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Text File | 1995-10-14 | 96.7 KB | 2,964 lines |
- 1.1 Overview 5
- 1.2 A Message From The Organiser Group 6
- 1.3 Machine Requirements 6
- 2. How To Use This Book 7
- 3.1 Organiser`s On_Line Help System 8
- 3.2 Product Support And Registration 8
- 4.1 What You Should Already Know 9
- 4.2 Making Backups 9
- 4.3 Floppy Disk Installation 10
- 4.4 Hard Disk Installation 11
- 5.1 Floppy Disk Users 13
- 5.2 Hard Disk Users 13
- 5.3 Personalising Organiser 13
- 5.4 Setting The System Date And Time 13
- 6.1 What`s On The Screen 14
- 6.2 Setting Up Your Printer 15
- 6.3 Using Your Organiser`s On-line Help System 16
- 7.1 Browsing The Diary 18
- 7.2 Choosing A Diary Theme 19
- 7.3 Saving Your Personal Organiser File 21
- 7.4 Planning A Holiday 22
- 7.5 Tasks Before The Holiday 23
- 7.6 Using The Address Book 23
- 7.7 Adding Supplements 26
- 8.1 Choosing A Diary Theme 28
- 8.2 Saving Your Personal Organiser File 32
- 8.3 Planning A Holiday 32
- 8.4 Tasks Before The Holiday 33
- 8.5 Using The Address Book 23
- 8.6 Adding Supplements 36
- 9.1 Choosing A Diary Theme 37
- 9.2 Saving Your Personal Organiser File 39
- 9.3 Planning A Holiday 40
- 9.4 Tasks Before The Holiday 41
- 9.5 Using The Address Book 42
- 9.6 Adding Supplements 43
- 10.1 Choosing A Theme 44
- 10.2 Saving Your Organiser 45
- 10.3 Multi-tasking With Organiser 46
- 10.4 Printing 47
- 10.5 Importing And Exporting Information 48
- 10.6 Calendar 49
- 10.7 Diary Section 50
- 10.8 Tasks Section 53
- 10.9 Addresses Section 54
- 10.10 Supplement Section 56
- 13. INDEX 64
- Welcome to the Amiga's first diary to work the way you do.
- Your Digita Organiser package should consist of:
- * This Organiser instruction book.
- * A prepaid registration card.
- * An envelope containing one software disk.
- This instruction book contains tutorials about Organiser. More detailed
- information is provided by the AmigaGuide Help system. To view the help,
- just press the Help key once you have started Organiser.
- It is important to return your registration card (postage is prepaid) so
- that we can keep you informed as upgrades become available.
- Complete and post your prepaid registration card and get:
- * Free technical support by facsimile and post.
- * Special software offers.
- * Notification of upgrades.
- 1.1 Overview
- Digita Organiser is an easy-to-use personal organiser with animated
- pages, containing sections just like the real thing-Diary, Calendar,
- Address Book, Task List and Supplements.
- The Diary has optional themes, such as Astronomy, Celebrity Birthdays,
- Gardening, Historical Days, Special Days (by country), Special Events and
- Sports (various).
- The Supplement pages include Astronomy , Conversion Tables, European
- Union, Gardening, Healthy Living, Home Hints, Hotels (worldwide),
- Motoring, Religious Festivals, Restaurants, Special Days (worldwide),
- Sports (various), Telephone Dialling Codes, Travel Information, Wine
- Guide. You can even create your own Supplements with Digita Wordworth (or
- any other word processor or text editor).
- You can easily import events from an existing Digita Day-By-Day diary,
- mail-merge addresses with Digita Wordworth, and share information with
- Digita Datastore, Digita Mailshot Plus and most other programs.
- Like Wordworth and Datastore, the Digita Organiser features DigiSense
- technology. Simply, it senses what you want to do and helps you do it.
- Auto Date, for example, senses the date or time you want and helps you
- type it.
- With Fortune Cookies, every day you'll be offered words of wisdom,
- proverbs, anecdotes, operating tips, and even be reminded of important
- events in your diary.
- So, what does all this mean?
- Simply, organise your life with Digita Organiser and learn as you go
- along.
- PAGE 5
- 1.2 A Message From The Organiser Group
- We spent a lot of time thinking about how to make Digita Organiser as
- simple and as intuitive as possible. We think we succeeded, but as always,
- we want to do even better. And we're working on it!
- If you have anything to say about Digita Organiser then we want to hear
- from you. You might have ideas for new features, or think aspects of the
- software are not as easy as they should be. Either way , tell us what you
- think.
- In return, we promise to keep working on bringing you better and better
- software. After all, that's why we all keep on using the Amiga!
- Please send your comments to us at:
- The Organiser Group, Digita, FREEPOST, Exmouth EX8 2YZ, ENGLAND.
- 1.3 Machine Requirements
- To use Organiser, this is the minimum Amiga configuration you'll need:
- * Any Amiga, with Workbench 2.04 or above.
- * At least 1MB of memory.
- * One or more floppy disk drives, or a hard disk drive.
- The number of events and addresses you can store is limited only by the
- amount of available memory fitted to your Amiga and the amount of free
- disk space.
- PAGE 6
- The best way to learn quickly is by following the Tutorials Sections,
- Pick the tutorial which most closely matches what you want to do.
- However, before you start reading any more, it is important to understand
- typographic conventions used in this book:
- Convention Means
- Italics type Indicates words or characters you type. For example,
- "type MyOrganiser in the File text gadget". They are
- also used to indicate program or disk names. For
- example, "use the Install Organiser program, which is
- on your OrganiserInstall disk".
- * Square-bulleted lists provide information.
- Shortcut keys Right Amiga-S, for example, is a combination keypress.
- This means hold down the Right Amiga key and press the
- S key. Then release both keys.
- Selection button The left mouse button on the mouse. Used to click,
- double-click and drag items with the pointer.
- Menu button The right mouse button on the mouse. Used to reveal the
- menu bar and choose menu commands with the pointer.
- Mouse Pointer Commands
- Point Position the pointer on an item.
- Click Point to an item, and then quickly press and release
- the Selection button.
- Double-click Point to an item, and then quickly press and release
- the Selection button twice.
- PAGE 7
- 3.1 Organiser's On-line Help System
- Any time you want information about a command or option, ask Organiser
- for help:
- Press the Help key. Then, from the help contents list, just select the
- topic with which you require help.
- To get specific help about a menu command move the arrow pointer over the
- menu command and, with the Menu button still depressed, press the Help key
- on the keyboard (floppy disk users nay be prompted to insert another
- disk).
- To get specific help about a requester, press the Help key when the
- requester is displayed.
- 3.2 Product Support And Registration
- When you choose Digita, you're getting more than just a great product,
- you're getting a company committed to providing the best possible customer
- service and support for your product. We want you to get the most from
- your Digita software. As a registered user, we'll help you get it.
- If you have any questions about Organiser, first look in this book, or
- consult Organiser's on-line help system. If you cannot find the answer,
- contact Digita:
- * For technical support call 0891 616 944.
- This is available to registered Organiser users Monday to Friday, from
- 11AM until 5PM. Calls are charged at 36p per minute cheap rate and 48p
- per minute at all other times. Be sure to ask permission of the
- telephone owner before calling.
- * Enclosing a stamped self-addressed padded envelope, write to Digita
- Technical Support Division, Black Horse House, Exmouth EX8 1JL ENGLAND,
- or fax 01 395 268 893.
- * E-Mail on:
- * CIX-mailbox digita closed conference for registered users, digita.tech
- * Compuserve mailbox 100031, 3032
- * Internet-mailbox Support
- * For general enquiries only, call 01 395 270 274.
- Before contacting technical support, see Chapter 11, Troubleshooting, or
- refer to the Organiser on-line help system (Help menu).
- **************************************************************************
- Important Under no circumstances can we provide either telephone or
- written product support to unregistered users.
- **************************************************************************
- PAGE 8
- 4.1 What You Should Already Know
- To set up Organiser your Amiga, you need an understanding of basic Amiga
- concepts. Before you begin, you should know how to:
- * Use icons on the Amiga Workbench.
- * Use the mouse to point, drag, click and double-click.
- * Start and quit applications using Workbench.
- * lnitialise (format) and Copy disks using the Shell or Workbench.
- * Open, copy and delete icons from Workbench.
- * Pull down menus and choose commands.
- * Use requesters and requester gadgets (more information is contained in
- the Organiser on-line help).
- If you are not familiar with these terms or processes, see your Amiga
- owner's guide.
- 4.2 Making Backups
- You have been provided with one master disk. It's important to work with
- a copy of your Organiser disk rather than the original. If a copy is
- damaged or lost, you can then go back to the original and make another
- copy.
- step 1
- Before copying the master disks, slide up the small tab (if it exists) in
- the upper-left corner On the back of each disk so that it is in the
- uppermost position (the tab will no longer be visible from the front side
- of the disk). This locks information on the disk, preventing accidental
- deletion of files and documents.
- step 2
- Switch on your Amiga and insert the disk titled Workbench. Double-click
- the Workbench disk icon, double-click the System drawer, and then double-
- click the Shell icon.
- Type Sys:System/diskcopy df0: to dfO: and press the Return key (be sure
- to type zero, not the letter O).
- step 3
- Now place the original master disk in the internal disk drive and when
- prompted, press the Return key. Follow the on-screen instructions. Then
- put the original disk away in a safe place.
- **************************************************************************
- Important If you make backups from Workbench be sure to rename the backup
- disks removing copy_of_ and make sure there are no hidden
- spaces contained in the disk titles.
- **************************************************************************
- PAGE 9
- 4.3 Floppy Disk Installation
- You need to install Organiser once before you can use it. Once Organiser
- has been successfully installed, you do not need to repeat the process.
- You need to have the following items before you can begin:
- * A backup copy of your Organiser master disk (to make a backup copy,
- follow the procedures outlined in Chapter 4.2 , "Making Backups").
- * At least two blank floppy disks onto which Organiser will be installed.
- Throughout this procedure you will be prompted to change disks as
- necessary (for example, "Insert volume Organiser in any drive").
- step 1
- Switch on your Amiga and insert the disk titled OrganiserInstall.
- step 2
- When the Workbench desktop appears, double-click the Organiserlnstall
- disk icon, and then double-click the Install Organiser icon.
- step 3
- You will be asked to specify your knowledge of the Amiga:
- Novice A basic installation is automatically performed. From time-
- to-time the installer may ask you to insert other disks.
- Intermediate
- and Expert A basic installation is automatically performed.
- Occasionally, you may be asked to make certain choices that
- will affect the installation.
- Click Proceed to start the installation.
- step 4
- When prompted, select the radio button titled "On Floppy Disks" and then
- click the Proceed button to start the installation process.
