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Text File | 1993-08-12 | 42.4 KB | 1,096 lines |
- printer.device/CMD_FLUSH
- printer.device/CMD_INVALID
- printer.device/CMD_RESET
- printer.device/CMD_START
- printer.device/CMD_STOP
- printer.device/CMD_WRITE
- printer.device/PRD_DUMPRPORT
- printer.device/PRD_PRTCOMMAND
- printer.device/PRD_QUERY
- printer.device/PRD_RAWWRITE
- printer.device/PWrite
- printer.device/CMD_FLUSH printer.device/CMD_FLUSH
- CMD_FLUSH -- abort all I/O requests (immediate)
- CMD_FLUSH aborts all stopped I/O at the unit.
- io_Message mn_ReplyPort set if quick I/O is not possible
- io_Device preset by the call to OpenDevice
- io_Command CMD_FLUSH
- io_Flags IOB_QUICK set if quick I/O is possible
- printer.device/CMD_INVALID printer.device/CMD_INVALID
- CMD_INVALID -- invalid command
- CMD_INVALID is always an invalid command, and sets the device
- error appropriately.
- io_Message mn_ReplyPort set if quick I/O is not possible
- io_Command CMD_INVALID
- io_Flags IOB_QUICK set if quick I/O is possible
- printer.device/CMD_RESET printer.device/CMD_RESET
- CMD_RESET -- reset the printer
- CMD_RESET resets the printer device without destroying handles
- to the open device.
- io_Message mn_ReplyPort set if quick I/O is not possible
- io_Device preset by the call to OpenDevice
- io_Command CMD_RESET
- io_Flags IOB_QUICK set if quick I/O is possible
- printer.device/CMD_START printer.device/CMD_START
- CMD_START -- restart after stop (immediate)
- CMD_START restarts the unit after a stop command.
- io_Message mn_ReplyPort set if quick I/O is not possible
- io_Device preset by the call to OpenDevice
- io_Command CMD_START
- io_Flags IOB_QUICK set if quick I/O is possible
- printer.device/CMD_STOP printer.device/CMD_STOP
- CMD_STOP -- pause current and queued I/O requests (immediate)
- CMD_STOP pauses all queued requests for the unit, and tries to
- pause the current I/O request. The only commands that will
- be subsequently allowed to be performed are immediate I/O
- requests, which include those to start, flush, and finish the
- I/O after the stop command.
- io_Message mn_ReplyPort set if quick I/O is not possible
- io_Device preset by the call to OpenDevice
- io_Command CMD_STOP
- io_Flags IOB_QUICK set if quick I/O is possible
- printer.device/CMD_WRITE printer.device/CMD_WRITE
- CMD_WRITE -- send output to the printer
- This function causes a buffer of characters to be written to the
- current printer port (usually parallel or serial). The number of
- characters is specified in io_Length, unless -1 is used, in which
- case output is sent until a 0x00 is encountered.
- The Printer device, like the Console device, maps ANSI X3.64 style
- 7-bit printer control codes to the control code set of the current
- printer. The ANSI codes supported can be found below.
- Not all printers will support all functions. In particular you may
- not assume that the MARGINS or TABS can be set. Close to half the
- supported printers don't fully implement one or the other. If you
- want the features of margins or tabs you will need to fake it
- internally by sending out spaces.
- Note that the printer device may have already sent out a "set
- margins" command to the printer. If you are faking your own
- margins, be sure to cancel the old ones first. (use the "aCAM"
- command)
- Defaults are set up so that if a normal AmigaDOS text file
- is sent to PRT:, it has the greatest chance of working.
- (AmigaDOS text files are defined as follows:)
- tabs - every 8
- CR (0x0D) - moves to start of current line
- LF (0x0A) - moves to start of next line
- io_Message mn_ReplyPort set
- io_Device preset by OpenDevice
- io_Unit preset by OpenDevice
- io_Command CMD_WRITE
- io_Length number of characters to process, or if -1,
- process until 0x00 encountered
- io_Data pointer to block of data to process
- io_Error : if CMD_WRITE succeeded, then io_Error will be zero.
- Otherwise io_Error will be non-zero.
