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Text File | 1992-09-02 | 50.7 KB | 1,350 lines |
- ------------------------
- Art School - Version 1.1
- ------------------------
- © 1993-94 CarterSoft Productions
- Exclusively Licenced to F1 Licenceware
- Not for inclusion on any PD Library / BBS / Compilation
- Design, Documentation and Programming
- Alan Carter
- Texture Mapping Routine
- Jean Baptiste Bolcato
- Original OL-SYS Routines
- Paul Wheeler
- Additional Help
- David Yarham
- Off-Hand Support
- John Howard
- -----------------
- Introduction 1.1
- New Features............................... 1.1a
- Children And Art........................... 1.1b
- Well Hello................................. 1.1c
- F1 Licenceware............................. 1.1d
- CarterSoft Productions..................... 1.1e
- Chapter One: First Steps
- 1. Getting Started......................... 1.2
- Software................................ 1.3
- Hardware................................ 1.4
- Using The Discs......................... 1.5
- Running ArtSchool....................... 1.6
- Chapter Two: Exploring Art School
- 1. The Enviroment.......................... 2.1
- 2. The Tool Strip.......................... 2.2
- Draw................................ 2.2.1
- Lines............................... 2.2.2
- Boxes............................... 2.2.3
- Circles............................. 2.2.4
- Effects............................. 2.2.5
- Rubber.............................. 2.2.6
- Scissors............................ 2.2.7
- Paste Brushes....................... 2.2.8
- Paint............................... 2.2.9
- Undo................................ 2.2.10
- 3. The Effects Bar......................... 2.3
- Clear Screen........................ 2.3.1
- Random Circles...................... 2.3.2
- Random Squares...................... 2.3.3
- Up and Down......................... 2.3.4
- Left and Right...................... 2.3.5
- Orbital Drawing..................... 2.3.6
- Tri-Spinner......................... 2.3.7
- Wacky Worm.......................... 2.3.8
- Sample Player....................... 2.3.9
- Night Sky........................... 2.3.10
- Landscape........................... 2.3.11
- Seascape............................ 2.3.12
- Snow Mountains...................... 2.3.13
- House............................... 2.3.14
- Weather Map......................... 2.3.15
- Colouring Book...................... 2.3.16
- Rainbow Maker....................... 2.3.17
- Tiles Maker......................... 2.3.18
- Splat!.............................. 2.3.19
- Fractal Tree........................ 2.3.20
- 3D Floor............................ 2.3.21
- Ghost Pen........................... 2.3.22
- Smoke Puffs......................... 2.3.23
- Talking Keyboard.................... 2.3.24
- Writing Text........................ 2.3.25
- Light Square........................ 2.3.26
- Spray Can........................... 2.3.27
- Radial Lines........................ 2.3.28
- Dotted Lines........................ 2.3.29
- Growing Squares..................... 2.3.30
- Growing Circles..................... 2.3.31
- Invert Palette...................... 2.3.32
- Grid................................ 2.3.33
- Zoom Screen......................... 2.3.34
- Perspective......................... 2.3.35
- Slide Shower........................ 2.3.36
- Curves.............................. 2.3.37
- Magnaline........................... 2.3.38
- Fractal............................. 2.3.39
- Turtle Power!....................... 2.3.40
- Music Player........................ 2.3.41
- Rub Through......................... 2.3.42
- Comb................................ 2.3.43
- Colour Comb......................... 2.3.44
- Screen Shrink....................... 2.3.45
- 4. Altering The Effects.................... 2.4
- Changing The Colours................ 2.4.1
- The Arrow Keys...................... 2.4.2
- 5. The Brushes............................. 2.5
- Using............................... 2.5.1
- Making New Brushes.................. 2.5.2
- Loading............................. 2.5.3
- Saving.............................. 2.5.4
- Flipping............................ 2.5.5
- 6. Pull Down Menus......................... 2.6
- The Project Menu.................... 2.6
- Loading Pictures................ 2.6.1
- Saving Pictures................. 2.6.2
- Loading Brushes................. 2.6.3
- Saving Brushes.................. 2.6.4
- Help............................ 2.6.5
- About........................... 2.6.6
- Quit............................ 2.6.7
- The Supervisor Menu................. 2.6.8
- Lock Menu....................... 2.6.8
- Enable / Disable Samples........ 2.6.9
- Set Book Path................... 2.6.10
- Set Slide Path.................. 2.6.11
- Set Music Path.................. 2.6.12
- Set Fractal Type................ 2.6.13
- " " Viewmode............ 2.6.14
- Reset Rainbow 2.6.15
- 7. Keyboard Shortcuts...................... 2.7
- -O-
- --------------------
- 1.1a New Features
- --------------------
- Since the release of version one Art School has had a few
- reviews. In the main, they were particularly favourable,
- however, a few 'bad apples' managed to invade the barrel.