- *************************************************************************
- Important If you get a message to insert a disk which is already in the
- drive, then the disk is incorrectly titled and needs renaming.
- *************************************************************************
- A message will appear to confirm that the installation has been
- successfully completed. Now reset your Amiga with the disk titled
- Organiser in the internal drive and see Chapter 5, "Starting Organiser".
- PAGE 10
- 4.4 Hard Disk Installation
- You need to install Organiser once before you can use it. Once Organiser
- has been successfully installed, you do not need to repeat the process.
- You will need a minimum of 2MB of disk space to install Organiser to hard
- disk.
- This installation copies Organiser into a drawer titled Organiser on your
- hard disk. Within this drawer, the installer will copy the Organiser
- files, icons, a selection of Diary Themes, the Supplements, and the
- Organiser help files. It also copies a few fonts into your system FONTS:
- drawer.
- step 1
- Switch on your computer (without a disk in the internal disk drive) and
- wait for the Workbench desktop to appear as normal.
- step 2
- When the Workbench appears, insert the disk titled OrganiserInstall,
- Double-click the disk icon and then double-click the icon titled Install
- Organiser.
- step 3
- You will be asked to specify your knowledge of the Amiga:
- Novice A basic installation is automatically performed.
- Intermediate A basic installation is automatically performed.
- Occasionally, you may be asked to make certain choices
- that will affect the installation (like where on your hard
- disk you would like to install the program).
- Expert You will be asked to make certain choices that will affect
- the installation (like where on your hard disk you would
- like to install the program).
- Click Proceed to start the installation.
- step 4
- When prompted, select the radio button titled "On A Hard Disk" and then
- click the Proceed button to start the installation.
- step 5
- Novice users only-the installer will install Organiser onto your hard
- disk. At the end of the installation, you will be told where the Organiser
- drawer containing the Organiser program is situated. (On most hard disks,
- this will be the partition titled Work. However, if a partition of this
- name does not exist, the installer will make an informed guess.)
- PAGE 11
- A message will appear to confirm that the installation has been
- successfully completed. Now reset your Amiga as usual (ensuring that the
- Organiser disk is not in the internal drive) and see Chapter 5, "Starting
- Organiser".
- Intermediate or Expert users-the installer will ask you to select the
- destination for Organiser (where you wish the Organiser program and files
- to be located on your hard disk). Insert the appropriate disks as
- requested.
- You will also need about 25K disk space in your System partition for
- Organiser fonts and other files.
- A message will appear to confirm that the installation has been
- successfully completed. Now reset your Amiga as usual (ensuring that no
- Organiser disks are in the internal drive) and see Chapter 5 "Starting
- Organiser".
- PAGE 12
- 5.1 Floppy Disk Users
- Insert the disk titled Organiser into the internal disk drive and switch
- on your Amiga.
- **************************************************************************
- Important Be sure to use the Organiser disk not your Amiga Workbench
- disk.
- **************************************************************************
- To start Organiser, double-click the Organiser icon.
- Now go to Chapter 5.3 , "Personalising Organiser".
- 5.2 Hard Disk Users
- Double-click the Organiser icon located in the Organiser drawer on your
- hard disk.
- Now go to the next Chapter 5.3 , "Personalising Organiser".
- 5.3 Personalising Organiser
- The first time you start Organiser, you will be prompted to type:
- * Your name.
- * The name of your organization (if this is not applicable leave it
- blank).
- * Your license number (this appears on your registration card).
- Click OK.
- You must type both your name and license number.
- **************************************************************************
- Important Don't forget to return the prepaid portion of the registration
- card. Only registered Organiser users receive technical support
- and special upgrade discounts.
- **************************************************************************
- Once you have personalized the program, your name and details will appear
- every time you start Organiser and in the "About Digita Organiser"
- requester (About command, Project menu), confirming that you are a
- licensed user. If you do not personalize Organiser correctly, you will be
- returned to the Workbench screen.
- 5.4 Setting The System Dote And Time
- When you start Organiser, you will notice a requester in the centre of
- the screen prompting you to type the current date and time. If you have an
- Amiga with a built-in clock, you just need to click OK as the date and
- time should be correct. If not, you should type the correct date and time
- before clicking OK.
- If you have a built-in clock and wish to prevent the "Set Date and Time"
- requester appearing every time you start Organiser, deselect the "Set Date
- and Time on Startup" checkbox on the 'General Settings" requester ("Change
- Settings" -General, Settings menu), and then choose "Save Settings"
- (Settings menu).
- PAGE 13
- This tutorial assumes you have:
- * Successfully installed Organiser.
- * Personalised your copy of Organiser.
- * Double-clicked the Read.Me document (which will be on the disk titled
- OrganiserInstall).
- * Started Organiser by double-clicking the icon titled Organiser.
- * When prompted, typed the current date and time, and clicked OK.
- This is what should be on the screen:
- Figure 6-1 Organiser opening screen
- If you cannot get to this screen, refer to the previous sections.
- 6.1 What's On The Screen
- Close Gadget: Hides organiser and places an icon on the Workbench
- desktop.
- Screen Title Bar: Shows the program name, version number and copyright
- owner.
- Window Title Bar: Shows the name of the current Organiser project file
- and hot key.
- Ribbon: A group of icons which change depending on the
- Organiser section you are using.
- Zoom Gadget: Toggles between minimum and maximum window size.
- Screen Depth Gadget: Moves the front screen backwards.
- Diary Page: Shows the events in your diary. The current day is
- highlighted.
- Section Tabs: Click these tabs to move between Organiser's
- sections.
- Toolbar: A group of icons to the left of the page that let
- you select various commands just by clicking the
- icon (each icon is explained on the back of this
- instruction book).
- PAGE 14
- Figure 6-2 Choosing Organiser commands, pull-down menus
- Menu Bar: The menu bar is displayed when the Menu button
- (Right Mouse button) is held down. It appears in
- place of the screen title bar as long as the Menu
- button is depressed.
- To chose a command from the menu, press and hold the Menu button, and
- then move the arrow pointer over the menu you want (Project menu, for
- example). The full command list will then pop-down, and with the menu
- button still depressed, move the arrow pointer down the list until it's
- over the command you want. Then, release the menu button to choose that
- command (Save, for example).
- 6.2 Setting Up your Printer
- Organiser uses your Workbench preferences to calculate the size of paper
- on which you are printing. It is important, therefore, to ensure that your
- Workbench printer settings are correct.
- step 1
- Double-click the PRINTER icon to display "Workbench Printer Preferences"
- (see figure 6-3) . This is located in the PREFS drawer on your Organiser
- disk or, with a hard disk system, in the PREFS drawer on your Workbench or
- System partition.
- Select the appropriate printer driver for your printer from the "Printer
- Driver" list gadget, as a rough guide follow the table below. If your
- printer is not listed it may have an emulation which corresponds to one of
- the following.
- PAGE 15
- Figure 6-3 Workbench 3.0 Printer Preferences
- Epson Compatible 9 pin EpsonX
- Epson Compatible 24 pin EpsonQ
- Canon Bubblejet CanonBJ10
- Hewlett Packard Compatible LaserJet HP_ LaserJet
- Hewlett Packard Compatible DeskJet HP_ DeskJet
- step 2
- Follow the tables below for changing the other values in the requester:
- Pica (l0cpi) 5 75
- Elite (12cpi) 6 90
- Fine (15-17cpi)-Do not use this setting as it may give unpredictable
- results
- A4 6 65
- A4 8 86
- US Letter 6 60
- US Letter 8 80
- Click Save to save these settings permanently to disk.
- 6.3 Using Organiser's On-line Help System
- Any time you want information about a command or option, you can ask
- Organiser for help. Choose the menu command you want help with, but before
- releasing the Menu button, press the Help key (floppy disk users may be
- prompted to insert the appropriate disk).
- You can also ask Organiser for help by pressing the Help key
- (see Chapter 3.1 , "Organiser's On-line Help System").
- PAGE 16
- Figure 6-4 Getting Help
- The Buttons
- Contents: Click to reveal help contents list.
- Index: This option is permanently unavailable.
- Help: Click to display help about how to use the on-line AmigaGuide
- help system (this button may be dimmed on some versions of
- Workbench).
- Retrace: Steps backwards through the help topics previously selected.
- Browse <: Steps to the previous section of the topic.
- Browse >: Steps to the next section of the topic.
- Each help topic has further cross references, accessed by clicking their
- button in the text.
- The Help window can be re-sized and moved like any other.
- Click the close gadget to close the Help window.
- (As AmigaGuide menus vary depending on the version of Workbench they are
- not documented in this book.)
- For help on how to use the requesters and gadgets in Organiser, use the
- AmigaGuide on-line help system. Choose Contents (Help menu), click the
- Tutorials button, and then click the button titled "How to use Organiser
- requesters".
- For help on a requester, press the Help button when the requester is
- displayed.
- PAGE 17
- First start the Organiser (if you are unsure how to do this, see Chapter
- 5, "Starting Organiser"). When the Organiser screen appears, you will see
- a display similar to Figure 7-1.
- Figure 7-1 The Organiser Screen
- Organiser should be open at the Diary section (if it isn't, just click
- the section tab titled Diary). This part of Organiser is used for storing
- birthdays, appointments, holidays or just notes, in fact it is flexible
- enough to allow you to enter virtually any type of diary event.
- 7.1 Browsing The Diary
- step 1
- Each day has an equal amount of page space and is separated by a dotted
- line. You can change this "view" using the Ribbon at the top of the
- display.
- Figure 7-2 The Ribbon with View buttons circled
- Experiment with different views by clicking the View buttons on the
- ribbon, or try the keyboard equivalent keys 1, 2, 3 and 4 (notice that
- Organiser keeps the selected day in view).
- Like a real organiser, you can decide what kind of layout you want. But
- unlike a real organiser, you can change it whenever you want!
- PAGE 18
- To summarise:
- See Figure 7-2a
- Now press key 3.
- step 2
- Notice that one day is in red, this is the current day (today). You can
- move directly to the current day by either clicking the Diary tab,
- choosing Today (Locate menu) or pressing right Amiga-T.
- In the bottom right of the right page there is a turned page corner,
- clicking this will move onto the next page, or in this case, the next
- week. A similar page corner is located on the left page.
- Click the right page corner twice to move two weeks ahead, notice that
- there is nothing on any of the pages. Now click the Diary tab to move back
- to the current day.
- 7.2 Choosing A Diary Theme
- When you scrolled through the Diary you probably noticed that there were
- no public holidays displayed. This is because you are using an 'empty'
- Organiser file.