- printer.h, parallel.device, serial.device, Preferences
- ANSI X3.64 style COMMANDS
- aRIS ESCc hard reset
- aRIN ESC#1 initialize to defaults
- aIND ESCD true linefeed (lf)
- aNEL ESCE return,lf
- aRI ESCM reverse lf *
- aSGR0 ESC[0m normal character set
- aSGR3 ESC[3m italics on
- aSGR23 ESC[23m italics off
- aSGR4 ESC[4m underline on
- aSGR24 ESC[24m underline off
- aSGR1 ESC[1m boldface on
- aSGR22 ESC[22m boldface off
- aSFC SGR30-39 set foreground color
- aSBC SGR40-49 set background color
- aSHORP0 ESC[0w normal pitch
- aSHORP2 ESC[2w elite on
- aSHORP1 ESC[1w elite off
- aSHORP4 ESC[4w condensed on
- aSHORP3 ESC[3w condensed off
- aSHORP6 ESC[6w enlarged on
- aSHORP5 ESC[5w enlarged off
- aDEN6 ESC[6"z shadow print on
- aDEN5 ESC[5"z shadow print off
- aDEN4 ESC[4"z doublestrike on
- aDEN3 ESC[3"z doublestrike off
- aDEN2 ESC[2"z Near Letter Quality (NLQ) on
- aDEN1 ESC[1"z NLQ off
- aSUS2 ESC[2v superscript on
- aSUS1 ESC[1v superscript off
- aSUS4 ESC[4v subscript on
- aSUS3 ESC[3v subscript off
- aSUS0 ESC[0v normalize the line *
- aPLU ESCL partial line up *
- aPLD ESCK partial line down *
- aFNT0 ESC(B US char set (default) or Font 0
- aFNT1 ESC(R French char set or Font 1
- aFNT2 ESC(K German char set or Font 2
- aFNT3 ESC(A UK char set or Font 3
- aFNT4 ESC(E Danish I char set or Font 4
- aFNT5 ESC(H Sweden char set or Font 5
- aFNT6 ESC(Y Italian char set or Font 6
- aFNT7 ESC(Z Spanish char set or Font 7
- aFNT8 ESC(J Japanese char set or Font 8
- aFNT9 ESC(6 Norweign char set or Font 9
- aFNT10 ESC(C Danish II char set or Font 10
- aPROP2 ESC[2p proportional on *
- aPROP1 ESC[1p proportional off *
- aPROP0 ESC[0p proportional clear *
- aTSS ESC[n E set proportional offset *
- aJFY5 ESC[5 F auto left justify *
- aJFY7 ESC[7 F auto right justify *
- aJFY6 ESC[6 F auto full justify *
- aJFY0 ESC[0 F auto justify off *
- aJFY3 ESC[3 F letter space (justify) *
- aJFY1 ESC[1 F word fill(auto center) *
- aVERP0 ESC[0z 1/8" line spacing
- aVERP1 ESC[1z 1/6" line spacing
- aSLPP ESC[nt set form length n
- aPERF ESC[nq set perforation skip to n lines (n>0)
- aPERF0 ESC[0q perforation skip off
- aLMS ESC#9 Left margin set *
- aRMS ESC#0 Right margin set *
- aTMS ESC#8 Top margin set *
- aBMS ESC#2 Bottom margin set *
- aSTBM ESC[Pn1;Pn2r set T&B margins *
- aSLRM ESC[Pn1;Pn2s set L&R margin *
- aCAM ESC#3 Clear margins
- aHTS ESCH Set horiz tab *
- aVTS ESCJ Set vertical tabs *
- aTBC0 ESC[0g Clr horiz tab *
- aTBC3 ESC[3g Clear all h tab *
- aTBC1 ESC[1g Clr vertical tabs *
- aTBC4 ESC[4g Clr all v tabs *
- aTBCALL ESC#4 Clr all h & v tabs *
- aTBSALL ESC#5 Set default tabs (every 8)
- aEXTEND ESC[Pn"x Extended commands
- This is a mechanism for printer drivers to
- support extra commands which can be called
- by ANSI control sequences
- aRAW ESC[Pn"r Next 'Pn' chars are raw (ie. they are not
- parsed by the printer device, instead they
- are sent directly to the printer.
- (*) indicates that sending this command may cause unexpected results
- on a large number of printers.
- printer.device/PRD_DUMPRPORT printer.device/PRD_DUMPRPORT
- PRD_DUMPRPORT -- dump the specified RastPort to a graphics printer
- Print a rendition of the supplied RastPort, using the supplied
- ColorMap, position and scaling information, as specified in
- the printer preferences.
- io_Message mn_ReplyPort set if quick I/O is not possible.
- io_Command PRD_DUMPRPORT.
- io_Flags IOB_QUICK set if quick I/O is possible.
- io_RastPort ptr to a RastPort.
- io_ColorMap ptr to a ColorMap.
- io_Modes the 'modes' flag from a ViewPort structure,
- (the upper word is reserved and should be zero).
- If you are running under version 36, or greater
- of graphics.library, it is recommended that
- you fill in "io_Modes" with the ULONG (32-bit)
- value returned from calling:
- ULONG ModeID = GetVPModeID(struct ViewPort *);
- Doing so provides for upwards compatability with
- the new display modes available under V36
- (example: aspect ratio calculations for new
- display modes).
- io_SrcX x offset into the RastPort to start printing from.
- io_SrcY y offset into the RastPort to start printing from.
- io_SrcWidth width of the RastPort to print (from io_SrcX).
- io_SrcHeight height of the RastPort to print (from io_SrcY).
- io_DestCols width of the printout in printer pixels.
- io_DestRows height of the printout in printer pixels.
- io_Special flag bits
- (some of which pertain to DestCols and DestRows).
- -if SPECIAL_MIL is set, then the associated
- parameter is specified in thousandths of
- an inch on the printer. ie. if DestCols = 8000,
- DestRows = 10500 and SPECIAL_MILROWS and
- SPECIAL_MILCOLS is set then the printout would be
- 8.000 x 10.500 inches.
- -if SPECIAL_FULL is set, then the specific dimension
- is set to the maximum possible as determined
- by the printer limits or the configuration
- limits; whichever is less.
- -if SPECIAL_FRAC is set, the parameter is
- taken to be a longword binary fraction
- of the maximum for that dimension.
- -if all bits for a dimension are clear,
- then the parameter is specified in printer pixels.
- -if SPECIAL_CENTER is set then the image will be
- put between the left and right edge of the paper.
- -if SPECIAL_ASPECT is set, one of the dimensions
- may be reduced/expanded to preserve the aspect
- ratio of the print.
