home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 1994-04-05 | 44.7 KB | 1,664 lines |
- ; *************************************************************************
- ;
- ; CBM Installer Script to install ASM-One Version 1.25 on users hard-drive
- ;
- ; This version only works on OS2.0 or higher.
- ;
- ; Written by SCHWARZENEGGER of T.F.A
- ;
- ; Written: Mar 05/93
- ; Updates: Mar 07/93 - Added Installation for Disk 2/3/4
- ; (which should make installing the includes
- ; and other stuff a little easier)
- ; Mar 10/93 - Removed some bugs
- ; Ready for release!
- ; Mar 13/93 - Fixed some tiny bugs.
- ; Thanx to REMOTE CONTROL for mentioning this.
- ; (Why did nobody else supplied me with this
- ; information ?)
- ;
- ; Sep 3/93 - Update for new ASM-One (v1.20)
- ; Sep 16/93 - Some minor changes for being more user-friendly
- ; Mar 4/94 - Updated to install ASM-One V1.25
- ;
- ; "Combined Forces for the best Assembler!"
- ;
- ; *************************************************************************
- ;
- ; ************************************************
- ; * Install - Scherm 1 *
- ; ************************************************
- (set #asmone-install
- (cat "\nAbout ASM-One"
- "\n"
- "\nASM-One Version 1.25"
- "\n"
- "\n(1994) by The Flame Arrows"
- "\n"
- "\nYour distribution-set should consist of"
- "\nfour disks. This installation utility"
- "\nwill install the necessary files on your"
- "\nharddisk-drive."
- ))
- (set #asmone-install-help
- (cat "\n'Combined Forces for the best Assembler!'"
- "\n"
- "\nJust click proceed to continue."
- "\n"
- "\nFloppy-disk users should just copy one of"
- "\nthe executables to their own workdisk."
- "\n"
- "\nFloppy-disk users should also extract"
- "\none of the include-file archive to"
- "\na disk if they want to use OS-functions,"
- "\nstructures, etc."
- ))
- ; *******************************************
- ; * Install - Scherm 2 *
- ; *******************************************
- (set #asmone-install-part2
- (cat "\nInstall ASM-One"
- "\n"
- "\nThis installer applies to Version 1.25 of"
- "\nASM-One. This version is quite enhanced"
- "\nover the previous release version (1.20)."
- "\nThis install utility lets you install"
- "\na version of ASM-One that best suits"
- "\nyour system, a set of include files of"
- "\nyour choice and, if you wish, some"
- "\ndocumentation on the Amiga OS."
- "\n\nProceed ?"
- ))
- (set #asmone-install-part2-help
- (cat "\nThis section lets you choose in which drawer or on"
- "\nwhich disk the ASM-One files will be installed."
- "\n"
- "\nIf you choose to proceed, you will be asked where you"
- "\nwant the ASM-One files placed. If you choose"
- "\nto skip this part, you will go to the portion of the"
- "\ninstallation that copies the icon definition files."
- "\n"
- "\nAfter you choose the drawer or disk, you will have"
- "\nthe choice of installing either the ASM-One"
- "\nprogram or a set of include-files or a set of"
- "\nAutoDocs, or both."
- ))
- ; ************************************************
- ; * Finished Installation (finally... :-D) *
- ; ************************************************
- (set #asmone-install-finished
- (cat "\nInstallation of ASM-One has been completed."
- "\n"
- "\nWe hope you will enjoy this new version."
- ))
- (set #asmone-install-finished-help
- (cat "\nInstallation of ASM-One has been completed."
- "\n"
- "\nWe hope you will enjoy this new version."
- "\n\n"
- "Contact T.F.A. at +31-(0)35-855918"
- "\n\n"
- "Signed : Price/T.F.A. & Schwarzenegger/T.F.A."
- ))
- ; ******************************************
- ; * Please Insert DISK1 *
- ; ******************************************
- (set #insert-asmone-disk1
- (cat "\nPlease insert disk 1 (Install:) of the ASM-One"
- "\ndistribution disks in any drive."
- ))
- (set #insert-asmone-disk1-help
- (cat "\Disk 1 contains the files necessary for"
- "\ninstalling the OS 1.3 or 2.0 version"
- "\nof ASM-One, as well as: the reqtools"
- "\nlibraries, a small part of the AutoDocs"
- "\n(OS3.1/V40) and the AGA.Guide - a"
- "\ncomplete amigaguide helpfile on the"
- "\nnewest Amiga Custom Chips."
- ))
- ; ************************************
- ; * Please Insert DISK2 *
- ; ************************************
- (set #insert-asmone-disk2
- (cat "\nPlease insert disk 2 (Include1:) of the ASM-One"
- "\ndistribution disks in any drive."
- ))
- (set #insert-asmone-disk2-help
- (cat "\nDisk 2 contains: OS1.3 developer"
- "\nfiles, OS2.0 developer files, and"
- "\na small part of the OS3.1 developer"
- "\nfiles."
- ))
- ; **************************************
- ; * Please Insert DISK3 *
- ; **************************************
- (set #insert-asmone-disk3
- (cat "\nPlease insert disk 3 (Include2:) of the ASM-One"
- "\ndistribution disks in any drive."
- ))
- (set #insert-asmone-disk3-help
- (cat "\nDisk 3 contains the OS3.1 developer"
- "\nfiles and a part of the OS3.1 AutoDocs."
