110,425 01/15/90 February 1990 Issue
DPCB9003.ZIP 106,432 02/19/90 March 1990 Issue
DPCB9004.ZIP 129,501 03/17/90 April 1990 Issue
DPCB9005.ZIP 113,067 04/26/90 May 1990 Issue
DPCB9006.ZIP 118,761 05/19/90 June 1990 Issue
DPCB9007.ZIP 155,555 06/18/90 July 1990 Issue
DPCB9008.ZIP 137,052 07/21/90 August 1990 Issue
DPCB9009.ZIP 134,021 08/24/90 September 1990 Issue
DPCB9010.ZIP 159,121 09/24/90 October 1990 Issue
DPCB9011.ZIP 132,138 10/30/90 November 1990 Issue
DPCB9012.ZIP 132,839 12/02/90 December 1990 Issue
Boardwatch: 1991 issues
DPCB9101.ZIP 158,675 01/02/91 January 1991 Issue
DPCB9102.ZIP 168,118 02/01/91 February 1991 Issue
DPCB9103.ZIP 174,772 03/10/91 March 1991 Issue
DPCB9104.ZIP 166,545 04/04/91 April 1991 Issue
DPCB9105.ZIP 163,595 04/30/91 May 1991 Issue
DPCB9106.ZIP 240,254 06/01/91 June 1991 Issue
DPCB9107.ZIP 148,970 07/01/91 July 1991 Issue
DPCB9108.ZIP 173,063 08/02/91 August 1991 Issue
DPCB9109.ZIP 175,447 09/02/91 September 1991 Issue
DPCB9110.ZIP 192,297 10/01/91 October 1991 Issue
DPCB9111.ZIP 174,904 11/01/91 November 1991 Issue
DPCB9112.ZIP 184,381 11/26/91 December 1991 Issue
Boardwatch: 1992 issues
DPCB9201.ZIP 227,130 01/09/92 January/February 1992 Issue
DPCB9203.ZIP 198,514 02/07/92 March 1992 Issue
DPCB9205.ZIP 227,512 04/28/92 May 1992 - All files.
Electronic Hobbies: Digital Gamers Review
DGRD_01.ZIP 26,216 04/17/90 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 1
DGRD_02.ZIP 35,463 04/26/90 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 2
DGRD_03.ZIP 33,700 05/16/90 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 3
DGRD_04.ZIP 30,700 06/11/90 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 4
DGRD_05.ZIP 26,842 03/03/92 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 5
DGRD_06.ZIP 33,728 03/03/92 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 6
DGRD_07.ZIP 32,191 03/03/92 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 7
DGRD_08.ZIP 30,592 03/03/92 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 8
DGRD_09.ZIP 42,352 03/03/92 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 9
DGRD_10.ZIP 29,679 03/03/92 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 10
DGRD_11.ZIP 34,609 03/03/92 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 11
DGRD_12.ZIP 48,058 03/03/92 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 12
DGRD_13.ZIP 38,368 03/03/92 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 13
DGRD_14.ZIP 31,829 03/03/92 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 14
DGRD_15.ZIP 26,144 03/03/92 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 15
DGRD_16.ZIP 32,627 03/03/92 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 16
DGRD_17.ZIP 45,027 03/03/92 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 17
DGRD_18.ZIP 39,083 03/03/92 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 18
DGRD_19.ZIP 35,992 03/03/92 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 19
DGRD_20.ZIP 32,553 03/03/92 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 20
DGRD_21.ZIP 41,948 03/03/92 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 21
DGRD_22.ZIP 34,182 03/03/92 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 22
DGRD_23.ZIP 38,505 03/03/92 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 23
DGRD_24.ZIP 43,934 03/03/92 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 24
DGRD_25.ZIP 45,478 03/03/92 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 25
DGRD_26.ZIP 48,809 03/03/92 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 26
DGRD_27.ZIP 42,069 03/03/92 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 27
DGRD_28.ZIP 44,223 03/03/92 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 28
DGRD_29.ZIP 44,879 03/03/92 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 29
DGRD_30.ZIP 54,616 03/03/92 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 30
DGRD_31.ZIP 42,873 03/03/92 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 31
DGRD_32.ZIP 41,388 03/03/92 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 32
DGRD_33.ZIP 46,368 03/03/92 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 33
DGRD_34.ZIP 28,985 03/03/92 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 34
DGRD_35.ZIP 39,832 03/03/92 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 35
DGRD_36.ZIP 43,409 03/03/92 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 36
DGRD_37.ZIP 45,714 03/03/92 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 37
DGRD_38.ZIP 48,974 03/03/92 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 38
DGRD_39.ZIP 20,157 03/03/92 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 39
DGRD_40.ZIP 35,097 03/03/92 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 40
DGRD_41.ZIP 17,134 03/22/92 Digital Gamers Review Digest Volume 41
Electronic Hobbies: Clipart
1STPUB3.ZIP 74,600 04/15/89 #3 IN A SERIES OF 1ST PUB ART
PCBRUSH1.ZIP 42,767 03/07/88 PCX CLIPART
PCX1.ZIP 24,595 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #1
PCX10.ZIP 23,838 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #10
PCX11.ZIP 28,751 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #11
PCX12.ZIP 19,989 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #12
PCX13.ZIP 26,803 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #13
PCX14.ZIP 27,730 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #14
PCX15.ZIP 28,530 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #15
PCX16.ZIP 28,530 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #16
PCX17.ZIP 31,040 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #17
PCX18.ZIP 32,509 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #18
PCX19.ZIP 28,129 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #19
PCX2.ZIP 48,073 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #2
PCX20.ZIP 29,794 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #20
PCX21.ZIP 30,686 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #21
PCX22.ZIP 24,225 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #22
PCX23.ZIP 35,631 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #23
PCX24.ZIP 31,506 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #24
PCX25.ZIP 26,127 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #25
PCX26.ZIP 26,127 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #26
PCX27.ZIP 27,707 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #27
PCX28.ZIP 26,798 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #28
PCX29.ZIP 20,142 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #29
PCX3.ZIP 30,695 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #3
PCX30.ZIP 27,148 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #30
PCX31.ZIP 63,161 07/22/91 PCX IMAGES #31
PCX32.ZIP 21,543 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #32
PCX33.ZIP 28,471 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #33
PCX34.ZIP 28,572 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #34
PCX37.ZIP 31,536 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #37
PCX38.ZIP 27,570 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #38
PCX39.ZIP 23,731 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #39
PCX4.ZIP 31,681 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #4
PCX40.ZIP 27,213 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #40
PCX5.ZIP 22,097 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #5
PCX6.ZIP 24,548 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #6
PCX7.ZIP 23,552 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #7
PCX8.ZIP 25,051 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #8
PCX9.ZIP 44,163 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #9
PCXA.ZIP 238,509 01/15/91 MORE PCX CLIPART
PCXB.ZIP 253,326 01/15/91 MORE PVX CLIPART
PKCX15.ZIP 27,441 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #15
PKCX41.ZIP 28,778 06/13/90 PCX IMAGES #41
PM1.ZIP 124,445 01/01/80 PRINTMASTER GRAPHICS #1
PM2.ZIP 126,748 01/01/80 PRINTMASTER GRAPHICS #2
PM3.ZIP 140,692 01/01/80 PRINTMASTER GRAPHICS #3
PM4.ZIP 123,171 01/01/80 PRINTMASTER GRAPHICS #4
PMGR7T9.ZIP 91,089 07/04/88 PRINTMASTER GRAPHICS 7 - 9
PS1.ZIP 123,579 01/01/80 PRINTSHOP GRAPHICS #1
PS2.ZIP 126,024 01/01/80 PRINTSHOP GRAPHICS #2
PS3.ZIP 140,606 01/01/80 PRINTSHOP GRAPHICS #3
PS4.ZIP 122,323 01/01/80 PRINTSHOP GRAPHICS #4
TIFART.ZIP 458,454 11/03/89 TIF CLIPART
Electronic Hobbies: Cooking
13RAMILL.ZIP 3,117 03/09/91 Nora Mill bread recipes for Meal Master.
BAR_B_Q.ZIP 4,065 04/02/90 Barbecue recipes for MealMaster.
CCAKES.ZIP 7,134 03/03/90 Meal Master Chocolate cake recipes.
CCCAKE01.ZIP 17,916 05/31/90 Cake recipes for Compu-Chef (1 of 2)
CCCAKE02.ZIP 16,258 05/31/90 Cake recipes for Compu-Chef (2 of 2)
CCCHOC01.ZIP 13,639 05/31/90 Chocolate recipes for Compu-Chef
CCCHSC01.ZIP 10,408 05/31/90 Cheese cake recipes for Compu-Chef
CCCOFC01.ZIP 6,872 05/31/90 Recipes for Compu-Chef: Coffeee & Brunch cakes
CCCOOK01.ZIP 8,650 05/31/90 Recipes for Compu-Chef: Cookies!
CCI.ZIP 6,622 06/11/90 CheeseCake ingredient information. Text file.
CC_TO_QB.ZIP 3,674 03/14/91 Converts Computer Chef recipes to QuikBook recipe
CHEESE.ZIP 23,282 10/07/90 Cheese recipes for Menu Master
CHEESE1.ZIP 6,693 09/28/90 Rich Harper's MM Cheese sandwiches
CHEESE2.ZIP 9,438 10/02/90 Rich Harper's Menu Master Cheese Breads
CHEESE3.ZIP 8,537 10/07/90 Third in cheece deserts series
CHEESE4.ZIP 6,232 11/07/90 Fourth in cheese recipe series
CHEF15S.ZIP 168,598 07/09/90 Compu-Chef 1.5 Shareware version. NEW!
CHEZCAKS.ZIP 4,455 05/01/90 Meal Master Cheese Cake recipes.
CHILI.ZIP 13,786 07/08/91 Chili recipes
CHILI2.ZIP 26,646 05/09/90 More recipes for chili in Qbook format
CHKWAGON.ZIP 3,003 03/10/91 Chuckwagon Recipes for MealMaster (3-10)
CINDONES.ZIP 10,846 11/27/90 Compuchef - miscellaneous recipes.
DIMSUM1.ZIP 9,844 05/23/90 Dimsum recipes for MealMaster.
DIPS.ZIP 1,814 02/06/90 Dip Recipes for MealMaster.
DIPS1.ZIP 5,399 11/12/90 Dip recipes for MealMaster.
DIPS2.ZIP 10,138 11/13/90 Dip Recipes for MealMaster.
DIPS3.ZIP 4,305 11/13/90 Dip recipes for MealMaster.
DIPS4.ZIP 5,964 11/18/90 Dip Recipes for MealMaster.
DIPS5.ZIP 5,693 11/19/90 Dip recipes for MealMaster.
DUT_CCF.ZIP 64,871 10/02/90 Dutch recipes in Compu-Chef ASCII format.
EDNACB.ZIP 115,641 03/10/91 Record, file, list and print your favorite recipe
GLOBALHB.ZIP 246,994 09/27/91 Demo of globalherb which is a comphrensive herbal
GOURMET5.ZIP 15,896 05/28/89 Gourmet recipes
GOURMET6.ZIP 65,918 11/24/89 Gourmet recipes
GOURMET7.ZIP 65,918 11/24/89 Gourmet recipes
GROCER20.ZIP 40,018 04/13/90 A grocery shopping helper & db.
HAMB1.ZIP 4,901 05/31/90 Hamburger recipes for MealMaster
HAMB2.ZIP 8,605 06/10/90 Hamburger recipes for MealMaster.
HAMB3.ZIP 7,431 07/08/90 Hamburger recipes for MealMaster.
HAMB4.ZIP 7,172 07/14/90 Hamburger recipes for MealMaster.
KEY352.ZIP 237,815 08/24/90 KeyHole v3.52 recipe database + (8-90)
LBS2.ZIP 18,999 06/21/90 Cheesecake recipes from around the world. Meal Ma
MCHOC.ZIP 10,007 03/10/90 MealMaster chocolate rcipes.
MEALMA33.ZIP 264,157 02/26/89 Meal Master version 3.3
MEALMSTR.ZIP 82,898 05/20/90 Meal Master recipe program
MG310.ZIP 166,568 12/21/90 Mirco Gourmet v3.10 Recipe database. (12-21)
MM615.ZIP 107,681 06/09/90 Meal Master v6.15 Recipe Database Program
MMAPET.ZIP 7,564 01/28/90 Appetizer recipes for MealMaster.
MMAPPLE1.ZIP 7,016 03/16/91 Apple recipes in Meal Master Format
MMAPPLE2.ZIP 6,471 03/17/91 Apple recipes for MealMaster. 2 of 2
MMAPR91A.ZIP 6,847 04/09/91 Recipes in Meal Master Format
MMAPR91B.ZIP 7,043 04/19/91 Meal Master Recipes
MMAPTIZR.ZIP 7,679 05/08/90 Apetizers for Meal Master
MMAS614.ZIP 256,467 11/09/90 MealMaster recipe database ver 6.14
MMAUG90A.ZIP 11,244 08/10/90 Meal Master Recipes
MMAUG90B.ZIP 4,320 08/20/90 Meal Master Recipes
MMAUG90C.ZIP 3,456 08/22/90 Meal Master Recipes
MMAUG90D.ZIP 4,762 08/25/90 Meal Master Recipes
MMAUG90E.ZIP 4,939 08/30/90 Meal Master Recipes
MMBREAD.ZIP 6,823 02/17/91 Bread recipes for MealMaster.
MMCAJUN3.ZIP 16,008 11/12/89 Cajun recipes for MealMaster. (#3 in series)
MMCAKES.ZIP 17,466 04/20/90 Menu Master cake recipes
MMCHIC.ZIP 7,713 04/03/91 Chicken recipes for MealMaster.
MMCHICK.ZIP 8,698 05/08/90 Menu Master Chicken recipes
MMCHILI.ZIP 3,625 04/17/90 Chili recipes for Menu Master
MMCHOCK.ZIP 2,867 05/12/90 Menu Master recipes
MMCHSCK2.ZIP 703 05/28/90 Menu Master recipes
MMCOKIES.ZIP 2,519 05/12/90 Cookie recipes for MM
MMCONDMT.ZIP 1,713 04/15/90 Condiments for MM
MMCOOKY.ZIP 5,262 12/29/90 MealMaster Cookie recipes.
MMCREOLE.ZIP 14,244 05/12/90 Creole for MM
MMCW_4_1.ZIP 17,273 02/17/91 Microwave recipes for MealMaster. 1 of 2
MMCW_4_2.ZIP 16,627 02/17/91 Microwave recipes for MealMaster. 2 of 2
MMDEC90A.ZIP 9,411 11/30/90 Recipes for MM from Cooking Echo Dec 90 (part 1)
MMDEC90B.ZIP 6,301 12/06/90 Recipes for MM from Cooking Echo Dec 90 (part 2)
MMDEC90C.ZIP 7,526 12/09/90 Recipes for MM from Cooking Echo Dec 90 (part 3)
MMDEC90D.ZIP 6,903 12/13/90 Recipes for MM from Cooking Echo Dec 90 (part 4)
MMDEC90E.ZIP 5,733 12/19/90 Recipes for MM from Cooking Echo Dec 90 (part 5)
MMDEC90F.ZIP 5,482 12/27/90 Recipes for MM from Cooking Echo Dec 90 (part 6)
MMDESERT.ZIP 7,545 05/12/90 Deserts for Menu Master
MMDRINK.ZIP 2,173 04/20/90 Drink recipes for Menu Master
MMEALNEW.ZIP 27,178 07/05/91 New recipes for Menu Master
MMEXICAN.ZIP 9,599 02/07/90 Mexican recipes for MealMaster.
MMFISH.ZIP 1,270 01/06/91 Fish recipes for MealMaster.
MMGERMN1.ZIP 16,230 01/20/90 German recipes for MealMaster.
MMGERMN2.ZIP 21,958 02/17/91 German recipes for MealMaster.
MMLIB1.ZIP 34,374 11/12/89 MM library
MMLIB2.ZIP 25,792 11/12/89 MM Library
MMLIB3.ZIP 18,635 08/06/89 MM Library
MMLIB4.ZIP 27,871 11/12/89 MM library
MMLIB5.ZIP 25,525 11/12/89 MM Library
MMLIB6.ZIP 13,107 11/12/89 MM Library
MMLIB7.ZIP 6,076 12/21/90 MealMaster Library
MMLOFAT2.ZIP 7,985 03/21/91 Low Fat recipes for MealMaster.
MMPICKLE.ZIP 8,383 12/29/90 MealMaster Pickle recipes.
MMRECIPE.ZIP 70,820 05/11/89 Meal Master recipe collection
MMSOURDO.ZIP 6,559 12/29/90 Sourdough recipes for MealMaster.
MMSTEW.ZIP 988 10/25/90 Stew recipes for MealMaster.
MMSTRAWB.ZIP 7,296 03/31/91 Strawberry recipes for MealMaster.
MMVEAL.ZIP 684 01/06/91 Veal recipes for MealMaster.
MMVEGY.ZIP 8,176 04/05/91 Vegetarian recipes for MealMaster.
MMVEGY2.ZIP 9,194 04/10/91 Vegetarian recipes for MealMaster. #2
MM_TO_QB.ZIP 3,559 03/17/91 Convert MealMaster recipes to QuickBook
MWC1.ZIP 9,470 11/12/89 and more microwave recipes
MWC2.ZIP 16,345 11/12/89 even more microwave recipes for Menu Master
MWC_4_1.ZIP 25,333 09/26/89 Microwave recipes for Menu Master
MWC_4_2.ZIP 25,420 09/26/89 More microwave recipes
ND11.ZIP 198,839 05/19/91 PC Nutri-Diet-Food analysis for 4700 foods
OMNIMEAL.ZIP 116,998 09/26/90 OmniMeal v2.30 recipe cataloger. (9-26)
PDUTCH03.ZIP 15,699 10/02/90 Penn Dutch Recipes #3 Compu Chef format.
PDUTCH04.ZIP 15,965 10/02/90 Penn Dutch Recipes #4 Compu Chef format.
PIES1.ZIP 38,296 06/08/90 Pie recipes for MealMaster.
PIES2.ZIP 9,507 10/23/90 Pie recipes for MealMaster.
QBOOK96A.ZIP 102,870 03/01/90 Lastest Qbook Recipe Program Version 0.96a
QB_BEEF1.ZIP 6,739 04/01/91 Beef recipes in Qbook format
QB_BEVRG.ZIP 11,271 12/07/90 Beverage recipes in Qbook format
QB_BRED1.ZIP 56,085 12/07/90 Bread recipes in Qbook format
QB_CNDY1.ZIP 8,189 12/07/90 Candy recipes in Qbook format
QB_DSRT1.ZIP 70,637 12/08/90 Deserts for Qbook
QB_MBEEF.ZIP 66,128 12/07/90 Beef recipes for Qbook
QB_MOM01.ZIP 19,542 01/21/91 Qbook recipes
QB_MPORK.ZIP 41,064 12/09/90 Pork recipes for Qbook
QB_MPOUL.ZIP 87,285 12/07/90 Poultry recipes for Qbook
ROLL1.ZIP 32,251 06/06/90 Recipes for Rolls, Biscuits, and pastries in ASCI
RP20A.ZIP 89,261 08/21/90 Recipe processor version 2.0 very good recipe pro
RP27CS.ZIP 197,259 08/12/91 Imports from compu-chef as well as meal-master!
SOWEST1.ZIP 11,705 04/08/90 Info on Mexican cooking styles. (Not recipes)
SOWEST2.ZIP 5,542 04/25/90 Southwestern recipes for MealMaster.
SOWEST3.ZIP 8,286 04/25/90 Southwestern recipes for MealMaster.
SOWEST4.ZIP 6,691 04/25/90 Southwestern recipes for MealMaster
VIT32.ZIP 171,992 08/30/90 Vittles recipe program by Tandika Star ver 3.2
Electronic Hobbies: Game Docs
A10_DOC.ZIP 16,812 11/14/89 Doc's for a10 game
BARDSOL.ZIP 3,452 03/04/89 Bards Tale II charactor editor
BARDTALE.ZIP 6,816 05/16/92 Bards Tale Solve
BATDOX.ZIP 31,207 02/28/91 B.A.T. complete Docs
BLADEDOC.ZIP 5,442 05/18/90 DOCS to Blades of Steel
BOBDOX.ZIP 3,216 03/24/90 DOCS for Battle Over Britain
BTECHUN.ZIP 2,695 08/11/89 Battle Tech unprotect
BUDO.ZIP 16,523 12/02/89 Docs for Budokan
BUDOCHT.ZIP 1,208 12/17/89 Trainer for Budokan
CAMELOTW.ZIP 17,842 09/01/90 Conquests of Camelot Walkthrough
CDSOLVE.ZIP 5,316 10/08/90 Solution for Countdown
CHEAT.ZIP 49,048 10/19/91 Collection of cheats and unprotects
CHESS.ZIP 9,952 07/03/91 Doc's for Battlechess
COSMOCHT.ZIP 7,835 04/07/92 5000 Heath points in COSMO 1 by Apogee game.
DISC_DOX.ZIP 19,116 03/11/91 Docs for Disc by Loriciel
DLSOLVE.ZIP 1,920 03/10/90 Solve for the game dragon lair
EOTBREF.ZIP 2,702 03/02/91 Eye of the Beholder Refrence Card
F19KEYB.ZIP 1,407 06/02/90 F19 stealth keyboard map for PS2 type kbd
FREEGAME.ZIP 12,620 11/24/91 Another great unprotect for games!
F_19TIPS.ZIP 4,874 03/11/91 keyboard layout and suggestions for F-19 Stealth
GAMEHNTS.ZIP 63,772 02/26/91 Hints for 26 computer games! Plus cheats.
GAUNT2.ZIP 7,459 04/16/90 Solution to game gauntlet 2 text
HQ2MAP1.ZIP 11,274 11/26/90 Hero's Quest II Map
HQ2SLV.ZIP 28,480 11/11/90 Hero's Quest II solved
HQI_CHT.ZIP 950 11/22/90 Cheat for Hero's Quest 1
KNGHTFIX.ZIP 15,582 03/22/90 Knights of Legend Fix
KQ2DOX.ZIP 7,151 11/09/90 King's Quest II Documentation
KQ2HLP.ZIP 15,101 11/10/90 King's Quest 2 Help
KQ5.ZIP 7,811 01/17/91 Kings Quest 5 Solution
LEMHINTS.ZIP 1,536 02/13/92 Lemmings Hints
LEXCDOX.ZIP 7,622 04/15/91 Lexi-Cross dox.
LHXDOCS.ZIP 1,790 03/27/90 DOCS to LHX chopper game
LND_SOL.ZIP 10,501 05/23/90 Solution for Life & Death game
LSL3SOLN.ZIP 7,539 12/10/89 Solution to Leisure Suit Larry III
MANHUNT2.ZIP 22,848 01/05/91 Hints and Walkthrough for ManHunter II
MC2_DOCS.ZIP 25,323 05/13/90 Magic Candle 2 - The keys to Maramon
MED.ZIP 35,232 01/02/89 Moria Editor for vers. 4.83
NUKEDOC.ZIP 17,756 05/16/90 Complete documentation for Nuclear War by New Wor
NYW.ZIP 18,026 01/13/90 Dox to New York Warrior.
PATCHV41.ZIP 16,261 01/27/92 Latest unprotect for many games... Automatically
PIRATES.ZIP 77,560 05/23/90 Docs & help for Microprose Pirates
POPDOC.ZIP 776 04/01/90 Populous Docs
PORITEMS.ZIP 5,168 06/23/90 Magical items for Pool of Radiance game
PQUEST2.ZIP 13,354 02/11/89 Docs and Solutions to Police Quest 2
PSYCHDOX.ZIP 23,651 12/18/90 Codes for Psychic Warfare
PUNSHDOX.ZIP 9,318 06/30/90 Docs for The Punishers.
QFG2_Z.ZIP 12,546 02/16/91 Quest for Glory II unprotect
REDS_DOC.ZIP 8,286 06/30/89 DOC file for Red Storm Rising
RED_DOX.ZIP 3,752 01/01/91 Docs for Red-Baron
ROBONOTE.ZIP 5,497 07/12/89 User Notes / hints for Robocomm
RR_QUES.ZIP 3,442 06/30/89 Docs to Roger Rabbitt
SFMH2.ZIP 7,006 11/04/89 Solution to Manhunter 2
SIERRA15.ZIP 68,941 07/04/90 Solutions for 15 Sierra Games
SIM.ZIP 13,363 03/20/90 Docs for SimCity
SIMEARTH.ZIP 1,565 02/08/91 SimEarth Cheat
SR2TRN.ZIP 838 04/07/91 Street Rod II Trainer
TONGUE.ZIP 751 04/27/90 Tongue of the FatMan unprotect
U7DOCS.ZIP 50,678 04/26/92 Complete docs & cheat for protect in ULTIMA 7 NI
ULT7QPAT.ZIP 6,748 04/16/92 Quick patch for copy protection on ULTIMA 7
UWDOCS.ZIP 32,245 04/26/92 Documentation for ULTIMA underworlds 'prettied up
WIZFIX.ZIP 1,915 10/20/86 Wizardry Fix
WOLF1CHT.ZIP 7,525 05/07/92 Cheat for Castle Wolfenstein, gives you 200 lives
Electronic Hobbies: Games
3DCHESS.ZIP 97,572 01/23/86 3-dimensional Chess very difficult
BATLS20.ZIP 141,320 06/01/91 A game similar to the Milton Bradley's Battleship
BONES37.ZIP 92,810 11/20/91 Bones, the game of the Haunted mansion
BOOK0391.ZIP 204,024 03/04/91 Book of Changes v1.31 Fortune telling program
CATALOG.ZIP 25,956 11/13/91 File listing of all Apogee games
CC11.ZIP 146,294 09/03/91 Brings you all the challenge of the traditional C
COMIC4.ZIP 103,603 10/20/89 Captain Comic Part 4
COMIC5.ZIP 105,438 07/17/91 Captain Comic Part 5
COMICFR.ZIP 244,823 12/17/90 Captain Comic Part 2:Fractured Reality
CWF12.ZIP 1,091,134 09/02/91 CrossWord finder v1.1 find words to fill Crosswor
EGAFTBAL.ZIP 117,471 10/12/90 Cunning EGA Football a great Football game
EGAVGAPB.ZIP 83,082 08/30/89 EGA/VGA pinball. Very good
EMPIRE15.ZIP 252,200 04/07/92 World Empire 1.5 Conquest game EGA/VGA
FAIRY.ZIP 98,793 07/20/91 Fairy God Mother v2.1
FAMILY.ZIP 124,945 07/31/87 Family Fued, Just like tv game show
FRAC20.ZIP 114,864 09/27/90 Fractals - cool game
GALAXTIC.ZIP 555,792 03/07/92 A cool new space oriented flying shoot'em up game
HBARREL.ZIP 224,610 07/16/89 Just like the Arcade smash Heavy Barrel.
KAIRN11A.ZIP 129,973 01/27/90 Dungeons of Kairn, DND roll playing (1 of 2)
KAIRN11B.ZIP 87,088 07/25/89 Dungeons of Kairn, DND roll playing (2 of 2)
KLONDK30.ZIP 130,240 10/18/90 Klondike Solitaire Version 3.0
LASTHAF.ZIP 361,415 11/29/89 Last Half of Darkness
MAHJNG35.ZIP 143,104 06/01/91 MahJohngg by Nels Anderson chinese tile matching
MORAFF.ZIP 142,080 02/01/89 Moraff's Revenge, complex and beguiling dungeons
MORAFST.ZIP 200,961 07/16/91 Strategy gambling/barter game called STONES
NOID.ZIP 142,076 09/08/89 Avoid The Noid Game by Dominoes Pizza
ORIONODD.ZIP 251,641 09/04/91 A graphical arcade adventure game which involves
PCHESS.ZIP 132,585 03/20/91 Power Chess, Great chess game
PIPLINE.ZIP 102,143 07/26/90 LucasFilm PipeDreams playable demo
PPUZZ13.ZIP 225,348 05/08/91 VGA Jigsaw Puzzle game, Mouse support
PYRMID10.ZIP 118,334 05/12/91 Great EGA Solitaire game Pyramid v1.0
Q_BERT.ZIP 35,252 08/27/84 Just like the Arcade game Q-Bert
ROBALL.ZIP 103,718 04/11/90 Roll the robot ball around the 3-D VGA landscapes
SEAWOLF.ZIP 101,934 01/01/91 Tommy's Seawolf Submarine simulation
SHARKS1.ZIP 145,928 04/25/90 ALIVE SHARKS is an underwater action arcade game.
SOLTLAD2.ZIP 263,857 02/06/92 Additional Tile sets for Solitile
SOLTLAD3.ZIP 189,653 02/06/92 Still more tile sets for Solitile
SYREE102.ZIP 264,002 04/12/92 Great Ultima like game
TAPPER.ZIP 51,893 03/15/86 Root Beer Tapper, just like the arcade game.
TERRA1.ZIP 146,811 03/20/92 Teradyne roll playing game v1.0 (1 of 2)
TERRA2.ZIP 59,816 03/20/92 Teradyne roll playing game v1.0 (2 of 2)
VGACON.ZIP 146,549 05/03/90 VGA Concentration just like the famous board game
VGAJIG1.ZIP 176,002 03/01/90 VGA Jigsaw puzzle use Mouse to solve includs puzz
VGAMONOP.ZIP 130,183 09/03/89 The best selling board game of all time now in VG
VGATREK.ZIP 117,731 05/17/90 VGA Star Trek
VGAWHL16.ZIP 92,406 08/03/91 VGA Wheel of Fortune
VGA_CONC.ZIP 151,626 08/23/90 VGA Concentration Just like the famous board game
VJOUST.ZIP 49,976 07/15/90 Just Like the Arcade game Joust. Req VGA
VSMINER.ZIP 110,512 02/15/92 VGA Space Miner Space invaders Clone, Very Diffic
VTREK.ZIP 117,731 05/17/90 VGA Trek game, a must for all diehard Trekkies
WALL.ZIP 109,184 05/06/91 Tear Down the Wall, a cute game pitting you again
XENON.ZIP 249,469 09/15/89 Outer Space shoot'em up good Graphics
ZORK.ZIP 217,503 04/12/90 Mainframe version of the Famous Zork Trilogy
Electronic Hobbies: Geneology
ACC50D1.ZIP 272,448 01/10/92 ACCEPT (v5.0) Genealogy research prog. 1/3
ACC50D2.ZIP 279,475 01/10/92 ACCEPT (v5.0) Genealogy research prog. 2/3
ACC50D3.ZIP 12,077 01/10/92 ACCEPT (v5.0) New family startup prog. 3/3
ACCNWD4.ZIP 2,343 01/10/92 ACCEPT Genealogy research prog. newsletter #1
BK50D1.ZIP 223,254 01/10/92 Brother's Keeper (v5.0D) Family History, 1of3
BK50D2.ZIP 315,295 01/10/92 Brother's Keeper (v5.0D) Family History, 2of3
BK50D3.ZIP 293,214 01/10/92 Brother's Keeper (v5.0D) Family History, 3of3
BKINDX.ZIP 71,168 01/10/92 Indexing util for Brother's Keeper (Genealogy)
CENSUS20.ZIP 177,872 01/10/92 Genealogy: EZCensus - 1880/90 census database
CHART.ZIP 44,094 01/10/92 Creates 11 generation pedigree charts, Ver 1.0
CRD301.ZIP 284,874 01/10/92 Cemetery Research Database, Ver 3.01
CRDLT11.ZIP 293,543 01/10/92 Cemetery Research Database for Laptops Ver 1.1
DESCEN21.ZIP 25,344 01/10/92 Genealogy: Expanded descendant chart for PAF
FHS1.ZIP 168,054 01/10/92 FHS (Family History System), part 1 of 2
FHS2.ZIP 201,598 01/10/92 FHS (Family History System), part 2 of 2
FRU18.ZIP 162,816 01/10/92 Genealogy: Family Records Utils, for PAF files
FT119D.ZIP 177,063 01/10/92 'Family Ties' Genealogy program (ver 1.19d)
FTP119A.ZIP 137,894 01/10/92 Genealogy:FamilyTree Print utl for Family Ties
FV1_5_A.ZIP 154,184 02/23/92 Family View genealogy program (1 of 2)
FV1_5_B.ZIP 13,528 02/23/92 Family View genealogy program (2 of 2)
GBBS9104.ZIP 27,392 01/10/92 Worldwide Genealogical BBS listing - Apr 1991
GED2T9.ZIP 73,472 01/10/92 Genealogy:Create Tiny Tafels from GEDCOM files
GENKIT15.ZIP 61,486 01/10/92 A toolkit for Genealogists
GEN_FV.ZIP 59,014 02/08/92 Converts Genealogy to work on Family View
MYFMLY20.ZIP 233,349 01/10/92 My Family Genealogy program, Ver 2.0
NAMCLEAN.EXE 10,369 04/26/92 Remove unused names from names2.dat file
NAMED119.ZIP 81,497 01/10/92 Genealogy: Name Dropper - search message files
NAMEV201.ZIP 109,068 01/10/92 Genealogy: Name View v2.01 - used with NAMED
PAFABLTY.ZIP 68,736 01/10/92 Genealogy:Make descendancy chart from PAF data
PAFP21.ZIP 132,096 01/10/92 Genealogy: Family Tree Print utility program
SDIPRT94.ZIP 105,281 01/10/92 Read/print/convert SS Death Index GED Files
SLEKT02.ZIP 127,275 01/10/92 Norwegian language Genealogy program
TEMP.BBS 1,583 05/17/92 [deleted]
Electronic Hobbies: Graphics
3DMAND.ZIP 338,077 08/31/91 3D Mandelbrot Fractal Generator and Animator w/ma
4GIF11.ZIP 45,616 10/01/91 Edit descriptions of GIF files under 4DOS require
7_F14S.ZIP 31,530 07/12/90 Awesome fighter planes,ya know,top gun stuff
ACADBBS.ZIP 2,336 09/30/87 List of AutoCAD-oriented BBSs
ADIPLOT.ZIP 100,590 06/22/87 AutoCAD printer plotting utility
ADIPLT.ZIP 47,262 10/24/90 AutoCAD plots on mainframe printers
ALLADI.ZIP 98,543 05/31/90 General purpose ADI screen drivers for Autocad
ALPHATST.GIF 146,164 07/16/91 Neat computer-generated image.
AMDEMO.ZIP 81,807 08/13/90 AutoMaster:AutoCAD drawing mgr.&front end DEMO
ANIM2.ZIP 1,669 08/18/90 Anamation demos in basic
ANI_DEMO.ZIP 52,814 08/23/90 Great animation drawing program. examples include
ANSI137.ZIP 37,216 04/23/91 ANSI driver that implements PCBoard's @ codes
ANSICOM1.ZIP 44,324 07/15/91 Collection of 45 colourful ANSI screens compiled
ANSICV11.ZIP 49,793 01/06/91 GIF to ANS converter.
ANSIDRV.ZIP 5,238 04/17/91 Using the ANSI Driver.
ANSIMATE.ZIP 80,584 05/19/91 Learn how to use ansi.sys with ansi-mate put
ANSIMNU3.ZIP 2,936 01/31/90 AutoCAD: Color ANSI AutoLISP menu system
ANSIPICS.ZIP 204,555 12/02/90 About a 100 ANSI graphics pictures.
ANSIPL20.ZIP 189,318 07/08/91 ANSI Play Lets you add music strings to ANSI grap
ANSISHOW.ZIP 323,437 08/24/91 ANSI GRAPHICS tools. ANSI Digitizer, ANSI Watch,
ANSISR03.ZIP 139,970 08/16/90 Collection of ANSI screens, volume 3
ANSISWAP.ZIP 30,719 09/16/90 Ansi file swap program.
ANSIWTCH.ZIP 41,184 01/01/91 Program: ANSIWatch GR70.0 File viewer that
ANSI_PAK.ZIP 24,600 07/04/90 A collection of amazing ANSI BBS
ASTRBLST.ZIP 176,835 06/28/91 Astro-Blast GIF 640X480X256
ATREK22.ZIP 16,762 05/22/90 Start trek fans, ANSI color files.
ATYPE_11.ZIP 14,107 04/28/91 A_TYPE v1.1. Displays ASCII, ANSI, ANSI
AUTOSK13.ZIP 81,450 08/15/89 Drawing pgm optimized for schematics (DEMO)
AZFLAG.ZIP 5,698 06/17/90 Here it is. the arizona flag
BBDSLIB.ZIP 24,034 10/16/89 Symbols for Booch, Buhr, Data Flow Diagrams
BGANS11.ZIP 13,910 04/17/90 ANSI viewer which also allows
BINED.ZIP 60,130 11/05/90 Easy to use "sprite" animator for EGA,VGA
BIO302SW.ZIP 37,235 12/08/90 Biorythm charting in vga/ega. super quality.
BLAST10.ZIP 42,792 05/28/91 Flat Ascii data file prep utility Strip
BYDES.ZIP 225,121 03/17/91 ByDesign - Graphics designer for WordPerfect 5.0
CARTOONS.ZIP 367,651 11/18/90 Collection of cartoons
CDA_ACAD.ZIP 370,359 06/23/90 Map of canada .dxfed from corel draw! v1.2
CGA3.ZIP 53,326 09/20/90 Emulate CGA text files to EGA/VGA
CHG.ZIP 3,690 12/09/89 AutoLISP: Low level entity access
CHG3.ZIP 5,343 01/31/90 AutoCAD low lvl entity access w/color graphics
CINEMA10.ZIP 44,324 07/06/90 A very flexible slide show pgm
CLIP1.ZIP 64,639 06/24/90 A toolbook clip art sampler. runtime needed
COASTER.ZIP 351,363 03/29/90 Great vga fli image of a roller coaster ride
COLOR102.ZIP 16,933 03/23/91 ANSI screen colour utility.
COM2MAC.ZIP 860 08/17/90 Converting com pics back to mac from rawhide
COMPART.ZIP 235,189 08/15/91 Computer op-art gif format ray traced svga
COWBOY.ZIP 1,151 07/06/91 Wonderful ansi drawing of a cowboy.
CRPGIF11.ZIP 33,416 04/16/90 Cropgif v1.1: cut out part of a .gif and save it
CRPGIF13.ZIP 32,275 05/09/91 Version 1.3 of this utility which allows you to c
CRUMPICS.ZIP 53,032 03/23/91 Ansi screens, very good!
CSHOW833.EXE 118,278 07/22/91 Newest version of CSHOW 8.33a
CSHW833A.ZIP 119,605 06/19/91 CSHOW, v8.33a; .GIF viewer from CI$, 6/19/91
DANMOVIE.ZIP 119,921 08/31/88 Displays animated sequence of DANCAD drawings
DC151A.ZIP 221,527 02/19/91 AutoCAD utility
DCFONTS.ZIP 17,115 03/03/91 Simplex,duplex,roman,italic for Draft Choice
DCS1DEMO.ZIP 139,479 05/29/91 Digital commercial system (dcs) self-runing demo
DEBUT140.ZIP 103,077 07/15/90 ANSI drawing program that rivals TheDraw
DECOR10.ZIP 262,115 06/04/91 Graphics Resource Browser and Icon Editor for MS-
DECORATE.ZIP 21,918 12/12/86 Layout furniture in a room, CAD assist
DESIGN_8.ZIP 67,965 07/07/91 Very good ansi design program. One of the best..
DESTKNIT.ZIP 53,483 06/16/90 Bard's tale ii character
DISKPX19.ZIP 58,324 07/16/90 Diskpix v1.9:
DKB202.ZIP 206,593 07/22/90 Make your own ray-traced graphics. v2.02
DL_VIEW1.ZIP 24,324 03/21/90 .Dl viewer use to view vga image files that end w
DOOR.ZIP 2,040 12/09/89 AutoLISP: Two pick door program
DRAGON.ZIP 1,697 09/24/89 AutoLISP: Generates recursively defined dwgs
DSTAR01.ZIP 26,268 05/11/90 Autodesk animation of tie fighter approaching the
DTL.ZIP 3,243 07/25/88 AutoLISP: Extracts detail section of drawing
DTP15.ZIP 333,142 12/15/90 Desktop Paint v1.5 Monochrome paint package
DW5_DEMO.ZIP 235,188 04/18/90 Demo of ibm's display write 5. (grasp)
D_7.ZIP 22,253 06/14/90 Scan of klingon d-7 battle cruiser.
ECONO3.ZIP 5,777 10/13/91 Redundant line replacement program for AutoCAD
EDRAW32.ZIP 105,417 10/01/87 Electronics drawing CAD
ESTORY91.ZIP 54,448 06/30/91 Enhanced StoryBoard -
EXAMFLI.ZIP 219,808 05/26/90 Great future medical exam fli
EXPLO203.ZIP 59,737 02/02/90 Exploding style graphics screen saver program wit
F005.ZIP 80,141 08/31/91 A great hi-res fractal, nice effect when COLOR CY
FALL05.ZIP 15,160 07/27/90 Pcx of canadian goose flying
FANSI11.ZIP 5,880 05/26/91 A couple of ANSI pics by Tim
FGL101.ZIP 13,445 06/02/91 Fast Graf/Light 1.01
FGL10_A.ZIP 117,302 05/31/91 100+ low level routines for programming in MSC, M
FGL10_B.ZIP 176,202 05/31/91 FastGraph Lite 1.0 - 2/3
FGL10_C.ZIP 64,929 05/23/91 FastGraph Lite 1.0 - 3/3
FG_XMAS.ZIP 35,604 06/02/91 Good demo of the types of things you can do with
FILM.ZIP 51,402 10/20/90 A character-graphics animation of my trip to
FINGERPT.ZIP 160,488 04/17/91 Finger paint pretty good drawing package
FIREBLNK.ZIP 17,902 03/19/91 Fireworks display for your pc.
FJOKE.ZIP 57,769 08/28/90 FBI Joke
FONT_M.ZIP 74,386 09/03/91 FONT MANIA is designed for editing EGA and VGA sc
FOXS.ZIP 56,202 05/25/91 Hi res fox wolverine, hyena
FRACLAND.ZIP 28,741 02/28/91 Interactive 3d fractal landscapes vga.
FRACTL18.ZIP 49,915 03/21/90 Generate mandelbrot fractal images on your pc
FRACWVE.ZIP 66,900 06/20/90 Dynamic animated graphics program
FRAIN14R.ZIP 279,729 08/13/90 Fractint v14r: a very powerful fractal generator.
FRAINT16.ZIP 410,173 06/02/91 Fractint - Fractal generating program v16 Built i
FRASRC14.ZIP 376,546 08/02/90 asm and c source code update for one of the best
FREE15A.ZIP 23,198 05/27/90 Freeware 15 for old print shop status 5/29/90
FS4.ZIP 37,737 04/27/90 Hi-Res fs4 driver for the video7 1024i vga bo
FULLTREK.ZIP 423,736 03/21/90 Fli format of startrek.
FUNNIES.ZIP 23,224 06/10/90 Comic strip characters for mjvga21.
GCPVU.ZIP 344,033 02/21/91 Professional quality CAD tool for PCB design
GEOCLK43.ZIP 160,783 06/08/91 GeoClock v43 (EGA/VGA/SVGA version)
GEOSDEMO.ZIP 632,547 07/30/90 Geoworks' demo must have vga
GIF2WP36.ZIP 27,629 05/27/90 Convert .gif to wp5.x wpg graphic files v3.6a
GIFC075.ZIP 10,354 04/23/90 Utility to list gif files, w/stats.
GIFDES32.ZIP 32,348 08/11/90 Allows viewing multiple gif images on screen at o
GIFDESK3.ZIP 31,891 06/18/90 View mult. gif images at once on a vga
GIFEXE.ZIP 29,499 06/26/91 Allows GIF File to be saved as EXE
GIFNDX10.ZIP 17,331 05/12/91 Gif indexer v1.0 - written by dan linton at
GIFSC112.ZIP 41,725 08/13/90 Program to list the screen size of gif files
GIFSIZE1.ZIP 45,776 07/19/91 Change the size/dimension of gif files.
GOLD20.ZIP 423,621 06/18/91 FastMenu GOLD v2.0 Graphic (GUI) Menu System
GRABB387.ZIP 116,561 08/12/91 Grabber v3.87. TSR screen capture.
GRABBIT.ZIP 13,398 06/13/90 Grabbit ("groger grabbit") v1.0
GRAFWK61.ZIP 351,909 09/06/91 View, prints, converts, dithers, reverses, scales
GRAPH11.ZIP 70,639 08/21/91 Plots X-Y graphs of experimental data, includes T
GRAYPL.ZIP 1,429 03/15/91 A CorelDraw 2.0 file of 100 shades of gray.
GRFWK60D.ZIP 331,567 09/03/91 Graphic Workshop 6.0d.
GRFWK61C.ZIP 352,639 09/09/91 Graphic Workshop v6.1a Graphics manipulator for m
GTEXT.ZIP 5,712 01/31/91 Graphic driver for WP 5.1
HANDSCAN.ZIP 37,600 06/26/90 zsoft drivers for scanners. for use with pc paint
HOTDOGPS.ZIP 23,640 04/17/90 Great vga grasp of hotdogs!
HPGL2SCR.ZIP 31,391 09/19/91 Convert HPGL to AutoCAD script language
HRSH2ACD.ZIP 108,130 07/18/88 Hershey fonts for use with AutoCAD
IMPROC20.ZIP 170,462 08/30/91 IMPROCES v2.0, the ultimate SuperVGA GIF editor.
IMPROC23.ZIP 164,059 09/26/91 IMPROCES v2.3, SuperVGA editor for GIF/PCX images
IMPROC32.ZIP 196,114 03/01/92 Improces version 3.2 SVGA Image Processor
INCOLOR.ZIP 8,545 01/31/91 Graphic driver doe WP 5.1
INTELWIN.ZIP 464,174 08/23/90 Animated intel/windows ad.
INTRO.ZIP 19,649 05/14/91 ANSI animation example.
LANSI1.ZIP 12,232 05/08/91 Ansi viewer. Quick & easy ANSI viewing
LASI35B1.ZIP 362,414 08/01/91 LASI v3.5 (8/91): IC layout CAD pgm, 1 of 2
LASI35B2.ZIP 354,226 08/01/91 LASI v3.5 (8/91): IC layout CAD pgm, 2 of 2
LNFEDIT.ZIP 224,417 02/11/91 Look and Feel screen designer/code designer demo
LSGOPEN.ZIP 33,876 02/22/91 Collection of opening screens
MAC2PC.ZIP 6,086 03/09/91 Converts MAC GIF files to IBM PC format GIF files
MIGCRASH.ZIP 887,290 03/23/90 Animation of the 1989 paris air show mig crash
MUSICBBS.ZIP 18,894 06/06/91 Ad for the Music Connection BBS Great ANSI
MUS_TIPS.ZIP 12,416 01/28/91 Tips for ANSI music
NANSI31U.ZIP 18,473 05/04/91 New ANSI v3.1. Fixes problems in NANSI 3.0.
NANSIUTL.ZIP 6,465 04/03/91 Utilities for NANSI written by the author.
NCAD3D42.ZIP 150,740 04/18/91 NorthCAD-3D v4.2: Create/view/edit 3-D images
NNANS192.ZIP 67,648 02/04/92 Enhanced MS-DOS ANSI console driver
NPSTECH.ZIP 23,012 03/20/90 Pic convert for new ps. technology related
OOZE.ZIP 104,543 08/12/91 "Lava Lamp" type display for VGA graphics systems
PABDUL2.ZIP 23,341 03/24/90 Singer/songwriter/choreographer paula abdul
PARNCH.ZIP 30,461 03/15/87 AutoLISP parentheses checker/ pretty printer
PCB.ZIP 94,792 03/25/89 Small PC board CAD pgm w/'C' src, 286 only
PCROUTE2.ZIP 104,500 12/13/89 Computer aided design, printed circuit boards
PCXDXB11.ZIP 10,587 11/22/90 Paintbrush PCX to AutoCAD translation utility
PCXSLT18.ZIP 33,659 04/08/91 Converts Paintbrush PCX to AutoCAD DXF files
PCX_C.ZIP 105,227 02/11/91 PCX graphics "c"
PCX_DE.ZIP 106,161 02/11/91 PCX graphics d thru e
PCX_GH.ZIP 136,232 02/11/91 PCX graphics g-h
PDIST.ZIP 1,874 06/30/87 AutoLISP: Finds dist betwn two pts on pline
PEEPSHOW.ZIP 62,491 04/24/92 Picture viewer/slideshow for IBM-PC with VESA SVG
PSPICE.ZIP 407,849 04/23/88 Electronic circuit design aid, limited demo
RECT.ZIP 2,088 09/24/89 AutoLISP: Rectangle drawing routines
ROBOTRUK.ZIP 210,058 06/13/90 Fli (animated) picture of a robot truck -
SCNART.ZIP 45,525 08/22/90 Scenic artist. draw outdoor scenic views. ega
SCREENS2.ZIP 21,320 08/25/90 More good ANSI screens
SCREWIT.ZIP 160,037 03/10/91 ACAD drawing library: Socket Head Cap Screws
SELDWG_3.ZIP 18,391 02/22/89 Select drawings from DOS for AutoCAD
SFILL.ZIP 1,639 07/14/88 AutoLISP: Fill between 2 Arcs, Lines, Plines
SHARELIB.ZIP 10,174 07/04/87 1st shareware AutoCad library
SHOWEYES.ZIP 22,523 08/06/90 Display computer eyes (ce) digitized images
SHWGIF52.EXE 43,616 08/04/91 This allows you to view a GIF as it is downloaded
SHX2SHP.ZIP 8,048 10/16/87 Convert ACAD SHX fonts to SHP files for edit
SPRIT203.ZIP 75,873 08/06/90 tool for ega programmerss allows easy creatation,
SQZGIF30.ZIP 115,262 08/18/90 convert pictures such as 640x400x256 + 800x600x25
SV_ENV.ZIP 2,036 09/24/89 AutoLISP: Saves AutoLISP environment to file
TDTUTOR.ZIP 21,568 09/11/90 Thedraw tutorial program
TREKLAIR.ZIP 219,374 05/11/91 Fli file of the Enterprise on its greatest missio
TREK_FLI.ZIP 136,000 03/21/90 Fli Star Trek..
TRIDEN_T.ZIP 6,954 02/07/91 Graphic driver for WP 5.1
VGACAD25.ZIP 326,531 05/12/91 VGACAD v2.5 Editor for .GIF/.BMP/.PCX files.
VGACAP72.ZIP 90,169 04/02/91 VGACAP v7.2 Fast super VGA capture & encode.
VGACAP74.ZIP 91,595 05/05/91 TSR capture/convert SVGA to GIF/PCX/BMP/TARGA
VIDEOT.ZIP 27,799 03/14/91 VIDEOTST: Identifies type of VGA adapter/test
VUIMG260.ZIP 63,339 05/20/91 GIF Viewer -- Pan, Zoom, Brightness Controls.
Electronic Hobbies: Mahjongg
3MODELS.ZIP 39,458 11/12/90 Carol/Cheryl/Christie tiles for VGA Mah Jongg
ANIMALS.ZIP 29,911 11/27/90 Animals tile set for MJVGA
ARCHERY.ZIP 14,835 06/08/90 Archery-related tiles for VGA Mah Jongg
ARTCOLNY.ZIP 12,592 05/15/90 "Art Colony" tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
ASTROL.ZIP 13,035 07/23/91 Astrological signs & symbols tileset for Mah Jong
CELEBS.ZIP 78,046 11/21/90 Celebrity tile set fpr Mah Jongg
CIVILWAR.ZIP 10,190 05/05/90 "Civil War" tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
CLASSIC.ZIP 20,378 09/17/90 Classic tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A_
CLEMENT.ZIP 12,706 08/05/91 Clement tile set for Mah Jongg
DECKCARD.ZIP 15,548 07/17/90 "Deck of Cards" tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
DIANA.ZIP 78,256 11/12/90 Diana Tile Set for Mah Jongg
DIFERGIE.ZIP 37,733 11/12/90 Di & Fergie tiles for VGA Mah Jongg
DRAFTING.ZIP 7,268 10/16/90 Drafting Tile Set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
ELTRONIC.ZIP 9,148 07/27/90 "Electronic Components" tile set for Mah Jongg -V
FACES.ZIP 89,044 11/17/90 "faces" tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
FIELDBIO.ZIP 17,836 05/29/90 "Field Biology" tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
FUNNIES.ZIP 23,363 06/10/90 "Funnies" tile set for Mah Jonng -V-G-A-
HKCLASSC.ZIP 12,253 08/30/90 Tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
HOBO.ZIP 13,983 06/15/90 "hobo font" tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
MAGIC.ZIP 16,303 07/28/90 Magic Tile Set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
MEDIEVAL.ZIP 10,198 07/10/90 "Medieval" tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
MJBLOCKS.ZIP 8,728 03/31/91 Mah Johng BLOCKS tileset
MJRANK.ZIP 4,199 06/27/90 military insignia set for MJVGA 2.1 and greater
MJTILES.SDA 1,020 04/07/92 Description of MJTILES.SDN
MJTILES.ZIP 301,579 09/19/91 All Tile sets for Mah Jongg
MJVFLGCD.ZIP 5,020 12/18/90 Int'l Flag Code for MJVGA
MJVGA30A.SDA 1,441 04/06/92 Description file for MJVGA30A.SDN
MJVGA30A.ZIP 125,086 11/27/90 The game of Mah Jongg -V-G-A- Version 3.0 S/N 152
MJVGA30B.ZIP 334,192 11/26/90 2 of 2 for MjVGA
MJVGADM4.SDA 1,384 04/07/92 Description file for MJVGADM4.SDN
MJVGADM4.SDN 334,736 01/02/91 11 New Mah Jongg -V-G-A- Tile Sets
NATIONS.ZIP 8,288 03/26/90 Flags of the Nations tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-
NATRTIL.ZIP 17,937 08/31/91 Tileset made for MJVGA
NFL.ZIP 15,713 01/16/90 NFL Football tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
NOTHING.ZIP 16,165 04/29/90 "Nothing Related" tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
OLDENGLH.ZIP 10,343 06/12/90 "Old English" tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
PATCHES.ZIP 15,187 08/22/90 Patches Tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
PATTERNS.ZIP 20,364 04/21/90 "Patterns" tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
PCX2TIS1.PAK 38,606 06/01/90 PCX2TIS Version 1.0 Allows you to draw Mah Jong
PCX2TIS1.SDA 1,528 04/07/92 Description file set for Mah Jongg
PHANTOM.ZIP 16,753 11/09/90 Phantom tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
PLAYBOY1.ZIP 36,266 01/01/91 Playboy nudes tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A
PLAYBOY2.ZIP 35,785 01/01/91 More Playboy nudes tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A
RISEN.ZIP 15,778 04/29/90 "He's Risen" tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
RISEN2.ZIP 16,171 04/29/90 "He's Risen! II" tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
SESAME.ZIP 23,212 04/05/90 Sesame Street tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
SPACE.ZIP 9,499 07/25/90 Space tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A
SPORTS.ZIP 12,747 01/16/90 Sports tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
STILLIFE.ZIP 16,962 04/06/90 "Stillife" tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
THREECS.ZIP 40,012 11/12/90 Three C Tile Set for Mah Jonng -V-G-A-
VIEWSET2.PAK 64,901 10/29/90 View Set Utility for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
VIEWSET2.SDA 1,423 04/07/92 Description file for Viewset
WENCHES.ZIP 16,304 06/10/90 "Wenches" tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
X_RATED.ZIP 25,423 04/29/90 Adult only tile set for Mah Jongg -V-G-A-
Fidonews: 1984 issues
FNEWS101.ZIP 3,978 12/04/84 FidoNews Volume 1 Issue 1
FNEWS102.ZIP 14,522 12/10/84 FidoNews Volume 1 Issue 2
FNEWS103.ZIP 8,880 12/17/84 FidoNews Volume 1 Issue 3
FNEWS104.ZIP 6,893 12/24/84 FidoNews Volume 1 Issue 4
FNEWS105.ZIP 13,550 12/31/84 FidoNews Volume 1 Issue 5
Fidonews: 1985 issues
FNEWS201.ZIP 14,548 01/06/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 1
FNEWS202.ZIP 23,616 01/16/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 2
FNEWS203.ZIP 23,764 01/21/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 3
FNEWS204.ZIP 22,852 02/04/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 4
FNEWS205.ZIP 13,499 02/19/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 5
FNEWS206.ZIP 23,940 03/01/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 6
FNEWS207.ZIP 17,580 03/15/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 7
FNEWS208.ZIP 10,744 04/01/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 8
FNEWS209.ZIP 14,930 04/14/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 9
FNEWS210.ZIP 14,226 04/22/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 10
FNEWS211.ZIP 16,138 04/29/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 11
FNEWS212.ZIP 18,734 05/06/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 12
FNEWS213.ZIP 16,164 05/13/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 13
FNEWS214.ZIP 6,580 05/20/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 14
FNEWS215.ZIP 6,456 05/27/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 15
FNEWS216.ZIP 12,205 06/03/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 16
FNEWS217.ZIP 8,707 06/10/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 17
FNEWS218.ZIP 4,370 06/17/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 18
FNEWS219.ZIP 6,668 06/24/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 19
FNEWS220.ZIP 3,831 07/01/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 20
FNEWS221.ZIP 6,279 07/08/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 21
FNEWS222.ZIP 12,234 07/15/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 22
FNEWS223.ZIP 18,105 07/22/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 23
FNEWS224.ZIP 10,950 07/29/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 24
FNEWS225.ZIP 11,367 08/05/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 25
FNEWS226.ZIP 14,082 08/12/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 26
FNEWS227.ZIP 15,113 08/19/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 27
FNEWS228.ZIP 12,292 08/26/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 28
FNEWS229.ZIP 9,283 09/02/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 29
FNEWS230.ZIP 15,778 09/09/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 30
FNEWS231.ZIP 18,124 09/16/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 31
FNEWS232.ZIP 10,585 09/23/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 32
FNEWS233.ZIP 10,544 09/30/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 33
FNEWS234.ZIP 15,007 10/07/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 34
FNEWS235.ZIP 11,676 10/14/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 35
FNEWS236.ZIP 11,913 10/21/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 36
FNEWS237.ZIP 8,657 10/28/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 37
FNEWS238.ZIP 15,666 11/04/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 38
FNEWS239.ZIP 14,143 11/11/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 39
FNEWS240.ZIP 13,336 11/18/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 40
FNEWS241.ZIP 15,100 11/25/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 41
FNEWS242.ZIP 17,696 12/02/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 42
FNEWS243.ZIP 16,861 12/09/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 43
FNEWS244.ZIP 22,307 12/16/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 44
FNEWS245.ZIP 17,602 12/23/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 45
FNEWS246.ZIP 14,265 12/30/85 FidoNews Volume 2 Issue 46
Fidonews: 1986 issues
FNEWS301.ZIP 15,728 01/06/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 1
FNEWS302.ZIP 15,529 01/13/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 2
FNEWS303.ZIP 17,763 01/20/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 3
FNEWS304.ZIP 18,784 01/27/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 4
FNEWS305.ZIP 17,455 02/03/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 5
FNEWS306.ZIP 20,163 02/10/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 6
FNEWS307.ZIP 17,359 02/17/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 7
FNEWS308.ZIP 16,875 02/24/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 8
FNEWS309.ZIP 18,152 03/03/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 9
FNEWS310.ZIP 20,302 03/10/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 10
FNEWS311.ZIP 21,051 03/17/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 11
FNEWS312.ZIP 20,682 03/24/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 12
FNEWS313.ZIP 20,732 03/31/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 13
FNEWS314.ZIP 25,168 04/07/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 14
FNEWS315.ZIP 19,978 04/14/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 15
FNEWS316.ZIP 19,767 04/21/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 16
FNEWS317.ZIP 16,376 04/28/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 17
FNEWS318.ZIP 15,797 05/05/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 18
FNEWS319.ZIP 17,072 05/12/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 19
FNEWS320.ZIP 15,495 05/19/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 20
FNEWS321.ZIP 21,248 06/02/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 21
FNEWS322.ZIP 19,652 06/09/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 22
FNEWS323.ZIP 19,527 06/16/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 23
FNEWS324.ZIP 21,091 06/23/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 24
FNEWS325.ZIP 31,845 06/30/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 25
FNEWS326.ZIP 21,414 07/07/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 26
FNEWS327.ZIP 15,965 07/14/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 27
FNEWS328.ZIP 11,973 07/21/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 28
FNEWS329.ZIP 21,166 07/28/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 29
FNEWS330.ZIP 26,490 08/11/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 30
FNEWS331.ZIP 21,503 08/18/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 31
FNEWS332.ZIP 20,011 08/25/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 32
FNEWS333.ZIP 9,275 09/01/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 33
FNEWS334.ZIP 24,696 09/08/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 34
FNEWS335.ZIP 19,272 09/15/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 35
FNEWS336.ZIP 20,585 09/22/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 36
FNEWS337.ZIP 20,488 09/29/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 37
FNEWS338.ZIP 17,519 10/06/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 38
FNEWS339.ZIP 18,204 10/13/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 39
FNEWS340.ZIP 7,609 10/20/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 40
FNEWS341.ZIP 16,190 10/27/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 41
FNEWS342.ZIP 14,565 11/03/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 42
FNEWS343.ZIP 23,302 11/10/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 43
FNEWS344.ZIP 26,123 11/17/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 44
FNEWS345.ZIP 31,123 11/24/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 45
FNEWS346.ZIP 27,055 12/01/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 46
FNEWS347.ZIP 23,399 12/08/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 47
FNEWS348.ZIP 21,230 12/15/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 48
FNEWS349.ZIP 25,435 12/22/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 49
FNEWS350.ZIP 3,976 12/22/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 50
FNEWS351.ZIP 22,330 12/29/86 FidoNews Volume 3 Issue 51
Fidonews: 1987 issues
FNEWS401.ZIP 15,915 01/05/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 1
FNEWS402.ZIP 16,649 01/12/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 2
FNEWS403.ZIP 20,673 01/19/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 3
FNEWS404.ZIP 13,948 01/26/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 4
FNEWS405.ZIP 17,353 02/02/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 5
FNEWS406.ZIP 10,438 02/09/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 6
FNEWS407.ZIP 13,561 02/16/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 7
FNEWS408.ZIP 13,951 02/23/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 8
FNEWS409.ZIP 14,184 03/02/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 9
FNEWS410.ZIP 27,685 03/09/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 10
FNEWS411.ZIP 24,403 03/23/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 11
FNEWS412.ZIP 23,877 03/30/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 12
FNEWS413.ZIP 28,670 04/06/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 13
FNEWS414.ZIP 29,567 04/13/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 14
FNEWS415.ZIP 28,605 04/20/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 15
FNEWS416.ZIP 22,509 04/27/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 16
FNEWS417.ZIP 28,407 05/04/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 17
FNEWS418.ZIP 22,428 05/11/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 18
FNEWS419.ZIP 31,321 05/18/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 19
FNEWS420.ZIP 24,790 05/25/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 20
FNEWS421.ZIP 19,461 06/01/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 21
FNEWS422.ZIP 19,807 06/08/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 22
FNEWS423.ZIP 5,425 06/15/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 23
FNEWS424.ZIP 16,513 06/29/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 24
FNEWS425.ZIP 35,409 07/06/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 25
FNEWS426.ZIP 37,105 07/13/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 26
FNEWS427.ZIP 39,336 07/20/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 27
FNEWS428.ZIP 32,865 07/27/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 28
FNEWS429.ZIP 12,033 08/03/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 29
FNEWS430.ZIP 21,312 08/10/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 30
FNEWS431.ZIP 20,851 08/17/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 31
FNEWS432.ZIP 18,129 08/24/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 32
FNEWS433.ZIP 21,792 08/31/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 33
FNEWS434.ZIP 27,483 09/07/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 34
FNEWS435.ZIP 21,065 09/14/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 35
FNEWS436.ZIP 48,648 09/21/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 36
FNEWS437.ZIP 24,843 09/28/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 37
FNEWS438.ZIP 14,452 10/05/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 38
FNEWS439.ZIP 7,681 10/11/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 39
FNEWS440.ZIP 13,052 11/02/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 40
FNEWS441.ZIP 21,099 11/09/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 41
FNEWS442.ZIP 16,042 11/16/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 42
FNEWS443.ZIP 21,672 11/23/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 43
FNEWS444.ZIP 23,907 11/30/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 44
FNEWS445.ZIP 9,391 12/07/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 45
FNEWS446.ZIP 16,382 12/14/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 46
FNEWS447.ZIP 29,134 12/21/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 47
FNEWS448.ZIP 17,014 12/28/87 FidoNews Volume 4 Issue 48
Fidonews: 1988 issues
FNEWS501.ZIP 20,268 01/04/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 1
FNEWS502.ZIP 19,641 01/11/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 2
FNEWS503.ZIP 21,130 01/18/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 3
FNEWS504.ZIP 25,704 01/25/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 4
FNEWS505.ZIP 18,202 02/01/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 5
FNEWS506.ZIP 26,234 02/08/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 6
FNEWS507.ZIP 20,074 02/15/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 7
FNEWS508.ZIP 29,635 02/22/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 8
FNEWS509.ZIP 15,653 02/29/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 9
FNEWS510.ZIP 29,828 03/07/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 10
FNEWS511.ZIP 21,104 03/14/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 11
FNEWS512.ZIP 26,286 03/21/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 12
FNEWS513.ZIP 29,244 03/28/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 13
FNEWS514.ZIP 18,675 04/04/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 14
FNEWS515.ZIP 23,595 04/11/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 15
FNEWS516.ZIP 11,560 04/18/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 16
FNEWS517.ZIP 15,299 04/25/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 17
FNEWS518.ZIP 16,584 05/02/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 18
FNEWS519.ZIP 22,927 05/09/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 19
FNEWS520.ZIP 14,757 05/16/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 20
FNEWS521.ZIP 8,448 05/23/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 21
FNEWS522.ZIP 26,010 05/30/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 22
FNEWS523.ZIP 19,500 06/06/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 23
FNEWS524.ZIP 42,779 06/13/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 24
FNEWS525.ZIP 9,641 06/20/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 25
FNEWS526.ZIP 23,937 06/27/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 26
FNEWS527.ZIP 23,622 07/04/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 27
FNEWS528.ZIP 17,741 07/11/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 28
FNEWS529.ZIP 23,529 07/18/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 29
FNEWS530.ZIP 10,069 07/25/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 30
FNEWS531.ZIP 35,195 08/01/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 31
FNEWS532.ZIP 15,529 08/08/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 32
FNEWS533.ZIP 30,810 08/15/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 33
FNEWS534.ZIP 15,983 08/22/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 34
FNEWS535.ZIP 9,592 08/29/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 35
FNEWS536.ZIP 21,076 09/05/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 36
FNEWS537.ZIP 7,160 09/12/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 37
FNEWS538.ZIP 11,818 09/19/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 38
FNEWS539.ZIP 21,160 09/26/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 39
FNEWS540.ZIP 13,191 10/03/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 40
FNEWS541.ZIP 13,552 10/10/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 41
FNEWS542.ZIP 30,607 10/17/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 42
FNEWS543.ZIP 7,514 10/24/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 43
FNEWS544.ZIP 30,489 10/31/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 44
FNEWS545.ZIP 9,269 11/07/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 45
FNEWS546.ZIP 31,967 11/14/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 46
FNEWS547.ZIP 20,080 11/21/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 47
FNEWS548.ZIP 26,566 11/28/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 48
FNEWS549.ZIP 15,355 12/05/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 49
FNEWS550.ZIP 21,219 12/12/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 50
FNEWS551.ZIP 9,271 12/19/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 51
FNEWS552.ZIP 9,446 12/26/88 FidoNews Volume 5 Issue 52
Fidonews: 1989 issues
FNEWS601.ZIP 20,664 01/02/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 1
FNEWS602.ZIP 17,305 01/09/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 2
FNEWS603.ZIP 18,936 01/16/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 3
FNEWS604.ZIP 13,240 01/23/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 4
FNEWS605.ZIP 29,103 01/30/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 5
FNEWS606.ZIP 24,409 02/06/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 6
FNEWS607.ZIP 9,294 02/13/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 7
FNEWS608.ZIP 22,795 02/20/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 8
FNEWS609.ZIP 18,740 02/27/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 9
FNEWS610.ZIP 7,020 03/06/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 10
FNEWS611.ZIP 21,113 03/13/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 11
FNEWS612.ZIP 22,289 03/20/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 12
FNEWS613.ZIP 28,752 03/27/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 13
FNEWS614.ZIP 33,915 04/03/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 14
FNEWS615.ZIP 35,630 04/10/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 15
FNEWS616.ZIP 20,910 04/17/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 16
FNEWS617.ZIP 34,069 04/24/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 17
FNEWS618.ZIP 23,526 05/01/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 18
FNEWS619.ZIP 25,582 05/08/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 19
FNEWS620.ZIP 37,965 05/15/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 20
FNEWS621.ZIP 21,608 05/22/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 21
FNEWS622.ZIP 26,412 05/29/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 22
FNEWS623.ZIP 38,108 06/05/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 23
FNEWS624.ZIP 20,400 06/12/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 24
FNEWS625.ZIP 48,303 06/19/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 25
FNEWS626.ZIP 62,076 06/26/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 26
FNEWS627.ZIP 36,760 07/03/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 27
FNEWS628.ZIP 32,969 07/10/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 28
FNEWS629.ZIP 23,796 07/17/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 29
FNEWS630.ZIP 24,479 07/24/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 30
FNEWS631.ZIP 16,864 07/31/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 31
FNEWS632.ZIP 26,455 08/07/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 32
FNEWS633.ZIP 29,275 07/14/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 33
FNEWS634.ZIP 20,026 08/21/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 34
FNEWS635.ZIP 17,754 08/28/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 35
FNEWS636.ZIP 22,189 09/04/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 36
FNEWS637.ZIP 28,430 09/11/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 37
FNEWS638.ZIP 19,235 09/18/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 38
FNEWS639.ZIP 15,405 09/25/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 39
FNEWS640.ZIP 20,659 10/02/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 40
FNEWS641.ZIP 21,289 10/09/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 41
FNEWS642.ZIP 10,651 10/16/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 42
FNEWS643.ZIP 14,309 10/23/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 43
FNEWS644.ZIP 18,034 10/30/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 44
FNEWS645.ZIP 28,326 11/06/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 45
FNEWS646.ZIP 9,202 11/13/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 46
FNEWS647.ZIP 28,099 11/20/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 47
FNEWS648.ZIP 12,612 11/27/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 48
FNEWS649.ZIP 11,666 12/04/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 49
FNEWS650.ZIP 9,506 12/11/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 50
FNEWS651.ZIP 27,723 12/18/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 51
FNEWS652.ZIP 23,445 12/25/89 FidoNews Volume 6 Issue 52
Fidonews: 1990 issues
FNEWS701.ZIP 28,200 01/01/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 1
FNEWS702.ZIP 15,189 01/08/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 2
FNEWS703.ZIP 20,753 01/15/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 3
FNEWS704.ZIP 18,804 01/29/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 4
FNEWS705.ZIP 28,383 01/29/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 5
FNEWS706.ZIP 12,641 02/05/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 6
FNEWS707.ZIP 10,171 02/12/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 7
FNEWS708.ZIP 6,020 02/19/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 8
FNEWS709.ZIP 10,489 02/26/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 9
FNEWS710.ZIP 12,474 03/05/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 10
FNEWS711.ZIP 14,098 03/12/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 11
FNEWS712.ZIP 12,245 03/19/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 12
FNEWS713.ZIP 6,487 03/26/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 13
FNEWS714.ZIP 14,414 04/02/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 14
FNEWS715.ZIP 16,170 04/09/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 15
FNEWS716.ZIP 10,458 04/16/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 16
FNEWS717.ZIP 15,009 04/23/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 17
FNEWS718.ZIP 15,228 04/30/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 18
FNEWS719.ZIP 8,505 05/07/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 19
FNEWS720.ZIP 22,591 05/14/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 20
FNEWS721.ZIP 21,261 05/21/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 21
FNEWS722.ZIP 12,438 05/28/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 22
FNEWS723.ZIP 20,721 06/04/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 23
FNEWS724.ZIP 10,307 06/11/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 24
FNEWS725.ZIP 10,512 06/18/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 25
FNEWS726.ZIP 27,090 06/25/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 26
FNEWS727.ZIP 25,543 07/02/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 27
FNEWS728.ZIP 15,096 07/09/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 28
FNEWS729.ZIP 6,241 07/16/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 29
FNEWS730.ZIP 22,984 07/23/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 30
FNEWS731.ZIP 29,113 07/30/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 31
FNEWS732.ZIP 17,393 08/06/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 32
FNEWS733.ZIP 53,266 08/13/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 33
FNEWS734.ZIP 18,860 08/20/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 34
FNEWS735.ZIP 57,319 08/27/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 35
FNEWS736.ZIP 11,503 09/03/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 36
FNEWS737.ZIP 15,154 09/10/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 37
FNEWS738.ZIP 14,167 09/17/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 38
FNEWS739.ZIP 15,937 09/24/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 39
FNEWS740.ZIP 28,133 10/01/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 40
FNEWS741.ZIP 29,150 10/08/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 41
FNEWS742.ZIP 25,431 10/15/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 42
FNEWS743.ZIP 17,657 10/22/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 43
FNEWS744.ZIP 28,603 10/29/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 44
FNEWS745.ZIP 45,570 11/05/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 45
FNEWS746.ZIP 17,085 11/12/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 46
FNEWS747.ZIP 13,244 11/19/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 47
FNEWS748.ZIP 14,910 11/26/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 48
FNEWS749.ZIP 13,743 12/03/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 49
FNEWS751.ZIP 8,435 12/17/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 51
FNEWS752.ZIP 26,773 12/24/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 52
FNEWS753.ZIP 6,602 12/31/90 FidoNews Volume 7 Issue 53
Fidonews: 1991 issues
FNEWS801.ZIP 17,470 01/07/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 1
FNEWS802.ZIP 17,781 01/14/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 2
FNEWS803.ZIP 8,590 01/21/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 3
FNEWS804.ZIP 12,732 01/28/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 4
FNEWS805.ZIP 30,772 02/04/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 5
FNEWS806.ZIP 20,658 02/11/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 6
FNEWS807.ZIP 12,664 02/18/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 7
FNEWS808.ZIP 18,368 02/25/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 8
FNEWS809.ZIP 17,305 03/04/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 9
FNEWS810.ZIP 21,965 03/11/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 10
FNEWS811.ZIP 12,146 03/18/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 11
FNEWS812.ZIP 9,733 03/25/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 12
FNEWS813.ZIP 25,649 04/01/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 13
FNEWS814.ZIP 27,172 04/08/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 14
FNEWS815.ZIP 44,260 04/15/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 15
FNEWS816.ZIP 45,825 04/22/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 16
FNEWS817.ZIP 30,414 04/29/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 17
FNEWS818.ZIP 30,484 05/06/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 18
FNEWS819.ZIP 14,760 05/13/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 19
FNEWS820.ZIP 21,815 05/20/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 20
FNEWS821.ZIP 42,565 05/27/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 21
FNEWS822.ZIP 15,882 06/03/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 22
FNEWS823.ZIP 29,647 06/10/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 23
FNEWS824.ZIP 42,600 06/17/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 24
FNEWS825.ZIP 22,411 06/24/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 25
FNEWS826.ZIP 15,542 07/01/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 26
FNEWS827.ZIP 29,583 07/08/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 27
FNEWS828.ZIP 22,959 07/15/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 28
FNEWS829.ZIP 32,797 07/21/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 29
FNEWS830.ZIP 25,292 07/29/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 30
FNEWS831.ZIP 31,174 08/05/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 31
FNEWS832.ZIP 22,096 08/12/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 32
FNEWS833.ZIP 9,182 08/26/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 33
FNEWS834.ZIP 19,096 08/26/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 34
FNEWS835.ZIP 21,673 09/02/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 35
FNEWS836.ZIP 26,426 09/09/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 36
FNEWS837.ZIP 25,825 09/16/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 37
FNEWS838.ZIP 23,927 09/23/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 38
FNEWS839.ZIP 17,575 09/30/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 39
FNEWS840.ZIP 26,557 10/07/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 40
FNEWS841.ZIP 25,293 10/14/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 41
FNEWS842.ZIP 23,444 10/21/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 42
FNEWS843.ZIP 32,334 10/28/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 43
FNEWS844.ZIP 24,571 11/04/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 44
FNEWS845.ZIP 17,542 11/11/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 45
FNEWS846.ZIP 13,457 11/18/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 46
FNEWS847.ZIP 10,559 11/25/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 47
FNEWS848.ZIP 11,451 12/02/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 48
FNEWS849.ZIP 12,631 12/09/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 49
FNEWS850.ZIP 13,674 12/16/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 50
FNEWS851.ZIP 16,212 12/23/91 FidoNews Volume 8 Issue 51
Fidonews: 1992 issues
FNEWS901.ZIP 29,126 01/06/92 FidoNews Volume 9 Issue 1
FNEWS902.ZIP 25,854 01/13/92 FidoNews Volume 9 Issue 2
FNEWS903.ZIP 15,261 01/20/92 FidoNews Volume 9 Issue 3
FNEWS904.ZIP 20,493 01/27/92 FidoNews Volume 9 Issue 4
FNEWS905.ZIP 28,392 02/03/92 FidoNews Volume 9 Issue 5
FNEWS907.ZIP 15,903 02/17/92 FidoNews Volume 9 Issue 7
FNEWS908.ZIP 27,015 02/24/92 FidoNews Volume 9 Issue 8
FNEWS909.ZIP 29,320 03/02/92 FidoNews Volume 9 Issue 9
FNEWS910.ZIP 15,110 03/09/92 FidoNews Volume 9 Issue 10
FNEWS911.ZIP 16,117 03/16/92 FidoNews Volume 9 Issue 11
FNEWS912.ZIP 20,073 03/23/92 FidoNews Volume 9 Issue 12
FNEWS913.ZIP 22,939 03/30/92 FidoNews Volume 9 Issue 13
FNEWS914.ZIP 13,831 04/06/92 FidoNews Volume 9 Issue 14
FNEWS915.ZIP 19,025 04/13/92 FidoNews Volume 9 Issue 15
FNEWS916.ZIP 10,663 04/20/92 FidoNews Volume 9 Issue 16
FNEWS917.ZIP 12,135 04/27/92 FidoNews Volume 9 Issue 17
FNEWS918.ZIP 16,487 05/04/92 FidoNews Volume 9 Issue 18
Miscellaneous: CD-ROM Support
FAO1.ZIP 149,312 05/30/92 FAO 1 support files
FAO2.ZIP 315,954 05/30/92 FAO 2 support files
FAO3.ZIP 300,603 05/30/92 FAO 3 support files
MDOR281S.ZIP 312,806 05/30/92 MegaDOOR 2.81 (including MegaTERM) - SUP FILES RE
MEGA228S.ZIP 125,709 05/29/92 MegaSearch 2.28 DOS interface - SUP FILES REQUIRE
MEGA281T.ZIP 133,997 05/28/92 MegaTERM 2.81 - text based GUI interface for Mega
MEGAROM1.ZIP 22,427 05/30/92 MegaROM-1 support files
MWIN243.ZIP 67,438 05/29/92 MegaSearch 2.43 Windows interface - SUP FILES REQ
SDN1PLUS.ZIP 64,990 05/30/92 SDN1 Plus support files
SUPDBBS.ZIP 971,951 05/31/92 All CD-ROM BBS support including INSTALL - EMBEDD
SUPDEND.ZIP 1,231,881 05/31/92 All CD-ROM end user support files including INSTA
SUPDFULL.ZIP 1,545,172 05/31/92 All CD-ROM support files including INSTALL
Miscellaneous: Commercial Demos
3STOOGES.ZIP 267,441 03/11/90 watch the 3 stooges in action
688.ZIP 187,748 10/31/88 Maxell 688 Sub Attack demo
ADLIBDEM.ZIP 121,103 12/29/91 Great ADLIB DEMO Program
ALDUS.ZIP 500,523 01/27/88 Aldus Pagemaker Demo
AMIPRO.ZIP 812,789 05/23/90 AMI Pro Demo
ANIMO.ZIP 976,880 07/23/91 Animotion 3-d great vga demo
AQUAEGA.ZIP 62,605 05/16/87 swim with the fish
AQUARIUM.ZIP 38,577 01/31/87 you will never have to feed these fish
ATLAS.ZIP 301,291 03/23/87 A graphic demo of the us atlas
AUTOSKET.ZIP 769,032 05/07/89 Autosketch by Autodesk Animator
A_RANGER.ZIP 226,841 10/11/88 Air Ranger Demo
BALLS.ZIP 302,256 06/05/90 great vga demo-animated
BARTBLND.ZIP 288,891 12/01/90 he is up to something again (bart simpson)
BOGEY.ZIP 1,437,070 07/23/91 "Play it again Sam" animated movie clip
CAD3DEMO.ZIP 307,737 10/25/88 Auto Cad Demo
CBQUEST.ZIP 379,016 10/05/89 Colonels Bequest demo by sierra
CD_DEMO.ZIP 337,916 10/18/88 Demo of CD-ROM Technology
CHESS.ZIP 92,382 01/08/90 Nice vga demo (animated)
COLDCUT.ZIP 288,029 10/14/90 The best sound blaster demo around
COLORIX.ZIP 3,971,585 08/31/90 ColoRIX graphics and drawing program demo
CWDEMO.ZIP 1,135,067 05/14/90 Crime Wave demo by access, very good
DAZE40.ZIP 66,504 09/03/90 dazzle- great ega-vga graphics demo
DEERE.ZIP 109,194 01/14/88 nice demo of deer in front of a waterfall
EGADEMO5.ZIP 57,722 04/14/86 very interesting vga or ega demo
EGASLIDE.ZIP 239,096 01/23/87 A short color rix demo in ega
EYES.ZIP 230,590 04/20/90 Digitized demo of Computer Eyes
F19DEMO.ZIP 198,774 02/15/91 Impressive F-19 VGA demo
FRACT386.ZIP 46,604 11/06/88 v3.0 FRACTALS w/32-BITS/80386.
