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- DMS Requestor for Directory Opus v3.50+.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Introduction
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This requester was created because I wanted a nice DMS/UnDMSer which was
- integrated into Directory Opus. The new user requesters in Directory Opus
- just made it possible to integrate all the options nicely.
- Requirements
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- DMS _must_ be in PATH.
- eg.
- If DMS is in DH0:Archivers, then you should have:
- Path DH0:Archivers Add
- in your s:startup-sequence
- DopusReq: _must_ be assigned to where the requesters are kept.
- eg.
- Assign DOpusReq: Sys:DOpus/Requesters
- Installation
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- WB1.3 users should assign env: to ram: and envarc: to s:. This hasn't been
- tested but should work. If it doesn't it's another reason to upgrade!
- Go into the Directory Opus configuration and setup a new gadget called DMS.
- In the entry type, toggle the entry type gadget until you see "Requester"
- appear. Then enter the path and name of the requester file into the string
- gadget. This entry line should look something like:-
- Requester DopusReq:DMS.creq
- The flags enabled should be:-
- Directory Opus to front
- Output window
- Rescan source
- Workbench to front
- All other flags should be off.
- Using the requester
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Select a drive to DMS from.
- DMS from FFx: devices are for those of you who use the FMSdisk.device.
- I don't think there's any need for more than 4 but if there is, I may or
- may _not_ add more. :-)
- Enter a filename for the .DMS file.
- Enter the start and end tracks.
- Select crunch mode.
- Select whether you wish to validate the disk.
- Select if the disk bitmap is to be used to read the tracks or whether to
- ignore it and read _all_ the tracks between start and end track.
- Enter a text file to append to the .DMS file if necessary. (This text file
- may be displayed when UnDMSing. Leave it blank if no text file is required.
- Enter an encryption password if you want the .DMS file encrypted. Leave it
- blank if not.
- Options
- ~~~~~~~
- "DMS" will DMS the disk in the drive selected using the filename
- specified. 'D' is used as a hotkey for this gadget.
- "Save Prefs" will save your DMS requester settings to env: and envarc:. It
- will save _everything_, filenames, passwords, drives, etc.
- (Thanks RC, cunning bit of coding!).
- The following options requires that a .DMS file is selected before the
- requester is executed:-
- "Repack" will repack a selected .DMS file using the crunch mode specified
- to the filename specified. eg.
- Click on "Widget.DMS" file
- Click on "DMS" gadget in DOpus
- Enter "Fnar" as the filename
- Select "Best" as the crunch mode
- Click on "Repack" in the requester
- That will UnDMS "Widget.DMS" and then DMS it up as "Fnar.DMS"
- using "Best" crunch mode.
- "Test" will check the selected .DMS file for errors.
- "View" will display information (crunch mode, machine the archive was
- created on,etc) about the selected .DMS file.
- "Text" will display the first text track of the selected .DMS file.
- And that concludes this lecture on "How to use DMS requesters in DOpus".
- The colours of the text may look strange on some palettes. If they do...
- _Change your Palette_ :-)
- You can contact me (JC) or Rasta Catcha on:-
- Bad Dreams: +44 (0)81 679 5693
- C.A.L.: +44 (0)81 346 6842
- History
- ~~~~~~~
- v1.0 09/07/92 by JC
- First version released only to a few friends.
- Worked first time.
- v1.1 10/07/92 by JC
- Repack gadget added. Again only released to a few friends.
- v1.2 06/08/92 by JC&RC
- Rasta Catcha had some ideas for the requester.
- Made the requester more compact (200 lines high) for US users.
- "Save Prefs" gadget added. Thanks Rasta 'The Fox' Catcha :-)
- To fit all these gadgets in a requester 200 lines high, the options gadgets
- had to be re-arranged.
- Lines under the "D" in "DMS" and "C" in "Cancel" were added for a more OS2
- look. :-)
- Used more meaningful gadget names for Validate and Bitmap gadgets. ie.
- Validate: Yes/No instead of Val/NoVal and Use Bitmap: Yes/No instead of
- Zero/NoZero.
- First public release on 18/08/92 after bugtesting and "using".