- -SPECIAL_DENSITY(1-7) this allows for a maximum of 7
- different print densities. DENSITY1 is the lowest
- density and the default.
- -SPECIAL_NOFORMFEED - this allows for the mixing of
- text and graphics or multiple graphic dumps on page
- oriented printers (usually laser jet printers).
- When this flag is set the page will not be ejected
- after a graphic dump. If you perform another
- graphic dump without this flag set OR close the
- printer after printing text after a graphic dump,
- the page will be ejected.
- -if SPECIAL_TRUSTME is set then the printer specific
- driver is instructed to not issue a reset command
- before and after the dump. If this flag is NOT
- checked by the printer specific driver then setting
- this flag has no effect. Since we now recommend
- that printer driver writers no longer issue a reset
- command it is probably a safe idea to always set
- this flag when calling for a dump.
- -if SPECIAL_NOPRINT is set then the following is done:
- Compute print size, set 'io_DestCols' and
- 'io_DestRows' in the calling program's 'IODRPReq'
- structure and exit, DON'T PRINT. This allows the
- calling program to see what the final print size
- would be in printer pixels. Note that it modifies
- the 'io_DestCols' and 'io_DestRows' fields of your
- 'IODRPReq' structure. It also sets the print
- density and updates the 'MaxXDots', 'MaxYDots',
- 'XDotsInch', and 'YDotsInch' fields of the
- 'PrinterExtendedData' structure.
- There following rules for the interpretation of io_DestRows and
- io_DestCols that may produce unexpected results when they are
- not greater than zero and io_Special is zero. They have been
- retained for compatability. The user will not trigger these
- other rules with well formed usage of io_Special.
- When io_Special is equal to 0, the following rules
- (from the V1.1 printer.device, and retained for compatibility
- reasons) take effect. Remember, these special rules are
- for io_DestRows and io_DestCols and only take effect
- if io_Special is 0).
- a) DestCols>0 & DestRows>0 - use as absolute values.
- ie. DestCols=320 & DestRows=200 means that the picture
- will appear on the printer as 320x200 dots.
- b) DestCols=0 & DestRows>0 - use the printers maximum number
- of columns and print DestRows lines. ie. if DestCols=0
- and DestRows=200 than the picture will appear on the
- printer as wide as it can be and 200 dots high.
- c) DestCols=0 & DestRows=0 - same as above except the driver
- determines the proper number of lines to print based on
- the aspect ratio of the printer. ie. This results in the
- largest picture possible that is not distorted or inverted.
- Note: As of this writing, this is the call made by such
- program as DeluxePaint, GraphicCraft, and AegisImages.
- d) DestCols>0 &DestRows=0 - use the specified width and the
- driver determines the proper number of lines to print based
- on the aspect ratio of the printer. ie. if you desire a
- picture that is 500 pixels wide and aspect ratio correct,
- use DestCols=500 and DestRows=0.
- e) DestCols<0 or DestRows>0 - the final picture is either a
- reduction or expansion based on the fraction
- |DestCols| / DestRows in the proper aspect ratio.
- Some examples:
- 1) if DestCols=-2 & DestRows=1 then the printed picture will
- be 2x the AMIGA picture and in the proper aspect ratio.
- (2x is derived from |-2| / 1 which gives 2.0)
- 2) if DestCols=-1 & DestRows=2 then the printed picture will
- will be 1/2x the AMIGA picture in the proper aspect ratio.
- (1/2x is derived from |-1| / 2 which gives 0.5)
- The printer selected in preferences must have graphics
- capability to use this command. The error 'PDERR_NOTGRAPHICS'
- is returned if the printer can not print graphics.
- Color printers may not be able to print black and white or
- greyscale pictures -- specifically, the Okimate 20 cannot print
- these with a color ribbon: you must use a black ribbon instead.
- If the printer has an input buffer option, use it.
- If the printer can be uni or bi directional, select
- uni-directional; this produces a much cleaner picture.
- Most printer drivers will attempt to set unidirectional
- printing if it is possible under software control.
- Please note that the width and height of the printable area on
- the printer is in terms of pixels and bounded by the following:
- Margins are set by preferences.
- For BGR printer support, the YMC values in the printer
- specific render.c functions equate to BGR respectively, ie.
- yellow is blue, magenta is green, and cyan is red.
- For version 2.1 of the Operating System (the Localization
- release), some of the printer drivers have been modified to
- support European A size paper (e.g., "A4"). See preferences.h
- for a list of defined sizes. For most printers, this means
- the maximum X dots will be calculated based on millimeters
- minus 1/2 inch (approx 13 mm) - this is consistent with existing
- driver calculations (e.g., 8.0 inches wide for US_LETTER, and
- US_LEGAL sizes).
- Some printers, like the HP_LaserJet, and HP_DeskJet also
- calculate maximum Y dots.
- For all modified printer drivers, selecting paper sizes larger
- than the printer can handle may result in unexpected, or
- clipped results. This allows for the possibility of using
- these drivers with future printers which may physically
- [and internally] support these larger sizes of paper.
- It is assumed that the user will make reasonable choices when
- selecting paper size (e.g., not select WIDE TRACTOR for a
- NARROW TRACTOR printer).
- Data Structures
- ---------------
- The printer specific and non-specific data structures can be read
- ONCE you have opened the printer device. Here is a code fragment
- to illustrate how to do just that.
