Without specifying any particular item or range of items, the various commands behave differently:
Browse, Scan, Search: All items
Read, Yank: New items
all others: Current, or most recently used item
However, there are many additional ways provided in which to express your needs to the system. To specify which items you wish (where # is an integer):
# any item number
#-# a RANGE of values
, to separate multiple RANGES
Other range specifying keywords include:
new brandnew items and new responses
brandnew entirely new items only
newresp old items with new responses
free items marked as no-charge downloads
favorite the sysop's favorites
by {user} items posted/uploaded by {user} (handle or acc#)
byme items posted/uploaded by you
to {user} items addressed to {user} (handle or acc#)
tome items addressed to you
mess read/scan messagess individually and in post order
private items marked as private
reverse move from highest to lowest item/message number
since messages AFTER date ; DAY[-MONTH][-YEAR][,HOUR]
until messages BEFORE date; DAY[-MONTH][-YEAR][,HOUR]
'text' items with 'text' found in the title or description
unval unvalidated, unfinished, or no description
pass skip the Respond or Pass? prompt
all (or *)
first (or ^)
last (or $)
this (or . or current)
S FAVORITE Look for the sysop's favorite items
D TOME Download the items addressed to you
R MESS TOME Read items and responses addressed to you