- ))
- ; ****************************************
- ; * Please Insert DISK4 *
- ; ****************************************
- (set #insert-asmone-disk4
- (cat "\nPlease insert disk 4 (AddOns:) of the ASM-One"
- "\ndistribution disks in any drive."
- ))
- (set #insert-asmone-disk4-help
- (cat "\nDisk 4 contains the new ASM-One AGA"
- "\nREGSDATA, the IFF-RAW Converter by"
- "\nTEAM HOI, some replay sources, the ReqTools"
- "\ndeveloper package, some debugtools and some"
- "\nmiscelaneous tools."
- ))
- ;*************************************************************************
- ;*************************************************************************
- ;*************************************************************************
- ;******************************** DISK 1 *********************************
- ;*************************************************************************
- ;*************************************************************************
- ;*************************************************************************
- ; *****************************************
- ; * Want to Install the AutoDocs ? *
- ; *****************************************
- (set #install-autodocs
- (cat "\nSelect which of the below you want to install."))
- (set #install-autodocs-help
- (cat "\nThe AutoDocs are very handy when using"
- "\nOS function-calls. They explain the"
- "\nsynopsis of all the OS3.1 functions (and"
- "\nlower) and their functionality. They"
- "\nrequire between 1.5 and 1.8 MB of harddisk"
- "\nspace."
- ))
- ; *****************************************************
- ; Ask the user in which drawer to install the AGA.Guide
- ; *****************************************************
- (set #which-disk-autodocs
- (cat "In which disk or drawer should the AutoDocs files be installed?"
- ))
- (set #which-disk-autodocs-help
- (cat "\nThe AutoDocs are very handy when using"
- "\nOS function-calls. They explain the"
- "\nsynopsis of all the OS3.1 functions (and"
- "\nlower) and their functionality. They"
- "\nrequire between 1.5 and 1.8 MB of harddisk"
- "\nspace."
- ))
- ; ******************************************************************
- ; Specific Install Options.
- ; This applies to install menu 1: which ASM-One version to install ?
- ; (e.g., 1.3 or 2.0?)
- ; ******************************************************************
- (set #install-asmoneversion
- (cat "\nSelect the program version you wish to install."
- ))
- (set #install-asmoneversion-help
- (cat "\nChoosing the ASM-One OS 1.3 or OS 2.0 program,"
- "\ninstalls the ASM-One main program in the"
- "\ndirectory of your choise."
- "\n"
- "\nAll ASM-One version are only upwards compatible,"
- "\nwhich means that the 2.0 version will work"
- "\nonly with OS2.0 or higher. If you have OS"
- "\n1.3 or 1.2 installed, use the OS1.3 version"
- "\ninstead. Starting with ASM-One 1.25, OS1.3"
- "\nis no longer supported! We did however"
- "\nsupply the (old) 1.20 archive."
- @askoptions-help
- ))
- ; ***********************************************
- ; Ask the user in which drawer to install ASM-One
- ; ***********************************************
- (set #whereputasmone
- (cat "In which disk or drawer should ASM-One be installed?"
- ))
- (set #whereputasmone-help
- (cat "\nThis will usually be a directory on a hard drive"
- "\nnamed ASM-One. However, you may name it anything"
- "\nyou like. The install script will create the"
- "\ndirectory if it does not exist.\n\n"
- @askdir-help
- ))
- ; *********************************************************
- ; Install - Menu 3: Applies to readme/distribution/filelist
- ; *********************************************************
- (set #install-whichtextfiles
- (cat "\nWhich of these textfiles do you want to install ?"))
- (set #install-whichtextfiles-help
- (cat "\nThe Changes.txt file marks all the changes"
- "\nbrought about in this version of ASM-One."
- "\n"
- "\nThe Distribution.Readme file gives some"
- "\ninformation on this distribution-set."
- "\n"
- "\nThe Filelist.Doc file gives a list of all the"
- "\nfiles located on each distribution-disk."
- "\n"
- "\nAGA.Guide is an AmigaGuide file with all"
- "\ninformation you'll need about the AGA ChipSet."
- "\n"
- "\nAllmodes.asm is an example of all the 680x0 "
- "\nadressing modes and includes all supported"
- "\n6888x opcodes/adressing modes"
- ))
- ; *****************************************************
- ; Ask the user in which drawer to install the AGA.Guide
- ; *****************************************************
- (set #which-disk-agaguide
- (cat "In which disk or drawer should the file AGA.Guide be installed?"
- ))
- (set #which-disk-agaguide-help
- (cat "\nAGA.Guide is an AmigaGuide file with all information"
- "\nabout the AGA ChipSet (and lower)."
- @askdir-help
- ))
- ;*************************************************************************
- ;*************************************************************************
- ;*************************************************************************
- ;******************************** DISK 2 *********************************
- ;*************************************************************************
- ;*************************************************************************
- ;*************************************************************************
- ; ******************************************************
- ; Install - Menu 4: Applies to which version of the
- ; include/lib/fd/lvo the user wants to
- ; install
- ; ******************************************************
- (set #install-what-devfiles
- (cat "\nSelect which version of the OS developer files"
- "\nyou want to install."
- ))
- (set #install-what-devfiles-help
- (cat "\nIf you want to use OS-functions, structures"
- "\nyou will need these files. Select a version"
- "\nthat best suits your operating-system."
- "\n"
- "\nAll files choosen are only downwards compatible"
- "\nwhich means that you can use OS1.3 functions"
- "\nusing the OS2.0/3.1 include-files, but"
- "\nnot the other way around."
