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- nonvolatile.library/--background--
- nonvolatile.library/DeleteNV
- nonvolatile.library/FreeNVData
- nonvolatile.library/GetCopyNV
- nonvolatile.library/GetNVInfo
- nonvolatile.library/GetNVList
- nonvolatile.library/SetNVProtection
- nonvolatile.library/StoreNV
- nonvolatile.library/--background-- nonvolatile.library/--background--
- The nonvolatile library provides a simple means for an application
- developer to manage nonvolatile storage.
- The nonvolatile library is meant to be used transparently across all
- configurations. Currently, nonvolatile storage may consist of NVRAM
- and/or disk devices. nonvolatile.library will automatically
- access the best nonvolatile storage available in the system. Disk
- based storage will be selected first and if not available, NVRAM
- storage will be accessed.
- On low-end diskless Amiga platforms, NVRAM may be available. This
- RAM will maintain its data contents when the system is powered down.
- This is regardless of whether batteries or battery-backed clock are
- present. The data stored in NVRAM is accessible only through the
- ROM-based nonvolatile library funtion calls. The size of NVRAM
- storage is dependant on the system platform and is attainable through
- the GetNVInfo() function.
- * Disk
- In keeping with the general configurability of the Amiga, the actual
- disk location used by nonvolatile library when storing to disk may be
- changed by the user.
- The prefs directory is used on the Amiga for storing many user
- configurable options. The location for nonvolatile disk storage
- is contained in the file prefs/env-archive/sys/nv_location. This
- file should contain a data string that specifies a lockable location.
- If the string does not specify a lockable location, the file will
- be ignored.
- When opened, the nonvolatile library will search all drives within
- the system until it finds this file and successfully accomplishes
- a Lock on the location specified in the file. To force a rescan of
- all drives, the library may be closed and reopened or execute the
- GetNVInfo() function.
- A simple method for creating a floppy disk for saving nonvolatile
- data is the following:
- Format a disk with the volume name NV
- Create a file prefs/env-archive/sys/nv_location on this disk with
- the following contents: NV:nonvolatile
- Create a directory nonvolatile
- The following is a script file that can be used to make a floppy
- for use with nonvolatile library:
- .KEY Drive/A DiskName
- .BRA {
- .KET }
- format Drive {Drive} Name {DiskName$NV} noicons
- md {Drive}prefs
- md {Drive}nonvolatile
- md {Drive}prefs/env-archive
- md {Drive}prefs/env-archive/sys
- echo {DiskName$NV}:nonvolatile > {Drive}prefs/env-archive/sys
- /nv_location
- nonvolatile.library/DeleteNV nonvolatile.library/DeleteNV
- DeleteNV -- remove an entry from nonvoltatile storage. (V40)
- success = DeleteNV(appName, itemName, killRequesters);
- D0 A0 A1 D1
- Searches the nonvolatile storage for the indicated entry and removes
- it.
- The strings appName and itemName may not contain the '/' or ':'
- characters. It is recommended that these characters be blocked
- from user input when requesting AppName and ItemName strings.
- appName - NULL terminated string identifing the application that
- created the data. Maximum length is 31.
- ItemName - NULL terminated string uniquely identifing the data
- within the application. Maximum length is 31.
- killRequesters - suppress system requesters flag. TRUE if all system
- requesters are to be suppressed during this function.
- FALSE if system requesters are allowed.
- success - TRUE will be returned if the entry is found and deleted.
- If the entry is not found, FALSE will be returned.
- nonvolatile.library/FreeNVData nonvolatile.library/FreeNVData
- FreeNVData -- release the memory allocated by a function of this
- library. (V40)
- FreeNVData(data);
- A0
- VOID FreeNVData(APTR);
- Frees a block of memory that was allocated by any of the following:
- GetCopyNV(), GetNVInfo(), GetNVList().
- data - pointer to the memory block to be freed. If passed NULL,
- this function does nothing.
- GetCopyNV(), GetNVInfo(), GetNVList()
- nonvolatile.library/GetCopyNV nonvolatile.library/GetCopyNV
- GetCopyNV -- return a copy of an item stored in nonvolatile storage.
- (V40)
- data = GetCopyNV(appName, itemName, killRequesters);
- D0 A0 A1 D1
- Searches the nonvolatile storage for the indicated appName and
- itemName. A pointer to a copy of this data will be returned.
- The strings appName and itemName may not contain the '/' or ':'
- characters. It is recommended that these characters be blocked
- from user input when requesting appName and itemName strings.
- appName - NULL terminated string indicating the application name
- to be found. Maximum length is 31.
- itemName - NULL terminated string indicated the item within the
- application to be found. Maximum length is 31.
- killRequesters - Suppress system requesters flag. TRUE if all system
- requesters are to be suppressed during this function.
- FALSE if system requesters are allowed.
- data - pointer to a copy of the data found in the nonvolatile storage
- assocated with appName and itemName. NULL will be returned
- if there is insufficient memory or the appName/itemName does
- not exist.
- FreeNVData(), <libraries/nonvolatile.h>
- nonvolatile.library/GetNVInfo nonvolatile.library/GetNVInfo
- GetNVInfo -- report information on the current nonvolatile storage.
- (V40)
- information = GetNVInfo(killRequesters);
- D0 D1
- struct NVInfo *GetNVInfo(BOOL);
- Finds the user's preferred nonvolatile device and reports information
- about it.