- Organiser comes with a selection of 'Diary Themes' that contain special
- dates for a particular theme. For example, the "'Celebrity Birthdays"
- theme has the birthday dates of stars from film and television (for full
- details about Diary Themes see Chapter 10.1
- Floppy Disk Users: Insert the OrganiserExtras disk and click the Volumes
- button. When it appears, select OrganiserExtras from the top of the list.
- Then, select the Diary Themes drawer.
- Hard Disk Users: Select the Diary Themes drawer from the list gadget and
- the list will change to display the contents of the drawer.
- Now select Celebrity Birthdays and click the Open button.
- step 2
- Use the "Next Week" command (Locate menu) to turn to next week and look
- at the various celebrity birthdays (repeat if necessary). You will see
- that public holidays and special days are also included.
- step 3
- To find out if you share your birthday with a celebrity, click the
- Calendar tab on the left edge of the page and move to the appropriate
- month (you can change months by clicking the page corners or pressing the
- , (comma) key and the . (full stop) key).
- Click the day number on the Calendar to jump to the appropriate date in
- the diary for your birthday.
- step 4
- Now add your own birthday. Choose "Diary Event" (Create menu) and type
- the following into the "Diary Event Details" requester:
- Title: My Birthday
- Notes: (leave blank)
- PAGE 20
- The Date gadget already contains your birthday date (DigiSense has
- already sensed the date you wanted).
- Leave all the other gadgets blank, but select the "Every Year"' checkbox
- (by clicking it) to make the diary event appear at the same date and time
- every year (ideal for birthdays).
- You can see that the Summary box contains a 'plain English' description
- of your birthday event.
- step 5
- To the right of the Summary , there are three Options buttons:
- See Figure 7-3a three Options buttons
- Click OK and your birthday will appear on the diary page.
- step 6
- To see what day of the week your birthday falls on next year, click the
- "Go To Date" icon. Alternatively, choose "Go To Date"' (Locate menu) or
- press Right Amiga-J.
- Figure 7-4 'Go To Date' Icon
- Move the cursor that appears in the Date gadget to the end of the date
- (press Shift- Right Arrow), change the year and click the "Go To" button
- (or press the Return key)
- 7.3 Saving Your Personal Organiser File
- It is important to get into the habit of saving your organiser file
- regularly. As this is the first time you are using the Save command, you
- will need to give your file a name.
- Choose Save from the Project menu. In the File text gadget type My
- Organiser and click Save (if the file already exists, you will be prompted
- to confirm whether you wish to overwrite it). Notice that the window title
- bar now shows the file name.
- PAGE 21
- To save your organiser file onto different floppy disk, insert the new
- disk and click the Volumes button. Select the disk name which appears in
- the list and type the name of your organiser file in the File text gadget,
- then click Save or press the Return key.
- **************************************************************************
- Important You need to save your work on the disk by choosing the Save
- command at the end of each session . It is wise to save your
- organiser file about every 10 minutes as you work. This ensures
- that your work will not be lost if there is a power cut or
- other problem causing the computer to shut down or restart.
- **************************************************************************
- If you want Organiser to automatically start every time you start your
- Amiga, save your organiser file in the SYS:WBStartup (or
- Organiser:WBStartup) drawer.
- 7.4 Planning A Holiday
- Now add two week summer holiday with two reminders, one for ordering
- foreign currency and the other to collect it.
- step 1
- Click the "Crete Diary Event" icon (or choose "Diary Event" from the
- Create menu), and when the "Event Details" requester appears type the
- following:
- Title: Holiday
- Notes: Travel Agent - 0171 828 828 111
- Priority: Leave this set to Normal.
- Date: Delete the contents of the gadget (press Right Amiga-X), type 3 Aug
- (notice DigiSense completes the date for you as you move to the next
- gadget).
- End Date: Delete the contents and type 2 weeks (DigiSense works out the
- end date).
- Time: 10
- End Time: 6 (DigiSense assumes that when you type 6 you mean 6pm, as
- opposed to 6am. You can change this in "Change Settings"-General (Settings
- menu).
- step 2
- Now create another diary event for ordering the currency. Click "Crete
- Another" and type the following:
- Title: Arrange foreign currency
- Notes: Bank opening hours are 9.30-3.30
- Date: To order the currency month in advance, rather than type new date,
- press Shift Right Amiga-, (comma) and the date will move to the preceding
- month.
- Leave the remaining gadgets blank.
- Click the Alarm button. Organiser automatically sets the alarm for that
- day, so now just click OK.
- From the "Diary Event Details" requester click OK to create your event in
- he Diary.
- PAGE 22
- 7.5 Tasks Before The Holiday
- You can use Organiser to maintain task list of "things to do" and then
- cross them off when they are completed. In this example, the tasks are
- collecting the plane tickets and cancelling the milk and papers.
- step 1
- Click the "Create Task" icon or choose Task (Create menu).
- Organiser automatically turns to the Task section and then displays the
- "Task Details" requester.
- Figure 7-5 'Create Task' Icon
- Type the following:
- Title: Pick up plane tickets
- Notes: Wilson's travel agents, High Street
- Due Date: 31 jul
- Press Return and then click "Crete Another".
- step 2
- Type the following:
- Title: Cancel milk and papers
- Press Return and click OK.
- You can see the two tasks appear on the page. If you click the small box
- on the left of each task a tick appears (indicating it is completed). To
- remove task, select it (by clicking it once so that the dotted line
- appears below), and then choose Erse from the Edit menu or press the Del
- key (or choose "Erse Items" to remove several).
- For more information on Diary and Task events, and the differences
- between them, see Chapter 10, "Organiser Summary".
- 7.6 Using The Address Book
- With Organiser you can type your own names and addresses into the Address
- Book or import them from most other software. This example shows you how
- to type in your addresses.
- step 1
- Choose Address from the Create menu (Organiser automatically turns to the
- Address section and then displays the "Address Details" requester, see
- figure 7-6).
- PAGE 23
- Click the Name pop-up gadget and, with the Selection button still pressed
- down, move the highlighted bar over the Company item and then release the
- button.
- Click in the text gadget to the right of the pop-up and type Wilson's
- Travel Agents and press the Return key (because this is an address, you
- can press the Return key to move onto the next address gadget).
- Whenever you add an address, DigiSense automatically places it under the
- correct letter for the surname (or company).
- Figure 7-6 'Address Details' Requester
- Type the following into the requester:
- Address:10 High Street
- Town: Exmouth
- County: Devon
- Postcode: EX8 2ER
- Tel: 01 395 270 273
- Now click the blank pop-up gadget under the Tel pop-up and you will see a
- list of other headings. Select E-mail and type wilsonsthe text gadget opposite.
- Notes: Contact Clive Climate
- Click OK and the address appears in the address section under the W tab.
- Page 24
- step 2
- With Organiser you can type more detailed addresses if you need to.
- Choose Address (Create menu) again, but this time hold down the Shift as
- you do it (by holding down the Shift key, the detailed "Address Details"
- requester appears). The Shift key also works when double-clicking an
- address page, using the Ctrl-A keyboard short-cut, or clicking the toolbar
- icon (see figure 7-7).
- Figure 7-7 Detailed 'Address Details' Requester
- By using the Shift key, you can use the larger requester when you need
- to. You can swap which requester appears by default from the "General
- Settings"' requester ("Change Settings" -General, Settings menu).
- Click Cancel to close the requester without typing anything.
- step 3
- It is useful to just show a telephone directory style listing where just
- the name and telephone number are displayed.
- To do this, press the Space Bar (or choose "At A Glance", Settings Menu).
- Repeat the command to revert back to the normal display. You can also use
- this feature with the Diary and Tasks sections.
- Now try doing it again but this time click the ribbon icon, and try the
- other view icons along the ribbon (if you are unsure which icon to click,
- refer to the guide printed on the back page of this book.
- PAGE 25
- 7.7 Adding Supplements
- Supplements are like the pre-printed information pages you get in a real
- filofax, and with Organiser you can just as easily insert and remove them.
- step 1
- Move to the Supplements section by pressing the Tab key (Shift-Tab will
- move back to the previous section). At the moment, this section only
- contains one Supplement (which explains how to insert and remove
- Supplements).
- Organiser comes with about 70 other supplements which you can insert and
- remove when you want (for full details see Chapter 10.9 , Supplements).
- step 2
- Quit Organiser by choosing "Quit Organiser" from the Project menu (you
- may be prompted to save your organiser file).
- Floppy Disk Users:
- 1. Double-click the Organiser disk icon and in the window you will see a
- drawer titled Supplements (any Supplement file placed in this drawer
- will automatically appear in Organiser).
- 2. With this window still open, insert the Organiser Extras disk, double-
- click its disk icon, then double-click the drawer titled Supplements
- Storage (you will see about 15 Supplement drawers in the window).
- 3. Double-click the Others drawer to show the Supplement files. Select
- the Conversion Tables Supplement, and while holding down the Selection
- button, drag the icon over the top of the Supplements drawer and
- release the button to copy the file.
- Figure 7-8 Moving a Supplement Into Organiser
- PAGE 26
- Hard Disk Users:
- 1. In the Organiser drawer (where the Organiser program icon is situated)
- you will notice two drawers, Supplements and Supplements Storage.
- 2. Double-click the Supplements Storage drawer (you will see about 15
- Supplement drawers in the window), then double-click the Others drawer
- to show the Supplement files.
- 3. Select the Conversion Tables Supplement, and, while holding down the
- Selection button, drag the icon over the top of the Supplements drawer
- and release the button to move the file.
- step 4
- Double-click the Organiser program icon to start Organiser again and
- choose the Supplements command (Locate menu). To the right of the
- Supplements command is a sub-menu which lists the available Supplements.
- With the Menu button held down, move the mouse pointer over "Conversion
- Tables" and then release the Menu button.
- Organiser will now move to the "Conversion Tables" Supplement" which you
- can page through in the normal way.
- There are five important things to remember about using Supplements:
- * A Supplement is moved into Organiser by dragging its file from the
- Supplements Storage drawer into the Supplements drawer.
- Floppy Disk Users: The Supplements Storage drawer is located on the
- OrganiserExtras disk, the Supplements drawer is on the Organiser disk.
- * A Supplement is removed by moving its icon out of the Supplements
- drawer.
- Floppy Disk Users: Select the Supplement you wish to remove and choose
- Delete from the Workbench Icons menu.
- Hard Disk Users: Select the Supplement you wish to remove and drag it
- back into its appropriate drawer in the Supplements Storage drawer.
- * Always quit Organiser before moving Supplements.
- * Supplements will influence the performance of Organiser and use memory
- (RAM). So, the fewer the better!
- * You can create your own Supplements with Digita Wordworth or any other
- word processor or text editor (for more information, see Chapter 10,
- "Section Summary").