- Many of the 'bugs' that were reported by reviewers were in
- fact due to concluding without researching i.e. the program
- seizure reported in Amiga Shopper was in fact the menu lock!
- As I have spent a not inconsiderable amount of time writing
- this program, I though it was time for an upgrade, even though
- it hasn't been out that long. While re-writing some of the
- code I did actually find a few bugs (they are listed!), so
- nobodys perfect. Anyway, in true doc fashion, here are the
- revisions... :-)
- BUGS FIXED since 1.0
- --------------------
- * Error trapping on saves now fixed.
- * File buffer overflow now stops itself causing damage.
- * Confused narrator & keyboard now sorted.
- * Occasional effect changes failed : now fixed
- ... er, that's em all! I think...
- ------------
- * Help available from menu as well and keyboard.
- * Independent file buffer for Slide Shower.
- * Independent file buffer for Music Player.
- * Independent file buffer for Colouring Book.
- * File Path settings can now be altered for the above three
- functions.
- * Child Lock renamed 'Menu Lock' to avoid confusion!
- * Rainbow feature can now be reset to default.
- * Arrow Key Action Arrows are now animated to draw the users
- attention to the fact the current effect can be altered.
- * Fractal drawing feature now included and can draw either
- Mandelbrot or Julia sets to either a pre-defined window
- or full screen. Zooming and positioning controls are in.
- * Curve effect added.
- * Music player added with selectable playlist, tape transport
- style control panel.
- * Turtle graphics language now implemented with full text
- editor, saving and loading. Instruction set limited to 20
- commands and simple branching, but if anyone wants it
- extended let me know.
- * Screen shrinking by 50%.
- * Magnadraw.
- * Comb & ColourComb effects.
- * Invert palette effect now 1000% faster!
- * Spare work screen now avaiable!
- * Rub through effect from spare to current screen!
- I think that's it for the time being. Enjoy them!
- 1.1b Children and Art
- ------------------------
- This program came about originally after I saw a PD painting
- program on a magazine coverdisc. Although the program was
- competent in its aims, I found it to be a bit boring and so
- couldn't hold a childs attention for very long.
- I decided to write my own program, and, after seeing the
- Electronic Arts contender some time later I thought I had
- better widen my goals a little and include more features
- than any other program currently selling out of the full
- price range. I hope I have achieved the original aim of
- producing a fun art package that children will find enjoyable.
- From my own experience I have seen that children like
- many features that are 'grown up' in feel, such as texture
- mapping made easy. They will eventually move up to the likes
- of Deluxe Paint 7, and hopefully the transition will be easy
- and natural.
- The use of rainbows for skylines is one example of a tool
- that was thought up by children, and I think its one of the
- best effects in ArtSchool. As you will hopefully see, with
- these tools, brushes and your childs (or your!) creativity
- ArtSchool is the ideal medium for creating beautiful pictures
- with ease.
- Often children will come up with 'wish lists' if they
- enjoy something, so if your child or yourself has an idea that
- you feel would work well inside ArtSchool, and if would like
- to see it implemented in future revisions, then please contact
- me. Likewise, any bug reports or dislikes would be welcomed.
- My latest address can be found by reading the 'About' message
- in ArtSchool. Thank you.
- Alan Carter. May 1994
- 1.1c Well Hello...
- ---------------------
- Sorry to all the people who I ignored last time around, I was
- in such a rush to get it together and out the door that I
- completely forgot about the greets list. Also, If your not
- mentioned, please forgive me but as is usual, its after four in
- the morning and I'm running on autopilot. So here they are, in
- no particular order...
- Steve 'n Belinda from F1 Licenceware
- All the people who bought Batdog 1 & source code. THANKS!
- David Yarham
- Les Edgar
- Shawn Carter
- John (Honestly!!) Howard
- Gears!!! Sorry pal.
- Colin Yarnall
- Jackie (Laws of motion) Lowe
- Andy (forgetful) Gibson
- Phil South
- Paul Overaa (thanks!)
- Chris Evans
- Craig Pell ( are you still alive Mr Northallerton ? Its Mr
- Carter calling! Allinson & Textiles Inc !! Haha)
- Commander Data, I know you MUST exist somewhere you smart ****
- Sorry if I've missed you, maybe next time - hey! Maybe never!
- 1.1d F1 Licenceware
- ----------------------
- This company, formed in February is dedicated to bringing you
- the very best quality Amiga software at a price thats unbeatable.
