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- User manual Addendum
- Addendum
- Undo/Redo commands ..................... 2
- Font/Style strip ....................... 2
- Easy Bold, Italic, and Underline ....... 3
- Floating palettes ...................... 3
- Selective display of master pages ...... 4
- New Page formats ....................... 5
- Auto-Save without requesters ........... 5
- Triple and Quad click commands ......... 5
- SHIFT key extended selection ........... 5
- Enhanced text selection ................ 6
- Drag and Drop text editing ............. 6
- Easy Header/Footer creation ............ 7
- Easy page numbering .................... 8
- Final Data interface ................... 8
- Polygon graphic tool ................... 9
- Special shapes ......................... 9
- Drawing empty and filled arcs ......... 10
- "Section Setup" requester ............. 11
- "Page Setup" requester ................ 12
- "Display Preferences" requester ....... 12
- "Speller Preferences" requester ....... 13
- "Hyphenation Preferences" requester ... 13
- "Easy Header/Footer" requester ........ 14
- "Easy Page Number" requester .......... 14
- "Layout" menu ......................... 15
- "Document Preferences" requester ...... 15
- Type and Spell ........................ 15
- Multiple language support ............. 16
- Preference name changes ............... 16
- Troubleshooting ....................... 16
- Many improvements and modifications have been made to Final Writer since
- its original version released in October 1993. This addendum describes those
- features and should be used as a supplement to the original Final Writer
- User Manual. If there is a conflict between the addendum and the user
- manual, the addendum will contain the correct description. This addendum
- covers all features added to Final Writer in Release 2 and Release 3.
- Addendum 1
- *** See Fig - 1 ***
- The "Undo" command instructs Final Writer to reverse the most recently
- completed command or action whether it be typing, editing or formatting
- information. When an action or command is reversed through the "Undo"
- feature, Final Writer returns the document to its original status prior to
- the reversal.
- When Final Writer reverses an action, the action is retained in memory in
- case you want to "Redo" it. The "Redo" command instructs Final Writer to
- perform an action or command that was previously reversed by an "Undo"
- command.
- The "Undo" and "Redo" commands are found in the "Edit" menu. Normally you
- will see the words "Undo" and "Redo" accompanied by some action such as
- "Undo Typing" or "Redo Formatting." Generally you can undo a command as long
- as you do not type additional characters. If you perform an action that is
- not supported by undo, the menu item will read "Can't Undo."
- The Font/Style Strip is a new command strip that can appear at the top of a
- document's window. In the Final Writer User Manual, all illustrations
- containing a document window show the original command strip that is now
- named the Tool strip. Only one command strip can be visible at a given time.
- *** See Fig - 2 **
- The font/Style Strip provides a fast and convenient way to:
- * select paragraph styles.
- * select fonts.
- * select font sizes.
- * change text position.
- * change text case.
- * set text style to any combination of bold, italic, and underline.
- The command strip option can be set for the document using a menu command,
- or as a preference item through the "Display Preferences" requester.
- 2 Addendum
- *** See Fig - 2 ***
- When the Font/Style strip is visible you can click on icons to change text
- to different combinations of BOLD, ITALIC, and UNDERLINE. The bold, italic,
- and underline icons operate on text in a similar manner as do items in the
- "Text" menu. If text is selected when an icon is pressed, the selected range
- of text is affected. If text is not selected when an icon is pressed, new
- characters typed at the current insertion point will reflect the state of
- the icons.
- The "B" icon sets text to BOLD, the "I" icon sets test too ITALIC, the "U"
- icon sets text to UNDERLINE, and the "P" icon is used to set text to its
- plain version. Clicking on the "P" icon removes and bold, italic, or
- underline attributes. Combination of the "B", "I", and "U" icons are
- allowed. For example, to set text to BOLD-ITALIC, click on both the "B" and
- "I" icons.
- Previously to set text to bold, italic and bold-italic it was necessary for
- you to open a font designed for bold, italic, or bold-italic. Final Writer
- still must open a font in order to draw text in one of these styles, but now
- all you have to do is click on an icon. When you click on one of these
- icons, Final Writer uses the font name to determine if the font is bold,
- italic, or bold-italic. For example, SoftSans-Bold is the name of the font
- Final Writer looks for when searching for the bold version of SoftSans. It
- is possible that a font you may be using does not have one of the bold,
- italic, or bold-italic fonts available. Furthermore, the bold, italic, and
- underline icons only work with NimbusQ and Type1 fonts - not Compugraphic
- fonts.