- PAGE 27
- First start the Organiser (if you are unsure how to do this, see Chapter
- 5, "Starting Organiser"). When the Organiser screen appears, you will see
- a display similar to Figure 8-1.
- Figure 8-1 The Organiser Screen
- Organiser should be open at the Diary section (if it isn't, just click
- the section tab titled Diary). This part of Organiser is used for storing
- birthdays, appointments, holidays or just notes, in fact it is flexible
- enough to allow you to enter virtually any type of diary event.
- If you are not already familiar with moving around Organiser (like
- turning pages, changing sections, changing views), see Chapter 7.1,
- "Browsing The Diary".
- Choose "Change Settings" _General command (Settings menu) and make sure
- that the "Detailed Addresses As Standard" option is selected. You can also
- switch off the Fortune Cookie on startup option if you wish. Then click
- OK.
- 8.1 Choosing A Diary Theme
- When you scrolled through the Diary you probably noticed that there were
- no public holidays displayed. This is because you are using an 'empty'
- Organiser file.
- Organiser comes with a selection of 'Diary Themes' that contain special
- dates for a particular theme. For example, the "Special Days" theme has
- the dates of public holidays and other special days. And not just this
- country, you can use the worldwide version and keep track of your
- international business colleagues! For full details about Diary Themes see
- Chapter 10.1, "Choosing A Theme".
- PAGE 28
- step 1
- Choose Open (Project menu) to display the File requester. The list
- gadget contains all the files and drawers in the current directory. Files
- are displayed in black and drawers in white.
- Figure 8-2 Open File Requester
- Floppy Disk Users: Insert the OrganiserExtras disk and click the Volumes
- button. When it appears, select OrganiserExtras from the top of the list.
- Then, select the Diary Themes drawer.
- Hard Disk Users: Select the Diary Themes drawer from the list gadget and
- the list will change to display the contents of the drawer.
- Now select Special Days (UK) and click the Open button.
- step 2
- Press the . (full stop) key to scroll through the diary and look at the
- public holidays and special days
- To find out if your birthday coincides with a special day, click the
- Calendar tab on the left edge of the page and move to the appropriate
- month (you can change months by clicking the page corners or pressing the
- , (comma) key and the . (full stop) key).
- Click the day number on the Calendar to jump to the appropriate date in
- the diary for your birthday.
- step 3
- Now add your own birthday. Choose "Diary Event" (Create menu) and type
- the following into the "Diary Event Details" requester:
- PAGE 29
- Title: My Birthday
- Notes: (leave blank)
- The Date gadget already contains your birthday date (DigiSense has
- already sensed the date you wanted).
- Leave all the other gadgets blank, but select the "Every Year"' checkbox
- (by clicking it) to make the diary event appear at the same date and time
- every year (ideal for birthdays).
- You can see that the Summary box contains a 'plain English' description
- of your birthday event.
- step 4
- To the right of the Summary , there are three Options buttons:
- See Figure 8-2a
- Click OK and your birthday will appear on the diary page.
- Now try adding a monthly sales meeting, which always takes place on the
- last Friday of every month.
- step 5
- Choose "Diary Event" (Create menu) and type the following into the "Diary
- Event Details" requester:
- Title: Sales Meeting
- Priority: Highest (makes this event appear first in the diary list)
- Notes: (leave blank)
- Date: Press Right Amiga-X to clear its contents and type 31 Mar 95
- (DigiSense will fully complete the date for you).
- End Date: Press Right Amiga-X to clear its contents and type ! day (this
- tells Organiser that the meeting occupies you all day).
- Leave all the other gadgets blank.
- You can see the Summary box contains a 'plain English' description of
- your sales meeting. Click the Repeat button.
- PAGE 30
- Figure 8-3 'Repeat Options' Requester ("Diary Event Details" Requester
- in background)
- Type the following into the "Repeat Options" requester:
- Repeat Every: 1 Month
- On The Same Day and Week: Selected
- Leave the other gadgets blank.
- Notice that the "Example Dates" box contains the dates of the repeating
- event.
- Click OK and then click OK again.
- With Repeat option, you can set many different types of repeating events.
- step 6
- Click the "Create Diary Event" icon (or choose "Diary Event" from the
- Create menu), and when the "Diary Event Details" requester appears type
- the following:
- Title: Dental Appointment
- Notes: Provisional. To confirm call 0171 828 828 111
- Priority: Normal
- Date: Delete the contents of the gadget (press Right Amiga-X), type 28
- apr (notice DigiSense completes the date for you).
- Time: 10 (DigiSense assumes that when you type 10 you mean 10am, as
- opposed to 10pm. You can change this in "Change Settings" -General
- (Settings menu).
- End Time: 15min (DigiSense knows you mean 15 minutes and sets the time to
- 10.15am).
- Click OK and a conflict warning appears, click OK again (because you know
- you'll be able to slip out of the meeting for the appointment).
- PAGE 31
- 8.2 Saving Your Business Organiser File
- It is important to get into the habit of saving your organiser file
- regularly. As this is the first time you are using the Save command, you
- will need to give your file a name.
- Choose Save from the Project menu. In the File text gadget type My
- Business Organiser and click Save (if the file already exists, you will be
- prompted to confirm whether you wish to overwrite it). Notice that the
- window title bar now shows the file name.
- To save your organiser file onto different floppy disk, insert the new
- disk and click the Volumes button. Select the disk name which appears in
- the list and type the name of your organiser file in the File text gadget,
- then click Save or press the Return key.
- **************************************************************************
- Important You need to save your work on the disk by choosing the Save
- command at the end of each session . It is wise to save your
- organiser file about every 10 minutes as you work. This ensures
- that your work will not be lost if there is a power cut or
- other problem causing the computer to shut down or restart.
- **************************************************************************
- If you want Organiser to automatically start every time you start your
- Amiga, save your organiser file in the SYS:WBStartup (or
- Organiser:WBStartup) drawer.
- 8.3 Planning A Holiday
- Now add two week summer holiday with two reminders, one for ordering
- foreign currency and the other to collect it.
- step 1
- Double-click anywhere on a blank part of the Diary page to display the
- "Events Details" requester and type the following:
- Title: Holiday
- Notes: Travel Agent - 0171 828 828 111
- Priority: Normal
- Date: Delete the contents of the gadget (press Right Amiga-X), type 3 Aug
- (notice DigiSense completes the date for you).
- End Date: Delete the contents and type 2 weeks (DigiSense works out the
- end date).
- Time: 10
- End Time: 6 (DigiSense assumes that when you type 6 you mean 6pm, as
- opposed to 6am. You can change this in "Change Settings"-General (Settings
- menu).
- step 2
- Now create another diary event for ordering the currency. Click "Crete
- Another" and type the following:
- PAGE 32
- Title: Arrange foreign currency
- Notes: Bank opening hours are 9.30-3.30
- Date: To order the currency month in advance, rather than type new date,
- press Shift Right Amiga-, (comma) and the date will move to the preceding
- month.
- Leave the remaining gadgets blank.
- Click the Alarm button. Organiser automatically sets the alarm for that
- day, so now just click OK.
- From the "Diary Event Details" requester click OK to create your event in
- he Diary.
- 8.4 Task Lists
- You can use Organiser to maintain task list of "things to do" and then
- cross them off when they are completed. In this example, the tasks are
- collecting the plane tickets, visiting the bank, re-directing your office
- phone and cancelling the papers.
- step 1
- Click the "Create Task" icon or choose Task (Create menu).
- Organiser automatically turns to the Task section and then displays the
- "Task Details" requester.
- Type the following:
- Title: Pick up plane tickets
- Notes: Wilson's travel agents, High Street
- Due Date: 31 jul
- Press Return and then click "Crete Another".
- step 2
- Type the following:
- Title: Visit bank
- Priority: Highest (this places the item at the top of the list)
- Notes: (leave blank)
- Due Date: 31 jul
- Press Return and then click "Create Another".
- step 3
- Type the following:
- Title: Re-direct phones
- Notes: Call Jan at BT 0192 234 123
- Press Return and then click "Create Another".
- PAGE 33
- Figure 8-4 'Task List' Section
- Type the following:
- Title: Cancel papers
- Notes; (leave blank)
- Due Date: 2 Aug
- Press Return and click OK.
- Click OK
- You can see the four tasks appear on the page. If you click the small box
- on the left of each task a tick appears (indicating it is completed). To
- remove task, select it (by clicking it once so that the dotted line
- appears below), and then choose Erse from the Edit menu or press the Del
- key (or choose "Erase Items" to remove several).
- For more information on Diary and Task events, and the differences
- between them, see Chapter 10, "Organiser Summary".
- 8.5 Using The Address Book
- With Organiser you can type your own names and addresses into the Address
- Book or import them from most other software (for details about importing,
- see Chapter 7.5 , "Importing And Exporting Information).
- step 1
- Choose Address from the Create menu (Organiser automatically turns to the
- Address section and then displays the "Address Details" requester).
- PAGE 34
- (Note for typists: You can press the Return key to move between the lines
- of the address.)
- Now type:
- Name: J Anderson
- Company: Modorcome
- Position: Marketing Manager
- Click the "Show As" pop-up gadget and, with the Selection button still
- pressed down, move the highlighted bar over the "Name and Company" item
- and then release the button (this option tells Organiser how to display
- the address - under both name and company).
- Address: Black Horse House
- Town: Exmouth
- County: Devon
- Postcode: EX8 1JL
- Tel: 01 395 270 273
- Second Number: Press the Down Arrow key until E-mail appears and type
- Anderson
- Notes: Birthday 20 Wife called Alison. Children called David and Colin.
- Figure 8-5 'Address Details' Requester
- PAGE 35
- Click OK and the address appears in the address section under A (because
- of Anderson) and M (because of Modorcome). The asterisk next to the entry
- tells you it appears under two headings (that is, Name and Company.
- step 2
- Experiment by moving around the Address section by clicking the page
- turning gadgets, the page letters (on the sides of the page) or pressing
- the corresponding letter. Try swapping views by clicking the View buttons
- on the ribbon, or try the keyboard equivalent keys 1, 2, and 3.
- step 3
- You can type a brief addresses if you need to.
- Choose Address (Create menu) again, but this time hold down the Shift as
- you do it (by holding down the Shift key, the brief "Address Details"
- requester appears). The Shift key also works when double-clicking an
- address page, using the Ctrl-A keyboard short-cut, or clicking the toolbar
- icon.
- You can swap which requester appears by default from the "General
- Settings" requester ("Change Settings" -General, Setting menu).
- Click Cancel to close the requester without typing anything.
- step 4
- Sometimes it is useful to just show a telephone directory style listing
- where just the name and telephone number (the number from the first pop-
- up) are displayed.
