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- Welcome to another utility made by Ice (c) 1992 / M Pendec 1993
- Original DMS userinterface v1.4 released 920109 (c) Ice
- OWS userinterface v1.0 released 930204 (c) Ice/ Updated by M Pendec
- ****************************************************************************
- This program was originally made for DMS, but because the OWS program,
- is so close to be a DMS, with almost all the options from dms, then
- with the few changes i made, it is possible to use this program with OWS.
- ****************************************************************************
- This little utility makes it a little easier to use the OWS program.
- To use this utility you must install the OWS, EndCLI & Run programs in your
- path which you select using the 'Path' gadget in the OWSui program.
- You MUST have this programs in your PATH or the OWSui won't work!!!
- You MUST have 'Path' somewhere in your normal DOS path or the paths in
- the OWSui program won't work!!!
- Put the req.library in your LIBS: directory.
- You may also put the OWSui.prefs file in your S: directory, but you don't
- have to.
- This program is very easy to use, just start it and you'll know how it
- works. If you don't understand it, here's an explanasion:
- LOW: This means the lowest track to read. (Specified as LOWTRACK
- in this manual hereafter)
- HIGH: This means the highest track to read. (Specified as HIGHTRACK
- in this manual hereafter)
- Crunch mode: Press this gadget to count through the different crunch modes.
- Password: If you write anything here, OWS will crunch the program with
- this as a password and you must uncrunch it with the same
- password or you won't be able to uncrunch it. If you choose
- WRITE this will be the decrypt password.
- If you write anything here the program will encrypt/decrypt
- the file. Usally this string should be blank.
- Textfile: By pressing this gadget you'll get a filerequester to choose
- the textfile which will be displayed when uncrunching.
- You can also write the filename in the gadget to the right.
- If you write anything here the program will automatically
- include this file into the OWS file.
- Now handles an own cache for textfiles!!
- Filename: By pressing this gadget you'll get a filerequester to choose
- the filename of the OWS file. This filename could either be
- a packed OWS file that you should uncrunch or the name of
- a new OWS file. You can also write the filename in the gadget
- to the right. If you choose a filename in the first place,
- you will be able to select a second filename if you like to
- unpack two files, i.e HMN-2A.OWS & HMN-2B.OWS, or if you want
- to make the OWS pack one disk into two smaller files. If you
- select a second filename the program will automatically split
- the diskpack into two files, the first will pack from LOWTRACK
- to track 39 & the second will pack from track 40 to HIGHTRACK.
- If LOWTRACK is higher than 39 or HIGHTRACK is lower than 40
- then there will be only one outfile.
- To multiselect files (= two files) hold down SHIFT and press
- on the two filenames.
- Now handles an own cache for infiles!!
- Outfile: This works exactly as the Filename gadget but here you select
- only one filename which is the name of the repacked file.
- (This filename is used when you use the REPACK command.)
- Now handles an own cache for outfile!!
- About: By pressing this gadget you'll get a window with a little
- abouts about me (The programmer!!!)
- Save Prefs: If you press this gadget the OWSui program will save a prefs-
- file (OWSui.prefs) to your S: directory containing CRUNCHMODE,
- DEVICE, all the different FLAGS (No DiskVal, No BitMap, No Text
- No Pause, Full, RET, PAL/NTSC & MOUSE/KEYS) & the path so when
- you start OWSui the next time it will load this file and select
- all the gadgets for you. It also contains the default dirs
- for textfile, infiles, outfile and also where to put the OWSui
- window and the settings for the output window. Please note
- that when you press this gadget it saves the prefs file with
- the position of the OWSui program that you have at the moment.
- DF0:... Press this gadget to toggle between the devices from/to which
- you should crunch/uncrunch. The program only checks if the
- device is present when you use READ/WRITE so try to keep in
- mind which devices that are present.
- MFM: This is used when the diskette is not a normal ADOS diskette.
- If you press this gadget you'll toggle between using/not using
- the MFM recognition when crunching/uncrunching.
- This is the same as NOVAL.
- NOZERO: This was originally called No Bitmap, but to the 1.2 release
- I changed it to NOZERO to get more space.
- If you press this gadget you'll toggle between using/not using
- the Bitmap when crunching. On trackloaded games you should
- use this option as these games don't use DOS to load.
- This is the same as NOZERO.
- NOTEXT: By pressing this gadget you'll toggle between seeing/not
- seeing the text when you uncrunch a OWS file.
- NOPAUSE: By pressing this gadget you'll toggle the PAUSE command.
- If NOPAUSE is pressed the OWS program will not pause at
- any time.
- FULL: This gadget is for selecting the FULL option when VIEWing
- a OWS archive. If you choose FULL all tracks and their
- crunchmodes will be shown.
