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- Subject: AmiTCP/IP information
- From: NSDi automailer <automailer@nsdi.fi>
- Sender: <AmiTCP@xgw.fi>
- Precedence: bulk
- This is an automatic reply from info@nsdi.fi.
- Contents:
- o Summary of nsdi.fi email addresses
- o Additional features on the commercial version
- o Ordering & pricing information
- o Order form
- **********************************************************************
- Summary of NSDi email addresses at nsdi.fi
- ==========================================
- Automatically handled (please do not ask your questions from here):
- info@nsdi.fi - this address
- orders@nsdi.fi - send completed order forms here
- AmiTCP-FAQ@nsdi.fi - replies with the AmiTCP/IP FAQ
- NSDi sales:
- Sales@nsdi.fi - handles all commercial issues
- Questions about AmiTCP/IP (please see this info & FAQ before
- posting here):
- AmiTCP-Support@nsdi.fi - AmiTCP/IP technical support
- AmiTCP/IP development:
- AmiTCP-Bugs@nsdi.fi - AmiTCP/IP bug reports
- AmiTCP-Manuals@nsdi.fi - comments & suggestion about our manuals
- AmiTCP-Group@nsdi.fi - forwarded to all AmiTCP/IP developers
- misc:
- postmaster@nsdi.fi - nsdi.fi mail issues
- faxmaster@nsdi.fi - fax problems, etc.
- webmaster@nsdi.fi - NSDi WWW maintainer (WWW-pages
- under construction)
- personal:
- Tomi.Ollila@nsdi.fi - Tomi Ollila
- Pekka.Pessi@nsdi.fi - Pekka Pessi
- Markus.Peuhkuri@nsdi.fi - Markus Peuhkuri
- Jarno.Rajahalme@nsdi.fi - Jarno Rajahalme
- **********************************************************************
- Additional features on the commercial version
- =============================================
- Highlights of AmiTCP/IP 4.1 Commercial Version:
- - Enchanced version of AmiTCP:
- - Frendlier logging system with global filter etc.
- - Cache for name server replies
- - Sana-II 2.0 support
- - Full BOOTP support
- - Access control for server programs
- - Optimized version for '20 and up
- - DOS notifications for automated configuration file handling
- - Automatic BOOTP configuration utility
- - Extensive printed & online User Manuals
- - Technical support via email, fax and normal mail
- **********************************************************************
- How to order the commercial version of AmiTCP/IP
- ================================================
- A commercial version of AmiTCP/IP can be ordered directly from NSDi.
- Currently we offer a student discount of 40% of the product prices for
- all full-time students. Please provide a proof of being a student if
- you wish to get the student discount applied.
- **********************************************************************
- Orders can be placed by:
- Electronic mail to address: orders@nsdi.fi
- Telefax to: +358-0-452-1998
- (replace '+' with your international prefix)
- Mail to:
- NSDi / Orders
- P.O.Box 32
- FIN-02151 ESPOO
- If you don't want to send your credit card in email, please use normal
- mail or fax. You can protect your order information with our public
- PGP key, which can be obtained by sending email to info@nsdi.fi.
- ************************************************************************
- The license of the commercial version is *per user* (upto three (3)
- machines) for non-business home use, and *per machine* for companies.
- For example, if you have 4 machines at home and there are one or two
- users for those machines, you should buy two licenses.
- ************************************************************************
- The prices are quoted in four currencies: USD (USA - Dollar), DEM
- (Germany - Mark), GBP (Great-Britain - Pound) and FIM (Finland -
- Mark).
- The prices quoted here do NOT include any value added TAXES. We will
- have to add VAT of 22% for individual customers within European Union
- (EU). In other countries the local authority might add local value
- added tax at customs, depending on the local toll and tax regulations.
- Note that orders paid with credit card are handled in FIM, and are
- converted to local currency by customer's credit card company. If the
- exchange rates change noticeably we will update the price list
- accordingly. The current price list is always available via email from
- info@nsdi.fi.