- To do this, press the Space Bar (or choose "At A Glance", Settings Menu).
- Repeat the command to revert back to the normal display. You can also use
- this feature with the Diary and Tasks sections.
- 8.6 Adding Supplements
- Supplements are like the pre-printed information pages you get in a real
- filofax, and with Organiser you can just as easily insert and remove them.
- Follow the tutorial, Chapter 7.6 , "Adding Supplements".
- PAGE 36
- First start the Organiser (if you are unsure how to do this, see Chapter
- 5, "Starting Organiser"). When the Organiser screen appears, you will see
- a display similar to Figure 9-1.
- Figure 9-1 The Organiser Screen
- Organiser should be open at the Diary section (if it isn't, just click
- the section tab titled Diary). This part of Organiser is used for storing
- birthdays, appointments, holidays or just notes, in fact it is flexible
- enough to allow you to enter virtually any type of diary event.
- If you are not already familiar with moving around Organiser (like
- turning pages, changing sections, changing views), see Chapter 7.1,
- "Browsing The Diary".
- Choose "Change Settings" -General command (Settings menu) and make sure
- that the "Detailed Addresses As Standard" option is selected. You can also
- switch off the Fortune Cookie on startup option if you wish. Then click
- OK.
- 9.1 Choosing A Diary Theme
- When you scrolled through the Diary you probably noticed that there were
- no public holidays displayed. This is because you are using an 'empty'
- Organiser file.
- Organiser comes with a selection of 'Diary Themes' that contain special
- dates for a particular theme. For example, the "Historical Days" theme
- has many famous dates from history (for full details about Diary Themes
- see Chapter 10.1, "Choosing A Theme").
- step 1
- Choose Open (Project menu) to display the File requester. The list gadget
- contains all the files and drawers in the current directory. Files are
- displayed in black and drawers in white.
- Page 37
- Floppy Disk Users: Insert the OrganiserExtras disk and click the Volumes
- button. When it appears, select OrganiserExtras from the top of the list.
- Then, select the Diary Themes drawer.
- Hard Disk Users: Select the Diary Themes drawer from the list gadget and
- the list will change to display the contents of the drawer.
- Now select Historical Days (UK) and click the Open button.
- Figure 9-2 Open File Requester
- step 2
- Press the . (full stop) key to scroll through the diary and look at the
- public holidays and special days are also included.
- step 3
- To find out if you share your birthday with a special day, click the
- Calendar tab on the left edge of the page and move to the appropriate
- month (you can change months by clicking the page corners or pressing the
- , (comma) key and the . (full stop) key).
- Click the day number on the Calendar to jump to the appropriate date in
- the diary for your birthday.
- step 4
- Now add your own birthday. Choose "Diary Event" (Create menu) and type
- the following into the "Diary Event Details" requester:
- Title: My Birthday
- Notes: (leave blank)
- PAGE 38
- The Date gadget already contains your birthday date (DigiSense has
- already sensed the date you wanted).
- Leave all the other gadgets blank, but select the "Every Year"' checkbox
- (by clicking it) to make the diary event appear at the same date and time
- every year (ideal for birthdays).
- You can see that the Summary box contains a 'plain English' description
- of your birthday event.
- step 5
- To the right of the Summary , there are three Options buttons:
- See Figure 9.2a
- Click OK and your birthday will appear on the diary page.
- step 6
- To see what day of the week your birthday falls on next year, click the
- "Go To Date" icon. Alternatively, choose "Go To Date" (Locate menu) or
- press Right Amiga-J.
- Figure 9-3 'Go To Date' Icon
- Move the cursor that appears in the Date gadget to the end of the date
- (press Shift-Right Arrow), change the year and click the "Go To" button or
- press the Return Key.
- 9.2 Saving Your School Organiser File
- It is important to get into the habit of saving your organiser file
- regularly. As this is the first time you are using the Save command, you
- will need to give your file a name.
- Choose Save from the Project menu. In the File text gadget type My
- School Organiser and click Save (if the file already exists, you will be
- prompted to confirm whether you wish to overwrite it). Notice that the
- window title bar now shows the file name.
- PAGE 39
- To save your organiser file onto different floppy disk, insert the new
- disk and click the Volumes button. Select the disk name which appears in
- the list and type the name of your organiser file in the File text gadget,
- then click Save or press the Return key.
- **************************************************************************
- Important You need to save your work on the disk by choosing the Save
- command at the end of each session . It is wise to save your
- organiser file about every 10 minutes as you work. This ensures
- that your work will not be lost if there is a power cut or
- other problem causing the computer to shut down or restart.
- **************************************************************************
- If you want Organiser to automatically start every time you start your
- Amiga, save your organiser file in the SYS:WBStartup (or
- Organiser:WBStartup) drawer.
- 9.3 Entering School Holidays
- Now add a three week Christmas holiday with one reminder.
- step 1
- Click the "Create Diary Event" icon (or choose "Diary Event" from the
- Create menu), and when the "Diary Event Details" requester appears type
- the following:
- Title: Christmas Holiday
- Date: Delete the contents of the gadget (press Right Amiga-X), type 18
- dec (notice DigiSense completes the date for you as you move to the next
- gadget).
- End Date: Delete the contents and type 3 weeks (DigiSense works out the
- end date).
- Figure 9-4 'Alarm Options' Requester ("Diary Event Details" Requester in
- background)
- PAGE 40
- step 2
- Now create the reminder by clicking the Alarm button.
- Notify: 7 (days)
- Click OK and Organiser will now automatically remind you 7 days before
- the Christmas holiday.
- 9.4 Tasks By The End of Term
- You can use Organiser to maintain task list of "things to do" and then
- cross them off when they are completed. In this example, the tasks are
- arranging the Christmas cards and finishing a report.
- step 1
- Click the "Create Task" icon or choose Task (Create menu).
- Organiser automatically turns to the Task section and then displays the
- "Task Details" requester.
- Figure 9-5 'Create Task' Icon
- Type the following:
- Title: Christmas cards
- Notes: Don't forget Mrs Wilson this year
- Due Date: 18 dec
- Press Return and then click "Crete Another".
- step 2
- Type the following:
- Title: Physics Report
- Notes: (leave blank)
- Due Date: 16 dec
- Click OK
- You can see the two tasks appear on the page. If you click the small box
- on the left of each task a tick appears (indicating it is completed). To
- remove task, select it (by clicking it once so that the dotted line
- appears below), and then choose Erse from the Edit menu or press the Del
- key (or choose "Erase Items" to remove several).
- For more information on Diary and Task events, and the differences
- between them, see Chapter 10, "Organiser Summary".
- PAGE 41
- 9.5 Using The Address Book
- With Organiser you can type your own names and addresses into the Address
- Book or import them from most other software. This example shows you how
- to type in your address.
- step 1
- Choose Address from the Create menu (Organiser automatically turns to the
- Address section and then displays the "Address Details" requester).
- Type Mrs L McLintock and press the return key (because this is an
- address, you can press the Return key to move onto the next address
- gadget).
- Type the following::
- Address: 10 High Street
- Town: Exmouth
- County: Devon
- Postcode: EX8 2ER
- Tel: 01 395 270 273
- Now click the blank pop-up gadget under the Tel pop-up and you will see a
- list of other headings. Select E-mail and type mclintock
- Figure 9-6 'Address Details' Requester
- Click OK and the address appears in the address section under the W
- category.
- PAGE 42
- step 2
- With Organiser you can create more detailed addresses if you need to.
- Choose Address (Create menu) again, but this time hold down the Shift as
- you do it (by holding down the Shift key, the brief "Address Details"
- requester appears). The Shift key also works when double-clicking an
- address page, using the Ctrl-A keyboard short-cut, or clicking the toolbar
- icon.
- By using the Shift key, you can use the larger requester when you need
- to. You can swap which requester appears by default from the "General
- Settings" requester ("Change Settings" -General, Setting menu).
- Click Cancel to close the requester without typing anything.
- step 3
- It is useful to just show a telephone directory style listing
- where just the name and telephone number are displayed.
- To do this, press the Space Bar (or choose "At A Glance", Settings Menu).
- Repeat the command to revert back to the normal display. You can also use
- this feature with the Diary and Tasks sections.
- 9.6 Adding Supplements
- Supplements are like the pre-printed information pages you get in a real
- filofax, and with Organiser you can just as easily insert and remove them.
- Follow the tutorial, Chapter 7.6 , "Adding Supplements".
- PAGE 43
- 10.1 Choosing A Theme
- When you first start Organiser, the file is empty. If you look through
- the Diary pages you will notice that there are no events on any day, even
- Christmas is absent! (all of the other sections are empty as well).
- To save you typing standard diary events (holidays like Christmas Day, or
- other days like Mother`s Day), a pre-writen file called SPECIAL DAYS is
- provided. This file is called a `Diary Theme` and contains the special
- dates for this country (and for different countries all over the world if
- you want them).
- More Diary Themes are included which combine SPECIAL DAYS with other
- themes:
- * Astronomy * Special Days * Sports
- Australia Horse Racing
- * Celebrity Birthdays Germany General Sports
- North America Soccer
- * Gardening UK
- World Wide
- * Historical Days
- * Special Events
- Note: Diary Themes change from time to time, so the contents of your
- Organiser disk may vary slightly from this list.
- A Diary Theme file behaves slightly differently to a normal file; when
- you open a Diary Theme it remains UNTITLED so that you can add your events
- and then save it using your own file name.
- Important Choose the Diary Theme you want to use before you start typing
- your own diary events into Organiser; once entered, diary events cannot be
- transferred to another Diary Theme.
- To Use A Diary Theme:
- Floppy Disk Users: Choose Open (Project menu) to display the file
- requester and insert the OrganiserExtras disk. Click the Volumes button
- and select OrganiserExtras from the list to display its contents. Select
- the Diary Themes drawer and then select the Dairy Theme you want to use
- and click Open.
- Hard Disk Users: Choose open (Project menu) to display the File requester
- and then select the Diary Theme drawer from the list gadget. If you cannot
- see the Diary Themes drawer name then delete the contents of the Drawer
- text gadget and press the Return key. Select the Dairy Theme you want to
- use and then click Open.
- PAGE 44
- 10.2 Saving Your Organiser File
- It is important that you get into the habit of saving you organiser file
- regularly (every 10 minutes or so). This ensures that your work will not
- be lost if there is a power cut or other problem causing the computer to
- shut down or restart.
- To save your file just choose Save from the Project menu. Alternatively,
- click the toolbar icon or press Right Amiga-S.
- If you are saving for the first time, a File requester will appear for
- you to select the destination and name of the file. Type a name into the
- File text gadget and click Save (if the file already exists you will be
- prompted to confirm whether you wish to overwrite it). The Organiser
- window title bar will now display the file name.