- All titles are exclusive, so you won`t find them in the Public
- Domain, prices start from 3.99 for one disc programs. Their
- latest detailed catalogue is availble by sending a SAE and
- either a disc or 75p to the address soon to follow. ArtSchool
- is licenced to them, so you know you can`t go wrong! Well, what
- are you waiting for, give `em a call or drop `em a line at:
- F1 Licenceware
- 31 Wellington Road
- Exeter
- Devon
- EX2 9DU
- Tel: 0392 493580 Today!!
- 1.1e CarterSoft Productions
- ------------------------------
- A bit of an `Indy` outfit, but we, or I, as it is 97% of the time
- have been going over two years now. I`ve released various programs:
- Batdog, an old platformer was once sold to Amiga Computing. Simon
- and Skeet was a recently put on PD. Touch`n`Go was released through
- F1 recently and will be featured on the The One`s coverdisc. Batdog
- II would have been out now if I hadn`t have reviewed this program
- first and I think it`ll do pretty well, the source code will be
- available seperately code fans!! My fave has to be this one though,
- ArtSchool, because I just like it myself. It was actually on a disc
- for over 8 months before John Howard gave me the inspiration to get
- it finished along with everything else. At that point I had a habit
- of starting 27 things at once (I know Steve!). So if you ever read
- this John, I want to say thanks, honestly, for giving me that final
- push to progress. I know we`ve had a few differences, but thanks
- anyway, its forgotton. Best of luck with your Army career, cheerz!
- In a funny kind of weird like fuzzy way, a bit hazy as well as kind
- of hot - no, cold way I owe this all to you. Funny old life innit ?
- Soon to come from ol` Cartersoft is a commercial release that is
- bound to be a smash hit, but I can`t say more than this is how it
- all starts, from humble beginnings. Were also gonna be involved in
- the Amoszine project, and so can you, so get in touch with F1 now!
- I personally however would be looking for any talented GFX artists
- and musicians to work on future CD projects, so if you want to
- apply, write to me, Al, with some demos of your work and I`ll be
- in touch with you. Don`t delay though, CD will soon be moving away
- from the realm of small developers, so act now!! I won`t be turning
- away from the Licenceware / PD scene though as I`m a firm believer
- in the `scene stuff, I owe a lot, as do many others to the collective
- knowledge of the thousands of extremely talented individuals and
- groups who have contributed to the PD / Licenceware / Shareware
- scene. One name that springs immediately to mind is Anders Bjerin,
- the author of the extensive PD C manual that trashed my original
- printer!
- To end on another advert!, any publisher looking to contract out
- Amiga projects and would like to contact me can do so, thanks
- everyone and long live the AMIGA. << Applause >>
- -O-
- Chapter 1
- First Steps
- 1.2 Getting Started
- -----------------------
- ----------------
- ArtSchool comes on two disks: the Program disc, which as you
- can guess holds the actual computer program, default pictures and
- samples, and the Extras disc, which holds music, brushes,
- pictures, turtle examples etc. Sorry it had to spill on two discs
- but its got to large to even consider the one disc option.
- ----------------
- For ArtSchool to work properly you will need an Amiga with at
- least one megabyte of memory, this must however be at least 512k
- of CHIP memory. Accellerated machines or AGA Amigas such as the
- A1200 will not affect the operation of ArtSchool. An extra disc
- drive is recommended.
- -----------------------
- Before jumping in and running ArtSchool it is a good practice
- to make back-up copies of both discs, and then store the originals
- in a safe place. Information on copying discs can be found in your
- Amiga Users Guide.
- -------------------------
- To load and run the ArtSchool program first make sure the Amiga
- is switched OFF and no discs are in the drives. Switch on, and
- insert the Program disc into the internal drive, the program will
- now load. If you have an external drive, you may like to insert
- your AS_Extras disk.
- -O-
- Chapter 2
- Exploring ArtSchool
- 2.1 The Enviroment
- ----------------------
- ----------------------
- On the main screen after loading you will see a strip of large
- buttons running down the left hand side of the screen - this is
- the Tool strip.
- Almost every option is initially accessed from these buttons so
- it is important to understand what they do. We will now have a look
- at their functions starting at the top, with the Draw button. While
- reading the descriptions, the word 'pointer' is used to describe
- the cross-hair that simulates mouse movements.
- 2.2.1 DRAW
- ------------
- When selected the Draw button will draw a freehand line in the
- current ink colour as long as the left mouse button is pressed down.
- You can not accidently press another button or change the current
- ink colour while drawing, you must first release the button.
- 2.2.2 LINES
- -------------
- To draw a straight line between two points, first position the
- pointer on screen at the start of your line, then press and hold the
- left mouse button while re-positioning the pointer. When you have
- finished, release the mouse button and the line is drawn in the
- current ink colour.
