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- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- What is SPLOIN GUI?
- The name says it all... It's a full GUI for the SPLOIN CLI program.
- It offers easy access to SPLOIN's features and also offers many
- options not available from the CLI.
- Why a GUI?
- It's easy... fast... and as you'll soon see has great advantages
- and extra features not possible from the CLI.
- I found the SPLOIN CLI program to offer the most features. Great
- splitting abilities and a great option to use an input file for
- rejoining. It's the best CLI based splitter/joiner I have seen.
- SPLOIN was created by Yves Perrenoud, and must be in your C:
- directory for SPLOIN GUI to function.
- * SPLIT via selectable size or number.
- * SPLIT via selectable bytes from selected offset. Option to save rest.
- * MEGA-SPLIT >ANY NUMBER OF FILES< via Loaded File Log or easy selector.
- * AUTO-JOIN >ANY NUMBER OF SPLIT FILES< via File Log or easy selector.
- * MEGA-JOIN >ANY NUMBER OF MULTI-FILE SPLITS< via File Log or selector.
- * OPEN/SAVE/LOAD/PRINT/USE file logs for fast easy SPLITS/JOINS.
- Two versions of SPLOIN-GUI are included. One (the larger file)
- is a complete stand-alone program. The second version (the small
- file... with a ".deck" extension) is intended for those who have
- DeckBrowser in C:.
- Just so you understand what I'm talking about... here's a
- small representation of the SPLOIN-GUI interface.
- ______________________
- | ____ ______ ______ | #1 is where you browse disks and drawers.
- || || || || (using the TWO BUTTONS below #1)
- || #1 || #2 || #3 || #2 is where you select your files to split
- ||____|| || || or join.
- | ____ |______|| || #3 shows what files you have selected for
- || | --#5-- | || splitting or joining.
- || #4 | --#6-- |______|| #4 Are where your OPTIONS are located.
- ||____| ****** --$$$$--| #5 Is where you place the DESTINATION of
- |______________________| split or join files.
- #6 Is only used with the RESTOF OPTION.
- ***** are the MAIN SPLIT/JOIN/QUIT buttons.
- $$$$$ are the MAIN FILE LOG BUTTONS.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- If you wanted to split a single file into 5 sections into ram...
- Use #1 and #2 selectors to locate your file. Double click on it's
- name when it appears in the #2 selector. You will now see the name
- of your file in the #3 MAIN AREA. This means it's selected. If you
- selected the wrong file... just double click on it's name in the
- #3 MAIN AREA to remove it.
- In The #4 option area select the NUMBER button or field and type
- 5. If you need to erase an amount, simply deselect the button. To
- change the amount, simply select the field.
- In the #6 area (marked DESTINATION) type (or use the >? selector)
- the name of the destination DIRECTORY. If you are typing the
- destination into the field.. and your file is going into a drawer,
- you must include the / sign. (dh0:tools/).
- Select SPLIT.... you now have 5 small files in ram:
- To Rejoin them via standard JOIN to an optional new location and
- name.
- Go to ram: using the method described above. Double click on
- each of the numbered small files (in NUMBERED ORDER). Enter the
- destination DIRECTORY and NAME of the file in the Destination
- field (#6).
- Select JOIN.... You have now re-joined the files.
- You could have also specified an amount instead of a size for
- each of the files when split. typing 10000 would split a
- 100000k file into TEN 10k sections.
- When doing a standard JOIN... a File Log will automatically be
- created in ram: ... This file will be called LIST and is used
- by SPLOIN GUI durring a JOIN. A list file is not created when
- using the Join+ option (mega-joining) or when using "#?" as
- input.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ... If you had 5 files and you wanted each split into 3 smaller
- files you would simply select the files you wish to split by double
- clicking on there names... selecting 3 in the NUMBER field...
- entering a destination directory and hiting split. ALL 5 FILES will
- be split into 3 files each. You can split as many files as you wish
- all at once using this technique. You could also specify a size
- instead of a number for the small files.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Mega-Joining is different from joining. A regular join takes
- any number of selected files and joins them all into one big
- file. Mega-joining will take any number of small files and
- re-join them back into the original big files that they were
- split from.
- This is a powerfull feature. To see how it works... USE the
- MULTI-SPLIT example above to split 5 files into 3 files each into
- RAM. Now locate the files and select the first file of each
- different split. (the ones ending in a _1 suffix). Now select
- the JOIN+ option button... then hit JOIN. ALL OF THE FILES WILL
- MEGA-JOINING can be used on any number of files... but the
- small files to be MegaJoined must all reside in the same
- directory... this directory will also be where the jre-joined files
- will be created. This is a limitation of the SPLOIN CLI
- program.... I am trying to create a work-a-round... but
- it still does much more than you could ever do from the CLI!