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <devices/printer.h>
- #include <devices/prtbase.h>
- #include <devices/prtgfx.h>
- struct IODRPReq PReq;
- struct PrinterData *PD;
- struct PrinterExtendedData *PED;
- open the printer device / if it opened...
- if (OpenDevice("printer.device", 0, &PReq, 0) == NULL) {
- get pointer to printer data
- PD = (struct PrinterData *)PReq.io_Device;
- get pointer to printer extended data
- PED = &PD->pd_SegmentData->ps_PED;
- let's see what's there
- printf("PrinterName = '%s', Version=%u, Revision=%u\n",
- PED->ped_PrinterName, PD->pd_SegmentData->ps_Version,
- PD->pd_SegmentData->ps_Revision,);
- printf("PrinterClass=%u, ColorClass=%u\n",
- PED->ped_PrinterClass, PED->ped_ColorClass);
- printf("MaxColumns=%u, NumCharSets=%u, NumRows=%u\n",
- PED->ped_MaxColumns, PED->ped_NumCharSets, PED->ped_NumRows);
- printf("MaxXDots=%lu, MaxYDots=%lu, XDotsInch=%u, YDotsInch=%u\n",
- PED->ped_MaxXDots, PED->ped_MaxYDots,
- PED->ped_XDotsInch, PED->ped_YDotsInch);
- CloseDevice(&PReq);
- }
- Preferences
- -----------
- If you want the user to be able to access the printer preferences items
- without having to run preferences (like DPAINT II's printer requester),
- here is what you do. You can look at the printer's copy of preferences
- by referring to 'PD->pd_Preferences' (the printer device MUST already be
- opened at this point). After you have this you could put up a requester
- and allow the user to change whatever parameters they wanted.
- Listed below are the printer preferences items and their valid values.
- PrintPitch - PICA, ELITE, FINE.
- PrintQuality - DRAFT, LETTER.
- PrintSpacing - SIX_LPI, EIGHT_LPI.
- PrintLeftMargin - 1 to PrintRightMargin.
- PrintRightMargin - PrintLeftMargin to 999.
- PaperLength - 1 to 999.
- PrintThreshold - 1 to 15.
- PrintMaxWidth - 0 to 65535.
- PrintMaxHeight - 0 to 65535.
- PrintDensity - 1 to 7.
- PrintXOffset - 0 to 255.
- Asynchronous I/O
- ----------------
- The recommended way to do asynchronous i/o is...
- a) To send requests for i/o.
- struct IORequest *ioreq;
- struct MsgPort *port;
- UBYTE signal;
- port = ioreq->io_Message.mn_ReplyPort;
- signal = port->mp_SigBit;
- SendIO(ioreq); send request
- Wait(signal); wait for completion (go to sleep)
- while ((Msg = GetMsg(port)) != NULL) { get ALL messages
- }
- b) To abort a previous request for i/o.
- struct IORequest *ioreq;
- AbortIO(ioreq); abort request
- WaitIO(ioreq); wait for reply
- at this point you can re-use 'ioreq'.
- Note that in the above examples 'ioreq' could be any one of...
- a) struct IOStdReq a standard i/o request
- b) struct IODRPReq a dumprport i/o request
- c) struct IOPrtCmdReq a printer command i/o request
- It is recommend that you do asynchronous i/o in your programs
- and give the user a way of aborting all requests.
- V1.3 Printer Driver Notes
- -------------------------
- In general densities which use more than one pass should only be
- used for B&W shade dumps. They can be used for Grey-Scale or Color Shade
- dumps BUT the output may tend to look muddy or dark. Also multiple pass
- Color dumps tend to dirty or smear the ribbon (ie. yellow will get
- contaminated with the other colors on the ribbon; you have been warned).
- Alphacom_AlphaPro_101
- ---------------------
- 1. Daisywheel printer (text only).
- Brother_HR-15XL
- ---------------
- 1. Daisywheel printer (text only).
- CalComp_ColorMaster
- -------------------
- 1. Thermal transfer b&w/color printer (text and graphics).
- 2. Use Black ribbon for non-color dumps; Color ribbon for color dumps.
- 3. Linefeeds # of vertical dots printed.
- 4. Densities supported are 203x200(1) dpi.
- 5. This is a dual printer driver. Select a PaperSize of 'Narrow Tractor'
- for use with the ColorMaster; 'Wide Tractor' for use with the
- ColorView-5912 (which uses 11 x 17 inch paper).
- CalComp_ColorMaster2
- -------------------
- 1. Thermal transfer b&w/color printer (text and graphics).
- 2. Use Black ribbon for non-color dumps; Color ribbon for color dumps.
- 3. Linefeeds # of vertical dots printed.
- 4. Densities supported are 203x200(1) dpi.
- 5. This is a dual printer driver. Select a PaperSize of 'Narrow Tractor'
- for use with the ColorMaster; 'Wide Tractor' for use with the
- ColorView-5912 (which uses 11 x 17 inch paper).
- 6. This driver is the same as the Calcomp_ColorMaster driver EXCEPT it is
- approximately 2 times faster (during color dumps) and requires LOTS of
- memory (up to 1,272,003 bytes for a full 8 x 10 inch (1600 x 2000 dot)
- color dump). Typically full-size (color) dumps are 1600 x 1149 dots and
- require 730,767 bytes. Memory requirements for the ColorView-5912
- are up to 2,572,803 bytes for a full 10 x 16 inch (2048 x 3200 dot)
- color dump. Typically full-size (color) dumps are 2048 x 2155 dots and
- require 1,732,623 bytes. The memory requirements are 1/3 when doing a
- non-color printout (on both the ColorMaster and ColorView).
