Labels:book | bulletin board | reckoner | sky OCR: System Requirements Microsoft MS-DOSe version 3.1 or later, with CD-ROM extensions Microsoft Windows version 3.1 or later, or Windows. 95 80386, 80486 or Pentiume -based IBM-compatible PC 8 MB RAM VGA or Super- -VGA display (256 colors required to view images) CD-ROM drive (double-speed or better recommended) Hard disk space requirements are configuration dependent: Hard disk CD-ROM: MB hard disk space Hard disk only: 200 MB hard disk space License MIM on CD-ROM licensed for use on one computer time The text MIM Copyright 1997 by The Johns Hopkins University Images and video clips are the property of the donors All applicable consents and permissions for images reside with the donors. Warranty MIM on CD-ROM warranted operate properly with Microsoft Windows version 3.1 or later or Microsoft ...