- Note:
- A future version of SPLOIN-GUI will allow each small file to have
- a different location and also allow for a specified destination
- for each rejoined file while MegaJoining. You have have full
- control of source,destination and name with MULTI-JOINS... but
- only one large file can be re-assembled or joined at once.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- After you have split a large file into smaller sections and
- placed those sections on different disks or in different directories,
- you should create a file log by selecting each section into the
- MAIN area and selecting SAVE. You can save the file log to any name
- you wish. When you want to rejoin the file all you will need to
- do is load this file log and select JOIN. Assuming you have not
- moved any of the smaller files since you created the log, all of
- the files will be located and joined... you will be asked to insert
- any disks when needed. It's that simple!
- File Logs offer great freedom when rejoining (and splitting).
- As if using a file requester wasn't easy enough... this allows
- you to just load a file and hit SPLIT or JOIN.
- Nbytes, Offset and Rest:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- For a good description of these features you should read the
- docs that come with the SPLOIN CLI program. Basically they take
- X number of bytes(Nbyte) from location X(offset) and split the
- X bytes(Nbytes) into the specified destination... and if REST
- is selected will save the rest of the bytes in the file to the
- destination specified in the REST OF FILE area (below destination).
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Let's say you want to join all of the files in dh0: that end
- with .TXT but don't want to mess around with a file selector.
- Go to the directory where the files are located (in this case
- set the field above the small requestor to DH0:)... Then
- Just Type "#?.txt" (without the "") on the first line of of
- the MAIN selector, Enter the destination and name in the
- DESTINATION field... and Hit JOIN.
- The #?.txt can be replaced with #?.pic, #?.doc etc.
- If you wanted to join all .txt with all .pic files from dh1:, just
- type "#?.txt Dh1:#?.pic" on the first line. Enter the destination and
- name and hit JOIN. Notice that the first #?.txt does not specify a
- directory... this is because the directory for the first file must
- be the current directory (just go to it with the small selector
- or type the directory name into the top field). All "#?" that
- you use after this require the directory to be specified.
- I didn't really put much effort into emplimenting this feature..
- as it is very easy to use from the CLI.... but it's here. I will
- work on improving it in the future.
- Other Buttons:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The ABOUT button displays program version and shareware info.
- The I button will ICONIFY the program.
- The ?> buttons next to the DESTINATION and REST OF fields serve
- two purposes. Click it once to clear the corresponding field.
- click it twice to bring up a file requestor to help locate and
- choose files or directories.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Full control over the size, source, and destination of EACH file
- DURRING Mega-Joining and Mega-Splitting. You will be able to
- AUTO Join or split as many files as you like (memory and disk
- space permitting) and have each file come from a specified source,
- go to a specified destination, and have each file have it's
- own specified size,number and name.... ALL AT ONCE!
- A very simple requestor to allow those wanting to use the #?
- feature to select what types of files to split or join...
- (,pic, .txt, .anim....etc)... so you won't have to type this.
- Thanks To:
- ~~~~~~~~~~
- Yves Perrenoud for creating the SPLOIN CLI based program.
- M. Joel Guerra, Who's partial code I used/modified for the
- small file requester... (from a P.D. requestor example called
- DirBrowse).
- Also:
- Thanks to Inovatronics for creating CANDO... the best all around
- multimedia program EVER MADE!
- Known Bugs:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- Well, Since I'm still very new to the "programming thing" and this
- is version 1.0...It's quite possible there are a few bugs. As My
- programming skills improve... so will SPLOIN-GUI!
- I have not added precise error handling to all of the features.
- This will change with a future version.
- You cannot split or join files with empty spaces in the names.
- You also cannot split or join to disks or directories with
- spaces in the names. "MY DRIVE:"
- ^_________The space will cause SPLOIN GUI
- To abbondon the split or join.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- SPLOIN-GUI is © SHAREWARE. Before you smirk and think... "this
- guy isn't getting a penny"... ALL I ASK IS A $1 donation. If you
- use SPLOIN-GUI... then you owe me $1. Send the $1 fee to:
- Joey McDonald
- 2627 S. Lamb Blvd. #205
- Las Vegas, NV 89121
- You can net-mail me at 1:209/254 or 1:209/239.
- SPLOIN-GUI is freely distributable via BBS and PD disk
- collections charging no more than $6 per disk. If you
- wish to include SPLOIN-GUI on a disk magazine, commercial
- software, etc.... you will need my permission. The Archive
- must remain in it's original form and all files must remain
- unchanged.... with exception to the SPL165.LHA file which
- may be removed from this archive if conflictions occur with
- the distribution requests of the author (see the docs contained
- in SPL165.LHA).
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- You use this software at your own risk. I am not responsible for
- anything this program does.
- 11/13/93
- Joey McDonald