GRAPHIX.ZIP 56,364 10/16/89 The best VGA graphic demo around
GUNSHIP.ZIP 206,387 01/27/89 Gunship Demo
HEART.ZIP 204,308 01/14/89 Watch the heart beat
HGDEMO.ZIP 727,614 08/09/90 Harvard Graphics v2.3 demo program
H_BUILD.ZIP 162,814 08/22/90 Timberline Software Demo program
INDY_PC.ZIP 203,256 07/31/89 Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade DMO
LSL5DEMO.ZIP 661,394 07/27/91 Leisure Suit Larry 5 DEMO
LUMEN.ZIP 35,712 12/11/88 Show off the many colors of your monitor
MARIODEM.ZIP 447,408 05/17/91 Mario Andretti Indy 500 demo program
MARMEMO.ZIP 1,011,245 07/29/91 Martian Memorandium playable demo
MEANDEMO.ZIP 678,788 08/01/89 ACCESS Mean Street demo, in full VGA
MM3DEMO.ZIP 1,158,419 07/14/91 Might and Magic ]I[ Demo program
PCGLOBE.ZIP 232,168 03/02/90 A demo of the program PC Globe
PROFDEMO.ZIP 405,563 07/24/89 Professional File v2.0 demo program
PWPLUS.ZIP 1,155,737 03/25/91 Professional Write Plus demo for Windows 3.0
ROLEX.ZIP 36,891 10/01/86 And I thought I had a big watch
RRDISK1.ZIP 71,937 05/08/92 ReadRight for Windows demo program (1 of 3)
RRDISK2.ZIP 1,102,576 05/08/92 ReadRight for Windows demo program (2 of 3)
RRDISK3.ZIP 948,581 04/22/91 ReadRight for Windows demo program (3 of 3)
SLIDWRIT.ZIP 344,843 04/26/90 Graphics demo program
SPACEPIG.ZIP 320,492 12/21/90 Interesting demo, great for VGA monitor
SPWM.ZIP 898,043 01/15/91 SuperPrint version 1.1 working model
STORMDMO.ZIP 212,516 09/20/91 Red Storm Rising demo disk
VBASIC_1.ZIP 1,028,157 06/29/91 Working demo of Visual Basic (1 of 2)
VBASIC_2.ZIP 1,431,513 07/03/91 Working demo of Visual Basic (2 of 2)
VIRTUAL.ZIP 111,931 05/15/92 Virtual Reality Demo
VRSDMO.ZIP 50,030 01/06/92 Virtual Reality Studio demo disk
WARP1.ZIP 154,061 02/13/91 Star Trek ship with Sound Blaster
WCDEMOD1.ZIP 575,935 02/28/92 Wing Commander Demo 1 of 2
WCDEMOD2.ZIP 429,606 10/04/90 Wing Commander Demo 2 of 2
WILLYB.ZIP 803,545 08/09/91 Demo of Willy B from Sierra Online
WIN3DEMO.ZIP 999,064 05/04/90 Windows 3.0 DEMO
WNDRW10A.ZIP 153,552 05/14/91 WinDraw for Windows 3.0 working model
XTDEMO.ZIP 568,439 06/13/91 Demonstration program
ZYNDXSHW.ZIP 689,474 07/22/91 ZyIndex for Windows and DOS demo disk
Miscellaneous: Handicapped
123J.ZIP 5,420 12/11/90 Jaws 2 speech pgm macros for Lotus 123
1FINGER.ZIP 11,617 06/05/86 Helps handicappers with multiple keystrokes
20_20.ZIP 95,701 03/02/91 Large characters text word proc. for laptops
ABRL10B.ZIP 43,595 08/17/91 DEMO version of 'AutoBraille' TSR program
ACCDOS10.ZIP 138,233 12/05/91 AccessDOS: Screen/mouse/sound access utilities
ACCENT.ZIP 63,641 06/26/89 DEMO of ACCENT speech synthesizer
ACCSET.ZIP 22,444 08/29/90 Changes ACCENT speech synthesizer's settings
ADDRESS2.ZIP 106,950 10/27/90 Speech-friendly name and address database
ARTCPRGM.ZIP 16,695 12/22/86 Enable Reader EXEs for Artic synthesizer
ASAP0991.ZIP 95,901 10/08/91 Automatic screen access for voice synth. DEMO
ASL_TRAN.ZIP 69,584 03/31/90 Translates words into ASL finger spelling
BCDEMO.ZIP 54,891 02/25/90 BigCalc, which works with large characters
BDIR2.ZIP 19,494 12/18/89 Large character directory lister
BEDICT20.ZIP 151,293 07/16/91 60,000 word dictionary for BEDIT 2.0 editor
BEDIT20.ZIP 236,868 01/22/91 Large character editor for sight impared users
BIG10.ZIP 32,581 01/31/91 Screen magnifier specifically for Lotus 123
BIG26.ZIP 141,702 07/15/89 The BIG utils-BIG/BIGMONE/TYPER (typing tutor)
BIGCAL.ZIP 36,859 09/03/87 Print large type calendar
BIGECHO.ZIP 4,226 10/01/86 Echo words to screen in large letters
BIGPRINT.ZIP 22,125 05/30/87 Program to print large letters
BIGT.ZIP 3,980 05/15/90 Enlarges CGA/MDA text 10 characters at a time
BIGTIMER.ZIP 15,376 08/21/89 A timer with large characters
BIG_TEXT.ZIP 43,778 09/29/88 Enlarges text files to printer or screen
BLKDIR.ZIP 13,243 08/16/90 Speech friendly directory maintenance pgm
BLOOK2.ZIP 24,009 12/18/89 Look at ascii files in large characters
BPOP21.ZIP 56,271 05/25/91 TSR text enlarger: 10-53 chars per line
BRCLEAN.ZIP 5,667 02/04/86 Program to clean up Braille files
BTYPE2.ZIP 20,304 12/18/89 DOS TYPE command in large characters
CAPSTATE.ZIP 24,943 05/23/90 Turn on/off or test keyboard caps lock
CGACLK2.ZIP 25,822 03/11/90 Large letter clock/timer/stop watch (CGA)
CHECKS4A.ZIP 115,982 05/02/91 Speech-friendly Checkbook manager
CLTXPRGM.ZIP 18,650 12/22/86 Enable Reader EXEs for Calltext synthesizer
DCTKPRGM.ZIP 18,778 12/22/86 Enable Reader EXEs for Dectalk synthesizer
DIAL4.ZIP 32,744 01/13/90 Speech friendly phone dialer pgm
DONDE20.ZIP 36,847 12/20/90 Speech friendly file finder pgm
DOTS20C.ZIP 118,594 06/30/89 DEMO of 'Hot Dots' Braille translation program
DZ101.ZIP 142,715 02/08/90 Speech or Braille DOS shell program. DEMO
ECHOPRGM.ZIP 18,648 12/22/86 Enable Reader EXEs for Echo synthesizer
ETSMANUL.ZIP 117,451 01/02/87 Docs for Enable Reader 4.0 Speech System
FLIP306D.ZIP 182,878 09/13/91 Flipper speech access program. DEMO
FUTUR110.ZIP 59,563 09/12/90 Communications program for use with a TDD
HOC_CALC.ZIP 26,356 10/30/91 Speech-friendly higher-order calculator
HOTDOTS3.ZIP 343,429 05/08/91 Hot Dots v3.0 text to Braille translator. DEMO
J16ECHO.ZIP 177,963 07/19/90 DEMO Jaws 1.6 speech program for the Echo
J1MANUAL.ZIP 62,095 08/29/88 Documents for Jaws v1.6 speech program
J211DOCS.ZIP 91,962 04/30/91 Documents for Jaws speech program (2.11)
JACLT212.ZIP 200,430 02/28/91 DEMO Jaws 2.12 for Accent laptop synthesizers
JACPC212.ZIP 125,358 02/28/91 DEMO Jaws 2.12 internal Accent synthesizers
JACSA212.ZIP 125,156 02/28/91 DEMO Jaws 2.12 Accent stand alone synthesizers
JBNS16.ZIP 116,490 08/31/90 DEMO Jaws 1.6 speech pgm for Braille 'n Speak
JDTLK208.ZIP 127,741 01/10/91 DEMO Jaws 2.08 for Dectalk synthesizers
JPROWRIT.ZIP 1,992 10/26/90 Jaws 2 speech pgm macros for ProWrite
JSB208.ZIP 123,989 01/10/91 DEMO Jaws 2.08 for Soundingboard synthesizers
JSONX208.ZIP 124,962 01/10/91 DEMO Jaws 2.08 Sonix (Symphonix) synthesizers
JTOSHIBA.ZIP 23,505 01/10/91 Jaws 2 speech pgm macros for Toshiba laptops
KEYCAC01.ZIP 6,059 07/13/91 KeyCache TSR word predictor
LARGE.ZIP 34,050 09/23/88 Another program to enlarge text on screen
LETENLRG.ZIP 35,818 06/08/89 Put large characters into a file
LOCKBEEP.ZIP 1,550 05/23/90 Different beeps for kbd caps lock/unlock
LPD_DELX.ZIP 77,566 03/02/90 DEMO: LP DOS Deluxe larger print w/graphics
LSIGN20.ZIP 72,842 10/20/90 Teaches ASL finger spelling
MAGCD124.ZIP 120,930 10/23/91 Deluxe vers of MAGIC124 screen magnifier. DEMO
MAGH10.ZIP 40,879 02/16/90 Text enlarger for a Hercules graphics card
MAGIC124.ZIP 43,707 10/23/91 Magnifies VGA/XGA/SVGA screen txt/graph. DEMO
MEGAN.ZIP 11,904 08/02/89 Megan's Toy, a pop up text enlarger
MODEL_T.ZIP 118,419 04/20/90 PD version of HAL-16 speech access program
MORSE100.ZIP 10,320 05/10/90 TSR to convert screen output to Morse code
NAMES302.ZIP 75,724 08/20/90 Speech friendly name and address pgm
NOKEYS12.ZIP 14,309 06/18/91 Input text without a keyboard
NWCWDEMO.ZIP 128,292 05/17/89 Speech friendly notepad and calculator. DEMO
PCBRDEMO.ZIP 165,664 04/04/89 DEMO version of 'PC-Braille' program
PRVX313.ZIP 91,342 08/17/91 DEMO version of the PROVOX speech program
QCB_DEMO.ZIP 22,718 10/03/89 Speech friendly QWERTY checkbook program. DEMO
QLP_PLUS.ZIP 52,823 09/29/89 QWERTY large print reader & QW wordproc. DEMO
QWP_DEMO.ZIP 108,426 03/11/89 Speech friendly QWERTY wp/form generator. DEMO
RALPH21.ZIP 35,388 03/10/90 File lister for use with speech synthesizers
READ151.ZIP 55,079 05/19/91 Text file reader w/bookmark, for speech synth.
READ20.ZIP 65,246 10/06/91 ReadIt file viewer for speech synthesizers
RELIEF.ZIP 64,983 02/19/90 DEMO: Eye-relief large char. word processor
ROCK114.ZIP 61,613 05/22/91 Speech friendly basic communications pgm
SCANDEMO.ZIP 45,896 03/11/90 DEMO of file reader for Braille terminals
SDIR31.ZIP 16,448 10/17/89 Speech friendly DIR replacement and more
SEEBEEP.ZIP 1,547 05/23/90 For hearing impaired: Beep flashes the screen
SEEKLYNE.ZIP 27,223 04/18/91 Screen review pgm for Covox speech synth. DEMO
SETECHO.ZIP 6,295 10/03/88 Quick & dirty program sets up echo synthesizer
SIGN40TH.ZIP 143,054 08/03/91 Sign language tutor. Special theater version
SIGN51_1.ZIP 103,601 07/16/91 Sign Friends v5.1: Learn sign language, 1 of 3
SIGN51_2.ZIP 98,830 07/12/91 Sign Friends v5.1: Learn sign language, 2 of 3
SIGN51_3.ZIP 105,494 07/20/91 Sign Friends v5.1: Learn sign language, 3 of 3
SIGNFONT.ZIP 5,715 01/08/87 Printer font for finger spelling
SPCTL.ZIP 2,280 06/07/89 Put speech synth program to sleep in bat files
SQWNT272.ZIP 64,412 10/28/90 Excellent talking file lister by Jeff Salzburg
TBRL258.ZIP 86,990 08/17/91 DEMO version of 'Turbo Braille' program
TTALK106.ZIP 189,502 07/18/91 Tiny Talk speech access program
VEDEMO20.ZIP 188,946 06/12/91 Screen/kbd access for voice synth., DEMO, 1of2
VEDOCS20.ZIP 245,205 06/11/91 Screen/kbd access for voice synth., docs, 2of2
VERBVIEW.ZIP 27,210 04/23/89 TSR magnifies text in selected areas of screen
VIDEO096.ZIP 201,518 08/04/18 Video Voice screen access program. DEMO
VOTRXPKG.ZIP 66,208 12/26/86 Enable Votrax synthesizer automation package
VTKRPRGM.ZIP 16,705 12/22/86 Enable Reader EXEs for Votalker synthesizer
VTRXPRGM.ZIP 18,690 12/22/86 Enable Reader EXEs for Votrax synthesizer
VTXBPRGM.ZIP 18,697 12/22/86 Enable Reader EXEs for Votrax B synthesizer
VUDEMO.ZIP 35,838 03/04/90 DEMO of CGA large letter file reader
WPJ.ZIP 19,416 12/23/90 Jaws 2 speech pgm macros macros for Word Perf.
ZOOMSHAR.ZIP 42,566 03/01/91 Mouse controlled screen magnifier
ZOOMTEXT.ZIP 82,640 04/25/91 DEMO of a versatile screen enlarger
Miscellaneous: Language
6DATGEN0.ZIP 50,214 03/25/91 Pascal DATAGEM V6 generate single screen,
ABCPC.ZIP 197,193 08/07/90 Interactive Programming Language (like BASIC)
ANSIVIEW.ZIP 10,928 01/30/91 Implement WriteLn and GotoXY in a Turbo Vision wi
ARIOSO.ZIP 7,519 01/12/92 Classical music for adlib/soundblaster
ASIC300.ZIP 154,497 09/07/91 ASIC v3.0 shareware BASIC compiler.
BAS2QB20.ZIP 54,118 06/24/91 Convert GWBASIC to QBASIC v2.0. Two-pass process
BASXRF.ZIP 24,037 06/14/91 Basic code cross referanc3e
BBSKIT.ZIP 64,220 04/12/91 Pascal 5.5 & 6.0 TPU's to make a BBS
BOWLAVE2.ZIP 15,887 08/18/91 Turbo Pascal program that keeps track of your bow
BROWS134.ZIP 69,764 07/26/91 Browse/2 v1.34 is a Presentation Manager
BUTTON.ZIP 8,827 06/21/91 Create different buttons for Visual Basic.
CM3.ZIP 67,604 09/25/90 QB 4.5 Utility: Find & save VGA colors
COLBAS.ZIP 6,108 04/20/90 Basic programs moving colors.
CW_WRITE.ZIP 107,761 04/23/90 Centiwrite mini-text editor with Turbo Pascal TPU
DARSTR.ZIP 4,484 08/26/90 Gwbasic medieval adventure game plus more.
DBOOK1_5.ZIP 40,116 09/28/90 CCOM/CFAX Turbo pascal phonebook/group prog.
DDUTIL12.ZIP 8,679 08/23/90 Doubledos utilities unit v1.2 for tpascal +sr
DDUTIL20.ZIP 8,417 05/15/91 Double Dos utilities unit v2.0 for T Pascal
DELAY6.ZIP 326 05/08/91 Patch for the DELAY statement of Turbo Pascal 6.0
DJVGA02.ZIP 15,579 05/18/91 DJVGA v0.2 Unit for T Pascal 6.0 EGA/VGA
DLCV440.ZIP 24,962 09/15/90 Download count for Maximus
DOORS22.ZIP 171,001 08/06/90 Door source v2.2: door writing package for qb 4.
DVUNIT.ZIP 1,950 09/17/90 Turbo Pascal unit for making programs Desqview aw
EAGLFAST.ZIP 79,640 03/26/91 EafleSoft's fast replacement TPU for Turbo Pascal
ECOLS.ZIP 55,992 02/05/91 The secret QuickBasic EGA color numbers.
EXITPAS.ZIP 1,450 05/14/90 Unified scheme for handling multiple exit procs i
FAKECRT.ZIP 3,040 08/28/91 A replacement for the ReadKey in Turbo Pascal's C
FANCYCLS.ZIP 1,598 10/05/90 Screen wipe routines for QuickBasic
FINDAP.ZIP 10,245 08/10/91 Multiple Instance presentation with Visual Basic
GAPDR.ZIP 137,117 08/20/90 A qb(4.5) library that assists in creating doors
GETCPU.ZIP 2,164 08/30/90 QB Source/OBJ to check CPU type.
GFONTS30.ZIP 86,431 09/15/90 Graphic fonts for qb and basic 7.x prgrmrs.
GPHTXT.ZIP 8,449 02/17/90 GphTxt.Zip provides Turbo Pascal 5.X users a grap
GRAFWZ10.ZIP 40,450 08/21/90 Graphics wizard's library v1.0 for qb4.5: assorte
GRAFWZ11.ZIP 63,387 09/23/90 Graphic Wizard's library for BASIC v1.1
GRAFWZ15.ZIP 92,843 02/11/91 Graphics Wizard's library v1.5 for QuickBasic
GSDB21.ZIP 99,018 01/05/91 For creating/reading/writng to dBASE & compatible
ICONLOOK.ZIP 6,638 07/06/91 Visual Basic Programming example.
IMB9003.ZIP 4,827 03/01/90 Inside Microsoft Basic - Source
IMB9004.ZIP 6,391 04/01/90 Inside Microsoft Basic - Source
IMB9005.ZIP 7,542 05/01/90 Inside Microsoft Basic - Source
IMB9006.ZIP 7,337 05/16/90 Inside Microsoft Basic - Source
IMB9007.ZIP 4,625 06/28/90 Inside Microsoft Basic - Source
IMB9008.ZIP 14,255 08/01/90 Inside Microsoft Basic - Source
IMB9009.ZIP 1,116 09/04/90 Inside Microsoft Basic - Source
INTRFC61.ZIP 53,910 03/28/91 Turbo Pascal 6.0 TPU interface lister w/src
KRUSE_11.ZIP 125,249 12/01/90 Various Utilities for Turbo Pascal '90.
MAKHELP.ZIP 25,603 07/05/91 Creates online help for Turbo Pascal programs.
MAKQL103.ZIP 52,446 08/12/90 Scan qb program & create qlb which contains subro
MAXBUILD.ZIP 12,150 10/21/90 Bulletin generator for Maximus
MFEAT102.ZIP 3,863 08/07/90 Maximus 1.02 features
MICROT.ZIP 2,100 10/11/90 Pascal source code for high resolution delay timi
MOUSE.ZIP 18,293 08/06/91 A set of Turbo Pascal Units for mouse programmers
MPLIB.ZIP 17,224 04/20/90 Qbasic Midi driver
NONSTOP.ZIP 5,416 09/27/90 T Pascal code to trap Ctl-Alt-Del, Ctl-C, etc
NRPAS13.ZIP 303,505 05/02/91 Over 400 Turbo Pascal subroutines
OBJSTR.ZIP 2,549 03/06/91 TP 5.5/6.0 Object Oriented String Handling
OOTP_1.ZIP 52,868 03/08/90 Source code from Object Oriented Pascal
OOTP_2.ZIP 49,855 03/06/90 Source code from the book by Alex Lane
OOTP_3.ZIP 25,195 03/08/90 Source code from Object Oriented Pascal 2/4
OOTP_4.ZIP 21,798 04/16/90 Source code from Object Oriented Pascal 4/4
OPBONUS.ZIP 255,684 03/21/91 Bonus programs for object professional for Turbo
PALPLAY.ZIP 32,999 08/12/90 An easy visual way to change the colors of ega/vg
PARSERAD.ZIP 5,264 07/18/91 Turbo Pascal Parser demo. Source code available.
PASLEDIT.ZIP 15,939 04/19/91 Library of string handling routines and simple li
PBCLON10.ZIP 148,094 12/02/90 PBClone v1.0 QuickBasic & BASCOM library.
PBCLON15.ZIP 280,918 09/25/91 PBClone 1.5 lib for QuickBasic 4.5
PCAP.ZIP 6,544 02/28/91 Utility to capture Prodigy screens & store
PCF2QB4.ZIP 39,445 06/29/90 Generate QuickBasic 3/4 code to access PCFILE
PCL10.ZIP 20,815 05/30/91 Pascal Communications Library (PCL) v1.0:
PRLIST.ZIP 2,602 03/31/90 Quickbasic code to display a list string arrays.
PROFAM.ZIP 73,037 10/22/90 File manager for Maximus
PRQLB123.ZIP 66,425 03/07/91 Builds quick libraries for QB w/only external
Q4TOOL11.ZIP 65,560 06/01/90 The q4tool library (q4t) v1.1: qb 4.x
Q4TOOL12.ZIP 72,396 08/19/90 The q4tool library (q4t) v1.2: library routines f
QB4MIDI.ZIP 30,423 11/28/90 QuickBasic routines for midi programmers.
QB4WIN32.ZIP 49,406 09/23/90 Excellent library for qbasic & asm programmer
QBFORMT2.ZIP 46,428 02/08/91 QuickBasic source code formatter v2.0
QBWIZ10.ZIP 7,394 02/04/90 Access quickbasic interval variables.
QBXM10.ZIP 49,376 06/18/91 Use XMS or EMS in your QB programs CRCs and check
QB_XMOD.ZIP 1,802 07/16/91 QuickBASIC ASM source to calculate 16 bit
QDICE.ZIP 7,791 07/06/91 QuickDice die-rolling Function QuickLibrary
QSCAT300.ZIP 152,613 04/27/91 QuickShare Catalog for QuickBASIC programmers.
QWEZ36.ZIP 150,382 05/27/90 Windows r-e-z v3.60 for qb 4.x.
QWEZ40.ZIP 180,932 10/30/90 Windows R-E-Z v4.0 for QuickBasic 4+ (10-30)
RBOOTP55.ZIP 595 05/14/90 Tp 5.5 source to reboot computer.
REALFUNC.ZIP 36,028 11/07/90 QB 4.5 Functions for real& complex numbers.
Miscellaneous: Lantastic Utils
5STARDL.ZIP 15,355 04/14/92 Current list of Artisoft Five Star Dealers
ARTIS.ZIP 23,204 03/19/92 Windows 3.1 Driver for Artisoft Sounding Board
ASMOBJ.ZIP 7,697 01/04/92 Compiled binary files for linking w/KA9Q NOS
AUTOPI.ZIP 158,113 03/31/92 Menuing system for networks
BAYCE120.ZIP 142,700 02/04/91 Radio term pgm for PCs without TNC, 1/2
BAYCM120.ZIP 42,402 01/21/91 Radio term pgm for PCs without TNC, 2/2
BLTS.ZIP 48,581 06/21/90 All Artisoft Bulletins 3/11/91
BLTS592.ZIP 168,824 05/01/92 Artisoft Bulletins
BMEXE332.ZIP 30,899 07/08/90 Electronic mail program for KA9Q TCP/IP
BRIDGE.ZIP 10,695 03/25/92 Network Bridging information
CHARON34.ZIP 361,343 08/14/91 Novell to SMTP gateway for Pegasus Mail
CHAT207.ZIP 22,580 09/19/90 On-line chat pgm for two Novell LAN users
CISCAT.ZIP 3,766 03/17/92 Description of Artisoft Files on Compuserve
CMAIL25V.ZIP 196,031 11/21/91 Electronic mail agent pgm for use on any LAN
CNEZIP.ZIP 90,183 10/04/91 Novell Certified NetWare Engr. practice tests
COUNT.ZIP 6,033 02/13/92 Execute a specified command after X reboots
CRITTER.ZIP 11,988 05/13/90 Terminate and stay Resident critical error handle
CRON28.ZIP 49,881 03/08/92 Unix style utilities for networks
DIRASST.ZIP 222,412 03/23/92 Lantastic Menu Environment
DOSGT114.ZIP 189,913 01/02/92 Operate MSDOS remotely via RS-232 serial port
DRIVERS.ZIP 277,301 03/28/91 Clarkson packet drivers wo/src for KA9Q TCP/IP
DRIVERSS.ZIP 609,442 03/28/91 Clarkson packet drivers w/src for KA9Q TCP/IP
DVLANT.ZIP 2,785 04/02/92 Updated How to use DV on top of Lantastic Server
DVNOVELL.ZIP 4,620 01/03/90 Setting up DESQview for Novell and token ring
EMAIL.ZIP 53,916 01/25/92 Windows Email for netbios-requires vbrun.dll
EXPIRY.ZIP 53,197 05/16/90 Expire for use w/NNTP and KA9Q NOS TCP/IP
EZFAX.ZIP 4,684 02/03/92 Using EZFAX with Lantastic
EZMAIL2.ZIP 175,908 09/27/90 PC-based e-mail system for use w/Unix & PC-NFS
FAXPAK.ZIP 138,345 11/07/91 Use Intel Satisfaction on Lantastic
FIEW0630.ZIP 388,635 07/02/91 Electronic mail program for use w/KA9Q TCP/IP
FIX36.ZIP 2,267 01/02/92 Network fixer
GETOID.ZIP 9,307 08/15/90 Return Novell Netware object ID for users etc.
IDLEBOOT.ZIP 16,241 07/10/91 Remove idle work stations from network
IMMUNITY.ZIP 2,344 02/03/92 Using Immunity Disk Mirroring with Lantastic
INSFIX.ZIP 7,723 03/27/92 Network Utility similar to DOS APPEND
JOTIT2.ZIP 33,643 02/13/92 Updated Netbios compatible Phone Message taker
KA9QBGN.ZIP 190,367 05/14/91 Beginner's guide for KA9Q TCP/IP (NOS version)
LAN302UP.ZIP 4,341 10/24/90 Lantastic - Update information - 3.0
LANAI41.ZIP 3,066 02/26/92 Lantastic AI /NOS 4.1 compatibility list
LANPRT.ZIP 47,361 03/15/92 Attach and detach network printers within Windows
LANTBLT1.ZIP 94,735 03/28/91 Lantastic technical notes, 1 of 2
LANTBLT2.ZIP 58,218 03/28/91 Lantastic technical notes, 2 of 2
LANTL124.ZIP 85,204 05/21/90 NETBIOS utility/TSR to send/receive messages
LK110.ZIP 37,544 06/18/92 Lock concurrent use of DOS and Windows apps
LMAIL125.EXE 55,204 03/11/92 Lantastic Mail in 6K swapping TSR
LMAIL130.EXE 58,944 04/02/92 Update to 6k TSR Mail system for Lantastic
LOGNUSE.ZIP 9,350 05/19/90 Log & Use devices with 1 command
LSALV100.ZIP 35,193 11/25/91 List all salvagable files on Netware 3.x drive
MAIL.ZIP 26,256 08/15/90 Simple mail for Netware with delay send option
MAIL15.ZIP 68,455 03/01/92 Lantastic/Procomm Wide Area Messaging
MAN_9106.ZIP 57,170 06/11/91 Documentation for NOS version of KA9Q TCP/IP
MBL514.ZIP 216,071 02/01/90 Hams: WA7MBL Packet Radio BBS, v5.14
MONITOR.ZIP 2,320 01/02/92 Network monitor program
MXSUB.ZIP 4,508 05/14/90 MSCDEX.EXE Replacement, workstations w/CD-ROM Dri
NAN24HYC.ZIP 42,636 10/31/90 Enhanced ANSI.SYS replacement for KA9Q TCP/IP
NBTEST.ZIP 18,613 04/03/92 Netbios Testing program
NETIO.ZIP 5,460 01/02/92 Network I/O
NETLOC11.ZIP 51,106 07/29/91 Novell Netware user limit, logging & password
NETTALK.ZIP 18,513 08/15/90 User talk/chat utility for Novell Netware
NET_0618.ZIP 181,181 06/18/91 KA9Q Executables?
NET_1218.ZIP 183,083 12/18/91 KA9Q TCP/IP, NOS 911218 version, executable
NEWANN.ZIP 2,418 03/06/92 New annoucements and bulletins from Artisoft
NEWNOS.ZIP 1,427 02/03/92 Additional compatible products for Lantastic
NEWSTUFF.ZIP 9,635 04/08/92 New Announcements incl TCP/IP Connectivity
NNTP4NOS.ZIP 25,131 05/15/90 NNTP for KA9Q TCP/IP (NOS vers). C source only
NOS_SLFP.ZIP 310,164 10/08/91 NOS vers. of KA9Q with Merit SLFP/PPP support
NOTICE15.ZIP 59,598 07/28/91 Noticeboard system for Novell Netware
OS2.ZIP 2,106 05/05/92 Lantastic with OS2 2.0
PATCH30.ZIP 13,869 07/05/90 REDIR 3.0 patch for old XT Hard Disk Controllers
PCB121.ZIP 77,976 01/23/92 Software based network bridge
PCBRI120.ZIP 71,452 02/27/91 Use PC as a cheap Ethernet-Ethernet Bridge
PCELM30.ZIP 65,176 11/05/91 Mail user agent for KA9Q NOS, UUPC or Waffle
PCFTP.ZIP 1,556 01/02/92 PC FTP program
PCIP_PKT.ZIP 390,714 01/08/90 CMU PCIP TCP/IP for use with Clarkson drivers
PCNEWS.ZIP 29,771 07/05/90 Read Usenet news on local or PC-NFS filesystem
PCPRL10.ZIP 191,880 12/04/91 Ethernet/TP/Linda parallel processing system
PCRTE220.ZIP 211,779 02/27/91 PC Network router
PCRTE222.ZIP 235,376 12/18/91 Make PC into TCP/IP router for about $450
PDCLK102.ZIP 31,327 04/13/91 Sets PC clock using UDP/IP timeserver via LAN
PKTGOLD.ZIP 183,853 12/18/90 Hams: Packet Radio utility for PK-232 TNC
PMAIL21C.ZIP 264,222 08/24/91 Pegasus Mail e-mail system for Novell Netware
PMP11.ZIP 75,643 08/13/91 Packet Radio term pgm for PCs without TNC. 1/2
PMPSRC11.ZIP 65,408 07/30/91 Packet Radio term pgm for PCs without TNC. 2/2
POPML210.ZIP 146,052 05/07/91 POPMail:TCP/IP email, use Clarkson pkt drivers
POPML230.ZIP 154,517 09/23/91 Pop mail
RELEASE3.ZIP 4,297 04/23/90 Lantastic, Release 3 announcement
RSWD1111.ZIP 65,997 11/18/90 Hams: ROSE X.25 packet radio switch for TNC2
SAM106.ZIP 9,958 05/29/90 S.A.M. Server Activity Monitor v1.06
SAY22.EXE 120,785 03/04/92 Updated sayings for login batch files
SETLIS13.ZIP 45,717 06/12/90 Quick search/scan/stats for NetBIOS networks
SLFP123.ZIP 30,477 12/05/90 SLFP driver for use w/KA9Q and Merit dial-up
SRCH17.EXE 42,674 02/29/92 Network Admin Utility
SRC_0618.ZIP 617,145 06/18/91 KQ9Q Source?
SRC_1218.ZIP 620,196 12/18/91 KA9Q TCP/IP, NOS 911218 version, source code
STRE24.ZIP 35,078 03/07/92 Updated Admin utility to scan network drives
STUB41.ZIP 7,117 02/25/92 Stub Low Level Driver for NOS 4.1
TCM3105.ZIP 8,241 04/10/91 Updated modem construction info for BAYCOM pgm
TCPTUT.ZIP 33,216 09/30/90 Tutorial on TCP/IP Internet network protocols
TECH3.ZIP 15,385 06/13/90 Technical ref manual for Lantastic v3.0 and up
TESTFILE.ZIP 14,224 08/15/90 Test files access in many modes. Good net tool
TR.ZIP 9,853 09/23/89 Run a command at a certain time
TRMP104B.ZIP 85,784 12/17/91 NNTP Usenet news reader. Uses Clarkson drivers
TRTOOL02.ZIP 28,337 06/21/90 See all connected adapters on a Token-Ring
TRUMP103.ZIP 80,164 11/19/91 Network utility
UNET11.ZIP 22,768 12/31/90 Network two PC's together using parallel ports
USERDEF.ZIP 15,765 07/11/91 Auto-configure Western Digital ethernet cards
VIEW1212.ZIP 380,306 12/12/91 Network utility
VOLINFO.ZIP 21,388 05/09/91 Shows free space on all available LAN volumes
WIN31.ZIP 4,797 05/05/92 Lantastic with Windows 3.1
WINNET02.ZIP 39,647 03/17/92 Windows based Net access for Lantastic
WYWO3B.ZIP 107,306 04/14/92 While you Were Out Lan Message taker
ZIP150.ZIP 20,416 08/13/91 115K bps PC-to-PC serial file transfers!
Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous
0829ANSI.ZIP 257,248 08/31/91 Some sample ANSI files.
0938.ZIP 175,876 03/23/90 Complete Chemical modeling system.
11CHAOS.ZIP 38,820 02/05/89 Chaos program
123PW.ZIP 12,460 03/22/91 File & Directory management for Lotus 1-2-3.
12LLCO.ZIP 93,230 04/20/91 kill netware connections from the command lin
1540DRIV.ZIP 1,157 03/01/90 Adaptec 1540 Drive Compatibility Listing
1PMID.ANS 40,318 08/24/91 ANSI of one past midnight.
2DMAPS.ZIP 34,720 02/13/91 Iterated 2D mapping functions( KAM torus,
2DTURING.ZIP 11,565 03/28/90 2D-Turing Machine
386RPT.ZIP 12,174 11/15/90 Frontend for 386MAX
3DFRACT.GIF 134,336 02/27/91 A 3d fractal. Real interesting
3DV.ZIP 54,380 03/21/91 convert point/line data into wireframe
3RDMAN.VOC 425,338 08/25/91 "The Third Man" theme. From the 1950 movie. Excel
4019BAT.ZIP 2,745 01/27/91 Toggle hp/ibm emulation on 4019-e with softwa
8514A.ZIP 7,903 01/31/91 Single Graphic Driver - WP 5.1
A2P.ZIP 5,598 11/12/90 TP util - convert an ASCII file got+ writlin
AARP.ZIP 10,140 05/12/91 AARP file password protection. (5-12-91)
ABASEK.ZIP 58,340 09/18/90 A-BASE WordPerfect 5.x Macro/Style/KBD system
ACD100.ZIP 22,075 08/07/91 This outstanding piece of SW beats NCD & LCD
ACM200_A.ZIP 624,990 04/17/91 Amiga C manual (complete) v2.0 1 of 2
ACM200_B.ZIP 587,742 04/15/91 Amiga C manual (complete) v2.0 2 of 2
ACTVP2.ZIP 74,855 08/20/91 Actview PCB 2.0 - Call Analyzer. Super fast Mult
ADD21.ZIP 8,376 11/11/90 ADD v2.1 for very lengthy columns of numbers.
ADFINFO.ZIP 6,414 11/07/90 ADF id util. Scans driver for desc
AI20.ZIP 33,480 09/22/90 AI Command Line Interface - logs last 20
AIRBAG.ZIP 16,745 07/16/90 info about the airbags in your cars
ALLY131A.ZIP 92,534 01/03/91 ALLY v1.31a AutoLisp analyzer workbench.
ALPS1.EXE 329,761 06/28/91 Industrial Engineer's Toolbox 1/3 (4-91)
ALPS2.EXE 351,005 06/28/91 Industrial Engineer's Toolbox 2/3 (4-91)
ALPS3.EXE 223,145 06/28/91 Industrial Engineer's Toolbox 3/3 (4-91)
ALT20.ZIP 592,927 12/30/90 Shareware ver*alt+*excellent task switcher
ALT212A.ZIP 271,693 06/01/91 ALT v2.12 Task Switcher and Utilities 1/2
ALT212B.ZIP 337,552 06/17/91 ALT v2.12 Task Switcher and Utilities 2/2
AMAC41A.ZIP 66,531 08/27/91 Tom Hogshead's macro collection v4.1.
AMIPRO_1.ZIP 1,346,095 01/23/91 Ami Professional 1.2 working model [1/2]
AMIPRO_2.ZIP 1,446,518 01/17/91 Ami Professional 1.2 working model [2/2]
AMSTAND.ZIP 25,783 01/17/91 American Standard sample 3D blocks
AN008A.ZIP 17,672 02/07/91 Bridging Techniques
ANAD205.ZIP 131,896 05/14/91 AnaDisk from Sydex. Adds EMS/XMS buffering
ANIMS_W1.ZIP 315,339 05/25/91 Hi-res PCX of some animals.
ANSI_REM.ZIP 7,948 04/06/91 Removes ANSI ESC sequences from text files.
APBLAS1.ZIP 174,502 07/05/91 Aplications Blaster Allows you to run 'doc' and '
AQ23.ZIP 111,481 05/06/91 menu-driven program for esitimating DTP jobs
ARG.ZIP 6,577 02/16/91 C++ class to handle command line arguments w/
ARRMO11A.ZIP 8,204 01/25/91 use a mouse in place of cursor keys
ASABN1.ZIP 37,150 05/21/91 3-D graphics add-in for As Easy As (5-21)
ASC202.ZIP 12,557 01/02/91 ASCII Key TSR to tell ASCII code for any key
ASMWIZ13.ZIP 79,618 01/29/91 Hanlin: Assembly WIZard's Library v1.3
ASQ120.ZIP 177,831 01/24/91 Memory evaluation & tutorial from qualitas
ASUBJECT.ZIP 33,464 11/05/90 Thought organizer by Subject. (11-5-90)
ASUBJV15.ZIP 79,620 07/25/91 999 Topic Subject Organizer Version 1.5
ATDISK.ZIP 4,752 02/24/91 Netware 2.15 - fix 2 MFM drive slowdown
ATFACT.ZIP 278,052 09/14/90 Lotus 123 @factory add in demo.
ATMFONT3.ZIP 202,590 04/29/91 Adobe Type Manager Soft Fonts.
ATM_OTWN.ZIP 35,017 04/13/91 ATM font oldtown.
AUGUSTA1.ZIP 46,457 01/13/90 Shareware ada compiler (subset).
AUTOKEY.ZIP 10,209 03/05/91 Take commands from a file & "FEED" a program.
AVS362.ZIP 72,539 10/20/90 AVScriptor v3.62 Outputs 2-column TV/AV
B10TOB16.ZIP 31,721 05/21/90 Base 10 to Base 16 conversion table
B10TOB8.ZIP 31,709 05/21/90 Base 10 to Base 8 conversion table
BAB200.ZIP 160,312 01/31/91 Babble! 2.0 makes serious text goofy
BABEL91A.ZIP 23,216 01/01/91 Dictionary of Computer jargon. (1-1-91)
BARTENDR.ZIP 176,072 03/08/90 Utility to print Bar Codes from other program
BAST111.ZIP 145,418 09/27/90 Modifies Btrieve files, structures, etc.
BAST115.ZIP 148,813 01/28/91 B ASSIST Version 1.15 Btrieve exploration
BATTLE.COM 1,024 11/10/90 Cheap music
BBS0191.ZIP 65,888 01/02/91 Thelist for jan'91. ibm-pc bbs's nationwide.
BC20P1.ZIP 11,294 03/08/91 Official patches for Borland TC++ v2.0 (3-91)
BEAVER12.ZIP 29,263 05/25/91 Hi-res Clipart of beavers.
BFONT513.ZIP 143,281 06/02/90 BitFont v5.3 create/design/edit/modify fonts
BIFUR.ZIP 29,343 03/12/91 A small program to study bifurcations with.
BIG10.ZIP 33,344 01/30/91 BIG v1.0 30K TSR Lotus 1-2-3 screen magnifier
BIGNOISE.ZIP 194,902 07/26/90 Cadenza demo midi sequencer - nice.
BINCLOCK.ZIP 29,087 11/09/90 Binary clock, for all you programmers.
BIRD.ZIP 255,171 08/02/90 Autodesk 3d of goofy bird walking
BITS.ZIP 31,868 01/01/91 Teach boolean bit math to novice, cga/mouse
BIXMAN1.ZIP 22,444 01/23/90 Bix manual - part 1 of 4.
BIXMAN2.ZIP 25,034 01/23/90 Bix manual - part 2 of 4.
BIXMAN3.ZIP 24,031 01/23/90 Bix manual - part 3 of 4.
BIXMAN4.ZIP 33,540 08/02/90 Bix manual - part 4 of 4.
BK_EXT.ZIP 1,806 03/18/91 Info. On files saved with BK! Extension
BLUELAGN.ZIP 26,844 01/18/92 An original song from compuserve, very good
BLX12.ZIP 19,392 05/04/91 Lorland Language Express Spring `91 source
BMAIL.ZIP 129,681 07/31/90 Easy to use conveniant personal e-mail
BOOK14.ZIP 3,678 09/07/90 Qedit macros to make & find bookmarks, v1.4
BOUNTY6.ZIP 12,317 04/18/90 Pirates are on the loose
BPM20.ZIP 42,775 06/12/90 Bpm v2.0: a tool for measuring the
BPT510.ZIP 24,735 02/26/91 Btrieve Patches (CIS Nova D/L)
BSTKEISA.ZIP 1,668 09/04/90 Bustek ScSI EISA controller config files.
BTCHROOM.ZIP 4,253 12/15/90 Corrects command.com problem w/mark/release -
BTM.ZIP 3,551 04/17/90 C Source code and explanation of the contour craw
BTX136.ZIP 91,579 02/06/91 BatEx v1.36 Batch file menuing package.
BUFFIT30.ZIP 11,455 04/18/91 TSR screen capture/backscroll v3.0 (4-91)
BWCH10.ZIP 113,603 09/15/91 Btr Watch v1.0: TSR Btreve debugger
CAPQNT.ZIP 103,145 10/15/90 CapQuant v9010 Quality assurance training
CAR121.EXE 188,416 05/09/91 Maintenance & operation log for any machine
CATLG2.ZIP 216,834 01/09/91 Electronic Catalog Construction Kit v2.0
CATSCA20.ZIP 140,877 11/05/90 Build/maintain catalogs & Tapcis/AutoSig D/L
CBCPP.ZIP 236,293 10/13/90 CBASE v1.0.1 Modified to compile with TC++
CBMACHLP.ZIP 43,574 06/24/90 On-line cbrief macro language help system
CC0711.ZIP 3,745 01/01/91 Text from PC-Magazine's Connectivity Clinic
CCASE10B.ZIP 232,429 04/03/91 ClipCase (4-3-91) 2 of 2
CD01MAY.ZIP 15,496 04/28/91 Carrier Detect Volume 1 May 1991
CD641.ZIP 112,239 01/08/91 CD Master v6.41 CD Collection cataloger
CDMASTER.ZIP 115,735 10/30/90 CDMaster v6.20 from Unicorn. CD cataloger.
CDSHARE3.ZIP 50,954 08/27/91 Updated Cdrom Sharing Software
CHE01009.ZIP 4,467 04/22/91 Chemical Engineering electronic newsletter
CHI2.ZIP 30,021 01/12/91 Calculate CHI Square statistic & probability
CHLABEL.ZIP 5,987 05/01/91 Change volume label within a C program w/src
CITYDB2.ZIP 23,698 09/01/90 Cities.dbf for geoclock, 1700 locations
CLICKWIN.ZIP 102,030 08/11/91 File utilitiy shell for program manager
CLK204A.ZIP 73,499 03/26/91 Digital Alarm clock v2.04a with Westminster
CMPDBFS2.ZIP 13,032 11/01/90 Compare structure of 2 .DBF's v2.0 Handles
CMS60D1.ZIP 301,761 06/20/91 CMS version 6.0 disk 1. ASP.
CMS60D2.ZIP 142,862 06/19/91 CMS version 6.0 disk 2. ASP.
CNVRT130.ZIP 8,729 01/18/91 Converts TI-99/4A & Geneve 9640 text to ASCII
COBOL701.ZIP 188,270 05/25/91 Robert Noweck's COBOL compiler v7.01 (5-91)
CODE530.ZIP 4,927 11/05/90 1990 National electrical code. (11-05-90)
COLORBLU.ZIP 9,445 04/29/91 Creates blue backgrounds with 1 of 7 f'ground
COMMODIT.ZIP 6,428 11/09/90 Lotus WK1 file to track commodity futures.
COMMSSN.ZIP 33,029 01/26/91 Commission Finder Plus for sales & marketing
COMP0591.ZIP 19,488 05/01/91 DRC's directory of computer companies. 5/91
COMP0790.ZIP 19,090 06/29/90 Dir of computer companies
COMP67.ZIP 40,581 12/18/90 Binary file COMPARE v6.7 - Better than DOS'
COMP9109.ZIP 111,242 10/01/91 Comp.compilers Sep 91 with cumulative index
COMPR105.ZIP 30,440 01/18/91 BBS file list comparison. Build 'want list'
COREWARS.ZIP 15,852 07/12/91 Write battle programs in assembly
CPPMOUSE.ZIP 5,084 12/01/90 Turbo C++ source to perform mouse functions.
CPROTOS.ZIP 12,108 02/19/91 Generate C prototypes from C source
CRD30.ZIP 284,843 03/22/91 Cemetary Research Database v3.0 (3-91)
CRILL.ZIP 45,630 09/01/91 PS type 1 font, typeface from Star Trek TNG.
CRITERR.ZIP 16,622 02/17/91 Critical Error Trap for C programning w/C
CSV2TAB.ZIP 4,067 03/16/91 Convert Comma delimited data to TAB separated
CT22A.ZIP 264,247 10/12/90 Source code & dox for C multitasking
CT22B.ZIP 79,126 10/12/90 Compiled .LIB files
CT22C.ZIP 127,475 05/17/91 New materials for Borland C++
CTERM2.SIT 23,552 01/01/91 Allow MAC to call IBM 3708 protocol converter
CUD219.ZIP 17,939 01/03/91 CUD 2.19 -- TELECOS VS. BBSS, ETC
CUSR260A.ZIP 151,604 07/05/91 Compuser V2.60 Cyclopedia For BBSers Info on Dist
CUTIT10.ZIP 35,812 05/10/91 Parse streamed data files to fixed lengths.
CV101.ZIP 15,367 04/06/91 Full screen display/search of PC's mem & BIOS
CXL52_1.ZIP 161,645 02/17/90 Minor update to an excellent c library - part
CXL52_2.ZIP 189,151 02/17/90 Minor update to an excellent c library, part
C_PROTO.ZIP 16,921 01/22/91 Reads K&R C source & produces function list
DAS240.ZIP 171,170 04/17/90 Decision Analysis System v2.40
DAY039.ZIP 162,016 10/23/90 DAY0 Bar Code v0.39 Prints bar-coded labels
DB2PRG.ZIP 3,857 03/16/91 Recreate .DBF files from FoxPro (3-16-91)
DBXFER.ZIP 103,880 04/23/91 Transfer files between .DBF format & ASCII
DD32T.ZIP 84,435 04/29/91 DiskDupe v3.2t diskette duplicator
DDELIB.ZIP 77,573 06/27/90 Dynamic data exchange
DDJ0191.ZIP 27,816 12/07/90 Dr. Dobbs' Journal source code for 1/91.
DDJ1090.ZIP 48,240 09/11/90 Dr dobb's jour'l #169 : oct '90 source code
DDJ1190.ZIP 75,900 10/19/90 DR DOBB'S JOUR'L #170 : NOV '90 SOURCE CODE L
DDJ9105.ZIP 123,794 04/08/91 Dr. Dobbs' Journal source for 5/91.
DEER15.ZIP 58,539 05/25/91 Hi-res Clipart (PCX) of deers.
DELAY02.EXE 5,779 11/27/90 Get a y/n/a answer in batch file w/timer to g
DFDDRAW.ZIP 153,139 04/15/91 DataFlow Diagram systems Development
DFLAT2.ZIP 65,884 04/28/91 Source code for Dr. Dobbs' DFLAT windowing
DFLAT3.ZIP 75,955 05/20/91 DFLAT SAA/CUA C Window library with memo pad
DFRAME11.ZIP 113,498 11/13/90 Doorframe v1.1 doors development library
DHLINE.ZIP 504 12/07/90 * ALISP for selecting linetype and drawing
DI103.ZIP 43,613 01/20/91 Displays full screen of disk info
DI105.ZIP 43,430 02/09/91 Display full screen of info about disk.
DIALM64.ZIP 178,849 02/04/91 DIALM v6.4 Telephone dialer with pop-up menus
DIALTSR.ZIP 5,784 09/13/90 TSR single number/string dialing utility.
DIRPRM11.ZIP 10,078 04/29/91 TSR to keep a sorted dir list instantly avail
DISABLE.ZIP 33,923 11/18/90 Text.How to get info.for disabled via computr
DISKETTE.ZIP 162,678 05/17/91 Diskette manager with search/print/delete.
DIV30.ZIP 16,855 04/11/91 Powerful text block & string finder v3.0
DIVPGM.ZIP 25,454 02/28/90 Divide Fortran source code into subroutine
DJGCC_1.ZIP 85,389 04/05/91 DJGCC Complete 386-specific C & C++ compiler,
DJGPP4LB.ZIP 385,017 07/21/91 DJ Delorie 386 port Gnu C, update v1.04 LIB
DJGPP4SC.ZIP 310,511 07/21/91 DJ Delorie 386 port Gnu C, update v1.04 src
DKBPRO.ZIP 98,337 05/03/91 DKB Ver. 2.11 Protected-Mode Ray-Tracing
DKBUTDOC.ZIP 65,101 05/09/91 Documentation for DKBUTIBM.ZIP (5-4-91)
DKBUTIBM.ZIP 577,321 05/16/91 DKB-11 ray tracer EXE utils. (5-15-91)
DL2000.ZIP 7,051 04/01/91 DL2000 LocalTalk Driver for Netware 386
DLBOOT11.ZIP 1,950 10/30/90 TSR to reset computer after specified delay.
DMC15.ZIP 26,642 10/17/90 Load/Unload Device drivers & TSR's any time
DOORE.ZIP 15,852 06/04/90 AutoLISP parametric - 12 styles doors
DOOROPEN.ZIP 35,384 09/22/90 Autolisp Parametric routine to create doors
DOSTRACE.ZIP 7,878 04/17/90 DOSTrace - Excellent "Trace" Program
DRAW.ZIP 7,186 12/27/90 Versions 2 and 3 of a text file five ways to colo
DRS11.ZIP 33,320 10/15/90 Document Review System (DRS) v11.0
DRVR501.ZIP 32,241 01/29/91 Logitech mouse driver v5.01 (1-29-91)
DRYPLT10.ZIP 6,036 03/30/90 Pen dry up? Replot pen using ACAD .PLT file
DS410.ZIP 167,687 03/01/91 Nat Martino's Directory Scanner v4.10a
DSCOPE11.ZIP 106,324 11/15/90 RS-232 Serial monitor/protocol analyzer
DS_096.ZIP 192,067 07/14/91 Dark*Storm 0.096, latest version
DTGA.ZIP 21,278 07/21/91 Excellent format conversion program.
DUATV2.ZIP 103,435 07/19/90 muat v2.0 pilot's flight planner. (7-90)
DUBLTK14.ZIP 85,937 12/20/90 Does HEX/ASCII string matching w or w/o case
DUBLTK15.ZIP 83,997 01/02/91 DoubleTalk v1.5 side-by-side FILE Compare
DUPCHK.ZIP 38,932 01/19/91 Check for file duplicates between CD ROM & HD
DVC15.ZIP 46,898 11/01/90 Dv commander v1.5 - command-line util. for de
DVCAST.ZIP 14,634 01/20/91 Manager for Netware broadcasts and DesqView
DVDAYS3.ZIP 4,812 04/23/91 DesqView specific date & prepetual calendar
DVORAK10.ZIP 6,874 03/02/91 Change QWERTY keyboard to DVORAK keyboard
DVTREE19.ZIP 70,926 10/15/90 DVTREE v1.9 DeqView file manager & shell.
E12.ZIP 43,198 10/13/90 E! Fast/tiny (~6k) text editor (10-12-90)
E2ISA.ZIP 465,225 01/29/91 IDE Patch for ELS 2 2.15 Netware
EBM.ZIP 45,487 08/26/91 Eeeek BITS! On-line magazine.
EDZ2FRAC.ZIP 386,422 09/17/91 Two great plasma fractals from FRACTINT.
EFILTER.ZIP 135,734 07/10/90 pspice filter design & display
ENVCAT12.ZIP 12,330 11/27/90 Allows concatination of environment strings
EPI.ZIP 86,667 02/14/91 EPI Tracker Module
EPROM.ZIP 2,848 09/18/91 How to reprogram the EPROM on Vanguard Rec.
ERUPTION.ZIP 719,831 07/25/91 VOC of Van Halens "Eruption". Complete!. Awesome.
ESLPDPRO.ZIP 190,654 02/21/91 Fast, full-featured PROLOG interpreter v2.30
EVOLVED.ZIP 38,833 01/26/91 Why evolution is a lie
EXP203.ZIP 59,795 02/02/90 4th of July fireworks program
EXPENSE.ZIP 103,780 10/24/90 Random Expense Generator Can be piped to file
EXT_V130.ZIP 53,029 05/22/90 Chips&technologies extender use *all* ram und
FA91.ZIP 202,907 11/29/90 US Naval Observatory's Floppy Almanac for '91
FAC132.ZIP 64,534 11/03/90 Find Area Code, US/International - can update
FANSI2.ZIP 23,314 07/04/91 FANSIPANTS Volume #2 Released July 4th
FASTM3E1.ZIP 194,088 01/16/91 Fast Menu (3) [1/3]
FASTM3E2.ZIP 180,139 01/16/91 Fast Menu (3) [2/3]
FASTM3S3.ZIP 23,005 01/22/91 Fastmenu plus v3.0-uk d3 united kingdom vers
FASTM51A.ZIP 234,944 04/19/91 Complete graphics user interface system v5.1
FASTM51B.ZIP 216,980 04/19/91 complete graphics user interface system v5.1
FASTS100.ZIP 67,383 12/24/90 FAST v1.0 Autoexec/Config management system.
FDHM210.ZIP 139,090 09/17/91 Fd-History Manager (International Version)
FEBSHAKE.ZIP 11,131 03/09/90 earthquake overlay for geoclock feb 90
FEEDBACK.ZIP 142,634 04/20/91 Peanut Software free Fractal program
FG14.ZIP 218,655 09/08/90 Fractal Grafics. New design software.
FHA.ZIP 162,451 11/11/90 Technical stock & futures trading system
FINDQUIK.ZIP 19,871 11/12/90 Find-It Quick file finder. (11-12-90)
FIRE_105.ZIP 93,308 07/24/91 Firefighter V105 For Volunteer Fire Depts
FITT90.ZIP 149,020 02/09/91 Lotus .WK1 Templates for all 1990 Tax return
FIXPATH.ZIP 8,814 11/22/90 Checks your path removing inacessable directo
FKSET01.ZIP 14,580 04/28/91 Set 40 function keys using PC Magazine's ANSI.COM
FLC2.ZIP 38,986 12/07/90 FlexList II for ANSI-C: Search/sort/implode/
FLIP_HSE.ZIP 195,421 12/06/90 Flip house - tracker module.
FLMONEY.ZIP 230,688 07/11/91 VOC of intro to money.
LC105.ZIP 239,169 01/20/92 Lcom v1.05, a nice new com program
MNEWS39.EXE 147,902 04/25/92 ModemNews - Online Magazine devoted to Modems
NCOMM20.ZIP 82,871 03/09/92 A small but easy to use communications package
PRISM.ZIP 128,266 01/28/92 A VGA pallette editor.
USBBS95.ZIP 72,855 04/01/92 Darwin's National BBS Listing 4/92
Miscellaneous: OS/2
800OS2.ZIP 184,312 02/18/90 OS/2 800x600 drivers for paradise vga cards.
ANIMATE4.ZIP 13,711 05/09/90 OS/2 pm extensible desktop animator.
ATIOS213.ZIP 232,823 04/13/92 ATI OS/2 1.3 Drivers (VGA Wonder series and Integ
BEXEP240.ZIP 266,416 11/18/90 Binkley Term for OS/2
BOOTDISK.ZIP 2,032 05/14/92 This file will help yo create a OS/2 2.0 boot dis
BSEDEVH.ZIP 4,030 06/15/89 OS/2 BSE.H Update
BSRCP240.ZIP 100,945 09/01/90 Binkley Term Object Files for OS/2
CHRON23.ZIP 48,717 10/11/90 CHRON v2.3 event scheduler for OS/2.
