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- "RawAGA" documentation
- by Team HOI!
- Version 2.0
- This program will only work under kickstart 3.0 (V39) and higher. If you
- try to run this program under a lower kickstart version, the program won't
- work at all. Note that this version of RawAGA doesn't use any 68010+
- instructions, because there might be AGA computers with a 68000 processor
- in the future (who knows...?).
- This utility enables you to convert graphics from the Interchange File
- Format (better known as IFF) to plain, raw data. The raw format is useful
- if you want to use graphics in your own productions. RawAGA is also useful
- if you want to convert your pictures into sprite data. Note that this
- converter can be used for non-AGA pictures as well. A note to the old Amiga
- crowd: follow your fellow freaks and upgrade to an AGA machine!
- Why bother with a raw format if we've got the highly compressed IFF format?
- To be accurate: if you're not into programming, this utility means shit to
- you. Just keep using your ol' file formats. However, if you're into
- programming this utility can prove to be extremely useful to you. If you
- want to display a picture with the computer you HAVE to present the graphic
- data to the computer in a raw format (i.e. uncrunched). The same goes for
- sprites and Blitter OBjects.
- - handles all types of IFF pictures;
- - handles (anim)brushes;
- - handles Anim-5 animations;
- - is compatible with V39 and AGA Amigas;
- - converts while loading (for low memory situations);
- - converts AGA pictures as well as old picture types;
- - includes a frame cut/save option;
- - saves as either aligned (interleaved) or normal raw format;
- - can generate sprite data (2 and 4 bitplanes (attached));
- - can generate the special AGA sprites (32 and 64 pixels wide!);
- - can generate a colormap which is ready to use for a copperlist;
- - can generate a colormap for use with the LoadRGB32() function.
- Drag RawAGA's icon into your favourite utilities drawer on your System
- partition or floppy. Double click on the icon and the program should run.
- USAGE...
- Start the program by double-clicking on the icon or by entering its name
- from the shell. If everything goes well, you're confronted with your
- workscreen. Select "Load" from the menu and a file-requester will appear.
- Select the IFF picture you wish to load. When the picture is loaded you can
- save the entire picture as a raw picture or as an interleaved picture. The
- difference between the two is as follows:
- Suppose you have loaded a picture which is 200 lines high and 3 bitplanes
- deep...
- rawfile: line1 bitplane1
- line2 bitplane1
- line3 bitplane1
- ...
- line200 bitplane1
- line1 bitplane2
- line2 bitplane2
- line3 bitplane2
- ...
- line200 bitplane2
- line1 bitplane3
- line2 bitplane3
- line3 bitplane3
- ...
- line200 bitplane3
- aligned file: line1 bitplane1
- line1 bitplane2
- line1 bitplane3
- line2 bitplane1
- line2 bitplane2
- line2 bitplane3
- ...
- line200 bitplane1
- line200 bitplane2
- line200 bitplane3
- Note that RawAGA won't save a colormap behind the pictures because it has a
- separate option to do so.
- If you don't want to convert the entire picture you can choose to cut a
- frame from the picture and save this. This frame can of course also be
- saved in either raw or aligned format.
- If you want to cut a sprite out of the picture you have to keep these two
- things in mind:
- 1: Is the picture either 2 or 4 bitplanes deep? If not you're not able to
- save sprite data (Sprites are always 2 or 4 bitplanes deep!).
- 2: Is the frame you've cut either 16, 32 or 64 pixels wide? If not you
- won't be able to save sprite data (due to sprite hardware restrictions).
- If you have cut a frame which doesn't conflict with these two rules, you
- can select either to save the sprite as a source file or as a binary data
- file. The two are fully compatible with each other. If you would assemble
- the generated source file you'd get the same as the data file!
- If you've selected a frame in a picture with a depth of four bitplanes, two
- files will automatically be saved. The first file will have the extension
- ".ATT1" and the other the extension ".ATT2". Obviously the first file will
- contain the information for sprite 1 and the second file the information
- for sprite 2.
- The sprite data will be saved in the following format:
- 2 bitplanes sprite, 16 wide:
- dc.w 0,0
- dc.w line1_bitp1,line1_bitp2
- dc.w line2_bitp1,line2_bitp2
- dc.w line3_bitp1,line3_bitp2
- dc.w ...
- 2 bitplanes sprite, 32 wide:
- dc.w 0,0,0,0
- dc.w l1_word1_bitp1,l1_word2_bitp1,l1_word1_bitp2,l1_word2_bitp2
- dc.w l2_word1_bitp1,l2_word2_bitp1,l2_word1_bitp2,l2_word2_bitp2
- dc.w l3_word1_bitp1,l3_word2_bitp1,l3_word1_bitp2,l3_word2_bitp2
- dc.w ...
- 2 bitplanes sprite, 64 wide:
- dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- dc.w l1_w1_b1,l1_w2_b1,l1_w3_b1,l1_w4_b1,l1_w1_b2,l1_w2_b2,l1_w3_b2,l1_w4_b2
- dc.w l2_w1_b1,l2_w2_b1,l2_w3_b1,l2_w4_b1,l2_w1_b2,l2_w2_b2,l2_w3_b2,l2_w4_b2
- dc.w l3_w1_b1,l3_w2_b1,l3_w3_b1,l3_w4_b1,l3_w1_b2,l3_w2_b2,l3_w3_b2,l3_w4_b2
- As mentioned before, In case of attached sprites (4 bitplanes), two files
- are saved with the information for sprite 1 (bitplanes 1 & 2) and for
- sprite 2 (bitplanes 3 & 4).