- RET: If you select this gadget the OWSui program will ask you to
- press any key when it has finished the job.
- READ: Press this gadget and the OWS will start to pack a disk->file.
- WRITE: Press this gadget and the OWS will start to uncrunch
- a file->disk.
- VIEW: This activate the VIEW option. The OWSui will show some info
- on the file/s selected.
- TEST: This activate the TEST option. The OWSui will test the file/s
- selected.
- TEXT: This activate the TEXT option. Ths OWSui will view the banner
- in the file/s selected.
- REPACK: This activate the REPACK option. This repack a file to the
- OUTFILE using the LOW/HIGHTRACK and the CRUNCHMODE. In v1.3
- PATH: Press this gadget and you'll be able to select the whole path
- from which the OWSui should get the OWS, EndCLI & Run programs
- from. The program will continue till you either press Close-
- Window or Forget it! or till you have gone through all the ten
- paths. You can go through the paths with the arrow gadgets.
- If you stand on path #4 for example you'll be able to select
- all the remaining paths (which means paths 4-10) and then the
- program will stop asking for paths. The program will NOT go
- through ten paths if you stand on any path which isn't #1,
- because the program will just continue till it has reached
- path #10.
- Please note that C: and Current directory paths always is
- installed, so you don't have to select these paths!
- Now handles an own cache for pathnames!!
- Now you also can select your default directorys for textfile,
- infiles and outfile. If you have selected your 10 paths/or
- pressed Cancel/Close window you will be asked to choose your
- default directory for TEXTFILES and so on for INFILES and
- UPARROW: Press this gadget to step back in the pathnames.
- DOWNARROW: Press this gadget to step forward in the pathnames.
- PAL/NTSC: Press this gadget to toggle between PAL/NTSC mode on the window
- that OWS uses.
- Now also changes the size of the requster window. When using
- PAL mode the requester will use the whole screen.
- MOUSE/KEYS: Press this gadget to toggle between using the mouse & the
- keyboard when you use the RET option. Please note that if you
- select mouse it's the RIGHT mouse button from v1.4 and
- upwards!!
- There's also four more gadgets in the low right corner which tells the
- OWSui program the size of the output window. You can either edit these
- by activating the gadget and enter a number or you can use the PAL/NTSC
- switch to change it (This just changes the Y-size of the window between
- 200 and 256 pixels).
- If you'ld like to upgrade your OWS program you just have to put the new
- OWS program in your path (Described in the begining of this text).
- One hint, if you'ld like to clear a string gadget then just activate that
- gadget and press AMIGA-X.
- If you wonder why it's a big space between the commands and the path gadget
- I can tell you that this is where the errors is outputted. I thought it was
- ugly to have an extra window just for the errors so I put them here instead.
- If an error occure when starting the OWSui program from Workbench the error
- will be displayed in the Workbench title bar. So just look there if you
- don't get the program to work properly from Workbench. If you put the OWSui
- program somewhere else than in the same directory as the OWSui.info file,
- then you must tell the OWSui.info file where to get the OWSui program from.
- This can be made from either Workbench or CLI. From Workbench just activate
- the OWSui icon and the go to the menu in Workbench where you find an option
- called 'Info'. Now you can enter the proper path and filename in the string-
- gadget called COMMAND.
- If you want to change this thing when using CLI then just start IconEd or
- any other icon-editor and edit the COMMAND string.
- One final note, if the OWS program fails when you use the OWSui program
- then just type 'endcli [RETURN]' and the program will continue.
- This was about all of the docs. Use this program as much as you want and
- spread it around the world. If you have any suggestions of how to improve
- this program or if you find any BUGS then just leave a note to me (Ice) on:
- Guru's Dream
- Node 1: +46-8-363425 (HST only)
- Node 2: +46-8-368169 (2400 bps -> 14400 bps)
- Node 3: +46-8-369205 (HST only)
- Node 4: +46-8-369225 (HST only)
- Running Ami-Express with 930 MB, 68030 & 68882 (25 MHz) (Soon 2-3 GB)
- or
- Ultimate Ride (+46-455-11163 2400->14400 bps)
- Running Tempest on an AMIGA 3000
- Well, that's all folks! Hope you like it and watch out for more utilities
- from ICE.
- Greetings must go to:
- Snuskbuske (Keep up the good work!!)
- Skrutt (Hur går det med Tecno Amigan v2 ?)
- Phan Anh Tran (For helping me debugging the program (Hope you enjoy you
- visit in the USA))
- The Baron (Thanks for all the comments, hope you like this version
- (and the 2.0 style!!))
- SENSEI (Thanks for reporting the bugs and suggesting the new options!!)
- Signed Ice January 9th 1992
- Contact me: Mathias Axelsson
- Skirtorpsvägen 18
- S-641 35 Katrineholm
- Phone: +46-150-17877