- ))
- ; ****************************************************
- ; Install - Menu 5-os13: Applies to which files of the
- ; 1.3 os set the user wants to install
- ; ****************************************************
- (set #install-os13
- (cat "\nSelect which parts of the specific OS1.3"
- "\nfiles you want to install."))
- (set #install-os13-help
- (cat "\nArp.Library is the complete pack for this"
- "\nlibrary (including docs & sources)."
- "\n"
- "\nFD files might come in handy when you want"
- "\nto know what registers to use to call an"
- "\nOS functions."
- "\n"
- "\nInclude files are needed to use system"
- "\nstructures, offsets, etc."
- "\n"
- "\n_LVO's are needed if you want to make"
- "\nfunction-calls (they include all offsets)."
- "\n"
- "\nIn the library package are some linker"
- "\nlibraries supplied (not especially needed"
- "\nfor ASM-One)."
- ))
- ; ****************************************************
- ; Install - Menu 5-os20: Applies to which files of the
- ; 2.0 os set the user wants to install
- ; ****************************************************
- (set #install-os20
- (cat "\nSelect which parts of the specific OS2.0"
- "\nfiles you want to install."))
- (set #install-os20-help
- (cat "\nFD files might come in handy when you want"
- "\nto know what registers to use to call an"
- "\nOS functions."
- "\n"
- "\nInclude files are needed to use system"
- "\nstructures, offsets, etc."
- "\n"
- "\n_LVO's are needed if you want to make"
- "\nfunction-calls (they include all offsets)."
- "\n"
- "\nIn the library package are some linker"
- "\nlibraries supplied (not especially needed"
- "\nfor ASM-One)."
- "\n"
- "\nThe startup package contains all code and"
- "\ninformation you'll need to let your"
- "\nprograms startup in an OS friendly way."
- ))
- ; ****************************************************
- ; Install - Menu 5-os31: Applies to which files of the
- ; 3.0 os set the user wants to install
- ; ****************************************************
- (set #install-os31
- (cat "\nSelect which parts of the specific OS3.1"
- "\nfiles you want to install."))
- (set #install-os31-help
- (cat "\nFD files might come in handy when you want"
- "\nto know what registers to use to call an"
- "\nOS functions."
- "\n"
- "\nInclude files are needed to use system"
- "\nstructures, offsets, etc."
- "\n"
- "\n_LVO's are needed if you want to make"
- "\nfunction-calls (they include all offsets)."
- "\n"
- "\nIn the library package are some linker"
- "\nlibraries supplied (not especially needed"
- "\nfor ASM-One)."
- "\n"
- "\nThe startup package contains all code and"
- "\ninformation you'll need to let your"
- "\nprograms startup in an OS friendly way."
- "\n"
- "\nThe documentation contains some specific"
- "\nOS3.1 (version 40) documentation.,"
- "\nincluding : 68040 / V39 compatibility"
- "\nnotes among others."
- ))
- ;*************************************************************************
- ;*************************************************************************
- ;*************************************************************************
- ;******************************** DISK 3 *********************************
- ;*************************************************************************
- ;*************************************************************************
- ;*************************************************************************
- ;*************************************************************************
- ;*************************************************************************
- ;*************************************************************************
- ;******************************** DISK 4 *********************************
- ;*************************************************************************
- ;*************************************************************************
- ;*************************************************************************
- ; ****************************************************
- ; Want to Install the Tools ? (FD2LVO, BLINK, SRSPLIT)
- ; ****************************************************
- (set #install-tools
- (cat "\nSelect if you want to install the tools."))
- (set #install-tools-help
- (cat "\nThere are several small utils located inside"
- "\nthe tools archive."
- "\n"
- "\nAmong them are: BLink (Public Domain Linker),"
- "\nwhich you might use to combine assembler and"
- "\nC code, FD2LVO (including documentation);"
- "\na utility to convert Commodore FD files to"
- "\n_LVO files (by HISOFT; not entirely A4000"
- "\ncompatible (but it works :-D)."
- "\nTeam Hoi's RAWAGA converter."
- @askdir-help
- ))
- ; ************************************************
- ; Ask the user if which drawer to install Enforcer
- ; ************************************************
- (set #which-disk-debugtools
- (cat "In which disk or drawer should Enforcer and/or Sushi be installed?"
- ))
- (set #which-disk-debugtools-help
- (cat "\nThis will usually be a directory on a hard drive"
- "\nnamed Enforcer or Utils. However, you may name"
- "\nit anything you like. The install script will"
- "\ncreate the directory if it does not exist."
- "\nEnforcer is a debug tool from Commodore that"
- "\nrequires an MMU. Sushi is a tool for catching"
- "\nkprintf() / Enforcer output to console.\n\n"
- @askdir-help
- ))
- (set #install-debugtools
- (cat "\nSelect which items to install."
- ))
- (set #install-debugtools-help
- (cat "\nEnforcer is a debug tool from Commodore that"
- "\nrequires an MMU. Sushi is a tool for catching"
- "\nkprintf() / Enforcer output to console.\n\n"
- @askdir-help
- ))
- ; ********************************************************
- ; Install - Menu 2: Applies to REGSDATA & REQTOOLS PACKAGE
- ; ********************************************************
- (set #install-regsdata-reqtools
- (cat "\nSelect which items to install."