COM177.ZIP 20,240 02/18/92 Latest COMM Drivers for OS/2 2.0 LA 6.177
COMBO.ZIP 15,931 01/28/90 OS/2 combo box sample and dll funcs for PM.
CP.ZIP 22,854 11/23/90 A DOS/OS2 implementation of Unix CP command.
DATEDIR.ZIP 9,221 01/21/90 OS/2 DIR LIST
DENTIST.ZIP 25,795 05/10/90 OS/2 resource extractor v1.1: advanced
DESKPIC.ZIP 17,785 05/22/90 For OS/2 pm. like animate but adds animated scree
DIROS2.ZIP 4,821 02/10/90 OS/2 master file dir list.
DUALBT1.ZIP 8,631 01/10/90 OS/2 dual boot
DWNSRT47.ZIP 108,731 12/01/90 OS/2 BBS allfiles list maker. (DOS also)
ESI.ZIP 3,223 02/26/90 Hayes enhanced serial port - supports OS/2
EXETWEAK.ZIP 10,395 02/05/90 OS/2 modify exe for fs/pm/win
FL10A.ZIP 23,167 01/24/90 OS/2 file manager
FMAIL030.ZIP 18,846 04/22/91 Qmail for OS/2
GIFDESK.ZIP 11,762 02/10/90 OS/2 view multiple gifs on screen at the same tim
GOPM.ZIP 9,958 01/31/90 OS/2 dir attach
HEADOS2.ZIP 177,446 08/24/91 XBBS Offline Point/Sysop MSg Reader of OS/2
HOS20001.ZIP 13,734 03/26/90 Second os/2 hack attack .asm source w/ switches f
ICONPLUS.ZIP 22,474 03/18/90 OS/2 icons
ICONSOS2.ZIP 266,567 01/31/91 OS/2 icons. a whole bunch of good ones!
IGUIDE.ZIP 71,556 04/30/92 A 'book' outlining lots of OS/2 2.0 related info
IMPLIST.ZIP 41,261 07/28/91 OS/2 dll tool
KEYMATIC.ZIP 11,498 07/14/89 Speedup keyboard for os/2.
LOG230.ZIP 104,084 01/11/90 OS/2 logicomm communications
MAGNUM3.ZIP 11,365 11/06/90 OS/2 bbs program news & features info
MAXP1022.ZIP 181,260 08/18/90 Maximus for OS/2 bug fix.
MAXP_102.ZIP 373,894 08/07/90 Maximus 1.02 executables for OS/2
MAXRP104.ZIP 16,314 08/08/90 Maximus message program for OS/2
MAXS_102.ZIP 579,807 08/11/90 OS/2 Maximus bbs 'c' source code
MEMSIZ.ZIP 50,138 02/17/92 Report on memory usage for OS/2
OMEGA.ZIP 5,246 05/31/90 OS/2 bbs, omega description & info
OS2EE12.ZIP 1,052 03/27/90 OS/2 upgrade form
OS2FREE.ZIP 2,772 01/04/90 OS/2 pm memory available
OS2FRTN.ZIP 52,481 01/18/90 OS/2 random quotes
OS2GUIDE.ZIP 6,177 04/21/92 Guide to OS/2 2.0 install for DOS users
OS2LNC.ZIP 8,771 01/23/91 OS/2 utility sets ANSI colors and line nums
OS2MOUSE.ZIP 1,696 10/04/90 OS/2 logitech mouse install
OS2SDIR.ZIP 8,288 01/31/90 OS/2 dir listing
OS2SETNG.ZIP 3,976 03/30/92 OS/2 2.0 settings, a text files
OS2TIPS.ZIP 4,714 04/08/92 More OS/2 2.0 tips
OS2TNT.ZIP 4,709 04/03/92 OS/2 tuning tips
OS2UE310.ZIP 100,266 01/09/90 OS/2 emacs update
OS2WORLD.ZIP 10,487 02/16/92 OS/2 BBS'S around the world
OS2YOU20.ZIP 126,049 05/05/91 OS@YOU v2.0 Communications for OS/2
OS2ZIPV.ZIP 8,365 03/14/90 OS/2 pm file system associate zip viewer.
OS2_SE13.ZIP 5,172 02/03/91 Description of OS/2 1.3 Features
OSCLIP11.ZIP 48,498 02/01/90 OS/2 screen capture to clip board program.
OV_OS2.ZIP 96,601 02/05/90 OS/2 file system shell
PKZ102_2.EXE 258,080 10/01/89 PKZIP/PKUNZIP for OS/2
PMASTRD.ZIP 16,270 06/25/90 OS/2 pm game of asteroids.
PMCOMM.ZIP 192,992 12/07/90 OS/2 Comm Program. version 1.7
PMDEBUG.ZIP 44,428 03/05/90 OS/2 pm message queue capture
PMDSKC.ZIP 11,646 04/18/90 OS/2 a.2 replacement disk copy pm
PMHPENV.ZIP 25,373 09/22/90 OS/2 Pres. Mgr. envelope printing utility HPL
PMMANDEL.ZIP 29,679 08/23/90 A fractical program that generates a multithreade
PMQUOTE.ZIP 71,055 08/24/90 OS/2 PM Quotation generator
PMTEST.ZIP 47,563 03/03/90 OS/2 record all mouse and keyboard input
PMV.ZIP 12,277 02/02/90 OS/2 pm view, a file browsing utility
PMVIEW3.ZIP 57,337 09/10/90 OS/2 PM file viewer - improved version
POINTKT3.ZIP 33,199 08/28/90 Set up a FIDO point under OS/2, this kit
PRFRM3.ZIP 73,119 01/29/91 Measure performance of your workstation OS/2
REBOOT2.ZIP 10,057 03/05/90 OS/2 reboot driver single databases for Turbo Pas
REVIEW20.ZIP 3,560 04/25/92 Review of OS/2 2.0
STACKER.ZIP 1,412 04/10/92 Stacker for OS/2 2.0 annoucement
SVGA.ZIP 5,541 04/28/92 Collection of information about OS/2 and SVGA vid
TOOLS50.ZIP 327,049 10/22/91 Collection of utilities for OS/2
Miscellaneous: Printer Utils
1124RS20.ZIP 98,544 01/24/90 Panasonic KX-P1124/Epson LQ-2500 printer setup
3812PRN.ZIP 17,216 08/15/90 IBM 3812 Pageprinter driver
BARCODE5.ZIP 16,445 03/24/91 Prints multi-format bar-codes for dot matrix
CAL2TEK.ZIP 6,762 01/02/92 CAL2TEK
CASSLBL2.ZIP 40,651 03/18/90 Make audio cassette labels on IBM mode printer
CRAM_V21.ZIP 19,433 12/31/90 CRAM v2.1, Place 6 pages of text on 1 sheet
DMP205.ZIP 56,016 02/10/91 Resident print spooler, spools to disk, memory
DOCPRN.ZIP 76,473 01/26/91 Format and print text files for EPSON printer
DOCSM330.ZIP 79,120 03/21/90 Print 4 pages of text on one page. Epson comp.
DUMP0891.ZIP 15,809 08/06/91 Dump graphic screens to LaserJet/Epson printer
ENVMKR33.ZIP 61,593 06/20/91 Envelope maker for Dot Matrix/Diablo printer
EZLBLR10.ZIP 41,478 04/18/90 Generate all types of labels quickly
EZTYPE32.ZIP 25,597 04/08/90 Print formatter: paginates/headers/margins
GRAB57.ZIP 350,853 11/02/90 TSR grabs address from letter, prints envelope
IMP400A.ZIP 200,200 10/31/90 Letter Quality from a dot matrix printer, 1/2
IMP400B.ZIP 201,963 10/31/90 Letter Quality from a dot matrix printer, 2/2
LIST.ZIP 5,573 01/02/92 File lister to printer
LM51.ZIP 339,786 12/11/91 LabelMaster v5.1, printer label maker w/dialer
LQ235.ZIP 231,638 09/28/90 Enhances 9-pin printers; lots of fonts, NLQ.
MPAGE113.ZIP 24,081 08/19/91 Print multiple pages per sheet on PS printer
NOBS.ZIP 2,064 01/02/92 No back space
ONSIDE13.ZIP 112,252 02/17/90 Sideways printing for PC-compatible printers
PAGE.ZIP 822 01/02/92 Page feed
PCLCM128.ZIP 33,990 05/30/91 Compresses HP-PCL raster data. With C source
PCPR130.ZIP 12,632 07/12/90 Text formatter: multiple files to printer/disk
PGRAF110.ZIP 162,433 06/21/91 C language Printer Graphics Interface, v1.10
PPRINT55.ZIP 110,861 11/22/91 Patriquin's advanced printer utility, v5.5
PRIND25.ZIP 17,009 04/16/90 Redirect printer to file/screen/printer on cmd
PRINDIR8.ZIP 32,147 11/07/91 COM/LPT port redir. to any other port or file
PRINTFIX.ZIP 16,134 07/24/90 Corrects problems in program printer output
PRINTSC.ZIP 4,031 02/01/90 EGA/VGA graphics printscreen to Epson or HPLJ
PRNTSCRN.ZIP 10,143 05/01/90 Printscreen utility
RPTP13.ZIP 9,621 06/11/91 Ron's Print To Printer - Text file formatter
SCRNDUMP.ZIP 2,463 01/02/92 Screen dumper
SETPTR22.ZIP 25,011 01/14/90 Ptr ctrl pgms for Epson,Oki,Citizen,HPLJ2, etc
SHOWPCL.ZIP 20,414 02/18/90 Hewlett Packard PCL file disassembler
SIDEWAYS.ZIP 1,856 01/02/92 Sideways print program
SMPSQZPR.ZIP 31,623 06/26/90 Squeeze Print for Epson dot-matrix printers
SPOOLER.ZIP 5,910 06/15/90 Dynamic print spooler uses EEMS (LIM 3.2/4.x)
SQC250.ZIP 16,802 12/08/91 Powerful command-line printer control utility
TSPRN15.ZIP 94,372 07/11/90 Printing txt files, w/Diconix & Zenith laptop
TWOSIDE.ZIP 27,270 07/22/91 Utility for printing on both sides of the page
VEDEMO.ZIP 128,075 11/13/90 Printer utility
XONXOFF3.ZIP 2,340 07/09/90 XON/XOFF interrupt-driven serial printer drvr
YACPU.ZIP 11,142 09/03/91 Prints planning calendar on a HP LaserJet III
Miscellaneous: Programming
3D.ZIP 7,590 01/14/87 Performs 360 degree rotation of each of 5 objects
ALCTABLE.ZIP 16,447 03/01/87 Memory allocation mapper w/source
AMOUSE55.ZIP 8,192 02/17/88 TurboPas5.5 Microsoft mouse unit (source only)
ANSICRT.ZIP 12,602 05/28/88 Use ANSI calls for screen instead of BIOS
ANSIVIEW.ZIP 11,130 01/30/91 CRT drop-in replacement in TVision Environment
ASYINL00.ZIP 7,575 05/28/86 9600 baud support for Turbo in assembler
ASYNC4.ZIP 15,546 11/14/87 Interrupt driven serial line terminal routines
ASYTURBO.ZIP 7,190 05/28/86 1200-2400 baud com1&com2 Turbo Pascal support
ATKYBD.ZIP 2,007 06/04/88 Set AT keyboard delay and typematic
AVDOOR11.ZIP 49,412 12/10/91 Andrew Pam's door writing toolkit for TP55/60
BGSND.PAS 9,984 06/26/91 Play background music in your TP pgms.
BLIST.ZIP 13,170 02/23/85 Turbo program lister and begin/end count
BLOAD.ZIP 881 02/22/87 Load BASIC BLOAD screen files
BONUS507.ZIP 150,122 07/10/89 Misc. TP 4/5 utilities/pgms from TurboPower
BTREE4.ZIP 15,799 01/17/88 Turbo Pascal v4.0 DataBase ToolBox routines
CHARGER.ZIP 6,196 06/18/86 T/P Screen display routine
COLORS.ZIP 6,299 01/04/87 Change text colors in DOS and programs
COMM_TP5.ZIP 33,695 11/15/89 Serial port unit for Turbo Pascal 4/5.x
COMPTURB.ZIP 65,278 02/17/86 Turbo Pascal routines. Some useful.
COMSET.ZIP 2,207 06/10/88 TurboPas routines to enable/access COM1/COM2
CONCR4.ZIP 19,334 06/28/88 Shows concurrent processing in Turbo Pascal 4
CONVERTB.ZIP 13,700 08/10/87 Turbo Pascal, convert CP/M data to DOS
CONV_P18.ZIP 49,452 11/21/89 Pascal reserved word case conversion util v1.8
COPYPROT.ZIP 1,282 12/19/86 Turbo Pascal Copy-protection utilities
CPPTUT1.ZIP 116,223 07/05/91 C++ language tutor , disk 1 of 2
CPPTUT2.ZIP 105,599 07/05/91 C++ language tutor disk 2 of 2
CRCASM.ZIP 14,554 10/30/89 ASM CRC calculation code w/TurboPas interfaces
CRFONTS.ZIP 7,341 02/23/85 Character font creation and editing for
CROSSREF.ZIP 13,570 01/04/80 T/P formatter and text cross reference
CRSR42.ZIP 5,877 10/01/88 Lemay's cursor routines for TP4 (req QWIK42)
CRULES.ZIP 3,670 02/23/87 C programming rules
CTOPAS.ZIP 7,034 01/01/80 "C" to PASCAL conversion utility
CTUT1OF2.ZIP 115,897 01/02/90 C language tutor disk 1 of 2
CTUT2OF2.ZIP 95,686 01/02/90 C language tutor 2 of 2
DATEIT3A.ZIP 33,784 07/22/88 Turbo Pascal time/date routines
DATETIME.ZIP 8,095 08/23/88 TP 4.0 MSDOS vs TP date/time calls
DEFINE.ZIP 4,251 09/13/83 Lets you define graphics characters for later use
DIRSEL4.ZIP 9,515 11/08/87 Directory routines for Turbo Pascal 4.0
DIXIE.ZIP 1,025 06/08/86 Plays and displays Dixie in Turbo Pascal
DUMP.ZIP 5,183 07/23/87 File dump utility
EPB13.ZIP 12,484 07/13/90 Turbo Pascal source
EPB15.ZIP 15,035 09/07/91 Ed's Pascal Beautifier, w/Turbo Pascal source
ERRTRACE.ZIP 7,329 10/06/88 TurboPas4 unit to display error traceback info
ESIE.ZIP 124,636 10/28/86 Expert system interface
EVENT.ZIP 6,238 09/05/86 make PASCAL progs that react to events
EXEUTIL.ZIP 8,576 11/17/87 EXE Utils from Turbo Power for TPascal v4.0
EXTEND32.ZIP 15,090 10/05/89 Open more than 20 files at once in TurboPascal
EXTEND5.ZIP 12,815 11/19/90 Allows more than 20 files open at once in TP6
FIXMOUSE.ZIP 2,030 05/09/91 TSR fixes bug in TurboPascal 6.0 mouse handing
FSSERIAL.ZIP 13,946 01/29/91 Serial object for TVision (needs a FOSSIL dvr)
FULLDB13.ZIP 14,410 10/15/91 Adds .OBJ line nr. debug info to TP .TPU file
GENOVR.ZIP 2,495 08/18/91 General overlay support unit for Turbo Pascal
GETDIR.ZIP 1,470 11/21/84 Get 8-sector, DSDD Disk directory - not
HEXCALC.ZIP 1,930 11/19/84 Hexadecimal calculations for T PASCAL
HOTM60.ZIP 5,798 03/19/91 Reassign the TP 6.0 IDE hot keys, w/TP 6.0 src
INDX18EU.ZIP 20,829 03/20/91 Indexed files UNIT (export version) for TP 4-6
INKEY.ZIP 729 04/11/86 basic's INKEY function for PASCAL
INLIN219.ZIP 36,071 04/26/88 Assembler/disassembler for TP4 inline code
INTRFC62.ZIP 56,398 06/14/91 Turbo Pascal 6.0 TPU file dumper, with source
INVOKE.ZIP 5,587 11/08/86 Dynamic memory allocation inside T/P
KTOOLS30.ZIP 39,692 01/19/88 Turbo Pascal source
LCOMMTP.ZIP 41,104 01/24/88 Turbo Pascal Communications Tool Box
LISTER50.ZIP 50,607 12/15/87 Xref/lister/indexer for TP 4.0
LISTSORT.ZIP 14,031 08/11/85 PASCAL large file sorter with source
LNEDIT.ZIP 2,310 04/11/86 edit lines in pascal
LOCKLOG2.ZIP 10,072 12/29/88 Security Program (w/Turbo Pascal v4(5) c
LTC55.ZIP 90,369 09/18/89 LiteComm Communications Toolkit for TP 5.5
LTCOMM50.ZIP 90,416 05/20/89 LiteComm communications library for TP 5.0
MACVIEW.ZIP 3,739 07/01/86 PASCAL source for MACVIEW for IBM
MAKEWIND.ZIP 5,393 06/05/87 Like 123 menus. (needs menus.arc)
METAWIND.ZIP 148,538 08/13/89 Meta Window functions demo for Turbo Pascal
MISCPAS.ZIP 99,892 01/02/92 Miscellaneous pascal files
MKERR101.ZIP 12,219 08/04/91 MkErr: Error device for Turbo Pascal 6.0
MNDLBROT.ZIP 18,344 07/05/88 Produce MandelBrot graphics [TurboPas]
MODEM.ZIP 6,488 02/05/85 Telcommunications program in PASCAL
MOUSEFIX.ZIP 8,504 04/29/91 Disappearing mouse cursor fix for TurboPas 6.0
MOUSLIB5.ZIP 10,221 06/12/91 Mouse support unit for Turbo-Pascal v6.0
MOUSTOOL.ZIP 99,133 05/10/89 Add a mouse to Turbo Pascal 5.0
NEWFONTS.ZIP 138,252 12/03/86 Turbo Pascal Graphics font designer
NKTOOLS.ZIP 50,076 02/25/91 Source to some useful TurboPas 4/5/5.5/6 Units
OAS50DOC.ZIP 146,067 12/05/89 TP4/5/5.5 Source Applications Generator, 1of3
OAS50PRO.ZIP 184,959 12/05/89 TP4/5/5.5 Source Applications Generator, 2of3
OAS50S45.ZIP 56,712 01/24/89 TP4/5/5.5 Source Applications Generator, 3of3
OKI390.ZIP 28,964 09/15/88 Okidata printer setup program
OPROSM.ZIP 53,088 01/05/90 TurboPower Object Professional function list
PARAMS.ZIP 548 12/01/84 Demonstrates getting command line parameter
PARSE10.ZIP 5,871 06/14/91 Expression parser for Turbo Pascal
PASCAL.ZIP 35,134 01/07/83 A Teaching library of PASCAL programs
PASED11.ZIP 117,039 10/25/89 Multi-window programmer's editor for TurboPas
PASLIB.ZIP 14,805 05/22/86 T.Pascal Source Library Routines
PASMSG.ZIP 3,636 11/11/90 Allows TPC(v6) or TPCX to run under TC++ IDE
PASTUT24.ZIP 206,779 12/01/89 Coronado Enterprises Turbo Pascal tutor, v2.40
PAS_SCI.ZIP 63,731 09/27/85 Turbo Pascal scientific subroutines/progs
PCKSELFM.ZIP 2,202 01/19/91 TP source: Allow autoconfig prgs to be LZEXEd
PIBCALC.ZIP 35,986 01/13/86 Turbo Pascal calculator for programmers
PIBMENU.ZIP 17,029 01/16/86 Turbo menu generator
PIBPICT.ZIP 7,671 01/16/86 Print using type of formmater for Turbo Pascal
PLOT.ZIP 2,793 01/14/88 TPascal 4.0 ploting program
POSBM.ZIP 6,723 06/14/89 Fast Turbo Pascal POS() replacement
PP319SOR.ZIP 91,792 01/05/87 Universal ISO std Pascal Compiler - source
PP50.ZIP 16,688 11/28/89 Pascal pretty printer/reformatter, w/TP5.0 src
PPP.ZIP 9,749 03/29/91 Pascal pretty printer (c't Mag), req. TP5.0
PROCPARM.ZIP 5,666 05/09/86 Pass procedures as parameters
PSCREEN.ZIP 15,037 11/01/89 Pascal screen writing routines, performance ck
PTOOL1.ZIP 14,169 01/01/85 Combination of PTOOLDAT, PTOOLENT, PTOOL
PTOOLDAT.ZIP 11,683 02/23/85 Pascal tools for DATe manipulation
PTOOLENT.ZIP 16,902 02/23/85 Pascal tools for record oriented data entry
PTOOLSCR.ZIP 4,921 09/16/85 Turbo Pascal Library - Screen handling Routines
PTOOLTIM.ZIP 4,553 09/16/85 Turbo Pascal Library - Time/Date Routines
PTOOLWIN.ZIP 8,045 02/23/85 Pascal tools for WINdow management
PULL15.ZIP 42,072 08/31/87 Pulldown screens/menus
PULL20.ZIP 64,973 01/12/88 Pulldown menus for TP4, uses QWIK40, WNDW40
PULL55.ZIP 149,825 09/18/89 Pulldown menus for TP5.5, uses QWIK55, WNDW55
PULL5X.ZIP 146,625 01/11/89 Pulldown menus for TP5, uses QWIK5X, WNDW5X
PULLDOWN.ZIP 5,126 02/21/86 Pulldown menus for Pascal
PULTP4.ZIP 19,995 11/22/87 Pull-down menues for Turbo Pascal 4.0
PX141.ZIP 18,140 05/25/91 (T)Pascal variable/procedure cross referencer
QUIK21.ZIP 33,372 12/10/86 Very fast screen writes for T-Pascal
QWIK30.ZIP 43,363 08/31/87 FAST Turbo Pascal screen writing & more
QWIK41A.ZIP 41,579 05/02/88 Quick screen utilities v4.1a for TPas4 (w/src)
QWIK42.ZIP 66,441 10/01/88 Quick screen utilities v4.2 for TPas4 (w/src)
QWIK42B.ZIP 67,075 10/15/88 Lemay's fast screen write routines for TP4
QWIK55.ZIP 73,175 08/29/89 Quick screen utilities v5.5 for TP5.5 (w/src)
QWIK5X.ZIP 71,795 12/20/88 Quick screen utilities v5.X for TPas5 (w/src)
RDIBMKBD.ZIP 972 02/03/85 Procedure to read IBM keyboard-- all key
SCNDSIGN.ZIP 39,722 02/15/86 T/P screen design utility
SEARCH.ZIP 5,800 10/27/87 Ultra-fast string search in TurboPas 4.0
SETCURSR.ZIP 816 03/08/85 Set cursor size for monchrome mnitor T/P
SFM.ZIP 53,183 11/15/87 Turbo Pascal source
SFMSRC.ZIP 65,871 11/15/87 Turbo Pascal source
SLLIST.ZIP 6,317 03/10/89 Singly linked list for Turbo Pascal
SORTKIT1.ZIP 12,049 09/16/91 Sort objects sources for Turbo Pascal 6
SPOC88.ZIP 55,696 07/13/88 Borland's Turbo Technix Sept/Oct 1988 all pgms
SPRITES.ZIP 43,010 04/28/91 Turbo Pascal Sprite designer & editor
STAY42.ZIP 71,205 11/08/86 How to write a TSR program in Turbo Pascal
STORAGE.ZIP 11,212 02/09/91 Storage method object for compressed text (TP)
STRG57.ZIP 48,298 01/23/91 Lemay's fast string unit for TP5.5
STRG61A.ZIP 48,384 01/23/91 Lemay's fast string unit for TP6.0
SURPAS1.ZIP 122,785 10/20/87 Program development system for Pascal
SYS60A.ZIP 39,815 03/26/91 Lemay's fast system unit replacement for TP6.0
SYST55C.ZIP 36,454 11/13/90 Lemay's fast system unit replacement for TP5.5
T301AS.ZIP 11,143 01/04/89 Asynch comm routes for Turbo Pascal
TASKER4.ZIP 4,136 01/08/88 Turbo Pascal non-premptive multitasking module
TAVID12.ZIP 39,137 12/22/88 Fast screen writes for Turbo Pascal
TCXL55.EXE 275,162 06/13/91 TCXL v 5.51 Latest 'C' Library
TCXLF1.EXE 4,096 06/13/91 TCXL 5.51 fix file
TCXL_LIB.EXE 254,428 06/13/91 TCXL Libraries for MSC 5&6, Turbo C & others
TDEBUG.ZIP 28,077 09/25/86 Turbo Pascal Online Debugger
TECHV501.ZIP 130,762 04/01/89 Technojocks Turbo Pascal Toolkit
TEGL6A.ZIP 269,585 08/19/91 TEGL Windows Toolkit II Rel. 2.0 for TP, 1of2
TEGL6B.ZIP 150,197 08/19/91 TEGL Windows Toolkit II Rel. 2.0 for TP, 2of2
THELP.ZIP 8,166 05/28/86 Ram-Resident Turbo Pascal reference guide
TIMEDATE.ZIP 4,449 12/05/90 Checks system date when run
TJOOP11.ZIP 11,680 05/20/91 Stack, Queue & double list OBJECTS for TPascal
TJTOT10A.ZIP 241,817 02/11/91 Turbo Techno Jocks (1 of 2)
TJTOT10B.ZIP 288,573 02/11/91 Turbo Techno Jocks (2 of 2)
TLIST23.ZIP 21,633 12/20/87 Turbo-Pascal Source Code lister w/source
TOADLN5.ZIP 19,303 08/24/88 255-char READLN with editing, for Turbo Pascal
TOADLONG.ZIP 44,175 05/24/88 Long integers for Turbo Pascal 3.0
TOTDEMO.ZIP 113,367 02/11/91 TechnoJock's Object Toolkit demos (TP5.5+),1/4
TOTDOC.ZIP 222,544 02/11/91 TechnoJock's Object Toolkit documentation, 2/4
TOTNG.ZIP 20,060 02/11/91 TechnoJock's Object Toolkit, Norton Guide, 3/4
TOTSRC.ZIP 139,928 02/11/91 TechnoJock's Object Toolkit srces (TP5.5+),4/4
TP4.ZIP 8,194 12/08/87 TP4 example of new compiler from Borland
TP4MENU1.ZIP 69,363 12/15/88 Turbo Pascal 4.0 window interface v1.0
TP4TUT2A.ZIP 97,450 01/15/88 Pascal Tutorial by Coronado Enterprises 1 of 2
TP4TUT2B.ZIP 76,300 01/15/88 Pascal Tutorial by Coronado Enterprises 2 of 2
TP4_3D.ZIP 20,365 02/16/88 Do 3D graphics using Turbo Pascal 4.0
TP5MENU1.ZIP 74,965 01/22/89 Program shell for TP 4.0/5.0 developers
TP5PATCH.ZIP 11,898 10/30/89 Borland's official patches for TPascal 5.0
TP6BUGS.ZIP 2,069 08/19/91 Bug report for TP6.
TP6BUGS4.ZIP 15,115 12/03/91 Unofficial Turbo Pascal 6.0 bug list
TP6MAP.ZIP 10,318 02/24/91 Map of 500 procedure entry points in TP6 IDE
TP6UTIL.ZIP 15,862 11/20/90 The utils dropped from TP6.0,TPCONFIG & others
TP6XMS.ZIP 9,799 03/04/91 Extended Memory Specification unit for TP 6.0
TPA22.ZIP 92,840 12/02/89 Integrated compile time assembler for TP55
TPASYNC.ZIP 32,853 11/01/86 Turbo Async routines
TPBEAUT.ZIP 15,716 08/15/90 Beautify Turbo Pascal 5.5 code for a printer
TPC14.ZIP 30,511 05/26/87 Converts Turbo Pascal source to C
TPCRUNCH.ZIP 60,352 04/14/87 Turbo PASCAL number crunching utilities
TPDB314.ZIP 68,803 01/31/91 TurboPas routines for dBase files processing
TPDBWKS.ZIP 7,966 07/20/89 TP units to acces DBaseIII and Lotus data files.
TPDEBUG.ZIP 31,119 02/25/86 Turbo PASCAL debugger
TPDOORS.ZIP 24,922 02/03/88 How to make doors for PCBoard
TPE31.ZIP 179,879 12/05/91 Free programmer's editor from Turbopower
TPENHKBD.ZIP 8,031 11/16/90 TP unit enabling extended keys for std/enh kbd
TPFAST30.ZIP 65,625 09/26/90 Fast ASM sources for Turbo Pascal functions
TPFORT12.ZIP 16,729 11/28/89 Call MS Fortran from Turbo Pascal 5.5
TPFORT17.ZIP 20,701 08/25/91 Link MS Fortran 5.0 routines to TP 6.0 pgms
TPFOSC.ZIP 9,776 12/11/90 Example Fossil Routines for Turbo Pascal
TPHELP.ZIP 25,781 02/10/88 Kim Kokkonen's Turbo Pascal 4.0 help facility
TPHERS01.ZIP 139,301 09/08/91 TPHersh: TurboPas Unit to handle Hershey fonts
TPHRT3.ZIP 60,707 07/23/90 High resolution timer toolbox for TP 5.0 & 5.5
TPIO22.ZIP 41,786 05/24/87 T Pascal user interface code from CL Mag 10/87
TPJOYSTK.ZIP 4,896 11/14/89 Turbo Pascal v4.x/5.x joystick TPU source
TPKBD10.ZIP 21,141 07/08/91 Easier special character input for TurboPascal
TPLUS.ZIP 75,557 08/13/89 TPas programmer's toolkit demo by Nostradamus
TPMATH.ZIP 10,115 12/12/89 Turbo Pascal 4/5/5.5 standard math functions
TPMUSIC.ZIP 6,515 10/07/90 TurboPas Unit to play music in the background
TPPCX.ZIP 44,915 01/29/91 Turbo Pascal routines for PCX processing
TPPOP15.ZIP 34,885 09/22/88 Makes your programs memory resident, TSR's
TPPOP16.ZIP 33,844 10/06/88 TPUs and ASM for popup and TSR programs
TPPOPUPS.ZIP 16,072 08/25/88 Popup windows - TP source code and .EXE files
TPRAT5.ZIP 13,772 10/17/88 Mouse menu for TP 5.0 editor (req. Microsoft)
TPRINT.ZIP 24,624 05/21/91 TPW printing unit using ObjectWindows
TPSPOOL.ZIP 4,846 10/11/88 Put printer output to a file (TP source only)
TPSTR121.ZIP 23,582 12/18/89 Fast string functions for TurboPas 4.0/5.0/5.5
TPTC17.ZIP 53,383 03/26/88 Turbo Pascal to C translator, 1of4
TPTC17SC.ZIP 50,127 03/26/88 Turbo Pascal to C - src for translator, 2of4
TPTC17TC.ZIP 28,182 03/26/88 Turbo Pascal to C - test cases, 3of4
TPTCINFO.ZIP 6,148 08/16/88 Info on Turbo Pascal to C translator, 4of4
TPTUTOR.ZIP 36,532 06/15/86 Turbo Pascal Tutor
TPU2ASM.ZIP 38,906 10/29/90 Disassembler for Turbo Pascal 5 units
TPU2TPS.ZIP 7,949 07/23/91 Allow recompilation of TP6.0/TPW1.0 SYSTEM.TPU
TPU6.ZIP 149,641 04/18/91 Docs & dumper/disassembler for TP6.0 TPU files
TPUOBJ.ZIP 12,384 05/11/88 Borland's Turbo Pascal TPU to OBJ conversion
TPW60.ZIP 15,049 03/20/88 Windows for Turbo Pascal
TPW73.ZIP 20,232 07/11/89 TP units for making pop-up windows & menus
TPWHUGE.ZIP 1,902 08/05/91 Unit to handle huge memory block in TP/W
TPZSFZ.ZIP 23,047 09/18/88 Rudamentary ZMODEM send/rec, TurboPas source
TP_TSR.ZIP 27,690 02/11/89 Sample TSR pgm in TurboPas 4/5, with src/exe
TRIDV183.ZIP 37,386 03/19/91 Pre-compiled Turbo Pascal Units for BBS doors
TSHELL12.ZIP 63,348 05/21/87 Turbo Pascal development environment
TSPA2540.ZIP 81,464 10/27/91 TurboPascal 4.0 units for programmers, T.Salmi
TSPA2550.ZIP 78,221 10/27/91 TurboPascal 5.0 units for programmers, T.Salmi
TSPA2555.ZIP 78,233 10/27/91 TurboPascal 5.5 units for programmers, T.Salmi
TSPA2560.ZIP 78,336 10/27/91 TurboPascal 6.0 units for programmers, T.Salmi
TSPEECH.ZIP 14,345 10/26/85 Turbo Pascal sources for PC voice routines
TSW.ZIP 60,972 01/20/86 Turbo Screen Works, to create Pascal screens
TTY.ZIP 5,408 06/12/88 Small communications utility in TurboPascal 4
TURBO.ZIP 3,421 11/17/84 Various routines-- date/time, hex math,
TURBOFIX.ZIP 8,854 12/20/87 Fix Turbo console i/o semantics.
TURBOGEN.ZIP 119,735 01/28/88 Generates TP code to handle IO and error chkg.
TURBO_TK.ZIP 148,737 02/02/88 Turbo Pascal source
TURBUTIL.ZIP 12,878 06/15/86 Turbo Pascal utility programs
TUTORPAS.ZIP 161,230 06/05/89 Jack Crenshaw's compiler tutorial w/Pascal src
TVG102.ZIP 88,871 04/02/91 TVGRAPH 1.02: TURBO VISION In EGA/VGA graphics
TVG102_S.ZIP 38,416 09/20/91 TVGRAPH 1.02: TURBO VISION In EGA/VGA: sources
T_REF.ZIP 103,932 01/17/87 Cross-Reference Lister for Turbo Pascal
UPCONV14.ZIP 16,848 11/27/90 Convert Pascal reserved word case w/TP5.0 src
UPCONV22.ZIP 76,214 09/06/91 TP3.0-5.5/TPW convert reserved word case util.
VGA256P.ZIP 10,839 02/04/89 Turbo Pascal 256 color BGI driver for Designer VG
VIDEO_IO.ZIP 4,680 10/30/86 T/P video I/O routine
VMATH10.ZIP 5,200 05/21/91 Vector math unit for TP6.0 and 387 coprocessor
VSAFE5_6.ZIP 20,475 12/24/90 Units to guard a TP program against tampering
WCTUNITS.ZIP 22,875 08/06/91 Collection of Turbo Pascal units with sources
WEBSTER.ZIP 7,765 01/19/86 Turbo Pascal utilities.
WINDMNGR.ZIP 24,483 01/13/86 Window manager for Turbo Pascal
WINDOPAS.ZIP 18,695 06/22/90 Turbo pascal windowing routine
WINDOW.ZIP 21,924 07/18/87 Windowing utilities
WINDOW34.ZIP 22,268 08/31/87 Turbo window routines - needs QWIK30.ARC
WNDW55.ZIP 94,691 08/28/89 Popup windows for TP5.5, needs QWIK55.ARC
WNDW_MSJ.ZIP 5,177 11/19/88 TurboPascal multiple windows from Micro/System
WWIV321D.ZIP 116,025 03/20/87 Turbo Pascal 3.0 source for WWIV 3.21D.
XMSLIBR1.ZIP 19,800 08/11/91 XMS 2.0 API implementation for TurboPascal 6.0
YMODEM.ZIP 2,621 10/21/87 YMODEM protocol Turbo Pascal source
ZINDENT7.ZIP 49,075 03/30/87 Pascal pgm to format dBASE/Pascal
ZIP2OBJ.ZIP 40,269 11/12/91 Imploded .ZIP -> .OBJ -> Turbo Pascal explode
Miscellaneous: Utilities
4MAT40.ZIP 28,627 04/03/90 Disk formating utility, better than DOS.
AC213.ZIP 46,988 03/03/92 Archive Converter v2.13 - Menu-Driver Archive Con
AM73.ZIP 210,686 04/24/92 Arc Master v7.3 Shell for Compressed Files
ARCAARCE.ZIP 18,035 04/02/87 Arca file compressor
ARCMASTR.ZIP 82,926 09/11/87 Menu Driven archiver for PKarc, Pkxarc, Arca & Ar
ASK11.ZIP 13,715 05/07/91 Asks questions in BATch files, with timeout
AV.ZIP 11,746 07/15/90 Archive viewer for zip, zoo, lzh, arc, pka & pak
AWESOME.ZIP 4,329 11/09/89 VGA attention getter/screen saver.
BATCHSEL.ZIP 8,374 05/25/91 Do DOS cmd /w file selection from BATCH file
BATHINTS.ZIP 41,946 01/05/89 Collection of hints on using BATch files
BATMAKR2.ZIP 20,232 01/01/90 Multi-option .BAT maker, with TPas 3.0 source
BATMEN.ZIP 30,738 06/28/89 Scrollable menus/windows in DOS batch files
BATMNU13.ZIP 21,108 04/22/91 Batch file menus w/point-and-shoot & windows
BATSCRN.ZIP 22,035 06/09/91 Full screen pop-up pause/answer for BAT files
BATTIMER.ZIP 27,841 06/18/88 Batch file delay timer
BATUTIL1.ZIP 215,839 03/25/90 Manipulate environment/get input in BAT files
BEN250.ZIP 49,981 01/04/90 Batch file enhancer, boxes, colors, EGA/VGA
BINGO211.ZIP 197,337 05/10/92 BINGO v2.11 - Text Editor
BMENU54.ZIP 22,630 02/21/90 Pop-up menu system for use in batch files
BTCHROOM.ZIP 4,253 12/15/90 Corrects COMMAND.COM problem w/MARK & RELEASE
CAF23.ZIP 30,598 04/30/92 CAF v2.3 Resident Floating Point Scientific Calcu
CATSIG.ZIP 25,631 10/25/91 Audible & visual alarm for ending a long batch
CD433.EXE 162,688 06/27/91 Works w/ ANSI.SYS to set screen colors for text.
CDISK621.ZIP 248,035 05/05/92 CatDisk v6.21 - File/Disk Catalog Program
CHECKTD.ZIP 11,659 08/15/90 Check current time/date and set errorlevel
CHKCD.ZIP 11,919 04/16/89 Like CHKDSK except for CD-ROMs
CHOICE17.ZIP 45,599 03/10/90 Ask multi-level questions in batch files
CLEARKEY.ZIP 8,947 08/15/90 Clear 'n' keystrokes from the keyboard buffer
COLDWARM.ZIP 1,485 11/22/91 Run selected programs on cold/warm boot
CRON16.ZIP 74,647 01/20/91 CRON v1.6 - Unix-Like Timed Command Dispatcher
D5MACS.ZIP 4,984 06/22/91 A collection of Macro's for DOS 5.0.
DAT13.ZIP 11,536 10/28/90 Display date and time for program logging
DAZZLE39.ZIP 61,000 12/27/91 VGA Kalidoscope. Great attention getter or use a
DCOPY21.ZIP 44,173 12/15/91 DCOPY v2.1 - The Intelligent Disk Copier
DELBUT.ZIP 1,067 06/15/86 Deletes all files except what you specify
DIMMER.ZIP 12,593 08/29/89 PCMag VGA screen dimmer/blanker
DMP152.ZIP 41,004 02/09/89 Put print spooler in expanded or extended memory
DUPE11.ZIP 42,670 01/20/91 Copy an entire floppy to multiple disks, reads or
EBL405.ZIP 52,100 03/15/91 Extended Batch Language version 4.05
ECHSYS10.ZIP 34,791 09/25/89 ECHO/SET-like utils,include sundry system info
EL.ZIP 3,294 10/04/90 Set errorlevel to value on cmd line, w/C src
ENVSET10.ZIP 7,290 08/25/89 Set an environment variable in batch files
ERRLVL12.ZIP 19,509 10/15/91 Display value of ERRORLEVEL (DOS 3.30 - 5)
ERRORLVL.ZIP 8,845 10/15/91 Set the DOS errorlevel (return code)
EVAL104.ZIP 30,443 02/06/92 EVAL v1.03 Mathematical Expression Evaluator
EVERY11.ZIP 5,573 10/15/91 Execute a pgm every N minutes from a BAT file
EXITTIME.ZIP 35,778 10/15/91 Exit batch file at specified time
EZ60A.ZIP 81,096 05/16/90 Easy Access Menu--latest version--6.0
EZFILE18.ZIP 121,994 02/12/90 File Mgr/Shell for DOS, ZIP, ARC & LZH
FDATE61A.ZIP 40,669 02/15/92 FDATE v6.1a Date Manipulation Utility for Batch F
FM43.ZIP 88,135 04/23/92 Format Master v4.3 Menu-Driven Floppy Formatter
FM44.ZIP 87,327 05/11/92 Format Master v4.4 - Menu-Driven Floppy Disk Form
FORMQ172.ZIP 36,003 02/08/92 FormatQM v1.72 Quick Mass Diskette Formatter
FV.ZIP 7,822 08/30/90 DIsplay names & attributes of files archived and
GET24.ZIP 73,085 10/15/91 BATch enhancer inputs from user, DOS, environ.
GIF2JPG5.ZIP 103,544 05/13/91 Compress gif files, real nice to have and save di
GRABASC.ZIP 8,031 03/21/92 Memory resident text screen grabber
GREPFV4.ZIP 11,156 01/02/92 GREPFV v4.0 Text String Search Utility
HDWEELVL.ZIP 1,353 07/18/88 Returns hardware byte in errorlevel (w/ASM)
HIT.ZIP 20,469 05/27/88 Graphic alternative to DOS's PAUSE-Color reqd.
HMRHM11B.ZIP 11,160 12/22/90 Returns to start DIR in batch files
HYDK432.ZIP 278,807 05/01/92 HyperDisk v4.32 - Disk Accelerator/Disk Cache
JUMPEXT.ZIP 13,564 06/21/89 Extended batch file decision maker
KOLOR.ZIP 13,532 06/03/88 Add different colors to THEDRAW
KWS111.ZIP 16,846 02/27/92 KWS v1.11 Keyword Search - And/Or Finds in Text F
MAKEMENU.ZIP 88,842 05/09/89 Construct MENU Batch files automatically
MBACK120.ZIP 193,452 04/20/92 MegaBack v1.20 - Point & Shoot Backup Utility
MENU0891.ZIP 17,120 08/06/91 Creates batch files which present nested menus
MFWRITE.ZIP 11,096 10/25/90 Write cmd strings to console w/escape interp.
MICROBAT.ZIP 14,069 01/21/91 MicroMacroBat, extends functionality of BATs
MNUPLS4A.ZIP 180,133 04/27/92 MENUplus v4.0a - Hard Disk Menu w/ Many Options
MXPOP.ZIP 29,833 02/18/92 MarxPop v1.0 - PopUp Up to 10 Programs as if They
NARC.ZIP 150,547 02/01/89 Narc & IdcShell: Look inside zip files
NAVPAC.ZIP 204,004 03/04/92 Norton Anti-Virus - Special Michelangelo Edition
PB19C.ZIP 30,739 02/24/92 PlayBack v1.9c - Play Back Your Recorded Keystrok
PCOPY91B.ZIP 109,364 04/22/92 PCopy v9.1 - Intelligent File Copy/Move Utility
PCOPY92.ZIP 110,762 04/28/92 PCopy v9.2 - Intelligent Copy Utility
PDEL44.ZIP 64,917 05/01/92 PDelete v4.3 - Intelligent File Deletion Utility
PKBTM103.ZIP 9,208 01/18/92 PkBtm v1.03 4DOS Batch File Serves as Archiver Sh
PMK31.ZIP 221,977 03/08/90 Prof Master Key, Norton like Utilities
POPUP112.ZIP 83,829 04/18/92 PopUp p v1.12 - Make Any DOS Program a TSR
PRUNE21.ZIP 10,027 02/04/92 Prune v2.1 - Clear Out Unallocated Bytes at the E
PS51.ZIP 101,122 05/04/92 PSearch v5.1 - Intelligent Text Search/File Find
PWRBT14E.ZIP 125,839 12/27/90 PowerBatch: Compiles batch-like files to EXE
QREN10.ZIP 15,731 02/19/92 QREN v1.0 - Rename Files Using Date/Time Informat
QWIKLABL.ZIP 22,785 02/18/85 Used to make returnaddress labels,etc.
RCD151.ZIP 25,934 02/26/92 Ray's Change Directory v1.51 - Fast and Intuitive
RDK.ZIP 11,768 01/17/91 Rids whole directories or sub-directories and the
REGAIN.ZIP 44,452 10/15/91 REGAIN - Command-Line Editor, History Recall, Ali
REMIND6.ZIP 47,390 03/10/90 Reminder prog. Not TSR
RING13.ZIP 12,866 10/28/90 DOS Batch enhancer
RING14.ZIP 13,890 10/15/91 Ring console bell, optionally on error
RONSET25.ZIP 64,959 08/18/90 Multi-function batch enhancer by Ron Bemis
RUNAT10.ZIP 10,118 08/25/91 Run command against each file in a given list
RV243.ZIP 26,315 01/11/92 RView v2.43 Directory Lister & Utility for Compre
SAVESCR.ZIP 13,403 08/15/90 Save/restore current/previous text screen
SCRNSHO2.ZIP 48,952 02/13/92 ScreenShot/ScreenShow v2.0 - Screen Capture/Displ
SCRTYPE.ZIP 11,294 08/15/90 Screen type in use CGA,MCGA,HERC,VGA,EGA,etc.
SD110.ZIP 8,702 03/10/92 SD.COM v1.1 - Navigate Complex Directory Structur
SECHO20.ZIP 15,280 09/27/88 Put color and other attributes in BAT files
SECUR233.ZIP 21,175 01/10/92 Secure version 2.33
SELECT.ZIP 9,153 01/07/91 Select from multiple AUTOEXEC files on boot-up
SEND.ZIP 17,601 01/03/86 SEND any string in batch file,incl $ metastr
SENTRY02.ZIP 15,631 04/10/90 Sentry version 2.0
SETENV13.ZIP 22,980 09/28/89 Set environment variables from .BAT file
SETUP2.ZIP 16,165 04/24/89 PCMag printer setup. Improved, TSR
SFC33.ZIP 66,747 02/09/92 Serial File Copy v3.3 - Copy PC-to-PC via Serial
SHROOM9C.ZIP 19,149 03/07/92 Shroom v1.9C - Shell Room Utility
SLEEP.ZIP 11,242 08/15/90 Millisecond-resolution delay function for 'C'
SLICE.ZIP 2,978 10/29/90 Slice a large file and copy to multiple disks
SLOWAT.ZIP 356 07/22/85 Slows games to AT Speed
SPARKL28.ZIP 44,219 05/24/91 Batch file menus w/point-and-shoot & windows
SPEEDKEY.ZIP 960 10/29/89 A cursor speed-up program that runs as a device d
SPEEDRAM.ZIP 7,769 01/27/92 resident utility to increase the speed of your r
SPLITIT.ZIP 35,996 03/21/92 Menu driven command line splitter
SPRBAT3B.ZIP 35,009 05/01/90 Winchester Computer Systems SuperBat utilities
SPUTILS.ZIP 102,077 02/27/91 Batch & screen-save utilities w/mouse input
SRDISK13.ZIP 49,601 01/18/92 ReSizeable RAMDisk v1.30 - Uses XMS
SREP11.ZIP 50,156 02/04/92 Search & Replace Utility v1.1
STACKEY3.ZIP 120,604 03/25/90 Place keystrokes in keyboard buffer -- BAT aid
STOW185.ZIP 220,239 04/13/92 Stowaway v1.85 Frees Space by Archiving Inactive
STOWGEN1.ZIP 36,392 02/24/92 Stowrgen - Stowaway Companion - Archive Index Reb
STOWGEN2.ZIP 35,971 04/16/92 Archive Index Rebuilder for Stowaway v1.85
STUFFKEY.ZIP 11,245 08/15/90 Stuff keys into key buffer. No overhead or TSR
TESTIF.ZIP 12,330 10/29/90 Controls batch files through error codes
TIMECHEK.ZIP 9,569 05/02/88 Lets batch files act on time & date
TIMESTMP.ZIP 57,283 01/16/90 Display current date & time on standard output
TOADBOOT.ZIP 3,431 05/21/91 Warm boot after n minutes delay, w/ASM source
TOADFR12.ZIP 4,289 04/26/91 Return disk free space as ERRORLEVEL
TOOLS1.ZIP 225,639 03/04/91 A collection of helpful and handy tools for use w
TOP20.ZIP 8,285 01/03/91 Finds largest files on a drive (good when you're
TRASH.ZIP 10,766 01/08/91 Deletes files to \trash subir - nice!
TSBAT30.ZIP 69,897 12/07/91 Collection of useful batch files by Timo Salmi
TSNR2.ZIP 89,712 02/08/92 Turbo Search and Replace v2.0 - ASCII and Binary
TSRCOM34.ZIP 75,276 02/14/92 TSRCOM v3.4 TSR Utilties - Mark/Release/Watch/Map
TXT2COM.ZIP 8,237 06/21/87 Converts txt files to .com so they are readable b
VIDTYP14.ZIP 31,648 02/26/90 Set environment variable to video display type
VIRPRES.ZIP 221,205 11/01/91 Virus removal program
VIRSH11E.ZIP 80,365 12/15/91 Virus detection program
VIZ423.ZIP 78,523 02/24/92 VIz v4.23 BIOS & DOS Video Acceleration Utility
VPIC48C.ZIP 129,917 04/21/92 VPIC v4.8c - Graphics File Viewer/Converter
VSUMX201.ZIP 488,857 01/22/92 VSUMx Tutorial all about viruses. with names and
WHAT150.ZIP 10,478 09/24/90 Set DOS environment to show system information
WHERE3.EXE 8,849 04/25/91 Searches entire HD for specified file.
WIZ251.ZIP 33,537 02/26/92 WIZ v2.51 - Lightening-Fast File Find Utility w/
WSCAN84B.ZIP 123,850 10/11/91 Scan for Windows
XECHO11.ZIP 9,219 05/02/90 For batch files: A smart echo with options
XFR57.ZIP 87,328 04/20/92 Xfer v5.7 - External Transfer Protocol Shell
ZCM12.ZIP 152,667 03/27/92 Zip CommentMaster v1.2
ZT220A.ZIP 121,995 04/02/92 ZipTools v2.20a - Split/Merge/Copy/View/Delete ZI
Other Shareware: Assoc Shareware Prof
2PCL.ZIP 73,455 08/30/91 PCX2PCL converts PCX graphics to PCL
4PR410.ZIP 279,464 08/29/91 The Paper-Saving utility for HP LaserJets,
AMORTZ13.ZIP 103,359 06/30/91 Amortiz v1.30 - Very easy to use financial loan c
AUTOCON.ZIP 133,384 09/05/91 Data base manager for your Autoexec.bat and Confi
BABBLE.ZIP 159,053 09/15/91 A Creativity tool for writers
BCSMNU20.ZIP 184,797 05/15/91 BCS Menu v2.0 - Designed to make your IBM PC easi
BOOT142.ZIP 83,415 07/03/91 BOOT.SYS v1.42 - Use boot-up menus to select your
BOXER302.ZIP 321,293 05/13/91 Boxer v3.02 - Powerfull Text Editing System
BROWSE2.ZIP 89,626 08/14/91 Browse/2 program for viewing files in ASCII or He
BYDESIGN.ZIP 243,705 03/17/91 Add-on product that brings desktop publishing to
CADET30A.ZIP 139,710 04/19/91 Menu driven full screen editor for AutoCAD text a
CADET30B.ZIP 215,658 03/10/91 Cadet v3.0 Disk 2 of 2
CALMAT41.ZIP 177,610 08/24/91 Keep track of important events. Handles events,
CAPGNZ21.ZIP 319,023 05/01/91 Financial management package oriented toward smal
CBRIDG11.ZIP 70,116 07/25/91 Conferencing Bridge Version 1.1
CCHESS12.ZIP 62,367 07/25/91 Conference Chess Version 1.2
CCOLOR13.ZIP 62,009 07/25/91 Conference Color Version 1.1
CMENU17.ZIP 42,761 04/17/91 AutoCAD utility for customizing the AutoCAD drawi
CMFILR51.ZIP 99,697 07/22/91 Disk/file manager
COLLECT.ZIP 284,820 08/21/91 Allow valuable Collections of any type to be cata
CPGNZD.ZIP 86,383 09/02/91 Gaiza Investment docs
CPGNZP.ZIP 286,573 09/02/91 Gainz Investment portfolio manager program
CRYSTAL.ZIP 316,599 08/12/91 Crystal ball fortune
CUDM32.ZIP 123,530 09/15/91 Colorado Utilities disk manager
CUDUP2.ZIP 86,172 09/15/91 Colorado Utilities Duplicate file manager
CUFND1.ZIP 41,003 09/15/91 Colorado Utilities Fast find
CURSES.ZIP 290,952 08/12/91 A humories and creative insult generator
CUSET1.ZIP 20,095 09/15/91 Colorado Utilities file set
CUSRT2.ZIP 30,106 09/16/91 Colorado Utilities Virtual sort
CUVL1.ZIP 24,844 09/15/91 Colorado Utilities Volume Labeler
CWC43.ZIP 173,755 04/21/91 PC Help-Line's Professional Crossword Creator
CY91G.ZIP 89,951 05/15/91 Virus alarm which detects changes to .EXE, .DAT a
DIRECTOR.ZIP 322,088 09/14/91 Powerful Hard Disk menu and Dos Shell
DISKLS21.ZIP 134,122 04/30/91 Produces diskette covers with directory contents
DJFU14.ZIP 281,300 05/09/91 Collection of 18 soft fonts for the HP DiskJet or
DOSSUM.ZIP 73,990 02/23/91 A freeware DOS command summary program.
DRESSUP.ZIP 150,427 08/25/91 Dressup paper doll game
DTS10.ZIP 528,382 03/28/91 A document search and retrieval program.
DTSRCH.ZIP 332,535 08/14/91 A Fast and easy document search retrieval program
DYNAMENU.ZIP 264,328 07/13/91 A series of Dbase programs
EB10F.ZIP 185,245 09/01/91 Home and Business Reminder program v1.0F
ECB.ZIP 230,916 07/28/91 EGA coloring book
ECS110.ZIP 212,009 08/15/91 Bank-Account management program for home or small
ELITE.ZIP 166,417 08/26/91 Phone book elite
ELJF10.ZIP 277,670 05/08/91 NEW! ESF's European LaserJet Fonts.
ENVR32.ZIP 110,660 05/06/91 Enveloper v3.2 - A Word for Windows macro
EP402.ZIP 180,974 05/07/91 Easy Project v4.02 - A tool to assist anyone who
FLXBAK10.ZIP 125,633 05/26/91 FLEXIBAK Plus v1.0 - The Ultimate Hard Disk Backu
FMAPS101.ZIP 185,480 03/18/91 Finger maps is a object oriented drawing the PCX
FMAPVGA.ZIP 185,680 07/07/91 Color image processing painting and animation pro
FONE800.ZIP 262,352 07/26/91 Is a easy to use friendly, Personal data program
FONE900.ZIP 232,168 08/02/91 approximate cost of a call before the call
FPLAN30A.ZIP 162,971 04/04/91 Fplan v3.0 - Financial planner Disk 1 of 2
FPLAN30B.ZIP 155,522 04/04/91 Fplan v3.0 - Financial planner Disk 2 of 2
FPLNIP30.ZIP 146,914 08/31/90 Income protection planner for Fplan
FPLNRP30.ZIP 158,553 08/09/90 Retirement planner for Fplan
GLOSRY32.ZIP 314,309 04/01/91 PC-Glossary v3.2 - An indispensable desktop refer
HDM430.ZIP 288,907 06/12/91 Hard drive menu system & DOS shell
HP22D1.ZIP 324,636 05/22/91 HyperPad v2.2 1 of 5
HP22D2.ZIP 334,171 05/20/91 HyperPad v2.2 2 of 5
HP22D3.ZIP 360,076 05/20/91 HyperPad v2.2 3 of 5
HP22D4.ZIP 327,077 05/09/91 HyperPad v2.2 4 of 5
HP22D5.ZIP 208,487 04/16/91 HyperPad v2.2 5 of 5
INCX101.ZIP 212,532 08/12/91 Work Environment Manager v1.01
JETPILOT.ZIP 75,757 08/18/91 LaserJet, Setup, Font, Envelope, Import Addresses
JORJ43A.ZIP 272,590 05/22/91 JORJ v4.3 The one and only Phonetic Dictionary!
JORJ43B.ZIP 328,919 05/11/91 JORJ v4.3 2 of 2
KLONDK30.ZIP 125,315 05/12/91 EM Klondike v3.0 - Solitaire card game.
L2D.ZIP 169,995 08/30/91 LJ2DJ converts LJ Fonts to DeskJet Fonts
LAYOUT20.ZIP 48,407 06/02/91 Area Planning program, describ, display and more
LCAD36.ZIP 112,162 05/24/91 LaunchCAD v3.6
LJFU14.ZIP 257,544 05/08/91 ESF's LaserJet Fonts and Utilities.
LJLND.ZIP 115,809 09/05/91 Ljland prints files in landscape on LaserJet
LOTPRO30.ZIP 169,962 05/16/91 Lotto Prophet v 3.0 - Lotto number predicting sys
LUSA.ZIP 67,872 05/11/91 Fun Learning is an education program
MDEM3A.ZIP 58,454 06/04/91 MakeDemo v3.0 1 of 3
MDEM3B.ZIP 107,653 06/04/91 MakeDemo v3.0 2 of 3
MDEM3C.ZIP 105,237 06/26/91 MakeDemo v3.0 3 of 3
MDG30A.ZIP 297,533 06/10/91 MenuDIRECT Gold v3.0 1 of 2
MDG30B.ZIP 230,035 06/11/91 MenuDIRECT Gold v3.0 2 of 2
MDR30.ZIP 414,195 08/01/91 MenuDirect Gold v3.0 Hard disk Manager
MLM.ZIP 230,568 08/04/91 Multilevel Marketing network simulator
MM30.ZIP 263,252 08/30/91 Mail Machine prints envelopes & labels on laserJe
MMF10.ZIP 59,255 05/08/91 Teach kids of all ages about musical notes.
NAME221.ZIP 162,512 09/03/91 Name/Address DataBase program Version 2.21S
OFLOD1.ZIP 258,952 05/13/91 Offload is designed to perform data archiving
OFLOD2.ZIP 111,973 05/13/91 Offload v1.1 Disk 2 of 2
OZ.ZIP 96,014 06/26/91 An Ounce Of Prevention ("Oz") v1.05
PA20.ZIP 96,175 08/24/91 This is a personal information manager,it will se
PCDCAD1.ZIP 140,695 07/11/91 PC-Draft-CAD v3.06. Commercial quality 2-D CAD.
PCDCAD2.ZIP 118,987 07/11/91 PC-Draft-CAD v3.06 2 of 3
PCDCAD3.ZIP 67,722 07/11/91 PC-Draft-CAD v3.06 3 of 3
PCDEAL.ZIP 156,341 04/26/91 PC-Deal is a double entry ledger accounting syste
PCFD11.ZIP 127,047 04/12/91 Powerful 7k swapping autodiler.
PCFDIAL.ZIP 155,077 09/02/91 Powerful 7K swapping TSR voice autodialer
PCFTC141.ZIP 182,969 03/01/91 PC-Fastype/CGA v4.1 easy to use typing tutorial
PCFTM11.ZIP 178,960 03/01/91 PC-Fastype/Mono v1.1 is an easy typing tutorial
PCSTAT23.ZIP 306,123 08/01/91 Superb new ASP statistical report program
PC_CAI2.ZIP 239,133 06/25/91 The Maniac is the most talked about game in the 1
PC_VCO22.ZIP 129,494 07/25/91 Visual Conferencing Version 2.2
PEDIT210.ZIP 138,254 07/01/91 PEdit v2.10 - Full featured split screen editor
PERUSE.ZIP 287,853 03/17/91 Peruse v1.11 - An ASCII (text) and Binary (non-te
PFU161A.ZIP 224,590 07/01/91 Peltons Financial Utilities v1.61
PFU161B.ZIP 255,043 06/22/91 Peltons Financial Utilities v1.61 Disk 2 of 2
PGT21.ZIP 120,247 07/15/91 Personal Golf tracker keeps track of your scores
PMZIP.ZIP 70,754 01/14/91 PMZIP always runs PKZIP & PKUNZIP in the backgrou
PNTSHP22.ZIP 104,394 05/25/91 Paint Shop v2.02 - The complete graphics file vie
POPDBF.ZIP 146,043 08/14/91 instant access to your dBase compatible .DBF file
PRDQ41C.ZIP 232,947 05/01/91 Pro Dev EPRICE v4.10 - Price service update conve
PRDQ41PA.ZIP 307,234 05/15/91 Pro Dev Quote v4.10p 1 of 2
PRDQ41PB.ZIP 282,514 05/01/91 Pro Dev Quote v4.10p 2 of 2
PROLITEA.ZIP 179,543 03/25/91 Prolite v1.0 1 of 2 Productivity tools for progra
PROLITEB.ZIP 78,067 03/25/91 Prolite v1.0 2 of 2
PROMEM19.ZIP 289,519 03/20/91 Pro Dev Member v1.09 - Church Membership & Giving
PYRMID10.ZIP 118,333 05/12/91 EM Pyramid Solitaire - Solitaire card game.
QUIZ.ZIP 199,091 09/05/91 Computer trivia Quiz is a learning game
RJ42.ZIP 157,315 08/24/91 Rosewood Journal v4.02 - An invoice journal
RS91F.ZIP 96,697 04/15/91 RealShar v91f - Market share/segmentation for rea
RUP22C_1.ZIP 296,669 06/08/91 Rubicon Publisher v2.2c Full-feature desktop publ
RUP22C_2.ZIP 278,275 06/07/91 Rubicon Publisher v2.2c 2 of 2
SHERLK26.ZIP 121,711 07/04/91 SHERLOCK v2.60 - Dual window ASCII text file comp
SIMHLP1A.ZIP 284,843 06/23/91 Simply Help! v1.0 - Create text based hypertext h
SIMLAB3A.ZIP 245,564 06/27/91 Simply Labels III - Free form label program
SLPMAN.ZIP 97,925 09/05/91 Graphical replacement for MS Windows 3.0 program
SMAINT2B.ZIP 273,703 06/03/91 Programmers Super-Maint v2.0 Disk 2 of 2
SPEECH.ZIP 16,007 06/21/87 Speech utility - Andy McGuire
SWIMDB12.ZIP 171,757 04/07/91 Automate the records and reports required for a S
SWIMDB14.ZIP 189,657 07/02/91 SwimBase v1.4
TABS_GSF.ZIP 304,542 05/31/91 Memory TSR address list managerment program
TAPETRAK.ZIP 141,593 06/04/91 Video tape cataloging program
TCXL552A.ZIP 273,900 06/23/91 TesSeRact series of programming products. Disk 1
TCXL552B.ZIP 292,887 06/23/91 IDC's TesSeRact Disk 2 of 3
TCXL552C.ZIP 237,888 06/23/91 IDC's TesSeRact Disk 3 of 3
TDTW102.ZIP 109,183 05/06/91 Tear Down The Wall v1.02 - Knock it down!!
TIMETRAK.ZIP 259,395 08/14/91 A comprehensive new real-time scheduling applicat
TMSTAX25.ZIP 115,468 10/15/90 The personal timecard manager
TPM20.ZIP 128,390 05/10/91 The Pool Manager v2.0 - all aspects of running a
TRACKIT.ZIP 144,211 08/15/91 Tackit Library Managent Environment
TSRDL29B.ZIP 195,729 08/15/91 TSRDOWNLOAD v2.9b - Memory resident soft font
TT91F.ZIP 160,327 06/01/91 TimeTrac v91e - Time & expense tracking.
TTIME20.ZIP 276,131 08/15/91 Designed to estimate file transfer times for popu
TUTCOM.ZIP 298,319 05/01/91 Tutor Com v4.5 - A shareware minicourse in microc
TYPETREK.ZIP 68,461 08/28/91 A typeing tutorial in a gane format
T_ZERO.ZIP 232,895 06/23/91 Great game in the traditional text adventure form
UNPACKIT.ZIP 18,997 07/25/91 A Utility to unpack PC-VCO for the Macintosh disk
UNSTUFIT.ZIP 20,943 07/25/91 A utility for the PC-VCO disk 2 of 2
VARG465.ZIP 645,401 06/03/91 VAR Grade v4.65 - Var Grade, the grading program
VIDEOCAT.ZIP 258,408 08/25/91 Catalog Videocassette collections, Standard and w
VINO215A.ZIP 340,187 08/01/91 The premier Wine Cellar Management System for the
WINPST3B.ZIP 61,539 05/25/91 WinPost v3.0b - Use WinPost to get rid of Post-it
WINZIP.ZIP 85,528 07/30/91 ZIP/ARC shell for windows 3.0 and later
WOPRA.ZIP 173,099 07/07/91 Word for Windows Office Power Pack v1.0 Disk 1 of
WOPRB.ZIP 229,286 07/07/91 Word for Windows Office Power Pack v1.0 Disk 2 of
WSTBL55.ZIP 196,072 08/25/91 Wall Street - The Bottom Line v5.2
XRS450_1.ZIP 355,142 07/04/91 EXpress Response System v4.50II - Disk 1 of 2
XRS450_2.ZIP 359,004 07/04/91 EXpress Response System v4.50II - Disk 2 of 2
Other Shareware: Business Shareware
1985TXYR.ZIP 11,439 03/04/86 Lotus 123 template with 1040, Sched A, B & W
ALM442.ZIP 81,535 12/04/90 Organize improtant address' for mailer
BEANCT10.ZIP 51,280 10/24/90 Inventory management without tears.
BIDBIZ19.ZIP 187,100 06/22/90 Bid - Biz v1.9 by I.J. Smith
BILPWR53.ZIP 355,174 12/21/89 BillPower v5.3 billing ledger by Integra
BUSCARDS.ZIP 41,209 10/31/86 Make your own business cards with this program
BUSGRAPH.ZIP 27,135 04/29/91 Business graphs for various subjects
CALMATE4.ZIP 160,467 05/11/91 Schedule daily,weekly,monthly or whenever
CALULATE.ZIP 12,742 11/17/85 Nice little on-screen calculator
CARDEX.ZIP 91,017 05/18/86 Rolodex style address book - many options - best
CASHRT10.ZIP 28,829 12/03/89 Small business point-of-sale
CELLOG.ZIP 3,483 12/14/90 Mobile telephone call/charge keeper.
DT_LAW1.ZIP 339,654 10/18/89 Miscellaneous law related files
DT_LAW2.ZIP 307,589 10/18/89 Miscellaneous law related files
DT_LAW3.ZIP 264,301 10/18/89 Miscellaneous law related files
EIMS12.ZIP 173,233 06/23/90 Equipment Inventory database
EXPCHK4A.ZIP 185,140 09/10/90 ExpressCheck v4.01 (1 of 2)
EXPCHK4B.ZIP 78,111 02/05/90 ExpressCheck v4.01 (2 of 2)
EXPGH105.ZIP 152,113 06/01/89 ExpressGraph v1.05 from ExpressWare
EZINV15.ZIP 179,953 06/22/90 Easy Inventory v1.5 for business use
EZLDGR31.ZIP 155,102 07/15/90 EZLedger v3.01 accounting and $register . .
FEDEX101.ZIP 166,750 01/21/91 Use on Federal Express or Express Mail
FINPAK.ZIP 5,454 11/08/85 A whole bunch of financial programs
FZMAIL20.ZIP 97,773 03/08/91 Prints Postnet (post office) bar codes
FZMLINV.ZIP 94,380 03/08/91 Bar codes for invoice/statement envelopes
HBMS42.ZIP 148,034 12/10/90 Financial recording and reporting
HEM10.ZIP 125,452 03/08/90 Hours Expenses and Milage tracking .
