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174 lines
BANNER.ZIP Prints a banner on printer
CANONLBP.ZIP Text file with Printer Codes for Canon Laser
COVER.ZIP Prints disk directory - fits floppy sleeve
CRTDUMP.ZIP Color Screen Dump for NEC Color P5 Printer
DBLSIDE.ZIP Nifty utility to let you print on both sides of th
DOWNFONT.ZIP Printer font utility
ENVELOPE.ZIP Prints Evelopes and Labels - for Epsons,Alps
EPSNUTIL.ZIP Epson printer utility program
EPSON.ZIP Epson printer driver for EGA graphics screens
EPSONUTL.ZIP Set printer modes with this program
FINGER.ZIP PFS: sign language alphabet font for First Publish
FONTID.ZIP Download Soft Fonts to HP Series II
HPLJCON.ZIP LaserJet printer setup utility
HPUTILS.ZIP HP utilities
IBM2HPJ.ZIP PC Paint pics to hp laserjet
IBMLABEL.ZIP Prints various labels
IMAGE.ZIP Read and write 256 color Windows bitmaps (.BMP)
ITALICS.ZIP Set Epson printer for italics printing
LABEL3.ZIP Label maker for printer
LABELER.ZIP Label printing software
LABELRX4.ZIP Label printing software
LASERJET.ZIP HP laser jet utilities
LETRHEAD.ZIP Lets you design and print a letterhead design
LJFONT10.ZIP HP laser jet fonts
LJUTILS.ZIP Set LaserJet printer formats and modes in DOS
LOTOFN.ZIP Some fonts for PFS: First Publisher
LQ.ZIP Makes Epson or IBM print near-letter quality
PMANIMAL.ZIP Printer animal thing
PRINTER.ZIP Print to HP LaserJet II or IBM Graphic Printer
PRINTER2.ZIP Simple Epson printer utility
PRNT1.ZIP Printer setup menu for Epson/IBM
PRNTSCRN.ZIP Printscreen utility
PRTLABEL.ZIP label printer
PSGRAFIC.ZIP Additional graphics for Print Shop
PSICONS4.ZIP Print Shop graphics library
QMSKISS.ZIP Printer utility
SETLIPS.ZIP Printer utility
SETOKI.ZIP Okidata printer utility
SETPRN.ZIP Printer utility
SETUP.ZIP Printer utility
SIDEWRIT.ZIP Print stuff sideways
SP.ZIP Print spooler, with documentation
TYPERITE.ZIP Turns your PC into a typewriter
VEDEMO.ZIP Printer utility
WRAP.ZIP Make printer skip over perf, set column width
1124RS20.ZIP Panasonic KX-P1124/Epson LQ-2500 printer setup
3812PRN.ZIP IBM 3812 Pageprinter driver
BANNER85.ZIP Print banners on any printer
BARCODE5.ZIP Prints multi-format bar-codes for dot matrix
BF2FN3.ZIP Additional Fonts for Bradford 2.0
BOTH350.ZIP Print on both sides of paper
BRDFORD2.ZIP NLQ & 40 fonts for dot matrix printer
CASSETTE.ZIP Casette labeler (I hope!)
CASSLBL.ZIP Casette labeler (I know...)
CASSLBL2.ZIP Make audio cassette labels on IBM mode printer
CLM3.ZIP Casette label maker
COPYCAT.ZIP Format ASCII file for printing w/hdrs/pgnrs
CRAM_V21.ZIP CRAM v2.1, Place 6 pages of text on 1 sheet
DMP205.ZIP Resident print spooler, spools to disk, memory
DOCPRINT.ZIP Alternative formating/printing of .DOC files
DOCPRN.ZIP Format and print text files for EPSON printer
DOCSM330.ZIP Print 4 pages of text on one page. Epson comp.
DOTAB10.ZIP Fake margin: insert spaces start of each line
DPRINT3.ZIP File printing util, formats and paginates text
DUMP0891.ZIP Dump graphic screens to LaserJet/Epson printer
ENVMKR33.ZIP Envelope maker for Dot Matrix/Diablo printer
EPLQFNTS.ZIP Fonts for Epson LQ800/1000 printers
EZLBLR10.ZIP Generate all types of labels quickly
EZTYPE32.ZIP Print formatter: paginates/headers/margins
FLOWCNTL.ZIP Alter serial port COM1 to use ^S/^Q handshake
FONT.ZIP FontEdit for IBM ProPrinter
FONTMSTR.ZIP Dot Matrix printer enhancement
FORMFEED.ZIP Sends formfeed to printer
FRMFIT30.ZIP Template production for pre-printed forms
FXMASTER.ZIP Menu-select 160+ Epson FX fonts/features v3.31
GRAB57.ZIP TSR grabs address from letter, prints envelope
HDLU40.ZIP List your HD's files & directories on printer
IMP400A.ZIP Letter Quality from a dot matrix printer, 1/2
IMP400B.ZIP Letter Quality from a dot matrix printer, 2/2
ISIGNS50.ZIP Make banners (down page) & signs (across page)
LABELS.ZIP Label program for 5 line labels
LABLMST2.ZIP Printer label utility
LASER.ZIP Gen. HiRes data plots on dot matrix/Laser ptr
LBANNER.ZIP Print banners
LETHEAD3.ZIP Print logos and headings on letters, etc.