- ))
- (set #install-regsdata-reqtools-help
- (cat "\nRegister Data is needed if you want"
- "\nonline information about register names"
- "\nand functions. This file will be copied"
- "\nin your S:. Remember: the old REGSDATA"
- "\nfiles are NOT compatible with this new"
- "\nversion of ASM-One."
- "\n\n"
- "If you want to use your own requesters"
- "\nchoose for installation of the ReqTools"
- "\npackage."
- ))
- ; ************************************************
- ; Ask the user if which drawer to install ReqTools
- ; ************************************************
- (set #which-disk-reqtools
- (cat "In which disk or drawer should ReqTools be installed?"
- ))
- (set #which-disk-reqtools-help
- (cat "\nThis will usually be a directory on a hard drive"
- "\nnamed ASM-One or Sources. However, you may name"
- "\nit anything you like. The install script will"
- "\ncreate the directory if it does not exist.\n\n"
- @askdir-help
- ))
- ; ***********************************************
- ; Ask the user if which drawer to install Sources
- ; ***********************************************
- (set #which-disk-replay
- (cat "In which drawer should the Replay-Source be installed?"
- ))
- (set #which-disk-replay-help
- (cat "\nThis will usually be a directory on a hard drive"
- "\nnamed SOURCES: or ASM-One. However, you may name"
- "\nit anything you like. The install script will"
- "\ncreate the directory if it does not exist.\n\n"
- @askdir-help
- ))
- ;*************************************************************************
- ;*************************************************************************
- ;*************************************************************************
- ;******************************** GENERAL ********************************
- ;*************************************************************************
- ;*************************************************************************
- ;*************************************************************************
- ; ***********************************
- ; Specified directory does not exists
- ; ***********************************
- (set #thatdirne
- (cat "\n\nThe directory you specified does not exist."
- "\nDo you want to create it?"
- ))
- (set #thatdirne-help
- (cat "\nYou specified a directory that does not exist."
- "\n\nIf you choose Yes, the directory will be created."
- "\n\nIf you choose No, you will have the opportunity to"
- "\nspecify another directory."
- ))
- ;*************************************************************************
- ;*************************************************************************
- ;*************************************************************************
- ;******************************** JUMP IN! *******************************
- ;*************************************************************************
- ;*************************************************************************
- ;*************************************************************************
- ; ***********************************************************
- ; Start of the Main Program!
- ; ***********************************************************
- ; * 2 elementary messages. We want the user to know this
- ; * is yet another T.F.A. production :-).
- (if (askbool (prompt #asmone-install)
- (help #asmone-install-help)
- (choices "Continue" "End Installation")
- (default 0))
- (
- (if (askbool (prompt #asmone-install-part2)
- (help #asmone-install-part2-help)
- (choices "Yes" "End Installation")
- (default 1) )
- (
- ; ****************************************************
- ; * Now, set the default directory for search a path *
- ; ****************************************************
- (set asmonedir (getassign "Work" "v"))
- ; *****************************************************
- ; * Did we get anything ? If not, set default to sys: *
- ; *****************************************************
- ( if (= asmonedir "") (set asmonedir "sys:") )
- (set goodresp FALSE)
- (while (= goodresp FALSE)
- (
- (set target (askdir (prompt #whereputasmone)
- (help #whereputasmone-help)
- (newpath)
- (default "Work:ASM-One")))
- (if (not (exists target))
- (
- (if (askbool (prompt (#thatdirne))
- (help (#thatdirne-help))
- (default 0) )
- (
- (makedir target (infos) )
- (set goodresp TRUE)
- ))
- )
- (
- (set goodresp TRUE)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (set asmonedir target)
- (set @default-dest target)
- (set vernum (getversion "exec.library" (resident)))
- (set ver (/ vernum 65536))
- (if (< ver 36)
- (
- (set defa 0)
- )
- (
- (set defa 1)
- )
- )
- ; * First look which version of ASM-One the user
- ; * wishes to install (either 1.3 or 2.0 version)
- (set prt1 (askchoice (prompt #install-asmoneversion)
- (help #install-asmoneversion-help)
- (choices "ASM-One V1.20(!) for Release 1.3+"
- "ASM-One V1.25 for Release 2.0+"
- (default defa)
- )
- )
- )
- ; *********************
- ; * ASM-One for OS1.3 *
- ; *********************
- (if (= prt1 1)
- (
- (if (not (getassign "Install" "d"))
- (
- (askdisk (prompt #insert-asmone-disk1)
- (help #insert-asmone-disk1-help)
- (dest "Install")
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (
- (working "Extracting ASM-One 1.20 for OS1.3")
- (run ("Install:C/lz x %s %s/" "Install:Program/ASM-One_OS13.lha" asmonedir))
- )
- )
- ; ******************************
- ; * Install ASM-One for OS2.0+ *
- ; ******************************
- (if (= prt1 0)
- (
- (if (not (getassign "Install" "d"))
- (
- (askdisk (prompt #insert-asmone-disk1)
- (help #insert-asmone-disk1-help)
- (dest "Install")
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (
- (working "Extracting ASM-One 1.25 for OS2.0 or higher.")
- (run ("Install:C/lz x %s %s/" "Install:Program/ASM-One_OS20.lha" asmonedir))
- )
- )
- (if (< ver 36)
- (copylib
- (help @copylib-help)
- (prompt "Installing reqtools.library")
- (confirm)
- (source "Install:libs13/reqtools.library")
- (dest
- (askdir
- (prompt "Please select a place for \"reqtools.library\".")