HH13.ZIP 207,982 11/09/90 Database for household needs
HOMECOST.ZIP 39,264 04/23/91 Evaluate mortages to find best for you
INVEST1.ZIP 36,629 01/11/90 INVEST v1.0 Investment and Savings Analysis
KGRAF.ZIP 181,680 04/01/89 Kwikgraf - produces graphs from data you key in
KISBILL.ZIP 191,651 04/22/90 Keep It Simple Billing & Invoice
LBLPLS22.ZIP 83,640 12/15/90 Print many kinds of labels
LEGAL3.ZIP 25,004 02/18/86 Legal forms - Disk 3
LEGAL4.ZIP 8,875 02/21/86 Legal forms - Disk 4
LEGAL5.ZIP 10,895 02/21/86 Legal forms - Disk 5
LEGAL6.ZIP 29,347 02/21/86 Several legal letters in form format
LM31.ZIP 104,746 09/25/87 List manager - keeps addresses and prints labels
MA.ZIP 32,236 02/26/86 Micro-Accountant checkbook & budget program
MADDM3.ZIP 69,842 12/20/90 Full featured 'desktop' adding machine
MAILMGR.ZIP 73,228 03/05/89 Very good mailing list management program
MAINTA30.ZIP 66,035 05/16/89 Maintenance/service call tracking system - part 1
MAINTB30.ZIP 112,339 05/15/89 Maintenance/service call tracking system - part 2
MAINTC30.ZIP 66,054 05/15/89 Maintenance/service call tracking system - part 3
MAINTD30.ZIP 113,732 05/16/89 Maintenance/service call tracking system - part 4
MAINTUPD.ZIP 3,045 05/13/89 Update information about Maintenance/service call
MODAR2.ZIP 165,592 07/09/90 From Modern Microcomputing v2.0
MODBIL61.ZIP 151,429 08/10/90 Client billing Accounts Receivable
MORTCOST.ZIP 16,006 04/24/87 BASIC program for Amortizations
MORTGCAL.ZIP 55,306 07/12/87 Good Mortgage calculator and more
MRKMTR31.ZIP 513,674 06/27/90 MarketMaster v3.10 investment aid
MRKTP11A.ZIP 102,122 12/04/89 MerketPlus v1.1 stock/mutual fund tracking
MRKTP11B.ZIP 148,835 12/03/89 MarketPlus v1.1 program disk (1 of 2)
MULTRK1.ZIP 84,801 12/21/89 MultiTrack client/prospect/project planner
MULTRK2.ZIP 331,051 12/14/89 MultiTrack disk
MYGL200.ZIP 97,771 02/21/88 Nice little General Ledger program
PACCT5A.ZIP 135,984 01/29/91 Painless Accounting v5 (disk 1 of 3)
PACCT5B.ZIP 172,413 01/29/91 Painless Accounting v5 (disk 2 of 3)
PACCT5C.ZIP 281,759 01/29/91 Painless Accounting v5 (disk 3 of 3)
PACOMP5.ZIP 216,567 01/01/91 Use with Painless Accounting by Pierce
PAPAY11A.ZIP 132,317 01/23/91 Painless Payroll v1.01 (disk 1 of 2)
PAPAY11B.ZIP 162,064 01/11/91 Painless Payroll v1.01 (disk 2 of 2)
PAYMENT.ZIP 2,021 10/28/85 Do loan amortizations
PAYUS31A.ZIP 296,805 04/04/91 Uses 1991 USA tax tables (1/2)
PAYUS31B.ZIP 342,618 04/04/91 Print checks, state/fed taxs (2/2)
PCBIDP21.ZIP 113,882 11/01/89 Bidding application program
PCPY305A.ZIP 38,048 10/11/90 Payroll with Federal/State/Local taxes
PCPY305B.ZIP 186,224 02/07/90 PC-Payroll v3.05 program files (2
PDSEP409.ZIP 218,029 11/25/89 PDS*EPRICE Electrical Contractors costing
PDSM102.ZIP 233,997 11/15/89 PDS*MEMBER - Church Member program
PDSQ409.ZIP 225,340 11/15/89 PDS*QOUTE v4.09 complete job qoute system
PHLBL20.ZIP 54,789 11/15/89 Stores information in index like ASCII files
PST09A.ZIP 145,244 11/15/89 PST - graph data - set up indicators
QPACS31.ZIP 75,996 11/06/90 Individual/family, easy menu driven
ROKMAR.ZIP 70,631 11/16/88 Rokmar home/office asset management system
ROSEJ402.ZIP 156,226 04/15/91 Invoice journal.. uses any general ledger
RTM211.ZIP 143,176 01/05/91 TSR to-do lists and time management
SALBIZ12.ZIP 171,690 06/15/90 Sale-Biz 1.2 tracks customers & products
SALESDOC.ZIP 94,940 06/27/88 Documenation on sales
SALEUPD.ZIP 1,192 06/05/88 Sales updates
SALLOG10.ZIP 161,380 12/21/89 Sales Log v1.0 tracks products, sales more.
SPCI211.ZIP 116,439 12/28/89 SPC-Inventory v2.11 for business and...
SPREAD.ZIP 3,987 10/28/85 Consolidate data from Lotus .DIF files
STAX88.ZIP 152,853 12/27/88 ShareTax 1040 for doing federal taxes
TAX.ZIP 3,439 03/04/86 Keeps track of tax expenses through the year
TM2.ZIP 163,070 04/12/89 Task Master v2 - Task/assignment organizer
TMSTX24.ZIP 111,409 10/01/90 Lan aware time management system /ASP
TRACKER.ZIP 80,554 03/01/90 Personell tracker-name/addr/phone/sick/vac, etc
TRADER1.ZIP 168,742 03/21/88 The Stock Trader
TSC138.ZIP 24,853 06/03/91 Time study for the production supervisor
TTR19C.ZIP 154,598 03/22/91 For Professionals who bill their time
WALL_T53.ZIP 188,983 11/19/90 Track/Analyse stocks and securities
XACT.ZIP 120,764 03/01/10 Business related software
ZBCOLR32.ZIP 302,145 08/11/90 ZBest color version v3.2
ZBMONO32.ZIP 301,309 08/11/90 Zbest for mono systems
ZIPKEY2.ZIP 210,891 02/01/91 Zipkey v2.0 zipcode directory
Other Shareware: Dayo Accounting
DAYO.TXT 1,338 04/08/92 Just what is DAYO?
DAYO39.SDA 1,211 04/08/92 DAYO Bar Code description
DAYO39.SDN 219,415 04/07/92 DAYO Bar Code
DAYO6PCK.TXT 3,696 04/08/92 Informational text file on the DAYO Starter Kit.
DAYOAD.SDA 1,235 04/08/92 DAYO Accounts Recievable (AR) description
DAYOAD.SDN 98,693 04/07/92 DAYO Accounts Receivable (AR) docs
DAYOAE.SDN 343,652 04/07/92 DAYO Accounts Recievable (AR) executables
DAYOBE.SDA 1,133 04/08/92 DAYO Price Book (PB) description
DAYOBE.SDN 242,456 04/07/92 DAYO Price Book (PB)
DAYOBI.SDA 1,174 04/08/92 DAYO Billing & Invoicing (BI) description
DAYOBI.SDN 331,692 04/07/92 DAYO Billing & Invoicing (BI) (VGA Required)
DAYOCD.SDA 2,912 04/08/92 DAYO Sales Management System (SMS) description
DAYOCD.SDN 172,359 04/07/92 DAYO Sales Management System (SMS) docs
DAYOCE.SDN 338,874 04/07/92 DAYO Sales Management System (SMS) executables
DAYOCOVR.TXT 1,908 04/08/92 What does DAYO Do?
DAYODE.SDA 1,236 04/08/92 DAYO Membership description
DAYODE.SDN 314,805 04/07/92 DAYO Membership
DAYOEE.SDA 795 04/08/92 DAYO End of Period/Purge (EOP) description
DAYOEE.SDN 312,678 04/07/92 DAYO End of Period/Purge (EOP)
DAYOFE.SDA 970 04/09/92 DAYO Return Management System (RMS)
DAYOFE.SDN 285,422 04/07/92 DAYO Return Management System (RMS)
DAYOGD.SDA 996 04/09/92 DAYO General Ledger (GL) description
DAYOGD.SDN 99,777 04/07/92 DAYO General Ledger (GL) docs
DAYOGE.SDN 313,904 04/07/92 DAYO General Ledger (GL) executables
DAYOID.SDA 759 04/08/92 DAYO Inventory (INV) description
DAYOID.SDN 103,402 04/07/92 DAYO Inventory (INV) docs
DAYOIDE.SDA 902 04/09/92 DAUP Password description
DAYOIDE.SDN 156,577 04/07/92 DAYO Password
DAYOIE.SDN 301,338 04/07/92 DAYO Inventory (INV) executables
DAYOJE.SDA 1,134 04/09/92 DAYO Job Costing (JC) description
DAYOJE.SDN 342,246 04/07/92 DAYO Job Costing (JC)
DAYOLE.SDA 959 04/09/92 DAYO Look Up (LU) description
DAYOLE.SDN 172,273 04/07/92 DAYO Look Up (LU)
DAYOME.SDA 936 04/09/92 DAYO Menu description
DAYOME.SDN 283,765 04/07/92 DAYO Menu
DAYOOE.SDA 1,076 04/09/92 DAYO Back Order (BO) description
DAYOOE.SDN 257,529 04/07/92 DAYO Back Order (BO)
DAYOPD.SDA 1,220 04/09/92 DAYO Point of Sale (POS) description
DAYOPD.SDN 137,155 04/07/92 DAYO Point of Sale (POS) docs
DAYOPE.SDN 296,899 04/07/92 DAYO Point of Sale (POS) executables
DAYOQE.SDA 1,174 04/09/92 DAYO Quotes description
DAYOQE.SDN 299,931 04/07/92 DAYO Quotes
DAYORD.SDA 1,263 04/09/92 DAYO Smart Reports (SR) description
DAYORD.SDN 159,955 04/07/92 DAYO Smart Reports (SR) docs
DAYORE.SDN 321,498 04/07/92 DAYO Smart Reports (SR) executables
DAYOSE.SDN 204,460 04/07/92 DAYO Shipping Log (SL)
DAYOTD.SDA 1,194 04/09/92 DAYO Time & Billing (TB) description
DAYOTD.SDN 162,231 04/07/92 DAYO Time & Billing (TB) docs
DAYOTE.SDN 336,938 04/07/92 DAYO Time & Billing (TB) executables
DAYOUE.SDN 237,858 04/07/92 DAYO Update & Conversion Disk!
DAYOVD.SDA 1,147 04/09/92 DAYO Accounts Payable (AP) description
DAYOVE.SDN 320,740 04/07/92 DAYO Accounts Payable (AP) executables
DAYOWD.SDA 1,124 04/09/92 DAYO Material Requirements Planning (MRP) descrip
DAYOWD.SDN 96,617 04/07/92 DAYO Material Requirements Planning (MRP) docs
DAYOWE.SDN 316,991 04/07/92 DAYO Material Requirements Planning (MRP) executa
DAYOXE.SDA 951 04/09/92 DAYO Index description
DAYOXE.SDN 177,307 04/07/92 DAYO Index
DAYOYE.SDA 1,183 04/09/92 DAYO Payroll description
DAYOYE.SDN 296,461 04/07/92 DAYO Payroll
DAYOZE.SDA 1,033 04/09/92 DAYO Orders description
DAYOZE.SDN 296,464 04/07/92 DAYO Orders
DAYVD.SDN 108,908 04/07/92 DAYO Accounts Payable (AP) docs
GUIPOS.SDA 1,496 04/08/92 DAYO GUI Point of Sale (POS) description
GUIPOS.SDN 342,544 04/07/92 DAYO GUI Point of Sale (POS) (VGA Required)
INSTALL.SDN 174,767 04/07/92 DAYO Installation Diskette!
KISBSW.SDN 248,384 04/07/92 DAYO Keep it Simple Billing & Invoicing
REGISTER 3,899 08/22/90 Registration for DAYO Packages
Other Shareware: Database
AC9117_1.ZIP 246,189 04/22/91 Astronomy program & database v91.17 1/2
AC9117_2.ZIP 175,827 04/22/91 Astronomy program & database v91.17 2/2
AEROBIX.ZIP 81,218 03/18/91 Fitness Log: Record aerobic exercise/progress
AGS210.ZIP 138,479 05/08/88 Turns dBase III setups into menu driven system
ALBMSTR.ZIP 110,654 01/08/91 Unicorn software - album master 6.41
ALBUMS.ZIP 84,371 07/24/91 DBMS for CD/record/tape music collections
AMASTER.ZIP 182,776 06/22/91 Address database for merging with word
AMSTR670.ZIP 169,376 08/07/91 Albummaster v6.70 record album librarian.
AP11.ZIP 141,231 04/06/90 Bibliographical database for academic papers
APPOINT.ZIP 15,913 09/04/91 Database template for Q&A
AROWDB25.ZIP 221,991 02/25/91 Arrow-DB v2.5: Database program. Limited DEMO
ASHTIPS.ZIP 44,520 11/09/87 Tips using Ashton Tate's dBASE III
AUDMSTR1.ZIP 215,540 08/10/91 One-of-a-kind program to solve your audio collect
BASWIZ14.ZIP 101,023 10/10/90 Tom Hanlin's basic wizard's library v1.4 dtd
BCAST100.ZIP 392,412 11/18/91 Daily Solar Geophys. database manager/analyst
BGC13.ZIP 35,620 07/24/91 Global find & replace utility for use with BIBL5
BILL21.ZIP 97,032 03/11/90 PC-Billing - Easy invoicing system
BK45C.ZIP 155,339 03/30/91 Brothers' Keeper v4.5c Genealogy database.
BKARPT11.ZIP 84,812 06/14/90 Brother's Keeper Ancestor report v1.1
BKBOX413.ZIP 77,401 12/01/90 Brother's Keeper Box Tree report v1.3
BKBOX45E.ZIP 85,677 03/30/91 Brothers' Keeper v4.5c 2 of 3
BKCK22.EXE 29,589 11/27/90 Backup checker v2.2 - it's time to backup
BKDOC45C.ZIP 49,589 03/30/91 Brothers' Keeper v4.5c 3 of 3
BOWL101J.ZIP 167,938 01/30/91 Bowling league management program
C2DBASE1.ZIP 57,113 11/28/85 Collection of 'C' utilities for dBase III+
CAR120.ZIP 185,851 01/11/91 Fantastic automobile maintance database
CARDFILE.ZIP 18,564 04/06/90 3x5 card file manager, handles 150 cards
CARS16.ZIP 44,932 12/29/90 Auto expense tracking and reporting system
CAT10.ZIP 9,811 08/09/90 File listing/catalogue program
CCHEF15.ZIP 186,637 12/21/90 Meal mgr/recipe organizer/shopping list maker
CDB112.ZIP 61,751 02/02/91 C Database Library v1.12 for MS-C & TC.
CDB114.ZIP 58,323 04/16/91 C DataBase Management System (CDB) v1.14:
CDMSTR67.ZIP 172,454 08/26/91 CDMaster v6.70: Catalog and list CD library
CD_PRO.ZIP 277,955 07/02/91 CD PRO music collection database/cataloger
CEQPT35B.ZIP 165,020 08/05/91 Database for equipment service/usage histories
CHEF15S.ZIP 168,597 07/09/90 CompuChef recipe database v1.5s
CHEFS.ZIP 67,224 02/23/88 Chef's menu database
CHEX.ZIP 84,239 01/08/90 Checking program from Mar 90 Computes' PC Mag
CHEXBAL3.ZIP 9,235 01/01/87 Use with CHEX, totals balances of all accts.
CINVT53B.ZIP 164,477 08/02/91 Inventory pgm for tracking store stock/orders
CJC201S.ZIP 106,938 10/13/90 CJC Audio Casette J-Card maker & database
CKITOT11.ZIP 303,722 09/24/90 Personal double-entry accounting system v.1.1a
CM170.ZIP 127,446 07/11/88 Checking account manager v1.70
CNTCT321.ZIP 149,360 12/21/90 Excellent database for tracking Contacts!
COLLECT.ZIP 124,010 07/11/88 Collect; a configurable DB for collections
COMPREFD.ZIP 142,118 03/06/91 Cd-rom data base from Infoworld and others.
CONG1033.ZIP 458,201 10/31/90 Congressional database and letter writer
CONVDB17.ZIP 63,035 07/11/88 Converts ASCII files to dBASE compatible files
CRDE10.ZIP 151,771 01/05/91 C Relational database engine v1.0 w/ 80 funcs
C_BASE22.ZIP 85,310 05/02/91 C-Base v2.2 Client database system. (5-2)
DATABANK.ZIP 205,827 05/28/91 Menu driven personal database & organizer.
DB3GEN3B.ZIP 203,008 07/20/90 NARDAC dBIII+ appl. gen. req FOXPLUS (runtime)
DBB22.ZIP 17,523 10/04/89 View/browse dBASE III/III Plus database files
DBEDITOR.ZIP 281,534 07/31/91 Great DATA BASE EDITOR Shareware Version
DBFED120.ZIP 141,826 09/15/90 dBASE/Foxbase database editor/viewer/printer
DBFU13.ZIP 32,327 04/28/90 Utility for displaying dBASE file structures
DBOSS30.ZIP 101,026 06/02/91 DataBoss version 3.0 Demo.
DBTCHK.ZIP 23,423 08/06/90 Checks/fixes .DBT memo files for dBase/Clipper
DBX100.ZIP 8,655 03/29/88 Convert dBase III DBF to comma delimited ASCII
DENTI10.ZIP 111,123 08/21/90 A datbase for italian speaking dentists!
DIALM66.ZIP 182,998 05/20/91 DIALM v6.6 Phone dialer & database (5-19)
DINFO25.ZIP 197,654 04/25/91 D-INFO database DBMS & report writer for .DBF
DISKBASE.ZIP 128,685 10/11/90 DiskBase v1.2 personal software database.
DMETD4FP.ZIP 39,464 06/05/91 Cometmp background comms program for databases.
DP22DEMO.ZIP 251,419 07/27/91 DataPerfect v2.2 Demo
DSKRAK67.ZIP 150,663 03/26/90 Data base to keep track of diskettes
DSKRK300.ZIP 142,433 08/07/90 diskette labeling/cataloging management system
DSKTRK61.ZIP 94,543 04/17/91 Keep diskette info in database format
DSKTRK70.ZIP 99,829 06/14/91 DiskTrak v7.0 Floppy database with reports
DSKTRK73.ZIP 100,314 09/13/91 Quick, easy way to keep track of disks.
EDB21.ZIP 37,661 04/03/91 Small but flexible database ideal for record coll
EMPLOYQA.ZIP 38,095 07/21/91 Q&A database employee tracker template.
EZCARD12.ZIP 118,381 03/26/91 Index Card database v1.2
EZCARD13.ZIP 128,455 04/08/91 EZ-Card v1.3 Quick & easy database
FACLTJ.EXE 434,152 01/01/91 Equipiment Mgmt & Maint. database
FCAT250.ZIP 103,842 12/16/90 Reads diskettes/hard disks & builds database
FE500_1.ZIP 245,396 04/08/91 File express 5.00 database [1/3]
FE500_2.ZIP 341,810 04/08/91 File express 5.00 database [2/3]
FE500_3.ZIP 172,003 04/04/91 File express 5.00 database [3/3]
FEDB11TD.ZIP 172,980 05/24/91 Convert File Express databasees to .DBF
FLAG6.ZIP 195,737 09/30/90 Flag Database DoubleCheck System Version 6.0
FLIX11.ZIP 54,611 09/22/90 Flix video cataloging database, sort, search,
FMAPS100.ZIP 220,147 10/05/90 FingerMAps Includes world & USA map database
FPPAT4.ZIP 21,031 09/01/91 Patch utility, instructions, and change log
FXD775.ZIP 167,905 09/29/90 Database of over 775 hard drive specs.
GDI.ZIP 75,161 04/10/91 Menealogy data indexer for large collections
HCAP.ZIP 20,373 10/12/90 Golf handicap database
ILDB202.ZIP 185,263 09/28/91 ILink Database Query/Reports v2.02
ILDT0928.ZIP 37,262 09/28/91 ILink Database Query/Reports v2.02
KSDEMO.ZIP 232,952 03/29/91 Decision Making Software That Uses Statistics
LC173.ZIP 128,256 05/28/90 Latest version of Logicat disk catalog program
MAILIT.ZIP 115,747 07/02/90 Excellent mailing list manager.
MBASE.ZIP 31,066 02/11/91 Database with C source.
MEMO1.ZIP 115,508 05/30/90 A free-form database program
MOVIE30.ZIP 263,257 07/13/91 Database to catalog your movies, pictures and pla
MOVIEA.ZIP 264,872 07/15/91 Database of movies for your VCR, part 1
MUSICHRT.ZIP 129,175 05/19/90 Music program chart database for entertainment di
NEUBAS42.ZIP 127,237 12/31/90 NEUBASE v4.2 Excellent personal database,
NEWJAZZ.ZIP 420,638 08/01/91 Better version on jazz - database on jazz albums.
NEW_SPEL.ZIP 116,860 09/28/91 Third update to the AD&D Spells Database
OTD.ZIP 94,747 04/21/90 On this day 1.00 (event database manager)
PDBAS412.ZIP 156,986 09/30/90 Product Database door v4.12 (pcboardv14.x)
PHOTO.ZIP 136,935 06/26/90 Photography DB program, 3 levels
PHOWIN21.ZIP 56,747 05/01/91 PhoneWin v2.1 Address database/dialer
PPS1.ZIP 267,983 08/12/91 Phone/Rolodex database program
REALTY.ZIP 143,931 02/28/91 MSL'S Realtors' database.
REDA50.ZIP 124,368 05/16/91 REDA v5.0 Remote Database. Online database
ROLODX35.ZIP 160,949 09/22/91 My Rolodex v3.5 database. 9-22-91.
SALESXP.ZIP 190,674 08/27/90 Database of computer products manufactures.
SC21TC.ZIP 74,790 01/27/91 SoftC Database library v2.0 Small memory libr
SLYCE110.ZIP 30,804 09/04/91 General purpose utility for text and database fil
SOFTC2.ZIP 312,358 08/08/90 Soft-C dBASE library for TC2 & MS-C5/6.
SRINF14A.ZIP 285,238 10/17/90 SR-Info database programming language. (dbf)
SRINF14B.ZIP 234,326 10/03/90 SR-INFO v1.4 DPL 2/2
SSQL23.ZIP 195,830 12/29/90 Databaase & SQL tutor v2.3
WAMP42A.ZIP 233,336 08/18/90 Wampum database 4.2 - 1 of 2
WAMP42B.ZIP 129,114 08/18/90 Wampum database 4.2 - 2 of 2
WAMPM41A.ZIP 226,056 07/01/90 Wampum 4.1 relational data base 1/2
WAMPM41B.ZIP 127,993 07/01/90 Wampum 4.1 relational data base 2/2
WISDOM.ZIP 583,164 03/14/90 Wisdom/quotes in a database format-neat !
WOD200.ZIP 92,265 06/08/91 Wonder Database System v2.0 Uses ARJ
Other Shareware: Desktop publishing
ANI_GRIF.ZIP 210,638 06/18/91 GriffinDingBats for ATM
ARTMART1.ZIP 76,633 04/28/87 Clip Art for Desk Top Publishing 1 of 4
ARTMART2.ZIP 117,338 04/28/87 Clip Art for Desk Top Publishing 2 of 4
ARTMART3.ZIP 93,706 04/28/87 Clip Art for Desk Top Publishing 3 of 4
ARTMART4.ZIP 102,351 08/25/87 Clip Art for Desk Top Publishing 4 of 4
CTDESK73.ZIP 92,847 03/12/89 Citydesk DT Publishing for Dot Matrix v7.3
CUBART.ZIP 6,162 04/20/90 Scanned cub scout emblems desk top
DATAPUB.ZIP 95,931 09/21/87 Prints booklet/catalog mail manager
DESKANI.ZIP 8,946 05/02/90 Animated backgrounds for deskpic.
DESKN243.ZIP 72,246 06/01/90 Desktop navigator v2.43: file
DESKPC11.ZIP 19,385 06/03/90 Deskpic v1.1: desktop picture/screen
DESKSAV3.ZIP 30,623 07/21/90 Save and restore desktop
DIEGTT.ZIP 44,100 04/06/92 TrueType font Diego for PM4.x
DSKEX2.ZIP 35,162 06/09/90 Develop your own extensions to deskpic for OS/2.
DTP20.ZIP 341,672 02/22/91 Desk Top Paint v2.00
DTPBOOKS.ZIP 5,939 12/22/88 Summary of Desktop Publishing books
GEM132.ZIP 62,347 05/08/90 Ati 132 col. driver for gem.
GIFPUB31.ZIP 109,912 09/10/90 Cvt GIF->PCX FirstPub/Ventura,CGA/HERC/EGA/VGA
HAT.ZIP 841 07/30/90 Wordperfect graphic (wpg) of a baseball cap.
HGRAPH7.ZIP 23,738 04/23/90 Graphic symbols for harvard
HGTEMPS.ZIP 8,479 08/11/90 Templates for harvard graphics.
HPMTRY30.ZIP 679,462 06/22/90 Harvard project manager ver 3.0 trial version
HSYM1.ZIP 44,370 04/23/90 Harvard symbols from freelance 1.
HSYM2.ZIP 22,226 04/23/90 Harvard symbols from freelance 2.
HSYM3.ZIP 35,352 04/23/90 Harvard symbols from freelance 3.
HSYM6.ZIP 39,573 04/23/90 Harvard symbols from freelance 6.
IROC.ZIP 23,853 07/14/87 Scanned image of Chevy in Paintbrush format
LT.ZIP 258,891 09/04/91 LaserTwin v2.1 update. PS interpreter
LW_TT.ZIP 29,991 04/06/92 Earthquake vibrating font TrueType(PM4.z)
MAKEWI.ZIP 3,154 03/12/90 Instructions for making ventura width tables
OCR104.ZIP 93,311 09/19/89 Optical character recognition for scanners
OCRSHR22.ZIP 389,166 12/30/90 Optical character reader for scanners
OVIP1.ZIP 114,231 02/23/92 Oviparus SVGA image manipulation
P4UPV30.ZIP 32,176 03/26/92 ASCII to Laser PRN util. up to 25 pages on 1
PA402.ZIP 94,772 02/23/92 Printer's Apprentice v4.02 bugfix and update
PAGEONE1.ZIP 17,636 06/30/86 DOC files for PAGEONE2, desktop pub
PAGEONE2.ZIP 98,551 06/30/86 Desktop Publishing pt. 2 of 2
PBFONTS.ZIP 266,765 03/21/92 PCPaintbrush and HPPaintBrush fonts
PFMTOAFM.EXE 31,744 02/08/92 Convert PFM fonts to ATM
PFS_ART1.ZIP 74,149 10/10/88 Clip Art PFS 1 of 3
PFS_ART2.ZIP 55,231 10/10/88 Clip Art PFS 2 of 3
PFS_ART3.ZIP 55,189 10/10/88 Clip Art PFS 3 of 3
PUBFONT1.ZIP 55,370 11/29/88 Fonts for First Publisher 1 of 9
PUBFONT2.ZIP 62,692 11/29/88 Fonts for First Publisher 2 of 9
PUBFONT3.ZIP 123,023 03/05/89 Fonts for First Publisher 3 of 9
PUBFONT4.ZIP 55,957 03/28/89 Fonts for First Publisher 4 of 9
PUBFONT5.ZIP 66,544 03/28/89 Fonts for First Publisher 5 of 9
PUBFONT6.ZIP 50,672 08/31/89 Fonts for First Publisher 6 of 9
PUBFONT7.ZIP 49,517 03/28/89 Fonts for First Publisher 7 of 9
PUBFONT8.ZIP 56,725 08/31/89 Fonts for First Publisher 8 of 9
PUBFONT9.ZIP 35,305 03/28/89 Fonts for First Publisher 9 of 9
RS_ATM.ZIP 80,524 02/23/92 Collection of ATM fonts
SHOP_SET.ZIP 129,686 06/03/89 Collection of images for Print Shop
STYLELST.ZIP 41,898 11/16/88 WP5.x Style Sheet Manager
VNTURART.ZIP 21,882 04/22/87 Clip art sample for desktop use
WP50ART1.ZIP 58,505 10/22/88 Clip Art for Word Perfect 5.0 (1 of 7)
WP50ART2.ZIP 29,753 10/22/88 Clip Art for Word Perfect 5.0 (2 of 7)
WP50ART3.ZIP 69,767 10/22/88 Clip Art for Word Perfect 5.0 (3 of 7)
WP50ART4.ZIP 21,189 10/22/88 Clip Art for Word Perfect 5.0 (4 of 7)
WP50ART5.ZIP 88,530 10/22/88 Clip Art for Word Perfect 5.0 (5 of 7)
WP50ART6.ZIP 24,925 11/13/88 Clip Art for Word Perfect 5.0 (6 of 7)
WP50ART7.ZIP 18,248 11/13/88 Clip Art for Word Perfect 5.0 (7 of 7)
WPTOO51B.ZIP 230,596 01/11/92 Collection of 'tools' for Word Perfect 5.1
WSTYLE.ZIP 128,659 02/14/88 Style sheet manager
SDN International: Business 1
1099M14.SDA 2,414 11/21/90 1099 Tax preparation form. Prints several numbers
1099M14.SDN 43,542 11/21/90 Quick easy tax prep, easy data entry and printing
ACTLF15A.SDA 1,664 02/18/91 Active Life 1.5
ACTLF15A.SDN 203,151 02/18/91 Powerful system for planning, managing and tracki
ACTLF15B.SDN 171,815 02/18/91 Tracks both personal and business. Calendar, remi
ACTLF15C.SDN 181,606 02/18/91 Versions for DOS, windows, OS2. By 1SOFT
ALIT110.SDA 1,797 03/31/91 Alite version 1.10
ALIT110.SDN 232,670 03/31/91 A powerful spreadsheet program with graphics
ALM442.SDA 2,003 03/10/91 Designed for both maintaining labels, mailing lis
ALM442.SDN 81,191 03/10/91 Can handle up to 2400 records each. $10.00 by Jac
AMORT110.SDA 2,025 03/15/91 Calculate mortgage loan amortization schedules
AMORT110.SDN 114,347 03/15/91 Allows use of any interest rate schedule
AMORTIZE.SDA 4,076 04/13/92 Select payments of weekly, monthly, semi-monthly,
AMORTIZE.SDN 222,637 02/10/91 Print out schedules and information on agent, buy
AMORTZ13.SDA 1,842 08/10/91 AMORTZ v1.30 caculate financial loans
AMORTZ13.SDN 106,164 08/10/91 Calculate loan variables quickly
AMRT111.SDA 1,849 09/22/91 AMORT by MICRO DATA v1.11 amortization
AMRT111.SDN 116,882 09/22/91 Calculate mortage schedules quick & easy
AMTAX89.SDA 1,623 02/11/90 Program to assist you in preparing your 1989 tax
AMTAX89.SDN 135,071 02/11/90 It can prepare returns consisting of form 1040 an
AM_TAX90.SDA 2,757 12/24/90 Database to track your investments in stock and b
AM_TAX90.SDN 136,656 12/27/90 Total cost to sell a security, total recieved fro
ARCH_A41.SDA 3,838 01/29/92 Architects Helper v4.1 by Paul Sax
ARCH_A41.SDN 248,349 01/29/92 Fast search capability, Rolodex<tm> features, App
ARCH_B41.SDN 90,277 01/29/92 "Layer in" ability, 99,999,999 layers of data
ARCH_C41.SDN 258,068 01/29/92 All reports fit in a standard briefcase
ARCH_D41.SDN 275,865 01/29/92 One billion names and appointments (4/6)
ARCH_E41.SDN 313,554 01/29/92 Callbacks, Statements, Collections (5/6)
ARCH_F41.SDN 11,049 01/29/92 Free-form database, graphics (6/6)
BAM250.SDA 1,451 05/15/89 Bank Account Manager v2.5, keep track of all your
BAM250.SDN 146,661 05/15/89 Easy addition of and updating of accounts, manipu
BAM250_D.SDN 58,995 05/15/89 Report options, highly user friendly, and feature
BARTEND.SDA 1,542 04/11/90 Bar Tender v145, handles bar code printing for al
BARTEND.SDN 173,366 04/11/90 7 popular emulations. inventory control, POS, cod
BEANCT10.SDA 1,288 10/28/90 Bean Counter Plus v1.0 Inventory management
BEANCT10.SDN 52,226 10/28/90 Calculates retail price from wholesale price and
BIDBIZ.SDA 1,137 07/16/89 BidBiz by I. Smith for persons with need for mult
BIDBIZ.SDN 198,177 07/16/89 and phase costs tied to bid and primary items and
BIDBIZ16.SDA 1,265 09/10/89 BidBiz 1.6 Uses multiple componant and phase cost
BIDBIZ16.SDN 164,942 09/10/89 windows for viewing, editing and various look up
BIDBIZ19.SDA 1,736 08/19/90 BidBiz 1.9 by I. Smith - Major upgrade - Estimati
BIDBIZ19.SDN 185,671 08/19/90 requirements 512k ram, hard disk, and printer cap
BILPWR53.SDA 2,048 01/09/90 Billpower Plus v5.3 Billing program that includes
BILPWR53.SDN 355,691 01/09/90 bookkeeping, and general ledger functions. Wide v
BIZPLN12.SDN 155,266 04/02/92 Makes it easy to write your business plan
CALFUN1.SDA 734 08/25/91 Calendar Fun v1.0 organize appointment
CALFUN1.SDN 129,791 08/25/91 for business and personal use.
CASE40A.SDA 2,414 11/07/91 Case Manager v4.0 by Paul Sax
CASE40A.SDN 333,033 11/07/91 Keep in control of your clients (1 of 4)
CASE40B.SDN 246,738 11/07/91 For attorneys or counselers (2 of 4)
CASE40C.SDN 276,173 11/07/91 Comprehensive Client/Docket Track (3 of 4)
CASE40D.SDN 311,552 11/07/91 Tickler, monthly statements etc (4 of 4)
CASHRT10.SDA 1,578 09/29/90 Cash Register Plus v1.0
CASHRT10.SDN 30,309 09/29/90 A small point of sale program for small businesse
CHKBK301.SDA 1,344 08/01/90 Ez Ledger 3.01
CHKBK301.SDN 99,738 08/01/90 Simple, personal or household checkbook program
CM170.SDA 1,827 05/28/89 CheckMate 1.70 by Custom Technologies
CM170.SDN 158,077 05/28/89 Helps you accurately track your personal financia
CMGL170.SDA 2,262 05/29/89 CheckMate GL 1.70 by Custom Technologies, use wit
CMGL170.SDN 197,962 05/29/89 Full powered, multiple entry general ledger packa
COLL41A.SDA 2,698 11/14/91 Your Collector v4.1 by Paul Sax
COLL41A.SDN 251,534 11/14/91 Automerge your letters (1 of 5)
COLL41B.SDN 82,222 11/14/91 Amt due, callbacks, revenue (2 of 5)
COLL41C.SDN 321,158 11/14/91 Expenses, graphics, freeform data (3 of 5)
COLL41D.SDN 189,201 11/14/91 Reports, Wordprocessing, dialer (4 of 5)
COLL41E.SDN 311,587 11/14/91 Merge, print, update (5 of 5)
COSBIZ.SDA 3,456 08/08/89 Cost BIZ by I. Smith
COSBIZ.SDN 138,733 08/08/89 Intended for use by those needing a simple stand
COSBIZ12.SDA 1,536 11/20/89 Cost Biz v1.2 by I.J. Smith -labor, materials, et
COSBIZ12.SDN 141,646 11/20/89 Provides for 4 types of cost records - equipement
CPLUS21.SDA 2,816 10/17/89 Contract Plus v2.1
CPLUS21.SDN 160,010 10/17/89 Client Tracking System
CPLUS211.SDA 2,145 04/09/90 Contract Plus v2.11
CPLUS211.SDN 164,753 04/09/90 Suitable for Attorneys, salesmen, businessmen, br
CPLUS300.SDA 2,122 04/12/92 Contract Plus v3.00
CPLUS300.SDN 196,860 01/10/91 Keeps a history of notes, phone calls, and corres
CREDIT10.SDA 3,679 11/03/91 Repair bad credit ratings
CREDIT10.SDN 191,227 11/03/91 Reference of your rights
CTRL121.SDA 1,990 02/10/91 Cash Control v1.21 by Adrian Thomas
CTRL121.SDN 153,460 02/10/91 Fast and easy way to manage your checkbook
CUPAR11.SDA 2,432 10/16/89 Cupar 1.1 - Colorado Utilities Personal Asset Re
CUPAR11.SDN 92,856 10/16/89 Easy means to keep track of your personal/busines
CWISE100.SDA 2,640 02/04/92 Calandar Wise v1.00 desktop calandar
CWISE100.SDN 223,111 02/04/92 For EGA/VGA systems. Planner/Tracker
DENTL40A.SDA 2,873 05/03/92 Dental#1 v.4.0 billing for dentist office
DENTL40A.SDN 262,419 05/03/92 Dental from MEDcare shareware (1 of 5)
DENTL40B.SDN 59,240 05/03/92 Dental from MEDcare shareware (2 of 5)
DENTL40C.SDN 286,209 05/03/92 Dental from MEDcare shareware (3 of 5)
DENTL40D.SDN 240,433 05/03/92 Dental from MEDcare shareware (4 of 5)
DENTL40E.SDN 314,644 05/03/92 Dental form MEDcare shareware (5 of 5)
DEXICAL.SDA 2,346 11/08/89 DEX-I-CAL version 5.35 by Franklin Services
DEXICAL.SDN 140,410 11/15/89 Simple Rolodex 50 filecards (150 entries each)
DISKJOB.SDA 665 04/19/92 DiskJob - for people answering job ads
DISKJOB.SDN 205,366 04/19/92 Make your own database, print cover letter
DNTL103A.SDA 5,319 09/22/91 Dental#1 v1.03 billing for dentist office
DNTL103A.SDN 322,403 09/22/91 Dental from MEDcare shareware
DNTL103B.SDN 53,159 09/22/91 Dental#1 with general ledger etc..
EASINV11.SDA 1,664 12/17/89 Stan alone inventory program for any business
EASINV11.SDN 152,551 12/17/89 Easy Inventory v1.1
EASYQTE1.SDA 2,176 09/01/89 Full featured price quoting program
EASYQTE1.SDN 155,213 09/01/89 Easy Quote v1.0
EID132.SDA 1,083 05/02/92 Encrypt-It v1.32 for DOS
EID132.SDN 114,983 05/02/92 Encrypt files and information for privacy
EIMS100.SDA 2,816 09/01/89 and! - Maintenance Scheduler
EIMS100.SDN 151,142 09/01/89 Equipment Inventory Database v1.0
EIMS12.SDA 2,342 08/19/90 and! - Maintenance Scheduler
EIMS12.SDN 169,814 08/19/90 Equipment Inventory Database v1.2
EIW132.SDA 1,121 05/02/92 Encrypt-It v1.32 for Windows 3.1 (W)
EIW132.SDN 69,279 05/02/92 Advanced security for file protection.
EXCALC4.SDA 1,755 03/10/89 Easy to use "Visible Spreadsheet" program
EXCALC4A.SDN 182,837 03/08/89 ExpressCalc v4.0 (1 of 2)
EXCALC4B.SDN 114,381 03/08/89 ExpressCalc v4.0 (2 of 2)
EXPCHK4.SDA 2,356 09/10/90 ExpressCheck checkbook accounting
EXPCHK4A.SDN 188,753 09/10/90 ExpressCheck v4.01 (1 of 2)
EXPCHK4B.SDN 80,414 09/10/90 ExpressCheck v4.01 (2 of 2)
EXPCK40.SDA 2,822 03/11/90 ExpressCheck checkbook accounting
EXPCK4_A.SDN 185,813 03/11/90 ExpressCheck v4.0 (1 of 2)
EXPCK4_B.SDN 79,826 03/11/90 ExpressCheck v4.0 (2 of 2)
EXPGH105.SDA 3,100 03/11/90 Easy to use business graphics program
EXPGH105.SDN 153,418 03/10/90 ExpressGraph v1.05
EZACCES5.SDA 1,075 07/26/89 Complete hard drive menuing program
EZACCES5.SDN 75,338 07/26/89 EZ Access v5.1
EZF221I.SDA 648 09/17/91 EZ-FINANCE v2.21I Personal Finance
EZF221I.SDN 298,581 09/17/91 Maintains records - writes checks
EZFL_E12.SDA 971 02/21/89 Powerful forms generation and management system
EZFL_E12.SDN 220,298 01/17/89 Easy Forms v1.2
EZINV15.SDA 1,698 08/19/90 Easy to use standalone inventory program
EZINV15.SDN 177,572 08/19/90 Easy Inventory v1.5
EZLDGR31.SDA 1,615 07/22/90 Computerized cash register and expense ledger
EZLDGR31.SDN 155,924 07/24/90 Easy Ledger v3.1
EZTIME20.SDA 1,664 05/13/92 EZTIME v2.0 Restaurant Management System
EZTIME20.SDN 315,707 05/13/92 Control labor costs, manage labor.
EZX_SS21.SDA 1,744 03/07/89 Easy to use, Fast and efficient spreadsheet progr
EZX_SS21.SDN 133,863 02/23/89 EZ-Spreadsheet vS2.1
EZ_FX201.SDA 1,408 02/24/89 Business forms generator/management package
EZ_FX201.SDN 205,475 02/24/89 EZ-Forms v2.01
FASTM60A.SDA 1,934 11/24/91 FastMenu Gold v. 6.0
FASTM60A.SDN 234,983 10/29/91 FastMenu Gold v. 6.0 (1 of 2)
FASTM60B.SDN 271,112 10/29/91 FastMenu Gold v. 6.0 (2 of 2)
FAXMGR11.SDA 1,586 01/22/92 FAXManager v1.1 prints cover sheets
FAXMGR11.SDN 56,007 01/22/92 Maintains a name and address database
FBK408.SDA 2,529 01/21/89 Easy way to track expenses and income
FBK408_1.SDN 199,065 03/04/89 FastBucks v4.08 (1 of 2)
FBK408_2.SDN 106,950 03/04/89 FastBucks v4.08 (2 of 2)
FBKS410.SDA 3,072 09/24/89 Quick easy way to track expenses and income
FBKS410A.SDN 154,347 09/24/89 FastBucks v4.10 (1 of 2)
FBKS410B.SDN 85,548 09/24/89 FastBucks v4.10 (2 of 2)
FG_BUSI1.SDN 52,969 03/25/92 FormGen Business collection #1
FG_BUSI2.SDN 32,761 03/25/92 FormGem Business collection #2
FG_HOME.SDN 39,575 03/25/92 FormGen - Home collection
FG_MEDI.SDN 29,296 03/25/92 FormGen - Medical collection
FMGL13F.SDA 1,664 09/02/89 Standalone general ledger program
FMGL13F.SDN 219,039 09/02/89 Finance Manager II - General Ledger v1.3
FMIIACCR.SDA 5,760 09/07/89 Standalone accounts recievable program
FMIIACCR.SDN 191,640 09/07/89 Finance Manager II - Accounts recievable
FMIIPAY.SDA 5,376 09/04/89 Standalone payroll program
FMIIPAY1.SDN 173,640 09/04/89 Finance Manager II - Payroll (1 of 2)
FMIIPAY2.SDN 59,996 09/04/89 Finance Manager II - Payroll (2 of 2)
FMIIPBL1.SDN 163,118 09/05/89 Finance Manager II - Accounts Payable v1.3e
FMIIPBL2.SDN 56,952 09/05/89 Finance Manager II - Accounts Payable v1.3e
FMIIPBLE.SDA 4,864 09/05/89 Standalone accounts payable program
FORMGEN.SDA 896 01/25/90 Powerful yet easy to use form generator
FORMGEN.SDN 106,993 01/25/90 FormGen v1.0
FRMGENII.SDN 309,557 03/25/92 FormGen II fast and powerful form maker
FRMGF22.SDN 189,845 03/25/92 FormGen Fill v2.2 for FormGen II
GUID516A.SDA 1,189 10/21/90 Home legal form generator
GUID516A.SDN 163,938 10/21/90 Home Legal Guide v5.16 (1 of 2)
GUID516B.SDN 108,007 10/21/90 Home Legal Guide v5.16 (2 of 2)
HEM10.SDA 1,105 04/11/90 Hours/Expense/Miles tracking program
HEM10.SDN 122,274 04/11/90 H/E/M v1.0
HH13.SDA 2,343 01/01/91 Home Helper v1.3 by Torbert Data Systems
HH13.SDN 208,573 01/01/91 Database for Household needs
INVEST1.SDA 1,920 01/23/90 Project the benefits of regular investments
INVEST1.SDN 37,769 01/23/90 Investment Analysis v1.0
ISIBA10A.SDA 862 02/22/92 Business Accounting System v1.0
ISIBA10A.SDN 107,712 02/22/92 For small consulting business (1/3)
ISIBA10B.SDN 140,705 02/22/92 Track/report revenue & billing (2/3)
ISIBA10C.SDN 91,038 02/22/92 Accounts receivable for tax year (3/3)
STAB110A.SDA 3,331 05/15/92 Stable Investment Software v1.10
STAB110A.SDN 133,874 05/15/92 Stock market technical analysis (1/2)
STAB110B.SDN 114,096 05/15/92 Technical graph. Windows compatible (2/2)
SDN International: Business 2
JOB112A.SDA 3,929 09/22/91 Job Cost v1.12 by Micro Data Assist
JOB112A.SDN 150,592 09/22/91 Monitor budget progress of projects
JOB112B.SDN 23,983 09/22/91 Compare status to budget at any time
JOBC14.SDA 1,053 04/07/92 Job Cost v1.14 by Micro Data Assist.
JOBC14.SDN 166,102 11/19/90 Monitor budget progress of projecrs
JOBS32.SDA 2,614 04/16/89 Compare status to budget at any tome
JOBS32.SDN 9,046 04/16/89 Job Cost version 3.2
JOBS32A1.SDN 145,319 04/16/89 Excellent Job cost analsys program
JOBS32A2.SDN 157,665 04/16/89 Calculate any job costs
LITCOST1.SDA 1,408 02/10/90 LitCost version 1
LITCOST1.SDN 136,745 02/10/90 Designed to calculate the costs of pratically any
LP10026.SDA 1,914 12/20/90 LP100 Linear Programming optimizer
LP10026.SDN 243,895 12/20/90 Maximize or minimize math programming problems
MAINT26.SDA 2,560 02/19/89 Maint 2.6
MAINT26A.SDN 227,286 02/19/89 The Ultimate Maintenance and Service Call Utility
MAINT26B.SDN 245,745 02/19/89 The Ultimate Maintenance and Service Call Trackin
MAINT30.SDA 1,694 07/09/89 Maint version 3.0
MAINTA30.SDN 70,277 07/09/89 Invaluable for any business that provides a servi
MAINTB30.SDN 111,082 07/09/89 Disk 2 of Maint
MAINTC30.SDN 62,734 09/14/89 Disk 3 of Maint
MAINTD30.SDN 137,608 07/09/89 Disk 4 of Maint
MD121.SDA 1,115 05/02/92 Mortgage Designer v1.21 by MaeDae (W)
MD121.SDN 84,099 05/02/92 Complete home mortgage calculations
MED1107A.SDA 3,743 02/06/92 MED#1 v1.07 by MEDshare Inc.
MED1107A.SDN 314,188 02/06/92 Complete Medical Office Management (1/2)
MED1107B.SDN 350,515 02/06/92 Supports preprinted insurance forms (2/2)
MEDLINAP.SDA 886 04/06/89 PC-AP version 1.0
MEDLINAP.SDN 52,665 04/06/89 Accounts Payable program, small, but easy to use
MEDLINAR.SDA 841 04/08/89 PC-AR version 1.0
MEDLINAR.SDN 53,289 04/08/89 Account receivable program
MEDLINGL.SDA 1,331 04/07/89 PC-AL version 1.
MEDLINGL.SDN 51,671 04/07/89 Double entry acccouting program
MEDLINPR.SDA 1,649 04/09/89 PC-PR 1.7
MEDLINPR.SDN 58,830 04/09/89 Payroll writing program, easy to use
MN90TXF1.SDA 1,007 07/14/91 'Minnesota' tax forms for HP laser jet
MN90TXF1.SDN 46,233 07/14/91 Can be used by programmers for tax prgrms
MN90TXF2.SDA 1,024 09/01/91 Minnesota 1990 laser printer tax form
MN90TXF2.SDN 55,439 08/26/91 Software included to print forms
MODAR1.SDA 2,652 06/27/89 MODAR v1.0 accounts receivable
MODAR1.SDN 212,954 06/27/89 From Modern Microcomputing v1.0
MODAR2.SDA 2,927 09/10/90 MODAR v2.0 accounts receivable
MODAR2.SDN 180,123 09/10/90 From Modern Microcomputing v2.0
MODBIL61.SDA 3,166 09/12/90 Modern Professional Billing v6.1
MODBIL61.SDN 159,759 09/12/90 Client billing Accounts Receivable
MODBILL4.SDA 1,458 03/19/89 Modern Professional Billing v4.0
MODBILL4.SDN 149,476 03/15/89 Client billing Accounts Receivable
MODBILL6.SDA 1,499 06/28/89 Modern Professional Billing v6.0
MODBILL6.SDN 155,476 06/28/89 Client billing Accounts Receivable
MRKTIM21.SDA 3,200 08/27/89 Stock Market Timer
MRKTIM21.SDN 96,206 08/27/89 Calculates different items from the stock market
MRKTP11.SDA 3,584 12/16/89 Market Plus
MRKTP11A.SDN 103,629 12/16/89 Complete investment tracking system 1 of 2
MRKTP11B.SDN 150,845 12/16/89 Market Plus 2 of 2
MTG21.SDA 2,620 01/16/92 Making The Grade v2.1 for teachers
MTG21.SDN 299,780 01/16/92 Complete system for tracking students
MULTRK.SDA 2,050 12/31/89 MultiTrac 4.3
MULTRK1.SDN 85,338 12/31/89 Client, propect, project tracker system 1 of 2
MULTRK2.SDN 331,575 12/31/89 Multitrac 2 of 2
PAC4.SDA 1,920 10/13/89 Painless Accounting version 4.0
PAC4_1.SDN 133,204 10/13/89 Complete Accounting Package 1 of 3
PAC4_2.SDN 235,365 10/13/89 Painless Accounting 2 of 3
PAC4_3.SDN 185,944 10/13/89 Painless Accounting 3 of 3
PAC534_1.SDA 1,452 04/13/92 Painless Accounting 5.0
PAC534_1.SDN 310,019 03/27/91 Complete Accouting 1 of 2 files
PAC534_2.SDN 286,864 03/27/91 PA 2 of 2
PACCT5A.SDA 1,581 02/18/91 Painless Accounting v5.0 Full Ledger
PACCT5A.SDN 136,040 02/18/91 Painless Accounting v5.0 (1 of 3)
PACCT5B.SDN 174,277 02/18/91 Painless Accounting v5.0 (2 of 3)
PACCT5C.SDN 283,069 02/18/91 Painless Accounting v5.0 (3 of 3)
PACOMP5.SDA 1,269 02/18/91 Painless Accounting Companion v5.0
PACOMP5.SDN 218,400 02/18/91 Use with Painless Accounting By Pierce
PAINLES1.SDN 174,221 07/11/89 Painless Accounting 1 of 3
PAINLES2.SDN 167,633 07/11/89 Painless Accounting 2 of 3
PAINLES3.SDN 130,192 07/11/89 Painless Accounting 3 of 3
PAINLESS.SDA 812 07/11/89 Text file description of Painless Accounting
PAL200.SDA 1,193 02/21/89 PAL version 2.0
PAL200.SDN 299,093 12/31/88 Personal Appointment Locator Program
PAYR222.SDA 3,249 04/02/90 Complete business payroll system
PAYR222A.SDN 309,773 04/02/90 Payroll USA v2.22 (1 of 2)
PAYR222B.SDN 328,766 04/02/90 Payroll USA v2.22 (2 of 2)
PA_COMP.SDA 1,560 03/01/90 Great companion program for Painless Accounting
PA_COMP.SDN 276,506 03/01/90 Painless Companion v1.0
PCACT220.SDA 2,319 01/20/89 A peppy home accounting package
PCACT220.SDN 270,459 01/11/89 PC-Accounting v2.20
PCBIDP20.SDA 1,229 04/19/89 Computerized job costing program
PCBIDP20.SDN 126,968 04/19/89 PC Bid Plus v2.0
PCBIDP21.SDA 1,664 12/04/89 Computerized job costing program
PCBIDP21.SDN 116,225 12/04/89 PC Bid Plus v2.1
PCBILL.SDA 1,597 04/09/92 Easy to use billing and invoicing program for sma
PCBILL.SDN 98,632 01/27/90 PC Billing v2.0
PCCALCP.SDA 2,304 08/24/89 Complete full featured spreadsheet program
PCCALCP1.SDN 277,538 08/24/89 PC Calc Plus v2.0 (1 of 3)
PCCALCP2.SDN 244,410 08/24/89 PC Calc Plus v2.0 (2 of 3)
PCCALCP3.SDN 132,046 08/24/89 PC Calc Plus v2.0 (3 of 3)
PCDEAL23.SDA 665 04/24/89 Double entry accounts ledger for small business
PCDEAL23.SDN 216,458 04/26/89 PC Deal v2.3
PCPAY_92.SDA 2,657 02/13/92 PC-PayRoll 1992 revision. Payroll system
PCPAY_92.SDN 318,779 02/13/92 Special subscription offer for updates
PCPY305A.SDA 2,788 10/28/90 PC-Payroll v3.05 figures U.S. taxes
PCPY305A.SDN 39,964 10/28/90 Payroll with Federal/State/Local taxes
PCPY305B.SDN 193,234 10/28/90 PC-Payroll v3.05 (Disk 2 of 2)
PCSTAT23.SDA 1,440 08/01/91 PCStat v2.3 statistical and histogram
PCSTAT23.SDN 623,102 08/22/91 Between two related data sets.
PCSTAT24.SDA 1,762 11/03/91 PC-Stat v2.4 statistical reporting prgm
PCSTAT24.SDN 318,710 11/11/91 Easy to use, uncomplicated <ASP>
PCTICKLE.SDA 958 02/19/89 Keep track of meetings, appointments, and importa
PCTICKLE.SDN 145,235 02/03/89 PC Tickle v1.0
PC_CALC.SDA 740 02/06/89 Easy to use home spreadsheet program
PC_CALC1.SDN 264,496 02/06/89 PC Calc+ v1.0 (1 of 3)
PC_CALC2.SDN 220,841 02/06/89 PC Calc+ v1.0 (2 of 3)
PC_CALC3.SDN 165,827 02/06/89 PC Calc+ v1.0 (3 of 3)
PC_FDOCS.SDN 144,856 02/14/89 PC File Documentation (1 of 3)
PC_FILE.SDA 1,152 02/17/89 General purpose database program manager
PC_FPRGM.SDN 326,935 02/14/89 PC File program files (2 of 3)
PC_FUTIL.SDN 341,852 02/14/89 PC File utility files (3 of 3)
PDSEP409.SDA 2,304 12/08/89 Electrical contractor job costing program
PDSEP409.SDN 217,406 12/08/89 PDS EPrice v4.09
PDSM102.SDA 2,688 12/08/89 Complete church management program
PDSM102.SDN 234,694 12/08/89 PDS Member v1.02
PDSQ409.SDA 2,048 12/07/89 Full featured job costing program
PDSQ409.SDN 226,299 12/07/89 PDS Quote v4.09
PFROI24.SDA 2,944 11/13/89 Complete portfolio management program
PFROI24.SDN 171,068 11/13/89 PFROI v2.4
PHLBL21.SDA 2,576 09/22/91 PHLBL v2.1 Phil Herron Labeler
PHLBL21.SDN 64,682 09/22/91 Print labels and Rolodex style cards
PH_SSN12.SDA 1,185 09/29/91 Social Security Number v1.2 Phil Herron
PIVOT.SDA 474 06/25/89 Print your As-Easy-As worksheets in portrait or l
PIVOT.SDN 111,289 06/25/89 Pivot v1.01
PM23.SDA 2,478 04/24/89 PropMan complete Residential property management
PM23_1.SDN 204,408 04/26/89 Propman v2.3 (1 of 4)
PM23_2.SDN 140,387 04/26/89 Propman v2.3 (2 of 4)
PM23_3.SDN 36,985 04/26/89 Propman v2.3 (3 of 4)
PM23_4.SDN 124,489 04/26/89 Propman v2.3 (4 of 4)
PONY_EXP.SDA 2,948 02/02/91 Pony Express v1.50 from Melisco Marketing
PONY_EXP.SDN 171,019 02/02/91 Quickly quote shipping charges
POSINVNB.SDA 1,693 04/09/92 Point of Sale and Invoicing Program
POSINVNB.SDN 97,775 03/13/91 For a Retail bookstore or similar business
PST09B.SDA 1,063 08/12/91 Personal Stock Technician v0.9b
PST09B.SDN 173,698 08/11/91 Stock Market Technical Analysis Program
PURCHASE.SDA 2,607 05/23/90 Business PO's billing invoice
PURCHASE.SDN 141,206 05/23/90 Purchase Order System by Ron Byxbe
QPACS31.SDA 1,413 01/12/91 QPACS v3.1 financial management
QPACS31.SDN 78,649 01/12/91 Individual/family, easy menu driven
QZIP21.SDN 40,013 08/10/91 Use your own printer, pay less postage
Q_PRO4.SDA 3,584 09/14/89 Complete Business management package
Q_PRO4A.SDN 205,075 09/14/89 Q-Pro v4.0 (1 of 2)
Q_PRO4B.SDN 129,350 09/14/89 Q-Pro v4.0 (2 of 2)
RCFUND12.SDA 1,367 08/24/91 RCFunds v1.02 track mutual funds
RCFUND12.SDN 154,106 08/21/91 Perfect for the small investor
RCFUND13.SDN 158,699 03/28/92 Track Mutual funds - stand alone database
RMSTR30A.SDA 2,052 05/04/92 Resume Master v3.0 powerful generator
RMSTR30A.SDN 151,657 05/04/92 Use your resume for job seeking (1/2)
SALBIZ12.SDA 1,328 08/19/90 Update to I.J. Smith series
SALBIZ12.SDN 168,049 08/19/90 Sale-Biz 1.2 tracks customers & products
SALE_27.SDA 981 02/17/89 IN-Control v2.7 by Paul Sax
SALE_30.SDA 2,122 03/08/90 IN-Control v3.0 by Paul Sax
SALE_A27.SDN 143,048 02/16/89 Prospect/Client/Customer Tracker 1 of 4
SALE_A30.SDN 177,606 03/08/90 Prospect/Client/Customer Tracker 1 of 4
SALE_B27.SDN 163,008 02/16/89 Prospect/Client/Customer Tracker 2 of 4
SALE_B30.SDN 148,669 03/08/90 Prospect/Client/Customer Tracker 2 of 4
SALE_C27.SDN 100,084 02/16/89 Prospect/Client/Customer Tracker 3 of 4
SALE_C30.SDN 117,717 03/08/90 Prospect/Client/Customer Tracker 3 of 4
SALE_D27.SDN 135,375 02/16/89 Prospect/Client/Customer Tracker 4 of 4
SALE_D30.SDN 168,465 03/08/90 Prospect/Client/Customer Tracker 4 of 4
SALLOG10.SDA 1,152 01/05/90 Maintain sales data by customer, product, and mor
SALLOG10.SDN 158,411 01/05/90 Sales Log v1.0
SIGNOUT.SDA 2,713 04/02/90 Network aware program to let people know if your
SIGNOUT1.SDN 55,264 04/02/90 Sign Out v1.0
SLV4DOC.SDN 75,632 12/04/91 SolveIt! v4.2 documentation (2 of 3)
SLV4TXT.SDN 10,635 12/04/91 SolveIt! v4.2 text files (3 of 3)
SLVIT42.SDA 2,050 04/06/92 Full featured financial calculator program
SLVIT42.SDN 288,287 12/04/91 SolveIt! v4.2 (1 of 3)
SPCI211.SDA 2,048 01/04/90 Standalone business inventory program
SPCI211.SDN 117,964 01/04/90 SPC Inventory v2.11
SPCPRL10.SDA 1,311 04/19/89 Standalone business payroll system
SPCPRL10.SDN 122,900 04/19/89 SPC Payroll v1.0
SPC_AR12.SDA 1,086 04/19/89 Standalone business accounts recievable program
SPC_AR12.SDN 125,097 04/19/89 SPC Accounts Recievable v1.2
STAX9112.SDA 1,301 02/02/92 '91 Share-TAX/1040 v1.2 US IRS Tax prep.
STAX9112.SDN 290,981 02/02/92 Computes and prints IRS approved 1040
TFO330A.SDA 1,943 04/07/92 Productivity and Marketing tool
TFO330A.SDN 150,869 07/01/90 The Front Office v3.30 (1 of 3)
TFO330B.SDN 172,342 07/01/90 The Front Office v3.30 (2 of 3)
TFO330C.SDN 177,356 07/01/90 The Front Office v3.30 (3 of 3)
TMSTX24.SDA 915 10/08/90 TimeStax v2.4 tracks your time spent
TMSTX24.SDN 111,888 10/08/90 Lan aware time management system /ASP
TTR19C.SDN 158,435 03/31/91 Timetrac is a time and expense logging system
VERSDX10.SDA 2,757 02/22/92 VERSADEX v1.0 memory resident client info
VERSDX10.SDN 268,726 02/22/92 Name, address, etc.. database and prints
VIDEOST.SDA 1,539 04/09/92 Complete video store management package
VIDSTOR.SDN 186,210 11/01/90 Video Store v1.0
WALLT53.SDA 2,757 12/24/90 Wall$treet - The Bottom Line v5.35
WALLT53.SDN 190,315 12/24/90 Track/Analyse stocks and securities
WINBOSS.SDA 1,748 04/03/89 C Programming Assistant for writing windows 3.0 p
WINBOSS1.SDN 354,692 03/30/89 Window Boss v02.01.89
WINBOSS2.SDN 339,928 03/30/89 Window Boss v02.01.89
WYSAR100.SDA 2,432 07/25/89 WYSIWYG accounts recievable package
WYSAR100.SDN 187,070 07/25/89 WYS-AR v1.0
WYS_AR11.SDN 159,657 10/31/89 WYS-AR v1.1
ZBCOLR32.SDA 1,617 09/02/90 ZBest v3.2 checkbook based accounting
ZBCOLR32.SDN 294,168 09/02/90 ZBest color version v3.2
ZBMONO32.SDA 1,617 09/02/90 ZBest v3.2 checkbook tracker
ZBMONO32.SDN 291,707 09/02/90 ZBest for mono systems v3.2
ZILCH10.SDA 3,207 01/12/92 Zilch v1.10 debt liquidation plan
ZILCH10.SDN 137,220 01/12/92 Designs a progressive plan, repair credit
ZIPKEY2.SDA 3,332 02/18/91 Comprehensive zipcode database
ZIPKEY2.SDN 212,099 02/18/91 Zipkey v2.0 zipcode directory
ZPAY391A.SDA 5,593 01/26/91 ZPAY 1991 version businessPayroll
ZPAY391A.SDN 326,066 01/26/91 Includes compressed storage (1 of 2)
ZPAY391B.SDN 276,750 01/26/91 ZPAY3 by the ASP President (2 of 2)
ZPAYII19.SDA 2,816 12/02/89 ZPAY v1.9 business payroll and accounting package
ZPAYII19.SDN 308,943 12/02/89 ZPAY v1.9
SDN International: Communications
CA28_1.SDA 1,330 09/14/91 COM-AND v.28 comminucatiosn terminal
CA28_1.SDN 135,748 09/14/91 COM-AND with zmodem (1 of 6)
CA28_2A.SDN 82,084 09/14/91 COM-AND v.28 does script macros (2 of 6)
CA28_2B.SDN 89,486 09/14/91 COM-AND with 16550 UART Support (3 of 6)
CA28_3A.SDN 109,334 09/14/91 COM-AND does file en/decrypt (4 of 6)
CA28_3B.SDN 119,097 09/14/91 COM-AND v.28 with CIS-B+ (5 of 6)
CA28_4.SDN 97,170 09/14/91 COM-AND v2.8 fourth file of set
CCO13.SDA 896 09/14/91 CCOLOR v1.3 a utility for COM-AND
CCO13.SDN 56,470 09/14/91 Give conference users a color ID
COMMO310.SDA 1,792 08/16/89 {COMMO} 3.10 very small and fast term program
COMMO310.SDN 43,363 08/16/89 Has all the features one would expect
COMMO52.SDA 1,255 04/10/92 COMMO comm Package v5.20 for Windows
COMMO52.SDN 171,694 03/07/92 COMMO Comm Package v5.20 for Windows
CU_100.SDN 163,362 03/01/92 Communique Term Program. Supports IEMSI loggons t
ENVOY100.SDA 2,507 03/24/90 Envoy Communications 1.00 - complete comm. packag
ENVOY100.SDN 95,330 03/24/90 Has term, text editor, capture buffer, script and
EZXT_201.SDA 980 02/22/89 EZX Talk version 2.01
EZXT_201.SDN 99,608 02/21/89 Easy to use, has xmodem and supports com 1 and 2
HSLK11C3.SDA 1,060 04/13/92 HS-Link High Speed Protocal
MAXH0590.SDA 2,048 05/26/90 MaxiHost v.091590 (was minihost) BBS
MAXH0590.SDN 173,137 05/26/90 A unique and complete BBS system
MAXIHOST.SDA 1,949 04/02/90 MaxiHost BBS System
MAXIHOST.SDN 174,186 04/02/90 MaxiHost BBS System
MHST115.SDA 2,162 04/21/92 MegaHost v1.15 by Don Mankin
MHST115.SDN 247,577 04/21/92 Bulletin Board sysem, files, msgs, mail
MINIHOST.SDN 237,354 01/29/89 Small, but easy to set up term package, has host
MLINK100.SDA 1,025 04/10/92 MicroLink version 1.00
MLINK100.SDN 227,282 02/03/92 Windows compatible term package
MTCOMM10.SDA 1,537 03/01/92 MyComm v1.00 small yet full featured
MTCOMM10.SDN 100,257 03/01/92 For novice and advanced. ZModem included
MYCMM121.SDA 1,668 04/26/92 MYCOMM v1.21 telecommunications terminal
MYCMM121.SDN 112,346 04/26/92 Small, but has all the features you expect
MYCMM122.SDA 1,530 05/13/92 MyComm v1.22 small but full featured
MYCMM122.SDN 112,541 05/13/92 Easy to use with X/Y/Zmodem and slots
NTM_1113.SDA 2,429 09/29/90 NODE-TM v1.1113 IFNA- dial entry
NTM_1113.SDN 32,065 09/29/90 Convert IFNA nodelist to Telemate dialer
ODYSY150.SDN 341,209 03/25/92 Odyssey Communications terminal v1.50
PDL_DIAL.SDN 88,703 03/25/92 PDL Phone Dialer v1.0 TSR database
PROCM243.SDA 640 02/08/89 Procomm version 4.3
PROCM243.SDN 288,049 02/08/89 Shareware version of Procomm before it went comme
PYROTO.SDA 1,243 02/21/89 Pyroto version 1.00 by Pinnacle Software
PYROTO.SDN 190,165 02/20/89 A Bulletin board system that has been turned into
PYROTOC2.SDA 1,226 05/26/89 Pyroto version 2.00
PYROTOC2.SDN 200,460 05/26/89 BBS System that is also a game
QDIAL12.SDA 2,782 11/10/90 Quick Dial version 1.2
QDIAL12.SDN 119,189 11/10/90 Easy to use dialing program
QDIAL13.SDA 2,183 02/18/91 QuickDial v1.3
QDIAL13.SDN 124,253 02/18/91 Full featured comm package written in QBasic
QVT373.SDA 1,536 11/21/89 QVT version 3.73
QVT373.SDN 109,916 11/21/89 A terminal emulations program
QVT374.SDA 1,536 11/26/89 QVT version 3.74
QVT374.SDN 110,437 11/26/89 High quality VT emulation and other fine features
REORG100.SDA 919 04/01/89 PCP Reorg version 1.00
REORG100.SDN 32,475 04/01/89 A program to reorganize the dialing entries in Pr
SAPPHIRE.SDA 1,180 02/27/89 Sapphire by Pinnacle Softare
SAPPHIRE.SDN 315,361 02/22/89 A full featured BBS system for the beginner
SLRN_110.SDA 1,885 07/28/90 SLEARN 1.10
SLRN_110.SDN 39,683 07/28/90 The SALT language learning tool for Telix
SMMENU10.SDA 2,176 05/01/90 Shell Modem Menu version 1.0
SMMENU10.SDN 27,914 05/01/90 A menu shell for Procomm Plus, use also from DOS
SPHM10.SDA 2,021 01/22/92 SALT Programming Hypertext Manual v1.0
SPHM10.SDN 208,493 01/22/92 SALT is the TELIX script language.
SPRT109A.SDA 2,535 11/13/90 Sport version 1.09
SPRT109A.SDN 158,481 11/13/90 A wide area tranfer system 1 of 3
SPRT109B.SDN 171,877 11/13/90 Part 2 of Sport
SPRT109C.SDN 93,692 11/13/90 Part 3 of Sport
STARDIAL.SDA 2,688 08/09/89 Stardial
STARDIAL.SDN 63,361 08/09/89 An autodialer for users of Starlink
STARDL31.SDA 1,920 10/12/89 Stardialer version 3.1
STARDL31.SDN 78,454 10/12/89 Autodialer for Starlink on IBM and IBM compatible
SWAITS_1.SDA 2,478 10/15/90 SPORTTmail and YooHoo compatible mailer
SWAITS_1.SDN 172,937 10/15/90 Sport v10.9beta (1 of 3)
SWAITS_2.SDN 172,171 10/15/90 Sport v10.9beta (2 of 3)
SWAITS_3.SDN 62,684 10/15/90 Sport v10.9beta (3 of 3)
TAPMK143.SDA 1,896 06/02/89 Intelligent thread marking program
TAPMK143.SDN 77,003 06/02/89 Tap Mark v1.43
TELEDOX1.SDA 2,265 03/01/92 TeleDOX v1.00e a hype
TELEDOX1.SDN 1,761 03/01/92 Everything you wanted to know about comm.
