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- PKAX FAST! Archive Extract Utility Version 1.0 12-08-87 Page 1
- Table of Contents
- -----------------
- Topic Page
- ----- ----
- Features and Overview .............................. 2
- Using PKAX ......................................... 3
- Examples ........................................... 4
- PKAX messages ...................................... 5
- PKAX Revision history .............................. 6
- General Information ................................ 6
- Software License ................................... 7
- Registration ....................................... 8
- PKAX FAST! Archive Extract Utility Version 1.0 12-08-87 Page 2
- Features
- --------
- o Data integrity ensured by 16 bit Cyclic Redundancy Check.
- o Supports the PKARC file squashing algorithm.
- o Superior file buffering.
- o Not Copy Protected
- Overview
- --------
- An archive is a collection of one or more files placed into a
- single archive file. A file extension of .ARC is usually used to
- denote an archive. Each file in an archive is compressed to save
- disk space, backup storage space, and file transfer time. When a
- file is archived, it is analyzed and compressed with the most
- optimal data compression method for that file. Every file in an
- archive is stored with a 16-bit Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) to
- ensure data integrity when the file is extracted from the archive.
- PKAX is a FAST! archive extraction utility that extracts files from
- an archive and restores them to their original name, size, time and
- date. It is completely compatible with all other ARC type programs
- including PKWARE's FAST! archive create/update utility PKARC, but
- is faster than than ANY OTHER archive extract utility. PKAX
- achieves its speed through the use of optimized algorithms and
- advanced file buffering techniques.
- PKAX FAST! Archive Extract Utility Version 1.0 12-08-87 Page 3
- Usage: PKAX [options] archive [file...]
- Options are:
- -r = replace existing file(s) -v = verbose listing of archive(s)
- -c = extract file(s) to the screen -p = extract file(s) to the printer
- -t = test archive integrity -l = display software license
- -e,-x = extract file(s)
- archive Archive file name, wildcards *,? ok. Default extension
- is .ARC
- file Name(s) of files to extract, list, or test.
- Wildcards *,? okay. Default is ALL files.
- -r Normally, PKAX will prompt you with "Overwrite?" if
- extracting a file from an archive will overwrite an existing
- file. The Replace option will overwrite existing files
- without query.
- -c This option will extract files to the screen.
- -p This option will extract files to the printer. PKAX will
- print a form feed after each file.
- -t This option will test archive integrity. Particularily,
- PKAX will calculate each files CRC value and compare it
- with the stored value within the archive. A message will be
- displayed to indicate the integrity of each file.
- -v This option is used to list the contents of an archive. It
- will list the filename, length of file before compression,
- method of compression, size after compression, compression
- ratio, and the stored CRC value.
- -l This option will display the software license for PKAX.
- -e These options will extract files from an archive. This is
- -x the default for PKAX if no other options are specified. The
- -e and -x options do not have to be specified for this. They
- are only present for compatibility with SEA's ARC program
- syntax. The -e and -x options can not be used with other
- options.
- PKAX FAST! Archive Extract Utility Version 1.0 12-08-87 Page 4
- Examples:
- PKAX df0:*
- - Extract all files from all archives on DF0:
- PKAX sigdir1
- - Extract all files from the archive SIGDIR1.ARC in the current
- drive & subdirectory.
- PKAX -r public/* *.doc *.txt
- - Extract all .DOC and .TXT files from all archives in the
- directory /PUBLIC. Overwrites existing files without query.
- PKAX -v *
- - Display a verbose listing of all the archives in the current
- directory.
- PKAX -c utility *.doc
- - Extract all .DOC files from the archive UTILITY.ARC displaying
- extracted files on the console.
- PKAX -p utility *.doc
- - Same as above, except extracted files are sent to the printer.
- PKAX -t utility
- -Test the integrity of the archive UTILITY.ARC.
- PKAX -t df1:*
- -Test the validity of all archives in the directory df1:
- PKAX FAST! Archive Extract Utility Version 1.0 12-08-87 Page 5
- PKAX messages
- -------------
- Warning! File XXXXXXXX.YYY already exists! overwrite (y/n)?