- Current (as of 23.12.1994) pricing is:
- Product Price: USD DEM GBP FIM
- -----------------------------------------------+------+------+------+------+
- AmiTCP/IP 4.1 commercial version (1st license) | 99 | 156 | 64 | 475 |
- (2nd license) | 69 | 109 | 45 | 333 |
- (each following license) | 49 | 78 | 32 | 238 |
- -----------------------------------------------+------+------+------+------+
- NOTE: Multiple licenses include 1 manual / up to 5 licenses. Larger
- scale site licensing is negotiable.
- Packing & postage (1st class mail) is not included into product
- prices. Add p&p fee from following table:
- Destination Price: USD DEM GBP FIM
- -----------------------------------------------+------+------+------+------+
- Scandinavia | 6.0 | 9.5 | 3.5 | 29.0 |
- Other Europe | 8.0 | 12.5 | 5.0 | 38.0 |
- Northern America & rest of the world | 11.5 | 18.0 | 7.5 | 55.0 |
- -----------------------------------------------+------+------+------+------+
- Bank transfer and _bank_ checks (Money Orders) to Finland have an
- additional fee (Credit Card and postal money order payments do
- not). Please add from the following table:
- Bank transfer type Price: USD DEM GBP FIM
- -----------------------------------------------+------+------+------+------+
- Automated (swift address IS used) | 5.0 | 8.0 | 3.5 | 25.0 |
- Manual (swift address NOT used) | 8.5 | 13.0 | 5.5 | 40.0 |
- International Bank check or Money Order | 12.5 | 19.5 | 8.0 | 60.0 |
- -----------------------------------------------+------+------+------+------+
- (Automated bank transfer requires the usage of the swift address and
- may not be available in all countries.)
- PLEASE NOTE: We can't accept _personal_ checks or euro-checks. Please
- ask your bank for an international bank check.
- This pricing is valid from now on unless the currency exhange rates or
- other vital conditions change dramatically.
- Current pricing and other information can be found:
- via World Wide Web: http://www.xgw.fi/biz/NSDI/
- via electronic mail: info@nsdi.fi
- via telefax: +358-0-452-1998
- ************************************************************************
- Payments are accepted via:
- * Credit Card:
- Accepted Credit Cards are:
- * VISA
- * MasterCard
- * EuroCard
- * OK-card (a Finnish card)
- * Bank transfer:
- NOTE: Bank transfers have additional fee (see table at
- PRICING). Products are shipped after the bank
- transfer has arrived.
- It is possible, however, that you could pay all the expenses
- on your bank, so that the transfer will not add any additional
- cost to NSDi. Please check this out from yout bank.
- The transfer must be addressed to:
- Bank: Kansallis-Osake-Pankki (Finland)
- Swift-address: KOPIFIHH
- Name: NSDi - Network Solutions Development Inc.
- A/C: 130930-202747
- * International Bank check or Money Order (NOT a personal or eurocheck!):
- NOTE: Bank checks and Money Orders have additional fee (see table at
- The bank check or Money Order must be made payable to:
- Name: NSDi - Network Solutions Development Inc.
- Address: P.O. Box 32, FIN-02151 ESPOO, Finland
- * Postal Money Order:
- Postal Money Order is a money transfer made via the post
- offices. You should be able to buy postal money order from your post
- office. They will charge you the service costs and send the order to
- us. There will be no additional costs at our end.
- The postal money order must be addressed to:
- Name: NSDi - Network Solutions Development Inc.
- Address: P.O. Box 32, FIN-02151 ESPOO, Finland
- Other payment types must be negotiated with NSDi.
- ************************************************************************
- This example is in US dollars.