TELEDX10.SDA 2,265 03/14/92 TELEDOX v1.0 comprehensive comm guide
TELEDX10.SDN 142,105 03/14/92 Hypertext info on telecommunications
TELMT200.SDA 2,816 02/02/90 Telemate version 2.00 White River Software
TELMT2_1.SDN 88,951 02/02/90 Easy to use and learn terminal package
TELMT2_2.SDN 169,481 02/03/90 Has all the features you expect
TELMT2_3.SDN 135,983 02/03/90 Zmodem, mouse support, capturing, and more
TESS110.SDA 1,791 03/16/90 Library of routines for developing TSR's
TESS110.SDN 218,361 03/16/90 TesSeRact v1.10
TFE220.SDA 1,442 07/28/90 Telix Dialing directory management program
TFE220.SDN 76,635 07/28/90 TFE v2.0
TFE_200.SDA 3,072 09/19/89 Gain complete control over a number of Telix dial
TFE_200.SDN 53,775 09/19/89 TFE v2.0
TFIG312E.SDA 1,971 03/14/91 Telix configuration management program
TFIG312E.SDN 140,683 03/14/91 T-Fig Enhanced v3.12e
TLX3_WIN.SDN 4,736 03/23/92 A Telix PIF for use with Telix under Windows 3.1
TLXTFIG4.SDA 2,865 11/18/91 T-FIG v4.0e an interactive tutorial
TLXTFIG4.SDN 269,370 11/18/91 For use with Telix communications program
TM301_1.SDA 1,808 01/22/92 Telemate v3.01 White River Software
TM301_1.SDN 193,920 01/22/92 Major update. Communications term (1/3)
TM301_2.SDN 269,027 01/22/92 Telemate, ZModem, script, mouse! (2/3)
TM301_3.SDN 110,421 01/22/92 Telemate, multitask, msg, scroll (3/3)
T_FIG312.SDA 1,229 07/21/90 Telix configuration management program
T_FIG312.SDN 49,654 07/21/90 T-Fig v3.12
UC30_A.SDA 2,984 04/10/92 Unicomm version 3.0
UC30_A.SDN 193,116 08/30/91 Small, easy to use term program for Windows 3.0
UC30_B.SDN 194,093 09/22/91 Ansi compatible, winscript script language
UC30_C.SDN 117,027 08/30/91 Auto downloading, supports high speed modems and
UTERM205.SDN 461,974 03/21/92 UltiTerm v2.05 Supports ETGC 256 bit-mapped color
ZCOMM.SDA 3,451 07/07/90 ZCOMM by Chuck Forsberg
ZCOMMDOC.SDN 239,501 07/07/90 "Industrial Strength Comm Package"
ZCOMMEXE.SDN 163,147 07/07/90 Zmodem, CRC checking, zmodem file recovery
ZCOMMHLP.SDN 96,233 07/07/90 Reviewed by Boardwatch and PC Magazine
SDN International: Database
ALBUMTRX.SDA 2,303 08/28/90 Professional database for album collectors
ALBUMTX1.SDN 143,205 08/28/90 Album Trax 1.0 1 of 2
ALBUMTX2.SDN 104,745 08/28/90 Album Trax 2 of 2
AMSTR103.SDA 3,456 08/25/91 AMaster (Address Master) v1.03
AMSTR103.SDN 188,581 08/25/91 Creates files for merging into WordPerfect
ASEASY50.SDA 2,113 04/17/92 As Easy As 5.0 Spreadsheet from Trius
ASEASY50.SDN 326,488 03/06/92 Lotus<tm> compatible, less Lotus price!
ASEASY51.SDA 3,819 04/12/92 AS-EASY-AS v5.01b spreadsheet from TRIUS
ASEASY51.SDN 340,266 04/12/92 Lotus 123 compatible. Large sheet! Great!
ASEZ400N.SDA 1,976 05/01/90 AsEasyAs Spreadsheet Program Description file
ASEZ400N.SDN 205,333 05/01/90 As Easy As Spreadsheet v4.00
ASEZAS40.SDA 1,792 11/17/89 AS-EASY-AS Spreadsheet
ASEZAS40.SDN 179,827 11/17/89 Easy to use Spreadsheet
ASEZAS50.SDA 4,012 12/31/91 As-Easy-As v5.0 spreadsheet from TRIUS
ASEZAS50.SDN 330,657 12/31/91 Lotus(tm) compatible.. less Lotus price!
BKSLF10.SDA 1,792 07/21/91 The Book Shelf v1.0 from Canada
BKSLF10.SDN 67,514 07/21/91 Catalog books, magazines, publications
CATADSK3.SDA 1,097 06/05/89 Cataloging Disk program
CATADSK3.SDN 57,102 06/05/89 Catalog your disks
CLHLP100.SDA 1,699 07/15/91 ClipHelp v1.0 for Clipper programmers
CLHLP100.SDN 154,933 07/15/91 Install context-sensitive, color, help
CLHLP110.SDA 1,724 11/03/91 ClipHelp v1.1 Clipper F1 Help System
CLHLP110.SDN 156,759 11/03/91 Easily add unlim. color on-screen Help
CUSR221A.SDA 2,034 03/09/91 CompUser 2.21 cyclopedia computer industry
CUSR221A.SDN 116,187 03/09/91 Easy to use, includes lots of info
CUSR221B.SDN 123,727 03/09/91 Contact info, shareware, supplies, authors and mo
CUSR270A.SDA 3,043 09/16/91 CompUser v2.70 cyclopedia computer indust.
CUSR270A.SDN 189,312 09/16/91 Ratings, contact info - includes shareware
CUSR270B.SDN 220,265 09/16/91 Supplies, authors, BBS, organizations
DBFD103.SDA 5,424 09/22/91 dbf_DOC v1.03 for dBase developers
DBFD103.SDN 124,520 09/22/91 Maintain structures and documentation
DSKRAK2.SDA 1,920 01/06/90 Disk Labler, cataloger, and database
DSKRAK2.SDN 136,657 01/06/90 From SOFTtreat, keeps track of what is on your fl
D_SIMP12.SDA 1,791 09/24/90 D-SIMPLE is an easy to use database code generato
D_SIMP12.SDN 131,645 09/24/90 can write blocks of code that would take hours to
D_SMPL12.SDA 1,791 09/16/90 version 1.2 by Riverside Software
D_SMPL12.SDN 131,645 09/16/90 Registration only $25.00
EXPCL410.SDA 3,294 03/11/90 ExpressCalc v4.10
EXPCL41A.SDN 155,591 03/11/90 Easy to use "Visible Spreadsheet" utility
EXPCL41B.SDN 101,482 03/11/90 Can write reports that would take hours to write
FILEXP.SDA 1,501 03/20/89 File Express
FILEXP_A.SDN 224,702 03/14/89 Database Management program written for PC's
FILEXP_B.SDN 216,088 03/14/89 Registration $69.95
FIRE_105.SDA 1,191 08/06/91 FireFighter v105 for Volunteer Fire Depts
FIRE_105.SDN 94,300 08/06/91 Quick and easy forms and reports
FIRE_110.SDA 1,322 10/08/91 FireFighter v.110 Vol. Fire Dept. dbase
FIRE_110.SDN 139,045 10/08/91 Now with online help and phone dialer
FIRE_112.SDA 1,354 11/07/91 FireFighter v1.12 Fire Dept. database
FIRE_112.SDN 139,243 11/07/91 Tracks Fire calls, Practices, Training
FONBKE10.SDA 2,055 10/05/91 Phone Book Elite v1.00 phone database
FONBKE10.SDN 167,802 10/05/91 Can be used for printing mailing labels
FSB102_1.SDA 2,573 08/22/91 Family Scrapbook v1.02 genealogical base
FSB102_1.SDN 140,985 08/22/91 65535 records, search on many fields
FSB102_2.SDN 138,454 08/22/91 Handles 'awkward' relationships well
FSB102_3.SDN 62,039 08/22/91 With import and export capability
FSTFL530.SDA 2,591 03/02/91 FastFile version 5.30
FSTFL530.SDN 111,779 03/02/91 Full featured database program for home or busine
F_EXP432.SDA 1,306 03/10/90 FileExpress version 4.32
F_EXP432.SDN 189,503 03/10/90 Database management program
GAMEWTCH.SDA 808 04/20/90 Game Watch 1.0 by Magic Software
GAMEWTCH.SDN 137,336 04/20/90 Keeps track of your video games!
GLFCMP10.SDA 2,746 07/24/91 Golf Compainion v1.0 integrated databases
GLFCMP10.SDN 110,976 07/24/91 Course information and handicaping
IDEALT2A.SDA 3,803 12/24/90 IdeaList version 2.0
IDEALT2A.SDN 83,815 12/24/90 Information cataloging, quotation database,
IDEALT2B.SDN 118,347 12/24/90 and resourse database, all in one! More!
INFOP207.SDA 1,635 09/22/91 Information Please v2.07 text storage
INFOP207.SDN 264,911 09/22/91 Text storgae and retrieval database
J203.SDA 2,944 01/21/90 Jepers version 2.03
J203DOC.SDN 98,855 01/21/90 Journal and Editorial Personal Reference System
J203PGM.SDN 119,793 01/21/90 Keep track of reference citations
JPRD252A.SDA 2,491 07/24/91 Jeepers v2.52 personel reference system
JPRD252A.SDN 20,086 07/24/91 Journal and editorial reference (1 of 3)
JPRD252B.SDN 135,787 07/24/91 Bibliograph database management (2 of 3)
JPRD252C.SDN 87,654 07/24/91 Writers, scientists, students (3 of 3)
JPRS111.SDA 2,176 08/14/89 Jepers version 1.11
JPRS111.SDN 138,921 08/14/89 A must have for a scientist needing to keep track
KS20.SDA 2,176 12/20/89 KwikStat version 2.0
KS20_A.SDN 190,060 12/20/89 Statistical and data analsis graphical database
KS20_B.SDN 157,618 12/20/89 Reads and creates Dbase III Type data files
KWIK13.SDA 908 05/21/89 KwikStat 1.3 - earlier version of KwikStat
KWIK13_1.SDN 223,482 05/21/89 Makes DBASE type data files
KWKST21A.SDA 2,248 09/28/91 KwikStat v2.1 statistical analysis
KWKST21A.SDN 202,553 09/28/91 Makes dBase III compatible files
KWKST21B.SDN 166,518 09/28/91 Includes graphs and plots in reports
MAILBASE.SDA 1,487 09/13/90 Custom labeler and database
MAILBASE.SDN 133,340 09/13/90 From Compu-Needs Inc
MM607S.SDA 2,560 12/28/89 Meal Master 6.07s
MM607S.SDN 77,302 12/28/89 Keep a database of all your recipes
MODSTAT2.SDA 1,853 09/17/90 Modern Statistics 2.0 University Level
MODSTAT2.SDN 191,433 09/17/90 Find the proper Statistical test
MUSBOX11.SDA 1,885 09/01/91 MusicBox v1.1 from Netherlands
MUSBOX11.SDN 295,897 09/01/91 Dtabase to manage record/CD/audio visual..
NAME31.SDA 1,744 04/07/92 NameBase v3.1 name/address database
NAME31.SDN 171,804 04/07/92 Prints address book, Rolodex, etc..
PCFDB11.SDA 1,399 05/27/89 PC File by Button Ware - General purpose databas
PCFDB111.SDN 330,718 05/27/89 Easily create and maintain databases and produce
PCFDB112.SDN 360,433 05/27/89 PC File version 1.12 Database Program
PCFDB113.SDN 127,523 05/27/89 Compatible with dBASE III Plus
PCFIL51A.SDA 1,586 01/26/91 PC FILE by Buttonware version 5.1
PCFIL51A.SDN 324,836 01/26/91 Organize, manipulate, update and retreive informa
PCFIL51B.SDN 295,817 01/26/91 Ideal for customer and address files, invoicing
PCFIL51C.SDN 249,837 01/26/91 Billing, customized form letter, sales tracking a
PCFILE3.SDA 2,304 11/04/89 PC FILE 3.0 by Buttonware
PCFILE3A.SDN 192,274 11/04/89 PC File works with PC-CALC+ and PC-TYPE II, Butto
PCFILE3B.SDN 187,743 11/04/89 Spreadsheet and word processor
PCFILE3C.SDN 202,068 11/04/89 Packed full of new features
PCFILE50.SDA 1,408 02/09/90 PC FILE 5.0 Organize your business with this powe
PCFILE5A.SDN 309,442 02/09/90 Sales tracking, analysis, itemized lists, invento
PCFILE5B.SDN 285,016 02/09/90 All purpose database
PCFILE5C.SDN 246,536 02/09/90 Works with Buttonware's PC-CALC+ and PC-Type II
PCSTAT22.SDA 3,531 07/24/91 PC-SStat v2.2 statistical reports
PCSTAT22.SDN 196,608 07/24/91 Histogram two related data sets
PC_NAMES.SDA 1,408 01/05/90 PC-NAMES version 1.1 by WR Software
PC_NAMES.SDN 171,216 01/05/90 Mailing list manager and/or personal address book
PC_STYLE.SDA 1,311 02/19/89 PC-STYLIST by Buttonware, INC
PC_STYLE.SDN 83,823 02/03/89 Computes the percentage of long words, etc and as
PDSB403.SDA 1,802 12/08/89 PDS*BASE version 4.03 by PRO DEV
PDSB403A.SDN 165,562 12/08/89 Multi-file database system for those who want not
PDSB403B.SDN 169,007 12/08/89 Allows you to define your single or multi-file ra
PDSDB402.SDA 1,562 04/24/89 access database and then generates BASIC language
PDSDB40A.SDN 207,590 04/24/89 to operate your database. Has pull-down menus, fu
PDSDB40B.SDN 170,427 04/24/89 editor and much more
PHNDEX11.SDA 1,629 05/20/90 Phone Index version 1.11
PHNDEX11.SDN 61,335 05/20/90 The easy to use address/phone database
PRODVB10.SDA 3,055 02/11/92 PRO-dVelBase v1.0 Lite Non-programmable
PRODVB10.SDN 359,079 02/11/92 dBase compatible, relational, multi-file
QCALC310.SDA 1,152 01/28/90 QuebeCalc version 3.10
QCALC310.SDN 215,965 01/28/90 True 3D spreadsheet
QZIP21.SDA 912 08/10/91 Quick-Zip v2.10 prints POSTNET bar codes
SSQL22.SDA 1,291 02/10/90 SSQL version 2.2
SSQL22.SDN 141,847 02/10/90 Extract data from a relational database
VPI1MANL.SDN 225,432 03/25/92 VP-Info Level 1, shareware manual
VPI1_303.SDA 2,195 03/25/92 VP-Info Level 1, v3.03 database language
VPI1_303.SDN 364,759 03/25/92 Programming environment. xBase compatible
WAMPUM40.SDA 3,200 12/18/89 Wampum 4.0
WAMPUM40.SDN 348,265 12/18/89 Full featured, dBASE compatible, menu driven, man
WFIELD12.SDA 1,297 10/24/91 WYNFIELDS v1.2 flat file database
WFIELD12.SDN 220,233 10/24/91 General purpose database, reports, labels
WK4CAT.SDA 1,862 05/20/90 WK4CAR, must have LOTUS to run
WK4CAT.SDN 23,991 05/20/90 Macro program, disk file, cataloging system
ZIPKY107.SDA 2,432 12/11/89 ZipKey version 1.07
ZIPKY107.SDN 240,831 12/11/89 A complete database of city zipcodes
ZIPKY108.SDA 3,328 03/07/90 ZipKey version 1.08
ZIPKY108.SDN 240,336 03/08/90 Update of complete database of city zipcodes
SDN International: Games 1
1AGENT.SDA 1,333 04/12/92 Secret Agent by APOGEE
1AGENT.SDN 216,730 02/12/92 VGA Game with mouse & sound card support. Puzzlin
1ARCTIC.SDA 2,949 04/12/92 Aventure game - Arctic Adventure by APOGEE
1ARCTIC.SDN 98,067 11/13/91 Graphical game with mouse, sound support. 80 leve
1COSMO.SDA 1,690 04/12/92 Cosmic Kid by APOGEE, graphics similiar to ninten
1COSMO.SDN 502,744 03/28/92 Simulates a 3-d background. 4 scrolling levels
1CRYSTAL.SDA 2,237 04/12/92 Crystal Caves by APOGE, EGA version
1CRYSTAL.SDN 200,917 11/13/91 Enter cave after cave searching for treasures
1DARK.SDA 1,383 04/05/92 Dark Ages by APOGEE, adlib and mouse/joystick sup
1DARK.SDN 168,801 11/13/91 Arcade/Adventure game brilliantly done!
1DUKE_1.SDA 1,867 08/13/91 Duke Nukem 1.0 by APOGEE - follow up to Commander
1DUKE_1.SDN 96,702 08/13/91 EGA/VGA, graphics, sound support, mouse & joystic
1DUKE_2.SDN 79,915 08/13/91 scrolling play fields for realistic play
1DUKE_3.SDN 87,996 08/13/91 Built-in hint mode, has self-running demo, high s
1GALAXYC.SDA 2,795 04/05/92 Goodbye Galaxy by APOGEE, CGA Version
1GALAXYC.SDN 462,478 11/23/91 Adlib soundtrack, this episode has 5 different so
1GALXY_1.SDA 2,810 04/05/92 Goodbye Galaxy by APOGEE, EGA/VGA version.
1GALXY_1.SDN 322,405 02/18/92 Star-wars type scrolling, hundreds of HUGE levels
1GALXY_2.SDN 308,691 02/21/92 Save ANYWHERE in any level, three skill levels an
1JMAN.SDA 669 04/06/92 JumpMan Lives by APOGEE
1JMAN.SDN 101,138 05/25/91 arcade/adventure game! Supports 256-color VGA Mod
1KEEN13.SDA 2,700 08/13/91 Commander Keen a Flash Gordon style epic
1KEEN13.SDN 189,946 08/13/91 Commander Keen v1.31 from Apogee Softw.
1KROZ.SDA 712 04/06/92 Kingdom of Kroz by APOGEE, very first APOGEE game
1KROZ.SDN 77,007 11/13/91 16-color CGA version. This one won a national con
1MARS.SDA 2,894 04/05/92 Monuments of Mars by APOGEE 20 unique and challen
1MARS.SDN 79,654 11/13/91 Great sound and graphics support!
1PAGA.SDA 2,602 04/05/92 Paganitzu by APOGEE - genuine adventure game. Exp
1PAGA.SDN 308,504 11/13/91 Sound and graphics! CGA/EGA/VGA supported.
1PTOMB.SDA 2,102 04/05/92 Phoaroah's Tomb by APOGEE - 20 unique and dangero
1PTOMB.SDN 83,552 11/13/91 Puzzles and traps, special animation called FAST
1RESCUE.SDA 2,589 04/05/92 Word Rescue by APOGEE, for kids
1RESCUE.SDN 358,212 03/18/92 Educational word spelling game for the kids! Neat
1ST_GOAL.SDN 230,888 03/20/92 Fantasy Football league management program
1TREK.SDA 1,394 04/05/92 Trek Trivia by APOGEE; Star Trek Trivia Game
1TREK.SDN 58,810 11/13/91 Test your knowledge on 100 different levels
1WOLF3D.SDA 3,370 05/06/92 Castle Wolfenstein by APOGEE; lastest game!
1WOLF3D.SDN 653,684 05/05/92 IS THE BEST!! REALISTIC 3-D Graphics! You gotta g
2QUATRIS.SDA 1,715 04/05/92 Another variation of the great russian
2QUATRIS.SDN 165,727 10/17/91 game of Tetris, Very nice.
AGGRES10.SDA 998 07/28/91 Super graphics, EGA/VGA required.
AGGRES10.SDN 85,702 07/28/91 Cross between checkers and BackGammon
ANTKIL11.SDA 1,525 04/02/92 ANTKill v1.1 quest to exterminate!
ANTKIL11.SDN 203,161 04/02/92 Exterminate all the ants from the anthills
APPORG.SDN 105,730 09/01/91 Apples and Oranges, a twist on the board game Oth
APPORG13.SDA 1,086 07/10/91 VGA/EGA graphics and mouse required
APPORG13.SDN 107,270 07/15/91 Othello style strategy board game
ATLANTIS.SDA 907 04/07/92 Conquer all 8 islands which make up the atoll
ATLANTIS.SDN 131,637 06/22/90 Atlantis, Using your armies of olympians
BASEBAL4.SDA 3,558 02/11/91 BaseBall StatPak v4.0 Federal Software
BASEBAL4.SDN 154,696 02/10/91 Keep track of baseball statistics
BDARTS1.SDA 726 09/01/91 BarDarts v1.1 arcade style game
BDARTS1.SDN 72,633 09/01/91 Play against an another or the computer
BLKJACK1.SDA 1,260 04/25/89 Just like the Casino favorite
BLKJACK1.SDN 78,135 04/25/89 Black Jack version 1.0
BTTLGRD1.SDA 1,542 08/01/91 Battle Ground v1.00 two player tacticle
BTTLGRD1.SDN 116,191 08/01/91 Mid 20th century battle. WWII style
CATMAR21.SDA 1,363 05/07/92 Catmar Five Card Draw v2.01 excellent VGA /X
CATMAR21.SDN 107,985 05/07/92 Five card draw for single player. /X
CBSKT20.SDA 1,732 03/19/92 College Basketball Tourney v2.0 Canada
CBSKT20.SDN 120,693 03/19/92 Help office pool keeper keep track
DRAGHU10.SDA 1,396 03/01/92 VirtualDragon(tm) game v1.0
DRAGHU10.SDN 187,130 03/01/92 3-D fantasy. Kill dragons with powers
EGATREK2.SDA 658 06/16/89 EGA Star-Trek v2.0
EGATREK2.SDN 130,228 06/16/89 EGA Star-Trek v2.0
EMPIRE1.SDA 2,214 04/04/92 World Empire is a strategy game based
EMPIRE1.SDN 229,347 11/09/91 on a time in the not to near future.
ENIGMAX1.SDA 1,406 04/23/92 Enigmacross v1.00 word puzzels
ENIGMAX1.SDN 114,217 04/23/92 Crossword puzzels like newpapers and mags
FASTBRK1.SDN 208,531 03/28/92 FastBreak v1.0 fantasy basketball
FHS_1.SDA 5,063 12/31/91 Federal Hil Software Disks 1,2 and 3
FHS_1.SDN 277,975 12/31/91 Thoroughbred racing and Hound handicapping
FHS_2.SDN 292,825 12/31/91 Baseball stats and Blackjack
FHS_3.SDN 205,377 12/31/91 Thoroughbred Handicapper. Full blown
FLIPDRP1.SDN 108,998 03/21/92 Flip and Drop v1.0 similar to Tetris
FOOTBAL2.SDA 6,799 10/16/90 Football with AI as Challenger
FOOTBAL2.SDN 93,604 10/16/90 Football for the Computer
FUNFACE1.SDA 1,651 09/14/89 A great graphics game for kids
FUNFACE1.SDN 83,163 09/14/89 Generate funny faces just like a police sketch ar
GET_FOUR.SDN 111,306 03/21/92 Just like the famous Board game Connect Four
HARNESS.SDA 2,503 02/11/91 Cambridge Harness Handicapper (racing)
HARNESS.SDN 68,099 02/11/91 Federal Software - handicap races
HOUNDCAP.SDA 2,450 02/11/91 Cambridge Greyhound Handicapper (Dog Racing)
HOUNDCAP.SDN 67,623 02/11/91 Federal Software - handicap dog races
HUGO1.SDA 1,718 04/07/92 Hugo's House of Horrors
HUGO1.SDN 233,912 03/29/90 3-d Graphics/Text Adventure
HUGO2.SDA 1,717 04/06/92 Hugo's House of Horrors II
HUGO2.SDN 328,378 02/16/91 3-D Graphics/Text Adventure
HUGO2HNT.SDN 3,856 03/06/91 Hints for solving Hugo II
HUGO3HNT.SDN 3,884 03/31/92 Hints for solving Hugo III
HUGO3_A.SDA 1,217 04/10/92 Hugo's House of Horrors III
HUGO3_A.SDN 232,759 02/16/92 3-D Graphics/Text Adventure (1 of 2)
HUGO3_B.SDN 308,555 02/15/92 3-D Graphics/Text Adventure (2 of 2)
KUNGFU_A.SDA 1,624 05/13/92 Kung Fu Louie and the Martial Arts Posse
KUNGFU_A.SDN 155,267 05/13/92 Kung Fu Louie (1 of 3)
KUNGFU_B.SDN 154,615 05/13/92 Kung Fu Louie (2 of 3)
KUNGFU_C.SDN 72,075 05/13/92 Kung Fu Louie (3 of 3)
LIFE_21.SDA 2,688 09/08/89 Life is a simulation game which uses a harshly
LIFE_21.SDN 23,443 09/08/89 spartan set of rules to Generate a lavish Univers
LINED404.SDN 222,926 03/20/92 LineDrive v4.04 'fantasy' baseball
SDN International: Games 2
MAHJONG3.SDA 745 06/19/89 Read: EGA and VGA graphics skill game
MAHJONG3.SDN 63,712 06/19/89 Mah Jongg v. 3.0 the tile game
MANIAC10.SDA 1,454 10/06/91 MANIAC v1.0 from Computer Specialties
MANIAC10.SDN 135,663 10/06/91 Mono thru VGA - mouse required!
MASTER10.SDA 1,191 07/11/91 Master Mind v1.0 VGA and mouse required
MASTER10.SDN 97,961 07/11/91 A game of deductive logic. Graphics.
MATCH110.SDA 1,302 08/06/91 Match 'Em v1.10 EGA/VGA reguired
MATCH110.SDN 109,089 08/06/91 Match 'Em v1.10 'concentration' type game
MCMRPH15.SDA 1,347 07/19/89 McMurphy's Ghost text adventure v1.5
MCMRPH15.SDN 107,276 03/11/89 McMurphy's Ghost text adventure v1.5
MEGATRON.SDA 2,594 04/12/92 Use your Megatrons to conquer your opponent
MEGATRON.SDN 680,995 01/29/92 Ray Traced and Fractal graphics, Awesome
MF10.SDA 1,087 08/12/91 Mine Field v1.0 VGA and mouse required
MF10.SDN 93,634 08/12/91 Like Windows Mine Sweeper but run in DOS
MILLE12.SDA 364 04/03/89 One Player version of the popular card game
MILLE12.SDN 103,554 03/19/89 Mille Bornes, Requires CGA
MJONGG33.SDA 1,449 07/20/90 Read EGA and VGA graphics skill game
MJONGG33.SDN 144,415 07/20/90 MAH JONGG v3.3 the Tile Game
MRBS1_7B.SDN 134,314 08/28/91 Morabis, a fun D&D like game
MURPHY16.SDA 1,464 02/28/90 McMurphy's Mansion Text adventure v1.6
MURPHY16.SDN 95,244 02/28/90 McMurphy's Mansion Text adventure v1.6
OVERIDE1.SDA 1,843 04/24/92 Overide v1.00 an Othelo type game
OVERIDE1.SDN 64,787 04/24/92 Uses a VGA, has mouse support. Neat!
PACMAN11.SDA 1,224 05/18/90 Just like the famous arcade classic
PACMAN11.SDN 31,131 05/18/90 He's back and ready to chomp, Pac-Man
POKER10.SDA 915 07/10/91 Five card draw style poker
POKER10.SDN 97,128 07/13/91 VGA and mouse required, excelent graphics
POKERD10.SDN 123,254 03/21/92 Poker Dice v1.0 EGA play dice like poker
ROBO2_1.SDA 3,288 07/31/91 Robomaze II volume 1 - Freedom Fighter
ROBO2_1.SDN 117,780 07/31/91 Fight robots, find the Mad Scientist
ROBO3C_1.SDA 1,470 04/06/92 Robomaze III Chapter 1
ROBO3C_1.SDN 122,806 09/18/91 Fight robots, find the Mad Scientist
SCOOT10.SDN 154,658 03/21/92 Scoot -A- Long v1.0 game board w/dice
SG20.SDA 5,893 09/14/91 ShareGames Disks #20-25 *Contents*
SG20.SDN 315,523 09/14/91 Disk #20 from Chris Gunn
SG21.SDN 304,562 09/14/91 ShareGames Disk #12 Chris Gunn
SG22.SDN 311,234 09/14/91 ShareGames Disk #22 Chris Gunn
SG23.SDN 334,961 09/14/91 ShareGames Disk #23 Chris Gunn
SG24.SDN 252,355 09/14/91 ShareGames Disk #24 Chris Gunn
SG25.SDN 253,741 09/14/91 ShareGames Disk #25 Chris Gunn
SHARKS1.SDA 1,598 04/05/92 Alive Software proudly presents
SHARKS1.SDN 145,085 04/25/90 EGA Sharks, and underwater arcade game
SHOOT21.SDA 728 07/19/90 Shoot version 2.1
SHOOT21.SDN 108,186 07/19/90 Shooting Gallery by Nels Anderson
SHOOT22.SDA 1,722 04/05/92 Skeet, Wild west carnival and more
SHOOT22.SDN 108,623 11/08/90 Shooting Gallery v2.2 Carnival type game
SIMATV12.SDA 1,196 08/03/91 SimALL Utilities v1.02 for SimCity game
SIMATV12.SDN 140,110 08/03/91 Includes a menu system and editor
SOLTIL31.SDA 1,699 04/06/92 Solitile Version 3.1
SOLTIL31.SDN 158,806 04/05/92 Modern Version of Popular Mahjongg games
SPELLG11.SDA 1,774 10/06/91 SpellGames v1.1 spelling tutor
SPELLG11.SDN 143,246 10/06/91 Practice in an Olympic game setting
STP210.SDA 1,640 11/07/91 Save The Planet v2.10 global warming
STP210.SDN 210,026 11/07/91 Educational for everyone.
STRATEGY.SDA 1,895 04/06/92 Just like the famous Parker Bros. Board Game
STRATEGY.SDN 131,864 11/23/91 Stratego! Find the opponents Flag, Mouse VGA
SUPMAX20.SDA 948 07/11/91 Super Maxit v2.0 needs EGA/VGA 640x350x16
SUPMAX20.SDN 70,889 07/11/91 Beautiful graphics, classical MAXIT game
VBLAKJ2.SDA 4,761 02/11/91 Video Blackjack 2.
VBLAKJ2.SDN 137,962 02/11/91 For people who play blackjack and want to learn t
VGAJIG10.SDA 960 04/05/92 Alive Software proudly presents
VGAJIG10.SDN 179,221 03/01/90 VGA Jig-Saw v1.0 Mouse/VGA support
VSHARKS1.SDA 1,867 04/05/92 Alive Software proudly presents
VSHARKS1.SDN 116,993 03/25/90 VGA Sharks. and underwater arcade game in VGA
WALL.SDA 748 04/12/92 Tear Down the Wall, a neat strategy game
WALL.SDN 110,761 05/06/91 Where you try to remove more bricks than the comp
WORDSK10.SDA 1,920 01/31/90 This program creates Word Seeker puzzles for
WORDSK10.SDN 49,982 01/31/90 You to print out and play, very good
SDN International: Graphics
A3E_100.SDA 1,611 04/07/92 Powerful ANSI/AVATAR editor
A3E_100.SDN 117,576 02/08/92 A3E v.1.0
ABC1_4.SDA 982 06/05/90 Educational program for children pre-school to 1s
ABC1_4.SDN 153,884 06/05/90 Animated Alphabet v1.0 (1 of 4)
ABC2_4.SDN 114,776 06/05/90 Animated Alphabet v1.0 (2 of 4)
ABC3_4.SDN 119,606 06/06/90 Animated Alphabet v1.0 (3 of 4)
ABC4_4.SDN 102,878 06/06/90 Animated Alphabet v1.0 (4 of 4)
ALCH151.SDA 1,669 04/10/92 Software utility to manipulate computer image fil
ALCH151.SDN 387,755 12/03/91 Image Alchemy v1.51
AMATH1_A.SDA 1,301 03/02/91 Math tutor for children pre-school to 1st grade
AMATH1_A.SDN 134,417 03/02/91 Animated Math v1.0 (1 of 4)
AMATH1_B.SDN 96,537 03/02/91 Animated Math v1.0 (2 of 4)
AMATH1_C.SDN 101,205 03/02/91 Animated Math v1.0 (3 of 4)
AMATH1_D.SDN 18,779 03/02/91 Animated Math v1.0 (4 of 4)
ART2WP.SDA 1,087 04/07/92 Convert PFS:First Publisher graphics to WP and ot
ART2WP.SDN 18,182 02/13/89 ART2WP v1.0
ASCIFNT2.SDA 2,117 03/31/91 Rapidly create large title screen fonts just by t
ASCIFNT2.SDN 58,001 03/31/91 ASCII Font v2.2
BANNER20.SDA 1,024 12/22/89 Great shareware banner making program
BANNER20.SDN 44,137 12/22/89 Bannerific v2.0
CSHOW841.SDA 2,549 01/29/92 description of Cshow841.Sdn
CSHOW841.SDN 196,404 01/29/92 Compu Show Gif viewer version 8.41
CSHOW843.SDA 4,182 04/05/92 Gif/Bitmap image viewing program
CSHOW843.SDN 138,516 02/20/92 Compu Show v8.43
DANMOVIE.SDN 129,410 08/22/89 Works with DANCAD3 to animate screens saved as pi
DC_25A.SDA 3,974 01/18/91 Outstanding shareware CAD Program
DC_25A.SDN 170,992 01/18/91 DANCAD-3D v2.5 (1 of 5)
DC_25B.SDN 156,798 01/18/91 DANCAD-3D v2.5 (2 of 5)
DC_25C.SDN 129,239 01/18/91 DANCAD-3D v2.5 (3 of 5)
DC_25D.SDN 133,558 01/18/91 DANCAD-3D v2.5 (4 of 5)
DC_25E.SDN 130,456 01/18/91 DANCAD-3D v2.5 (5 of 5)
DC_PLOT.SDN 135,402 01/18/91 DANCAD-3D Plot. Plot pictures on Dot Matrix prin
DJFONTS.SDA 1,152 11/21/89 18 Soft fonts for the HP DeskJet printer
DJFONTS.SDN 202,384 11/21/89 DeskJet Soft Fonts v1.1
DOSTRIV3.SDA 945 10/21/90 Test your knowledge of DOS
DOSTRIV3.SDN 36,584 10/21/90 DOS Trivia Game v3.0
DPRFTMRG.SDA 3,107 01/01/91 Converts database files to Word Perfect secondary
DPRFTMRG.SDN 223,705 01/01/91 dPerfect Merge v1.0
DRAFTC15.SDA 2,502 10/22/90 Easy to use CAD program
DRAFTC15.SDN 215,534 10/22/90 Draft Choice v1.5
DTPM23.SDA 3,068 03/11/92 DeskTop Paint v2.3 from Alchemy Mindworks
DTPM23.SDN 340,310 03/11/92 From Canada - bitmapped paint program.
EZCASE.SDA 2,176 08/10/89 Easy to use Computer Aided Software Engineering t
EZCASE_1.SDN 169,942 08/12/89 EZ-Case v1.5 (1 of 2)
EZCASE_2.SDN 89,103 08/12/89 EZ-Case v1.5 (2 of 2)
FANTASY.SDN 57,954 01/10/89 Fantasy creates flowing graphic images as you mov
FMAPS101.SDA 1,461 09/01/91 Finger Maps v1.01 PCX display/edit
FMAPS101.SDN 187,948 09/01/91 EGA/VGA B/W CGA Herc US/World maps
GDS109.SDA 3,198 04/07/92 Gif viewer and slide show program
GDS109.SDN 135,636 04/08/91 GDS v1.09
GEMCAP40.SDA 2,459 08/12/90 TSR that captures screen images from other progra
GEMCAP40.SDN 15,220 08/12/90 GEM Cap v4.0
GIFKIT11.SDA 2,075 04/07/92 GifKit version 1.1
GIFKIT11.SDN 101,476 11/16/89 Make gif "catalogs", several gifs all in one
GIFLT130.SDA 1,984 04/07/92 Gif Lite version 1.30
GIFLT130.SDN 46,208 06/15/91 Compress your gifs and still be able to view them
GISP10.SDA 1,347 05/13/92 GSIP v1.0 editor for 8-bit gray PCX images
GISP10.SDN 200,203 05/13/92 Edit/save/print/view PCX images
GLXY300.SDA 1,133 07/01/90 Easy to use yet very powerful word processor
GLXY300A.SDN 298,442 07/01/90 Galaxy v3.0 (1 of 2)
GLXY300B.SDN 64,713 07/01/90 Galaxy v3.0 (2 of 2)
GRAFD10.SDA 1,567 09/06/90 GrafDump version D.10
GRAFD10.SDN 19,284 09/06/90 Memory resident screen dump capture utility
GRAPH201.SDA 1,664 07/29/89 Grapher version 2.01
GRAPH201.SDN 138,772 07/29/89 Draw bar charts, pie charts, stacked column chart
GRAPHER2.SDA 1,575 03/13/89 Grapher v2
GRAPHER2.SDN 147,099 03/13/89 Draw all kinds of different charts
GRAPWK61.SDA 2,319 03/11/92 Graphics Workshop v6.1 Alchemy Mindworks
GRAPWK61.SDN 393,795 03/11/92 Convert almost any picture file and scans!
GRASP35.SDA 3,148 04/07/92 .GL & .FL animation file viewing program
GRASP35.SDN 65,830 06/30/90 Grasprt v3.5
HEX_S10.SDA 1,401 03/24/90 Hexigone version 10
HEX_S10.SDN 51,845 03/24/90 Intersting and fun puzzle game
IMAGE3D.SDA 1,503 03/22/89 Image 3D
IMAGE3D.SDN 184,087 03/22/89 A design and modeling program
IMG3D_29.SDA 1,503 07/24/89 IMAGE 3D version 2.9
IMG3D_29.SDN 183,076 07/24/89 Enables you to create and edit 3D wire frame imga
IMPROC30.SDA 2,238 04/07/92 Improces 3.0
IMPROC30.SDN 196,143 01/15/92 Drivers for popular SVGA cards
INDEX.SDN 110,873 03/29/92 index - for Ventura Publisher
KEYDRAW.SDA 2,275 03/18/90 Probably the Cadillac of shareware CAD and drawin
KEYDRW_1.SDN 142,299 03/18/90 PC-Key-Draw v3.75 (1 of 4)
KEYDRW_2.SDN 128,865 03/18/90 PC-Key-Draw v3.75 (2 of 4)
KEYDRW_3.SDN 111,706 03/18/90 PC-Key-Draw v3.75 (3 of 4)
KEYDRW_4.SDN 78,544 03/18/90 PC-Key-Draw v3.75 (4 of 4)
KPAINT34.SDA 1,024 11/28/89 Easy to use PC drawing program
KPAINT34.SDN 347,379 11/28/89 Kid Paint v3.4
MAGIC123.SDA 1,155 04/10/92 Simple magnifying glass to enlarge Text of Graphi
MAGIC123.SDN 123,790 10/03/91 MAGic v1.23
MAGIC15.SDA 2,560 11/18/89 Hypertext authoring system
MAGIC15A.SDN 148,524 11/18/89 Black Magic v1.5 (1 of 3)
MAGIC15B.SDN 197,263 11/18/89 Black Magic v1.5 (2 of 3)
MAGIC15C.SDN 330,939 11/18/89 Black Magic v1.5 (3 of 3)
MAGICRDR.SDN 317,597 01/21/89 Black Magic Reader
MAGICUTL.SDN 224,834 01/21/89 Black Magic Utilities
METOO100.SDA 3,091 09/02/90 MeToo v1.00 reading skills for kids
METOO100.SDN 75,621 09/02/90 Entry level multilingual skills
MFA100.SDA 1,113 07/13/90 Organize thoughts in flowchart style
MFA100.SDN 46,425 07/13/90 Micro Flowchart Aid v1.00 by Wayne Tech
MINDCHRT.SDA 1,321 06/24/89 Menu oriented screen graphics and drawing program
MINDCHT1.SDN 211,841 06/24/89 Mind Chart v1.0 (1 of 2)
MINDCHT2.SDN 121,174 06/24/89 Mind Chart v1.0 (2 of 2)
MVGAVU.SDA 2,066 04/07/92 Gif/BLD viewer which can be used in batch files
MVGAVU.SDN 89,337 05/02/89 MVGA-VU v1.0
PCDC205.SDA 2,816 12/16/89 A professional draw application
PCDC205.SDN 252,789 12/15/89 PC-Draft-Cad v2.05
PCDCAD30.SDA 3,480 08/12/90 A professional draw application
PCDCAD30.SDN 330,538 08/12/90 PC-Draft-Cad v3.0 object oriented CAD
PCDRAFT2.SDA 437 05/23/90 A professional draw application
PCDRAFT2.SDN 226,884 05/23/90 PC-Draft-Cad v2.0
PCD_CAD.SDA 1,375 02/28/89 A professional draw application
PCD_CAD.SDN 253,715 02/26/89 PC-Draft-Cad v 1.0
PC_DRAFT.SDA 1,290 02/21/89 Simple little shareware drafting program
PC_DRAFT.SDN 158,430 01/18/89 PC-Draft II v1.0
PIXFOL12.SDA 1,967 04/10/92 Gif/Bitmapped image viewing program
PIXFOL12.SDN 315,763 11/06/91 Pix Folio v1.2 (formerly ShowGif)
POV1.SDN 356,555 11/11/91 Persistance of Vision Raytracer .5 one of two
POV2.SDN 337,375 11/11/91 Persistance of Vision Raytracer .5 two of two
PRTGAL24.SDA 1,865 04/09/92 Printshop Graphics gallery manager
PRTGAL24.SDN 92,908 03/05/90 Print Gallery v2.4
PSFNTGEN.SDA 877 03/03/89 Font Generation program for Ventura Publisher
PSFNTGEN.SDN 147,369 03/01/89 PS Type Studio v3.1
PSP10.SDA 1,192 04/10/92 Bitmap editing/Screen capture program for Windows
PSP10.SDN 309,355 02/20/92 Paintshop Pro v1.0
QSTMKR21.SDA 3,743 07/13/91 Questmaker v2.1 create graphical games
QSTMKR21.SDN 234,887 07/13/91 Animated graphical adventure game maker
QUEST31.SDA 2,206 02/11/90 Create, view, and edit 3-D wire framed objects
QUEST31.SDN 152,356 02/11/90 Quest 3-D v3.1
REALM30A.SDA 1,682 10/24/91 Recursive Realm v3.0 fractal exploration
REALM30A.SDN 135,500 10/24/91 Save pictures in PCX format for import
REALM30B.SDN 62,568 10/24/91 Project onto plate, block or sphere
REALM30C.SDN 147,783 10/24/91 Mouse, keyboard, zoom, blowup etc..
SCRDRAW.SDA 1,933 04/09/92 Create colorful presentation screens
SCRDRAW.SDN 449,962 05/26/91 Screen Draw v1.0
SCRPNT12.SDA 3,268 10/30/91 ScrenPaint v1.2 ASCII drawing tools
SCRPNT12.SDN 69,602 10/30/91 WordPerfect like commands, use with bat's
SHAPES_1.SDA 1,388 10/11/90 Educational program for children pre-school to 1s
SHAPES_1.SDN 122,112 10/11/90 Animated Shapes v1.0 (1 of 3)
SHAPES_2.SDN 94,970 10/11/90 Animated Shapes v1.0 (2 of 3)
SHAPES_3.SDN 81,985 10/11/90 Animated Shapes v1.0 (3 of 3)
STIX100.SDA 3,675 09/02/90 Childrens sticker art and key draw program
STIX100.SDN 117,535 09/02/90 Stix v1.0
STS26.SDA 640 10/06/89 Great little program for tracking space shuttle f
STS26.SDN 59,936 10/05/89 STS26 v1.0
SUPERFLY.SDA 692 07/19/90 Swat the flys which invade your house
SUPERFLY.SDN 70,926 07/19/90 Super Fly v1.0
TDRAW451.SDA 2,136 04/05/92 The ultimate ANSI animation program
TDRAW451.SDN 276,445 04/15/92 THEDraw v4.51
VED321.SDA 1,544 04/09/92 Powerful ASCII text editor
VED321.SDN 151,221 02/03/92 Vision Edit v3.21
VPIC48.SDA 1,541 04/04/92 Outstanding Gif/Bitmap file viewer. The Best
VPIC48.SDN 132,455 02/27/92 VPIC v4.8
VUGIF190.SDA 1,741 04/09/92 View and rescale Gif/Bitmap images
VUGIF190.SDN 37,026 10/17/89 VU-Gif v1.90
VUIMG330.SDA 2,577 04/09/92 Super fast Gif/Tiff/Bitmap image viewer
VUIMG330.SDN 130,266 02/15/92 VU-Image v3.30
WHATSIT1.SDA 1,014 04/16/90 Figure out the picture as you uncover the pieces
WHATSIT1.SDN 351,944 04/16/90 What Is It v1.0
SDN International: Language
4TH_86.SDA 2,560 10/28/89 Forth language tutor
4TH_86.SDN 288,791 10/28/89 4TH_86 v3.03
A86_D86.SDA 3,328 03/25/90 Very good A86/D86 assembler
A86_D86.SDN 294,552 03/17/90 A86/D86 Assembler
ASMTUTOR.SDA 2,052 04/09/92 Assembley language tutor
ASMTUTOR.SDN 140,857 03/06/91 ASM Tutor v1.0
BASWIZ15.SDA 2,170 04/16/92 Create custom librarys for QuickBasic v4.5
BASWIZ15.SDN 336,116 04/01/91 Wizard's Library v1.5
BENCH60.SDN 513,642 10/20/91 For use with Borlands C++, assembler test routine
BOSS719A.SDA 3,370 06/23/90 Outstanding development aid for programming Windo
BOSS719A.SDN 144,058 06/23/90 Windows Boss v070190 (1 of 4)
BOSS719B.SDN 237,728 06/23/90 Windows Boss v070190 (2 of 4)
BOSS719C.SDN 74,162 06/23/90 Windows Boss v070190 (3 of 4)
BOSS719D.SDN 191,974 06/24/90 Windows Boss v070190 (4 of 4)
CONVERT.SDA 572 04/03/89 Convert radioshack TRS basic to GWBasic programs
CONVERT.SDN 94,359 03/21/89 Convert v1.0
EBL_BAT3.SDA 2,304 09/30/89 Extended batch file language routines
EBL_BAT3.SDN 58,586 09/30/89 Extended Batch Library v3.0
FORCHEK1.SDN 409,694 11/07/91 Fortran Checker, detects certain error levels tha
HACKER12.SDA 1,024 12/20/89 Utility which adds power to your batch programmin
HACKER12.SDN 27,963 12/20/89 Hacker v1.2
HDBCALC.SDA 1,541 02/09/89 Great programmers calculator for quick conversion
HDBCALC.SDN 8,526 02/09/89 HDBCalc v1.0
MOUSTOOL.SDA 1,166 06/19/89 Great library of mouse routines
MOUSTOOL.SDN 124,095 06/19/89 Mouse Tool v1.0
PCCAI.SDA 903 05/19/89 Language to create computer driven tutorials
PCCAI.SDN 182,592 05/19/89 PC-CAI v1.0
PCFMT13.SDA 1,056 03/21/89 Formats your Aspect source files
PCFMT13.SDN 60,898 03/20/89 PC-Format v1.3
PROPK25.SDA 1,464 08/28/90 Productivity tools for programmers
PROPK25A.SDN 250,411 08/28/90 Programmers Productivity Kit v2.5 (1 of 2)
PROPK25B.SDN 124,056 08/28/90 Programmers Productivity Kit v2.5 (2 of 2)
REALFUN.SDA 1,847 04/13/92 Great math library to increase the power of Qbasi
REALFUN.SDN 212,809 06/01/91 Real Fun Math Library v1.0
TCHK21.SDA 2,094 07/20/89 Turbo C library sporting over 350 functions
TCHK21.SDN 290,857 07/20/89 TCHK v2.1 (1 of 3)
TCHK21EX.SDN 183,672 07/20/89 TCHK v2.1 (2 of 3)
TCHK21NG.SDN 141,973 07/20/89 TCHK v2.1 (3 of 3)
ZMNP11.SDA 1,287 04/28/90 Comms librarys for Microsoft C and Turbo C
ZMNP11.SDN 119,586 04/28/90 ZMNP Librarys v1.1
SDN International: Misc 1
ADMAN10C.SDA 744 04/10/92 Track addresses, phone numbers, important comment
ADMAN10C.SDN 232,529 10/09/91 Address Manager v1.0c for Windows 3.0
AHELP510.SDA 3,518 07/03/91 AHELP5 v1.0 for use with Clipper v5
AHELP510.SDN 198,557 07/03/91 Context sensitive professional help
AMSTR670.SDA 3,527 09/17/91 AlbumMaster v6.70 assists catalog albums
AMSTR670.SDN 172,125 09/17/91 Catalog and print labels for front cover
AMSTR671.SDA 3,527 02/22/92 AlbumMaster v6.17 from Unicorn Software
AMSTR671.SDN 183,405 02/22/92 Assist in cataloging your collection
ANHG92.SDA 1,793 04/24/92 The American Naturist Hypertext Guide
ANHG92.SDN 100,367 04/24/92 Naturist and nudist contacts. Clubs etc.
AUTO103.SDA 1,537 09/21/91 AUTO v1.03 used car load amortization
AUTO103.SDN 114,738 09/21/91 Will caculate amotization with few entries
AUTOMNT.SDA 1,818 05/15/92 Automobile Maintainence - for your car
AUTOMNT.SDN 110,290 05/15/92 Maintain you car on schedule.
BANNER20.SDA 1,042 09/28/91 Bannerific v2.0 makes banners
BANNER20.SDN 50,708 09/28/91 Design your own, use with any printer
BJ_220.SDA 1,806 04/07/92 A Great game of Black-Jack
BJ_220.SDN 178,650 05/05/91 Black Jack v2.20
CARS25.SDA 2,972 04/07/92 The Complete Automobile Reporting System
CARS25.SDN 82,090 07/01/91 C.A.R.S. v2.5
CATTS3V3.SDA 1,710 06/16/90 Make computer give, grade and summarize tests
CATTS3V3.SDN 163,332 06/16/90 CATTS3 v3.0
CDIARY11.SDA 1,744 04/06/92 Cumberland Diary v1.1 personal journal
CDIARY11.SDN 212,010 04/06/92 Your own personal journal or diary.
CDISK615.SDA 1,848 04/05/92 Catalog hard disk allows viewing contents of arch
CDISK615.SDN 242,051 01/31/92 Cat Disk v6.15
CDMSTR67.SDA 3,425 09/07/91 CDMaster v6.7 label and track CD library
CDMSTR67.SDN 173,937 09/07/91 Now with mouse support
CEES13.SDA 3,360 05/04/92 From Kids 'R' Us.. of Australia
CEES13.SDN 293,407 05/04/92 Evaluation of Educational Software
CMSTR740.SDA 3,675 09/07/91 CassetteMaster v7.40 track and label
CMSTR740.SDN 182,118 09/07/91 For cassette tape collections
COINFLE3.SDA 2,492 03/18/90 Keep an accurate inventory of your coin collectio
COINFLE3.SDN 309,270 03/18/90 Coin File v3.0
COINS201.SDA 1,014 04/02/90 Catalog/Tracking system for coin collectors
COINS201.SDN 281,867 04/02/90 Numistmatist Assistant v2.01
CSTORY11.SDA 2,001 04/07/92 Cumberland Story v1.1 genealogy
CSTORY11.SDN 252,588 04/07/92 track your ancestor's history.
CTDESK72.SDN 138,745 01/06/89 CityDesk DT Publishing for Dot Matrix version 7.2
CTREE33.SDA 2,593 04/06/92 Cumberland Tree v3.3 genealogy tree
CTREE33.SDN 336,585 04/06/92 Full featured, popup everything.
DAYM370.SDA 2,661 09/14/91 DayMaster v3.70 reminder, tickler
DAYM370.SDN 232,059 09/14/91 Remind for birthdays and all occations
DBATE007.SDA 1,617 02/22/92 DoubleDisk Mag.w/Milton Friedman
DBATE007.SDN 272,041 02/22/92 ShareDebate International Magazine
DBATE008.SDA 1,613 02/22/92 DoubleDisk Mag.w/Milton Friedman
DBATE008.SDN 292,804 02/22/92 ShareDbate Internation Magazine
DDATA40.SDA 2,644 05/13/92 Dimond Data v4.0 baseball tracker
DDATA40.SDN 116,666 05/13/92 Track the record of members of a team
DIZK4D28.SDA 2,394 09/07/91 Dizk v2.8 writen expressly for 4DOS
DIZK4D28.SDN 150,126 09/07/91 Calalog, list, label your disk collection
DOODAH43.SDA 480 04/03/89 Professional racing handicapper
DOODAH43.SDN 64,414 03/27/89 DOODAH v4.3
DOSREF20.SDA 3,004 07/15/91 DOS Reference v2.0 Dave Williams (FLEX)
DOSREF20.SDN 211,508 07/15/91 MSDOS and IBM-PC programmers reference
DXICL55.SDA 2,048 01/12/90 Use your computer as a Rol-a-Dex
DXICL55.SDN 138,186 01/12/90 DEX-i-calv v5.5
D_SHOW20.SDA 2,724 10/30/91 DtaShow v20a multimedia slide show
D_SHOW20.SDN 191,743 10/30/91 Create your own presentation with script
EDPACK1.SDA 1,731 08/13/91 Ed-Pack by Wight. Educational items.
EDPACK1.SDN 302,885 08/13/91 TutorialWriter (1 of 3)
EDPACK2.SDN 265,975 08/13/91 Formula1 and Quixmaker (2 of 3)
EDPACK3.SDN 144,345 08/13/91 Acrostik and Krypto (3 of 3)
ENVLJ725.SDA 1,160 11/17/89 Prints envelopes on any printer which supports HP
ENVLJ725.SDN 86,882 11/17/89 ENVLJ v7.25
ENVLJ730.SDA 2,176 01/26/90 Prints envelopes on any printer which supports HP
ENVLJ730.SDN 88,053 01/26/90 ENVLJ v7.30
FBK500.SDA 3,062 04/02/92 FastBucks v5.00 home financial manager
FBK500.SDN 341,537 04/02/92 Might just be the best financial manager
FBK505.SDA 3,077 05/02/92 FastBucks v5.05 maintainance release
FBK505.SDN 341,722 05/02/92 Home financial manager for average person
FDISP201.SDA 1,231 04/26/92 Fire Dispatch v2.01 for Fire Dept / EMS
FDISP201.SDN 107,685 04/26/92 Quickly dispatch Fire or EMS services
FIRE_125.SDA 1,102 02/28/92 FilreFighter v1.25 Training/Incident
FIRE_125.SDN 155,797 02/28/92 Written by a Canadian Fireman!
FIRE_126.SDA 1,349 04/26/92 FireFighter v1.26 written by a fireman
FIRE_126.SDN 156,983 04/26/92 Tracks training and incidents accurately
FLAGS91.SDA 995 10/27/91 Flags v1991 full color display
FLAGS91.SDN 274,553 10/27/91 600 independent nations, plus others
FLASH35.SDA 2,950 03/09/92 FlashCard v3.5 the math tutor
FLASH35.SDN 135,672 03/09/92 Teaches addition/subtraction/etc..
FLASHC34.SDA 2,881 01/06/92 FlashCard Arithmetic v3.4 math teacher
FLASHC34.SDN 68,608 01/06/92 Improves more than speed. Configurable.
FLLOT201.SDA 1,454 07/17/91 Florida Lottery v2.01 text/graphics/mouse
FLLOT201.SDN 170,847 07/17/91 CA$H 3, Fantasy 5, Lotto tracker/picker
FNTOE13A.SDA 858 05/13/92 Fingers N Toes v1.3 for Windows 3.x
FNTOE13A.SDN 98,564 05/13/92 Fully functional scientific calculator
FNTOE13B.SDN 89,386 05/13/92 Fingers N Toes - from AmerInd Inc.
FORTUNE.SDA 1,792 08/30/89 Simple fortune telling program
FORTUNE.SDN 36,201 08/30/89 Fortune Cookie v2.0
FPK12A.SDA 1,986 03/29/92 Football Pool Keeper v1.2
FPK12A.SDN 95,131 03/29/92 Football Pool Keeper (1/4)
FPK12B.SDN 109,205 03/29/92 Football Pool Keeper (2/4)
FPK12C.SDN 110,451 03/29/92 Football Pool Keeper (3/4)
FPK12D.SDN 117,979 03/31/92 Football Pool Keeper (4/4)
FPLAN1.SDA 2,332 08/16/91 Personal Financial Planner from FFS
FPLAN1.SDN 164,842 08/16/91 Analysis individual financial growth plan
FPLAN2.SDN 157,943 08/16/91 Networth, Retirement, Tax rates, more..
FPLAN_C.SDA 1,993 08/16/91 Comprehensive financial planner
FPLAN_C.SDN 157,322 08/16/91 FPlan - Capital Needs Planner v3.0
FPLAN_ED.SDA 2,400 08/16/91 Plan for childrens education funding
FPLAN_ED.SDN 154,677 08/16/91 FPlan - Education Planner v3.0
FPLAN_IP.SDA 1,830 08/16/91 Plan for your financial situation if injured
FPLAN_IP.SDN 147,979 08/16/91 FPlan - Income Protection Planner v3.0
FPLAN_R.SDA 2,449 08/16/91 Retirement planner figures IRA's 401K and more
FPLAN_R.SDN 159,921 08/16/91 FPlan - Retirement Planner v3.0
FREQCH12.SDA 1,226 07/01/90 Analize the character frequency of any text file
FREQCH12.SDN 31,021 07/01/90 Freq Check v1.2
FSB106_A.SDA 2,816 10/30/91 Powerful genealogical database system
FSB106_A.SDN 152,333 10/30/91 Family Scrapbook v1.06 (1 of 3)
FSB106_B.SDN 141,599 10/30/91 Family Scrapbook v1.06 (2 of 3)
FSB106_C.SDN 65,443 10/30/91 Family Scrapbook v1.06 (3 of 3)
GITAR110.SDA 649 10/08/91 Guitar Teacher v1.10 music database
GITAR110.SDN 102,305 10/08/91 With online tuner
GITAR125.SDA 886 05/13/92 Guitar Teacher v1.35 chord database
GITAR125.SDN 112,550 05/13/92 Displays right/left hand. Has a tuner.
GITAR134.SDA 836 04/19/92 Guitar Teacher v1.34 database of cords
GITAR134.SDN 112,773 04/19/92 Includes an online string tuner
GRAB_BAG.SDA 978 02/22/89 Grab bag of useful programs
GRAB_BAG.SDN 342,491 02/21/89 Contents of this program are a surprise
GROCER33.SDA 1,941 01/07/92 The GROCER v3.3 creates/tracks your lists
GROCER33.SDN 46,240 01/07/92 Use a shopping list? Organize it.
HACK087.SDA 2,125 04/02/92 The HACK Report for March 27th 1992
HACK087.SDN 11,360 04/02/92 hacked files, Trojans and Virus downloads
HACK094.SDA 2,077 04/07/92 Hack Report for March 3, 1992
HACK094.SDN 10,453 04/07/92 hacked and pirated download files
HACK101.SDA 2,018 04/17/92 The HACK Report issue 101 April 12, '92
HACK101.SDN 10,360 04/17/92 Beware of hacked and trojan downloads
HACK108.SDA 2,122 04/24/92 Hack Report for day 108 April 16th 92
HACK108.SDN 10,831 04/24/92 Beware hacked download programs
HACK115.SDA 2,050 04/28/92 The weekly Hack Report for day 115
HACK115.SDN 11,671 04/28/92 Downloadable files to beware of.
HKRP073.SDA 1,990 03/17/92 Report for March 13, 1992
HKRP073.SDN 10,292 03/17/92 ng of hacked programs to avoid
HKRP080.SDN 10,246 03/25/92 The Hack Report
HOSTKEY1.SDA 1,269 02/13/92 HOSTKEYS v1.00 from Logical Business Sys.
HOSTKEY1.SDN 45,348 02/13/92 Automate 3270 terminal emulation sessions
HP22DA.SDA 1,739 07/24/91 HyperPAD v2.2 shareware (same as retail)
HP22DA.SDN 346,657 07/24/91 Hypermedia, english like script (1 of 5)
HP22DB.SDN 352,598 07/21/91 Hypermedia with PADTalk (2 of 5)
HP22DC.SDN 361,612 07/24/91 Object-oriented script language (3 of 5)
HP22DD.SDN 328,613 07/24/91 Menu, launch, database, buttons (4 of 5)
HP22DE.SDN 212,939 07/24/91 Similar to MACs HyperCard (5 of 5)
HPBOOK10.SDA 1,862 01/03/92 The Home Phone Book v1.00
HPBOOK10.SDN 52,727 01/03/92 Keep casual and work name and address info
HPOOL20.SDA 1,345 03/05/92 The Hockey Pool Manager v2.0 from Canada
HPOOL20.SDN 41,999 03/05/92 Manage 30 members up to 20 players each
IDEATREE.SDA 2,695 04/02/90 The easy way to organize your thoughts
IDEATREE.SDN 132,587 04/02/90 Idea Tree v010102
IMPR9204.SDA 2,407 04/24/92 Imprimius - a great libertarian magazine
IMPR9204.SDN 49,632 04/24/92 04/92 - on the annv. of WW II
LBASE11.SDN 62,877 03/14/92 LoveBase v1.1 poems at your fingertips
LEANR15A.SDA 2,512 08/12/91 Leaner v1.5 weight control from Moonstone
LEANR15A.SDN 110,547 08/12/91 Behavirorial modification strategies
LEANR15B.SDN 124,967 08/12/91 Motivational techniques and proper diet
LPLANZ21.SDA 2,962 02/22/92 LessonPlanz v2.1 - Unicorn Software
LPLANZ21.SDN 235,894 02/22/92 Easy to use, simple, lesson planner
LTRIN110.SDA 2,011 05/26/90 Organize information about your property, finance
LTRIN110.SDN 84,257 05/26/90 Personal affairs. Letter of Instruction v1.1
MATHWO1A.SDA 5,593 05/17/92 Math Workout v1.00 arithmetic tutor
MATHWO1A.SDN 196,157 05/17/92 Comprehensive math workout for all ages
MATHWO1B.SDN 162,301 05/17/92 Designed for mental calculations
SDN International: Misc 2
MATHMT21.SDA 695 09/18/90 Math tutorial program for ages 8 and up
MATHMT21.SDN 57,136 09/18/90 Teach addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
MATHPL20.SDA 1,162 01/12/92 MathPlot v2.0 plot from algebraic equation
MATHPL20.SDN 108,930 01/12/92 Take ordinary equations, can laser print
MNFEB91.SDA 787 02/05/91 Modem News Feb. 91
MNFEB91.SDN 84,708 02/05/91 Modem News Feb. 91
MNJAN91.SDA 1,060 01/12/91 Modem News Jan. 91
MNJAN91.SDN 75,548 01/12/91 Modem News Jan. 91
NONLIN10.SDA 1,610 01/12/92 NONLIN v1.0 linear and nonlinear equations
NONLIN10.SDN 163,331 01/12/92 Determines equation parmeters
ODIZK281.SDA 3,294 09/17/91 OMNIDizk v2.81 now with mouse support
ODIZK281.SDN 193,666 09/17/91 Catalog, label and organize floppy library
ODIZK290.SDA 2,417 02/16/92 OMNIDIZK v2.90 catalog your floppies
ODIZK290.SDN 193,470 02/16/92 Complete catalog functions for floppy disk
OMEAL301.SDA 2,758 09/24/91 OMNI Meal v3.01 recipe storage program
OMEAL301.SDN 160,513 09/14/91 Able to adjust proportions by servings
ORNMST15.SDA 1,204 03/10/91 Ornament Master v1.5 Maintain a database
ORNMST15.SDN 247,450 03/10/91 Of your valuable Christmas ornament collection
PAMM.SDA 2,859 03/01/90 From the people who brought you Painless Accounti
PAMM.SDN 158,096 03/01/90 Painless Menu Manager, Menu System for PC's
PAST_DUE.SDA 640 09/24/89 Past Due Books, the perfect library manager
PAST_DUE.SDN 116,679 09/24/89 Keep track of books to know when they are past du
PBTPAC16.SDA 1,175 06/06/90 A effortless tool which provides cash flow analys
PBTPAC16.SDN 112,569 06/17/90 Keep track of your assets
PCBRS101.SDA 2,249 04/21/90 PC-Browse v1.01
PCBRS101.SDN 140,675 04/21/90 PC-Browse v1.01
PCBRWS.SDA 2,176 11/02/89 Hypertext search of files on HD TSR
PCBRWS_A.SDN 140,663 11/02/89 PC-Browse v1.0
PCBRWS_B.SDN 77,871 11/02/89 PC-Browse v1.0
PCDASH18.SDA 2,281 03/31/89 Extremely powerful and easy to use menu system
PCDASH18.SDN 118,615 03/26/89 PC-Dashboard v1.8
PCNMS12.SDA 1,138 03/17/90 Combination of Address book and Mailing list mana
PCNMS12.SDN 171,500 03/17/90 PC-Names v1.2
PCTALK2.SDA 1,659 12/28/91 PC-Talk v2.0 and speech library
PCTALK2.SDN 83,021 12/28/91 Now you computer can really talk. Fun!
PC_CAI25.SDA 1,588 09/28/91 Create computer driven tutorials on any subject
PC_CAI25.SDN 241,937 09/28/91 Use Pictures, sound , animation, or text.
PGEN_100.SDA 2,154 04/12/92 PGEN v1.00 Parser GENerator
PGEN_100.SDN 77,158 04/12/92 For those intrested in compilers
PMUSIC12.SDA 1,408 02/01/90 Play true 3 voice music on ordinary PC speaker
PMUSIC12.SDN 74,516 02/01/90 Polyphonic Music v1.2
PROLB100.SDA 1,478 06/13/90 Print 3.5x15/16 mailing labels
PROLB100.SDN 18,726 06/13/90 Pro Label v1.0
PROWRT45.SDA 2,583 10/01/90 Full Featured word processor and file & disk mana
PROWRT45.SDN 91,528 10/01/90 Pro Writer v4.5
PRTY11D1.SDA 2,059 04/13/92 Parity Technical Analysis System v1.1
PRTY11D1.SDN 335,370 02/18/92 Powerful Stock charting and technical
PRTY11D2.SDN 340,951 02/12/92 Analysis program for Windows 3.0
PWRWRDS1.SDN 259,496 03/14/92 PowerWords v1.0 - 5000 quotes at your call
QMR251.SDA 1,125 04/16/90 QMR version 2.51
QMR251.SDN 136,542 04/16/90 Quick Memo Reminder and tickler
RTM211.SDN 146,633 01/27/91 ResidentTaskManager - Manage your tasks, assignme
SCMOM357.SDA 1,051 07/11/91 School-Mom v3.57 educational for 4 - 14
SCMOM357.SDN 154,031 07/11/91 Multilevel Math Spelling Music Art Time
SCRAP17A.SDA 3,588 04/19/92 Scraps v1.7 personal information manager
SCRAP17A.SDN 230,939 04/19/92 Store one line or full documents (1/2)
SCRAPS11.SDA 3,309 07/21/91 Scraps v1.1 Personel Information Manager
SCRAPS11.SDN 153,495 07/21/91 Freeform/index/tickler from Hong Kong
SCRAPS13.SDN 183,110 10/06/91 Free form text database from Hong Kong
SIGN33.SDA 2,816 12/30/89 Learn sign language with graphics and animation
SIGN33.SDN 153,701 12/30/89 Sign Friend v3.3
SIGNF37.SDA 2,297 07/18/90 Interactive sign language tutor
SIGNF37.SDN 293,204 07/17/90 Sign Friend v3.7
SITER105.SDA 2,141 09/22/91 Sitter's Placement Service v1.05
SITER105.SDN 302,098 09/22/91 Your own business placing sitters
SKYGLB25.SDA 2,131 08/21/91 SkyGlobe v2.5 astronomy with 15,000 stars
SKYGLB25.SDN 289,647 08/21/91 Constallation lines, planets CGA/EGA/VGA
SOUNDZ22.SDA 2,872 02/25/92 SoundZ v2.20 from Unicorn Software
SOUNDZ22.SDN 259,620 02/25/92 Catalog audio collection. Album/CD/Reel
STAMPB10.SDA 2,214 04/12/92 StampBase v1.0 for Windows 3.x
STAMPB10.SDN 232,699 04/12/92 Keep you stamp collection organized.
STATMSTR.SDA 3,733 08/06/91 StatMaster from CyberSoft
STATMSTR.SDN 299,626 08/06/91 Comprehensive statistics from 1990 census
STAX1040.SDA 2,339 01/08/92 Share-Tax 1040 for US Federal Tax 1991
STAX1040.SDN 291,180 01/08/92 Makes all forms, calculates automaticlly
SUNDZ220.SDA 3,150 04/02/92 SoundZ v2.20 Unicorn Software (bug fix)
SUNDZ220.SDN 268,139 04/02/92 Handles all you audio librarian needs
TALK22.SDA 1,688 12/28/91 123-Talk v2.2 real speech for learning
TALK22.SDN 168,943 12/28/91 Teaches math, sings, etc.. for children
TARTPLS1.SDA 3,732 04/04/92 Traffic Accident Recreator Plus v1.0
TARTPLS1.SDN 301,937 02/16/92 Traffic Accident Recreator Plus v1.0 (1 of 3)
TARTPLS2.SDN 299,159 02/13/92 Traffic Accident Recreator Plus v1.0 (2 of 3)
TARTPLS3.SDN 288,363 01/20/92 Traffic Accident Recreator Plus v1.0 (3 of 3)
TCM10FR.SDA 2,304 12/18/89 Simplify all bookwork for teachers throughout sch
TCM10FR.SDN 112,582 12/18/89 Teacher Commando Markbook v1.0
TKLEX53.SDA 2,048 01/08/90 Very Powerful personal scheduler
TKLEX53.SDN 332,234 01/08/90 TickLex v5.3
TRIPAK1.SDA 807 08/16/91 TripPack v1.0 creates a packing checklist
TRIPAK1.SDN 45,542 08/16/91 Did you bring the dojigger? whachas?