- To save your Organiser file onto a different floppy disk, insert the
- disk, click the Volumes button and then select the disk name from the
- list. Type the name of your Organiser file in the File text gadget and
- click Save or press the Return key.
- Organiser will ask you if you wish to save your current file when you
- open a new file (Open command, Project menu), hide the display (Hide
- command, Project menu) or quit ("Quit Organiser" command, Project menu).
- If you want Organiser to automatically start every time you start your
- Amiga, save your organiser file in the SYS:WBStartup drawer.
- Auto Saving
- You may wish Organiser to automatically save the file for you every few
- minutes. To do this type a value into the "Auto Save Delay" text gadget
- ("Change Settings" -File command, Settings menu) and the activate it by
- choosing "Auto Save" (Settings menu).
- When activated, Auto Save will also save you file every time you hide the
- display (using the hide command from the Project menu).
- Hard disk users may wish to keep Organiser in the background (using the
- Hide command, Project menu) whilst working with the other programs. In
- this case, you should use "Auto Save" because it is very easy to forget
- the program is still running (as it is hidden), and switch off your
- computer without saving the Organiser file.
- PAGE 45
- 10.3 Multi-tasking With Organiser
- Showing And Hiding Organiser
- Hard disk users will probably w ant to use Organiser in the background.
- This has the advantage of not taking up any space on your Workbench
- desktop and allows you to carry on using your Amiga to work on something
- else (provided you have sufficient memory).
- The Organiser display can be hidden by choosing Hide (Project menu), this
- will close down the Organiser screen and place an icon on the Workbench
- desktop. There are several ways to display Organiser again once hidden:
- * Double-click its desktop icon on the Workbench window.
- * Choose the Organiser command which has been added to your Workbench
- Tools menu.
- * Press the Hot Key which is displayed in the Organiser window title bar
- (you can define the Hot Key by changing the CX_POPKEY tool type on the
- Organiser program icon, see your Workbench User Manual for more
- details).
- * Start the commodity tool Exchange (located in the SYS:Tools/Commodities
- drawer). Then, select Organiser from the "Available Commodities" list
- gadget and click "Show Interface".
- If you have the Organiser display hidden, you should use "Auto Save"
- because it is very easy to forget the program is still running (as it is
- hidden), and switch off your computer without saving the Organiser file.
- Auto Start
- If you have Organiser running in the background (hidden) and your Amiga
- suddenly starts to operate slower than usual, then an "Auto Start" diary
- event may have just begun.
- Startup
- If you want Organiser to automatically start every time you turn on your
- Amiga, save your organiser project file in the SYS:WBStartup drawer.
- Anything that is placed in this drawer is started automatically when your
- Amiga starts.
- **************************************************************************
- Important Do not drag the Organiser program into your W8Startup drawer
- (unlike some other Amiga Commodities).
- **************************************************************************
- If you are auto starting Organiser , and prefer the Organiser screen to
- be hidden, change the CX_POPUP tool type on the Organiser project icon to
- PAGE 46
- 10.4 Printing
- Printing with Organiser is quite simple. You can print full pages of
- information (A4 or US Letter), or filofax-sized pages (complete with crop
- lines showing where to cut the paper).
- When you use the Print command (Project menu), the Print requester
- appears with the current section selected from the Section pop-up. Each
- section remembers its own print options so, for example, you can vary the
- printing setup between Diary and the Addresses sections.
- Figure 10-1 The Print requester
- Section: Select which section of the Organiser you wish to print_
- Layout: Select the style of printout (its contents will vary depending on
- the section of the Organiser you are printing).
- Copies: Number of the copies of each page.
- Print To File: Creates an export file (ASCII) on disk which you can
- import and format with Digita Wordworth (and other text editors).
- Range
- The contents of this group vary depending on the selections you made
- previously. In general terms, though, this group lets you print All of the
- information or a specific Range. For more information about Ranges, see
- the Organiser On-line help system.
- Settings: Click this button to reveal the "Print Settings" requester.
- From this requester you select the printing Format which is the size of
- paper you wish to print. For example, a filofax uses paper which is about
- 6 x 3 inches, and so, although you will be printing on standard sized
- paper (probably A4), setting this option would produce crop lines around
- the printed Organiser page so that you can cut it to the exact filofax
- size.
- When you use a page format (other than "Full Page"), you can also select
- Centering, "Cut Lines" (to print extra lines joining the crop marks) and
- "Separate List Pages" which splits the printout into separate pages for
- each: calendar year, diary month, task priority and address letter.
- For information about how to set up your printer before printing, see
- Chapter 6.2
- For more general information about printing, see the Organiser on-line
- help system.
- PAGE 47
- 10.5 Importing And Exporting Information
- You can transfer information between Organiser and other programs very
- easily using the Import and Export commands (Project menu).
- Importing Digita Day-By-Day Files
- Although you can import most of the diary information, some non-
- compatible information is discarded such as Categories and events which do
- not have a date.
- Choose Import (Project menu) and select your Day-By-Day project file from
- the file requester.
- Importing Addresses From Other Programs
- Organiser can import addresses from many other applications, provided the
- file is in ASCII format (the industry standard-plain text Format). For
- example, databases from Digita Datastore, or mailing lists from Digita
- Mailshot Plus.
- Export the database file, start Organiser and choose Import from the
- Project menu,
- **************************************************************************
- Important It is vital that the exported database file contains a header
- record with the correct field names for Organiser. For more
- information see the Organiser on-line help.
- **************************************************************************
- Digita Mailshot Plus Users: Save the Mailshot Plus file in Text format
- (not Label) ensuring the Memo fields are switched off.
- Exporting Addresses To Other Programs
- Organiser can export information from the Address section as a separate
- ASCII file. This means that programs such as Digita Wordworth can use this
- information and then, for example, produce a mail merge with a form
- letter.
- Choose File from the "Change Settings" submenu (Settings menu) and select
- the file format option you want from the Format pop-up gadget. This pop-up
- defines how the ASCII file is structured. Some programs use different
- combinations of field and record separators to others and therefore when
- exporting data, the correct format needs to be set from this gadget.
- Click OK and then choose Export from the Project menu, type your file
- name in the File gadget and click Export.
- PAGE 48
- 10.6 Calendar Section
- Click the Calendar tab on the edge of the Organiser pages to turn to the
- Calendar section.
- The display shows the days of a month in a traditional calendar style.
- This is useful to see what date falls on a particular day or to view a
- whole month at once.
- Figure 10-2 The Calendar Display
- The number of months displayed on each page depends on the screen mode
- you are using and the "Text Font". You can change the font using the
- "Change Settings"'-Font command (Settings menu).
- The current day ('today') appears in red and the weekend days in grey.
- Days that contain events appear in bold type.
- To turn the pages to view different months click the turned page corner
- on the bottom corner of the page (or press the , (comma) key and the .
- (full stop) key).
- Click a page number on the Calendar to quickly jump to the date in the
- Diary section.
- Choose "ThisMonth" (Locate menu) to turn to the Calendar section and
- display the current month (you can do this from any section).
- PAGE 49
- 10.7 Diary Section
- Click the Diary tab on the edge of the Organiser pages to turn to the
- Diary section, The current day appears in red.
- The Diary section has different views so that you can decide how much
- information you would like to see on a page:
- See Figure 10-2a
- You can summarise the diary information by choosing "At A Glance"
- (Settings menu) or pressing the Space Bar. This command toggles the
- display between normal and summarised (which shows just the first line of
- the Title contents from the "Diary Event Details" requester).
- Figure 10-3 The Diary Display
- PAGE 50
- Moving Around The Diary
- Click the Diary tab to turn to the current day (or choose Today (Locate
- menu) or press Right Amiga-T).
- To turn to a particular day in the diary choose "Go To Date" (Locate
- menu), or click the toolbar icon, or use the Calendar section (for more
- details see Chapter 10.5, Calendar).
- To turn the pages to view different days click the turned page corner on
- the bottom corner of the page (or press the , (comma) key and the . (full
- stop) key).
- The commands "This Week" and "Next Week" (Locate menu) will turn to the
- appropriate place in the diary and change the view to show a full week
- across both pages.
- Creating A Diary Event
- To create an event choose the "Diary Event" command from the Create menu
- (or press Ctrl-E, click the toolbar icon, or double-click a blank area of
- the diary page).
- Editing A Diary Event
- Select the event you wish to edit (by clicking it, so that a dotted line
- appears below)" and then choose "Edit Details" (Edit menu) or press Right
- Amiga-E.
- Alternatively, to edit you can double-click the event on the Diary page
- (if you double-click a blank page, Organiser will assume you wish to
- create a new event).
- Deleting A Diary Event
- Select the event you wish to delete (by clicking it so that a dotted line
- appears below), and choose Erase (Edit menu) or press Del.
- Using Sampled Sounds With A Diary Event
- With the Amiga Workbench Sound preferences, you can set Organiser to play
- a sampled sound whenever it displays a diary event alarm.
- A sound sample is included with Organiser (although you can easily add
- more of your own). To use the sound sample follow this procedure:
- Floppy Disk Users:
- 1. Switch on your Amiga with the Organiser disk in the internal disk
- drive.
- 2. When the Workbench screen appears, double-click the Organiser disk
- icon, then double-click the Prefs drawer and double-click the Sound
- icon.
- 3. Using the "Sound Preferences" requester you can control what happens
- when Organiser displays an diary event alarm. Select the "Flash
- Display" option, the "Make Sound" option and "Sampled Sound"' option
- from the "Sound Type" cycle gadget.
- 4. Click the "Select Sample" button and from the File requester select in
- the Drawer text gadget. Delete its contents, type Organiser:Sound
- Samples/ and press the Return key. Select Harp from the list and click
- OK.
- 5. Click the Save button on the "Sound Preferences"' requester to save
- these settings.
- PAGE 51
- Hard Disk Users:
- 1. Double-click your Workbench (System) partition icon, then double-click
- the Prefs drawer and double-click the Sound icon (the Organiser
- installer automatically copies this program to your Organiser drawer
- if it does not already exist on your system).
- 2. Using the "Sound Preferences" requester you can control what happens
- when Organiser displays an diary event alarm. Select the "Flash
- Display" option, the "Make Sound" option and "Sampled Sound" option
- from the "Sound Type" cycle gadget.
- 3. Click the "Select Sample" button and from the File requester click in
- the Drawer text gadget. Delete its contents, press the Return key and
- select Sound Samples from the list. Press the Return key, select Harp
- from the list and click OK.
- 4. Click the Save button on the "Sound Preferences" requester to save
- these settings.