- Canon_PJ-1080A
- --------------
- 1. Ink jet b&w/color printer (text and graphics).
- 2. Linefeeds # of vertical dots printed.
- 3. Densities supported are 83x84(1) dpi.
- CBM_MPS1000
- -----------
- 1. Dot matrix b&w printer (text and graphics).
- 2. Linefeeds # of vertical dots printed (-1/3 dot if PaperType = Single). *2
- 3. Density XDPI YDPI XYDPI Comments
- 1 120 72 8640
- 2 120 144 17280 two pass
- 3 240 72 17280 *1
- 4 120 216 25920 three pass
- 5 240 144 34560 two pass *1
- 6 240 216 51840 three pass *1
- 7 same as 6
- 4. Print width for US_LETTER size paper is 8.0 inches.
- 5. As of version 35.48, this driver calculates maximum X dots for
- European A size paper as defined in preferences.h. Some of
- these sizes are too large for this printer.
- Diablo_630
- ----------
- 1. Daisywheel printer (text only).
- Diablo_Advantage_D25
- --------------------
- 1. Daisywheel printer (text only).
- Diablo_C-150
- ------------
- 1. Ink jet b&w/color printer (text and graphics).
- 2. Always linefeeds 4 dots (limitation of printer).
- 3. A PaperSize of 'Wide Tractor' selects a maximum print width of
- 8.5 inches (for wide roll paper).
- 5. Densities supported are 120x120(1) dpi.
- EpsonQ (24-pin Epson compatible)
- ------
- 1. Dot matrix b&w/color printer (text and graphics).
- 2. Drives all EpsonQ (LQ1500, LQ2500, etc.) compatible printers.
- 3. Linefeeds # of vertical dots printed.
- 4. Density XDPI YDPI XYDPI Comments
- 1 90 180 16200
- 2 120 180 21600
- 3 180 180 32400
- 4 360 180 64800 *1
- 5,6,7 same as 4
- 5. A PaperSize of 'Wide Tractor' selects a maximum print width of
- 13.6 inches (for wide carriage printers).
- 6. A PaperType of 'Single' uses only 16 of the 24 pins, whereas a PaperType
- of 'Fanfold' uses all 24 pins. The 'Single' option is useful for those
- printers which have a weak power supply and cannot drive all 24 pins
- continuously. If during a single pass of the print head you notice that
- the top two thirds of the graphics are darker than the bottom one third
- then you will probably need to drop down to 16 pins.
- 7. As of version 35.71, this driver calculates maximum X dots for
- European A size paper as defined in preferences.h. The calculation
- is based on millimeters minus 1/2 inch (approx 13mm). Maximum
- paper width is 13.6 inches, so some European A sizes are too large
- for this printer.
- EpsonX[CBM_MPS-1250] (8/9-pin Epson compatible)
- --------------------
- 1. Dot matrix b&w/color printer (text and graphics).
- 2. Drives all EpsonX (EX/FX/JX/LX/MX/RX, etc.) compatible printers.
- 3. Linefeeds # of vertical dots printed (-1/3 dot if PaperType = Single). *2
- 4. Density XDPI YDPI XYDPI Comments
- 1 120 72 8640
- 2 120 144 17280 two pass
- 3 240 72 17280 *1
- 4 120 216 25920 three pass
- 5 240 144 34560 two pass *1
- 6 240 216 51840 three pass *1
- 7 same as 6
- 5. A PaperSize of 'Wide Tractor' selects a maximum print width of
- 13.6 inches (for wide carriage printers).
- 6. Use this driver if you own a CBM_MPS-1250 (as it is EpsonX compatible).
- 7. As of version 35.42, this driver calculates maximum X dots for
- European A size paper as defined in preferences.h. The calculation
- is based on millimeters minus 1/2 inch (approx 13mm). Maximum
- paper width is 13.6 inches, so some European A sizes are too large
- for this printer.
- EpsonXOld (8/9-pin Epson compatible)
- ---------
- 1. Dot matrix b&w printer (text and graphics).
- 2. Drives all very old EpsonX (EX/FX/JX/LX/MX/RX, etc.) compatible printers.
- 3. Linefeeds # of vertical dots printed.
- 4. Density XDPI YDPI XYDPI Comments
- 1 60 72 4320
- 2 120 72 8640 (double speed) *1
- 3 120 72 8640
- 4 240 72 17280 *1
- 5 120 72 8640 (for use on old Star printers)
- 6 240 72 17280 (for use on old Star printers) *1
- 7 240 72 17280 (same as density 4) *1
- 5. A PaperSize of 'Wide Tractor' selects a maximum print width of
- 13.6 inches (for wide carriage printers).
- 6. Use this driver if the EpsonX driver does not work properly in graphics
- or text mode on your EpsonX compatible printer.
- generic
- -------
- 1. Text only printer.
- Howtek_Pixelmaster
- ------------------
- 1. Plastic ink jet b&w/color printer (text and graphics).
- 2. Linefeeds # of vertical dots printed.
