CNet AMIGA is a multi-user BBS--there may be one or several people using the system simultaneously. Several commands are available to facilitate inter-user communication.
WHO Available from all command prompts (>)
This command simply displays in tabular form the port# (phone line),
together with the current user's name, where he's from, and what
part of the system he is currently using.
JOIN Available from Main> only
This is CNet's MultiUser Party Conferencing system. There may be any
number of 'Public' rooms, which the sysop has configured, and there
may also be any number of 'Private' rooms which users have created
themselves. Any number of users may enter any room, although
special permission is needed to enter a private room. Either the
"doors" must be open or you must receive an INVITAION, usually
accompanied by an OLM to the effect.
OLM Available from all command prompts (>)
This command will allow you to send a message to another user who is
currently on-line. The message will be displayed at his next
command prompt.
CC Available from all command prompts (>)
This allows you to request a private inter-user chat with a user on
any other port. That user will receive an OLM stating that you wish
to chat. If he then CC's your port, you will enter into a 'chat'
mode with him. The only way to exit is by using CTRL-X.
HIDE Available from all command prompts (>)
This allows you to remove yourself from the WHO display of all
users, or only a particular port.
MUFFLE Available from all command prompts (>)
This allows you to stop OLM's from coming from all users, or any
particular port.
UM Available from all command prompts (>)
This allows you to receive automatic OLM's telling you when other
users logon an logoff.
If you have not selected to effect 'ALL' ports, the HIDE, MUFFLE,
and UM commands will reset to OFF when a user logs off of a port.
HOWEVER, if you HAVE selected to effect 'ALL' ports, the HIDE,
MUFFLE and UM commands will reset to ON when a user logs off a