- 2.2.3 BOXES
- -------------
- This function will draw a box between two points in the current
- ink colour using the technique as mentioned above.
- 2.2.4 CIRCLES
- ---------------
- Although described as a circle tool this button can actually
- draw ellipses. Again, first press and hold the left mouse button
- where you want the centre of you circle to appear, then drag the
- mouse out. Release when the shape is how you want it.
- 2.2.5 EFFECTS
- ---------------
- After selecting this button the horizontal bar at the bottom of
- the screen will change to a row of large square buttons. These are
- the special effects and will be covered later.
- 2.2.6 RUBBER
- --------------
- When this tool is selected pressing the mouse button will draw
- a solid block of colour. You may also notice notice two arrows that
- appear at the top right of the screen on the title bar. These
- indicate that pressing the arrow keys will affect a change with the
- current tool, in this case altering the rubbers size. To make the
- change in this instance you must also be pressing the left mouse
- button.
- As well as being used for eraser large areas of a drawing
- the rubber can also be used for drawing filled squares, also for a
- nice effect, select the rainbow colour and draw around with the
- rubber on its largest setting - very pretty!
- 2.2.7 SCISSORS
- ----------------
- The Scissors tool is used to make a temporary brush from the
- current picture. Use it in the same way as the box tool to outline
- a rectangle containing the image you want to use and then release.
- That image inside the rectangle is now available as a brush to be
- stamped and flipped atwill. You will notice that ArtSchool has
- automatically switched modes so that you are now in 'Paste Brushes'
- mode, this is for your convenience. Please note that the brush will
- remain as the spare until you re-select the scissors tool or choose
- another brush. This enables you to cut a brush, clear the screen or
- perform some other action and then re-select the 'Paste Brushes' tool
- to use the spare brush again.
- ---------------------
- As was just mentioned, this tool alters the bottom panel to show
- the current selection of brushes, and if a brush has been cut out
- with the Scissors tool, that will be shown at the pointer position.
- The arrows that will have appeared at the top of the screen show that
- cursor keys have affect on the brushes and will flip them horizontally
- and vertically.
- 2.2.9 PAINT
- -------------
- This tool is used to fill enclosed areas with a varied selection
- of patterns and colours. After selecting the Paint tool a box with
- arrowed buttons on either side will appear on the bottom left of the
- screen. This shows what pattern and colours will be used to paint
- with when the user clicks the left button on the screen. To change
- the pattern, use the arrow buttons. To change the colours simply
- click a colour on the palette box beside it. NOTE: clicking with
- the right button will cause a 'background' colour to be chosen, this
- enables you to have a two coloured pattern. Please also note that
- the first two patterns refer to the 'foreground' and 'background'
- colours, so occasionally it may seem like the tool isn't working.
- Just click back to the beginning and all will be fine.
- 2.2.10 UNDO
- ------------
- Clicking on this tool will cause the last action you did to
- be 'un-done', so allowing you to quickly forget any hasty mistakes.
- It isn't recursive and so won't undo itself! PAH!
- -----------------------
- These are where the backbone of ArtSchool is formed. If you
- haven't already grasped the fundamentals then let just explain.
- Any arrows that appear on the title line at the top of the screen
- mean that the current option can be altered by pressing the arrow
- keys. At any time, pressing the right mouse button when in 'Effects'
- mode will bring up the palette, simply choose another colour and
- release.
- --------------------
- This invokes one of seven different methods of clearing the
- screen. They are chosen randomly so as not to be totally boring!
- ----------------------
- Simply paste random sized filled circles at random positions
- around the pointer
- ----------------------
- Same as above but with filled squares!
- 2.3.4 UP AND DOWN
- -------------------
- This tool will cause the actual drawing position to move up and
- down from the pointer.
- ----------------------
- This tool will cause the actual drawing position to move left
- and right from the pointer.
- -----------------------
- While using this tool the drawing position will be constantly
- rotating in a circle around the mouse pointer.
- -------------------
- The Tri-Spinner is similiar to the old Spirograph drawing sets
- and is best used while keeping the mouse stationary until the drawing
- loop finishes. Many hundreds of combinations can be found by
- altering the angles of the triangle, or changing it size with the
- arrow keys.
- 2.3.8 WACKY WORM
- ------------------
- Select the Wacky Worm and watch it follow the pointer! Pressing
- the left mouse button will cause any colours under the worm to get
- eaten and leaving them partially changed. It wont destroy any
- pictures but it can change them there colours!
- -----------------------
- While the Sample Keyboard effect is selected, pressing the
- function keys will play a sample
- 2.3.10 STARPIC
- ---------------
- This button loads a pre-drawn 'stars at night' picture. As with
- the other picture loading buttons, the actual picture is contained
- within the System drawer of the boot disc and can be saved over with
- your own choice of picture if you want.