- AmiTCP/IP 4.1 99.00
- Student discount of 40 % -39.60
- packaging & 1st class mail to Germany 8.00
- Payment via VISA (no addtional fee) -
- ======================================================
- Total 67.40
- If the price is paid with credit card, the pricing is calculated in FIM:
- AmiTCP/IP 4.1 475.00
- Student discount of 40 % -190.00
- packaging & 1st class mail to Germany 38.00
- Payment via VISA (no addtional fee) -
- ======================================================
- Total 323.00
- This price is then charged via the credit card company, which will
- convert the sum to your local currency. Currently the rates in Finland
- yield:
- 323 FIM ~= 67.14 USD, 105.90 DEM, or 43.40 GBP
- ************************************************************************
- NOTE: A short version of this form follows this form. It can be used
- to save space in email, fax of normal mail.
- Please use this form for ordering the products from NSDi. Fill in all
- the requested information and send this to NSDi either via email, fax
- or normal mail. The order will be handled automatically whenever
- possible, so please keep consistent with the format. Answer the
- questions to the reserved space and do not modify anything else in
- this form.
- If you send your order by normal mail or fax, you can delete the
- instruction texts to save space and to avoid fax transmission
- errors. Do not delete any of the questions and keep the separator
- lines, please. Also, remember to signature the order if it will be
- sent via normal mail.
- All the information in this form will be kept confidental by the
- Network Solutions Development Inc.
- This is an example of how to fill in the requested information. In the
- following line (which has '#' in the beginning) the "answer" is the
- answer filled in to the question.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Example Question: answer
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- This section identifies which products you want to order.
- Please enter the NUMBER OF LICENSES inside the parentheses after the
- product name you will want to order.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Products: AmiTCP/IP 4.1 Commercial Version ( )
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Please select the type of payment you want to use. Note that bank
- transfers and checks (Money Orders) have additional fees to cover the
- costs they cause. Bank transfers must be prepaid, i.e. the products
- will be shipped after the bank transfer has been completed.
- Enter a 'x' or 'X' character between the parentheses.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Payment Type: Credit Card ( )
- Bank transfer with swift address ( )
- Bank transfer without swift address ( )
- International Bank check or Money Order ( )
- Postal Money Order ( )
- Other negotiated with NSDi ( )
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Please enter the expected total price of your order. Please refer to
- the above pricing information carefully. Enter the name of the
- currency followed by the expected total amount. We will contact you if
- your calculation does not match ours.
- Example: USD 110.50
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Expected Total Price:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- This section is applicable only if you intend to pay with a credit
- card. If you are not paying with credit card, you can skip this
- section. NSDi currently accepts VISA, MASTERCARD, EUROCARD and OK-card
- (a Finnish only-card).
- If you do not want to send your credit card number in email, please
- either fax this order form to NSDi, or send this via normal mail. You
- could also protect your card number with out public PGP key, which is
- available through email from info@nsdi.fi.
- Please select your credit card type (enter a 'x' or 'X' character
- between the parentheses).
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Credit Card Type: VISA ( )
- OK-CARD ( )
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Please enter your credit card number. Please include all digits of the
- number, including leading zeroes.
- Example: 4920 0900 1234 5678
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Credit Card Number:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Please enter the credit card expiration date.
- Example: 10/95
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Expiration Date:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- We also need your name spelled EXACTLY as it appears on the credit
- card. Please enter it after the colon.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Exact Name on Card:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- This information will be used to ship the product(s) and also for our
- customer data base information.
- Please enter your full name after the colon in the box below. Please
- type your last name (family name) _first_ and your first name next.
- Example: Rajahalme Jarno
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Full Name:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Enter your company name, if applicable. This can be also other legal
- person, like a registered club, etc. If you fill in this field, please
- use your company address later on this form.
- Example: Network Solutions Development Inc.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Company Name:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Enter your street address.
- Example: P.O.Box 32
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Street Address:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Enter your post office information.
- Example: FIN-02151 Espoo
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Post Office:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Enter your country name in international form.
- Example: Finland
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Country:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- The information in this section is needed for us to get back to
- you. This might be necessary, if there is something wrong with your
- order or if we need to contact you in techical support issues.