TYPETREK.SDA 1,832 09/22/91 TypeTrek the typing tutor game
TYPETREK.SDN 70,295 09/22/91 Learn typing while playing Star Trek
UUEXE510.SDA 1,699 04/05/92 Use to Encode and Decode files for safe
UUEXE510.SDN 33,940 01/15/92 Transmission over phone lines
VI24A.SDA 3,245 03/14/92 VitaCal v2.4 for dietairy needs
VI24A.SDN 260,367 03/14/92 Determine your diet intake (2/1)
VI24B.SDN 97,247 03/14/92 Along with vitamins and minerals (2/2)
VIDM750.SDA 3,471 09/14/91 VideoMaster v7.50 catalog video tapes
VIDM750.SDN 173,764 09/14/91 Even handles multiple movies on one tape
WPART3.SDA 3,189 08/26/91 Word-Part v3 teaches word root, 600 parts
WPART3.SDN 195,952 08/26/91 2,400 related words with definitions
ZIDCAR21.SDA 1,833 04/02/92 ZidCar v2.1 for use with SoundZ
ZIDCAR21.SDN 149,876 04/02/92 The ultimate in audio librarian
ZIDECAR2.SDA 1,832 02/25/92 ZideCar v2.0 for use with SoundZ
ZIDECAR2.SDN 140,548 02/25/92 Fit song times to your tape space
ZILCH111.SDA 2,476 05/13/92 Zilch v1.11 debt liquidation program.
ZILCH111.SDN 118,513 05/13/92 Get out of debt and owe 'zilch'!
SDN International: Other
ADA_TUTR.SDA 1,440 03/04/89 ADA Language tutor, become proficient with ADA
ADA_TUTR.SDN 287,836 02/28/89 After a few short uses. Good Program
ALGEBRAX.SDA 768 03/15/89 Great algebra tutor
ALGEBRAX.SDN 86,133 03/12/89 Learn all the things you blew off in high school
ALMANAC.SDA 768 08/13/89 Electric almanac, based on natural cycles
ALMANAC.SDN 210,805 08/13/89 uses Tarot cards, I-Ching and astrology
ANALYZE2.SDA 1,481 10/16/90 Great little FTS utility for analyzing Nodelists
ANALYZE2.SDN 94,336 10/16/90 Use to analyze any nodelist in pure ASCII format
ANCES038.SDN 44,630 02/07/92 Ancestry - a genealogy program, easy and fun to u
BK50D1.SDA 1,992 04/12/92 Great Genealogy program
BK50D1.SDN 217,103 09/23/91 Brother's Keeper (v5.0D) Family History, (1 of 3)
BK50D2.SDN 302,088 09/23/91 Brother's Keeper (v5.0D) Family History, (2 of 3)
BK50D3.SDN 281,468 09/23/91 Brother's Keeper (v5.0D) Family History, (3 of 3)
BKINDX.SDA 2,659 04/12/92 Description file of BKINDX.SDN
BKINDX.SDN 73,580 01/02/91 Indexing util for Brother's Keeper (Genealogy)
CADSHL21.SDA 1,721 01/07/92 CADShell v2.1 drawing management (AutoCAD)
CADSHL21.SDN 163,066 01/07/92 Functioning demo with limited docs
CIMN_V06.SDA 635 06/04/90 Computer Information Monthly News #6
CIMN_V06.SDN 50,840 06/04/90 Computer Information Monthly News #6
CIMN_V07.SDA 437 07/07/90 Computer Information Monthly News #7
CIMN_V07.SDN 37,982 07/07/90 Computer Information Monthly News #7
CIMN_V08.SDA 637 08/07/90 Computer Information Monthly News #8
CIMN_V08.SDN 25,904 08/07/90 Computer Information Monthly News #8
CIMN_V09.SDA 845 09/04/90 Computer Information Monthly News #9
CIMN_V09.SDN 28,179 09/04/90 Computer Information Monthly News #9
CIMN_V10.SDA 828 10/19/90 Computer Information Monthly News #10
CIMN_V10.SDN 26,392 10/19/90 Computer Information Monthly News #10
CMAN_10.SDA 1,030 04/10/92 ClockMan is an intelligent clock for Windows 3.0
CMAN_10.SDN 178,664 09/05/91 Replace the useless clock in Windows 3.0
CTREE32.SDA 2,272 04/12/92 Family Tree Software, great for tracking your roo
CTREE32.SDN 330,897 02/12/92 Cumberland Tree V3.2. Family tree software.
DATAPRO.SDN 328,193 03/20/92 Data Processing Course - Gain skills
DBATE001.SDA 2,816 03/18/90 ShareWare Debate International #1
DBATE001.SDN 297,004 03/18/90 ShareWare Debate International #1
DBATE002.SDA 2,292 06/05/90 ShareWare Debate International #2
DBATE002.SDN 287,121 06/16/90 ShareWare Debate International #2
DBATE003.SDA 2,075 09/23/90 ShareWare Debate International #3
DBATE003.SDN 246,735 09/23/90 ShareWare Debate International #3
DOSHELP.SDN 164,517 05/18/90 Dos Tutor with 88 topics for instruction
DOSHELP2.SDA 1,480 05/18/90 DosHelp v2.0 DOS Tutor features 88 Commands
DOSNX94A.SDA 968 07/15/91 DOSNIX v1.0 collection of 18 utilities
DOSNX94A.SDN 174,755 07/15/91 UNIX like text and file management utils
DRNU45.SDA 1,408 08/12/90 DiskRefs Reference tool using Hypertext Technolog
DRNU45.SDN 96,195 08/12/90 For the Norton Utilities, Very Quick
DSTORM10.SDA 2,112 03/26/91 HyperText Information System on Desert Storm
DSTORM10.SDN 196,795 03/23/91 Desert Storm : Farewell to Babylon
DXILBL20.SDA 1,408 01/12/90 Give the user the ability to direct and format da
DXILBL20.SDN 87,958 01/12/90 standard 3 1/2 inch tractor feed mailing label
EEBONDV5.SDN 48,540 04/26/91 EEBond, Series EE Savings Bond Valuation
HACK066.SDA 2,068 03/14/92 Hack Report for March 1992
HACK066.SDN 8,980 03/14/92 Avoid downloading fraudulant programs
HANDWRIT.SDA 437 02/06/90 Handwriting Analysis Program
HANDWRIT.SDN 108,087 02/06/90 Will analyze handwriting by asking a specific que
HDCU099.SDA 1,523 05/06/90 The Handy Dandy Number Conversion Program
HDCU099.SDN 31,816 05/06/90 Converts numbers by different criteria
HEMSHARE.SDA 1,584 09/23/90 Home Entertainment Manager
HEMSHARE.SDN 121,397 09/23/90 Keep track of you audio, video, LP, and compact d
HERIT105.SDA 1,019 04/10/92 Heritage version 1.05
HERIT105.SDN 277,076 03/06/92 Heritage. LAN aware, single/multi user database p
HM_READR.SDA 844 03/16/91 Reader version 1.0
HM_READR.SDN 72,296 03/16/91 A paperless book reader designed to read simple t
HYPERDOS.SDA 1,057 02/04/90 HyperDOS version 1.0
HYPERDOS.SDN 106,747 02/04/90 A comprehensive reference work on MS-DOS and PC-D
HYPERREZ.SDA 1,152 10/08/89 HyperRez version 1.0
HYPERREZ.SDN 108,111 10/08/89 Makes rapid jumps from hypertext to ACII
HYPLUS10.SDA 768 10/19/89 HyperPlus version 1.0
HYPLUS10.SDN 117,349 10/20/89 Simple straightforwards vehicle for hypertext app
IMPR9203.SDA 2,640 03/19/92 Imprimis free magazine. Hillsdale College
IMPR9203.SDN 33,859 03/19/92 From a college that takes no federal funds
KINFOLKS.SDA 1,517 04/14/89 Kinkfolks
KINFOLKS.SDN 165,487 04/14/89 An easy to use, but full featured genealogy progr
LICADD.SDA 826 03/20/89 License 1.1 and Address 1.2
LICADD.SDN 17,431 03/18/89 Prints out licenses and addresses
LS_100.SDA 1,953 09/16/90 LS-100
LS_100.SDN 128,832 09/16/90 A TSR calculator
MED2GO10.SDA 1,644 07/15/91 Med2go v1.0 for medical and scientific
MED2GO10.SDN 57,387 07/15/91 For use with on-line and CD-ROM reference
MIMIC11.SDA 1,038 03/24/90 MIMIC 1.1
MIMIC11.SDN 114,735 03/24/90 Records and plays back any Digi material thru the
MNMAR19.SDA 1,074 03/02/91 Micronews 3/91
MNMAR19.SDN 82,678 03/02/91 Newsletter that contains both fact and fiction -
MODSTAT1.SDA 1,477 03/19/89 Statistics
MODSTAT1.SDN 194,343 03/16/89 Help in finding the proper statistics
MYFMLY20.SDA 1,507 04/13/92 My Family Genealogy program, v2.0
MYFMLY20.SDN 220,370 10/24/90 My Family Genealogy program, v2.0
NAMEV208.SDA 1,213 04/12/92 Nameview Version 2.08 by Ray Cox
NAMEV208.SDN 117,866 02/16/92 Nameview Version 2.08 by Ray Cox.
OCS_0203.SDA 1,162 02/06/92 OCS Online Classified Service Feb Update
OCS_0203.SDN 36,000 02/06/92 Online - Offline Classified Advertisements
PIN_MISC.SDA 794 03/02/91 From Pinnacle Software
PIN_MISC.SDN 318,623 03/02/91 Great collection of misc programs
QBNWS103.SDA 979 07/28/90 QBNews number 103
QBNWS103.SDN 95,820 07/28/90 QuickBasic News - Electronic Newsletter
QUIZ15.SDA 1,152 11/09/89 The Math Quizzer version 1.5
QUIZ15.SDN 49,805 11/09/89 A flashcard type math learning program
RETIRE10.SDA 1,889 05/02/92 The Civil Service Retirement System v1.0
RETIRE10.SDN 116,588 05/02/92 A Ferderal Retirement calculator
RMSTR30B.SDN 19,727 05/04/92 Preview mode, supports most printers
SOLAR121.SDA 1,088 03/15/91 Solar 1.21
SOLAR121.SDN 193,496 03/15/91 A fun and informative solar watching program
SOLAR140.SDA 1,781 08/21/91 Solar v1.40 predict solar eclipse
SOLAR140.SDN 210,131 08/21/91 Display eclipse tabular data
SPAN_TUT.SDA 3,431 04/09/92 Spanish Tutor v1.0
SPAN_TUT.SDN 140,073 06/08/91 Spanish Tutor v1.0
TMPTDOOM.SDA 1,664 02/05/90 Templates of Doom
TMPTDOOM.SDN 80,664 02/03/90 Teaches you how to use a spreadsheet such as LOTU
UNITCONV.SDA 718 03/24/89 Units Conversion Program version 1.0
UNITCONV.SDN 35,143 03/24/89 Conversions between measurement units and more
VARGRAD1.SDN 211,231 04/19/89 Allows you to grade your class in an easier manne
VARGRAD2.SDN 162,197 04/19/89 VarGrade disk 2
VARGRADE.SDA 1,876 04/19/89 VarGrade version 1.0
VGRD400.SDA 1,829 03/24/90 Var Grade v400
VGRD400A.SDN 177,981 03/24/90 A grading program for teachers
VGRD400B.SDN 149,757 03/24/90 Allows you to grade up to 16,000 students
VGRD400C.SDN 83,491 03/24/90 10,000 exams per student, unlimited number of cla
WITHLIST.SDA 752 08/15/90 WithList version 1.0
WITHLIST.SDN 39,937 08/15/90 Allows you to save a number of commands into a te
WORLD29.SDA 2,048 10/04/89 World Map version 2.9
WORLD29.SDN 176,384 10/04/89 Allows you to view world maps in a variety of siz
XMAS_ETC.SDA 2,821 09/24/90 Electronic Christmas Card
XMAS_ETC.SDN 59,144 09/24/90 Allows you to make musical christmas cards for fr
XXXRAY.SDA 1,792 09/29/89 XXXX RAY
XXXRAY.SDN 229,019 09/29/89 list of x-rated movies, films, with reviews and s
SDN International: SDN Files
KDSDN121.ZIP 24,534 08/24/91 Use for making files recieved announcements with
REGN100.EXE 34,647 04/24/92 RegNode v1.00 SDNetList maker for *M
SDN410.EXE 34,828 05/28/91 SDN Kit for submitting shareware authors
SDNET202.SDA 672 02/06/92 SDNetListing revision Feb 1992
SDNET202.SDN 67,095 02/06/92 Listing of official SDNet/Works! nodes
SDNWS222.SDN 50,979 08/13/91 Periodic SDNews! newsletter
SDN_KIT7.EXE 24,242 04/24/92 SDNet Shareware Author Kit April, '92
SDN_POL7.EXE 27,005 04/24/92 SDN sysop policy r7.0 April, 1992
SDN International: Text
DOSTUT10.SDA 1,902 05/13/92 New DOS Tutorial v1.0 by Knoblauch
DOSTUT10.SDN 73,821 05/13/92 So what is it you want to know about DOS?
GCHD10.SDA 1,536 05/04/92 Guitar Cord Hypertext Dictionary v1.0
GCHD10.SDN 65,209 05/04/92 A dictionary of most commonly used cords
HACK0592.SDA 2,036 05/13/92 The HACK Report revision May 1992
HACK0592.SDN 14,512 05/13/92 Includes Hack.col, Hack.rpt and newhack.txt
HACK122.SDA 2,243 05/07/92 Hack Report revision for day 122 1992
HACK122.SDN 12,383 05/07/92 Beware hacked or trojan download files
SDN International: Utility 1
1PASS101.SDA 1,578 07/09/91 OnePass v1.01 DOS 'diskcopy' replacement
1PASS101.SDN 11,953 07/09/91 Copy floppy without 'disk-shuffel'!
3DMENU.SDA 1,777 05/25/89 Complete menu creation system
3DMENU.SDN 59,744 05/25/89 3D Menu Plus v1.0
4DOS4D.SDA 2,892 04/05/92 4DOS - Dos like enviroment
4DOS4D.SDN 257,590 11/01/91 4DOS - Documentation
4DOS4P.SDN 272,972 11/01/91 4DOS - Program
4PRNT310.SDA 2,704 06/06/89 Print 4 sheets on one 8.5x11 paper
4PRNT310.SDN 120,332 06/06/89 4Print v3.10
AC212.SDN 50,262 02/18/92 Archive converter, convert files and scan them
ACD201.SDN 42,170 01/12/92 A Norton change directory clone
ACTV160.SDA 1,154 01/08/91 Hard disk manager with point n shoot interface
ACTV160.SDN 109,762 01/08/91 ActaeOn v1.60
AM72A.SDA 1,813 04/07/92 Great front end handles all major archivers
AM72A.SDN 207,671 03/29/92 Archive Master v7.2a
AMAXX331.SDA 2,495 10/25/90 Menu/Disk management program
AMAXX331.SDN 135,548 10/25/90 Auto Maxx v3.31
ANAD206.SDN 135,197 03/02/92 A utility that examines, edits, and analyses disk
ANADK201.SDA 2,063 09/25/90 Use to examine, analyse, and edit disketes
ANADK201.SDN 135,537 09/25/90 Anadisk v2.01
ANARKEY2.SDA 1,658 06/19/89 Command line editor similar to Doskey
ANARKEY2.SDN 126,190 06/19/89 AnarKey v2.0
ARCAID21.SDA 4,119 02/06/92 ARC-AID v2.1b compression/archive shell
ARCAID21.SDN 234,924 02/06/92 Scans for virus, decompress, view
ARJ230.EXE 200,363 01/30/92 Arj 2.30 Fast & Powerful archiver
ARJHLP23.EXE 326,512 02/14/92 ARJ Shell with built-in help
AUTOMN45.SDA 4,014 06/14/89 Create menus that access all your favorite apps
AUTOMN45.SDN 168,366 06/14/89 Auto Menu v4.5
AX1K.SDA 877 02/22/89 Replacement for DOS del and erase commands
AX1K.SDN 7,855 02/21/89 AX v.1k
AZIPA11.SDA 1,004 10/29/90 Great front end for Pkzip & Unzip
AZIPA11.SDN 168,425 10/29/90 Attika Zip Assistant v1.1
BAKERDOZ.SDA 894 02/28/89 Bakers Dozen
BAKERDOZ.SDN 250,506 02/03/89 Collection of many different utility
BBT310.SDN 47,776 03/19/92 ExtraDOS Toolbox Professional, collection of DOS
BCSMNU10.SDA 3,072 05/23/90 Mouse driven hard drive menu program
BCSMNU10.SDN 155,206 05/23/90 BCS Menu v1.0
BCSMNU2A.SDA 3,652 02/02/91 Mouse driven hard drive menu program
BCSMNU2A.SDN 195,320 02/02/91 BCS Menu v2.0
BESTGUES.SDA 2,048 09/12/89 Great task planning tool
BESTGUES.SDN 38,360 09/12/89 Best Gues v1.0
BESTMENU.SDA 2,347 04/16/90 DOS Shell and Menu System
BESTMENU.SDN 99,578 04/16/90 Best Menu v1.22
BF_131.SDA 2,880 06/16/90 Versatile task switching program
BF_131.SDN 352,770 06/16/90 Back & Forth v1.31
BJF_210.SDA 2,176 08/12/89 Build an Inventory/Catalog of all your files
BJF_210.SDN 40,909 08/12/89 BJ Files v2.10
BLAIZ10.SDA 1,962 08/13/90 Great addition to DOS command MOVE
BLAIZ10.SDN 97,646 08/12/90 Blaiz v1.0
BLANK51A.SDA 1,325 04/23/92 Blank-It v5.1a screen blanking utility
BLANK51A.SDN 61,472 04/23/92 Selectable timeout, works in all modes
BMENU122.SDA 2,304 09/26/89 DosShell Menu System for Easy Access
BMENU122.SDN 104,409 09/26/89 Best Menu v1.22
BMENU54.SDA 1,254 02/24/90 Provide pop-up menus within a batch file
BMENU54.SDN 23,754 02/24/90 BMenu v5.4
BOSSKEY.SDA 692 05/11/89 Keep the boss from catching you in the act
BOSSKEY.SDN 61,985 05/11/89 BossKey v1.1
BOTH350.SDA 1,152 08/19/89 Print txt files to both sides of page book style
BOTH350.SDN 25,771 08/19/89 Both v3.5
CDISK620.SDA 3,114 04/16/92 Diskette manager/cataloger
CDISK620.SDN 249,806 04/07/92 CatDisk v6.2
CEDAR100.SDA 2,424 08/05/89 A directory program with a difference
CEDAR100.SDN 36,429 08/05/89 Cedar v1.0
CLEAN89B.SDA 2,467 04/07/92 Detects over 1000 known viruses and removes them
CLEAN89B.SDN 138,189 03/26/92 Clean viruses from your HD
CLEANP63.SDA 1,746 07/04/90 Clean v6.3
CLEANP63.SDN 47,060 07/04/90 Will remove a virus from your HD when detected
CLEANZ12.SDA 2,048 01/06/90 Strip and replace ctrl-z end of file control char
CLEANZ12.SDN 30,941 01/06/90 Clean-Z v1.2
CLNOUT12.SDA 2,048 11/10/89 Selective file deletion utility for Disk cleanup
CLNOUT12.SDN 36,532 11/10/89 CleanOut v1.2
CMDPOST7.SDA 1,001 07/24/90 Complete Windows 3.0 desktop replacement
CMDPOST7.SDN 252,332 07/24/90 Command Post v7.0
CM_FILER.SDA 3,701 04/13/92 Good replacement for DOS Command.com
CM_FILER.SDN 121,983 03/21/92 CM-Filer v5.22
CNVRT100.SDA 2,073 05/27/90 Excellent archive converting program
CNVRT100.SDN 15,570 05/30/90 Cnvrt v1.0
CONED22.SDA 2,238 10/28/90 Boot your computer with any Autoexec and Config y
CONED22.SDN 46,990 10/28/90 Configuration Editor v2.2
CONED27.SDN 68,481 02/08/92 CONfiguration EDitor, edit your autoexec.bat and
COPYQ229.SDN 57,943 02/08/92 Quick multiple format/copy/verify for diskettes
COPYX15.SDA 1,773 03/01/92 CopyX v1.5 DOS copy to floppy replacement
COPYX15.SDN 101,037 03/01/92 Copy files to floppies most efficently
CTRL3_62.SDA 1,960 11/03/91 Short fast file management shell
CTRL3_62.SDN 43,224 11/03/91 Ctrl3 v6.2
CUDM31C.SDA 2,432 10/14/89 Colorado Utilities Disk Manager v3.1
CUDM31C.SDN 136,753 10/14/89 Colorado Utilities Disk Manager v3.1
CUDUP12.SDA 2,560 10/13/89 Colorado Utilities Duplicate File Manager
CUDUP12.SDN 58,655 10/13/89 CUDUP v1.2
DBSKAT22.SDA 2,452 05/18/90 Super capacity file librarian package
DBSKAT22.SDN 248,404 05/19/90 DBS-Kat(r) v2.25
DECTC31A.SDN 34,750 04/08/90 Detective v3.1 (1 of 3)
DETCT31B.SDN 252,318 04/08/90 Detective v3.1 (2 of 3)
DETCT31C.SDN 179,578 04/08/90 Detective v3.1 (3 of 3)
DETECT31.SDA 3,850 04/08/90 Verify integrity of files on your PC
DFL301.SDA 2,833 07/11/91 DFL (Duplicate File Locator) v3.01
DFL301.SDN 116,062 07/11/91 Span drives, 'Alias' mode, virtual memory
DIRDEL10.SDA 679 08/31/91 DIRectory DELeter easiest way to delete
DIRDEL10.SDN 17,792 09/01/91 directories with files in them
DIRECT34.SDA 2,176 08/23/89 Easy and fun file management for PC's
DIRECT34.SDN 141,378 08/23/89 Director v3.4
DIREDIT.SDA 3,151 01/23/89 Program which allows you to edit DOS directories
DIREDIT.SDN 62,962 01/23/89 DirEdit v1.0
DIRMTE14.SDN 10,116 03/14/92 Directory Mate v1.4 sort, list, change
DIS321.SDA 1,730 06/06/90 Excellent tool for managing disk files and comman
DIS321.SDN 152,081 06/06/90 DIS v3.21
DIZK4D.SDA 2,145 03/09/91 Disk catalog and labeling program for 4DOS
DIZK4D.SDN 118,791 03/09/91 DIZK-4D v1.0
DOG316.SDA 1,398 04/06/92 DOG - Disk defrager
DOG316.SDN 56,396 03/30/92 defrag your HD, many different modes of operation
DRNU451.SDA 1,545 10/22/90 Hypertext TSR manual for Norton Utils v4.5
DRNU451.SDN 101,364 10/22/90 DiskRefs v4.51
DS421.SDN 197,369 03/10/92 Directory Scanner version 4.21
DSKRK303.SDA 2,891 10/17/90 Menu driven system to organize and label floppies
DSKRK303.SDN 143,724 10/17/90 Disk Rak v3.03
DUMPY.SDN 12,039 01/10/89 Several different screen capturing utilities
DX_209.SDA 1,024 03/03/89 Extreemly powerful command oriented file manager
DX_209.SDN 128,679 03/03/89 DX v2.09
DZK4D272.SDA 3,466 07/15/91 DiZk v2.72 catalog and labeling
DZK4D272.SDN 143,970 07/15/91 The first to work under 4DOS
EASYAC61.SDA 1,389 08/27/90 Professional menu system for home or business
EASYAC61.SDN 85,070 08/27/90 Easy Access v6.1
ECALC10.SDN 15,270 03/14/92 Expression Calculator v1.0 by Solway
ELFE06.SDN 172,246 12/15/91 Fast, with 100's of file/directory/program manage
EXD120.SDA 986 07/21/91 exDEL 1.20 - Replacement for DOS DEL.
EXD120.SDN 30,296 07/20/91 Now able to delete read-only files.
EZCL_E12.SDA 1,234 02/21/89 Diskette duplication program
EZCL_E12.SDN 94,323 01/14/89 EZ-Copy Lite v1.2
EZF320_A.SDA 2,756 01/12/91 Menu driven floppy disk formatting program
EZF320_A.SDN 195,742 01/12/91 EZ-Format v3.20 (1 of 2)
EZF320_B.SDN 112,847 01/12/91 EZ-Format v3.20 (2 of 2)
EZMENU22.SDA 1,237 07/11/91 EZ-Menu v2.2 DOS shell, 18 item per page
EZMENU22.SDN 139,365 07/11/91 Keyboard lockout, datebook, calendar
FASTL124.SDA 2,854 03/19/92 FastLoad v1.24 load exe or com real fast
FASTL124.SDN 40,993 03/19/92 Load programs from EMS or XMS memory
FAXLST1.SDA 1,154 02/14/92 FAXLIST v1.00 dialing utility IBM PS/2
FAXLST1.SDN 44,391 02/14/92 For internal data fax modem L40
FCII201.SDA 2,064 01/14/90 Versatile Hard disk file management program
FCII201A.SDN 150,087 01/14/90 File Commando II v2.01 (1 of 2)
FCII201B.SDN 131,447 01/14/90 File Commando II v2.01 (2 of 2)
FEDEX101.SDN 163,307 01/26/91 Federal Express Label Printer, prints FedEx label
FINDF11.SDA 2,176 01/23/90 Locate file anywhere on Hard disk
FINDF11.SDN 30,285 01/23/90 File Finder v1.1
FLEBOS11.SDA 679 05/10/89 Multi-windowed disk management system
FLEBOS11.SDN 125,700 05/10/89 File Boss v1.1
FM40.SDA 755 04/07/92 Menu driven floppy disk formatter
FM40.SDN 89,032 04/04/92 Format Master v4.0
FM42.SDA 2,175 04/10/92 Menu driven floppy disk formatter
FM42.SDN 89,151 04/07/92 Format Master v4.2
FORMUTIL.SDA 3,607 01/03/91 Package of utilities for the popular FormGen
FORMUTIL.SDN 148,025 01/03/91 FormGen Utility Pak #1
FSHLD13.SDA 1,786 07/04/90 Shield exe files to make virus infection impossib
FSHLD13.SDN 33,508 07/04/90 File Shield v1.3
F_MGR52.SDA 1,347 12/06/90 Excellent shell for performing most DOS commands
F_MGR52.SDN 247,825 12/06/90 File Manager v5.2
GOLD411A.SDA 2,288 11/18/91 fastmenu GOLD v4.11 for VGA 640x480 only
GOLD411A.SDN 255,118 11/18/91 Graphics interface menu system (1 of 2)
GOLD411B.SDN 265,309 11/18/91 Quick, easy, DOSshell (2 of 2)
GOLD46A.SDA 2,674 04/12/92 fastmenu GOLD v4.6.0 DOS-shell and menu
GOLD46A.SDN 225,823 04/12/92 Graphical menu system (1/3)
GOLD46B.SDN 251,865 04/12/92 Includes some applications (2/3)
GOLD46C.SDN 225,364 04/12/92 Mouse. Timed apps. Many features (3/3)
GOLD60.SDA 2,613 05/07/92 fastmenu GOLD v6.0.0 Jack Hildenbrand /X
GOLD60.SDN 741,103 05/07/92 GUI for VGA, fast menu/utilities/PIM
GOLDP20.SDA 943 11/18/91 fastphone GOLD v2.0 fastmenu GOLD module
GOLDP20.SDN 102,024 11/18/91 Complete address/dialer database system
GOLDS20.SDA 1,012 11/18/91 fastsystem GOLD v2.0 complete system utils
GOLDS20.SDN 113,501 11/18/91 Stand alone or with fastmenu GOLD
GRABB394.SDA 1,414 04/05/92 Capture any image off the screen to file
GRABB394.SDN 138,937 02/04/92 Grabber v3.94
GRBPLS55.SDA 1,022 10/23/89 TSR to grab screens from your word processor
GRBPLS55.SDN 227,491 10/23/89 Grab Plus v5.5
GSR151.SDA 1,639 09/01/91 GSR v1.51 high speed multi-file utility
GSR151.SDN 146,091 09/01/91 Text - search and replace in many files
GUS_150.SDN 27,709 04/13/92 General Unpack Shell version 1.50, like SPAZ
HDDIR45.SDA 6,063 11/10/90 DOS shell with extra utilities/features
HDDIR45.SDN 314,204 11/10/90 Hard Disk Director v4.50 menu system
HDDIR470.SDA 2,557 10/30/91 Hard Disk Director v4.70 menu system
HDDIR470.SDN 352,771 10/30/91 DOS shell with extra utilities/features
HDFC100.SDA 2,525 10/06/91 Hard Disk Floppy Cataloger v1.00
HDFC100.SDN 130,320 10/06/91 Comprehensive disk cataloger
HDM427.SDA 3,619 02/03/91 Multiple pages, mouse and macros
HDM427.SDN 160,444 02/02/91 Hard Disk Menu IV v2.7 by Jim Hass
HDM431.SDA 3,753 07/03/91 Hard Disk Menu IV v3.08 by Jim Hass
HDM431.SDN 246,716 07/03/91 Multiple pages, mouse and macros
HDTEST.SDA 3,983 01/24/89 Allows comprehensive read/write testing of HD
HDTEST.SDN 105,989 01/24/89 HDTest v1.0
HELP433.SDA 2,676 05/14/89 Powerful hard disk management program
HELP433.SDN 219,134 05/14/89 Help! v4.33 (1 of 2)
HELP433D.SDN 93,294 05/14/89 Help! v4.33 (2 of 2)
HEXEDIT2.SDA 1,783 05/07/92 HexEdit v2.0 edits any DOS binary file /X
HEXEDIT2.SDN 42,460 05/07/92 ASCII and binary viewer and editor /X
HS25.SDA 5,775 07/12/89 Sophisticated Hypertext brousing system
HS25.SDN 300,098 07/12/89 Hyper Search v2.5
HYDK431.SDN 275,803 01/10/92 HyperKey version 4.31, a keyboard execelerator
IAMS207.SDA 2,668 07/07/90 Instant Access Menu System
IAMS207.SDN 153,567 07/07/90 IAMS v2.07
IAMS265.SDA 2,816 07/23/89 Instant Access Menu System
IAMS265.SDN 172,384 07/23/89 IAMS v2.65
INCX101.SDA 3,147 09/14/91 InContext V1.01 MORE than a DOS shell.
INCX101A.SDN 215,885 09/14/91 Now viewers for ARC, ARJ, LZH, PAK, ZIP
INCX101B.SDN 243,783 09/14/91 Now viewers for ARC, ARJ, LZH, PAK, ZIP
INCX102A.SDA 3,023 11/14/91 InContext V1.02 unique DOS-shell-plus
INCX102A.SDN 201,151 11/14/91 Really puts YOU in control!
I_M113.SDA 1,764 04/19/92 Integrity Master v1.13a Stiller Research
I_M113.SDN 282,715 04/19/92 Anti-Virus, security and protection
JADU13.SDA 1,536 11/12/89 Great file manager/Shell
JADU13.SDN 90,150 11/12/89 JADU - Just Another Directory Utility v1.3
JETPLT12.SDA 2,746 08/27/91 JetPilot v1.2 control your LasreJet
JETPLT12.SDN 63,328 08/27/91 Run TSR or standalone, use expanded mem
KEYSET11.SDA 2,048 01/17/90 Excellent keyboard setup utility
KEYSET11.SDN 28,610 01/17/90 KeySet v1.1
LAMCH102.SDN 182,407 01/21/92 LambChop v1.02, a file splitter and mender with f
LETHEAD3.SDA 1,280 08/17/89 Design/Print custom letterhead
LETHEAD3.SDN 103,779 08/17/89 LetterHead v3.0
LH113C.EXE 36,963 07/28/90 LHA
LHA213.EXE 44,381 08/13/91 Newest version of LHA archiver, makes LZH
LIST71A.SDA 1,920 11/06/89 Excellent text viewer completely replaces type co
LIST71A.SDN 73,528 11/06/89 List v7.1
LIST73D.SDA 1,965 04/07/92 Great text file viewing program
LIST73D.SDN 70,479 02/03/90 List v7.3
LOGIN12.SDA 2,048 11/07/89 Track computer use, Who, How long, and What for
LOGIN12.SDN 125,935 11/07/89 LOGIN v1.2
LOGIN20.SDA 3,245 08/19/90 LOGIN: v2.0 track computer use
LOGIN20.SDN 151,861 08/19/90 Who used it? how long? What for?
LOGIN30.SDA 2,255 08/07/91 LOGIN: v3.0 track computer use
LOGIN30.SDN 152,654 08/04/91 Who used it? how long? What for?
LZE_WC21.SDA 2,158 10/05/91 Compress .Com and .Exe programs
LZE_WC21.SDN 58,023 10/05/91 LZexe-WC v2.1
L_RMND16.SDA 1,792 10/06/89 Reminds you when it is time to back up HD
L_RMND16.SDN 42,046 10/06/89 LCG/Remind v1.6
SDN International: Utility 2
MAMENU.SDA 3,456 05/18/90 Master Menu hard drive menu program
MAMENU.SDN 71,881 05/18/90 Provides menu driven access to all your applicati
MASDIR42.SDA 2,784 04/13/89 Great replacement for the DOS Dir command
MASDIR42.SDN 62,782 04/13/89 Master Directory v4.2
MASDIR43.SDA 2,816 09/29/89 Great replacement for the DOS Dir command
MASDIR43.SDN 68,395 09/29/89 Master Directory v4.2
MAXI154A.SDA 2,571 06/07/89 Fit 420K on 360K disks and 800K on 720K disks
MAXI154A.SDN 39,350 06/07/89 Maxi-Form v1.54
MCII103.SDA 2,560 05/08/92 Versatile menu program
MCII103A.SDN 167,551 01/14/90 Menu Commando II v.1.03 (1 of 2)
MCII103B.SDN 117,608 01/14/90 Menu Commando II v.1.03 (2 of 2)
MCII_113.SDA 3,967 06/16/90 Versatile menu program to take control of compute
MCII_113.SDN 354,101 06/16/90 Menu Commando II v1.13
MDR30A.SDA 1,746 07/11/91 MenuDirect v3.0 hard disk shell - manager
MDR30A.SDN 298,155 07/11/91 Formerly Point & Shoot (1 of 2)
MDR30B.SDN 231,415 07/11/91 Nominated for BYTE Product Of The Year
MENUMAST.SDA 1,792 10/27/89 Easy to use hard drive menu program
MENUMAST.SDN 93,401 10/27/89 Menu Master v1.0
MENU_ESC.SDA 2,634 10/08/90 Menu program which allows nothing function keys
MENU_ESC.SDN 24,108 10/08/90 Menu-Esc v1.0
MMENU100.SDA 1,536 08/16/89 Quick, Easy mouse driven menu system
MMENU100.SDN 68,570 08/16/89 Mickey Menu v1.0
MNUMTC10.SDA 1,494 02/02/92 MenuMatic v1.0 configurable DOS menu
MNUMTC10.SDN 56,132 02/02/92 Not a TSR, 0k RAM. Your popup menu
MULTIBAK.SDA 2,944 10/29/89 The easy way to manage backup programs
MULTIBAK.SDN 27,568 10/29/89 MultiBak v2.3
NAME_PAL.SDA 1,300 06/19/89 Complete automatic address book
NAME_PAL.SDN 74,404 06/19/89 Name Pal v1.44
NETSC89B.SDN 114,618 03/26/92 Reliable network virus protection
NETSCN89.SDA 2,249 04/05/92 McAfee's NetScan v89.b
NEWKEY51.SDA 1,515 03/25/89 Great little keyboard macro program
NEWKEY51.SDN 172,441 03/25/89 NewKey v5.1
NEWKEY52.SDA 4,608 08/17/89 Great little keyboard macro program
NEWKEY52.SDN 157,018 08/17/89 NewKey v5.2
NEWKEY53.SDA 2,428 06/13/90 Great little keyboard macro program
NEWKEY53.SDN 167,730 06/13/90 NewKey v5.3
NICAD10.SDA 1,702 10/06/91 NiCad v1.0 for battery powered laptops
NICAD10.SDN 65,729 10/06/91 TSR - Popup 'gas-gauge' for charge left
ODIZK231.SDA 2,892 03/09/91 Label organize and inventory Diskettes
ODIZK231.SDN 111,691 03/09/91 OmniDizk v2.31
OEDUTIL.SDA 1,912 03/18/90 Miscellaneous Shareware and PD Utilities
OEDUTIL.SDN 239,908 03/18/90 OED Utils v1.0
OMENU406.SDA 1,783 10/30/91 oMENU v4.06 complete HD menu system
OMENU406.SDN 85,382 10/30/91 Not TSR. Use arrows to point and shoot.
OMENU407.SDA 1,783 03/16/92 oMENU v4.07 a disk menu system
OMENU407.SDN 85,395 03/16/92 Great DOSShell and program launcher
ON_SIDE.SDA 1,834 03/11/89 Sideways printing program for the PC
ON_SIDE.SDN 132,978 03/11/89 On Side v1.0
ORDER212.SDA 1,052 03/20/89 Speed up loading time of frequently used files
ORDER212.SDN 19,892 03/18/89 Order v2.12
ORG302SE.SDA 920 04/05/92 Fast, efficient defragger
ORG302SE.SDN 75,254 02/22/92 ORG - Disk defrager
PAINES10.SDA 1,497 03/23/91 Schedule your pc to run programs around the clock
PAINES10.SDN 120,876 03/23/91 Painless Event Scheduler v1.0
PAK151.EXE 92,160 06/22/90 PAK by Nogate, v1.51
PAK251.EXE 103,338 10/08/90 Pak by Nogate, Use with SDN files
PASBR200.SDA 3,981 05/30/90 Hard disk backup/restoration program
PASBR200.SDN 87,438 05/30/90 Point n Shoot Backup v2.0
PASH20.SDA 1,205 05/07/89 Manage all data required to run a household
PASH20.SDN 153,142 05/07/89 Point n Shoot Home Manager v2.0
PASHDM20.SDA 2,156 06/10/89 Hard disk file management tool
PASHDM20.SDN 267,515 06/10/89 Point n Shoot Hard Disk Manager v2.0
PCINF215.SDA 4,033 12/24/90 Reports system configuration
PCINF215.SDN 34,189 12/24/90 PC Info v2.15
PC_INFO.SDA 1,408 08/06/89 Reports system configuration
PC_INFO.SDN 28,831 08/05/89 PC Info v1.90
PERUSE10.SDN 249,411 10/07/90 An ASCII and Binary Text file viewer utility
PHDU_589.SDA 4,867 07/18/89 Collection of great hard disk utilities
PHDU_589.SDN 335,410 07/18/89 Patrican's Hard Disk Utilities 5/89
PH_UTILS.SDA 2,688 08/19/89 Collection of great DOS Utils
PH_UTILS.SDN 285,873 08/19/89 PH Utilities v1.0
PIVOT20.SDA 1,645 07/28/90 View and print contents of AS-Easy-AS spreadsheet
PIVOT20.SDN 137,961 07/28/90 Pivot v2.0
PK361.EXE 119,808 06/14/91 Pak Lastest version
PKLTE10.EXE 39,837 04/25/91 Pk Lite Compress executables and still run
PKLTE113.EXE 49,928 08/01/91 Pk Lite. Compress .exe and still run them
PKZ110.EXE 149,248 06/27/91 Pkzip, Pkunzip and Pkzipfix
PMCAT40F.SDA 1,207 03/21/89 The easy way to keep track of files on HD and FD
PMCAT40F.SDN 63,066 03/20/89 PMCat v4.0f
POPUP11.SDA 2,207 04/05/92 TSR which allows you to make any DOS Prog a TSR
POPUP11.SDN 83,848 01/26/92 Pop-Up v1.1
PRSU11_A.SDA 3,024 01/19/91 View the contents of files on Hard drive
PRSU11_A.SDN 156,530 01/19/91 Peruse v1.1 (1 of 2)
PRSU11_B.SDN 130,617 01/19/91 Peruse v1.1 (2 of 2)
PWRBAT14.SDA 4,703 11/10/90 Very powerful batch file compiler
PWRBAT14.SDN 119,330 11/10/90 Power Batch v1.4
PWRBT14E.SDA 2,477 12/21/90 Compile your batch files to EXE files for Speed
PWRBT14E.SDN 128,510 12/21/90 Power Batch v1.4e
QCACHE4.SDA 3,328 11/28/89 Intelligent hard disk cache program
QCACHE4A.SDN 252,811 11/28/89 Quick Cache v4.0 (1 of 2)
QCACHE4B.SDN 192,961 11/28/89 Quick Cache v4.0 (2 of 2)
QFIL31GA.SDA 1,021 03/07/89 Split screen DOS file management utility
QFIL31GA.SDN 124,179 03/06/89 QFiler v3.1G
QFILE31F.SDA 896 02/11/89 Split screen DOS file management utility
QFILE31F.SDN 140,308 02/11/89 QFiler v3.1F
QFLIST11.SDA 1,920 09/19/89 Excellent file browse utility
QFLIST11.SDN 35,167 09/19/89 QFList v1.1
QLABEL3.SDN 144,562 04/09/91 Quick Label Generator version 3.0, for dot matrix
QMENU106.SDA 1,061 04/07/92 Great Hard disk menu system
QMENU106.SDN 168,052 03/06/91 Quick Menu v1.06
QMR200.SDA 1,408 08/25/89 Quick Menu Reminder
QMR200.SDN 136,792 08/25/89 A reminder program, reminds upon boot
QSCR12.SDA 1,792 01/14/90 Text to Executable conversion program
QSCR12.SDN 33,183 01/14/90 QSCR v1.2
RBOOT5.SDA 1,657 08/10/91 ReBoot v5.0 from Australia, swap config
RBOOT5.SDN 84,701 08/10/91 Change config.sys/autoexec.bat on the fly
RDIR107.SDA 1,969 10/11/90 Program to graph relative directory size
RDIR107.SDN 46,602 10/11/90 RDir v1.07
RESISPOP.SDA 1,536 09/11/89 Simple resistor selection program
RESISPOP.SDN 52,154 09/11/89 Resi-Pop v1.0
RWMNU326.SDA 819 02/08/91 Great one button program launcher
RWMNU326.SDN 80,226 02/08/91 RW Menu v3.26
SAFPAK10.SDA 1,783 03/28/92 Safepack v1.0 the safe defragmentater
SAFPAK10.SDN 55,796 03/28/92 Defragmentate your hard disk. From U.K.
SAFPAK12.SDA 1,830 04/23/92 SafePack v1.2 disk defragmentater
SAFPAK12.SDN 56,760 04/23/92 Defragmentate your hard disk, from UK!
SC300.SDA 1,572 03/16/91 Advanced Cryptography to protect your files
SC300.SDN 133,206 03/16/91 Super Crypt v3.0
SCAN89B.SDA 2,802 04/04/92 McAfee Associates Virus Scan/Clean Package. The
SCAN89B.SDN 128,351 03/25/92 McAfee's Scan v8.4b89
SCIEQS13.SDA 1,664 09/16/89 Very sophisticated scientific calculator
SCIEQS13.SDN 43,887 09/16/89 SCIEQS v1.3
SD60.SDA 8,479 01/21/89 Great replacement for the DOS Dir command
SD60.SDN 92,128 01/21/89 Speed Dir v6.0
SDA2TXT1.SDA 1,024 12/30/89 Little utility to make SDA files compatible with
SDA2TXT1.SDN 30,304 12/30/89 SDA2TXT v1.0
SDC300.SDA 1,872 12/27/90 Disk duplicating machine on a disk
SDC300.SDN 103,839 12/27/90 Super Disk Copy v3.0
SDOS161.SDA 2,048 10/30/89 Assign all common DOS commands to function keys
SDOS161.SDN 61,567 10/30/89 Stupen DOS v1.61
SEDTDOC4.SDN 78,693 11/07/89 SEDT v4.0 Documentation (2 of 2)
SEDTDOS4.SDA 1,152 11/06/89 ASCII editor compatible with VAX EDT
SEDTDOS4.SDN 129,958 11/07/89 SEDT v4.0 (1 of 2)
SEEKEZ_5.SDA 2,103 07/26/89 Easy to use information retrieval program
SEEKEZ_5.SDN 111,817 07/26/89 Seek Easy v5.0
SENTRY02.SDA 1,484 07/04/90 Computer virus detection system
SENTRY02.SDN 12,668 07/04/90 Virus Sentry v2.0
SERV300.SDA 1,664 12/14/89 Complete file, directory, archive, and HD Manager
SERV300.SDN 290,196 12/14/89 Services v3.0
SERVS20A.SDA 2,472 02/27/89 Complete file, directory, archive, and HD manager
SERVS2A1.SDN 202,854 02/27/89 Services v2.0 (1 of 2)
SERVS2A2.SDN 65,776 02/27/89 Services v2.0 (2 of 2)
SF_CRYPT.SDA 2,816 08/30/89 High powered file encrypter/deencrypter
SF_CRYPT.SDN 37,068 08/30/89 Super File Encryptor v4.01
SHERLK26.SDA 2,070 08/21/91 Sherlock v2.6 ASCII text file comparison
SHERLK26.SDN 124,591 08/21/91 Open windows and compare two text files
SHEZ71.SDN 197,698 04/12/92 Shez v7.0, the compression companion
SHIFTKEY.SDA 2,236 07/01/90 Keyboard assistance for the Handicapped
SHIFTKEY.SDN 6,150 07/01/90 Shift Key v1.0
SMSTR32A.SDA 2,427 02/03/91 Multifunction hard disk organizer
SMSTR32A.SDN 178,676 02/03/91 System Master v3.2 (1 of 3)
SMSTR32B.SDN 79,017 02/03/91 System Master v3.2 (2 of 3)
SMSTR32C.SDN 62,627 02/03/91 System Master v3.2 (3 of 3)
SPLITIT.SDA 2,816 08/17/89 Simple program to figure splits for divorce.
SPLITIT.SDN 76,213 08/17/89 Split_It v1.0
SRMBL10.SDA 1,992 10/06/91 No-Can-See File Scrambler v1.0
SRMBL10.SDN 131,139 10/06/91 File security and protection via encrypt
SSET20.SDA 5,347 04/17/89 No nonsense collection of productivity software
SSET20_1.SDN 181,714 04/17/89 Soft Set v2.0 (1 of 2)
SSET20_2.SDN 115,696 04/17/89 Soft Set v2.0 (2 of 2)
SSII105.SDA 1,128 04/07/92 Software Susie II v1.05 keeps track
SSII105.SDN 155,561 04/07/92 Keeps track of shareware and commercial
STACK60.SDA 1,399 09/09/90 The ultimate batch file enhancing command
STACK60.SDN 356,165 09/09/90 Stack Key v6.0
STARCOM1.SDA 2,059 08/12/90 Change, delete, duplicate, or view internal DOS c
STARCOM1.SDN 49,086 08/12/90 Star COM v1.0
STOW180.SDA 2,395 04/13/92 Personal archival system for your computer
STOW180.SDN 213,079 02/24/92 StowAway v1.80
STROBE10.SDA 1,392 10/24/91 Strobe v1.0 by KJL for laptops
STROBE10.SDN 52,347 10/24/91 Mem-Res changed blinking cursor to block
SUBLIM.SDA 3,682 01/20/89 Neat little subliminal messages for computer
SUBLIM.SDN 14,279 12/31/88 Subliminal Messages v1.0
SUBLIM2.SDA 1,408 09/16/89 Flash messages on your screen up to 7200 times a
SUBLIM2.SDN 14,514 09/16/89 PC Subliminal Messages v2.1
SWAP170.SDA 1,970 08/01/90 Nice little task swapping utility
SWAP170.SDN 243,857 08/01/90 Swap Utilities v1.70
SYDEX.SDA 998 03/07/89 a potporri of seven useful utility programs
SYDEX_1.SDN 329,405 03/04/89 Shareware Sampler v1.0 (1 of 2)
SYDEX_2.SDN 282,912 03/04/89 Shareware Sampler v1.0 (2 of 2)
TAG_250.SDA 2,366 04/11/90 DOS enhancement tool and menuing system
TAG_250.SDN 210,236 04/11/90 Tag_Along v2.50
TASKMST.SDA 3,785 11/14/91 TaskMaster programmable menu system
TASKMST.SDN 267,693 11/14/91 Lauch applications, pass data, customize!
TF77.SDA 1,280 09/23/89 Similar but faster than Peter Norton's File Find
TF77.SDN 15,402 09/23/89 Turbo Find v7.7
THESPLUS.SDA 1,502 05/18/89 Memory resident online Thesaurasas
THESPLUS.SDN 243,851 05/22/89 ThesPlus v1.0
THROB5.SDA 1,351 02/11/91 Powerful horse racing handicapper
THROB5.SDN 197,001 02/10/91 Cambridge Thoroughbred Handicapper v5.0
TIMES2.SDA 1,319 03/20/89 Set your computer clock by USN observatory clock
TIMES2.SDN 18,482 03/17/89 SetTime v2.0
TLIFE23.SDN 97,431 03/14/92 TextLife v2.3 turns text into .EXE's
TO_RETRN.SDA 1,281 04/08/90 Similar to Norton Change Directory
TO_RETRN.SDN 10,960 04/08/90 To Return v1.2
TREET243.SDA 1,736 03/15/91 Point n Shoot hard disk file manager shell
TREET243.SDN 131,218 03/15/91 TreeTop v2.43
TREEVU11.SDA 3,110 02/18/90 Powerful hard disk and file management system
TREEVU11.SDN 123,366 02/18/90 Tree View v1.1
TSRDL2.SDA 1,408 11/19/89 Soft font manager for HP LaserJet and compatibles
TSRDL2.SDN 118,388 11/19/89 TSR Download v2.0
TWODISKS.SDA 1,147 02/26/89 Read and compare the directories of Two Disks
TWODISKS.SDN 88,388 02/24/89 Two Disks v1.0
UDESC123.SDA 1,254 08/15/90 Helps manage 4DOS file descriptions
UDESC123.SDN 40,509 08/15/90 UDESC v1.23
UNARJ230.EXE 52,059 01/30/92 ARJ Un-archiver
USERMENU.SDA 2,460 07/03/89 Great little application menuing program
USERMENU.SDN 61,419 07/03/89 User Menu v1.0
VIDSW100.SDA 950 04/02/90 Quick switcher for PC's with more than one video
VIDSW100.SDN 73,482 04/02/90 Video Switcher v1.0
VISUTILS.SDA 2,254 04/07/92 Nice collection of helpful disk utils
VISUTILS.SDN 161,050 01/10/92 VISUtils v1.0
VMIX386.SDA 2,741 04/09/92 Multi User Multi-Tasking environment for the PC
VMIX386.SDN 112,914 10/27/91 VMIX386 v2.64
VSHLD63.SDA 988 07/04/90 McAfee Associates famous VShield program
VSHLD63.SDN 37,537 07/04/90 VShield v6.3
VSHLD89B.SDA 2,706 04/05/92 TSR Virus Alerter
VSHLD89B.SDN 109,368 03/25/92 Vshield by McAfee Associates.
VSUMX201.SDN 447,277 01/22/92 The Virus Information Summary List, list of all k
WARPSPED.SDA 972 03/30/89 Dramatically speed up the repeatition rate on Key
WARPSPED.SDN 16,690 03/30/89 WarpSpeed v1.0
WINZIP31.SDA 2,155 04/23/92 WinZip v3.1 with Windows v3.1 support
WINZIP31.SDN 104,408 04/23/92 Archiver shell for ZIP/LZH/ARC {W}
WM10.SDA 2,243 05/03/89 Great multi windowed menuing program
WM10.SDN 131,941 05/03/89 Window Menu v1.0
WNG1.SDA 1,067 10/04/89 Neat little game about capitols of the world
WNG1.SDN 91,082 10/04/89 World Name Game v1.0
WYNDOS22.SDA 1,052 11/03/91 WYND-DOS v2.2 a DOS shell utility
WYNDOS22.SDN 114,365 11/03/91 Preform DOS tasks from pull down menus
WYNSHL22.SDA 1,535 10/24/91 WYND-SHELL v2.2 DOS Shell and launcher
WYNSHL22.SDN 156,446 10/24/91 Application menu, includes WYND-DOS mgr
XDIR202.SDA 1,635 05/31/89 Eliminate DOS 11 char directory name limit
XDIR202.SDN 62,000 05/31/89 XDir v2.02
XDIR302.SDA 1,758 01/03/91 Eliminate DOS 11 char directory name limit
XDIR302.SDN 55,509 01/03/91 XDir v3.02
XDOS369.SDA 1,050 04/12/92 Compilation of powerful tools for DOS power users
XDOS369.SDN 770,539 11/03/91 ExtraDos v3.69
XRAY102.SDA 1,855 04/07/92 View contents of files in archives
XRAY102.SDN 69,005 02/06/92 Archive X-Ray v1.02
XTOOLS20.SDA 1,043 07/30/91 Collection of DOS replacement utils
XTOOLS20.SDN 175,418 07/30/91 Replace & improve DOS utils.. in a shell
ZCM11.SDA 1,824 04/09/92 Utility to easily manipulate Zip comments
ZCM11.SDN 154,712 03/02/92 Zip Comment Master v1.1
ZGEN146.SDA 1,535 02/12/91 File and archive management program
ZGEN146.SDN 70,512 02/11/91 ZGen v1.46
ZIP151.SDA 1,861 04/09/92 Simple utility to transfer files between 2 comput
ZIP151.SDN 26,742 01/15/92 Zip Com v1.51
ZIPZP715.SDA 1,572 04/09/92 View or modify files or disks sector by sector
ZIPZP715.SDN 56,627 01/07/92 Zip Zap v7.15
ZM28.SDA 1,787 04/05/92 Zip file compression management program
ZM28.SDN 144,762 02/09/92 Zip Master v2.8
ZOO120.SDN 26,153 09/06/86 ZOO Archiver
ZPRT10A.SDA 993 03/20/89 Snazzy little printer util that WILL work with yo
ZPRT10A.SDN 19,725 03/18/89 ZPRT v1.0a
SDN International: Word Processing
BINGO20.SDA 1,705 07/07/90 Bingo v2.0 a full featured text editor
BINGO20.SDN 143,366 07/07/90 Bingo v2.0 a full featured text editor
BLKBRD74.SDA 2,560 05/08/92 Blackbeard v7.4 a full featured text editor
BLKBRD74.SDN 154,725 05/08/92 Excellent for programming, auto indents
BOX311.SDA 3,221 10/24/91 BOXER v3.11 full-function text editor
BOX311.SDN 221,961 10/24/91 Not just an editor, a text editing system!
BOX320.SDA 3,173 02/13/92 BOXER v3.20 text editor / word processor
BOX320.SDN 246,290 02/13/92 The best avalible (Dr. File Finder)
BREEZE41.SDA 4,173 03/03/92 BREEZE v4.1 wordprocessor and editor
BREEZE41.SDN 348,662 03/03/92 Significant update of this super editor
BREEZE43.SDA 1,641 04/07/92 Breeze v4.3 editor and wordprocessor
BREEZE43.SDN 323,292 04/07/92 Many included utilities. Spell included
BRZ32_A.SDA 2,154 10/27/91 Easy to use full featured text editor/word proces
BRZ32_A.SDN 158,101 10/27/91 Breeze v3.2 (1 of 2)
BRZ32_B.SDN 151,430 10/27/91 Breeze v3.2 (2 of 2)
CB266.SDA 3,680 07/30/91 Captain BlackBreard v2.66 editor
CB266.SDN 315,262 07/30/91 The programmers editor with new features
DECODER.SDN 76,974 03/31/92 Decoder - for Ventura Publisher
EZX_W23.SDA 1,276 03/07/89 EZX-Write v2.3 very powerful RAM based word proce
EZX_W23.SDN 147,931 02/23/89 This one is loaded with features
FILER.SDN 193,195 03/31/92 Filer! - for Ventura Publisher
FLEX102.SDA 2,723 07/17/91 FLEX v1.02 lightening fast text editor
FLEX102.SDN 145,176 07/17/91 A programmers dream with printer support
FNT_ESF1.SDA 1,311 04/10/92 Everything you need to get started with Soft Font
FNT_ESF1.SDN 125,060 05/18/90 Contains 21 soft fonts for HP Laserjet.
GALAXY24.SDA 1,276 04/17/92 Full Featured word processor
GALAXY24.SDN 267,010 12/31/88 Built in spell checker with 4 dictionaries
GALITE10.SDA 1,830 07/20/90 Galaxy Lite v1.0 Full Featured lightning quick
GALITE10.SDN 243,279 07/20/90 RAM based word processor. Very Good
GALITE15.SDA 1,689 10/11/90 Galaxy Lite v1.5 Full Featured lightning quick
GALITE15.SDN 275,009 10/11/90 RAM based word processor. Excellent
GALITE17.SDA 1,577 07/28/91 Galaxy Lite v1.7 word/text editor
GALITE17.SDN 356,037 07/28/91 Now has 50,000 spellchecker an $30 regist
GRABPLUS.SDA 1,157 07/01/90 The envelope address printer
GRABPLUS.SDN 355,745 07/01/90 Built in database system and LaserLabel
GRADE251.SDA 984 05/17/89 Very simple database system for tracking grades
GRADE251.SDN 61,442 05/17/89 Great for students who like to keep up with avera
GRAPHCT2.SDN 131,783 02/22/92 Create a graphics catalog (can use dBase)
INADDR10.SDA 1,626 10/06/91 instantADDRESS v1.0 from KJL Software
INADDR10.SDN 57,062 10/06/91 TSR - capture address and print label
JORJ41.SDA 2,304 01/25/90 58,000 word pop up dictionary
JORJ41_A.SDN 254,351 01/25/90 Uses phonetic spelling to look up words
JORJ41_B.SDN 327,178 01/25/90 even if you do not know the correct spelling
KWRITE.SDA 1,659 09/28/91 KwikWrite Exceutive wordprocessor
KWRITE.SDN 178,582 09/28/91 Includes merge from dBase III files
LPE101.SDA 652 01/16/92 LPR v1.01 envelope addressing utility
LPE101.SDN 53,559 01/16/92 For EGA-VGA and HP laserjet compatibles
LPE102.SDA 966 02/06/92 LPE - Laser Printer Envelope v1.02
LPE102.SDN 58,662 02/06/92 EGA/CGA - GUI, mouse, download, size
LPE104.SDA 708 04/26/92 Laser Printer Envelope v1.0 by ETS
LPE104.SDN 78,776 04/26/92 EGA/VGA + mouse, graphics reguired
LTRHEAD1.SDA 1,574 05/07/92 Letterhead Kit v1.0 for WordPerfect 5.1 /X
LTRHEAD1.SDN 183,729 05/07/92 Macros, graphics, sample files and more
MCROADE3.SDA 2,905 07/11/91 MacroAde v3.0, update fixes AltL bugs
MCROADE3.SDN 81,612 07/11/91 other minor fixes, macro tools & menus
MCROADE4.SDA 2,847 08/05/91 MacroAde v4.0 WrdPrfect 5.1 macro tools
MCROADE4.SDN 126,337 08/05/91 new this ver.: check tildes w/TildeChk
MPP101.SDA 764 04/26/92 MULTI-PRINT PRO v1.01 by ETS Inc. 5 STARS
MPP101.SDN 81,627 04/26/92 Print text files 2UP 4UP 6UP 12 styles
MULTIED4.SDA 1,024 10/23/89 Demo of a very powerful Word processing
MULTIED4.SDN 302,502 10/23/89 Text editing program. Awesome
NDEX.SDA 1,792 08/26/89 Personal index card Database and Retrieval tool
NDEX.SDN 117,914 08/26/89 Just like having your own little file box on desk
NOVA100.SDA 2,560 02/11/91 Full featured Text editor/word processor
NOVA100.SDN 221,678 02/11/91 Easy to learn and use with all the popular featur
ODAY228.SDA 2,841 09/10/91 OMNIDAY v2.28 personal diary with editor
ODAY228.SDN 171,593 09/10/91 Keep daily diary neat and orderly
PCINDX11.SDA 1,024 12/22/89 PC-Index automatically creates the type of index
PCINDX11.SDN 75,896 12/22/89 You find in the back of a book from any text docu
PCM340.SDA 1,946 09/08/91 PostCardMaster v3.40 Unicorn Software
PCM340.SDN 176,522 09/08/91 Create post cards, keep addesses on disk
PCTYP2_A.SDN 338,216 08/29/89 processor packed with features you expect in
PCTYP2_B.SDN 356,525 08/29/89 The most expensive word processors.
PCTYP2_C.SDN 355,033 08/29/89 This package is worth the download
PCTYPEII.SDA 3,200 08/29/89 PC-Type II is a full featured easy to use word
PCT_4A.SDA 1,241 01/26/91 Full featured word processor and much more
PCT_4A.SDN 315,244 01/26/91 PC-Type v4.0 (1 of 4)
PCT_4B.SDN 189,081 01/26/91 PC-Type v4.0 (2 of 4)
PCT_4C.SDN 195,072 04/07/92 PC-Type v4.0 (3 of 4)
PCT_4D.SDN 268,963 01/26/91 PC-Type v4.0 (4 of 4)
PCW303.SDA 1,920 11/03/89 PC-Write is a very well known and liked word proc
PCW303_A.SDN 183,024 11/03/89 PC-Write v3.03 (1 of 3)
PCW303_B.SDN 186,533 11/03/89 PC-Write v3.03 (2 of 3)
PCW303_C.SDN 222,281 11/10/89 PC-Write v3.03 (3 of 3)
PCWLITE.SDA 566 03/24/90 PC-Write Lite is the little brother to PC-Write
PCWLITE1.SDN 137,965 03/24/90 PC-Write Lite (1 of 2)
PCWLITE2.SDN 212,580 03/24/90 PC-Write Lite (2 of 2)
PCWRIT30.SDA 210 06/09/89 PC-Write a full featured word processor
PCWRIT30.SDN 179,266 06/09/89 PC-Write v3.02
PDX2WP10.SDA 1,378 01/01/91 PDX2WP version 1.0
PDX2WP10.SDN 81,399 01/01/91 A translation/conversion utility, use to do WP<->
PEDIT165.SDA 900 07/24/90 Full featured split screen text editor
PEDIT165.SDN 110,345 07/24/90 pEDIT v1.65 text editor
PEDIT210.SDA 1,105 07/15/91 pEDIT v2.10 text editor, wordprocessor
PEDIT210.SDN 139,912 07/15/91 Now with WordStar and Emacs emulation
PENPL104.SDA 2,940 09/22/91 Pen Pal v1.04 MICRO DATA ASSIST
PENPL104.SDN 167,342 09/22/91 Letter writter, mail, black book
PHLBL142.SDA 1,792 07/01/90 Phlbl version 1.42
PHLBL142.SDN 54,405 07/01/90 Prints labels, rotary file cards and index cards
PHLBL20.SDA 2,418 11/21/90 Phlbl version 2.00
PHLBL20.SDN 57,078 11/21/90 Print your index, rotary file cards or labels
PHRASE22.SDA 2,847 01/20/89 Phrase 2.2
PHRASE22.SDN 26,204 12/31/88 Phrase finds all bad or "wordy" words in a docume
PHRASE24.SDA 323 03/03/89 Phrase version 2.4
PHRASE24.SDN 39,728 03/01/89 Scan text or word processing files for bad or mis
PRIN28.SDA 2,360 08/12/90 Prin version 2.8
PRIN28.SDN 11,561 08/12/90 Use to print files in columns that you specify
PROLB101.SDA 1,568 07/01/90 Pro Label version 1.01
PROLB101.SDN 18,781 07/01/90 Massive label printing utility, can print file ma
PROLB111.SDA 1,562 08/04/90 ProLabel 1.11
PROLB111.SDN 10,368 08/04/90 Label printing program, print as many times as yo
PROLB121.SDA 1,790 08/31/90 Pro Label version 121
PROLB121.SDN 22,005 08/31/90 Print a file as many copies as you specify on com
PROLB131.SDA 1,824 10/07/90 ProLaber 1.31
PROLB131.SDN 25,011 10/07/90 Can use different ports and print a file up to 99
PUBLISH2.SDA 983 03/03/89 6 publishers desktop utilities for Ventura Publis
PUBLISH2.SDN 246,261 03/01/89 If you use VP this is a must have
PV313D.SDA 2,266 02/22/92 Plain Vanilla Labels v3.13d
PV313D.SDN 99,980 02/22/92 The simple to use envelope label maker
PVIEW12.SDA 1,553 04/07/92 PView v1.2 by Solway of Australia
PVIEW12.SDN 26,873 04/07/92 Pre-view in graphics your page layout
QEDIT207.SDA 3,072 04/15/89 Very full featured and lightning fast text
QEDIT207.SDN 142,815 04/15/89 Editor QEdit v2.07 is awesome.
QEDIT215.SDA 2,769 09/14/91 QEdit Advanced v2.15 blazingly fast editor
QEDIT215.SDN 138,983 09/10/91 Expanded menus, enhanced macro facility
QEDITA21.SDA 2,853 10/11/90 QEdit Advanced v2.1 blazingly fast editor
QEDITA21.SDN 133,845 10/11/90 Expanded menus, enhanced macro facility
QFONT15.SDA 2,560 10/25/89 Soft font editor for downloadable
QFONT15.SDN 114,314 10/25/89 Soft fonts for the HP LaserJet printers
RUBICON.SDA 3,377 02/24/90 Full featured Desktop Publisher
RUBICON1.SDN 172,096 02/24/90 Rubicon Publisher v2.0 (1 of 3)
RUBICON2.SDN 194,918 02/24/90 Rubicon Publisher v2.0 (2 of 3)
RUBICON3.SDN 168,027 02/24/90 Rubicon Publisher v2.0 (3 of 3)
SF300.SDN 201,304 01/11/91 The Worlds Easiest to use Forms Generator and Man
SIDE103.SDA 1,001 03/13/90 Sideways printing program for the PC
SIDE103.SDN 114,346 03/10/90 On-Side v1.03
TDISPLAY.SDN 77,469 03/31/92 TDisplay - for Ventura Publisher
VSWAP.SDN 72,682 03/29/92 Swap - for Ventura Publisher
VTAG.SDN 126,101 03/29/92 Tag - for Ventura Publisher
WED410.SDA 1,697 05/04/89 Full featured text editor
WED410.SDN 139,316 05/04/89 WED v4.10
WF200_A.SDA 6,907 01/08/91 Heavy duty word processor with all the features
WF200_A.SDN 177,372 01/08/91 Word Fugue v2.00c (1 of 3)
WF200_B.SDN 133,501 01/08/91 Word Fugue v2.00c (2 of 3)
WF200_C.SDN 125,602 01/08/91 Word Fugue v2.00c (3 of 3)
WORDQWIK.SDA 1,705 08/12/91 WordQwik v1.0 word usage utility
WORDQWIK.SDN 40,317 08/12/91 When to use words like 'it's' or 'its'
WORDQWK2.SDA 1,708 08/12/91 WordQwik first revision.
WORDQWK2.SDN 40,407 08/12/91 When to use what word it's or its??
WORDZ200.SDA 2,539 09/08/91 WordZ v2.00 information tracker
WORDZ200.SDN 175,223 09/08/91 Keyword search capability.
WP51MAC1.SDA 1,598 03/18/90 Good collection of Keyboard macros for WP 5.1
WP51MAC1.SDN 66,845 03/18/90 Keyboard Macros for WP 5.1
WP51MAC2.SDA 1,920 06/03/90 Keyboard Macros for WP 5.1
WP51MAC2.SDN 67,990 06/03/90 Keyboard Macros for WP 5.1
WP51MAC3.SDA 1,938 07/07/90 Keyboard Macros for WP 5.1
WP51MAC3.SDN 83,011 07/07/90 Keyboard Macros for WP 5.1
WPLEARN1.SDA 1,463 04/04/92 Disk based tutorial for using WP 5.1
WPLEARN1.SDN 120,838 05/08/90 WP Learn (disk 1 of 3)
WPLEARN2.SDN 75,387 04/06/90 WP Learn (disk 2 of 3)
WPLEARN3.SDN 63,153 04/06/90 WP Learn (disk 3 of 3)
WPMRGR15.SDA 1,426 11/21/90 Combine with any word processor for complete
WPMRGR15.SDN 277,849 11/21/90 Data management and formatting of your files
WRDHPLJ.SDA 1,076 04/25/89 Documents to explain and clarify how to use
WRDHPLJ.SDN 157,096 04/26/89 MicroSoft Word and an HP LaserJet printer
WRKBK100.SDA 2,915 09/02/90 Great graphics tool to teach young childred to
WRKBK100.SDN 155,794 09/02/90 Figure out words and phrases using jumbled PCX fi
WRTPAC1.SDA 1,787 01/06/92 Writer's Productivity Package v1.0
WRTPAC1.SDN 52,620 01/06/92 Templates for WP v5.1 sell your talent
Sysop programs: Doors 1
2002V103.ZIP 538,532 07/16/91 Trade Wars 2002 version 1.03 door game
227A110B.ZIP 209,683 04/01/91 Silver Xpress Offline Reader for User
227A121B.ZIP 272,684 07/28/91 Offline reader for user
AC6_0930.ZIP 185,900 07/12/91 Alpha Colony Six 0.930 By Solar Realms
ADDER.ZIP 33,731 12/09/91 Lets users add data lines to Enquirer Door Fun!