- A key point to note is that the pictures were designed to induce
- creativity and are deliberately sparse while retaining enough detail
- to justify using them. They work particularly well with the preset
- brushes.
- 2.3.11 LANDSCAPE
- -----------------
- Another picture loader, this time a nice country scene. After
- loading you could try changing the rainbow to see the different moods
- it creates.
- 2.3.12 SEASCAPE
- ----------------
- Another picture loader, gusty seas! Oh yes!
- 2.3.13 MOUNTAINS
- -----------------
- Another picture loader, beautiful and cold. Try using some
- snow-flakes and clouds to build the scene.
- 2.3.14 HOUSE
- -------------
- Picture loader again. This time a bare house, waiting to be made
- into a pretty picture.
- 2.3.15 MAP
- -----------
- Picture Loader. This loads in what was intended to be a weather
- map. In conjunction with weather map symbols it could be a fun way
- to simulate the weather maps on television.
- ----------------------
- The Colouring Book button is a slightly different picture loader.
- When ArtSchool is first loaded it will look for a folder named
- Col_Book on the extras disc, and if it finds it will make a list of
- all the pictures it finds. Then, when you click on the Colouring
- Book button it will load the pictures in a carousel fashion, looping
- back to the first when the end of the list has been reached.
- It is intended that the pictures be painted with various filling
- patterns and colours.
- The directore path can now be altered by selecting the 'Set Book
- Path' option from the Supervisor menu.
- ---------------------
- This button causes the rainbow colour to be randomly generated,
- creating a gradient fill similair to that in arcade games. To use
- it you must have used the rainbow colour (top right on the palette)
- somewhere in your picture, otherwise you wont be able to see the
- effect. The rainbow is excellent for adding atmosphere to pictures
- and will be saved along with your picture.
- Please note that the effect can only be used from within Art
- School, and loading the picture into any other art package will
- not show the rainbow properly (indeed not all!).
- 2.3.18 TILE MAKER
- ------------------
- The Tile Maker is quite a powerful tool that is used to fill
- the screen with a selected picture block.
- After selecting the effect a box will appear on screen. This will
- contain the piece of picture that will be used to fill the screen.
- Simply position the box over the piece you want to use and click the
- mouse button. For a quick example, make sure you are using the
- default brushes and then choose the small brown square next the gate
- brushes. Paste it on the screen. Now select the Tile Maker effect
- and position the sqaure over the brown brush. After you click the
- screen will be filled with what looks like mud. Now choose the
- Rubber tool and set it to the largest setting. Rub away the top of
- the picture to show a semi-skyline and fill that with the rainbow
- colour. Instant hillside! Wow eh ? Woopie doo!
- 2.3.19 SPLAT
- -------------
- This effect simply squirts a blob onto the screen.
- --------------------
- This effect will draw a randomly generated tree on screen at
- the pointer position. Don't forget that holding the right mouse
- button will bring up the palette bar so you can change colours.
- Also, don't forget that pressing 'U' on the keyboard will undo the
- last action. Oh and don't forget...
- 2.3.21 3D FLOOR
- ----------------
- This effect can be very nice to play with as it draws a 3D chess
- board like floor (or ceiling) on screen. While in testing a friend
- said it would be useful if it drew up from the bottom - well, without
- complicating things I said why not pick it up as brush and flip it
- for the bottom screen! Please see the example pictures for a good
- example of this effect.
- 2.3.22 GHOST PEN
- -----------------
- While this effect is selected, any drawing on the screen will be
- mirrowed.
- 2.3.23 SMOKE PUFFS
- -------------------
- This effect is similair to the Splat effect, but varies this time
- by pasting puffs of smoke on the screen - useful for trains and house
- chimneys.
- ------------------------
- After choosing this effect pressing letters on the keyboard will
- invoke the standard Amiga narrator to say what key was pressed.
- --------------------
- This very powerful effect is used to print text on the screen in
- a variety of styles and fonts. While entering text on the screen
- pressing the up and down arrow keys (at any time) will cause the font
- to change, while pressing the left and right arrows will cause the
- style to change between bold, underline and italics.
- The current text will not be fixed on the screen until you either
- press return or move the mouse pointer to a new position.
- --------------------
- While using this effect any colours inside the square will be
- shifted up one position in the palette.
- 2.3.27 AIRBRUSH
- ----------------
- This effect will spray pixels onto the screen as long as the left
- button is pressed.
- --------------------
- Once this effect is selected, pressing and holding the left mouse
- button and then dragging the mouse around the screen will cause lines
- to radiate out from the start point to the pointer.