- (help @askdir-help)
- (default "LIBS:")
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (if (> ver 35)
- (copylib
- (help @copylib-help)
- (prompt "Installing reqtools.library")
- (confirm)
- (source "Install:libs20/reqtools.library")
- (dest
- (askdir
- (prompt "Please select a place for \"reqtools.library\".")
- (help @askdir-help)
- (default "LIBS:")
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ; ****************************************************
- ; * Which Text Files does the user wish to install ? *
- ; ****************************************************
- (set prt3 (askoptions (prompt #install-whichtextfiles)
- (help #install-whichtextfiles-help)
- (choices "Changes.Readme"
- "Distribution.Readme"
- "FileList.Doc"
- "AGA.Guide"
- "Allmodes.asm"
- )
- )
- )
- ; ********************************
- ; Copy the Changes.Readme
- ; ********************************
- (if (IN prt3 0)
- (
- (copyfiles (source "Install:Changes.txt")
- (dest asmonedir)
- (infos)
- )
- (copyfiles (source "Install:Changes.txt.info")
- (dest asmonedir)
- (infos)
- )
- )
- )
- ; ************************************
- ; Copy the Distribution.Readme
- ; ************************************
- (if (IN prt3 1)
- (
- (copyfiles (source "Install:Distribution.Readme")
- (dest asmonedir)
- (infos)
- )
- (copyfiles (source "Install:Distribution.Readme.info")
- (dest asmonedir)
- (infos)
- )
- )
- )
- ; ****************************
- ; Copy the Allmodes.asm
- ; ****************************
- (if (IN prt3 4)
- (
- (copyfiles (source "Install:Allmodes.asm")
- (dest asmonedir)
- (infos)
- )
- )
- )
- ; ****************************
- ; Copy the FileList.Doc
- ; ****************************
- (if (IN prt3 2)
- (
- (copyfiles (source "Install:FileList.Doc")
- (dest asmonedir)
- (infos)
- )
- (copyfiles (source "Install:FileList.Doc.info")
- (dest asmonedir)
- (infos)
- )
- )
- )
- ; *****************************
- ; Copy the AGA.Guide
- ; *****************************
- (set agadir (getassign "Work" "v"))
- (if (= agadir "") (set agadir "sys:"))
- (set goodresp FALSE)
- (set agadir target)
- (if (IN prt3 3)
- (
- (while (= goodresp FALSE)
- (
- (set target (askdir (prompt #which-disk-agaguide)
- (help #which-disk-agaguide-help)
- (newpath)
- (default asmonedir) ))
- (if (not (exists target))
- (
- (if (askbool (prompt (#thatdirne))
- (help (#thatdirne-help))
- (default 0) )
- (
- (makedir target (infos) )
- (set goodresp TRUE)
- ))
- )
- (
- (set goodresp TRUE)
- )
- )
- ) )
- (copyfiles (source "Install:AGA.Guide")
- (dest agadir)
- (infos)
- )
- (copyfiles (source "Install:AGA.Guide.info")
- (dest agadir)
- )
- )
- )
- ; ************************************************************
- ; Now, let's see if the user wants to install the 3.1 AutoDocs
- ; ************************************************************
- (set autodocs (askoptions (prompt #install-autodocs)
- (help #install-autodocs-help)
- (choices "AutoDocs OS 3.1 (V40)")
- (default 2)
- )
- )
- (if (IN autodocs 0)
- (
- (set autodocsdir (getassign "Work" "v"))
- ( if (= autodocsdir "") (set autodocsdir "sys:") )
- (set goodresp FALSE)
- (set autodocsdir target)
- (while (= goodresp FALSE)
- (
- (set target (askdir (prompt #which-disk-autodocs)
- (help #which-disk-autodocs-help)
- (newpath)
- (default asmonedir)))
- (if (not (exists target))
- (
- (if (askbool (prompt (#agadir-no-exist))
- (help (#agadir-no-exist-help))
- (default 0) )
- (
- (makedir target (infos) )
- (set goodresp TRUE)
- ))
- )
- (
- (set goodresp TRUE)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (if (not (getassign "Install" "d"))
- (
- (askdisk (prompt #insert-asmone-disk1)
- (help #insert-asmone-disk1-help)
- (dest "Install")
- )
- )
- )
- (working "Working on extracting AutoDocs 3.1 (V40) archive.")
- (run ("Install:C/lz x %s %s/" "Install:Release3.1/AutoDocs3.1.lha" autodocsdir))
- ; ************************************************************
- ; Now Insert Disk 3 in any drive, so we can continue our work.
- ; ************************************************************
- (if (not (getassign "Include2" "d"))
- (
- (askdisk (prompt #insert-asmone-disk3)
- (help #insert-asmone-disk3-help)
- (dest "Include2")
- )
- )
- )
- (working "Working on extracting AutoDocs 3.1 (V40) archive.")