- 3. Density XDPI YDPI XYDPI Comments
- 1 80 80 6400
- 2 120 120 14400
- 3 160 160 25600
- 4 240 240 57600
- 5,6,7 same as 4
- 4. Maximum print area is 8.0 x 10.0 inches.
- HP_DeskJet
- ----------
- 1. Ink jet non-color printer (text and graphics).
- 2. Linefeeds # of vertical dots printed.
- 3. Density XDPI YDPI XYDPI Comments
- 1 75 75 5625
- 2 100 100 10000
- 3 150 150 22500
- 4 300 300 90000
- 5,6,7 same as 4
- 4. Maximum print area is 8.0 x 10.0 inches US_LEGAL, and 8.0 x
- 13.0 inches US_LETTER.
- 5. As of version 35.29, the driver will calculate maximum area
- size for European A size paper as defined in preferences.h.
- The driver calculates the maximum X, and Y dots based on
- millimeters, minus 1/2 inch from the width, and minus 1"
- from the height (approx 13mm, and 26mm respectively).
- Therefore the margin area is consistent with US paper sizes.
- 6. Some European A sizes are too large for this printer.
- HP_LaserJet (LaserJet+/LaserJetII compatible)
- -----------
- 1. Laser engine non-color printer (text and graphics).
- 2. Linefeeds # of vertical dots printed.
- 3. Density XDPI YDPI XYDPI Comments
- 1 75 75 5625
- 2 100 100 10000
- 3 150 150 22500
- 4 300 300 90000
- 5,6,7 same as 4
- 4. Maximum print area is 8.0 x 10.0 inches US_LEGAL, and 8.0 x
- 13.0 inches US_LETTER.
- 5. As of version 35.59, the driver will calculate maximum area
- size for European A size paper as defined in preferences.h.
- The driver calculates the maximum X, and Y dots based on
- millimeters, minus 1/2 inch from the width, and minus 1"
- from the height (approx 13 mm, and 26 mm respectively).
- Therefore the margin area is consistent with US paper sizes.
- 6. Some European A sizes are too large for this printer.
- HP_PaintJet
- -----------
- 1. Ink jet b&w/color printer (text and graphics).
- 2. Linefeeds # of vertical dots printed.
- 3. Densities supported are 180x180(1) dpi.
- HP_ThinkJet
- ----------
- 1. Ink jet non-color printer (text and graphics).
- 2. Linefeeds # of vertical dots printed.
- 3. Density XDPI YDPI XYDPI Comments
- 1 96 96 9216
- 2 192 96 18432
- 3,4,5,6,7 same as 4
- 4. This printer prints 640 dots X in 96 DPI mode, and 120 dots
- X in 192 DPI mode. Other sizes are not supported by the
- printer.
- Imagewriter II (Imagewriter compatible)
- --------------
- 1. Dot matrix b&w/color printer (text and graphics).
- 2. Linefeeds # of vertical dots printed.
- 3. Density XDPI YDPI XYDPI Comments
- 1 80 72 5760
- 2 120 72 8640
- 3 144 72 10368
- 4 160 72 11520
- 5 120 144 17280 two pass
- 6 144 144 20736 two pass
- 7 160 144 23040 two pass
- Nec_Pinwriter (24-wire Pinwriter compatible (P5/P6/P7/P9/P2200))
- -------------
- 1. Dot matrix b&w/color printer (text and graphics).
- 2. Drives all NEC 24-wire Pinwriter compatible printers.
- 3. Linefeeds # of vertical dots printed.
- 4. Density XDPI YDPI XYDPI Comments
- 1 90 180 16200
- 2 120 180 21600
- 3 180 180 32400
- 4 120 360 43200 two pass
- 5 180 360 64800 two pass
- 6 360 180 64800
- 7 360 360 129600 two pass
- 5. A PaperSize of 'Wide Tractor' selects a maximum print width of
- 13.6 inches (for wide carriage printers).
- 6. As of version 35.17, this driver calculates maximum X dots for
- European A size paper as defined in preferences.h. The calculation
- is based on millimeters minus 1/2 inch (approx 13mm). Maximum
- paper width is 13.6 inches, so some European A sizes are too large
- for this printer.
- Okidata_92
- ----------
- 1. Dot matrix non-color printer (text and graphics).
- 2. Always linefeeds 7/72 inch (limitation of printer in graphics mode).
- 3. Densities supported are 72x72 dpi.
- Okidata_293I
- ------------
- 1. Dot matrix b&w/color printer (text and graphics).
- 2. Drives 292 or 293 using the IBM interface module.
- 3. Linefeeds # of vertical dots printed (-1/2 dot if PaperType = Single) *3
- 4. Density XDPI YDPI XYDPI Comments
- 1 120 144 17280
- 2 240 144 34560
- 3 120 288 34560 two pass
- 4 240 288 69120 two pass
- 5,6,7 same as 4
- 5. A PaperSize of 'Wide Tractor' selects a maximum print width of
- 13.6 inches (for wide carriage printers).
- Okimate-20
- ----------
- 1. Thermal transfer b&w/color printer (text and graphics).
- 2. Use Black ribbon for non-color dumps; Color ribbon for color dumps.
- 3. Linefeeds an even # of dots printed. (ie. if 3 printed, 4 advanced).
- 4. Densities supported are 120x144(1) dpi.
- Quadram_QuadJet
- ---------------
- 1. Ink jet b&w/color printer (text and graphics).