- --------------------
- The effect is exactly the same in operation as the line tool but
- will draw a dotted line instead. Pointless ? Try drawing a dotted
- line with any degree of acuracy!
- -----------------------
- While using this effect and the left mouse button is depressed,
- ArtSchool will draw bigger and bigger squares onto the screen.
- -----------------------
- ----------------------
- This effect will invert any colours inside the square you choose.
- New version is a lot faster as it simply XORs the screen! Dopey me!
- 2.3.33 GRID
- ------------
- This effect simply draws a pixel spaced grid over your picture to
- give it that 'dotted drawn' look! Wow! As they say on the toothpaste
- advertisement.
- 2.3.34 ZOOM
- ------------
- Select this effect and the whole screen will be zoomed 100%
- 2.3.35 3D SCREEN WRAP
- ----------------------
- After selecting this tool the current picture will be replace by
- a 3D square. The square represents the angle the your picture will
- be pasted on to, and clicking the left mouse button will start this
- process. Pressing the 'Escape' key will halt it should you not want
- the effect to be finished
- --------------------
- This effect will bring up a selection box containing all the
- pictures in the current directory path ( to change the directory
- path choose 'Set Slide Path' from the supervisor menu). You can click
- on all the pictures you want to include in your slide show and press
- 'Okay' to continue. The screen will fade and each picture you
- selected will be loaded and shown one by one. While a picture is
- being displayed press the mouse key to continue the show or the
- 'Escape' key to quit.
- 2.3.37 Curves
- -------------
- This effect will draw a curve between two points, similair to
- Dpaints effect.
- 2.3.38 Magnaline
- ----------------
- Upon activating this effect another cursor will wander onto the
- screen and `attract & repel` itself away from the real cursor. When
- you press the mouse key a line will be drawn between the two
- cursors and an interesting effect is formed.
- 2.3.39 Fractal
- --------------
- This button is added in addition to the other fractal commands
- and has the same effect as pressing the F key, in other words it
- simply activates the fractal drawing functions once, and returns
- back to a stanby state.
- 2.3.40 Turtle Power!
- --------------------
- This function is one of the best additions to ArtSchool I could
- have hoped to have thought up. Using my own hybrid of the Logo
- language you can create many interesting shapes and effects that
- would simply be impossible or impossibly difficult to attain with
- a different paint package. Although limited (purposefully, this
- package is aimed at the younger user!) the commands available can
- produce excellent results, as well as showing the basics of writing
- a computer program.
- The actual interpreter has only 20 commands and is limited to
- 100 lines of turtle program code, but it will be extended if anyone
- has any suggestions.
- Upon clicking the button or pressing T the Turtle editor will
- scroll on from the bottom of the screen. The display consists of
- main editing window on the left, and a command index on the right.
- Above the editor window are control buttons used to perform
- various functions. I`ll deal with these quickly.
- GO!: Pressing this will `run` the current program
- SAVE & LOAD: Save & Load a turtle program.
- Note that while saving, the file selector will
- automatically add a .turtle suffix if one is missing.
- CLEAR: This will clear and reset the editor
- Note that various key functions are also used:
- F1: Run current program
- DEL: Delete current character
- SHIFT+DEL: Delete current line
- CTRL+UP: Scroll text up one screen
- CTRL+DOWN: Scroll text down one screen
- SHIFT+LEFT: Jump to end of line
- SHIFT+RIGHT: Jump to start of line
- ESC: Halt execution of program
- Pressing return at the start of line will shift the
- whole program down one line, but only works if the current line
- is occupied. Also, if the last line in the editor is full an
- error is displayed. Its all very similair to any other text
- editor actually and is fairly straight forward.
- The basics of programming the Turtle are fairly self explana-
- tory, but I`ll go over each function anyway, just to make sure.
- The letters in brackets are the shortcuts for the functions, just
- enter them as you would the full function. ie: fo 3 = forward 3
- The editor will accept any case fluctuations and will tidy up the
- line for you automatically.
- Function: (fo) Forward n
- -------------------------
- This function will move the turtle forward `n` number of steps.
- Function: (ba) Backward n
- --------------------------
- See above
- Function: (ri) Right n
- -----------------------
- This function will turn the turtle right `n` number of degrees.
- The value is added to the current direction.
- Function: (le) Left n
- ----------------------
- See above
- Function: (pu) PenUp
- ---------------------
- This will cause the imaginary pen to be lifted from the page so
- that no actual drawing will take place, the turtle will still move.
- Function: (pd) PenDown
- -----------------------
- This reversed the above action and causes actual drawing to resume.