- (run ("Include2:C/lz x %s %s/" "Include2:Release3.1/AutoDocs3.1.lha" autodocsdir))
- )
- )
- ; ********************************************************
- ; First ask which version of include/lib and fd files the
- ; user wants to install
- ; ********************************************************
- (if (< ver 36)
- (
- (set defa 0)
- )
- (
- (if (< ver 39)
- ((set defa 1))
- ((set defa 2))
- )
- )
- )
- (set prt4 (askchoice (prompt #install-what-devfiles)
- (help #install-what-devfiles-help)
- (choices "Include/FD/Lib for OS1.3"
- "Include/FD/Lib for OS2.0"
- "Include/FD/Lib for OS3.1"
- (default defa)
- )
- )
- )
- ; ********************************************************
- ; ********************************************************
- ; ********************************************************
- ; ************************** OS1.3! :- ******************
- ; ********************************************************
- ; ********************************************************
- ; ********************************************************
- (if (= prt4 0)
- (
- (set prt5 (askoptions (prompt #install-os13)
- (help #install-os13-help)
- (choices "Arp.Library"
- "FD Files"
- "Include Files"
- "Library Files"
- "_LVO Files"
- )
- )
- )
- (if (not (getassign "Include1" "d"))
- (
- (askdisk (prompt #insert-asmone-disk2)
- (help #insert-asmone-disk2-help)
- (dest "Include1")
- )
- )
- )
- ; ************************
- ; Arp.Library
- ; ************************
- (if (IN prt5 0)
- (
- (set asmonedir target)
- (set @default-dest target)
- (working "Working on extracting ARP archive.")
- (run ("Include1:C/lz x %s %s/" "Include1:Release1.3/Arp1.3.lha" target))
- )
- )
- ; **********************
- ; FD Files
- ; **********************
- (if (IN prt5 1)
- (
- (set asmonedir target)
- (set @default-dest target)
- (working "Working on extracting FD archive.")
- (run ("Include1:C/lz x %s %s/" "Include1:Release1.3/FD1.3.lha" target))
- )
- )
- ; **********************
- ; Include Files
- ; **********************
- (if (IN prt5 2)
- (
- (set asmonedir target)
- (set @default-dest target)
- (working "Working on extracting Include archive.")
- (run ("Include1:C/lz x %s %s/" "Include1:Release1.3/Include1.3.lha" target))
- )
- )
- ; ****************************
- ; Library Files
- ; ****************************
- (if (IN prt5 3)
- (
- (set asmonedir target)
- (set @default-dest target)
- (working "Working on extracting Lib archive.")
- (run ("Include1:C/lz x %s %s/" "Include1:Release1.3/Lib1.3.lha" target))
- )
- )
- ; ********************
- ; _LVO Files
- ; ********************
- (if (IN prt5 4)
- (
- (set asmonedir target)
- (set @default-dest target)
- (working "Working on extracting LVO archive.")
- (run ("Include1:C/lz x %s %s/" "Include1:Release1.3/LVO1.3.lha" target))
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ; ********************************************************
- ; ********************************************************
- ; ********************************************************
- ; ************************** OS2.0! :- ******************
- ; ********************************************************
- ; ********************************************************
- ; ********************************************************
- (if (= prt4 1)
- (
- (set prt5 (askoptions (prompt #install-os20)
- (help #install-os20-help)
- (choices "FD Files"
- "Include Files"
- "Library Files"
- "_LVO Files"
- "Startup Files"
- )
- )
- )
- (if (not (getassign "Include1" "d"))
- (
- (askdisk (prompt #insert-asmone-disk2)
- (help #insert-asmone-disk2-help)
- (dest "Include1")
- )
- )
- )
- ; *****************
- ; FD Files
- ; *****************
- (if (IN prt5 0)
- (
- (set asmonedir target)
- (set @default-dest target)
- (working "Working on extracting FD archive.")
- (run ("Include1:C/lz x %s %s/" "Include1:Release2.0/FD2.0.lha" target))
- )
- )
- ; ***********************
- ; Include Files
- ; ***********************
- (if (IN prt5 1)
- (
- (set asmonedir target)
- (set @default-dest target)
- (working "Working on extracting Include archive.")
- (run ("Include1:C/lz x %s %s/" "Include1:Release2.0/Include2.0.lha" target))
- )
- )
- ; ***********************
- ; Library Files
- ; ***********************
- (if (IN prt5 2)
- (
- (set asmonedir target)
- (set @default-dest target)
- (working "Working on extracting Lib archive.")
- (run ("Include1:C/lz x %s %s/" "Include1:Release2.0/Lib2.0.lha" target))
- )
- )
- ; ********************
- ; _LVO Files
- ; ********************
- (if (IN prt5 3)
- (
- (set asmonedir target)
- (set @default-dest target)
- (working "Working on extracting LVO archive.")
- (run ("Include1:C/lz x %s %s/" "Include1:Release2.0/LVO2.0.lha" target))
- )
- )
- ; *******************
- ; Startup Files
- ; *******************
- (if (IN prt5 4)
- (
- (set asmonedir target)
- (set @default-dest target)
- (working "Working on extracting Startups archive.")
- (run ("Include1:C/lz x %s %s/" "Include1:Release2.0/Startups2.0.lha" target))
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ; ********************************************************
- ; ********************************************************
- ; ********************************************************
- ; ************************** OS3.1! :- ******************
- ; ********************************************************
- ; ********************************************************
- ; ********************************************************
- (if (= prt4 2)
- (
- (set prt5 (askoptions (prompt #install-os31)
- (help #install-what5-os31-help)
- (choices "FD Files"
- "Include Files"
- "Library Files"
- "_LVO Files"
- "Startup Files"
- "Documentation"
- )
- )
- )
- (if (not (getassign "Include1" "d"))
- (
- (askdisk (prompt #insert-asmone-disk2)
- (help #insert-asmone-disk2-help)
- (dest "Include1")
- )
- )
- )
- ; **********************************
- ; * Startup Files *
- ; **********************************
- (if (IN prt5 4)
- (
- (set asmonedir target)
- (set @default-dest target)
- (working "Working on extracting Startup archive.")