- 2. Linefeeds # of vertical dots printed.
- 3. Densities supported are 83x84(1) dpi.
- Qume_LetterPro_20
- -----------------
- 1. Daisywheel printer (text only).
- Seiko_5300
- ----------
- 1. Thermal transfer b&w/color printer (graphics only).
- 2. Use Black ribbon for non-color dumps; Color ribbon for color dumps.
- 3. Density XDPI YDPI XYDPI Comments
- 1 152 152 23104 drives CH-5301 printer
- 2 203 203 41209 drives CH-5312 printer
- 3 240 240 57600 drives CH-5303 printer
- 4, 5,6,7 same as 3
- You must select the proper density to drive the specific printer
- that you have.
- 4. This driver is not on the V1.3 Workbench or Extras disk. It is
- available on BIX and directly from Seiko.
- Seiko_5300a
- -----------
- 1. Thermal transfer b&w/color printer (graphics only).
- 2. Use Black ribbon for non-color dumps; Color ribbon for color dumps.
- 3. Density XDPI YDPI XYDPI Comments
- 1 152 152 23104 drives CH-5301 printer
- 2 203 203 41209 drives CH-5312 printer
- 3 240 240 57600 drives CH-5303 printer
- 4, 5,6,7 same as 3
- You must select the proper density to drive the specific printer
- that you have.
- 4. This driver is the same as the Seiko_5300 driver EXCEPT it is
- approximately 2 times faster (during color dumps) and requires LOTS of
- memory (up to 1,564,569 bytes for a full 8 x 10 inch (1927 x 2173 dot)
- color dump). Typically full-size (color) dumps are 1927 x 1248 dots
- and require 898,569 bytes. The memory requirements are 1/3 when doing
- a non-color printout.
- 5. This driver is not on the V1.3 Workbench or Extras disk. It is
- available on BIX and directly from Seiko.
- Tektronix_4693D
- ---------------
- 1. Thermal transfer b&w/color printer (graphics only).
- 2. Densities supported are 300x300(1) dpi
- 3. Due to the way the printer images a picture none of the printer
- preferences options affect the printout with the following exceptions:
- a)Aspect - Horizontal, Vertical
- b)Shade - B&W, Grey_Scale, Color
- ...as a result of this only full size pictures can be printed.
- 4. Keypad menu option 3b COLOR ADJUSTMENT may be set from the keypad.
- For normal prints this option should be set to "do not adjust".
- 5. Keypad menu option 3d VIDEO COLOR CORRECTION may be set from the keypad.
- For normal prints this option should be set to "do not adjust".
- 6. Keypad menu option 5 BACKGROUND COLOR EXCHANGE may be set from the
- keypad. For normal prints this option should be set to "print colors
- as received".
- 7. Once a picture has been printed additional copies may be printed
- without resending by using the printers keypad.
- 8. This driver is not on the V1.3 Workbench or Extras disk. It is
- available on BIX and directly from Tektronix.
- Tektronix_4696
- --------------
- 1. Ink jet b&w/color printer (text and graphics).
- 2. Always linefeeds 4 dots (limitation of printer).
- 3. Densities supported are 121x120(1), 242x120(black)(2) and
- 242x120(color)(3).
- Selecting a density of 2 or higher really doesn't give you true 242 dpi
- resolution since the printer only has 121 x dots per inch.
- Instead this mode tells the printer to go into it's double pass mode.
- Here, it outputs a line of dots at 121 dpi; and outputs the line again
- (shifted to the right by 1/242 of an inch). This produces much more
- vibrate colors and gives the illusion of more resolution. One drawback
- is that large areas of solid colors (red, green, and blue specifically)
- tend to over-saturate the paper with ink. Density1 outputs all colors
- in one pass. Density 2 does a double pass on black. Density 3 does a
- double pass on all colors. Density 1 to 3 correspond to the printer's
- graphics printing modes 1 to 3 (respectively).
- 4. This driver is not on the V1.3 Workbench or Extras disk. It is
- available on BIX and directly from Tektronix.
- 5. A PaperSize of 'Wide Tractor' selects a maximum print width of
- 9.0 inches (for wide roll paper).
- Toshiba_P351C (24-pin Toshiba compatible)
- -------------
- 1. Dot matrix b&w/color printer (text and graphics).
- 2. Drives all Toshiba_P351C compatible printers.
- 3. Linefeeds # of vertical dots printed.
- 4. Density XDPI YDPI XYDPI Comments
- 1 180 180 32400
- 2 360 180 64800
- 3,4,5,6,7 same as 2
- 5. A PaperSize of 'Wide Tractor' selects a maximum print width of
- 13.5 inches (for wide carriage printers).
- Toshiba_P351SX (24-pin Toshiba compatible)
- --------------
- 1. Dot matrix b&w/color printer (text and graphics).
- 2. Drives all Toshiba_P351SX (321SL, 321SLC, 341SL) compatible printers.
- 3. Linefeeds # of vertical dots printed.
- 4. Density XDPI YDPI XYDPI Comments
- 1 180 180 32400
- 2 360 180 64800
- 3 180 360 64800 two pass
- 4 360 360 129600 two pass
- 5,6,7 same as 4
- 5. A PaperSize of 'Wide Tractor' selects a maximum print width of
- 13.5 inches (for wide carriage printers).
- Xerox_4020
- ----------
- 1. Ink jet b&w/color printer (text and graphics).