- Function: (re) Reset
- ---------------------
- Using this function at the start of a program will reset the pen
- colour, the screen position and the angle to zero
- Function: (mo) Move n,n
- ------------------------
- This function uses the two values seperated by a comma and is a
- function to move the position of the turtle to a new screen
- co-ordinate x,y
- Function: (co) Colour n
- ------------------------
- This function will change the current drawing colour the the
- value entered as `n`. It should be in the range 0-31 and will
- take its colour from the standard palette in ArtSchool.
- Function: (fa) Fast
- --------------------
- By default, the drawing speed of the turtle is set to slow to
- allow younger ones the opportunity to see exactly what is going
- on when the turtle is drawing. Using this function will make the
- turtle draw at full speed.
- Function: (sl) Slow
- --------------------
- Instructs the turtle to draw slowly, see above.
- Function: (cl) Cls
- -------------------
- This function instructs the turtle to clear the screen.
- Function: * label
- ------------------------
- This function allows the user to enter a label, or mark, in the
- program that can be jumped to at any time. The asterix must be
- followed by a space and then a label that can consist of either
- letters or numbers. Eg: * alan or * bob1
- Function: (go) Goto label,n
- ----------------------------
- This function will jump to a label, n number of times, and then
- the turtle will only execute the function between the two points.
- It is not like a for/next loop or similair, it will only execute a
- jump once in the running of the program, so once its done it done.
- What I`m saying is that you cant nest them. Yeah. You may have
- guessed that I`m no teacher and so this is sounding a little
- sketchy, the best thing I can say is to look at some of the example
- turtle programs, trust me, it`s all very straightforward.
- Function: (st) Star n
- ----------------------
- This function will draw a 5 pointed star the size of `n`
- Function: (sq) Square n
- ------------------------
- This will draw a square the size of `n`
- Function: (ci) Circle n
- ------------------------
- Hey, does this draw a circle the size of `n` ?!
- Function: (en) End
- -------------------
- You can include this anywhere in a program, it simply stops the
- program from going any further and can be quite useful.
- -O-
- --------------
- While entering the functions the following error messages may
- be flashed on the screen:
- No Room!: The editor is full
- --------
- Must be a number!: The function requires a number as one of
- ----------------- its parameters, you have inadvertently entered
- some text instead.
- Command Error: The function you have entered is not recognised,
- ------------- check it on the list.
- Parameter Error: The function you have entered has either too many
- --------------- or too little parameters, see the list above.
- Note that the Turtle editor treats any values
- seperated by commas as seperate parameters.
- -O-
- 2.3.41 Music Player
- -------------------
- This function allows you to select a music module from a
- list and play the music while drawing. The control are the
- same as a standard tape deck.
- 2.3.42 Rub Through
- ------------------
- This effect allows you to `rub through` to a picture on the
- spare screen.
- 2.3.43 Comb
- -----------
- This is similair to the standard freehand draw but has a few
- extras thrown in. Firstly, the height if line can be altered
- by pressing the up and down arrows while drawing: this has the
- effect of drawing in varying pitch italics. Also, pressing the
- left and right arrows will vary the spacing between each point
- on the `comb`.
- 2.3.44 Colour Comb
- ------------------
- Similair to the above except this time each point is drawn
- using an adjacent colour. The starting colour is taken from the
- current ink colour.
- 2.3.45 Screen Shrink
- --------------------
- This command is the opposite of Zoom and was overlooked on the
- previous release. It will shrink the screen half size.
- -O-
- ----------------------------
- ----------------------------
- While in Effect mode the current ink colour can be altered by
- pressing and holding the right mouse button. This causes the palette
- bar to be shown and to select a new colour simply click on the
- palette with the left button. Simply release all buttons to return
- to the effect you were using.
- ----------------------
- Occasionally an effect may well have several options assigned to
- it that may for example, alter size and shape. To show that an
- effect can be changed, up to four little arrows can appear at the top
- right of the title bar (very top right of the display). If any arrows
- appear the relative arrow keys on the keyboard will have some effect.
- Please see the descriptions of the effects for any effect specific
- information.
- -------------------
- 2.5.1 USING
- -------------
- The brushes supplied with ArtSchool are designed to aid and
- complement a childs drawing style and are simple to use. Simply
- select the 'Paste Brushes' tool from the tool strip at the left of
- the screen (smiling face button), and the bar at the bottom of the
- screen will turn into large buttons with various images. These images
- are the brushes you can use. To see more, click on the arrow buttons
- at either side of the large buttons, if these become ghosted (dark)
- then that means you have reached the end (or start) of the brush
- file.
- To select a brush, click on the brushes button and then move the
- pointer into the screen, it should be accompanied by you brush image!
- To paste it into your picture, click the left mouse button.