- - A file to be extracted from the archive already exists on disk.
- Answer "y" to extract the file from the archive anyway and
- overwrite the existing file, "n" to not extract the file from
- the archive. Use the "-r" command line option to suppress this
- warning.
- Unknown packing method for: XXXXXXXX.YYY
- - The file is compressed or encoded in a unknown way. The
- archive is either corrupt or requires a later version of PKAX
- for proper extraction.
- Warning! File XXXXXXXX.YYY fails CRC check
- - The Cyclic Redundancy Check calculation did not match the
- stored value. The file is probably corrupt.
- PKAmigaXarc: XXXXXXXX.YYY is not an archive
- - The file specified is either not an archive, or is corrupt.
- PKAmigaXarc: Archive length error
- - A end of file token was not found for a file within the
- archive. The archive is corrupt.
- PKAmigaXarc: can't find XXXXXXXX.YYY
- - The given archive filename could not be found.
- PKAmigaXarc: Can't read archive: XXXXXXXX.YYY
- - The archive could not be opened.
- PKAmigaXarc: Can't create: XXXXXXXX.YYY
- - The output file could not be created.
- PKAmigaXarc: File has invalid decode tree
- - The Huffman decode tree for the file is invalid. The archive
- is corrupt.
- PKAmigaXarc: Disk full
- - The destination disk is full.
- PKAX FAST! Archive Extract Utility Version 1.0 12-08-87 Page 6
- PKAX version 1.0 12-08-87
- --------------------------
- Initial release. Old style static "crunched" files (types 5 & 6)
- created by SEA's ARC program prior version 5.0 are not supported.
- Dynamic Crunched and Squashed files created by PKARC and all
- current MS-DOS archivers and the Amiga version of ARC should
- extract correctly with PKAX.
- General Information
- -------------------
- PKAX will run on any Amiga computer running AmigaDos 1.2 or later.
- If you have any questions or comments about PKAX send them to Phil
- Katz at:
- PKWARE BBS, Wisconsin
- 414-352-7176
- Comm-Link BBS, Wisconsin
- 414-784-2096
- AMuse BBS, New York
- 212-269-4879
- Special thanks to Dennis Hoffman who authored PKAX and ported the
- software from the MS-DOS versions of PKXARC. Dennis also has
- inspired many of the algorithm optimizations incorporated into
- PKXARC and PKARC in the past. Additional thanks to Mike Shawaluk
- who has also helped with the PKAX effort.
- PKAX FAST! Archive Extract Utility Version 1.0 12-08-87 Page 7
- License
- -------
- Copyright (c) 1987 PKWARE, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- You are free to use, copy and distribute PKAX for noncommercial use IF:
- Clubs and user groups may charge a nominal fee (less than $10) for
- expenses and handling while distributing PKAX.
- Site licenses and commercial licenses of PKAX are available. Write
- to the address below for more information.
- This program is provided AS IS without any warranty, expressed or
- implied, including but not limited to fitness for a particular
- purpose.
- PKAX FAST! Archive Extract Utility Version 1.0 12-08-87 Page 8
- Registration
- ------------
- If you find PKAX fast, easy, and convenient to use, a registration
- of $25 would be appreciated. With each registration of $50 or more
- you will be registered to receive a diskette with the next version
- of PKAX and PKARC when available. Please state the current version
- of PKAX that you have. If you do not want to receive an MS-DOS
- 5.25" diskette, be sure to state that this is for the Amiga!!
- Only if the Amiga software is supported through your registrations
- can we afford to produce new releases of PKAX and also an Amiga
- equivalent of the MS-DOS program PKARC.
- Possible future enhancements include:
- o PKARC for the Amiga, a FAST! archive create/update program.
- o Support for long Amiga filenames!!
- o Support for output drives/paths for PKAX.
- o Support for the ARC "garble" encryption option.
- o Support for all new functions and options that are introduced
- in the PKARC/PKXARC programs for MS-DOS.
- Send registrations to:
- PKWARE, Inc.
- 7032 Ardara Avenue
- Glendale, WI 53209