ADOPT23.ZIP 55,273 07/18/91 Asks Users to "Adopt A Door" v2.3
ANSI30B.ZIP 39,883 05/10/91 ANSI Art Gallery - Users may UL/DL screens and vi
ARENA10.ZIP 79,255 08/25/91 Arena v1.0 Combat Door - uses DORINFO & Fossil
ASXPR228.ZIP 78,231 12/25/91 Silver Xpress for AMIGA User
BAR_420.ZIP 283,549 10/17/91 Land of the Barons - GOOD Barony/combat door! v4.
BATDOR33.ZIP 63,412 07/31/90 Battle Ship Door V3.3
BBS 3,625 05/21/92 [deleted]
BBSBJ111.ZIP 55,115 03/07/92 Fixes Time Bugs.
BBSLST22.ZIP 44,549 02/04/92 Latest...BBS Lister. RA 1.X compat.
BBSLST24.ZIP 41,736 04/23/92 BBS Lister Database - Many Options.
BBSPKR20.ZIP 46,039 01/31/92 Latest 2 card poker
BCARD140.ZIP 108,913 03/11/90 Business Card Door V. 1.40
BETSY12.ZIP 75,343 08/23/91 Betsy Ross Solitaire Game v1.2
BGRID.ZIP 568,466 03/26/92 Battle Grid - Popular New Door Game
BID14.ZIP 53,976 11/12/91 Door for New Users to help them understand BBS's
BIO110.ZIP 26,336 05/31/91 Bio-Rhythm Door v1.10, for many BBS's
BIOGIDE1.ZIP 28,243 05/16/91 Biorythym Door
BJFT20.ZIP 55,675 12/25/91 Black Jack For Time 2.0 RA/QBBS/ProBoard Time Gam
BJV12.ZIP 73,357 11/05/91 Black Jack! Supports WC2.x/WC3/Gap/Dorinfox ANSI
BLOKDR10.ZIP 24,846 07/20/90 BlokDoor Tetris Door V. 1.00
BOOKIESW.ZIP 112,063 08/25/90 College and Pro Football Bookie Joint Door
BOXPKR25.ZIP 71,984 08/23/91 Box Poker Door v.25
BUCK210.ZIP 96,317 08/13/91 Bucacaneer Pirate Game Door v2.10
BUGFIX21.ZIP 97,963 07/08/91 Terra-Firma Updates and Bugfixes for Version 2.01
BVOTE5_1.ZIP 28,189 09/30/90 Voter door.
BXDICE11.ZIP 70,912 08/23/91 Box Dice Door Game v1.1
CAMP10.ZIP 40,320 05/31/91 CampTown Race Door v1.0, for 27 different BBS's
CAS_212.ZIP 138,825 09/25/90 Mycroft Casino Version 2.12
CBGS100.ZIP 38,941 09/27/91 Cyborg combat door game v1.00
CD_TRX22.ZIP 43,058 10/18/91 Credit Card door for Dorinfo systems
CHAIN100.ZIP 70,026 02/04/92 Chain Reaction for Time Door for Quick/RA (Hyster
CLDOOR39.ZIP 32,913 01/28/92 CallDoor v3.9 - Now also supports "TimeBank" type
CRASH45.ZIP 108,215 10/26/90 BBS Crash V. 4.5
CRAZY814.ZIP 17,345 10/21/89 Crazy 8 Card Game V. 1.40
CRYPTO10.ZIP 71,977 09/01/91 Crytograms Door Program v1.0
CR_UPD01.ZIP 4,111 03/21/92 Chain Reaction by Hysteriaware 'Chain' Updates
DDOOR101.ZIP 28,789 06/20/91 Door Converter for DreamBBS to many Online Door F
DFIX141.ZIP 46,235 10/14/90 DoorFix Version 1.41 Door Converter.
DM56.ZIP 123,465 02/14/92 Door Master v5.6 - The best door dropfile convert
DOM154A.ZIP 75,400 01/14/92 Dominions! v1.54a. Long-awaited release. Reads Ch
DORCVT10.ZIP 26,874 09/22/91 DORINFO1.DEF To CHAIN.TXT Converter
DORDOWN.ZIP 30,575 05/24/89 Display this for those Down Doors.
DORPCH35.ZIP 31,335 01/16/89 Door pooch, door utility needed for some doors to
DRWY211.ZIP 180,252 11/23/90 DoorWay Version 2.11 Door Utility.
DS_006B.ZIP 273,097 10/17/90 Dark Storm V. .006Beta
DWARZ105.ZIP 294,657 10/08/91 Dragon WarZ v1.05 Inter BBS Combat Door
DWARZ113.ZIP 301,543 04/21/92 Dragon Warz v1.13 - Fix/update of this Great Inte
ECHO310.ZIP 310,846 10/08/91 New EchoDor - now supports DOOR.SYS bbs's
EFIX309B.ZIP 74,405 06/23/91 Bug Fix for EchoDoor v 3.09 from Author
FANT120.ZIP 188,722 02/05/92 Fantasy Land Adult xxx door game
FAXDOR14.ZIP 118,957 08/21/91 Fax Door
FCHESS1B.ZIP 48,781 01/12/92 Simple (but FREE) Chess Door. Banzai Software!
FFS170.ZIP 88,807 05/14/90 Fresh Water Fishing Simulator V. 1.70
FORCE38.ZIP 45,806 10/10/90 Force door games to work with com port locked at
FOWL100.ZIP 40,346 03/15/91 Fowl Play v1.00 ...
FSE_332.ZIP 118,365 09/25/90 Mycroft Ficticious Stock Exchange V. 3.32
GREEDY12.ZIP 146,684 12/29/91 On-line dice game v1.2 w/term. Both support mice!
GT3_B12.ZIP 160,076 02/03/91 Ghost Town ]I[ V. 1.2
GTERM300.ZIP 265,619 05/21/92 Graphical Term for LOD game
GWAR241.ZIP 128,103 03/06/92 Global War v2.41 - "Risk" like door game
GWEDIT31.ZIP 47,630 03/04/92 Global War game editor for Global War door
HIROLL29.ZIP 76,731 08/23/91 Hi Rollers Door Game v2.9
IMP349.ZIP 257,168 06/03/91 Imperium ANSI strategy game v3.49
JC_211.ZIP 125,753 09/27/90 Jet Combat V. 2.11
JFYAHT13.ZIP 66,492 10/24/91 JFYaht - Great Yahtzee door. Update/bug fix
KING709.ZIP 251,439 10/08/90 King of the Board Trivia V. 7.09
KLONDIKE.ZIP 19,133 10/23/89 Klondike Solitare Door
KNK32.ZIP 87,359 09/23/91 Kannons & Katapults Door by Alan Davenport v3.2
KTSHOP11.ZIP 149,569 04/27/92 KTShopper v1.10 The On-Line Shopper.
LABY14.ZIP 100,785 09/16/91 Ver 1.4 of The Labyrinth. Maze/Treasure/Fighting
LADDER24.ZIP 75,338 08/23/91 Ladders Door Game v2.4
LCALL097.ZIP 9,269 08/17/90 Message to Last Caller Door V. 0.97
LEECH300.ZIP 47,964 12/30/89 Leech V. 3.0 let users try to crash BBS
LINKS2.ZIP 130,771 08/24/90 Online Golf Door.
LNOTE210.ZIP 129,953 08/18/91 Logoff note door. Many new features. ZModem optio
LOD301A.ZIP 66,513 05/21/92 Land of Devastation Door Game - Documentation [RE
LOD301B.ZIP 254,704 05/21/92 Land of Devastation Door Game - Executables [REQ'
LOD301C.ZIP 232,794 05/21/92 Land of Devastation Door Game - EGA support [OPTL
LOD301D.ZIP 118,612 05/21/92 Land of Devastation Door Game - EGA support [OPTL
LOD301E.ZIP 125,828 05/21/92 Land of Devastation Door Game - Sysop editor [OPT
LOTT41.ZIP 96,119 09/02/91 The Lottery Door v4.1 Update for Mass. Megabucks
Sysop programs: Doors 2
MAHJONGG.ZIP 107,038 08/23/91 Online game of Mahjongg
MATCH98A.ZIP 191,809 03/12/91 MatchMaker to match your users together
MAZE50.ZIP 393,867 12/23/91 Adult Maze and Trivia Door Game
MEL_163.ZIP 392,703 11/03/91 Melee Gladiator Combat Door v1.63
MEL_190.ZIP 505,370 03/08/92 MELEE v1.90 -- Better and better. Multi-node capa
MINEFLD.ZIP 30,159 09/13/90 Online game of Minefield
MINES221.ZIP 40,807 08/12/91 Mine Field Game Door for DORINFO BBS's
MMAKER16.ZIP 115,255 02/05/92 Match Maker Door by Sunrise Doors
MONTE21.ZIP 70,251 08/24/91 Monte Carlo Solitaire Game v2.1
NETRN102.ZIP 224,315 02/08/92 Net Runner, v1.02. Excellent CyberPunk-type Door!
NOTER30.ZIP 35,994 07/21/91 Leave a NOTER to the next user (Multi-node versio
OOII997B.ZIP 345,802 10/17/91 Operation Overkill - Great SciFi/Adventure door!
OOIIMAPS.ZIP 16,900 04/20/92 Collection of Maps for Operation Overkill ][ Door
ORION074.ZIP 153,344 07/15/91 Orion OutReach v0.74, upgrade release...
OVRUND19.ZIP 65,760 05/04/91 Overunder Solitare V. 1.90
PCYATZ17.ZIP 64,218 12/16/91 No description given
PHANT600.ZIP 179,415 10/11/89 Phantasia D&D Door V. 6.00
PICT100.ZIP 61,670 12/30/90 Online door for viewing asc files
PICT103.ZIP 74,281 01/12/92 ANSI screen viweing door - v1.03 - now supports m
PIT200B.ZIP 266,759 09/19/91 The Pit V 2.0b Gladiator Combat!
POP_201.ZIP 18,847 01/08/91 Best Doors and User of doors List
PW132.ZIP 62,158 05/25/91 Pimp Wars Adult Door Game
QDOG310.ZIP 53,061 12/17/91 Lastest version of QDOG
QGWAR203.ZIP 65,080 03/03/92 Complete BBS interface for Global Wars
QKDOOR2C.ZIP 46,234 11/03/90 Door converter. The best.
QKTERM3.ZIP 32,361 10/21/91 QuickTerm release 3, for Scrabble Door 3.0P
QPRIZE25.ZIP 24,183 12/08/90 Q-Prize v2.5 ...
QT221.ZIP 49,893 08/06/91 Q-Trade 2.21 bug fix upgrade. Full Package
QT221FIX.ZIP 35,642 08/06/91 Q-Trade 2.21 bug fix upgrade. EXE only
QTRADE22.ZIP 49,872 07/28/91 Q-Trade Trading Post Door v2.2 Many updates!
QUEST300.ZIP 83,587 04/14/90 Battle Quest V. 3.00
QVIET43A.ZIP 99,554 09/22/91 The Vietnam Door version 43a. Added features.
RACALLR3.ZIP 32,063 11/16/91 Lastest version of Ra Caller for RA 1.11
RAINUSE1.ZIP 20,698 11/10/91 Run doors multi-node even on doors not multi node
RASSLE1.ZIP 52,923 11/09/91 Pro-wrestling door game
RESCUE14.ZIP 74,066 12/29/91 No description given
RFIX_191.ZIP 23,695 03/29/92 Fix to MELEE v1.91 Rankings File. This one works.
ROMDOOR.ZIP 46,079 08/30/91 Door to run almost any cd-rom Online
S2POKER.ZIP 78,344 07/28/90 Super Two Card Poker Door. Great.
SBNK400.ZIP 86,977 10/10/91 SumBank v4.0 Best Bank for RA/QBBS
SCANDOOR.ZIP 60,938 03/26/90 Online Door with Database of scanner Frequencies
SCHECK25.ZIP 81,449 08/22/89 Super Checkers V. 2.5
SCRABDIC.ZIP 196,433 03/09/90 Dictionary for Scrabble Door (Required)
SCRBDR3V.ZIP 89,546 02/16/92 Scrabble Door v3.0V - Shareware Release
SCRBDR3Y.ZIP 82,548 04/05/92 Scrabble Door v3.0Y - Shareware Release
SD113.ZIP 153,319 06/22/91 Space Domination on-line game! Great!
SEAMINE.ZIP 107,384 07/06/91 Doorgame of submarines & mines
SFBBLTRV.ZIP 62,701 12/23/90 Spitfire Bible Trivia Door
SFCOMTRV.ZIP 48,008 04/08/90 Spitfire Computer Trivia Door
SFROCTRV.ZIP 51,015 08/28/89 Spitfire Rock Trivia Door
SFSPRTRV.ZIP 58,163 04/08/90 Spitfire Sports Trivia Door
SHCASE_2.ZIP 16,814 09/25/90 Cases 13-18 for Sherlock Holmes.
SHILO10C.ZIP 42,848 08/06/91 Super Hi-Low Card game door v1.0c
SHL10.ZIP 47,818 03/10/92 SHL hockey door game.
SHL11.ZIP 56,839 05/01/92 SHL Hockey Door v1.1
SHRPSHTR.ZIP 46,313 12/06/91 New SharpShooter Door from the Author of Labyrint
SIGDR15A.ZIP 124,761 06/06/90 Door to run Pc-Sig CD-ROM Disc online
SIMPSONS.ZIP 61,711 12/21/90 The Simpsons V. 1.2
SINBAD30.ZIP 241,272 09/04/91 Cavern Animated Adventure Game -- Graphics!
SINK30.ZIP 138,639 08/20/91 Sink the battleship door v3.0
SINK33.ZIP 165,911 04/19/92 Sink 'Em battleship type door game v3.3
SI_255.ZIP 177,430 11/18/89 Semi-intelligent Droids Door V. 2.55
SMK_200.ZIP 134,773 10/23/91 Star Market Door Addictive stock market door!
SRE0981B.ZIP 201,711 06/25/91 Solar Realms Elite - Good Door
SRE0982B.ZIP 225,654 09/16/91 Solar Realms Elite Door
STB210.ZIP 49,553 08/12/91 "Shut The Box" Game Door for DORINFOx.DEF/DOOR.SY
SUBATK23.ZIP 198,278 04/04/91 Sub Attack V. 2.3 GRAPHICS!
SUNHOF13.ZIP 14,594 12/10/91 No description given
SUPDOM1.ZIP 73,972 05/05/91 Super Dominions Space Door for WWIV
SW1_1A.ZIP 180,782 03/06/92 vor! Tank Warfare, Requires DOOR.SYS
SXPR228.ZIP 107,781 07/30/90 Silver XPress for the BBS
S_HI_LO.ZIP 41,785 07/30/91 Super Hi-Lo, fun card door game (DORINFO)
TAPEDOR2.ZIP 49,782 02/16/91 Door to user tape back-up files
TAROT.ZIP 40,450 06/01/90 Tarot Card Door
TCHSS301.ZIP 55,654 02/11/89 Turbo Chess V. 3.01
TFLIP220.ZIP 54,503 06/07/88 Teleflipper Othello Door. V. 2.20
THEWALL.ZIP 2,985 02/09/90 Message door for RA. Scribble on The Wall
TIAR10.ZIP 41,024 03/04/92 Ten in a Row Door Game
TIKR101U.ZIP 32,931 06/11/91 Upgrade Stokk Tikker V1.00 to V1.01
TJLOT10.ZIP 179,856 04/02/92 The T&J Lotto Door! v1.0 -- Multi-BBS Support
TJLOT101.ZIP 180,420 04/07/92 The T&J Lotto Door v1.01- Win at the lottery draw
TRIVIA30.ZIP 69,989 09/06/91 TechnoTrivia v3.0 Major Update
TRIVIAM1.ZIP 48,549 04/26/88 Trivia Door (1 of 2)
TRIVIAM2.ZIP 71,659 04/26/88 (2 of 2)
TWEEN10.ZIP 53,119 12/02/90 Tween the Sheets card game door. V. 1.0
VIDEO12.ZIP 74,911 02/18/92 Video Poker v1.2 Supports WC3.X 2.X Dorinfo Door.
VOTE403.ZIP 54,016 01/08/89 Voting booth for RA.
WARDOOR.ZIP 114,884 06/15/89 The Warriors street fighting door for WC
WETDOOR2.ZIP 92,910 08/21/91 Weather Forcasting Door v2.0
WHOBUGS.ZIP 32,288 07/08/91 Updates and Bugfixes for Who-Dunit Version 3.05.
WIXFIX.ZIP 3,883 04/03/92 Allows Netrunner to use ANSI on RA or Compat. sys
WOF40.ZIP 144,882 08/23/91 Wheel of Fortune Door v4.0
XFD_V203.ZIP 161,242 11/03/91 Lastest FILEDOOR transfer door for RA/QBBS/SBBS s
YT32.ZIP 200,106 03/02/92 Yankee Trader Door Game v3.2. Now even BETTER!
Sysop programs: Fossil Drivers
BNU170.ZIP 61,130 08/01/18 Interrupt-driven serial port 1-8 Fossil driver
FOSLAUX.ZIP 8,624 07/13/87 Fossil CTTY driver
FOSSILV5.ZIP 19,001 02/11/88 Fossil release 5 specs
HZCOMM31.ZIP 12,497 08/29/87 Fossil for Zenith Z-100
OCOM_530.ZIP 43,125 08/23/88 OpusComm v5.30 FOSSIL driver for COM1: & COM2:
ODEC_501.ZIP 7,380 08/22/88 FOSSIL driver for DEC Rainbow computer
SYOCOM50.ZIP 3,962 01/30/88 Sanyo 555 Fossil Driver
T2000.ZIP 2,656 06/20/87 Fossil driver docs for Tandy 2000
T2KCOM52.ZIP 36,638 03/17/88 Fossil driver for Tandy 2000
VDEC_004.ZIP 2,809 08/22/88 Video FOSSIL for DEC Rainbow
VIBM_110.ZIP 3,873 08/23/88 FOSSIL which supports color
X00V124.ZIP 114,162 10/10/90 Interrupt-driven FOSSIL driver for BBS use
Sysop programs: Mailer utilities
1100TAGS.ZIP 26,800 02/22/92 1100 different tag lines for offline readers!
AF_120.ZIP 51,980 10/08/90 AreaFix V. 1.20 Echo Mail utility.
AREAFIX.USE 14,830 02/01/92 How to use Areafix
ECHOM100.ZIP 21,622 03/17/90 Echo mail processor
ECHOTRIM.ZIP 10,014 03/11/92 Removes duplicate area entries from ECHOTOSS.LOG
FIDONET.NA 25,889 04/18/92 List of echos on the North American Backbone
FIDOSTAT.NA 3,503 04/18/92 Status of Echo Changes on the North American Back
FILE2MSG.ZIP 7,396 11/01/91 Converts a txt file to a *.MSG message in full au
GMD_310.ZIP 180,938 11/03/91 Grunged Message Detector, version 3.10, DOS & OS/
GOLD230.EXE 347,748 04/04/91 Golded. Offline reader for SysOps. NICE!
HUBROUTE.ZIP 10,013 04/25/90 Used by Hub's to route mail to your feeds
LCLQWK10.ZIP 37,416 02/01/92 .Qwk Message util
LISTECHO.ZIP 13,610 03/10/90 Get info from echos such as seen-by's and paths
LSTCRC14.ZIP 17,032 09/10/91 (v1.40) Compares CRC's of area names in Areas.bbs
MAILC120.ZIP 123,431 02/03/92 MailWaiting notify & txt->msg for Squish and/or *
MKQWK102.ZIP 159,164 11/10/91 QWK Offline Reader
MSGCPY11.ZIP 31,196 10/12/91 Save echomail addressed to local users (Opus 1.70
MSGM203.ZIP 111,114 10/26/91 *.MSG editor for Windows MessageMaster v 2.03
MSGQ160S.ZIP 119,119 07/28/91 Msged/Q - QuickBBS Compatible (Hudson type) Messa
MSG_42.ZIP 79,638 10/09/91 *.MSG reader/editor/manipulator - multitasking
MSG_45.ZIP 95,835 01/06/92 Message reader/editor now supports Squish
OFFLI136.ZIP 125,945 01/06/92 OFFLINE the QWK offline reader.
OKF220.ZIP 111,620 01/06/92 No description given
OMKRD201.ZIP 68,823 12/28/91 New OMK Reader with QWK...
PKMAS302.ZIP 62,725 09/02/91 (v3.20) Multi-Archive Packer/Unpacker for Zmail/C
PKTHDR2.ZIP 39,587 12/27/91 Type 2 Packet Inspector w/C Source
PKT_SZ11.ZIP 11,044 12/22/91 Packet Size, limits size of packets to toss, ver
POINT122.ZIP 114,807 03/22/92 PPoint - Professional Point System
PVERT.ZIP 96,178 01/01/92 PD Pkt <--> QWK Translator w/ C Source
QM100.ZIP 94,144 05/18/89 Q-Mail V. 1.00
QM100PAT.ZIP 10,322 08/21/89 Patch for Qmail
QMSWAT04.ZIP 7,271 09/25/91 The S.W.A.T. team for Qmail, kills passthru areas
QMX_100.ZIP 104,917 07/23/89 QuickPoint Mail Xpress Offline reader
QM_130GM.ZIP 161,041 01/30/92 QM Echo/Mail processor v1.30/GAMMA public test ve
RAID0121.ZIP 140,460 07/11/91 Raid V. 1.21 File Echo utility works with Tick; l
RANDO100.ZIP 49,986 12/29/91 FUN! RANDOm Origin files, now does Squish!
SQREP103.ZIP 41,022 03/11/92 Update to SqReport, Squish log analyzer/reporter
TICK200.ZIP 97,768 02/19/90 Tick version 2.00
TICK207.ZIP 106,829 02/08/91 Tick v. 2.07 (Beta) Echo File Utility
TICK210.ZIP 96,697 03/29/92 TICK version 2.10
TICKET12.ZIP 12,830 10/29/89 Use to make a message to anybody to announce reci
TICPOS13.ZIP 25,344 10/05/91 Post Net/EchoMail for TIC files & reset file date
TWAY_131.ZIP 70,968 11/02/91 Thru Way Universal echomail passthru area manager
VP_409E.ZIP 66,525 09/21/91 VPurge modified ConfMail 4.09e for DOS
WEDIT200.ZIP 166,231 12/04/91 Fido/Quickbbs/RemoteAccess windowed message edito
XCS110S.ZIP 108,327 12/04/91 eXpress Conversion System v 1.10 for XRS 5.x ("St
XRS45AT3.ZIP 233,007 08/12/91 XRS 4.5 "FidoCon'91" Release 3 ("'286" executable
XRS45XT3.ZIP 235,133 08/12/91 XRS 4.5 "FidoCon'91" Release 3 (generic executabl
ZCFG120.ZIP 74,605 08/14/91 ZmailCFG v.1.20, updated for new release of Zmail
Sysop programs: Misc 1
25I.ZIP 374,565 12/31/91 Telegard Version 2.5I Standard <main part of Tel
2DAPT131.ZIP 59,556 09/25/91 Point redirection package v1.31 (bug fix)
ABOUTSDN.ZIP 5,576 06/03/89 Info on the SDN
ACC_0110.ZIP 135,615 12/08/91 A new version of the User/Point manager with many
ACF540R0.ZIP 362,136 01/18/92 ACFiles V5.40.00 - Total File System for QBBS/RA/
ACTVTY13.ZIP 15,801 01/01/92 Activity log v1.3 for Telegard 2.5
AFIX_401.ZIP 221,096 05/13/92 Send a msg to ALLFIX in an echo requesting info o
ARCH_LOG.ZIP 10,175 08/13/91 Archive your logs
ARSET.ZIP 6,885 01/01/92 Set AR flags from DOS
ASPBBS.ZIP 20,873 02/16/91 Information on being in the ASP for BBS's
AVA40.ZIP 156,224 02/14/91 AVA Call-Back Verifier V. 4.0
A_TYPE12.ZIP 14,360 12/05/91 Show asc/ans/ansi music/avatar 0+ files from DOS
B2DAY321.ZIP 208,422 08/05/91 BBS2Day v3.21: definable system-usage-graph for B
BDOC_250.ZIP 112,685 09/16/91 Documentation for Binkley Frontend mailer
BETA_APP.ZIP 4,235 01/01/92 Beta Site Application...dated...
BI_TLGRD.ZIP 264,902 06/25/91 Bi-Modem for Telegard
BONK_174.ZIP 122,184 01/27/92 Binkley Outbound and Nodelist Keeper v1.74
BOPDAT05.ZIP 22,303 02/25/92 Bop-Date v0.05 - Corrects Fido .MSG Header/Date P
BOP_DATE.ZIP 11,454 09/25/91 Date utility program
BOXB314.ZIP 42,948 10/06/91 Log Analyzer for FD/TS/Imail/Qbbs
BREAKUP.ZIP 8,453 08/16/91 Breaks up large text files for editing
BSML_250.ZIP 167,758 09/16/91 New Binkley Mailer. Low memory version 2.50
BULL0011.ZIP 15,364 01/17/92 Procedures used by the North American Backbone
BW201TGI.ZIP 182,796 06/27/91 BlueWave 2.01 - Offline Mail Reader for Telegard
CBS_121R.ZIP 70,287 05/18/90 CBS Call-Back Verifier V. 1.21
CD_CHECK.ZIP 22,318 01/20/89 Check for Carrier Detect on node 2 before mail to
CHAT34.ZIP 17,211 01/01/92 Split Screen Chat Mode...for Telegard 2.5...EXCE
CHATEAU.EXE 48,338 01/04/92 Information on joining the Chateau Net
COCO9103.ZIP 276,431 07/02/91 CocoNet BBS's Term Package 1 of 2
COCO9110.ZIP 9,863 10/05/91 CocoNet BBS's Term Package 2 of 2
COMPR210.ZIP 24,918 06/06/91 A utility to regularly compress your *.log files
COMPR211.ZIP 24,994 10/26/91 Compress almost ANY BBS/mailer log by # of days.
COMPUCOM.ZIP 8,740 07/15/91 Information on the Compucom Modems
CPML_120.ZIP 52,294 10/14/91 Copymail v1.20 - for moving inbound mail packets
DDSINFO.ZIP 5,409 10/11/89 Information for joining Door Distribution Net.
DEMON217.ZIP 23,815 06/14/90 Fix your HST for maximum compression
DESQTLGD.ZIP 3,487 12/31/91 Help on running Telegard under Desq-View.
DM.ZIP 6,375 11/06/91 Delete files by date
DNETLIST.Z01 6,323 04/10/92 Doornet Nodelist
DOCS25.ZIP 94,079 12/31/91 Docs 2.5 - the documentation needed to run Teleg
DOMFX105.ZIP 10,117 12/30/91 DomainFix v1.5 for Binkley/Squish or FD
DOORNET.ZIP 16,138 04/11/92 Info on joining the DoorNet
DOORSKL3.ZIP 101,629 12/27/91 Door Writing Kit w/SRC for "C" Programmers
DOSMENU.ZIP 10,672 01/01/92 DOS Shell Saftey Menu for Telegard 2.5
DVN_INF.ZIP 18,916 05/09/91 How to join the DesqView Net
ELIST203.ZIP 217,173 03/01/92 EchoList; List of Backbone Fidonet Echos
ELIST204.ZIP 253,999 04/01/92 Echo List 204; list of backboned Fidonet Echos
ELIST205.ZIP 291,331 05/01/92 List of FidoNet echos on the North American Backb
ELRUL111.ZIP 162,451 03/27/10 EchoList Conference Rules Repository (11/1/91)
ENCRY32.ZIP 13,593 02/25/92 Encrypt/decrypt any file w/user controlled code-k
ENET_201.ZIP 16,527 12/28/91 Extract Selected Nodelist Segments (v2.01)
ESPSHELL.ZIP 19,024 07/14/88 Secure Remote Dos shell.
EXITEDIT.ZIP 7,038 08/15/91 Small exitinfo.bbs editor for RA/QBBS/SBBS
FB_V200.ZIP 411,349 04/19/92 FidoBILL; like Billnode. Keep track of echo mail
FB_V203.ZIP 411,739 05/18/92 FidoBill v2.03 - update to great echo mail billin
FDINFO.EXE 17,758 03/04/92 Information on FrontDoor Commerical Frontend Mail
FDN_0101.ZIP 35,982 11/10/91 File Distribution Networks Newsletter
FDVIEW10.ZIP 18,345 07/29/91 FileDoor logfile-stat/download online fileviewer
FEMALE.TXT 3,514 05/12/92 Information on FidoNet Echo Called Female_Sysop
FFAM510.ZIP 70,383 04/17/90 FidoFam Utilty
FILEDOOR.ZIP 93,637 04/08/90 File Transfer Door for RA.
FILEREQ.TXT 2,890 12/21/91 What is a File Request?
FIND9600.ZIP 23,928 02/02/91 Find 9600 Baud Nodes in Nodelist.
FLIST141.ZIP 32,315 01/01/92 File List Generator for Telegard
FRENCH2.ZIP 3,542 01/06/91 French Lang. Module for SBBS
FREQ_110.ZIP 26,682 10/28/90 Request Master V. 1.10 Very Nice.
FRI_201.ZIP 51,574 09/20/91 Update FILES.BBS with Node* and weekly news files
FROT200.ZIP 28,145 03/07/92 File ROTate, any file, randomly.
GF3500.ZIP 101,331 02/12/90 Gfile version 3.5 File Transfer Door.
HDKIT102.ZIP 36,876 09/03/91 HubDoorKit - The Quickbasic door programmer's lib
HLIST109.ZIP 14,473 10/01/91 HList v1.09 Files.bbs File List Compiler
HOTFILE1.ZIP 22,251 06/21/91 Make a best-downloaded list
HUBKIT.ZIP 19,905 10/14/91 Help for Hub's
IDOOR105.ZIP 51,487 12/23/91 Info-door v1.05 BBS Top Ten Graph Utility
IMLOG102.ZIP 25,749 03/24/92 Mail Delivery Report Generator
IM_0292.ZIP 10,837 03/06/92 Info on Intermail; FrontDoor Mailer Clone
INIT25.ZIP 89,639 12/31/91 Init 2.5 Needed to set-up Telegard 2.5I. Needed
LANGUAGE.ZIP 17,981 02/27/91 Foreign Lang. Module for SBBS
LOCNL112.ZIP 8,871 01/17/92 extracts a single net from the full nodelist. - B
LSTFMT20.ZIP 31,733 08/20/91 LSTFMT - Format a nodelist into human readable fo
Sysop programs: Misc 2
MEZZ022.ZIP 71,922 02/08/92 Run more than one BBS (or DOOR) from your system
MKAREA35.ZIP 50,425 08/12/91 Awesome file to edit your areas.bbs Checks Fidone
MKNL250.ZIP 95,249 05/15/92 Make Nodelist Utility
MLOC176.ZIP 36,494 09/09/91 Maximus/RA fast file locator replacement
MLTINODE.ZIP 11,301 08/11/91 How to run a multi node bbs with a Lan
MONMNU20.ZIP 44,602 01/01/92 Montey's Menus...for Telegard...There are some g
MOVEIT14.ZIP 32,977 08/29/91 (v1.40) File Area manager, can use remotely
MTAUVE56.ZIP 106,719 09/02/91 Make Them Anything bug fix (update only)
MTA_VE55.ZIP 447,536 09/01/91 Make Them Anything, All-format archive conversion
NEATNIK2.ZIP 41,425 01/26/92 Checks FILES.BBS for lines too long (Max/Opus)
NETINF21.ZIP 38,578 02/25/92 Create/maintain Sysop information list remotely v
NETSTAT.ZIP 28,761 10/14/91 Generates status msgs for nodes based on raw node
NEWKEYS.ZIP 6,987 03/19/92 Demo keys to run some door programs
NLSTAT13.ZIP 33,111 08/11/91 FidoNet Nodelist Statistics v1.00
NLSTATS.RPT 2,062 12/21/91 Nodelist stats
NODEV32.ZIP 67,719 12/31/91 List of FidoNet nodes with v32b modems (phone num
NP_NET.ZIP 30,237 12/10/91 Information on New Parents Network
OP02_B1U.ZIP 25,410 10/01/91 Update for 02_b1
OPT02_B1.ZIP 106,000 05/15/92 Option. Users can choose which bbs they want afte
PCB145AM.ZIP 188,408 12/28/90 PCboard Documentation
PCBDEMO1.ZIP 315,899 11/22/91 PcBoard BBS DEMO Package 1 of 4
PCBDEMO2.ZIP 259,140 11/22/91 PcBoard BBS DEMO Package 2 of 4
PCBDEMO3.ZIP 192,378 11/22/91 PcBoard BBS DEMO Package 3 of 4
PCBDEMO4.ZIP 330,754 11/22/91 PcBoard BBS DEMO Package 4 of 4
PHNXDOC.ZIP 80,819 06/30/89 Documentation for Phoenix BBS Package
PHOENIX.ZIP 212,097 07/02/89 Phoenix BBS Package V. 1.07 The Latest.
PKMAS32A.ZIP 23,574 09/20/91 PKsoft Multi-ARChive System v3.02a - Maintenance
PLST_133.ZIP 39,251 09/20/91 Parselst 1.33 (DOS) Nodelist compiler
POLICY.ZIP 26,417 06/03/89 Fidonet's POLICY4
QBBS275D.ZIP 299,062 10/10/91 QuickBBS 2.75 Documentation
QBBS275E.ZIP 322,249 10/12/91 QuickBBS 2.75 Executables
QBBS275O.ZIP 319,988 10/12/91 QuickBBS 2.75 Overlays
QBBS275U.ZIP 281,776 10/10/91 QuickBBS 2.75 Utilities Package
QED_WHO.ZIP 4,963 08/25/90 See who is online while in QUICKED
QRFM31A.ZIP 276,322 02/25/92 BBS File Manager for QBBS/RA and others
QRFM31A2.ZIP 1,498 02/27/92 QRFM addendum, config/db files
QWACK096.ZIP 38,785 04/09/92 Use your Bluewave Offline Reader to read QWK pack
R13BOP.A03 7,410 11/06/91 Proposed Backbone Operating Procedure Oct. 1991
RAB102.ZIP 25,296 08/07/90 RabitLoc Lock and Unlock comm port for HS modems.
RAD212.ZIP 159,752 03/15/92 RAD Plus, dBASE online database system.
RAEE12.ZIP 22,180 02/26/91 Make an auto message to all on BBS
RANET.ZIP 2,392 04/19/92 Information on RemoteAccess Net
ROBOT411.ZIP 26,551 01/14/92 Harvey's Robot Mailer System *.pkt format.
RUI_10.ZIP 33,844 11/28/90 RemoteAccess Username Inserter
S2A150.ZIP 93,698 01/23/92 Flexible Bulletin Maker - ANS/ASC,auto-maint,mult
SBBS_110.ZIP 395,788 03/02/91 SuperBBS V. 1.10
SBBS_115.ZIP 641,289 01/15/92 SuperBBS Package v1.15
SBBS_116.ZIP 745,848 05/07/92 SuperBBS bbs package 1.16
SCAIL203.ZIP 28,137 03/19/92 SCAIL bug-fix release
SHOWANSI.ZIP 24,265 12/19/91 On-line ANSI Picture Viewer
SIGKIT.ZIP 68,512 11/03/91 How to join SIGNET, includes signet nodelist
SLOG.ZIP 39,036 08/13/91 (v1.00) Stores File(s) as date, your choice of ar
SMAST300.ZIP 110,063 07/26/91 Full featured allfiles lister and bulletin maker
SNEWS221.ZIP 3,394 11/08/91 SDNet News Letter
SORTBBS.ZIP 12,778 08/25/89 Sort files.bbs in alphabetical order
STATBAR.ZIP 1,165 09/08/91 Desc Keep Status Bar On in NON-DesqView ACFiles S
STATES20.ZIP 56,923 03/10/91 Language Module for SBBS
STQUOTES.ZIP 25,035 12/17/91 StarTrek Quotes for TQOTD
SYSDEAL.INF 10,752 11/01/91 Lastest Sysop Deal from USR dated 10/91 d/l from
SYSDEAL.ZIP 5,196 01/11/91 Deal for SySops from USR on HST modems!
SYSL_20.ZIP 67,830 07/29/91 Master file list creator FILES.BBS or TBBS
TDOOR169.ZIP 206,566 03/03/91 File Transfer Door for RA and Quick. v. 1.69
TFM23.ZIP 113,813 01/01/92 Telegard file Manager 2.3
TICTODAY.ZIP 15,645 06/20/91 Resets tic files to today's date.
TODAY.ZIP 105,900 05/14/89 Today in History
TOPED10E.ZIP 75,302 10/06/91 Newest version of TopEd
TQOTD445.ZIP 166,575 02/24/92 The Quote of the Day v4.45 - Random quote generat
TRKMT424.ZIP 137,233 08/31/91 TrackM 4.24 (tiny) network aware
TURBOBLA.ZIP 9,888 09/18/91 Turbo BBS Lister in ANSI. List files like BBS, FA
T_QUOTES.ZIP 106,066 12/29/91 Random quotes for TQOTD
UFDN_001.ZIP 1,725 12/27/91 UtilNet Newsletter
USRLST06.ZIP 13,531 01/01/92 User Lister .06...makes a good list of users by
UTILNET.INF 1,426 11/04/91 Info on joining UtilNet
VCOPY82.ZIP 57,141 09/15/91 VCopy Utility (replaces DOS Copy & XCopy commands
VD115R.ZIP 82,328 11/04/90 Vali-Door V. 1.15 Call Back Verifier for RA
VGAPAL10.ZIP 13,106 08/11/91 VGA Palette Utility
VIRX21.ZIP 79,513 03/07/92 Microcom's VIRx virus scanner/detector (update)
VMGR112.ZIP 46,395 08/29/91 A vote manager for Fidonet systems
WELCOME.ZIP 32,284 10/03/91 Intelligent Multiple BBS wellcome screen util
WINBB.ZIP 2,980 05/27/91 Information on how to be in the WINBB Windows BBS
WININFO.ZIP 9,839 08/04/90 Information on joining the WinNet
WISHNET.ZIP 15,970 02/13/92 Info on WishNet
WNODE21.ZIP 26,592 12/10/91 4D nodelist compiler with TP unit
XLAX_253.ZIP 158,787 09/28/91 FAST! nodelist compiler, NEW feature! Required fo
XL_214_1.ZIP 10,929 02/01/92 An extended file list generator
YESTUFF.ZIP 10,927 01/01/92 Makes a bulletin of Yesterdays sstatistics
ZCOPY101.ZIP 14,628 02/24/92 Share aware copying utility by Peter Stewart
ZEDITII.ZIP 41,293 01/01/92 Editor for Teleguard BBS
ZZAP.ZIP 1,916 01/10/91 Config for ZZAP
ZZAP61A.ZIP 95,935 12/08/90 ZZap new uploads and runs your copy of Scan (and
Sysop programs: Motor City Software
BETA_APP.ZIP 8,090 02/02/92 Application to be on the beta team
BJFT12.ZIP 51,949 05/04/91 BlackJack For Time V1.20 - John Parlin
BJFT201.ZIP 55,748 01/01/92 Black Jack for Time
B_BASE19.ZIP 26,863 09/16/90 Online BBS Database program - Sept 16, 1990
JPD31R2.ZIP 163,247 01/29/92 JPDoor V3.1 Release 2 - Door Writing Toolkit for
JPDOOR30.ZIP 138,011 06/02/91 JPDoor V3.00 SE Door writing toolkit for Turbo P
JPDOOR32.ZIP 177,803 02/26/92 JPDoor V3.2 SE (Maintenance Release)
LCALL101.ZIP 7,652 03/30/91 Latest Version! Fixes Time Stamp problem.
MCBSHP20.ZIP 52,466 05/21/91 The Ultimate Live 2 player BattleShip Door for RA
MCFLAG10.ZIP 5,858 09/07/91 Users.bbs flag finding utility - shows flags in u
MCFRE310.ZIP 19,604 02/03/91 Free Disk Space Display Door/DOS Util
MCFREQ14.ZIP 112,360 12/19/90 McFreq V1.4
MCFRQ2B1.ZIP 141,449 06/18/91 McFreq V2.00 Public Beta Release #1
MCFRQ2B2.ZIP 144,369 06/23/91 McFreq V2.00 Public Beta Release #2
MCFRQ2B3.ZIP 146,660 06/30/91 McFreq V3.00 Public Beta Release #3
MCGUP10.ZIP 44,088 06/09/91 Motor City Card Guppies Door V1.0 (NEW!)
MCRACE12.ZIP 51,895 04/28/91 Motor City Dragstrip door 1.20
MCRACE20.ZIP 94,866 11/07/91 Motor City Dragstrip Door V2.0 [RELEASE] Lot's of
MCSEND10.ZIP 7,905 05/07/91 Send an Online Message to a user (RA - Multi-node
MCSOFT.LST 17,260 03/19/92 List of Motor City Software
MCTOUR20.ZIP 87,142 03/02/92 Motor City Software User Tournament Door for RA/Q
MCTRIV10.ZIP 71,323 11/07/91 Motor City Online Trivia Door V1.0 [RELEASE]
MCWAIT10.ZIP 5,140 09/07/91 Batch file time delay utility
MINES220.ZIP 36,297 04/28/91 Mine Field 2.20
NOTER40.ZIP 91,396 03/19/92 Motor City Software - Logoff Note To Next User V4
ONLINE.ZIP 9,879 03/26/91 Modify WHOSON.BBS in batch files etc...
QSEVEN12.ZIP 49,785 04/01/90 Q-Seven Door
QSLOT25C.ZIP 55,780 04/07/90 Slot Machine Door
RAFDUPE1.ZIP 8,120 04/06/91 RA Duplicate File Finder
RAPC101.ZIP 23,174 03/04/91 RA Personell Checker 1.01
RATPAK11.ZIP 125,367 11/13/91 Remote Access Tools/Utilities for V1.10
RATS100.ZIP 80,955 11/25/90 RemoteAccess TimeBank System
RATS101.ZIP 89,135 05/17/91 Maintenance release - Bug Fixes etc.
RATS120.ZIP 142,653 11/07/91 Remote Access TimeBank System V1.20 [RELEASE] man
RATS121.ZIP 162,876 12/09/91 RemoteAcces Timebank System v121 [Bug-Fixes]
TCLT100.ZIP 6,268 03/31/91 Fix Todays Caller List if it didnt reset at midni
THINKER1.ZIP 42,889 06/30/91 Thinker a game of concentration. Online game. Awe
Sysop programs: Protocol
BIMOD107.ZIP 66,478 03/15/89 Protocol allowing simultaneous upload/downloading
BIMOSH40.ZIP 17,743 11/12/90 Bimodem shell
CMODEM44.ZIP 54,937 10/31/90 Cmodem Protocol version 4.4
DOCSDSZ.ZIP 70,436 02/04/90 Document for dsz zmodem protocol. 5.
DSZ0228X.ZIP 40,273 02/28/91 Omen: ZMODEM module of 2/28/91 cross-compiled
DSZ0427.ZIP 91,660 04/27/92 DSZ X/Y/Zmodem Driver .COM Version - 4/27/92
DSZ0427X.ZIP 40,345 04/27/92 DSZ X/Y/Zmodem Driver .EXE Version - 4/27/92
DSZ0503.ZIP 91,526 05/09/92 DSZ X/Y/Zmodem Protocol Driver .COM Version - 5/3
DSZ0503X.ZIP 40,296 05/09/92 DSZ X/Y/Zmodem Protocol Driver . EXE Version - 5/
DSZ0626.ZIP 127,284 06/26/90 DSZ Protocols for use with BBS's 06/26
DSZ1001.ZIP 89,586 10/01/91 DSZ ver dated 10/01/91 Zmodem .com file
DSZBG.ZIP 36,715 09/04/91 Background info on DSZ from the Pro-Yam manual.
DSZLOG10.ZIP 42,987 08/24/91 Zmodem Log Analyzer fast!
DSZWORDS.ZIP 6,725 07/27/91 Mobyturbo &c mag info from forsberg's bbs.
GSZ0427.ZIP 112,454 04/27/92 GSZ X/Y/Zmodem Driver w/ Graphical Interface - 4/
GSZ1001.ZIP 108,267 10/01/91 GSZ Protocol by makers of DSZ - same except in co
HSLK11C3.ZIP 95,039 03/27/92 HS-Link High Speed Protocol, like Bi-Modem
HYPERM.ZIP 49,203 03/11/91 Hypermodem Protocol. Faster than Zmodem !?!
JMOD120.ZIP 58,989 01/11/89 Jmodem file transfer protocol - use in Procomm+ &
JMOD311.ZIP 104,159 02/02/92 JModem, fast new protocol
KER301EX.ZIP 142,032 07/19/90 Kermit v3.01 utilities.
NMODM167.ZIP 28,512 03/28/91 NModem - a new protocol
OZBEXT.ZIP 57,079 04/19/89 CIS B+ (Quick B) external protocol
PCPM200.ZIP 24,028 12/27/90 External protocol menu v2.00 for Procomm.
PCZ406.ZIP 68,516 11/27/90 PCZ - New Zmodem implentation
PROM0701.ZIP 60,892 07/01/90 Promenu "modern protocol shell" 7/1/90 rev
PROTO10.ZIP 27,110 08/24/90 Protoman external protocol shell utility.
PROTOCOL.ZIP 3,434 01/02/91 Basic Discussion of Protocols on PC Modems
PUMA4TLX.ZIP 3,571 05/07/90 Ext. portocol for Telix Use with Puma100.zip
QMEXPROT.ZIP 16,470 02/04/91 Add external protocols to qmodem
SKHST102.ZIP 103,109 03/25/91 Super 8K Protocol for HST's v1.02. Includes
SZMOD200.ZIP 168,506 05/21/92 Super Z Modem v1.50 Enhanced/compatible
SZMODMSE.ZIP 1,273 01/31/91 Logitech mouse support for SZModem protocol
SZ_TELIX.ZIP 1,882 02/13/91 Docs and batch files for installing Super Zmodem
TXZM214.ZIP 39,767 12/30/91 TexasZmodem v2.14 Transfer Protocol
ZMAXBETA.ZIP 60,520 08/18/90 ZMAX Protocol Beta version
Sysop programs: Remote Access
ALL_110.ZIP 29,640 06/26/91 All Manager v1.10, Maintenance Utility
AM130.ZIP 13,354 08/29/91 (v1.30) Good collection of ANSI menu examples for
AM210.ZIP 51,479 10/01/90 Auto Message version 2.10.
APAUSE11.ZIP 5,343 11/05/89 Add-a-Pause v1.1 ...
APNT_102.ZIP 128,419 10/02/91 Apoint v1.02 - Pointlist Generator
ARJBAN.ZIP 14,276 07/17/91 add bbs-logo to files.ra
BAT2FD10.ZIP 57,803 11/03/90 Batch files to run FD and RA multi-node
BBSKD92.ZIP 35,801 03/15/92 BBSked '92 Designed to run as a loggon door
BROWS201.ZIP 53,872 09/03/91 (v2.01) RA Files.bbs Browser Utility
BULG_RAL.ZIP 8,020 09/28/91 Bulgarian Language file for RemoteAccess 1.10
BW100_RA.ZIP 193,051 01/22/92 Blue Wave Offline Reader DOOR for RA
BWAVE205.ZIP 183,405 01/18/92 Blue Wave Offline Reader user side for RA
CALLCHEK.ZIP 71,911 04/15/92 Utility to scan your RA/FD logs and provides over
CCTRX30.ZIP 107,191 02/13/92 Door to use Credit Cards for memberships, etc
CNT_11.ZIP 12,610 09/30/90 Change your total systems calls; RA
COOK_101.ZIP 356,942 02/20/92 Fortune "Cookies"; different fortune for each cal
CVT2.ZIP 13,799 04/03/92 Quickbbs 2.76 beta/gamma Exitinfo.bbs & UserOn.bb
DIGICHAT.ZIP 7,538 05/03/91 Use your SoundBlaster or Adlib to be paged! Uses
DUTC_RAL.ZIP 7,632 11/06/91 Dutch Language file for RemoteAcess 1.10
ERACEM.ZIP 30,456 01/30/92 Subscription Utility by Mike Janke
ERFA_100.ZIP 18,398 01/26/92 Edits RA File areas. Sort, replace, delete, inser
FATCAT20.ZIP 17,411 01/12/92 Download counter for RA systems
FATT121.ZIP 106,355 10/15/91 FD offline filerequest server version 1.21
FD199C.ZIP 517,200 03/06/90 FrontDoor 199c Front end Mailer
FD200KIT.ZIP 23,441 11/08/90 FrontDoor's Developers Kit
FD202.ZIP 617,521 09/25/91 Lastest copy of FrontDoor 2.02 Frontend mailer
FDDEV202.ZIP 39,497 10/02/91 FrontDoor Developer's Kit 2.02
FDESK.ZIP 96,702 02/25/92 Reserve time on a RA BBS with this door. FrontDes
FDFAQ001.ZIP 3,927 09/24/91 FrontDoor, Frequently Asked Questions - v.001
FDHM213.ZIP 172,045 01/08/92 FrontDoor Manager Vers. 2.13
FDHM213G.ZIP 38,002 01/08/92 FrontDoor Manager 2.13 (german online-help)
FDLOG121.ZIP 48,990 08/14/91 FdLog for FD 2.01
FDPI_201.ZIP 17,731 08/14/91 FD-Protected Inbound for FD 2.01
FDSCHECK.ZIP 6,646 08/22/91 Maintains FD.SYS for external utils from SETUP.FD
FDTR201.ZIP 48,075 12/09/91 In/Out History Statistics
FEBBS180.ZIP 260,826 08/05/91 Newest version of Febbs: All in one files.bbs man
FEBBS190.ZIP 308,618 12/04/91 All in one files.bbs manager. Manage your file ar
FFGRA102.ZIP 25,483 03/15/92 Fast File Generator for Remote Access - Extremely
FFGRA103.ZIP 27,166 03/28/92 Fast Configurable Allfiles List Generator for RA
FGETS121.ZIP 15,874 09/01/91 FGET/FSEND for FrontDoor 2.01
FLOMSG15.ZIP 19,128 03/07/90 Use with FrontDoor to change a .flo to .msg
FLPRO36.ZIP 31,668 07/07/91 RA FileBase Enhancement
FLSEARCH.ZIP 5,247 07/07/91 Creates an ASCII Pathlist from RA's Files.Ra
FREN_RAL.ZIP 7,326 11/05/91 French language file for RemoteAccess 1.10 & up
FXBULL10.ZIP 53,410 06/01/91 Flexible bulletin generator for RA
GCHAT140.ZIP 35,680 02/12/92 GChat 1.40 - Split-Screen Chat Program With AVT/0
GE10001G.ZIP 45,070 03/14/92 GEdit 1.00.01G - Full-Screen Message Editor for Q
GE10002G.ZIP 47,020 03/16/92 GEdit 1.00.02G - Full-Screen Message Editor for Q
GERM_RAL.ZIP 7,589 11/05/91 German Language file for RemoteAccess 1.10 & up
IDOOR200.ZIP 40,369 04/23/92 Info Door v2.00
ISHERE.ZIP 20,003 02/21/92 Check for COMPLETE files received, FrontDoor 2.0
JIVE_RAL.ZIP 7,311 11/14/91 Jive Language file for RA 1.10 & up
LASTON15.ZIP 11,167 04/25/90 Last On v1.5 ...
LCALL100.ZIP 16,983 01/08/91 View who called BBS today offline.
LCDTY102.ZIP 27,070 08/18/91 Displays callers info for your Ra.Log.. NICE!!
LFIND40.ZIP 24,928 12/27/89 Leech Finder v4.0 ...
LISTEM13.ZIP 104,918 05/30/91 By Rodentware.. Makes total file lists, etc. FAST
MA_103.ZIP 54,470 12/23/91 MsgAlert v1.03 (removes memory limits on DV setup
MBU_110.ZIP 52,644 02/14/91 Mbutil message linker, packer, sorter v 1.10
MM120.ZIP 88,389 11/08/90 Menu Master use with RemoteAccess
MOVEAREA.ZIP 10,988 07/12/91 Move Areas easily in Files.Ra. With TP-scr.
MULT200.ZIP 34,029 12/11/91 Some sample batch files for mulit node and how to
MULTNODE.ZIP 46,191 09/19/91 How to set up multi-line BBS under RA/FD/DesqView
NOC100.ZIP 7,099 10/19/91 Sends msg to users who drop carrier frequently
NODECTL.ZIP 55,369 09/01/90 Control who is on what node
NOFLO100.ZIP 21,347 07/12/91 NoFLO v1.00 : Use .?LO attaches with FrontDoor!
NWEN_41.ZIP 32,938 05/29/91 News Bulletin Door
OT_100.ZIP 55,100 07/27/91 Remove unwanted msgs from RA msgbase by subj/twit
PACKER34.ZIP 133,224 09/22/91 Lastest version of Hudson Message Base Packer. AW
PGEN_20.ZIP 29,831 05/29/91 RA-PONG - door implementation of the game PONG fo
PIONEER.ZIP 4,972 03/16/92 How to set up 6 cd-rom Discs on a QBBS Board
PRFL107B.ZIP 40,775 04/19/92 Profiler Door - allow your users to make profiles
PRFL107C.ZIP 40,791 04/21/92 Profiler Door version 1.07c
PROFILE2.ZIP 168,400 08/31/91 Professional Files.BBS maker and file manager
PR_RA111.ZIP 16,844 11/13/91 Protocal tutorial for different protocals with RA
PULLDOWN.ZIP 5,262 03/01/92 Set of Pulldown menus for RA/QBBS BBS's
PVTHR304.ZIP 56,190 08/19/91 Private Hours for RA 1.xx in FD 2.xx environment
QBBED258.ZIP 263,405 03/14/92 Hudson Message Base editing & debugging tool
QBBUTILS.ZIP 40,880 02/16/90 QuickBBS Message Base and User Utilities
QCHANGE.ZIP 4,813 06/26/89 QChange v1.5 ...
QED120.ZIP 74,156 10/25/90 Quicked Full screen editor for RA
QGEN20.ZIP 29,628 08/02/90 Excellent questionaire generator for RA.
QMRD10.ZIP 11,549 08/10/89 QMRD v1.0 ...
QNET266A.ZIP 65,198 02/23/91 Mail tossing utilities (qecho etc)
QUES_221.ZIP 135,839 05/28/91 QuesDoor Extended Questionaire for Ra V. 2.21
QUOTEIT.ZIP 8,333 01/26/92 Make new bulletin each day from a list
RABBS002.ZIP 11,133 05/01/92 RemoteAccess BBS Listing
RABEST40.ZIP 16,573 03/22/90 Best user list generator for RA.
RABI_132.ZIP 64,944 05/28/91 Rabi BiModem interface for RA V. 1.32
RACAL135.ZIP 63,101 07/16/91 RA/Call logfile utility - supports XRS mail, etc!
RACAL140.ZIP 64,162 01/03/92 RA/CALL Logfile utility
RACE140.ZIP 280,704 05/15/91 RemoteAccess User Editor V. 1.40
RACE150.ZIP 283,882 11/02/91 Lastest version of RACE - (User editor) for RA 1.
RACE152.ZIP 277,493 11/30/91 Lastest version of RA User Editor - Many features
RACE160C.ZIP 170,879 03/29/92 Open BETA version of Remote Access Caller Editor
RACE160D.ZIP 130,268 04/13/92 Beta version of RACE - USERED like utility
RACE_UPD.ZIP 202,650 05/15/91 Update to Race 1.40 (strictly update files)
RAFBST31.ZIP 38,364 11/29/91 RemoteAccess File Areas Statistics Bulletin Gener
RAFI_203.ZIP 67,163 02/12/92 RA FILES RemoteAccess Files Utility
RAFMINFO.ZIP 1,990 07/10/91 RAFM Information document
RAHDR10.ZIP 32,269 08/04/91 RaHdr Generates File area Statistics and puts at
RAHELP10.ZIP 34,454 02/09/92 Full screen Help/Text file viewer for RA
RAHELP11.ZIP 36,142 04/02/92 Full screen text/help file viewer (remote)
RAINFO2.ZIP 53,025 06/02/91 Loginfo utility for RemoteAccess
RALCFD.ZIP 37,998 05/07/92 Patches Lastcall info from RA into FrontDoor's FR
RALOG14.ZIP 16,011 04/10/91 RA LOG utility
RALSTON.ZIP 9,967 03/29/92 Utility to scan the last caller and patch it to F
RAMAIL30.ZIP 245,186 08/02/91 Excellent .QWK mail door for RA (v 3.0)
RAMAN100.ZIP 83,982 01/02/92 Download Counter and more for RA
RAMT_061.ZIP 20,633 10/29/91 RemoteAccess Message Tools v.06 - performs functi
RANEW_15.ZIP 70,439 03/22/92 RemoteAccess Files Newfiles Lister!
RANODE.A22 3,148 04/30/92 Nodelist for RA Net
RAOPP.ZIP 16,654 09/09/90 RemoteAccess offline page player. From RodentWar
RAP100A.ZIP 138,235 11/15/91 Awesome New Chat Door for RA.. Supports up to 33
RAP100B.ZIP 159,452 03/11/92 RemoteAccess PUB; Awesome Chat Door for RA System
RAPFIX.ZIP 19,367 03/09/92 Bug fix for RemoteAccess Pub
RAPROINF.ZIP 12,021 05/14/92 Information on RemoteAccess Pro BBS Commercial Pa
RATOTP.ZIP 14,973 09/09/90 RA to Turbo Pascal; for PAGE.RA
RATP23.ZIP 25,568 12/21/91 RemoteAccess Top Users Bulletin Generator
RAWFILE.ZIP 5,856 10/21/89 Rawfile v1.0 ...
RA_001.ZIP 305,688 01/24/90 Very first release of RemoteAccess! 1/30/90
RA_002.ZIP 333,986 02/11/90 RemoteAccess 0.02 Release
RA_003.ZIP 394,232 04/30/90 RemoteAccess 0.03 Release
RA_004.ZIP 410,726 07/25/90 RemoteAccess 0.04 Release
RA_004AU.ZIP 164,706 07/31/90 RemoteAccess 0.04a Update Release. Bug fixes for
RA_101.ZIP 527,089 04/24/91 RemoteAccess package. Bug fixes for version 1.00
RA_110.ZIP 544,107 11/05/91 RemoteAccess 1.10 Release
RA_111.ZIP 543,600 01/25/92 Lastest version of RemoteAccess 1.11! Bug fixes f
RA_ECHO.ZIP 301,466 10/30/91 Fast Echo tossing utility
RA_MESS6.ZIP 57,027 06/17/91 PostCall Message Ratio Checker ver 6.0-Major Upda
RA_MPF15.ZIP 38,575 10/04/91 No description given
RA_NDOM2.ZIP 8,208 06/19/90 RA_ndom [Random] v2.0 ...
RA_RALS.ZIP 41,175 11/06/91 Complete zip of foreign language modules for RA 1
RA_STRUC.ZIP 12,676 01/24/90 Structures for RA 9/8/90
RLOG_141.ZIP 57,387 02/14/92 RemoteAccess Log - Log Reporting Generator
RLOG_142.ZIP 59,263 03/22/92 Remote log utility for RA
RUC11.ZIP 27,574 02/03/92 RemoteAccess Users.Bbs Command-Line editor, w/ 'C
RW_INFO.ZIP 6,563 04/27/91 Info on becoming a RodentWare Support Board
SCHT_407.ZIP 30,616 11/10/91 Sabre Chat! Chat door for RA
SETCAL10.ZIP 5,808 06/18/91 Set number of calls/last caller's name -- RA 1.0
SRCHIT25.ZIP 8,728 05/27/89 Searchit v2.5 ...
STRUCTS.ZIP 4,534 11/05/91 Structures for RA 1.10
SUBDATE.ZIP 21,147 02/01/92 Subscription System Utility by Mike Janke
SVEN_RAL.ZIP 7,587 09/21/91 Swedish Language file for RemoteAccess 1.10
SYSOP200.ZIP 341,638 12/24/91 All in one Sysop utilities! Almost every utility
S_VER092.ZIP 89,160 11/24/90 S-VER Callback Verifier for RA/QBBS/QBBS
TASKEY20.ZIP 8,927 10/13/89 Taskey v2.0 ...
TCALL205.ZIP 27,096 11/12/91 Today's Callers for RA 1.10; also use from DOS pr
TESTREQ.ZIP 8,296 03/13/92 Utility to check your paths to make sure they exi
TIMECHEK.ZIP 19,391 02/02/92 User pack/ file sort utility by Mike Janke
TOPED100.ZIP 79,977 11/19/91 TopEd full screen editor for RemoteAccess
TREK_RAL.ZIP 7,103 11/16/91 Star Trek Language file for RA 1.10 systems
TSCNV104.ZIP 33,435 08/18/91 TsConvert for FD 2.01
TVIEW10.ZIP 51,618 04/05/92 Scrollable Text File Viewer Door - A MUST HAVE!
ULRA100.ZIP 8,897 09/01/91 Upload Logger for RA
USERON32.ZIP 69,958 01/12/92 Replacement for RA Whos Online Command. Shows whe
USRASW10.ZIP 13,583 12/23/90 Find users answers to questionares
XROBOT.ZIP 15,411 10/11/88 A robot that does offline freqing and polling for
ZIPCOUNT.ZIP 12,288 07/19/90 Count the number of downloads for FD/RA systems
Sysop programs: TP Board
TPB71CON.ZIP 152,411 04/06/92 TPBoard version 7.1 sysop utility CONS.EXE
TPB71DOC.ZIP 125,499 04/07/92 TPBoard version 7.1 documentation
TPB71EXE.ZIP 275,575 04/12/92 TPBoard version 7.1 executable files
TPB71NED.ZIP 108,907 12/15/91 TPBoard version 7.1 NED and SED editors
TPB71TXT.ZIP 52,428 04/06/92 TPBoard version 7.1 sample TPBoard Sysmsg files
TPB71UTL.ZIP 255,362 04/07/92 TPBoard version 7.1 support utilities
Windows: Applications
100SCRNS.ZIP 199,760 04/07/90 Color Screens for PowerBBS
123PW31.ZIP 15,989 04/27/91 1-2-3 Power WIndow Lotus spreadsheet manager
16PSFNTS.ZIP 419,251 07/20/91 16 new fonts for atm
1858ICON.ZIP 481,712 03/25/91 1858 different icons which are self extracting by
24PIN.ZIP 68,743 03/20/91 Replacement epson 24 pin driver for win 3.0
4SHELL.ZIP 75,633 08/24/91 Windows 3.0 shell for 4PRINT 4.10 and 4BOOK
4WIN100.ZIP 34,349 04/04/91 4Win "dos" window from a win app. for Win 3.0
673WIN3.ZIP 67,198 08/09/90 Evrex 640x480 800x600 windows 3 drivers
8514SUBS.ZIP 55,208 09/28/91 Replacements for system font in Windows 3
A6BMP.ZIP 110,283 05/10/91 Windows wallpaper US Navy A6 Intruder
ABACO.ZIP 10,791 07/09/91 Abacus. Very nice colors.
ABCV1_0.ZIP 14,061 08/25/91 A simple windows 3.0 letter learning tool for kid
ABDUL_DC.ZIP 158,299 05/02/91 BMP of Paula Abdul and a Diet Coke!
ACHART11.ZIP 19,474 04/20/91 Ascii Chart for win3. Also EBCDIC, Color
ACK.ZIP 10,835 08/23/91 .BMP of Bill the Cat
AD3.ZIP 1,360 06/02/91 Information on a BBS program for Windows
ADDRSB.ZIP 18,237 03/06/91 Toolbook app - Professional's Address Book
ADR10C.ZIP 175,521 07/31/91 (ASP) Wilson Windowware - Address Reminder
ALBATROS.ZIP 73,486 03/17/91 Serified body font w/ low x-height
ALM096.ZIP 155,881 08/06/90 Almanac for windows - v.96 great calendar!
AMORT.ZIP 42,674 04/02/91 Excel 3.0 amortization worksheets
AN101A.ZIP 48,954 02/15/91 Novell Application notes for Windows 3.0
ANSICO10.ZIP 10,721 02/25/91 Convert Windows 3.0 ZCO files to ANSI screens
ANTS.ZIP 11,845 04/26/91 WIN3 BMP: Ants Wallpaper version 1.0. Have movi
ANYBIL31.ZIP 191,628 06/05/91 Anybill 3.1 - Windows checkbook and bill manager.
APIREF.ZIP 4,314 06/24/91 Documenting API calls-Visual Basic-WINAPI.ZIP
APOLLO.ZIP 83,104 05/31/90 Win3 BMP: Apollo spacecraft over Earth.
APOR14C.ZIP 161,380 01/14/91 Replacement Program manager for Windows 3.0
APPDOCK2.ZIP 21,099 08/02/91 Application Dock v2.0 for Windows 3. (VBasic)
AREACO.ZIP 7,529 06/15/91 Area code program in Visual Basic
ARNOLD.ZIP 37,961 01/24/91 Postscript Font for ATM & Windows 3.0
ASCVIEW2.ZIP 31,911 07/04/91 Ascii viewer v2.0 w/ print, goto, search
ATL96.ZIP 3,114 06/26/90 Windows 3.0 ATLANTA `96 Olympic Logo.
ATLU11.ZIP 121,131 08/22/91 Windows 3 Atlas of the US v1.1
ATMFONT1.ZIP 201,574 04/29/91 Adobe Type Manager Fonts Post Crypt, Black Chance
ATMFONTS.ZIP 419,234 11/28/90 Public Domain Fonts for ATM with Pagemaker
ATM_PM.ZIP 2,349 05/15/91 Text file - using Adobe Type Manager
ATM_WF.ZIP 1,875 06/23/91 How to include all font weights in wfnboss conv.
ATOWIN.ZIP 3,298 08/16/91 To automate & simplify running AUTOSIG v6.8A
ATRE12.ZIP 235,044 07/27/91 AI program for Windows: An Implementation Adaptiv
BAMBYBMP.ZIP 7,663 08/23/90 Bamby bitmap for window 3 wallpaper.
BBVIEW.ZIP 22,829 04/12/91 A PIC viewer that can convert to .BMP
BCKMN2.ZIP 61,037 06/07/91 Version 2.2 of Backmenu Fine Pop-up menu
BCKMNU21.ZIP 51,088 05/20/91 Backmenu 2.1 fixes bug in installation of menu. S
BEDROCK.ZIP 18,381 04/02/91 ATM font set
BENG_BLD.ZIP 17,597 03/28/90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
BIBWIN1.ZIP 80,411 07/30/91 Bible Window 1.0 - Bible Quotes
BIGDSK.ZIP 29,893 05/14/91 Bigdesk v2.0 - 9 window background program
BIGDSK22.ZIP 38,762 06/13/91 Update to Big Desk Windows 3.0 Many new features.
BITMAN.ZIP 23,791 05/09/91 Windows Bitmap Manager - read Win bitmaps
BIVIDISC.ZIP 20,887 08/09/91 Library, VCR, Disco Program for Windows
BIZNIX1.ZIP 2,119 07/19/90 Release info for Biz-Nix, invoicing & accounting
BLITZER.ZIP 60,137 04/05/91 Arcade game for Win 3.0
BMP2.ZIP 9,823 05/28/90 More misc. pictures for windows 3.0
BRICK3.ZIP 4,594 06/25/90 Windows 3.0 bricks program
BRUSHSCR.ZIP 28,748 01/24/91 Postscript Font for ATM & Windows 3.0
BTDEMO.ZIP 26,419 08/26/91 A VBasic (Windows) demo of bitmap buttons with so
BTRTPW.ZIP 1,571 05/03/91 Beta ver. of Btrieve interface to TP for Win
BUDGET.ZIP 15,612 05/20/91 Home Budget program for Toolbook from Headfirst S
BWMANDEL.ZIP 51,075 07/24/90 A collection of b/w fractal bmp files.
CAL199.ZIP 22,924 11/24/90 1991 Calender for Windows
CALVIN.ZIP 701 01/03/91 Calvin cursor for chgcur program.