- --------------------------
- If you need to make a temporary brush of your own, the last image
- in each file is spare, however, if you want to make a complete brush
- set of your own, you can.
- The easiest way is to click on the brush you want to replace with
- the right mouse button, this will put a square on the screen. The
- square should be positioned around the part of picture you want to
- make a new brush with and clicked with the left mouse button. If all
- is well, the brush button should now be showing your new brush.
- NOTE: If at any stage you want to cancel making a new brush, simply
- select a new brush or choose a new tool.
- 2.5.3 LOADING
- ---------------
- Loading a new Brush set is easy, just select 'Load Brushes'
- from the Project menu.
- 2.5.4 SAVING
- --------------
- Saving a custom Brush set is just as easy, simply select 'Save
- Brushes' from the Project menu.
- 2.5.5 FLIPPING
- ----------------
- While a brush is under the pointer the arrow keys can be used
- to flip it along the relative axis.
- -----------------------
- These menu are desinged mainly for parental use and should
- ideally be disabled with the menu lock facility before letting
- a child use ArtSchool.
- ------------------------
- In here are the main file operations:
- 2.6.1 LOAD PICTURE : Loads an IFF or *PIC picture
- 2.6.2 SAVE PICTURE : Saves both IFF and PIC pictures
- 2.6.3 LOAD BRUSHES : Loads a brush set
- 2.6.4 SAVE BRUSHES : Saves a brush set
- 2.6.5 ABOUT : Displays ArtSchool info, memory free
- 2.6.6 QUIT : End the current ArtSchool session
- * PIC pictures are IFF's with file extensions. We chose this method
- to retain compatability with other art packages.
- ---------------------------
- Quick access to switch features:
- -----------------------------------
- Locks out the menus use CTRL+ALT M, to restore them, a bell
- will sound if you got it right. NOTE: all error messages etc
- will be ignored while the child lock is on.
- 2.6.9 ENABLE / DISABLE SAMPLES : Switches on/off button noises.
- --------------------------------
- 2.6.10 SET BOOK PATH
- ---------------------
- Select this option to change the directory path to that
- of your colouring book
- ----------------------
- Select this option to change the directory path to that
- where your ArtSchool picture are located. NOTE: ArtSchool
- will only recognise pictures with a .PIC suffix to avoid
- any file confusion while displaying the pictures.
- ----------------------
- Select this option to change the directory path to that
- where your music is located. NOTE: ArtSchool will only
- recognise modules with a MOD. prefix and they should only
- be sountracker format.
- ------------------------
- Choosing this option brings up the fractal type requester
- and allows you to set the following parameters:
- ------------------
- Click on one of these buttons to alter the fractal set that
- ArtSchool will use to draw with.
- ----
- Enter a value here in the range 1-999 to alter the amount
- of zoom, with 1 being the maximum zoom.
- ----
- Enter a value here in the range 1-999 to alter the amount of
- iteration ( resolution ) used while calculating the fractal
- set, the higher the more detail.
- X and Y
- -------
- Enter a value in either of these in the range -32676 to 32767
- to alter the relative X and Y positions to be used while
- drawing the fractal set.
- GO!
- ---
- This button while draw the fractal using currently set
- parameters and then return control back to the fractal
- set requester.
- ------
- This button will reset all fractal co-ordinates to the centre
- depending on which fractal set is currently selected, ie the
- Mandelbrot sets centre is different to that of the Julia.
- ----
- This button will exit the requester and leave all settings
- intact
- ------
- This button will exit the requester and leave the settings
- as they were before you changed anything.
- -------------------------
- When the fractal is drawn it will either be output to a pre
- defined window or to a full screen.
- ----------------------------
- This option will bring up a requester that control the way
- the fractal is shown on screen. The options are:
- ------
- Click this button to make ArtSchool output the fractal to
- a pre-defined window.
- ------
- Click this button to make ArtSchool output the fractal to the
- full screen size.
- ---
- This button will allow you to set the size of an output
- window by dragging a square over the area you want. NOTE
- you must have clicked on the WINDOW button for it to work.
- ---------------------
- Choose this option to reset the rainbow function to its
- default blue to red gradient.
- --------------------------
- The following keys will invoke the named functions during
- the operation of ArtSchool:
- Z: Zoom the screen
- U: Undo the last action
- F1-F10: Play samples
- F: Draw fractal to current definition
- T: Invoke turtle graphics editor
- S: Swap Screens
- DEL: Clear Screen
- HELP: Show these keys
- Arrow Keys: Alter Effects (when available)
- Control Alt+M: Enable Child Lock
- -O-
- ArtSchool was created using AMOS Professional on the Amiga 1200.
- The CRAFT extension was used in the development of the high speed
- fractal routines and music player. Thanx!