- *** See Fig - 2 ***
- There are now three palettes available from which you can select tools,
- user buttons, and paragraph styles. You have the option of showing or hiding
- these palettes by choosing the appropriate menu command from the "View"
- menu. Once a palette is shown, you can move its window anywhere on the
- screen. You can also size the "User Button" and "Paragraph Styles" palettes.
- When you quit Final Writer, the program will remember which palettes were
- open, where they were on the screen, and their sizes. The next time you
- start Final Writer, the palettes will be automatically restored to their
- saved size and position.
- Addendum 3
- Palettes are shared between document windows. If you have more than one
- document window open, only one set of palettes will be used. When you
- activate a document window, the appropriate settings in each palette will be
- selected to agree with that document window will remain active. However, if
- you click on a palette's title bar, or change the size of a palette, the
- palette window becomes active. When this occurs, you must click the mouse on
- the title bar of your document window to reactivate the document window.
- Palettes can be positioned and sized with the mouse. You can also position
- and size palettes using the keyboard as follows:
- * Left, Right, Up, and Down arrows move palettes in medium sized
- increments.
- * CTRL along with Left, Right, Up and Down arrows move palettes in
- one-pixel increments.
- * Shift along with left, Right, Up, and Down arrows move palettes to either
- side of the screen.
- * Space bar sizes the palette's window to exactly fit the buttons shown
- within it.
- All of the above keyboard manipulations require the palette window to be
- active.
- Palette windows may be closed by:
- * Choosing the appropriate "Hide" command from the "View" menu.
- * Clicking in the palette window's "Close" box.
- * Pressing the "ESC" key when a palette window is active.
- *** See Fig - 3 ***
- Previously, master page items were included on each page of a section or
- document. Now you have the option of displaying master page items on all
- pages, only the first page, or on all pages except the first page. A typical
- use for this new feature would be to hide a page number on the first page of
- a document, but show it on succeeding pages. Another use might be to show a
- letterhead on the first page of a document, but not on succeeding pages.
- This new option is set in the "Section Setup" requester and also in the new
- "Easy Page Number requester.
- 4 Addendum
- *** See Fig - 3 ***
- Now there are two new options for formatting page numbers. One option
- instructs Final Writer to automatically place the word "Page" before a page
- number. The other option instructs the program to place a section name with
- the page number. When the latter option is chosen, the program will put the
- section name on the left side of the page number on right-sided (odd) pages,
- and on the right side of the page on left-sided (even) pages. This "Section
- Name" option is the one used for formatting the page numbers in this
- addendum.
- *** See Fig - 4 ***
- Originally Final Writer's auto-save feature worked by displaying a
- requester asking you if it was all right to save the document once the
- appropriate time had elapsed since the document was last saved. Now you can
- instruct Final Writer to automatically save a document without displaying
- the requester. This new option is set in the "Document Save Preferences"
- requester.
- The following mouse click options are now available:
- SINGLE-CLICK - Sets insertion point in text.
- DOUBLE-CLICK - Selects the current word.
- TRIPLE-CLICK - Selects the current sentence (New).
- QUAD-CLICK - Selects the current paragraph (New).
- A range of text can be selected by first clicking the mouse where you want
- the selection to begin. Then while holding down the SHIFT key, click the
- mouse where you want to end the selection. This feature is useful when the
- range to be selected spans more than one screen of text. It is faster than
- dragging the mouse through several pages of text to be selected.
- Addendum 5
- When dragging the mouse to select text, text added to the selected range
- now depends upon any multi-click operation that started the selection. For
- example, to select whole sentences at a time while dragging the mouse, first
- triple-click to select a sentence and before you release the mouse on the
- third click, begin to drag the mouse over the remaining text to be selected.
- Drag and Drop editing is a short cut for moving a block of text within a
- document. Previously, your only choice of moving a block of text was to
- select the text, choose "Cut" from the "Edit" menu, click the mouse where
- the block of text was to be moved, and choose "Paste" from the "edit" menu.
- Now all you have to do is select the text and drag it to its new location.
- --------------------------------------------------------
- 1. Select the block of text to be moved.
- 2. Press the mouse within the selected text and while holding down the
- mouse button, drag the mouse so that the insertion mark is where you
- want the block to be moved.
- 3. Release the mouse button.