- Please enter your full electronic mail address if you have one.
- Example: Jarno.Rajahalme@hut.fi
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Email:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Please enter your international phone number. Please use '+' in place
- of the prefix for international numbers.
- Example: +358 0 468 3111
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Telephone:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Please enter your international fax number. Please use '+' in place
- of the prefix for international numbers.
- Example: +358 0 452 1998
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Fax:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- The information in this section will be used to guide our further
- development. Please fill in!
- Select your Amiga model (enter either 'x' or 'X' character between the
- parentheses). Please select only one. If you have multiple Amigas,
- please select the one which you are using for the network access
- mostly.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Amiga Model: A1000 ( )
- A500/600 ( )
- A2x00 ( )
- A1200 ( )
- A3000/T ( )
- A4000/T ( )
- none ( )
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Please select the operating system version you have in your Amiga.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # AmigaOS Version: 2.0x ( )
- 2.1 ( )
- 3.x ( )
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Please select the processor type of your Amiga.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Processor Type: '000/'010 ( )
- '020 ( )
- '030 ( )
- '040 ( )
- '060 ( )
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Enter the amount of RAM in your Amiga in full megabytes.
- Example: 4
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Memory Size:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Enter the amount of disk space you have in your Amiga in full
- megabytes.
- Example: 210
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Disk Size:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Select the type of your network interface. If it is not any of the
- shown alternatives, you can write the type between the parentheses
- after the "other" selection.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Network Interface Type: C/SLIP ( )
- PPP ( )
- Ethernet ( )
- Arcnet ( )
- Other ( )
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- How would you like AmiTCP/IP to be developed? Please select THREE
- items you would like to be developed next. Use numbers '1', '2' and
- '3' to indicate the priority order of your selections ('1' = the most
- important etc.).
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Implement Next: NFS server ( )
- GUI-based configuration tools ( )
- GUI FTP client ( )
- SNMP configuration ( )
- Integrated email tools ( )
- Integrated news reader ( )
- More optimized transfer routines ( )
- Automated dynamic IP address handling ( )
- A telnet server for remote login ( )
- Network printing support ( )
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Here you can enter other suggestions (one line only).
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Suggestions:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ************************************************************************
- Please use this form for ordering the products from NSDi. Fill in all
- the requested information and send this to NSDi either via email, fax
- or normal mail. The order will be handled automatically whenever
- possible, so please keep consistent with the format. Answer the
- questions to the reserved space and DO NOT modify anything else in
- this entire form.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Products: AmiTCP/IP 4.1 Commercial Version ( )
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Payment Type: Credit Card ( )
- Bank transfer with swift address ( )
- Bank transfer without swift address ( )
- International Bank check or Money Order ( )
- Postal Money Order ( )
- Other negotiated with NSDi ( )
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Expected Total Price:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Credit Card Type: VISA ( )
- OK-CARD ( )
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Credit Card Number:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Expiration Date:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Exact Name on Card:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Full Name:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Company Name:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Street Address:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Post Office:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Country:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Email:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Telephone:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Fax:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Amiga Model: A1000 ( )
- A500/600 ( )
- A2x00 ( )
- A1200 ( )
- A3000/T ( )
- A4000/T ( )
- none ( )
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # AmigaOS Version: 2.0x ( )
- 2.1 ( )
- 3.x ( )
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Processor Type: '000/'010 ( )
- '020 ( )
- '030 ( )
- '040 ( )
- '060 ( )
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Memory Size:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Network Interface Type: C/SLIP ( )
- PPP ( )
- Ethernet ( )
- Arcnet ( )
- Other ( )
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Implement Next: NFS server ( )
- GUI-based configuration tools ( )
- GUI FTP client ( )
- SNMP configuration ( )
- Integrated email tools ( )
- Integrated news reader ( )
- More optimized transfer routines ( )
- Automated dynamic IP address handling ( )
- A telnet server for remote login ( )
- Network printing support ( )
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Suggestions:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ************************************************************************