1554 The DLL "%s%s" which you have selected does not have function definitions included in it.
1555 Successfully loaded "%s()"
1556 *.ucd, *.dll
3362 The screen is now being printed.
6700 &About...
6701 Presentation Window
6711 %s icon with ID %ld
6716 Controller
6748 /P
6759 Packaged files|*.a7r|All files|*.*|
6761 Program files|*.exe|All files|*.*|
6762 All available|*.exe;*.pif;*.com;*.bat|EXE files|*.exe|PIF files|*.pif|COM files|*.com|Batch files|*.bat|All files|*.*|
6763 Packaged libraries|*.a7e|All files|*.*|
6765 All available|
6766 All files|*.*|
6785 DLLs|*.dll|All files|*.*|
6786 All available|*.bmp;*.dib;*.rle;*.eps;*.pnt;*.pic;*.pct;*.wmf;*.pcx;*.tif|Bitmap|*.bmp;*.dib;*.rle|EPSF|*.eps|MacPaint|*.pnt|Macintosh PICT|*.pic;*.pct|Metafile|*.wmf|Paintbrush|*.pcx|TIFF|*.tif|All files|*.*|
6787 Text files|*.txt|All files|*.*|
6796 Directory
6797 Courses
6798 Packages
6799 Libraries
6800 Movies
6808 MOACacheFiles
6892 SoundBuffers
6893 buffer.count
6894 buffer.size
6895 Preferences
6896 CloseFiles
6898 Debug
6899 ShowErrors
6900 Options
6901 QuickTime
6924 unspecified error
6925 device ID is out of range
6926 driver failed it's enable
6927 the sound device is being used by another application
6928 device handle is invalid
6929 no device driver is present
6930 memory allocation error
6931 function isn't supported
6932 error number out of range
6933 invalid flag passed
6934 invalid parameter passed
6935 the sound's format is not supported
6936 still something playing
6937 header hasn't been prepared
6938 device is synchronous
6939 the data hook didn't supply the data
6940 no sound driver specified in .INI file
6941 driver hasn't been initialized yet
6942 LoadLibrary didn't work
6943 specified sound driver can't be found
6944 bad sound driver interface version
6972 Display
6973 Motion
6974 Erase
6975 Interaction
6976 Decision
6977 Map
6978 Wait
6979 Calc
6980 Movie
6981 Sound
6982 Video
6983 Framework
6984 Navigate
6985 Sprite
6986 Knowledge Object
7004 Convert...
7005 Make Static
7006 Attributes...
7007 &File
7008 Insert Object...
7009 Paste Special
7010 Text
7011 as Text
7012 Device Independent Bitmap
7013 Bitmap
7014 as Bitmap
7015 Picture (Metafile)
7016 a static picture
7017 Authorware
7018 OLE Object
7019 OLE Objects
7052 unknown error (%d)
7053 no error
7054 invalid executable file-format
7055 no such file or directory
7056 bad file handle or attempt to write to read-only file
7057 computer memory is full
7058 permission to access this file is denied
7059 file already exists
7060 can't rename a file to a different device
7061 invalid argument
7062 too many open files
7063 disk is full
7064 argument or environment space too large
7065 file is already open elsewhere
7066 file is damaged or not an Authorware file
7067 file format is too old
7068 APM file format too old (or new)
7069 file has bad or wrong type
7070 missing record
7071 too many records
7072 file access is denied
7073 invalid directory specification
7074 disk is write-protected
7075 file format is newer than this program version
7076 import data format is unknown or invalid
7077 too many icons or variables
7078 file is locked
7079 file is in use elsewhere
7080 server volume for this file has been disconnected
7081 volume does not exist
7082 not enough free memory available or application is already running
7083 application could not be found
7084 document could not be found
7085 file system error
7086 disk error
7087 APM file version is too old to move cross-platform. Convert the file on Macintosh first
7088 the filename format is incorrect, possibly because long filenames are not supported on this volume. Please use a valid name.
7089 Xtra failed
7090 Xtra not found
7091 data format is not supported or is incorrect for this type of icon
7092 data incorrect for this format
7094 file contains an invalid embedded expression
7095 unable to find application for specified document
7096 request not supported
7097 file untitled
7098 library not found
7116 None
7117 Single-click
7118 Double-click
7164 Recent Pages
7165 Find
7166 Word/Phrase:
7167 Page:
7168 Find
7169 Go to Page
7170 Cancel
7171 File not Loaded
7172 Pause
7173 Resume
7174 99
7175 Ignored.txt
7176 Import
7180 AW Native
7181 as an AW object
7182 as Device Independent Bitmap
7183 Untitled
7184 AWEmbed
7185 Linked
7186 %s
7187 1B52AF01-23A4-101B-BD84-04021C007002
7188 &Close %s Ctrl+W
7189 Play
7324 (Default Style)
7325 Bold
7326 Bold=Off
7327 Italic
7328 Italic=Off
7329 Underline
7330 Underline=Off
7331 Outline
7332 Outline=Off
7333 Shadow
7334 Shadow=Off
7335 Superscript
7336 Subscript
7337 Color
7338 White
7339 Black
7340 NumericFormat
7360 Text Import
7408 A7WOLE32.DLL
7504 Same as Up
7505 Same as Down
7506 Same as Over
7507 Same as Disabled
7508 Same as Up & Checked
7509 Same as Down & Checked
7510 Same as Over & Checked
7511 Same as Disabled & Checked
7512 Use Imported
7513 Use Standard Graphic
7514 Show Label
7515 Optimizing button image data
7516 Removing references to deleted buttons.
7517 Button
7518 Fixing button sound data.
7519 Fixing button base block.
7552 internal error (ERR_REC_TOO_BIG)
7553 internal error (ERR_REC_NEVER_CHANGED)
7554 cannot use same file
7555 resource error
7568 Match Display Content:
7569 Match Calculation:
7570 Match Icon Title:
7571 Match Keyword:
7600 Monochrome (B&W)
7601 4 colors
7602 16 colors
7603 256 colors
7604 Thousands
7605 Millions
7606 %d bit
7607 has image +
7608 has text +
7609 has sound +
7610 inherit image +
7611 inherit text +
7612 inherit sound +
7613 Index:
7614 Text Alignment:
7615 Text RECT:
7616 Text Style:
7617 center
7618 left
7619 right
7620 Image Offset:
7621 Flags:
7622 hidden
7623 Refs:
7624 Name:
7625 Image CKS:
7626 Sound CKS:
7627 Width:
7628 Height:
7629 custom +
7630 procedural +
7631 resource +
7632 automark +
7633 checkbox +
7634 cropped +
7635 invalbwd +
7636 Depth:
7637 Image Record:
7638 Sound Record:
7639 size:
7640 id:
7641 rect:
7642 oldr:
7696 Custom Cursor
7697 Standard Cursor
7698 SetCursor(%d)
7699 %d Uses
7700 Resource Id: %d
7703 Misspelled Word
7704 Repeated Word
7705 Reformatting text
7706 %d of %d icons
7707 Link
7708 Icon
7709 Date
7710 Title
7711 Link Name
7712 chunk %d for world %d
7713 bigrec for node %lx
7714 Fixing conditional answer expressions
7715 DeletedFunction
7716 Fixing %s
7717 Fixing duplicate library linknames
7718 Expanding root icon
7719 Converting button sound data
7720 Converting key triggers
7721 Rebuilding triggers
7722 Fixing user function references
7723 Converting and compressing records
7724 Converting font mapping information
7725 Character mapping icon titles and expressions