- If you load an anim file, a requester will appear on your screen. You can
- either select to load the first frame or the entire animation. To cycle
- through the animation, press (or hold down) the right cursor key. All of
- the functions in the menu work with anims as well.
- In case of a brush, RawAGA loads the brush and makes sure that a screen
- which is sufficiently bigger is opened (enabling the menu to keep operating
- properly). If an animbrush is selected, RawAGA gives you the same requester
- you get when loading an animation. You can either read the first frame of
- the brush or load the entire animbrush in memory. Again you can press (or
- hold down) the right cursor key to advance through the frames.
- RawAGA can save your colormap information in two ways, as a standard AGA
- copperlist or as a colorlist you can directly feed to the LoadRGB32 system
- function (Graphics base offset -882 (V39)). The save routine always saves
- these colormap files as a source file which is compatible with any decent
- assembler (like Asm-One, Seka, Devpac etcetera). The file format of these
- files is as follows...
- Copperlistdata:
- dc.w $0106,$0c40 ;colorbank select etc. (see AGA hardware facts)
- dc.w $0180,$0xxx ;high nibbles color0
- dc.w $0182,$0xxx ;high nibbles color1
- dc.w ...
- dc.w $01be,$0xxx ;high nibbles color31
- dc.w $0106,$0e40 ;loct bit on (selects high or low nibbles)
- dc.w $0180,$0xxx ;low nibbles color0
- dc.w $0182,$0xxx ;low nibbles color1
- dc.w ...
- dc.w $01be,$0xxx ;low nibbles color31
- dc.w $0106,$2c40 ;bank 1 select, loct bit off
- dc.w $0180,$0xxx ;high nibbles color32
- dc.w $0182,$0xxx ;high nibbles color33
- dc.w ...
- dc.w ...
- dc.w ...
- dc.w $0106,$ee40 ;bank 8 select, loct bit on
- dc.w $0180,$0xxx ;low nibbles color 224
- dc.w $0180,$0xxx ;low nibbles color 225
- dc.w ...
- dc.w $01be,$0xxx ;low nibbles color 255
- and the colormap data for the LoadRGB32 function is as follows:
- dc.w numberofentrys,0
- dc.l $RR000000,$GG000000,$BB000000 ;RGB value for color 0
- dc.l $RR000000,$GG000000,$BB000000 ;RGB value for color 1
- dc.l ....
- dc.l $RR000000,$GG000000,$BB000000 ;RGB value for the last color
- Just select the "Quit" option from the menu or press the shortcut keys
- (left Amiga key and "Q").
- If you want to use the special AGA sprite modes, these registers are
- essential:
- FMODE ($dff1fc):
- BIT 2 and 3 can make these combinations:
- %00 = sprites are 16 bits wide and must be word aligned
- %01 = sprites are 32 bits wide and must be longword aligned
- %11 = sprites are 64 bits wide and must be quadword aligned
- BPLCON3 ($dff106):
- BIT 6 and 7 can make these combinations:
- %00 = sprites are ECS Default
- %01 = sprites are LoRes (140 nS)
- %10 = sprites are HiRes (70 nS)
- %11 = sprites are SHRes (35 nS) (Super Hi-Res)
- (these modes are independent of the screen resolution)
- BIT 13-15 can make 8 possible combinations selecting the
- colorbank for the colorregisters ($0180-$1be).
- There are plenty more registers which have got something to do with sprites
- and/or colors but that would exceed the purpose of this documentation. It
- just helps you to get started!
- RawAGA was programmed by THAIZER and RhInO (Thijs van Rijswijk & Reinier
- van Vliet), both members of Team Hoi! You can reach us at the Total
- Confusion BBS in The Netherlands. The telephone number is:
- +31-(0)35-855918. Our handles are respectively THAIZER & RhInO. Please
- leave bug reports and comments whenever you like!
- These programs are Copyrighted in 1993 by Team Hoi! The programs may be
- freely distributed if they are left unaltered. Please note that if the
- framecut options don't work, you've got an unregistered version! To
- register send 10 american dollars to bankaccountnr: 3917.18.509 in holland.
- Don't forget to state your full name and adres on the banktransfernote so
- we can send you the correct version.
- We (Team Hoi or any of the individual authors) are in no way responsible or
- liable for loss of data, or any other kind of information, due to
- (im)proper use of the program RawAGA.
- 10-AUG-93> RawAGA V2.0
- Added features:
- - RawAGA now decodes while loading. This leaves more memory for
- multitasking than if you load the picture in memory first.
- - RawAGA now handles animations correctly.
- - RawAGA now handles brushes correctly and opens a bigger screen when
- necessary.
- - RawAGA now handles animbrushes (animbrushes use a different format than
- normal anim files. They use the so-called "eor" technique).
- - RawAGA now uses the v39 doublebuffer-tag when it has to play an
- animation.
- - RawAGA can now save LoadRGB32 colormapdata
- - RawAGA can now cut frames and save them as raw/aligned
- - RawAGA can now cut sprites (normal sprites and AGA sprites)
- 10-APR-93> AGA Converter (old name)
- - First version of the program
- Do you already own Team Hoi's A.G.A. specific products, like the two
- HoisAGA demos ("Planet Groove" and "Mindwarp") and the "Enigma" encoding
- tool...? Look forward to the world's first (we hope) REAL A.G.A. game
- called Moon Child, the official sequel to our Amiga action game "Hoi!"
- Please feel free to send your Team Hoi fanmail (no programme-technical
- stuff, just nice correspondence) to:
- Metin Seven (Team Hoi's graphic artist and writer)
- Albrechtlaan 14
- 1404 AK Bussum
- The Netherlands
- C YA !!!