LIST.ZIP File lister to printer
LM40.ZIP Label maker 4.0
LM51.ZIP LabelMaster v5.1, printer label maker w/dialer
LP.ZIP LP file printing utility
LP13.ZIP Unix-like file printer
LPR_LPQ3.ZIP Utilities to enhance DOS's PRINT.COM
LPT2DSK.ZIP Capture LPT output to a disk file
LPTCOM02.ZIP Redirect LPT to COM2
LPTX600.ZIP Redirect printer output to a file
LPTX700.ZIP Updated LPT (redirect PRN to file) [.ASM src]
LP_OKI.ZIP V.Buerg's Print OKI file w/ headings
LQ15TSR.ZIP TSR printer controllers LQ1500/KXP1524/KXP1091
LQ235.ZIP Enhances 9-pin printers; lots of fonts, NLQ.
LQCHR121.ZIP Design own char sets for Epson LQ compat prntr
MB_LP15.ZIP Unix-style paginating file printer
MPAGE113.ZIP Print multiple pages per sheet on PS printer
MPMPR2.ZIP IBM graphics characters for Epson printers
MPP.ZIP Make your printer look like a Laser printer
MPRINT40.ZIP Multicopy/multifile print, now DESQview-aware
MSPOOL2.ZIP Print spooler handles LPT1-4 and Com
MTXT31.ZIP MicroText 3.1, print 4 pgs on 1 pg, tiny type
NOBS.ZIP No back space
OKI.ZIP Printer setup util for Oki 192/193 IBM ver
OKISET.ZIP 2 okidata ml-92 printer setup utilities
ONSIDE13.ZIP Sideways printing for PC-compatible printers
PAGE.ZIP Page feed
PCBANNER.ZIP Printer banners
PCLCM128.ZIP Compresses HP-PCL raster data. With C source
PCPR130.ZIP Text formatter: multiple files to printer/disk
PCROFF.ZIP Text formatter like Unix 'roff'
PC_LABEL.ZIP PC-Label ver 1.2, label maker
PFEPSON.ZIP Text formatter for Epsons & compatibles 5/88
PGRAF110.ZIP C language Printer Graphics Interface, v1.10
PIV101.ZIP AsEasyAs sideways/pretty print utility
PPP107.ZIP Pop-up printer utility
PPRINT55.ZIP Patriquin's advanced printer utility, v5.5
PR.ZIP Flexible and fast text file printer
PREPRINT.ZIP Determine how many printed pages in a file
PRFORM17.ZIP Multi-function printout formatter, w/C source
PRIND25.ZIP Redirect printer to file/screen/printer on cmd
PRINDIR.ZIP Redirects printer output to disk file
PRINDIR8.ZIP COM/LPT port redir. to any other port or file
PRINT.ZIP Formatted printer output
PRINTDOC.ZIP Print text files on both sides of the paper
PRINTFIX.ZIP Corrects problems in program printer output
PRINTQ11.ZIP Microsoft C interface to PRINT.COM
PRINTSC.ZIP EGA/VGA graphics printscreen to Epson or HPLJ
PRISC.ZIP Selective print screen by lines, disk option
PRN2FILE.ZIP Redirect printer to disk (w/asm)
PRNDSK.ZIP Redirect Printer Output To Disk
PRNTEST.ZIP Printer test and diag. utility
PRNTFIX.ZIP TSR fixes printer busy timeout problem
PROFF.ZIP Roff-like printer driver
PRSWAP.ZIP Swap Graph chars for ASCII (PCMag v4 #19)
PRT2SCRN.ZIP Redirects & stops shift PrtSc lock
PRTFILE.ZIP Text file list utilities w source
PRTLABL5.ZIP Menu-driven label printer
PRTSC1.ZIP Enhanced PrtSc replacement, sets print sizes
PSEND.ZIP Sends controls to printer from text file
PSTASH20.ZIP Redirects lpt output to file
ROD_FX.ZIP TSR printer setup utility for Epson FX
ROD_PR.ZIP TSR printer setup utility for IBM Prowriter
RPRN.ZIP Redirect printer output to disk file
RPTP13.ZIP Ron's Print To Printer - Text file formatter
SCRNDUMP.ZIP Screen dumper
SETPRINT.ZIP Send printer function cmds
SETPTR22.ZIP Ptr ctrl pgms for Epson,Oki,Citizen,HPLJ2, etc
SFNEC.ZIP Utilities for NEC 8023 printer
SHOWPCL.ZIP Hewlett Packard PCL file disassembler
SIDER.ZIP Print spreadsheets sideways, TP Source & .COM
SIDEWAYS.ZIP Sideways print program
SMPSQZPR.ZIP Squeeze Print for Epson dot-matrix printers
SP.ZIP Print spooler, with documentation
SPOOL.ZIP Printer spooler
SPOOLER.ZIP Dynamic print spooler uses EEMS (LIM 3.2/4.x)
SPOOLG.ZIP Fast print spooler
SPOOLRII.ZIP Background print spooler
SQC250.ZIP Powerful command-line printer control utility
SUPLABL.ZIP Label program - many options, fast
TAGPRINT.ZIP TSR PrtScr replacement
TSPRN15.ZIP Printing txt files, w/Diconix & Zenith laptop
TSRDL.ZIP TSR font download for Laserjet printers
TWOSIDE.ZIP Utility for printing on both sides of the page
VPRNT301.ZIP Printer redirection to disk file, v3.01
VSPOOL.ZIP Versa-Spooler v1.01 multi-printer spooler
XONXOFF3.ZIP XON/XOFF interrupt-driven serial printer drvr
YACPU.ZIP Prints planning calendar on a HP LaserJet III