- The program will move the block of text and redraw the window.
- 6 Addendum
- Not everyone cares to learn about master in order to create headers and/or
- footers in their document. Final Writer now lets you easily create header
- and/or footer in a document.
- --------------------------------------------------
- 1. Choose "Easy Header/Footer .. " from the "Layout" menu.
- The program will display the Easy Header/Footer" requester.
- *** See Fig - 5 ***
- 2. Indicate elements you want in your header and footer using the
- requester.
- You can specify that either a Page Number, Section Name, or text is to
- appear in either the left, centre, or right of the header and/or footer.
- If you choose the "Text" option, the program will use whatever is typed
- into the "text" data entry area. Use the "Type Spec - Define" button to
- specify the type of font you want to use for the header or footer.
- 3. Click on "Save" or "Use."
- If you click on "Save" the settings made will be saved as defaults for
- new documents. If you click on "Use," the settings will only affect the
- current document.
- Addendum 7
- The simplest way to number a document's pages is to use the Easy Page
- Number feature. Using this requester you can specify the position of an
- automatic page number including whether it is to appear on all pages, only
- the first page, or on all pages except for the first page.
- ----------------------------------------------------
- 1. Choose "Easy Page Number ... " from the "Layout" menu.
- *** See Fig - 6 ***
- 2. Indicate where and how you want the page number to appear using the
- requester.
- 3. Click on "Save" or "Use."
- If you click on "Save," the settings made will be saved as defaults for
- new documents. If you click on "Use," the settings will affect only the
- current document.
- Final Writer's "Print Merge" feature now works directly with databases
- created in SoftWood's Final Data database manager as well as ASCII files, If
- you use Final Data, you can "Print Merge" with Final Writer without going
- through the extra step of saving an ASCII data file within Final Data. When
- you specify the file name to be used (See "Print Merge" in the Final Writer
- User Manual), the program will automatically detect it as a Final Data
- database rather than an ASCII file. You do not have to do anything special
- to indicate the file is in Final Data format.
- 8 Addendum
- A new polygon graphic tool lets you draw straight line bordered shapes of
- any type. For example, using the polygon graphic tool you can create stars,
- diamonds, triangles, or any other shape that is formed with three or more
- straight lines.
- --------------------
- 1. Choose the "Polygon Tool" icon from either the Tool Strip or the Tool
- Palette.
- *** See Fig - 2 ***
- 2. Click the mouse within the document where you want to start drawing and
- release the mouse.
- Unlike the other graphic tools which require you to press and drag the
- mouse while drawing, polygons are drawn by clicking the mouse where line
- segments are to begin and end.
- 3. While the mouse button is up, move the mouse to where you want the
- current line segment to end.
- While you move the mouse, the program will draw a dashed line to
- represent the line segment.
- 4. Complete the polygon be eventually clicking the mouse over the point
- that started the polygon.
- The program will now draw the polygon and flow text around it according
- to the default polygon settings as specified in the "Shape Settings"
- requester.
- You can use Final Writer's special rectangle and oval tools to create your
- own shapes using a rectangle, rounded-corner rectangle, oval, or filled arc
- as the starting shape. The shapes you can draw are limited only by your
- imagination. Line thickness, text flow, and other attributes depend upon
- default preference settings defined in the "Shape Settings Preferences"
- requester.
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- 1. Choose one of the special shape icons in either the Tool Strip or Tool
- Palette.
- *** See Fig - 2 ***
- Addendum 9
- 2. Press the mouse in the document where you want to begin drawing, and
- while holding down the mouse button, drag the mouse to draw the object.
- 3. Release the mouse button when the starting object is as large as you
- want it to be.
- 4. Click the mouse on the "Select" tool.
- 5. Click the mouse on the object to be manipulated.
- Final Writer will draw several control points around the object. These
- control points can be used to change the shape of the object.
- 6. Press the mouse on one of the control points and drag the mouse to the
- desired location.
- 7. Release the mouse button when the control point is where you want it.
- --------------------------
- 1. Click the mouse on the shape to be resized.
- 2. While holding the SHIFT key down, press the mouse on one of the selected
- shape's control points, and drag the mouse.
- As you drag the mouse the program will draw an outline of the resized
- shape.
- 3. Release the mouse button.
- Final Writer will redraw the window with the shape resized.
- Empty arcs can be drawn using the Oval toll while holding down the ALT key.