- Example Creating A Birthday Event
- Choose "Diary Event" (Create menu) and type the name of person in the
- Title text gadget. Delete the contents of the Date gadget (press Right
- Amiga-X) and type the date of the birthday. With DigiSense, you only need
- to type the absolute minimum date for Organiser to work out what you mean
- (for example, 17 Aug, 17/8).
- Click the "Every Year" checkbox so that Organiser repeats the event on
- the same date every year (another way is to click the Repeat button, to
- display the "Repeat Options" requester, type 1 in the text gadget and
- select Year from the pop-up gadget).
- Example 2-Creating A Holiday
- Choose "Diary Event'" (Create menu) to display the "Event Details"
- requester, type Holiday in the Title text gadget, and type the relevant
- dates into the Date and "End Date" gadgets.
- You do not have to type a specific date into the "End Date" gadget, you
- could just type 7 days and DigiSense will calculate the end date
- automatically.
- Example 3-Automatically Starting A Weekly Backup
- Choose "Diary Event" (Create menu) and type the backup details into the
- Title text gadget. Specify the date you wish the backup to start in the
- Date and Time text gadgets.
- Click the "Auto Start" button and select the program you wish to start
- automatically (including ARexx or AmigaDos scripts).
- See the Organiser on-line help system for more details about using "Auto
- Start" options.
- PAGE 52
- 10.8 Tasks Section
- Click the Tasks tab on the edge of the Organiser pages to turn to the
- Tasks section.
- Choose "At A Glance" Settings menu (or press the Space Bar), to toggle
- between the normal and abbreviated display (which just shows the Title
- text).
- The Priority option lets you group tasks in five priorities. If you do
- not use this option, all tasks have equal (Normal) priority. You can use
- the Priority feature to group tasks (for example "High might be work-
- related, Normal might be personal).
- Moving Around Tasks
- To turn the pages to view different pages of tasks click the turned page
- corner on the bottom corner of the page (or press the , (comma) key and
- the . (full stop) key).
- Creating A Task
- Choose Task from the Create menu (or press Ctrl-T, click the toolbar
- icon, or double-click a blank area on the Task page).
- Figure 10-4 'Create Task' Icon
- Tasks are useful for items that need to be completed before a certain
- date (rather than on a specific date), and undated items that just need to
- be done (like a shopping list).
- Figure 10-5 The Tasks Display
- You have the option to assign a "Due Date" and a Priority to each task.
- When a task becomes overdue, it turns red and shows the number of days it
- is overdue. When a task is completed, click the small box to the left of
- the text in the Task display to place a tick next to it (or double-click
- the Task and select the Completed checkbox).
- Editing A Task
- Select the task you wish to edit (by clicking it" so that a dotted line
- appears below), and then choose "Edit Details" (Edit menu) or press Right
- Amiga-E (alternatively, you can double-click the task on the tasks page
- to edit).
- If you double-click a blank page, Organiser will assume you wish to
- create a new task.
- Erasing A Task
- Select the Task, so that the dotted line appears under it, and choose
- Erase from the Edit menu (or press the Del key).
- To erase all completed tasks, click the ribbon icon, or choose "Erase
- Items" (Edit menu) and select the "Completed Tasks Only" option.
- 10.9 Addresses Section
- Click the Addresses tab on the edge of the Organiser pages to turn to the
- Addresses section.
- Choose "At A Glance" Settings menu (or press the Space Bar), to toggle
- between the normal and telephone list display (which just shows the Name
- and telephone number).
- Moving Around The Address Book
- To turn the pages to view different pages of addresses click the turned
- page corner on the bottom corner of the page (or press the , (comma) key
- and the . (full stop) key). To move alphabetically between pages, click
- the small lettered tabs at the sides of the page (or press the
- corresponding letter on the keyboard).
- Creating An Address
- Choose Address from the Create menu (or press Ctrl-A, or click the
- toolbar icon).
- You have the option to use a brief or detailed requester for typing
- addresses. By default, the brief requester appears. To use the detailed
- requester, hold down the Shift key when you choose the command. You can
- set the requester which Appears by default using the "Detailed Addresses
- As Standard " option ("Change Settings" -General command, Settings menu).
- PAGE 54
- Figure 10-6 The Detailed Addresses Display
- Editing An Address
- Select the address you wish to edit (by clicking it, so that a dotted
- line appears below), and then choose "Edit Details" (Edit menu) or press
- Right Amiga-E (attentively, you can double-click the address on the
- addresses page to edit).
- If you double-click a blank page, Organiser will assume you wish to
- create a new address.
- PAGE 55
- 10.10 Supplement Section
- Supplements are like the pre-printed information pages you get in a real
- filofax, and
- with Organiser, you can just as easily insert and remove then. You can
- insert up to 30 supplements at once and choose from the following:
- Angling Others
- Angling Addresses (UK) Celebrity Birthdays
- Rivers (UK) Conversion Tables
- Astronomy European Union information
- Brightest Stars Motoring license plates
- Meteors Soccer Clubs (UK)
- Planets Sporting Venues (UK)
- Theatre Addresses (UK)
- Gardening Trivia
- Garden Societies (UK) Useful Addresses (UK)
- Garden Visits (UK) World Time Zones
- Healthy Living Religious Festivals
- Dental Care Buddhist Festivals
- Diet Chinese Festivals
- Getting Exorcise Hindu Festivals
- Islamic Festivals
- Home Hints Jewish Festivals
- General Home Hints Orthodox Christian
- Stain Removal Roman Catholic Festivals
- Sikh Festivals
- Horses Western Christian Festivals
- Horse Racing Contacts (UK)
- Horse Racing Courses (UK) Restaurants
- Horse Racing Dates (UK) Restaurants (Asia)
- Horse Racing Year (UK) Restaurants (Asia)
- Restaurants (Australia)
- Hotels Restaurants (Europe)
- Hotels (Asia) Restaurants (Germany)
- Hotels (Australia) Restaurants (Canada)
- Hotels (Europe) Restaurants (USA)
- Hotels (Germany) Restaurants (UK)
- Hotels (Canada)
- Hotels (USA)
- Hotels (UK)
- Special Days Telephone Dialling Codes
- Special Days (Africa) Dialling Codes (UK)
- Special Days (Asia) Dialling Codes (UK Towns)
- Special Days (Australia) Dialling Codes (UK Towns)
- Special Days (CIS) Dialling Codes (Worldwide)
- Special Days (Europe)
- Special Days (Germany) Travel
- Special Days (North America) Ferry Information (UK)
- Special Days (South America) Flight Information (UK)
- Special Days (UK) Motoring Information (UK)
- Train information (UK)
- Sports Winners Travel Checklist
- American Football Winners Travel First A
- Baseball W inners
- Cricket Winners Wine Guide
- Golf Winners Serving Wine
- Rugby League Winners Wine Bargains
- Rugby Union Winners Wine Varieties
- Soccer Winners (UK
- Soccer Winners (Worldwide)
- Tennis Winners
- Click the Supplements tab to turn to the Supplements section.
- To turn the pages (to view different pages of Supplements) click the
- turned page corner on the bottom corner of the page (or press the ,
- (comma) key and the . (full stop) key). To go to a particular Supplement,
- choose the Supplements command (Locate menu) and choose the appropriate
- Supplement from the sub-menu.
- PAGE 56
- Inserting A Supplement
- Before you can add a Supplement" first quit Organiser by choosing "Quit
- Organiser" (Project menu).
- Floppy Disk Users:
- 1. When the Workbench (System) screen appears, double-click the Organiser
- disk icon, to reveal the Supplements drawer (this is where Organiser
- looks for Supplements).
- 2. Insert the OrganiserExtras disk in a disk drive" double-click its disk
- icon and double-click the Supplements Storage drawer (this is where
- Supplements are stored in a number of separate drawers relating to the
- different categories-Gardening, Restaurants, Sport, Others and so on).
- 3. Double-click the drawer you want and drag a Supplement onto the
- Supplements drawer (on the Organiser disk). Repeat this for each
- supplement you want to insert. Single disk drive users will be
- prompted to swap disks as the Supplements are Copied from the
- OrganiserExtras disk to the Organiser disk.
- Now, when you start Organiser, the Supplements you copied into the
- Supplements drawr will appear in the Supplements section.
- Figure 10-7 Inserting Supplement
- Hard Disk Users:
- 1. From Workbench, double-click the Organiser drawer to reveal the
- Supplements drawer (this is where Organiser looks for Supplements).
- 2. In the Organiser drawer you will see a Supplements Storage drawer,
- (This is where Supplements are stored in a number of separate drawers
- relating to different categories - Gardening, Restaurants, Sports, Others
- and so on).
- PAGE 57
- 3. Double-click the drawer you want and drag a Supplement onto the
- Supplements drawer. Repeat this for each Supplement you want to
- insert.
- Now, when you start Organiser, the Supplements you copied into the
- Supplements drawer will appear in the Supplements section.
- Removing A Supplement
- A Supplement file Can be removed by moving it out of the Supplements
- drawer.
- Floppy Disk Users: Just select the Supplement file you wish to remove
- (from the Supplements drawer on the Organiser disk) and choose Delete from
- the Workbench Icons menu.
- Hard Disk Users: Drag the Supplement file from the Supplements drawer
- back into its appropriate drawer in the Supplements Storage drawer (do not
- delete Supplements as you may wish to use them in the future).
- Creating A Supplement In Wordworth
- Start Wordworth as usual and type the Supplement text into a New
- document. Before saving, select File from the '"Change Settings"'
- requester and click the "End of Paragraph" radio button from the "ASCII
- File Format" group, then click OK. Choose "Save As" (Project menu), select
- "ASCII Text" from the list gadget, click OK and save the file in the
- Supplements drawer. You will find a sample Wordworth template, with
- instructions, located in the Templates drawer (floppy disk users will find
- this drawer on the OrganiserExtras disk).
- When you re-start Organiser, the new Supplement will appear in the
- Supplement section.
- There are five important things to remember about using Supplements:
- * A Supplement is moved into Organiser by dragging its file from the
- Supplements Storage drawer into the Supplements drawer.
- Floppy Disk Users: The Supplements Storage drawer is located on the
- OrganiserExtras disk, the Supplements drawer is on the Organiser disk.
- * A Supplement is removed by moving its icon out of the Supplements
- drawer.
- Floppy Disk Users: Select the Supplement you wish to remove and choose
- Delete from the Workbench Icons menu.
- Hard Disk Users: Select the Supplement you wish to remove and drag it
- back into its appropriate drawer in the Supplements Storage drawer.
- * Always quit Organiser before moving Supplements.
- * Supplements will influence the performance of Organiser and use memory
- (RAM). So, the fewer the better!
- * You can create your own Supplements with Digita Wordworth or any other
- word processor or text editor.
- PAGE 58
- Printing
- Q When I print, the end of each line is printed on the following
- line.