- killRequesters - suppress system requesters flag. TRUE if all system
- requesters are to be suppressed during this function.
- FALSE if system requesters are allowed.
- information - pointer to an NVInfo structure. This structure contains
- information on the NV storage media with the largest
- storage. The structure contains 2 longword fields:
- nvi_MaxStorage and nvi_FreeStorage. Both values are
- rounded down to the nearest ten. The nvi_MaxStorage
- field is defined as the total amount of nonvolatile
- storage available on this device. The nvi_FreeStorage is
- defined as the amount of available space for NVDISK or
- the amount of non-locked storage for NVRAM. For NVDISK,
- the nvi_FreeStorage takes into account the amount of
- overhead room required to store a new App/Item. This
- amount is 3 blocks to allow room for storing a new Item
- file and possibly a new App directory. For NVRAM, the
- amount of overhead is 5 bytes. However, the amount of
- room required to store a new NVRAM item depends on the
- length of the App and Item names. Refer to StoreNV()
- function for storage details.
- This function may return NULL in the case of failure.
- FreeNVData(), StoreNV(), <libraries/nonvolatile.h>
- nonvolatile.library/GetNVList nonvolatile.library/GetNVList
- GetNVList -- return a list of the items stored in nonvolatile
- storage. (V40)
- list = GetNVList(appName, killRequesters);
- D0 A0 D1
- struct MinList *GetNVList(STRPTR, BOOL);
- Returns a pointer to an Exec list of nonvolatile Items associated
- with the appName requested.
- The string appName may not contain the '/' or ':' characters.
- It is recommended that these characters be blocked from user input
- when requesting an appName string.
- appName - NULL terminated string indicating the application name
- to be matched. Maximum length is 31.
- killRequesters - Suppress system requesters flag. TRUE if all system
- requesters are to be suppressed during this function.
- FALSE if system requesters are allowed.
- list - a pointer to an Exec MinList of NVEntries. A NULL will be
- returned if there is insufficient memory. If there are no
- entries in the nonvolatile storage for the AppName, an
- empty list will be returned.
- The protection field contains more bits than are required for
- storing the delete protection status. These bits are reserved
- for other system usage and may not be zero. When checking for
- the delete status use either the field mask NVIF_DELETE, or the
- bit definition NVIB_DELETE.
- FreeNVData(), SetNVProtection()
- nonvolatile.library/SetNVProtection nonvolatile.library/SetNVProtection
- SetNVProtection -- set the protection flags. (V40)
- success = SetNVProtection(appName, itemName, mask, killRequesters);
- D0 A0 A1 D2 D1
- Sets the protection attributes for an item currently in the
- nonvolatile storage.
- Although 'mask' is LONG only the delete bit, NVEF_DELETE/NVEB_DELETE,
- may be set. If any other bits are set this function will return
- The strings appName and itemName may not contain the '/' or ':'
- characters. It is recommended that these characters be blocked
- from user input when requesting AppName and ItemName strings.
- appName - NULL terminated string indicating the application name
- to be matched. Maximum length is 31.
- itemName - NULL terminated string indicated the item within the
- application to be found. Maximum length is 31.
- mask - the new protection mask. Only set the delete bit otherwise
- this function WILL CRASH.
- killRequesters - suppress system requesters flag. TRUE if all system
- requesters are to be suppressed during this function.
- FALSE if system requesters are allowed.
- success - FALSE if the protection could not be change (ie the data
- does not exist).
- GetNVList(), <libraries/nonvolatile.h>
- nonvolatile.library/StoreNV nonvolatile.library/StoreNV
- StoreNV -- store data in nonvolatile storage. (V40)
- error = StoreNV(appName, itemName, data, length, killRequesters);
- D0 A0 A1 A2 D0 D1
- Saves some data in nonvolatile storage. The data is tagged with
- AppName and ItemName so it can be retrieved later. No single
- item should be larger than one fourth of the maximum storage as
- returned by GetNVInfo().
- There is no data compression associated with this function.
- The strings, AppName and ItemName, should be short, but descriptive.
- They need to be short since the string is stored with the data and
- the nonvolatile storage for a stand alone game system is limited.
- The game system allows the user to selectively remove entries from
- storage, so the string should be desriptive.
- The strings AppName and ItemName may not contain the '/' or ':'
- characters. It is recommended that these characters be blocked
- from user input when requesting AppName and ItemName strings.
- appName - NULL terminated string identifying the application
- creating the data. Maximum length is 31.
- itemName - NULL terminated string uniquely identifying the data
- within the application. Maximum length is 31.
- data - pointer to the memory block to be stored.
- length - number of bytes to be stored in the units of tens of
- bytes. For example, if you have 23 bytes to store length = 3;
- 147 byte then length = 15.
- killRequesters - suppress system requesters flag. TRUE if all system
- requesters are to be suppressed during this function.
- FALSE if system requesters are allowed.
- error - 0 means no error,
- NVERR_BADNAME error in AppName, or ItemName.
- NVERR_WRITEPROT Nonvolatile storage is read only.
- NVERR_FAIL Failure in writing data (nonvolatile storage
- full, or write protected).
- NVERR_FATAL Fatal error when accessing nonvolatile
- storage, possible loss of previously saved
- nonvolatile data.
- GetCopyNV(), GetNVInfo()