- (run ("Include1:C/lz x %s %s/" "Include1:Release2.0/Startups2.0.lha" target))
- )
- )
- ; **********************
- ; * Includes (partly!) *
- ; **********************
- (if (IN prt5 1)
- (
- (set asmonedir target)
- (set @default-dest target)
- (working "Working on extracting Include archive.")
- (run ("Include1:C/lz x %s %s/" "Include1:Release3.1/Includes3.1.lha" target))
- )
- )
- ; **************************
- ; * LIB Archive *
- ; **************************
- (if (IN prt5 2)
- (
- (set asmonedir target)
- (set @default-dest target)
- (working "Working on extracting Lib archive.")
- (run ("Include1:C/lz x %s %s/" "Include1:Release3.1/Libs3.1.lha" target))
- )
- )
- ; *********************
- ; * V39 Docs *
- ; *********************
- (if (IN prt5 5)
- (
- (set asmonedir target)
- (set @default-dest target)
- (working "Working on extracting Documentation archive.")
- (run ("Include1:C/lz x %s %s/" "Include1:Release3.1/Docs3.1.lha" target))
- )
- )
- (if (IN prt5 1)
- (
- (if (not (getassign "Include2" "d"))
- (
- (askdisk (prompt #insert-asmone-disk3)
- (help #insert-asmone-disk3-help)
- (dest "Include2")
- )
- )
- )
- (set asmonedir target)
- (set @default-dest target)
- (working "Working on extracting Include archive.")
- (run ("Include2:C/lz x %s %s/" "Include2:Release3.1/Includes3.1.lha" target))
- )
- )
- ; **********************************************
- ; **********************************************
- ; **********************************************
- ; ****************** DISK 4 !!!!!! *************
- ; **********************************************
- ; **********************************************
- ; **********************************************
- ; ******************************
- ; FD Files
- ; ******************************
- (if (IN prt5 0)
- (
- (if (not (getassign "AddOns" "d"))
- (
- (askdisk (prompt #insert-asmone-disk4)
- (help #insert-asmone-disk4-help)
- (dest "AddOns")
- )
- )
- )
- (set asmonedir target)
- (set @default-dest target)
- (working "Working on extracting FD archive.")
- (run ("AddOns:C/lz x %s %s/" "AddOns:Release3.1/FD3.1.lha" target))
- )
- )
- (if (IN prt5 3)
- (
- (if (not (getassign "AddOns" "d"))
- (
- (askdisk (prompt #insert-asmone-disk4)
- (help #insert-asmone-disk4-help)
- (dest "AddOns")
- )
- )
- )
- (set asmonedir target)
- (set @default-dest target)
- (working "Working on extracting LVO archive.")
- (run ("AddOns:C/lz x %s %s/" "AddOns:Release3.1/LVO3.1.lha" target))
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ; **************************************************************
- ; **************************************************************
- ; **************************************************************
- ; ***************************** DISK 4 *************************
- ; **************************************************************
- ; **************************************************************
- ; **************************************************************
- (set prt2 (askoptions (prompt #install-regsdata-reqtools)
- (help #install-regsdata-reqtools-help)
- (choices "RegsData"
- "ReqTools Developer Package")
- (default 0)
- )
- )
- ; ************************************************
- ; Copy Reqtools ? Reqtools needs to be extraced!
- ; Note that we do not check the disk until a new
- ; disk needs to be inserted!
- ; ************************************************
- (if (IN prt2 1)
- (
- ; **************************************
- ; Ask the user for a ReqTools Directory.
- ; **************************************
- (set reqtoolsdir (getassign "Work" "v"))
- (if (= reqtoolsdir "") (set reqtoolsdir "sys:"))
- (set goodresp FALSE)
- (while (= goodresp FALSE)
- (
- (set target (askdir (prompt #which-disk-reqtools)
- (help #which-disk-reqtools-help)
- (newpath)
- (default asmonedir) ))
- (if (not (exists target))
- (
- (if (askbool (prompt (#thatdirne))
- (help (#thatdirne-help))
- (default 0) )
- (
- (makedir target (infos) )
- (set goodresp TRUE)
- )
- )
- )
- (
- (set goodresp TRUE)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (if (not (getassign "AddOns" "d"))
- (
- (askdisk (prompt #insert-asmone-disk4)
- (help #insert-asmone-disk4-help)
- (dest "AddOns")
- )
- )
- )
- (set reqtoolsdir target)
- (set @default-dest target)
- (
- (working "Working on extracting ReqTools archive.")
- (run ("AddOns:C/lz x %s %s/" "AddOns:ReqTools/REQTOOLS.lha" target))
- )
- )
- )
- ; ************************************************************
- ; Copy REGSDATA ?
- ; ************************************************************
- (if (IN prt2 0)
- (
- (if (not (getassign "AddOns" "d"))
- (
- (askdisk (prompt #insert-asmone-disk4)
- (help #insert-asmone-disk4-help)
- (dest "AddOns")
- )
- )
- )
- (
- (working "Working on extracting REGSDATA archive.")
- (run ("AddOns:C/lz x AddOns:Misc/REGSDTA.lha S:"))
- )
- )
- )
- (set prt6 (askoptions (prompt #install-tools)
- (help #install-tools-help)
- (choices "Tools")
- (default 0)
- )
- )
- (if (IN prt6 0)
- (
- (if (not (getassign "AddOns" "d"))
- (
- (askdisk (prompt #insert-asmone-disk4)
- (help #insert-asmone-disk4-help)
- (dest "AddOns")
- )
- )
- )
- (set asmonedir target)
- (set @default-dest target)
- (working "Working on extracting Tools archive.")