- A This could be caused by either, or both, of the following
- reasons:
- 1 If your "Right Margin" is set too high in your
- "Workbench Printer Preferences" program, the printer will
- automatically wrap the end of each line onto the following
- one.
- 2 You are using a "Print Pitch" ("Workbench Printer
- Preferences" program) that is not supported by your
- printer. The fonts in some printers are only supported in
- certain pitches, therefore the best pitch to use is Pica
- (10 cpi).
- See Chapter 6.2 , "Setting Up Your Printer" for more detailed
- information.
- Q Several strange characters are printed on the top of each
- page, or my printouts are just rubbish.
- A You may have the wrong printer driver selected in your
- " Workbench Printer Preferences" program and so the printer
- will not understand the control codes being sent to it.
- See Chapter 6.2 , "Setting Up Your Printer", for information on
- selecting the correct printer driver.
- Q Why is it that every second page I print is only half full?
- A This could be caused by one of three reasons:
- 1 The "Page Length" (" Workbench Printer Preferences")
- is too high and the printer is printing onto the second
- page thinking it is the first.
- 2 The "Right Margin" is too high and the end of each line is
- wrapped onto the next. This will effectively double the
- number of lines actually being printed.
- 3 The "Print Pitch" selected is not supported by your printer
- in the font you are using. This will make the lines wrap
- onto each following line and, as in 2 above, double the
- lines being printed.
- See Chapter 6.2 , "Setting Up Your Printer", for more
- information.
- Q I have the Centre option selected ("Print Settings" requester,
- Print command) but the page doesn't centre correctly.
- A You either have your margins set incorrectly
- (" Workbench Printer Preferences") or you may be using
- a "Print Pitch" of "Fine (15-17cpi)" which is not supported by
- many printers.
- See Chapter 6.2 , "Setting Up Your Printer", for information
- about print pitches.
- Q When I try and print, Organiser keeps saying that the page
- size is too small, but I have "DIN A4" selected in my
- (" Workbench Printer Preferences ").
- A The Margins in your "Workbench Printer Preferences" program
- are set incorrectly.
- Both the Left and Right margins are measured from the left
- edge of the page. This means you will have to work out how
- many characters can be printed along a page and subtract the
- right margin you wish to actually use before typing it into
- the "Right Margin" gadget.
- See Chapter 6.2 , "Setting Up Your Printer", for instructions
- on how to set up margins.
- PAGE 59
- Files
- Q I cannot open my Supplements.
- A Do not use the Open command (Project menu) when trying to
- insert a Supplement.
- You need to quit Organiser first and then move the appropriate
- Supplement file into the 'Supplements' drawer ('Organiser'
- disk on floppy disk). Organiser will only look in the
- 'Supplements' drawer when it first starts, to see what
- Supplements files are available.
- For more information see Chapter 10.10 , "Supplements Section".
- Q I have Day-By-Day and I want to use my project file with
- Organiser but I cannot get Organiser to open it.
- A When importing Day-By-Day information into Organiser, use the
- Import command (Project menu). The Open command is only for
- Organiser project files.
- Q I cannot import any names and addresses into Organiser.
- A You are probably missing the header record in your import
- file. The header record is always the first record (at the top
- of your file) which describes which fields are used and what
- their names are.
- Speed
- Q When I turn to the Calendar section, it seems to take quite a
- while to draw all the information on the screen. This didn't
- used to happen.
- A When there are a lot of diary events that are repeated every
- month or year, the Calendar can take longer to work out every
- day that contains an event. This may happen with the
- "Celebrity Birthdays" Diary Theme which has a lot of yearly
- events.
- Q The Supplements section takes a while to appear when I click
- the Supplements section tab. Why?
- A Organiser has to work out the formatting of every Supplement
- so that it can display them correctly (the size of page is
- dependant upon the screen mode and the font you use).
- Some of the Supplements have quite a few pages of information
- and can therefore take a while to format. If the speed
- concerns you, do not use so many Supplements or use
- Supplements which do not have a lot of pages.
- For example, the "National Dialling Codes" Supplement is very
- big, but major towns and cities have also been placed in a
- separate Supplement which is smaller and quicker to use.
- PAGE 60
- General
- Q I want to set an alarm for a task. How do I do it?
- A Select the task, so that a dotted line appears beneath its
- first line, and choose Cut (Edit menu). Then move to the Diary
- section, choose Paste (Edit menu) and edit the event to define
- an alarm.
- Q I have set several Diary Events with alarms but no alarm
- warning is ever displayed.
- A First, you should ensure that your system date and time is
- correct (the ribbon at the top of the Organiser display shows
- the current date and time). You can change the setting using
- the "Workbench Time Preferences" program.
- Every time your Organiser starts, a requester should appear
- for you to set the current date and time. If this does not
- happen select the "Set Date and Time on Startup" checkbox on
- the "General Settings" requester ("Change Settings"-General
- command, Settings menu).
- If the date and time is correct, then you may not have the
- alarms option turned on. Ensure that the "Alarms Active"
- checkbox is selected ("Change Settings"-General command,
- Settings menu).
- Q How do I type an address with more than two telephone numbers?
- A Hold down the Shift key when you use the "Create Address"
- command. This reveals the detailed "Address Details" requester.
- You can set this detailed requester to appear by default by
- selecting the "Detailed Addresses as Standard" checkbox from
- "General Settings" ("Change Settings"-General command,
- Settings menu). With this option selected, the Shift key will
- display the brief "Address Details" requester.
- Q What is the Priority of an event for?
- A The Diary event priority is used to order the events on a
- particular day.
- Events which have a time are always ordered in time order and
- the Priority is ignored. They also appear below any event
- which does not have a specific time.
- Events which do not have a specific time are placed at the top
- and ordered with the Highest priority appearing at the top,
- the Lowest at the bottom.
- Q I have too many events to fit on the Diary day and I,
- therefore, cannot see most of them.
- A There are two ways to see the other events:
- 1 Choose "At A Glance" (Settings menu) to only see the first
- line of the Title. This will allow you to see several more
- events on the day.
- 2 Select the day so that a dotted grey line appears under the
- day name, and then change the view so that more space is
- available for your events. Use the ribbon icons or use the
- keys 1, 2, 3 or 4 to change between different views.
- PAGE 61
- 13. INDEX
- A
- Amiga Guide 5,8,16
- Alarms 21,30,39,40
- Auto Start 21,30,39,46,52
- Addresses
- Brief 36,42,54
- Creating 23,34,42,54
- Detailed 25,28,43,54
- Editing 55
- Exporting 34,48
- Importing 34,48
- Section 23,34,42
- Telephone listing 25,36
- View 36
- At a Glance 25,36,43,50,53,54
- Auto Saving 45,46
- Arexx, starting 52
- B
- Background running Organiser 46
- Backups 9
- Birthdays, inserting 20,29,38,52
- Book, how to use 7
- Brief addresses 36,42,54
- Business Organiser 28
- C
- Calandar 20,29,38,49
- CIX 8
- Common problems 59
- Completing tasks 34,41,54
- Compuserve 8
- Conflicting events 31
- Conventions 7
- Cookies, Fortune 5,28
- Create
- Addresses 23,34,42,54
- Birthday 20,29,38,40
- Business Organiser 28
- Diary Events 20,22,29,30,31,38,40
- Holidays 22,32,40,52
- Personal Organiser 18
- School Organiser 37
- Supplements 58
- Tasks 23,33,41,53
- D
- Datastore 5
- Date, go to 21,39,49,51
- Date, setting 13
- Day-By-Day 5,48
- Deleting events 51
- Detailed Addreses 25,28,43,54
- Diary
- Alarms 39,40
- Editing 51
- Events 20,22,29,30,31,38,40,51
- Savings 18,28,37
- Views 19,50
- Diary Themes 5,19,28,37,44
- E
- E-mail 8
- Enquires 8
- Erasing
- Events 51
- Tasks 34,41,54
- Events 20
- Alarms 21,30,39,40
- Auto Start 21,30,39
- Conflicting 31
- Diary 20,22,29,30,31,38,40,51
- Editing 51
- Go to 21,39
- Repeating 21,30-31,39
- Tasks 23,33,41,53
- Exporting Addresses 34,48
- F
- Filofax printing 47
- First steps 14
- Floppy disk
- Installation 10
- Starting 13
- Fortune Cookies 5,28
- G
- Go To Date 21,39,49,51
- H
- Hard disk
- Installation 11
- Starting 13
- Help
- On-line 5,8,16
- Support 8
- Hiding Organiser 46
- Holidays, creating 22,32,40,52
- Hot keys 46
- How to use this book 7
- PAGE 64
- I
- Import 5,34,48
- Inserting
- Addresses 23,34,42,54
- Birthdays 20,29,38,52
- Diary events 20,22,29,30,31,38,40
- Holidays 22,32,52
- Supplements 26,57
- Tasks 23,33,40,53
- Installing
- Floppy disk 10
- Hard disk 11
- Internet 8
- L
- Load
- Diary Themes 19,28,37,44
- Organiser 13,46
- Supplements 26,57
- M
- Machine requirements 6
- Menus 16
- Messages 6
- Multi-tasking 46
- O
- On-Line help 5,8
- Organiser
- Hiding 46
- Printing 47
- Saving 21,32,39,45
- Showing 46
- Starting 13
- Quitting 26
- Overview 5
- P
- Persoanlising 13
- Personal Organiser 18
- Preparing to use Organiser 9
- Printer
- Printing 47
- Problems 59
- Setting up 15
- Problems, common 59
- Product support 8
- Q
- Questions, common 59
- Quiting Organiser 26
- R
- Registering 5,8
- Reminding 21,30,39,40
- Repeating 21,30-31,39
- Ribbon 18,25,50
- S
- Sampled sounds 51
- Saving 21,32,39,45
- Automatically 45,46
- School Organiser 37
- Screen what`s on 14
- Setting up
- date and time 13
- printer 15
- Showing Organiser 46
- Starting
- Organiser 46
- other programs 21,30,39,46,52
- Supplements
- Creating 58
- Inserting 26,57
- Moving to 27,56
- Removing 27,58
- Section 5,25,36,43,56
- Support, product 8
- T
- Tasks
- Completing 34,41,54
- Creating 23,33,41,53
- Editing 54
- Erasing 34,41,54
- Section 23,33,41,53
- Technical support 8
- Telephone listing 25,36,43
- Themes, diary 5,19,28,37,44
- Times, setting 13
- Troubleshooting 59
- Tutorials
- Business Organiser 28
- Personal Organiser 18
- School Organiser 37
- To do`s 23,33,53
- W
- Welcome 5
- Wordworth 5,58
- Workbench printer prefs 15
- PAGE 65