- Filled arcs can be drawn using the Special Oval tool while holding down the
- ALT key. To draw either type of arc, be sure the ALT key is held down while
- drawing the oval. When you release the mouse button, an arc will be drawn
- rather than an oval.
- 10 Addendum
- The original "Section Setup" requester has been modified to support new
- features and make defining page numbers easier.
- *** See Fig - 7 ***
- New objects within the "section Setup" requester are:
- MASTER PAGE ITEMS This option defines whether or not master page items are
- to appear on all pages, only the first page of a
- section, or on all pages with the exception of the first
- page.
- NUMBER BY This option defines whether the document is to be
- numbered by document or section.
- FORMAT This defines the format of the page number.
- TEXT This defines text that Final Writer is to include when
- creating page numbers. "Page" results in the word "Page"
- being inserted before the actual page number. "Section
- Name" results in the name of the section being inserted
- along with the page number. When "Section Name" is
- selected, the section's name is placed to the left of
- the page number on the right-side (odd) pages, and to
- the right of the page number on left-sided (even) pages.
- PREFIX Any text you place in this data entry area will be
- inserted before the page number.
- FIRST# This is the number to use for the first page of the
- section when numbering by section, or the first page of
- the document when numbering by document.
- Addendum 11
- The original "Page Setup" requester has been modified by removing the page
- numbering objects and placing them in the "Section Setup" requester.
- *** See Fig - 8 ***
- *** See Fig - 9 ***
- The original "Display Preferences" requester has been modified to support
- new features. New objects within this requester are:
- USER BUTTON STRIP This option defines which, if any, user button strip
- should appear at the top of each document window.
- COMMAND STRIP This option defines which if any, command strip should
- appear at the top of each document window.
- 12 Addendum
- The original "Speller/Hyphenation" requester has been modified by removing
- the hyphenation options and placing them in there own requester.
- *** See Fig - 10 ***
- This is a new requester that was created from the hyphenation preference
- settings that were in the original "Speller/Hyphenation" requester.
- *** See Fig - 11 ***
- The following new object has been added to the hyphenation preference
- settings:
- METHOD This indicates how Final Writer determines how to
- hyphenate words. "Algorithm only" is faster, but
- "Dictionary only" is usually more accurate. When
- "Dictionary and Algorithm" is selected, if the word
- cannot be found in the dictionary, the algorithm method
- is used.
- Addendum 13
- This new requester is used to define simple headers and footers without
- working directly with master pages. This requester is described earlier in
- the addendum.
- *** See Fig - 5 ***
- This new requester is used to define the document page numbering without
- working directly with master pages. This requester is described earlier in
- the addendum.
- *** See Fig - 6 ***
- 14 Addendum
- The "Layout" menu has been modified to support new features and to make
- operation of existing features easier.
- *** See Fig - 12 ***
- The old "Document Item Preferences" requester has been renamed and enhanced
- with new preference options. The new name of the requester is "Document
- Preferences."
- *** See Fig - 13 ***
- The following objects have been added to this requester:
- TURN ON Use this setting to turn on or off various typing and
- editing features.
- DEFINE Use the buttons in this object to define options for
- some of the features that are turned on in the "turn on"
- object.
- LANGUAGE This preference item is used to specify the language to
- be used for spelling, thesaurus, and hyphenation.
- Release 3's "Type and Spell" feature will flash the screen whenever you
- type a word that Final Writer cannot find in its spelling dictionary. Before
- the program checks a word, it waits for you to enter some character that
- cannot be part of the word (space, period, comma, etc.). The "Type and
- Spell" feature is turned "on" or "off" in the "document Preferences"
- requester.
- Addendum 15
- Prior to Release 3, Final Writer was created so that its speller,
- thesaurus, and hyphenation databases were the same as the screen text's
- language. Therefore, it was not possible for a German version of Final
- Writer to use the English spelling dictionary to spell check an English
- document. Currently Final Writer Release 3 can access databases of the
- following languages:
- * US English
- * British English
- * Canadian French
- * European French
- * German
- In order for more than one choice to be available in this option, you must
- have the files of the other languages in the FWSpell and FWThes drawers.
- Only one set of languages files come with Final Writer. Other language files
- are available for a small fee from SoftWood. Call 1-800-247-8330 for pricing
- information. Instructions for installing multiple languages accompany each
- language purchased. The language you want to use is specified in the
- "Document Preferences" requester.
