Welcome to excellence! This glossary describes further changes made to the program before its final release.
excellence! now ships with the new 1.3 Workbench printer drivers and preferences. Printing in the Normal mode is much faster than with the old printer drivers. To use the new drivers, make a copy of disk number 1 and re-boot your Amiga.
Disk 1 is identified with the volume name "Workbench" and contains a full Workbench with the 1.3 preferences printer drivers.
Disk 2 is identified with the volume name "excellence!" and contains the excellence! program and associated files.
If you have a hard drive you may click the HD_Install icon on the Workbench disk to copy the necessary excellence! files to your hard drive.
To install excellence! on your hard drive, boot your system as you would normally. After the hard drive is initialized insert Disk 1 in any drive and double-click the HD_Install icon. When prompted to insert "Workbench" in any drive, insert Disk 1. This program copies the fonts, printers, system-configuration file and Preferences program to your hard drive. It then creates a drawer named "excellence!" and copies the contents of Disk 2 to the excellence! drawer. The default hard drive device name is DH0:. If your hard drive is identified as DH1: or JH0:, load the HD_Install execute file into excellence! and do a Find/Replace. Make sure you store the file as a text file without the .doc filename extension.
If your hard drive boots from a Workbench disk and you change your printer Preferences, copy the system-configuration file to the boot disk to make the changes permanent. From CLI type:
This version of excellence! runs on a 512k system in 2-color mode, with the use of overlays. excellence! will return to disk depending on the menu item selected. Users with 1Mb of memory can take advantage of excellence!'s 4 or 8 color screens, refer to Project Preferences for more information.
If you have 1Mb or more of memory you may be interested in a special version of excellence! which does not use overlays. Please contact Micro-Systems Software for more information.
Project Preferences now supports a Flash option for systems without audio hookups. Anytime excellence! beeps, it also flashes the screen. Toggle this off to disable the flash.
The Style menu now toggles its attributes. If you highlight a boldfaced word and select Style Bold, it returns to Plain.
When printing in Draft or NLQ mode style the footnotes with Topaz 11, otherwise they may not print properly.
If printing with Postscript, send the output to the filename SER: (serial device). This prints in less time than with the generic printer driver.
If using the HP Laser_Jet, please set your page height to 10.50 and the lines per page in the preferences tool to 60.
The Page Setup requester now accepts string expressions to calculate margins, etc. To set a right margin of 5 3/8 inches enter 5.0+3/8 in the input area.
Edit Math accepts parens and exponential formulas. The formula 3*9+(7*3)-23/6 yields the correct value of 44.16666666666.
Footnotes and footnote numbers use a smaller point size, if available.
At this time, you may not Copy and Paste Header, Footer or Footnote markers.
Format Mark Index Entry indexes all occurrences of a selected phrase. This is contrary to the way the manual documented this feature.
Do not press a Right-Amiga X within any of the document requesters to clear an input area. If text is highlighted, excellence! deletes it (Edit Cut). To clear an entry from a document requester press the Backspace or Del key.
If the glossary excellence! opens when booting contains an entry titled "Startup", it executes immediately upon loading. This display was possible because of the Startup glossary feature.
The sample glossary, cmd.gloss, contains useful examples of macro keys. To use the new glossary, select Project Preferences, enter the new glossary name, click the Ok gadget and select Document Glossary. In addition to giving you examples, it removes excellence!.gloss from memory so you won't see this document each time you boot.
512k owners may wish to disable the glossary to save memory. Just select Project Preferences, remove the glossary name from the input area and click the Ok gadget.
Please refer to the Appendix of your excellence! manual for further information.