CAPRI.ZIP 19,363 01/13/91 ATM Sinaloa typeface for Windows 3.0
CGMFLT.ZIP 26,651 01/15/91 AmiPro CGM filter - inport CGM graphics into AmiP
CHDIR.ZIP 6,012 03/08/91 Word for Windows macro - Change directory
CHILIPEP.ZIP 50,544 05/05/91 Adobe Type I font, also has .WFN in it
CHKBK62.ZIP 68,569 11/03/90 WIndows 3.0 Checkbook manager v6.2 (11-3)
CLICK11A.ZIP 48,876 08/14/90 Click! Filer v1.1 for Windows 3.0 Side show
CLICK13.ZIP 68,229 03/08/91 Windows 3.0 file manager, multiple directories mo
CLICK2.ZIP 42,727 06/26/90 File and prgram management system for windows
CLNDRMKR.ZIP 228,347 01/30/91 Calendar maker for windows 3. import graphics fil
CLOCK.ZIP 21,029 07/02/91 Visual Basic Clock
CLOSEALL.ZIP 4,777 08/26/91 WindowCloseAll is a WFW macro that closes all ope
CLPARTTB.ZIP 257,611 04/03/90 Toolbook clipart for windows 3.0
CMAN_10.ZIP 178,131 09/05/91 utility that can be programmed to alarm at specif
CODEPAD.ZIP 54,734 03/15/91 Programmers Editor
COIN.ZIP 49,314 06/07/91 Toolbook for coin collectors
COMICS.ZIP 44,913 06/07/91 Comicbook Toolbook Application
COMMFIX.ZIP 27,401 05/09/91 MicroSoft's fix for Win3 & Com 3 & 4
COMVIEW.ZIP 124,095 04/05/90 Common view demo from image soft for ms windows.
CONNECT4.ZIP 24,932 04/21/91 A Game of Connect Four - Windows 3.0
COOK.ZIP 80,076 09/14/91 A visually beautiful, yet powerful freeform datab
COOKBO.ZIP 10,220 06/08/91 Cookbook in toolbook
COPYIT13.ZIP 40,899 05/06/91 Copyit version 1.3 - File Manager
CORELFNT.ZIP 159,416 08/07/90 Additional fonts for Corel Draw
COYOTEWP.ZIP 10,365 08/23/90 Famous coyote wallpaper for windows 3.0
CREPAI2.ZIP 27,703 06/07/91 New version of a Windows ToolBook game.
CUBIC.ZIP 35,812 05/22/91 Windows puzzle
CURPRO.ZIP 1,412 05/18/91 IBM lowers offers special price for Current
DAGNT14B.ZIP 60,607 04/10/91 Double Agent v1.4 Diagnostics/Info for win3
DATAB13.ZIP 82,730 07/10/91 Toolbook Database for VCR tapes, Coins, Magazines
DATASV11.ZIP 230,687 08/15/91 Dataserver name & addr database with ddl link
DAVYSD.ZIP 153,298 05/13/91 DAVYS ATM fontd
DAYCLOCK.ZIP 3,750 05/29/91 Enhancement to Windows Clock
DC.ZIP 43,231 06/21/91 .BMP of fireworks in Washington D.C.
DC1.ZIP 99,999 06/21/91 .BMP of the Mall in Washington D.C.
DDE_LIB.ZIP 132,012 12/26/90 Library for programming DDE in Win3. 9/90.
DEBBIE2.ZIP 25,613 07/04/91 Semi-nude BMP for wallpaper
DESK1.ZIP 2,130 11/18/90 Small program to stop Windows from redrawing the
DESKNAV.ZIP 71,895 05/27/90 Another Windows add in
DH10.ZIP 28,327 05/12/91 Utility to launch programs in Windows 3.0
DIALER11.ZIP 18,704 03/09/90 Ms windows metz phone dialer version 3.22.
DIALRM21.ZIP 27,598 08/05/90 Dialer v2.1: ms-windows phone dialer w/pop-up win
DIVELG.ZIP 48,682 06/07/91 Diver's log in toolbook
DLLICON.ZIP 260,160 06/01/91 Windows 3.0 Icons in alpha order
DNGR20.ZIP 54,521 02/14/91 Dingbats Retrieval for Windows.
DOMCASUL.ZIP 26,930 01/24/91 Postscript Font for ATM & Windows 3.0
DRWTSN.ZIP 116,478 08/12/91 Dr. Watson diagnostic tool for Windows.
DSKLG1.ZIP 44,433 04/22/91 Disklog for Toolbook...Keep track of floppies
DSWINSUP.ZIP 51,819 10/29/90 Supplemental drivers for novell windows PACKAGE.
DTT3.ZIP 16,377 08/23/90 Dick tracy bitmap for window 3 wallpaper.
DUMPCR21.ZIP 41,787 08/15/91 Cardfile dumping program v2.1
DV2WIN.ZIP 3,725 08/14/91 Improve Desqview Aware Programs Performance Under
DVWIN3.ZIP 9,108 09/25/90 Use Windows 3.0 with Desqview
E3270.ZIP 109,937 05/07/91 3270 Emulation version 0.90 for IRMA Card
EDITPCBI.ZIP 119,859 03/29/91 E/VGA printed circuit board draw/designer for Win
EDITSCH2.ZIP 133,105 08/14/91 E/VGA electrical schematic draw/design v2.3 for W
EDREPL10.ZIP 16,085 08/07/91 EditReplay v1.0: provides easy access to entered
ELLE.ZIP 35,017 03/30/91 Elle Mac, 640x480 Wallpaper
EXPAND.ZIP 6,584 08/27/91 Norton Desktop for Windows expands the custom.mnu
EZFM12TD.ZIP 333,966 09/27/91 'EZ' FormMaster v1.2 for Windows 3
F16HUD1.ZIP 5,270 06/18/90 Falconat bitmap for windows 3.0
FANT.ZIP 7,980 06/12/90 Win3 BMP: Mickey Mouse as the Sorcerer's Apprenti
FAXDEMO.ZIP 288,790 09/08/91 WinFax Pro "Test Drive" send and receive fax soft
FCENTRAL.ZIP 177,917 06/04/91 Visual Basic File - Floppy Formatter
FENCES.ZIP 7,944 07/18/91 Game for Windows
FILMGR31.ZIP 125,186 05/23/91 Shareware file manager for Windows 3
FINDEMO1.ZIP 199,338 09/10/90 FINALE PC DEMO. 1 of 2 Req. Windows, EGA.
FINDEMO2.ZIP 711,992 09/10/90 FINALE PC DEMO. 2 of 2 Req. Windows, EGA.
FIRE.ZIP 20,056 02/05/90 C'mon windows, light my fire
FIREPLC.ZIP 20,060 02/05/90 Mood-Enhancer For Windows 3
FISH3.ZIP 9,902 03/05/90 WIN 3 : fish for 3.0
FLOWER.ZIP 36,327 05/19/91 Windows wallpaper (BMP) generated by Fractint
FM31.ZIP 125,190 11/27/90 Newest version of file manager for windows!
FM35.ZIP 13,261 08/06/90 Metz freemem 3.5 utility to show free memory on s
FM_W3.ZIP 12,311 05/18/90 Metz's freemem for windows 3.0.
FNTMGR.ZIP 81,558 07/23/91 build custom fontpaks for certain printers
FOLDER.ZIP 53,299 02/01/91 Win 3 Program Manager enhancement
FOLDER31.ZIP 63,508 03/21/91 Folders for Windows 3.1 - create sub-groups
FOPEN.ZIP 8,901 06/25/91 Win3 Style File Open Dialog for Visual Basic
FOXEXEC.ZIP 23,147 08/02/91 Foxbase to Excel via DDE
FRACT0.ZIP 47,376 07/28/91 Win30 256 BMP of planet rings.
FRACT1.ZIP 42,271 05/30/91 Windows wallpaper generated with Fractint
FRACT2.ZIP 113,452 05/30/91 Windows wallpaper generated with Fractint
FRACT3.ZIP 30,812 05/19/91 Windows wallpaper generated with Fractint
FRACT6.ZIP 27,055 05/30/91 Windows wallpaper generated with Fractint
FRACT7.ZIP 22,616 05/31/91 Windows wallpaper generated with fractint
FRACT8.ZIP 57,250 05/31/91 Windows wallpaper generated with fractint
FRACT9.ZIP 26,247 05/31/91 Windows wallpaper generated with fractint
FRACTNT2.ZIP 205,324 03/25/91 Fractint 2.0 for Windows 3.0 Fractal pattern gene
FREEM341.ZIP 12,967 06/01/90 Free memory for winws 3.0
FRITE.ZIP 13,087 06/19/91 Scares your icons away from your mouse
FSEARCH.ZIP 8,441 10/22/90 Search all disks for a file in windows 3.0
FUSE.ZIP 4,930 06/08/90 A windows utility to monitor cpu usage.
FUSE3.ZIP 5,165 06/08/90 New fuse for win3, runs on desktop.
GADD15.ZIP 7,763 12/31/90 Word for windows macro to grab phone numbers.
GADD20.ZIP 27,056 06/12/91 WinWord Macro to get address info from IBM Curren
GANDER10.ZIP 45,866 09/01/91 Gander 1.0 Binary/Text file viewer for Win3
GBORD10.ZIP 6,485 05/11/91 BorderPage v1.0. Word for Windows macro
GJGASC.ZIP 6,951 07/30/90 A word for windows macro to create formatted asci
GJGDOT12.ZIP 12,130 10/06/90 Dissect and rebuild WFW templates
GMAIL11.ZIP 60,011 05/16/91 Gmail 1.1 Xtalk for Win script
GO_OCR.ZIP 190,233 06/25/91 Great OCR package for Windows. Req scanner.
GPSENV2.ZIP 14,765 05/20/91 Print PS Envelope NEW version 2
GPWK12.ZIP 22,056 08/08/91 Allows you to define groups of apps to be launche
GRAPHER.ZIP 25,470 01/06/91 Grapher for Windows 3.0 Graph f(x) functions
GRKAMI2.ZIP 2,487 05/09/91 Ami Pro Macro to run Grammatik Windows
GSF11A.ZIP 78,132 12/09/90 WFW Macro - Gadfly script formatter.
GTOOLS2.ZIP 48,567 06/01/91 Word for Windows macros.
HAYESESP.ZIP 104,777 05/09/91 Hayes ESP driver - latest version
HEIDEL.ZIP 36,768 03/02/91 Postscript Type 1 font for Windows Use with ATM
HERMAN.ZIP 9,013 07/05/91 Win3 .bmp of herman from unger
HEX.ZIP 34,337 02/26/91 Hex Viewer
HIMEM3.ZIP 5,577 05/01/90 Windows 3 himem driver.
HIMEMBUG.ZIP 6,570 08/09/90 Text describing supposed bugs in himem.sys
HOTSHOT.ZIP 14,519 01/27/91 Font for ATM/Win3.
HPENV.ZIP 21,920 08/10/91 Visual Basic Program to print envelopes HP II
HPIFNT2.ZIP 769,568 04/04/91 Hewlett Packard driver set for Windows 2 of 2
HSTSAT.ZIP 41,263 05/26/91 .BMP of Saturn from the Hubble
HUNTER.ZIP 25,504 03/07/91 WIndows 3.0 file finder. (3-7-91)
IBM.ZIP 500 05/27/91 .BMP of IBM logo
ICCH13.ZIP 21,932 09/20/91 Icon Chooser v1.3: the ultimate MS-Windows icon
ICM11A.ZIP 57,074 04/11/91 Icon manager for Windows
ICMICA.ZIP 54,201 02/26/91 Windows Icons Zipped by category
ICNDRW11.ZIP 69,989 06/26/90 windows 3.0 icon draw version 1.1
ICNS.ZIP 4,039 06/09/90 Collection of icon files for windows
ICNVIEW.ZIP 2,730 09/13/91 Icon viewer for Window 3.0 need VBRUN100.DLL
ICOCHZ12.ZIP 21,916 07/17/91 Windows 3.0 Organize and install all your icons.
ICONBR11.ZIP 22,131 09/08/91 Icon Browser 1.1
ICONLINK.ZIP 49,607 06/16/91 Drag and drop icon manager
ICONMIX.ZIP 23,058 08/01/91 Eclectic mix of professionally done Win3 icons. 6
ICONWRK3.ZIP 82,698 08/26/91 Icon Works release 3 - needs vbrun100.dll
ICONWRKS.ZIP 251,226 07/06/91 THE Windows 3.0 ICON manager/creator
IMOVIE.ZIP 16,563 05/16/91 Icon Movies v1.0 "the world's silliest" Windows 3
IMSTR03.ZIP 66,133 05/26/91 Edit icons for Windows 3
INIEDT.ZIP 58,378 09/19/91 .INI edit for Windows 3
IRELAND.ZIP 90,721 04/17/91 640x480x16 Ireland Wallpaper
IYMSR.ZIP 309,571 09/14/90 It's your money review of Windows 3.0
JAXCAM10.ZIP 5,205 04/14/91 JaxCam v1.0 Windows 3.0 capture to clipboard
JESSICA.ZIP 14,530 12/20/90 Win3 BMP: Jessica Rabbit
JOKER.ZIP 11,524 06/28/91 WIN3 BMP: Original artwork of Batman's foe
JUPITER2.ZIP 150,614 05/25/91 .BMP of a voyager collage of Saturn & Moon
Windows: Drivers
16COLOR.ZIP 157,817 09/04/91 Windows 3.0 VGA drivers for the Paradise VGA
700WIN3R.ZIP 67,008 01/29/91 Drivers, fonts for Wyse 700/Amdek 1280
ATI6_18.ZIP 279,047 06/18/91 ATI Win 3.0 drivers as of 6-18-91
ATIWIN3.ZIP 93,936 06/20/90 Drivers for ATI Wonder card and Windows 3.0
ATIWIN30.ZIP 285,132 08/11/91 Updated hires drivers for ATI video cards
ATIWN991.ZIP 299,556 09/03/91 ATI graphics board windows drivers for up to 800x
CDEXT.ZIP 17,232 03/19/92 CD-ROM extensions
CIRRUSDR.ZIP 127,358 08/21/91 Windows drivers for VGA cards with Cirrus chips.
CITIZDR.ZIP 127,294 06/26/91 S/E Printer Drivers GSX 140, 145, etc for Win
DRIVINFO.WNT 348 11/04/91 Desc - includes BBS phone numbers
DRIVINFO.ZIP 2,134 11/03/91 List of mfr's/sources for hi-res video drivers
EPLZR.ZIP 236,509 03/26/92 Epson laser printer drivers
ESCP2.ZIP 90,702 03/30/92 Epson LQ printer drivers
ESPDISK.WNT 653 09/10/91 Description of ESPDISK from Hayes BBS
ESPDISK.ZIP 100,749 05/10/91 Driver for 16550 Uart chip/Win 3.0
HP3WIN3.ZIP 289,581 04/10/91 Windows 3.0 printer drivers for the Hewlett-Packa
HREZWIN3.ZIP 203,951 08/14/90 Windows 3.0 drivers for CompuAdd Hrez
INTEGRA.ZIP 163,125 05/01/91 Windows drivers for the ATI Integra. Up to 1024x7
OLIVE.ZIP 152,232 03/25/92 Olivetti printer drivers
ORCHDDRV.ZIP 202,818 04/25/91 Drivers for Orchid ProDesigner, update
PSCRIPT.ZIP 114,900 03/30/92 Updated PostScript driver, 3/30/92
STAR.ZIP 305,157 03/26/92 Printer drivers for Star DM and laser printers
TET4000.WNT 354 08/26/91 Description of TET4000.ZIP, Tseng 4000 drivers
TET4000.ZIP 204,433 08/14/90 Drivers for Tseng 4000 video chip
VPD386.ZIP 3,949 05/13/92 Manage LPT Port contention in Windows
WIN30.ZIP 300,533 01/30/92 Tseng4000 video drivers, 1/30/92
WIN3_ET4.WNT 509 09/27/91 Description; drivers dated 8/91
WIN3_ET4.ZIP 414,102 09/15/91 Tseng video drivers for 4000 chipset
WINCIT.ZIP 126,425 05/01/91 Windows Drivers for all Citizin Printers
WPDM7.ZIP 18,439 02/13/92 Word Perfect for Windows 3.1 Panasonic printer dr
Windows: Fonts
36PSFNTS.ZIP 1,380,112 01/09/91 FONT: 36 Type 1 PostScript fonts for Adobe Type M
ANIMAL.ZIP 228,688 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
ARC13P.ZIP 28,381 11/29/90 Adobe Type Manager FONT
ARCHITEC.ZIP 87,897 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
ATM8.ZIP 339,888 01/25/91 Cascade, Cloister_Black, Howard, Korina, Paradox
ATMFIX.ZIP 4,413 11/12/90 Adobe Type Manager FIX
ATMFNTA.ZIP 97,704 01/29/91 Arabian, Prestige, Script etc.
ATMFNTB.ZIP 185,408 02/01/91 Arabian, Prestige, Script etc.
ATMFNTC.ZIP 158,984 02/01/91 Arabian, Prestige, Script etc.
ATMFNTD.ZIP 188,227 02/02/91 Arabian, Prestige, Script etc.
ATMFNTS1.ZIP 306,147 01/15/91 Adobe Type Manager compatible fonts part 1
ATMFNTS2.ZIP 439,178 01/15/91 Adobe Type Manager compatible fonts part 2
ATMFNTS3.ZIP 361,739 01/15/91 Adobe Type Manager compatible fonts part 3
ATMFNTS4.ZIP 372,917 01/15/91 Adobe Type Manager compatible fonts part 4
ATMFNTS5.ZIP 371,844 01/15/91 Adobe Type Manager compatible fonts part 5
ATMFNTS6.ZIP 417,650 01/15/91 Adobe Type Manager compatible fonts part 6
ATMFNTS7.ZIP 557,190 01/15/91 Adobe Type Manager compatible fonts part 7
ATMFONTS.ZIP 151,814 12/16/90 Adobe Type Manager FONT
ATMFRUTI.ZIP 552,057 02/02/91 Frutiger (also PCLFONTS for smaller sizes)
ATMIDX.ZIP 3,989 01/02/92 Adobe Type Manager FONT
ATMV1D1.ZIP 259,355 03/01/91 Misc fonts (good)
ATMV1D2.ZIP 125,783 01/25/91 RSxxxx fonts
ATMV1D3.ZIP 221,876 01/26/91 RSxxxx fonts
ATM_BALL.ZIP 29,221 03/04/91 BalletEngraved
ATM_FLOR.ZIP 39,990 01/21/91 Florence
ATM_INFO.ZIP 5,283 10/11/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
ATM_MURL.ZIP 23,348 01/28/91 Muriel
ATM_OTWN.ZIP 34,400 02/03/91 Old-Town
ATM_PANT.ZIP 26,536 01/24/91 PostAntiqua
ATM_TEKT.ZIP 25,834 01/24/91 Tekton
BLACKFOR.ZIP 85,376 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
BLKCHA.ZIP 26,955 12/03/90 FONT: BlackChancery for Adobe Type Manager
BODIDLYB.ZIP 101,191 06/09/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
CALIGU.ZIP 29,913 11/14/90 FONT: Caligula for Adobe Type Manager
CAPRI.ZIP 19,363 01/13/91 Sinaloa
CAR035.ZIP 48,559 11/25/90 Adobe CARTA screen fonts for Windows 3.0;
CARTA.ZIP 27,807 01/24/91 Postscript Font for ATM & Windows 3.0
CARTWRIG.ZIP 62,607 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
CASLON.ZIP 53,912 01/24/91 Postscript Font for ATM & Windows 3.0
CDR_FONT.ZIP 95,806 08/28/90 Fonts for Corel Draw
CENTOLD.ZIP 17,165 03/28/90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
CENTOLDB.ZIP 17,322 03/28/90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
CENTOLDI.ZIP 17,475 03/28/90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
CENT_B.ZIP 18,067 03/28/90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
CENT_I.ZIP 17,563 03/28/90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
CHESSFON.ZIP 186,242 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
CHITOWN.ZIP 28,437 12/23/90 FONT: ChiTown (PostScript language font)
CRILLEE.ZIP 155,255 06/22/91 Crillee font
CUNEI.ZIP 16,929 04/06/91 CuneiFont-Light
DAVYDING.ZIP 576,710 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
DIEGO1.ZIP 50,771 12/23/90 FONT: Diego1 (PostScript language font) (SW)
DRAGONWI.ZIP 92,090 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
DURANGO.ZIP 55,568 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
FETTEFRK.ZIP 32,714 01/24/91 Postscript Font for ATM & Windows 3.0
FLEURO.ZIP 46,778 07/18/91 Adobe ATM Font For Windows 3.0.
FNTMGR11.ZIP 99,021 07/14/91 Visual Basic Font Manager 1.1
FNTS31.ZIP 103,050 09/03/91 FontShow for Windows 3 print catalogs of your ins
FONTER15.ZIP 13,901 07/10/91 Win 3.0 Visual Basic Font Cataloguer V 1.5.
FONTER20.ZIP 14,230 07/31/91 Fonter 2.0 - view/print win 3 fonts. Requires vbr
FONTER30.ZIP 21,063 08/18/91 Prints notebook of fonts with complete character
FONTR4.ZIP 30,925 09/14/91 Fonter 4.0! the best win3 font viewer/printer
FONTREAD.ZIP 1,824 01/02/92 Adobe Type Manager FONT
FONTS.ZIP 940,029 08/13/90 PostScript Type 1 screen fonts for Windows 3 (.FO
FONTSH30.ZIP 102,404 09/02/91 Font Viewing and Cataloging Program for Microsoft
FONTSH41.ZIP 132,618 09/21/91 Font Catalog/Inventory/Samples, Etc..
FONTSHOW.WNT 916 08/22/91 Description of FONTSHOW, requires VBRUNDLL.ZIP
FONTSHOW.ZIP 73,716 08/18/91 Font display/cataloguing utility
FONTWN01.ZIP 304,322 07/27/90 14 new fonts for win 2.x/3.0. no extra software r
FRITZQ.ZIP 17,191 03/28/90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
FRITZQ_B.ZIP 17,034 03/28/90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
FRNKGH.ZIP 12,447 03/28/90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
FRNKGH_I.ZIP 13,680 03/28/90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
FRNKLN_B.ZIP 13,748 03/28/90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
FRNKLN_I.ZIP 13,884 03/28/90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
FRQUAD.ZIP 68,921 01/09/91 FrizQuadrata-Thin & Bold
FTURACBI.ZIP 12,560 03/28/90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
FTURAC_B.ZIP 12,739 03/28/90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
FTURAC_I.ZIP 12,648 03/28/90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
GARMND1.ZIP 44,767 01/06/91 Garamond font (ATM)
GARRETT.ZIP 57,909 03/17/91 ATM Font
GENOA.ZIP 238,045 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
GRALIG.ZIP 28,414 11/20/90 FONT: Graphic Light for Adobe Type Manager
GRMNDBI.ZIP 20,863 03/28/90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
GRMND_B.ZIP 22,599 03/28/90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
GRMND_I.ZIP 20,506 03/28/90 Outline font for Pub Type Foundry & Pbrush
HEIDELBE.ZIP 37,632 12/22/90 Heidelberg font (ATM)
IGLESIA.ZIP 48,750 12/23/90 Iglesia font (ATM)
IGLOOLAS.ZIP 71,390 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
JUDAS.ZIP 67,453 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
KARKODE.ZIP 254,976 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
KAUFMANN.ZIP 26,984 08/28/90 FONT: Kaufmann Bold 8,10,12,14,18,24,30 (VGA res)
LEFTYCAS.ZIP 78,924 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
LOOPDELO.ZIP 65,213 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
LUXEMBRG.ZIP 14,023 03/15/91 Luxembourg font
MACHINEB.ZIP 40,033 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
MANZANIT.ZIP 74,132 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
MARIAGE.ZIP 26,992 08/28/90 FONT: Mariage 8,10,12,14,18,24,30 (VGA res)
MAZAMA.ZIP 72,068 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
MESOZIC.ZIP 214,854 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
MIDD1.ZIP 68,098 09/24/90 FONT: Middleton (PostScript language font)
MURIEL.ZIP 176,540 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
NATMF1.ZIP 110,775 06/15/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
NATMF10.ZIP 108,025 05/05/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
NATMF11.ZIP 87,398 06/14/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
NATMF12.ZIP 61,638 06/18/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
NATMF13.ZIP 57,761 06/18/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
NATMF14.ZIP 143,758 06/15/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
NATMF15.ZIP 52,543 06/17/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
NATMF16.ZIP 60,177 06/18/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
NATMF17.ZIP 72,616 06/18/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
NATMF18.ZIP 95,094 06/18/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
NATMF19.ZIP 62,817 06/18/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
NATMF2.ZIP 248,649 06/18/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
NATMF20.ZIP 91,628 06/18/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
NATMF3.ZIP 59,531 06/09/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
NATMF4.ZIP 85,830 06/14/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
NATMF5.ZIP 87,613 06/17/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
NATMF6.ZIP 94,332 06/17/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
NATMF7.ZIP 60,846 02/01/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
NATMF8.ZIP 82,596 06/18/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
NATMF9.ZIP 52,047 06/17/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
NEWS.ZIP 23,015 08/28/90 FONT: News 8,10,12,14,18,24,30 (VGA res)
OLDTOWN.ZIP 18,657 08/28/90 FONT: Old Town 8,10,12,14,18,24,30 (VGA res)
OSWALDBL.ZIP 107,874 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
PALLADAM.ZIP 144,197 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
PARISMET.ZIP 50,164 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
POLOSEMS.ZIP 71,420 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
RECYCLE.ZIP 95,766 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
REDLETTE.ZIP 128,545 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
REFONT.ZIP 26,050 02/27/91 Refont v1.0; convert Mac ATM fonts to Win3 ATM fo
RHYOLITE.ZIP 33,108 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
ROISSY.ZIP 25,546 08/28/90 FONT: Roissy Bold 8,10,12,14,18,24,30 (VGA res)
ROOSTHEA.ZIP 136,171 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
RUDELSBE.ZIP 78,856 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
SALOON.ZIP 139,882 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
SAVANNAH.ZIP 71,949 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
SECRETCO.ZIP 85,318 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
SHALOOLD.ZIP 20,684 08/01/91 ATM Stuff
SHALOSCR.ZIP 19,981 08/01/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
SHALOSTI.ZIP 17,234 08/01/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
SHARKTOO.ZIP 85,356 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
SHOWBOAT.ZIP 165,314 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
SLABFACE.ZIP 93,086 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
SNTFRA.ZIP 22,702 12/01/90 FONT: SaintFrancis for Adobe Type Manager
STENCILC.ZIP 54,470 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
STFRANCI.ZIP 68,978 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
SYMBOL8.ZIP 13,061 08/28/90 FONT: Symbol 8,10,12,14,18,24,30 (VGA res)
TEMPOFON.ZIP 259,092 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
TRIBECA.ZIP 96,542 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
TTFONTA1.ZIP 343,273 03/02/92 True Type fonts for Windows 3.1
TTFONTB1.ZIP 562,669 04/02/92 True Type fonts for Windows 3.1
TTFONTB2.ZIP 217,948 02/10/92 True Type fonts for Windows 3.1
TTFONTC1.ZIP 620,722 02/28/92 True Type fonts for Windows 3.1
TTFONTC2.ZIP 596,460 02/28/92 True Type fonts for Windows 3.1
TTFONTD1.ZIP 297,194 04/02/92 True Type fonts for Windows 3.1
TTFONTE1.ZIP 459,261 04/02/92 True Type fonts for Windows 3.1
TTFONTF1.ZIP 59,329 04/02/92 True Type fonts for Windows 3.1
TTFONTG1.ZIP 293,979 03/29/92 True Type fonts for Windows 3.1
TTFONTH1.ZIP 32,989 03/29/92 True Type fonts for Windows 3.1
TTFONTI1.ZIP 149,409 03/29/92 True Type fonts for Windows 3.1
TTFONTM1.ZIP 20,041 03/29/92 True Type fonts for Windows 3.1
TTFONTN1.ZIP 48,611 03/29/92 True Type fonts for Windows 3.1
TTFONTP1.ZIP 75,641 03/29/92 True Type fonts for Windows 3.1
TTFONTR1.ZIP 82,277 03/29/92 True Type fonts for Windows 3.1
TTFONTS1.ZIP 164,319 03/29/92 True Type fonts for Windows 3.1
TTFONTT1.ZIP 249,778 03/29/92 True Type fonts for Windows 3.1
TTFONTU1.ZIP 50,374 03/29/92 True Type fonts for Windows 3.1
TYPEVIEW.ZIP 7,909 08/15/91 Typeview, ATM font viewer/previewer
TYPEVW11.ZIP 10,582 09/15/91 TypeView font viewer, update
ULTRABLA.ZIP 49,942 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
UPPEREAS.ZIP 109,754 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
UPPERWES.ZIP 251,943 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager font
VIREOFON.ZIP 73,213 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager FONT
WFN2ATM.ZIP 1,829 12/21/90 Using Winboss convert the .wfn fonts to Adobe Typ
WW0528.ZIP 12,491 03/31/92 Collection of fonts for Windows 3.1
ZALESCAP.ZIP 60,975 06/22/91 Adobe Type Manager font
Windows: Games
123V1_0.ZIP 13,359 09/03/91 A simple windows 3.0 number learning tool for kid
3000ICO.ZIP 6,561 08/13/91 Windows 3.0 wallpaper of BATTLECRUISER: 3000AD.
30TETRIS.ZIP 20,210 03/24/90 Tetris for Windows 3.0
6WINGAMS.ZIP 148,416 09/14/90 6 Windows Games including poker
ABCV1_0.WNT 1,251 10/11/91 Great program for small children
ABCV1_0.ZIP 14,114 08/25/91 Teaches ABC's and 123's
AFORCE.ZIP 15,700 11/10/90 Attack Force -type "Shoot 'Em Up" game
ARACHNID.ZIP 85,460 03/15/91 Arachnid card game
ARCH_TB.ZIP 30,933 08/16/90 ToolBoook archery game
ATMOID.ZIP 8,853 07/20/90 Atmoids - Asteroids for Windows (but w/o UFO):
ATTAXX.ZIP 10,550 02/08/91 Attaxx - Move-and-capture game of strategy (SW)
AUTOCON.WNT 89 08/14/91 Concentration type game using Automobile Logos
AUTOCON.ZIP 27,868 08/08/91 Concentration type game using Automobile Logos
BANDIT.ZIP 17,234 06/19/91 Freeware one armed bandit game. Slot machine for
BANGBANG.ZIP 35,496 10/20/90 Hit the other cannon before it hits yours (1 and
BATLGRID.WNT 914 11/18/91 BattleShip for Windows 3.0
BATLGRID.ZIP 32,590 10/31/91 Sink your Opponents BattleShip
BDP100.ZIP 130,809 02/01/92 Battle on Distant Planets warfare game
BG06.ZIP 22,563 12/24/90 Backgammon for Windows (SW)
BJ.ZIP 70,234 02/23/91 Black Jack for Windows
BLACKO24.ZIP 50,164 06/10/91 Version 2.4 of Windows Blackout game
BLADDER2.ZIP 40,083 09/19/91 ATM Font - Black Adder II
BLCE12.ZIP 8,956 09/22/91 Game for Windows
BLITZER.ZIP 57,603 04/25/91 Helicopter gunship game
BLKJACK.ZIP 70,234 02/23/91 A Black Jack Game
BLOCK11.ZIP 43,543 09/10/91 windows block matching game
BLOCKBRK.WNT 335 11/18/91 Just like the old classic Break-Out for Win 3.0
BLOCKBRK.ZIP 8,994 09/22/91 Just like the old classic Break-Out for Win 3.0
BOG.WNT 352 10/22/91 Word finding game similiar to Boggles
BOG.ZIP 31,027 09/13/91 Word Search Game for Windows
BRICK3.ZIP 4,594 06/26/90 Brick - Breakout-like game (looks nice but no sco
BUTMAD.ZIP 9,720 08/21/91 Button madness game
CBMATH.WNT 627 02/17/92 Chalk Board Math for Windows 3.0
CBMATH.ZIP 49,897 02/01/92 Elementary level math tutor
CHECKERS.ZIP 16,552 09/05/90 Checkers game ('Tammipeli' for you Finns)
CHESS321.ZIP 242,791 06/17/91 GNU Chess game for Windows 3, v.3.21
CHOMP11.ZIP 22,076 05/30/91 Game patterned after Pac-Man for Windows
CIPHWN10.WNT 379 10/06/91 Word Puzzle game discover the real meaning of
CIPHWN10.ZIP 111,502 10/01/91 A quotation or phrase that has been encrypted
DEAPSEA.ZIP 111,386 10/10/91 A Deep Sea game for Windows
DICROL11.ZIP 16,246 09/09/91 Vb dice roller v.1.1. fixed bugs, added d30 type
DRIFT.WNT 317 11/18/91 Causes windows and icons to "drift" around the sc
DRIFT.ZIP 9,019 11/09/91 Game for Windows
FENCES.ZIP 7,137 04/01/91 Fences, a small but fun game requiring Windows
FLIPOUT3.WNT 336 05/17/92 Desc - like "Concentration"
FRITE20.WNT 1,072 10/22/91 Great practical joke for Windows 3.0
FRITE20.ZIP 14,530 09/27/91 Makes icons scared of the mouse cursor
FROCKS.WNT 306 02/15/92 Collect all of the flowers in the maze
FROCKS.ZIP 33,081 01/08/92 Be careful not to let any of the rocks fall on He
GAMETBK.ZIP 93,101 06/14/90 3 games for toolbook
GOLDHUNT.ZIP 7,352 10/22/91 Gold Hunt v.1.1: Treasure hunt game
GUESS1.ZIP 61,894 08/11/91 MLC GUESSIT. V1.0 is a Win3 "Hangman" game
HEXTRIS.ZIP 8,103 10/25/90 Yet Another Tetris Game
HYPEROID.WNT 440 11/04/91 Object is to shoot everything in sight
HYPEROID.ZIP 63,513 11/02/91 Asteroids for Windows
HYPRDS11.ZIP 42,163 11/02/91 'Shoot everything' type asteroids game w/ C src
JWLTHF.ZIP 34,782 10/08/91 Jewel thief game
JWLTHIEF.WNT 769 10/22/91 Your goal is to steal as many jewels as possible
JWLTHIEF.ZIP 34,820 10/08/91 Fun game, requires a quick mouse hand!
KLTZ211A.ZIP 47,529 01/02/92 Game for Windows
LANDER3.ZIP 24,371 06/11/90 Lunar Lander Game (simple)
LIFE.ZIP 12,456 05/29/91 Game of Life
LUCAS.ZIP 9,065 04/07/90 Logic game for ms windows
MACBLAST.WNT 566 02/13/92 Beat the Empire and win freedom for all
MACBLAST.ZIP 20,255 02/09/92 MacBlast version 1.0
MAGIC.ZIP 33,369 07/01/91 Magic Dominoes game
MEMGM10.ZIP 21,162 10/28/91 The memory game, v.1.0
MINADV10.ZIP 106,936 07/25/91 Text game for Windows
MINES.ZIP 50,494 07/14/90 Find your way through a mine field (game)
MRMIND.ZIP 15,094 03/10/90 WIN 3 : challenging game for windows
MULTPUZ.ZIP 39,599 07/21/91 MultiPuzzle Game
MYCATS.WNT 599 02/15/92 Game much like MEKO
MYCATS.ZIP 30,829 11/19/91 Game for Windows - Cat! and Mycat!
PACMAN.ZIP 22,038 05/30/91 Pacman for Windows 3
PENT1020.WNT 315 02/06/92 Puzzle game similiar to tetris
PENT1020.ZIP 55,139 01/22/92 Pieces are dragged into grids
PIPES.WNT 863 09/25/91 PipeDreams 1.0
PIPES.ZIP 20,617 05/04/91 Keep the water flowing thru the pipes as long as
PLIFE.ZIP 21,839 05/02/91 The Game of Life for Windows! wow
PUNDIT.ZIP 40,987 11/29/90 PopUp useless sayings
PUZZLE11.ZIP 23,462 09/11/90 Sliding Tile Puzzle, use your own bitmaps! (new
QUAD.WNT 388 11/04/91 Game like Dominioes
QUAD.ZIP 11,126 07/17/90 QuadDominoes
REDDOG2.ZIP 78,908 09/20/91 Atlantic City Casino Game, needs vbrun100.dll
ROACH.ZIP 16,146 07/13/91 Watch the roaches hide behind the icons and windo
RUTH13.WNT 479 09/02/91 A non-verbal game for kids that can't read (yet)
RUTH13.ZIP 154,901 07/15/91 Ruthie! 1.3
SLVPEG.ZIP 14,062 05/21/91 Solves Windows Entertainment Pack game "Pegged"
SPACEW.ZIP 18,055 10/26/90 Shoot the center of the rotating walls
SPACEWAL.ZIP 18,055 10/27/90 Shoot the center of the rotating walls
STRBAR14.WNT 2,071 10/22/91 A "handy and fun game"
STRBAR14.ZIP 88,840 10/07/91 StarBar 1.4 for Windows
TAIPEI.ZIP 27,514 05/18/90 Taipei - Oriental Game of Skill and Chance
TAIPEI3.ZIP 27,514 05/17/90 Mah Jongg clone for Windows 3.0
TAKEONE.WNT 443 10/22/91 Object it to jump to other pieces which disappear
TAKEONE.ZIP 19,552 01/16/91 Take One for Windows
TET4WIN.ZIP 16,957 03/09/91 Another version of Tetris
TETRISS.ZIP 20,170 03/24/90 Yet another Tetris for Windows
TETWIN.ZIP 16,842 07/11/91 Tetris for Windows
TOBOR.ZIP 43,051 11/16/91 Game for Windows
TOYBART.ZIP 11,266 01/26/91 Bart game for windows
TRIPLE.ZIP 16,402 05/05/91 A nice game for Windows
VBDALEKS.WNT 445 08/22/91 Daleks game for Windows
VBDALEKS.ZIP 14,793 08/13/91 Daleks game for Windows
WARHEAD.WNT 703 10/30/91 Arcade style game for Windows - fun!
WARHEAD.ZIP 113,380 09/11/91 Warhead for Windows
WHEARTS.WNT 1,486 02/06/92 The classic four handed game of Hearts
WHEARTS.ZIP 76,854 01/27/92 Play against the computer for Windows 3.0
WIN3WORM.ZIP 7,336 07/15/90 Game for Windows 3
WINCHE.ZIP 150,837 09/23/90 Chess for Windows 3.0
WINCHSS.ZIP 166,992 08/12/91 A chess program for Win3 that includes many optio
WINFBALL.ZIP 75,091 11/12/91 Football game for Microsoft Windows
WINPENTE.ZIP 18,082 12/27/90 Pente game for Windows
WINPIPE.ZIP 53,948 12/29/90 A Pipe Dream type game for Windows
WINPOKER.ZIP 50,931 11/04/90 Windows Poker machine
WINTRIS3.ZIP 13,702 07/26/90 MSWindow3: TETRIS arrange falling squares game
WINWHEEL.WNT 423 10/12/91 Wheel of Fortune game
WINWHEEL.ZIP 103,643 08/03/91 (ASP) WIN WHEEL v1.2 Wheel of Fortune game.
WJ2_0A.ZIP 65,668 09/13/91 Latest Version of Winjack. Black Jack
WNEKO.ZIP 15,095 05/23/91 Neko the Cat chases your mouse around
WNSPIDER.WNT 594 09/02/91 Spider Game for Windows
WNSPIDER.ZIP 27,329 08/22/91 requires win 3.0+ and vbrundll
WORMWAR.ZIP 7,336 07/16/90 Worm War - Simple Centipede-like game
WPONG.ZIP 6,119 10/22/91 Pong game
WSIMON.ZIP 9,024 07/07/91 "Simon" game for Windows 3.
WT100.WNT 488 03/26/92 Star Trek clone for Windows 3.0
WT100.ZIP 100,213 03/08/92 Lots of sound and graphics
W_HOP.ZIP 4,575 07/27/90 Windows Hop-Over Puzzle
XV.ZIP 17,452 07/04/91 XV game of 15 or Taquin.
YACHT1.ZIP 11,703 10/07/90 Yatzee-like Game of Dice
YACHT2.ZIP 25,736 05/20/91 Yacht version 2 - Windows Dice Game
YOW.ZIP 40,861 11/02/91 WinYow - and interactive GUI fortune for MS-Windo
Windows: Graphics
A_TARTAN.WNT 846 02/06/92 Desc - make one for your own clan!
A_TARTAN.ZIP 12,163 01/16/92 Weave a tartan .BMP for wallpaper
BBVIEW12.WNT 1,652 08/06/91 Text file describing file below.
BBVIEW12.ZIP 22,867 04/12/91 .GIF/.BMP/.RLE viewer/converter
BKG.WNT 507 10/22/91 Desc - uses less memory than wallpaper
BKG.ZIP 6,787 10/08/91 Set background to single, faded color
CVIEW.WNT 643 05/13/92 Desc - requires lots of memory
CVIEW.ZIP 118,157 05/13/92 Colorview, view/edit .JPG, .BMP, .GIF images
DXFSHOW.ZIP 27,409 07/12/91 Displays .DXF files, no docs
FISH.WNT 487 10/11/91 Description: also a screen blanker
FISH.ZIP 89,302 08/14/91 Animated background fish display
GRAF20.WNT 1,348 02/06/92 Desc - displays .BMP and .PCX formats
GRAF20.ZIP 50,784 01/27/92 Graphics file viewer
ICOCHZ12.ZIP 21,919 07/17/91 Icon Chooser, manages tons of icons
ICOMAGIC.ZIP 38,400 03/29/91 Icon Magic, icon editor
ICONB140.WNT 781 02/06/92 Desc - view up to 36 at once
ICONB140.ZIP 40,643 01/19/92 VB Icon Browser; list/view icons
ICONLOOK.WNT 292 08/11/91 Description of ICONLOOK.ZIP
ICONLOOK.ZIP 6,677 07/06/91 Displays icon files
IFX110.WNT 677 10/22/91 Desc - get rid of that boring DOS icon
IFX110.ZIP 15,841 10/07/91 Customize DOS program icons
IMSTR10.WNT 2,752 02/06/92 Desc - first non-beta release
IMSTR10.ZIP 128,127 01/18/92 IconMaster, edit/manage icons - award winner!
LENS101.WNT 1,580 10/26/91 Desc - magnify 1X to 20X
LENS101.ZIP 8,586 09/21/91 Magnifies area around cursor
NGCHART.WNT 2,442 04/19/92 Desc - paste charts into other apps
NGCHART.ZIP 132,543 03/15/92 Create flow charts, organization charts
PA405.WNT 2,049 03/13/92 Desc - browse/view fonts, print specimen sheets
PA405.ZIP 96,794 02/20/92 Printer's Apprentice font utility v.4.05
PCHART.ZIP 34,202 05/05/91 Draws pie/bar charts
POLYANNA.WNT 835 09/02/91 Test description of POLYANNA.ZIP
POLYANNA.ZIP 10,542 07/23/91 Moving-polygons display screen
PRVW13.WNT 1,771 10/06/91 Description - handy while laying out a document
PRVW13.ZIP 43,001 07/29/91 List and preview available fonts
SCRUTL91.WNT 2,051 10/26/91 Description - includes DOS version
SCRUTL91.ZIP 6,139 08/21/91 Small, simple total-screen blanker
TRUEVIEW.WNT 830 09/22/91 Description; requires Targa-compatible video cont
TRUEVIEW.ZIP 33,982 08/16/91 Targa-format file viewer for Windows
TYPEVIEW.WNT 412 09/22/91 Text description of TYPEVIEW
WINPTR.WNT 1,146 02/25/92 Desc - excellent help for laptop screens
WINPTR.ZIP 26,433 02/13/92 PC Mag's cursor changer, makes pointer easier to
Windows: Miscellaneous
51MACROS.ZIP 39,727 03/09/92 Collection of Word Perfect for Windows 3.1 Macros
ALM101.ZIP 145,786 10/17/90 Windows 3.0 calendar program.
ALMANAC.ZIP 148,822 01/18/91 Windows 3.0 !Great calendar program
APORIA.ZIP 63,821 07/05/89 Windows customization program. Nice.
ATLAS.ZIP 119,714 06/22/91 Windows 3.0 Atlas program
BART_S.ZIP 11,895 04/24/90 Bart Simpson wallpaper for Windows 3.0
BCKMN139.ZIP 25,531 03/01/91 Backmenu, Pop-up menu for Windows 3.0!
BIORYT.ZIP 18,311 01/18/88 Read Biorythm charts for Windows 3.0
BMP1.ZIP 6,000 05/22/90 BMP's for windows 3.0
CHECKE.ZIP 16,579 08/20/90 Checkers for Windows
CHKBK6.ZIP 66,518 06/16/90 Checkbook manager program
CLICK30.ZIP 26,520 05/26/90 Archive manager for Windows 3.0
CMDP62.ZIP 74,109 04/10/89 Command post informational for Windows
CMDPOST7.ZIP 250,302 07/17/90 Command Post 7.0G for Win 3.0
COLORFIX.ZIP 13,007 11/18/88 Better colors for MS Windows.
CONCEN10.ZIP 11,013 01/09/91 Concentration for Windows
CURSOR.ZIP 270,652 05/01/91 Windows 3.0 Mouse cursor styles utility
CURSOR_3.ZIP 6,835 06/16/90 Change your cursor in Windows 3.0
DESKNAV.ZIP 42,952 07/24/89 Metz Desktop Navigator for Windows 3.0
EYES.ZIP 10,634 11/11/88 Windows novelty where EYES watch cursor
FILEMAN.ZIP 27,357 01/11/91 File Manager Replacement for Win 3.0
FIRE42.ZIP 29,044 11/13/88 Screen Blanker w/ fireworks for Windows
FRACTALS.ZIP 551,082 09/01/91 Windows 3.0 Fractal generation programs
GIF2BMP.ZIP 23,615 04/07/90 Converts .GIF to Windows .BMP
GNUCHESS.ZIP 51,508 08/26/90 Windows 3.0 Chess Game
ICOMAG.ZIP 38,362 03/29/91 Windows 3.0 Icon designer program.
ICON.ZIP 147,872 09/23/89 Create icons for Windows 3.0
ICONDR12.ZIP 33,832 07/16/90 Draw ICONS for Windows 3.0
ICONDRAW.ZIP 32,538 06/15/90 Make your own icons for Windows 3.0
ICONS.ZIP 14,130 06/07/90 Ready made icons for windows 3.0
ICONUTIL.ZIP 949,229 06/20/91 Windows 3.0 Icon creation and extraction utiliti
IE.ZIP 36,437 06/27/90 Icon Editor V. 1.3 for Windows 3.0
IE2.ZIP 48,463 09/08/90 Icon Editor 2.0 for Windows 3.0 icons
KF200.ZIP 34,541 07/16/90 Memory and disk usage, Windows 3.0
KLZ209.ZIP 37,707 05/29/90 Klotz, like Tetris, good, for Win3
LANDER3.ZIP 24,371 06/10/90 Rocket lander game for Windows 3
MARK30.ZIP 15,090 06/02/90 Mark Windows 2.xx prgs to Windows 3.0
METZ.ZIP 466,500 07/01/91 Windows 3.0 Metz utilities (Working Demos)
MS.ZIP 7,198 07/10/90 Windows 3.0 screen blanker.
MS20A.ZIP 18,061 08/13/90 Monitor saver for Windows 3.0
MULTIPAD.ZIP 11,791 01/09/90 Like SYSEDIT, you choose files, Win 3.0
MUTANT.ZIP 1,627 07/25/90 Those Mutant Turtles
NEWWIN1.ZIP 56,783 04/24/91 Finally! Change Win 3.0 opening screen
PBIC11.ZIP 18,978 07/12/90 Icon creator, use w/Paintbrush, Win 3.0
PHONE341.ZIP 48,676 09/22/90 Phone Book and Dialer for Windows
PSHOP.ZIP 21,210 08/27/90 Converts .GIF<->.PCX<->.BMP, a Windows applicatio
RAISE110.ZIP 10,898 02/11/91 Choose areas without clicking in Win3
RECRUN.ZIP 19,652 06/22/90 Link macros to icons in Win3 PROGMAN
SCIENCE.ZIP 340,782 09/20/91 Windows 3.0 Science related programs.
SCRNSAV.ZIP 354,936 09/01/91 Windows 3.0 Screen saver routines
SCRPE12.ZIP 33,388 06/30/90 EXCELLENT win3 scrn saver, use spx2.zip
SPX2.ZIP 43,534 07/06/90 Optional modules, use with scrpe12.zip
TAIPEI.ZIP 27,640 05/17/90 A win3 tile matching game
UC_20C.ZIP 168,215 08/26/90 Unicomm v.2.00 Comm package for Windows 3.0
UNICOM20.ZIP 166,516 08/05/90 Windows Comm. program with Zmodem.
WATSON.ZIP 14,043 06/23/89 Memory display util for Windows
WCK22A.ZIP 173,095 03/01/91 Windows 3.0 Personal Checking Program
WET_T.ZIP 43,126 06/28/90 Full screen b/w BMP for win3 wallpaper
WIN3CLCK.ZIP 16,354 07/26/90 Clock w/alarm for Windows 3.0
WINCHE.ZIP 11,866 02/11/87 Chess game for Windows 3.0
WINCOMM.ZIP 125,485 04/01/89 Excellent Windows Communication Package
WINEDIT.ZIP 150,090 09/29/91 Windows 3.0 Programmers Editor
WINEXI.ZIP 4,518 08/09/90 Exit Windows 3.0 by clicking on this icon.
WINGAMES.ZIP 32,065 09/29/86 Games for MS-Windows
WINGIF3.ZIP 20,126 10/03/90 GIF viewer for Windows 3.0
WINPOST.ZIP 10,553 11/25/90 Postit notes for Windows 3.0
WINSPE.ZIP 405,262 09/22/91 Windows 3.0 Interactive Spelling Checker
WINTET.ZIP 9,865 07/07/89 Windows 3.0 Tetris
WINTRIS.ZIP 13,702 07/26/90 Like Tetris, for Windows 3.0
WWHERE.ZIP 15,139 03/03/90 File Find utility for Windows 3.0
XVTDRAW.ZIP 85,453 10/28/87 MS Windows XVT-Draw /excellent
XWORD1.ZIP 37,690 04/07/90 Crossword Puzzle maker for Windows 3.0
ZM201.ZIP 54,110 08/03/90 PK [Zip/Unzip] manager for win3
ZM30.ZIP 77,450 10/05/90 .ZIP Manager for Windows 3.0
Windows: Programming
AB10.WNT 667 05/06/92 Desc - scheduler, calendar, alarm, network aware
AB10.ZIP 175,836 04/08/92 Above & Beyond, personal information manager
ABULAF11.WNT 395 02/13/92 Desc - includes dump-to-ASCII utility
ABULAF11.ZIP 64,837 01/15/92 Abulafia diary-keeping program
ADDRES16.WNT 943 04/19/92 Desc - has remarks field, imports .CRD files
ADDRES16.ZIP 132,297 04/03/92 Address Manager, envelope printer, dialer
ATLUS.ZIP 119,752 06/22/91 Map/database of major U.S. cities
B2MLK100.WNT 1,740 03/13/92 Desc - includes format examples
B2MLK100.ZIP 17,299 03/12/92 Create MicroLink dialing directory from BBS list
BIZWIZ.WNT 582 09/22/91 Description of BizWiz, HP-12C emulation
BIZWIZ.ZIP 112,944 08/27/91 BizWiz, financial calculator for Windows
CSLNR32.WNT 671 02/13/92 Desc - very configurable
CSLNR32.ZIP 41,874 12/10/91 CaseLiner - prints audio cassette labels
DATEZIP.LOG 4,094 05/10/92
DSKTRK11.WNT 1,823 02/29/92 - prints labels, reports
DSKTRK11.ZIP 110,525 02/19/92 ogue disk files, even within archives
ENVEL22.WNT 615 02/13/92 Desc - fill it out right onscreen
ENVEL22.ZIP 85,662 01/02/92 PrintEnvelope addressing/printing
FORMCODE.WNT 1,969 11/18/91 Desc - generates dBase code output for printing
FORMCODE.ZIP 117,327 11/08/91 Design printed forms & mailing labels
HEXCONV.WNT 381 08/13/91 Description of HEXCONV.ZIP
HEXCONV.ZIP 7,769 08/02/91 Hex/decimal/binary converter
L4W.WNT 257 08/11/91 Description of L4W.ZIP
L4W.ZIP 7,446 07/01/91 "Lost for Words" phrase maker
MATHGRAF.WNT 407 11/04/91 Desc - graphs over x/y coordinates
MATHGRAF.ZIP 30,904 10/19/91 MathGraf, graph mathematical functions
MCALC100.WNT 2,298 10/26/91 Desc - requires VBRUN module
MCALC100.ZIP 39,163 10/26/91 MIDI musician's calculator
MD120.WNT 905 02/17/92 Desc - does what-if calculations
MD120.ZIP 80,023 02/01/92 Mortgage Designer, calculates payments, amortizat
MED2GO.ZIP 52,327 06/29/91 Medline database file interconversion program
MLK090.WNT 1,225 10/22/91 Description - now with toolbar, Zmodem
MLK090.ZIP 130,114 10/13/91 MicroLink telecommunications package for Windows
NCOMPASS.WNT 1,106 10/26/91 Desc - computes distances between points
NCOMPASS.ZIP 261,604 09/30/91 Travel mapping program for Windows
NOTEBK15.ZIP 40,847 06/22/91 Notebook text editor, ver. 1.51
PAIN_ACC.WNT 966 11/04/91 Desc - full-featured accounting program
PAIN_ACC.ZIP 350,634 10/30/91 Painless Accounting for Windows
PAIN_PAY.WNT 1,070 11/04/91 Desc - handles federal and all 50 states
PAIN_PAY.ZIP 303,619 10/20/91 Painless Payroll for Windows
PARENT21.WNT 1,835 09/29/91 Description of update to PARENTS
PARENT21.ZIP 66,835 08/31/91 Parents, Windows-based genealogy program
PBBSW150.ZIP 344,776 07/14/91 BBS program, runs under Windows
PCOMM101.WNT 957 11/18/91 Desc - use mouse remotely with PowerBBS!
PCOMM101.ZIP 67,763 11/14/91 Communications terminal program for Windows
REMIND16.WNT 926 03/13/92 Desc - now has internal maintenance panel
REMIND16.ZIP 20,060 03/06/92 Reminder, popup to-do list
REMINDER.WNT 675 09/22/91 Description of REMINDER - requires VBRUN module
REMINDER.ZIP 8,368 09/15/91 Important dates pop-up in a Window
RMD10A.WNT 6,870 08/06/91 Text file describing file below.
RMD10A.ZIP 115,930 07/25/91 Reminder, a time-management program
ROCKFORD.WNT 2,508 10/26/91 Desc - layout, print w/ WYSIWYG
ROCKFORD.ZIP 87,071 10/17/91 Business card designer w/ graphics
SMITH.WNT 1,218 09/18/91 Money Smith, home/business accounting program
SMITH.ZIP 172,441 08/17/91 Money Smith 1.2 with toolbar; configurable
STOPW.WNT 700 10/22/91 Description of StopWatch, requires VBRUN100.DLL
STOPW.ZIP 3,999 10/11/91 StopWatch for Windows, tracks elapsed time
TCHAOS.ZIP 64,752 11/16/91 Very useful personal information manager
WCK30.WNT 1,196 09/19/91 Description of WinCheck, enhanced finance manager
WCK30.ZIP 270,077 09/03/91 Win Check, financial manager from Wilson WindowWa
WDISKMAN.WNT 529 02/29/92 - list and label your disk collection
WDISKMAN.ZIP 46,736 02/17/92 an diskette cataloguer/label printer
WED12A.ZIP 117,497 07/09/91 WinEdit, now with undo & typeover
WED13B.WNT 2,330 03/26/92 Desc - many fixes, new features
WED13B.ZIP 223,904 03/15/92 WinEdit text editor for Windows
WINDBASE.WNT 834 10/05/91 Description - WindBase from Nickleware
WINDBASE.ZIP 70,115 09/26/91 Database for Windows
WINSPELL.WNT 693 09/06/91 Text description of WINSPELL
WINSPELL.ZIP 394,232 09/02/91 Check spelling in any window, even DOSapps
WINSQL.ZIP 153,159 06/02/91 Orion 1.0 relational database program
WNQVT472.WNT 443 08/22/91 Description of WNQVT472.ZIP
WNQVT472.ZIP 155,718 08/13/91 WinQVT, terminal emulation/communications
WOUT11.WNT 744 10/01/91 Description of WOUT11, auto-numbers & indents
WOUT11.ZIP 31,696 04/08/91 Windows outline processor
WTIME03.WNT 790 09/27/91 Description of WTIME03- freeware TZ clock
WTIME03.ZIP 32,441 09/03/91 Tells time all over the world
XANTIPPE.WNT 331 08/22/91 Description of XANTIPPE.ZIP
XANTIPPE.ZIP 143,025 08/15/91 Card-based hypertext editor
Windows: Sound
SBPW31.ZIP 56,576 04/06/92 Sound Blaster Pro Drivers for Windows 3.1
SBW31.ZIP 49,541 04/06/92 Sound Blaster Drivers for Windows 3.1
SND2WAV.WNT 291 04/28/92 Desc - public domain conversion utility
SND2WAV.ZIP 17,834 12/15/91 Convert .SND sound files to .WAV format
SOUNDWAV.ZIP 488,157 04/15/92 Collection of .WAV files for Windows 3.1
SYMA_100.WNT 466 05/13/92 Desc - for Yamaha TX81Z and Casio MT-260, etc.
SYMA_100.ZIP 144,427 11/14/91 Patch editor / synth control program
THEDRUMS.WNT 333 04/28/92 Desc - requires MIDI setup
THEDRUMS.ZIP 110,410 03/23/92 Drum-machine percussion sound editor/sequencer
VPLAYW.WNT 787 05/13/92 Desc - requires SoundBlaster or compatible
VPLAYW.ZIP 73,658 03/22/92 Sound file player for .VOC Files
WAV_VOC.ZIP 31,608 11/21/91 Convert .VOC files to .WAV format, and vice-versa
WHOOP.WNT 864 05/13/92 Desc - w/ sample .WAV files
WHOOP.ZIP 151,365 04/22/92 Whoop It Up! assign sounds to system events
WJMR20.WNT 1,046 05/13/92 Desc - includes three sample songs
WJMR20.ZIP 154,548 02/10/92 MIDI sequencer and player for Windows
Windows: System
DDEAPP.WNT 399 08/19/91 Description of DDEAPP.ZIP
DDEAPP.ZIP 14,121 08/09/91 MS Tech Notes on Dynamic Data Exchange
DR6WIN.ZIP 120,320 04/07/92 Patch for using Windows 3.1 with DR DOS 6.0
EDIINS.WNT 643 11/04/91 Desc - automate installation of Windows apps
EDIINS.ZIP 24,887 10/28/91 Windows program installation utility
LOLA101B.WNT 732 08/06/91 Text file describing file below -- Lola101b.Zip
LOLA101B.ZIP 34,584 08/01/91 Edit echomail control files, for sysops
MSGM203.WNT 653 11/04/91 Desc - fully-featured update
MSGM203.ZIP 111,152 10/26/91 Fido-style message editor for Windows
QOS_DOS5.ZIP 6,307 06/19/91 Windows, DOS5, and DV/QEMM - tech notes
SPEEDWIN.ZIP 3,821 03/17/92 Word Perfect for Windows 3.1 advice on speeding u
VBRUNDLL.ZIP 169,522 06/30/91 Module REQUIRED to run Visual Basic apps
WIN31WP.ZIP 1,098 03/25/92 Word Perfect for Windows advice on conflicts WIN
WINBB391.ZIP 4,174 09/07/91 Bill Hunter's WINBB list of Window's BBS's
WININFO.ZIP 27,451 08/13/91 How to have your BBS listed in the WINBB list
WINQ130.WNT 152 08/18/91 Description of WINQ130.ZIP
WINQ130.ZIP 107,467 08/16/91 WinQwk mail reader for .QWK packets - update
WXPRESS.WNT 822 02/06/92 Desc - somewhat crippled but interesting
WXPRESS.ZIP 299,920 02/02/92 Windows-based BBS program
Windows: Utilities
4SHELL.WNT 1,753 09/02/91 Text description of 4SHELL.ZIP
4SHELL.ZIP 75,258 08/15/91 Use 4PRINT and 4BOOK under Windows
4WIN110.ZIP 40,680 07/04/91 Dos shell for Windows, update
ACCMATE.WNT 1,094 10/06/91 Description - all accessories from one big menu
ACCMATE.ZIP 6,390 09/21/91 Special launcher for Windows-bundled accessories
ADOCK10.WNT 561 08/06/91 Description text of file below
ADOCK101.ZIP 16,475 07/18/91 NExT-like toolbar launches apps from icons
APPBAR.WNT 375 11/04/91 Desc - launch *and* close apps with a click
APPBAR.ZIP 34,189 10/14/91 Launch applications from NeXt-like icon bar
BB11.WNT 410 03/13/92 Desc - customize messages, use password protectio
BB11.ZIP 45,487 03/01/92 BlinkBlank screen blanker; leave/retrieve message
BROWIN10.WNT 858 11/04/91 Desc - modify .INI files and associations
BROWIN10.ZIP 10,260 10/15/91 .INI file browser
CCIZIP.WNT 1,724 09/02/91 Text description of CCIZIP.ZIP
CCIZIP.ZIP 48,042 08/23/91 .ZIP file manager, scanner, browser
CHCUR101.WNT 233 08/12/91 Description of CHCUR101.ZIP
CHCUR101.ZIP 15,107 01/29/91 Hide/unhide cursor while typing
CP_72B.WNT 1,360 03/17/92 Desc - Progman/Fileman replacement, does it all
CP_72B.ZIP 285,880 02/22/92 Command Post shell from Wilson WindowWare
CRITOM32.WNT 526 10/22/91 Description - requires VBRUN100.DLL
CRITOM32.ZIP 8,053 09/27/91 Memory reporting utility for Windows 3
CTS210A.WNT 524 05/13/92 Desc - use with 3.0 or 3.1
CTS210A.ZIP 585,291 05/13/92 CT Shell - An excellent file management shell
CTSHELL.WNT 917 08/14/91 Description of CTSHELL.ZIP
CTSHELL.ZIP 109,957 07/28/91 Excellent file manager/shell
CVIEW10.WNT 637 02/13/92 Desc - copy any font/character to clipboard
CVIEW10.ZIP 8,269 01/13/92 CharView, clipboard enhancer
DETOUR.ZIP 21,233 08/05/91 Change file associations at will
DTPB.WNT 1,156 04/19/92 Desc - has text editor too
DTPB.ZIP 121,090 04/03/92 Text file and bitmap viewer
DUMPER.WNT 464 08/14/91 Description of DUMPER.ZIP
DUMPER.ZIP 13,216 07/12/91 Background print without Print Manager
EIW110.WNT 845 10/22/91 Desc - uses DES encryption methods
EIW110.ZIP 58,668 08/29/91 File encryption/decryption utility
EIW130.WNT 867 02/17/92 Desc - uses government DES standard
EIW130.ZIP 64,339 02/09/92 Encrypt-it file encryption/decryption
ENGAGE2.WNT 240 08/14/91 Description of ENGAGE.ZIP
ENGAGE2.ZIP 21,509 07/30/91 Engage, a file launcher
FEDPROG.WNT 378 05/13/92 Desc - a different approach to opening windows
FEDPROG.ZIP 96,665 05/13/92 Star Trek type file launcher
FILEOPEN.ZIP 191,048 06/21/91 Open file along with Win application
FNTSH42A.ZIP 135,637 09/27/91 Great fontshow type for windows.
FONTAP.ZIP 18,288 06/29/91 Screen/printer font viewer, requires VBRUN module
FONTER.ZIP 11,088 07/08/91 View/print Windows fonts, requires VBRUNDLL modul
FORNR101.WNT 340 08/14/91 Description of FORNR101.ZIP
FORNR101.ZIP 11,239 07/26/91 Insert foreign symbols in documents
FRONTW11.WNT 2,089 03/26/92 Desc - uses dir notes, prints dir tree
FRONTW11.ZIP 125,104 03/06/92 Front Window file manager for Win3
GANDER10.WNT 1,436 09/27/91 Description of GANDER10, hex file viewer
GANDER10.ZIP 45,904 09/01/91 Binary/text file viewer for Windows
GLUE.ZIP 8,814 06/08/91 Attach a DOS program to a Windows executable
HSHL10.WNT 340 11/04/91 Desc - uses minimal memory, loads fast
HSHL10.ZIP 19,441 10/07/91 Half-Shell, ProgMan replacement shell
HUT101.WNT 1,558 02/17/92 Desc - the Huntley Utilities
HUT101.ZIP 29,572 02/10/92 Dos-type launcher/editor/labeler
ISWIN.ZIP 998 07/02/91 Keep from running CHKDSK with Win active
KEYMOU20.WNT 214 08/11/91 Description of KEYMOUSE.ZIP
KEYMOU20.ZIP 20,813 08/01/91 KeyMouse, emulates mouse w/ keyboard
KFREE501.WNT 637 03/26/92 Desc - shows resources in small window
KFREE501.ZIP 225,617 03/12/92 K-Free, system and disk monitor
LAUN20.ZIP 20,612 06/26/91 Launch!, hotkey program launcher
LOCK31.WNT 1,698 03/26/92 Desc - lock your system from use by others
LOCK31.ZIP 80,219 03/01/92 Lock for Windows system security
MEXEC.WNT 999 08/06/91 Text file describing file below.
MEXEC.ZIP 18,844 07/24/91 Configurable file launcher, replaces RUN command
MIXCAS12.WNT 976 04/19/92 Desc - use text file or clipboard
MIXCAS12.ZIP 42,977 03/13/92 Text case converter, very helpful with all-caps t
MORECON.WNT 1,430 05/17/92 Desc - free from Sloop Software
MPA_10.WNT 835 09/29/91 Description of MPA-10 w/ popup program choice
MPA_10.ZIP 9,610 07/28/91 Multiple Program Association for one file ext.
NAV062.WNT 3,299 10/14/91 Desc - supports archivers, background print, more
NAV062.ZIP 303,848 10/03/91 Navigator full-featured shell for Windows
PINUP12.WNT 1,043 04/19/92 Desc - makes .TXT or .BMP files
PINUP12.ZIP 25,218 03/26/92 Make quick notes, capture graphics
SLOOPMAN.WNT 1,004 08/02/91 Text description of SLOOPMAN.ZIP
SLOOPMAN.ZIP 82,612 07/25/91 Enhanced replacement for Program Manager
STAT20.ZIP 34,522 07/14/91 Statline, status display - update!
SUPERRM.WNT 870 10/26/91 Desc - graphic display of system usage
SUPERRM.ZIP 25,093 10/25/91 Resource monitor for Windows
SYSUP.WNT 74 08/14/91 Description of SYSUP.ZIP
SYSUP.ZIP 9,583 08/05/91 Tells how long Windows has been running
UDEL.ZIP 75,706 07/26/91 The "ultimate file deleter", many options
UNICOM3B.ZIP 311,855 09/29/91 Unicom 3.0B update
USHER14.WNT 422 08/14/91 Description of USHER14.ZIP
USHER14.ZIP 18,057 07/16/91 Usher, single-click launcher menu
UTL200.WNT 1,094 02/06/92 Desc - stayopen, closer, run, more
UTL200.ZIP 75,034 11/29/91 Collection of small utilities for Windows
WCOMMAND.WNT 1,314 02/13/92 Desc - better than that DOS box
WCOMMAND.ZIP 76,731 02/06/92 Command line interpreter for Windows
WCRON10.WNT 398 08/14/91 Description of WCRON10.ZIP
WCRON10.ZIP 64,796 08/04/91 Task scheduler for Windows
WDISKCHK.ZIP 36,149 06/07/91 Shows free drive space, freeware
WHISK26A.ZIP 23,958 09/16/91 Use *all* your mouse buttons!
WINCOLOR.ZIP 46,169 07/11/91 PC Mag's WINCOLOR utility
WINDOCK.WNT 507 02/13/92 Desc - uses drag-drop control, docking bar
WINDOCK.ZIP 37,623 02/07/92 Application launcher for Win3.1+
WINEZ20.WNT 1,205 08/14/91 Description of WINEZ20.ZIP
WINEZ20.ZIP 45,800 08/09/91 Switch/run tasks from menu bar
WINFO.ZIP 10,814 07/02/91 Displays Windows system info
WININIT.WNT 484 10/26/91 Desc - run once at startup
WININIT.ZIP 6,375 08/08/91 Desktop arranger
WINPRT14.WNT 1,507 11/18/91 Desc - fast plain-text printer
WINPRT14.ZIP 135,494 11/01/91 Print ASCII files from within Windows
WINSPD10.WNT 284 05/13/92 Desc - tests CPU, disk(s), video
WINSPD10.ZIP 50,941 05/13/92 WinSpeed - tests system performance
WNQVT471.ZIP 161,813 10/08/91 WinQvt 4.71 Excellent windows terminal
WNQVT473.ZIP 157,871 08/30/91 Terminal program for windows Winqvt 4.73
WSCAN84.WNT 1,306 10/12/91 Description - from McAfee Associates
WSCAN84.ZIP 123,976 10/09/91 Virus scanner to run under Windows
WSCAN86.WNT 404 02/06/92 Desc - current as of 1/24/92
WSCAN86.ZIP 154,317 01/28/92 McAfee virus scanner for Windows
WUNA200.WNT 998 10/06/91 Description- replaces WUNZP107.ZIP
WUNA200.ZIP 50,547 10/01/91 Windows UnArchiver for .ZIP, .ARJ files
WUNZP107.ZIP 33,469 07/14/91 .ZIP archive extraction utility
YASS10.WNT 212 05/13/92 Desc - works with Win 3.1
YASS10.ZIP 18,805 05/13/92 Yet Another Screen Saver