- 2. Always linefeeds 4 dots (limitation of printer).
- 3. This driver is IDENTICAL to the Diablo_C-150 driver EXCEPT it outputs
- all black dots TWICE. This is a special feature of this printer and
- produces much more solid, darker black shades. Please note that some
- printing time overhead results from this feature; if you don't want it
- use the Diablo_C-150 driver.
- 4. Densities supported are 121x120(1) and 242x240(2) dpi.
- Selecting a density of 2 or higher really doesn't give you true 240 dpi
- resolution since the Xerox_4020 only has 121 x dots per inch.
- Instead this mode tells the printer to go into it's pseudo 240 dpi mode.
- Here, it outputs a line of dots at 121 dpi; moves the paper up 1/240 of
- an inch and outputs the line again (shifted to the right by 1/240 of an
- inch). This produces much more vibrate colors and gives the illusion
- of more resolution. One drawback is that large areas of solid colors
- (red, green, and blue specifically) tend to over-saturate the paper with
- ink.
- 5. A PaperSize of 'Wide Tractor' selects a maximum print width of
- 9.0 inches (for wide roll paper).
- Notes
- -----
- *0 - on most printers friction fed paper tends to produce better looking
- (ie. less horizontal banding) graphic dumps than tractor fed paper.
- *1 - in this mode the printer cannot print two consecutive dots in a row.
- It is recommended that you only use this density for B&W Shade dumps.
- *2 - only when 72 YDPI is selected. This option is useful if you notice
- tiny white horizontal strips in your printout.
- *3 - only when 144 YDPI is selected. This option is useful if you notice
- tiny white horizontal strips in your printout.
- printer.device/PRD_PRTCOMMAND printer.device/PRD_PRTCOMMAND
- PRD_PRTCOMMAND -- send a command to the printer
- This function sends a command to either the parallel or serial
- device. The printer device maps this command to the control
- code set of the current printer. The commands supported can
- be found with the printer.device/Write command. All printers
- may not support all functions.
- io_Message mn_ReplyPort set
- io_Device preset by OpenDevice
- io_Unit preset by OpenDevice
- io_PrtCommand the actual command number
- io_Parm0 parameter for the command
- io_Parm1 parameter for the command
- io_Parm2 parameter for the command
- io_Parm3 parameter for the command
- Errors: if the PRD_PRTCOMMAND succeeded, then io_Error will be zero.
- Otherwise io_Error will be non-zero. An error of -1 indicates that
- the command is not supported by the current printer driver. This
- could be used to check if the connected printer supports a particular
- command (italics for example).
- printer.device/Write printer.h, parallel.device, Preferences
- printer.device/PRD_QUERY printer.device/PRD_QUERY
- PRD_QUERY -- query printer port/line status
- This command returns the status of the printer port's lines and
- registers. Since the printer port uses either the serial or
- parallel port for i/o, the actual status returned is either the
- serial or parallel port's status.
- io_Message mn_ReplyPort set if quick I/O is not possible
- io_Device preset by the call to OpenDevice
- io_Command PRD_QUERY
- io_Data ptr to 2 UBYTES where result will be stored.
- LSB 0 low reserved
- 1 low reserved
- 2 low reserved
- 3 low Data Set Ready
- 4 low Clear To Send
- 5 low Carrier Detect
- 6 low Ready To Send
- 7 low Data Terminal Ready
- MSB 8 high read buffer overflow
- 9 high break sent (most recent output)
- 10 high break received (as latest input)
- 11 high transmit x-OFFed
- 12 high receive x-OFFed
- 13-15 reserved
- 0 hi printer busy (offline)
- 1 hi paper out
- 2 hi printer selected
- (WARNING: the bit 2 line is also connected
- to the serial port's ring indicator pin
- on the A500 and A2000)
- 3-7 reserved
- io_Actual 1-parallel, 2-serial
- printer.device/PRD_RAWWRITE printer.device/PRD_RAWWRITE
- PRD_RAWWRITE -- transparent write command
- This is a non standard write command that performs no
- processing on the data passed to it.
- io_Message mn_ReplyPort set if quick I/O is not possible
- io_Command PRD_RAWWRITE
- io_Flags IOB_QUICK set if quick I/O is possible
- io_Length the number of bytes in io_Data
- io_Data the raw bytes to write to the printer
- printer.device/PWrite printer.device/PWrite
- PWrite -- internal write to printer port
- error = (*PrinterData->pd_PWrite)(buffer, length);
- D0 A0 D0
- PWrite writes 'length' bytes directly to the printer. This
- function is generally called by printer drivers to send
- their buffer(s) to the printer.
- This function is accessed by referencing off the PrinterData (PD)
- structure. Below is a code fragment to show how to do get access
- to a pointer to the PrinterData (PD) structure.
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <devices/printer.h>
- #include <devices/prtbase.h>
- struct IODRPReq PReq;
- struct PrinterData *PD;
- struct PrinterExtendedData *PED;
- /* open the printer device (any version); if it opened... */
- if (OpenDevice("printer.device", 0, &PReq, 0) == NULL) {
- /* get pointer to printer data structure */
- PD = (struct PrinterData *)PReq.io_Device;
- /* write something directly to the printer */
- (*PD->pd_PWrite)("Hello world\n", 12);
- CloseDevice(&PReq); /* close the printer device */
- }