- (run ("AddOns:C/lz x %s %s/" "AddOns:Tools/Tools.lha" target))
- (run ("AddOns:C/lz x %s %s/" "AddOns:RAWAGA/RawAga.lha" target))
- )
- )
- (set prt7 (askoptions (prompt #install-what8)
- (help #install-what8-help)
- (choices "Replay Routines")
- (default 0)
- )
- )
- (if (IN prt7 0)
- (
- (set defrepldir asmonedir)
- (set defrepldir (tackon defrepldir "replays"))
- (set replaydir (getassign "Work" "v"))
- (if (= replaydir "") (set replaydir "sys:"))
- (set goodresp FALSE)
- (while (= goodresp FALSE)
- (
- (set target (askdir (prompt #which-disk-replay)
- (help #which-disk-replay-help)
- (newpath)
- (default defrepldir)
- )
- )
- (if (not (exists target))
- (
- (if (askbool (prompt (#thatdirne))
- (help (#thatdirne-help))
- (default 0) )
- (
- (makedir target (infos) )
- (set goodresp TRUE)
- )
- )
- )
- (
- (set goodresp TRUE)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (if (not (getassign "AddOns" "d"))
- (
- (askdisk (prompt #insert-asmone-disk4)
- (help #insert-asmone-disk4-help)
- (dest "AddOns")
- )
- )
- )
- (set replaydir target)
- (set @default-dest target)
- (Copyfiles (source "AddOns:Replays/Future-Replay.S")
- (dest replaydir)
- (infos)
- )
- (Copyfiles (source "AddOns:Replays/ST-8Replay.S")
- (dest replaydir)
- (infos)
- )
- (Copyfiles (source "AddOns:Replays/NOISE-Replay.S")
- (dest replaydir)
- (infos)
- )
- (Copyfiles (source "AddOns:Replays/PPReplay.s")
- (dest replaydir)
- (infos)
- )
- (Copyfiles (source "AddOns:Replays/PT-Play.s")
- (dest replaydir)
- (infos)
- )
- (Copyfiles (source "AddOns:Replays/PT.FileFormat.txt")
- (dest replaydir)
- (infos)
- )
- (Copyfiles (source "AddOns:Replays/ST-Amreplay.S")
- (dest replaydir)
- (infos)
- )
- (Copyfiles (source "AddOns:Replays/NOISE-Fastreplay.S")
- (dest replaydir)
- (infos)
- )
- (Copyfiles (source "AddOns:Replays/NP3Replay.S")
- (dest replaydir)
- (infos)
- )
- (Copyfiles (source "AddOns:Replays/PT.Effects.txt")
- (dest replaydir)
- (infos)
- )
- (Copyfiles (source "AddOns:Replays/ST-8Replay.S")
- (dest replaydir)
- (infos)
- )
- (Copyfiles (source "AddOns:Replays/ST-Normalreplay.S")
- (dest replaydir)
- (infos)
- )
- )
- )
- (set prt8 (askoptions (prompt #install-debugtools)
- (help #install-debugtools-help)
- (choices "Enforcer"
- "Sushi")
- (default 0)
- )
- )
- (if (OR (in prt8 0) (in prt8 1))
- (
- (set enforcerdir (getassign "Work" "v"))
- (set defenfdir asmonedir)
- (set defenfdir (tackon defenfdir "Debugtools"))
- (if (= enforcerdir "") (set enforcerdir "sys:"))
- (set goodresp FALSE)
- (while (= goodresp FALSE)
- (
- (set target (askdir (prompt #which-disk-debugtools)
- (help #which-disk-debugtools-help)
- (newpath)
- (default defenfdir)
- )
- )
- (if (not (exists target))
- (
- (if (askbool (prompt (#thatdirne))
- (help (#thatdirne-help))
- (default 0) )
- (
- (makedir target (infos) )
- (set goodresp TRUE)
- )
- )
- )
- (
- (set goodresp TRUE)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (set enforcerdir target)
- (set @default-dest target)
- (if (not (getassign "AddOns" "d"))
- (
- (askdisk (prompt #insert-asmone-disk4)
- (help #insert-asmone-disk4-help)
- (dest "AddOns")
- )
- )
- )
- (if (IN prt8 0)
- (
- (working "Working on extracting the Enforcer archive.")
- (run ("AddOns:C/lz x %s %s/" "AddOns:DebugTools/Enforcer37_55.lha" target))
- (Copyfiles (source "AddOns:DebugTools/Enforcer37_55.readme")
- (dest enforcerdir)
- (infos)
- )
- )
- )
- (if (IN prt8 1)
- (
- (set sushidir enforcerdir)
- (set sushidir target)
- (set @default-dest target)
- (working "Working on extracting the Sushi archive.")
- (run ("AddOns:C/lz x %s %s/" "AddOns:DebugTools/Sushi37_10.lha" target))
- (Copyfiles (source "AddOns:DebugTools/Sushi37_10.readme")
- (dest sushidir)
- (infos)
- )
- )
- )
- ))
- )
- )
- (askbool (prompt #asmone-install-finished)
- (help #asmone-install-finished-help)
- (choices "Proceed")
- (default 0))
- (set target asmonedir)
- (set @default-dest target)
- )
- )