- The "preferences" sub-menu has been changed as follows:
- * "Speller/Hyphenation" preferences are now two items.
- * "Document Item" preferences are now "Document" preferences.
- This is a collection of frequently requests SoftWood receives for technical
- support. Each problem described refers to one or more solutions from the
- "Solutions" list. Some problems may have solutions other than the ones
- indicated, so reading all the solutions may be helpful.
- WARNING! Some solutions involve potentially dangerous consequences for your
- computer system if you don't know what you are doing. If you have any
- reservations about following a solution, or have any questions at all, you
- should call for technical support.
- 16 Addendum
- 1. The installation (or any) program continues to prompt for a specific
- disk even though the disk appears to already be in the drive.
- 2. The installation stops (disk 5 on FinalWriter) or is unsuccessful.
- 3. Cannot run program. When launching the program (double-clicking on the
- program icon), it appears to start, but then it does not start.
- SOLUTION: (3) (1)
- 4. You receive a disk error when using one of the disks supplied with your
- SoftWood product.
- 5. If you open a document created by Final Copy whose custom print width
- is wider than the custom print height, Final Writer perceives it as
- tall.
- 6. The printed output has an incorrect page size on PostScript printers.
- 7. Only the first part of a document prints.
- 8. The printer stops at the end of the first page.
- 9. On printed output, some of the characters are split.
- 10. Cannot load Workbench fonts.
- 11. The printed output is "garbled" or "just not right".
- 12. My columns are not in alignment.
- (1) The name of the disk is not correct. The disk was probably copied or
- renamed and a leading, trailing, or embedded spaces in the new name.
- (2) Make sure you have the correct version of Workbench. Final Writer
- requires version 2.04 (System Library Version 37.67) or higher.
- Version 2.01 does not meet the version requirement.
- (3) Most of the time one of the system files was replaced with an older
- version by some installation procedure. The most common file that gets
- replaced is "diskfont.library" which is located in the SYSTEM:LIBS
- drawer.
- Addendum 17
- (4) For new disks, return the disk and proof of purchase to SoftWood for a
- free replacement. For "used" disks, return the disk and $5.00 for
- replacement.
- (5) To correct, access the "Page Setup" requester and set the
- "Orientation" setting to "Wide." This will reverse the dimensions and
- edit area values within the requester. Next manually change them back
- to their original values. If you use a PostScript printer, you must
- also set the "Orientation" setting in the PostScript Print
- Preferences to "Wide."
- (6) PostScript printers require the correct tray for the size of the
- document to be printed (even if the printer menu or switch is set to
- the document's size). For example, if you specify "Print Size" as
- "Legal", then the printer must have a legal size paper feed tray.
- (7) This may be due to a lack of computer CHIP memory. To reduce the
- memory that is being used, when you start Final Writer, select
- "Workbench" for the "Screen Type." You can also save memory by setting
- all Spelling and Hyphenation preference setting to their smallest
- size.
- (8) Depending upon the printer, set the "paper Feed" to "Continuous" is
- the same as "fanfold."
- (9) The Print Area and/or Edit Area settings are probably incorrect. The
- Print Area defines the physical limitations of a printer, and are
- usually specified in the printer's manual. For most printers, the left
- and right Print Area settings should be .25. For continuous feed
- printers, the top and bottom settings are always 0. Generally for
- sheet fed printers, the top and bottom settings are not zero and
- usually have different values.
- The Edit Area defines where you want to limit the document's text on
- a page. The top, bottom, inside, and outside values must be equal to
- or larger than the corresponding Print Area values. In other words,
- the Edit Area must not lie outside of the Print Area.
- To view the Print Area and Edit Area as they are set for a document,
- select the Print Area and Edit Area page guides from the "Page Guides"
- sub-menu within the "View" menu. Make sure that rectangles formed by
- the Edit Area is equal to or within the Print Area.
- 18 Addendum
- (10) Workbench fonts are not readable by SoftWood products except for
- Compugraphic fonts that have been installed according to the Amiga's
- guidelines for installing fonts.
- (11) You must use the proper printer driver to obtain the best results. If
- you cannot locate a driver for your printer, try on of the drives
- whose name appears similar to your printer. For example, the HP 560c
- printer will work with the HP_DeskJet driver, but will not fully
- utilize the printer.
- (12) Use tab stops to align columns rather than using spaces.
- Addendum 19
- A
- Auto-Save 5
- C
- Command strip 12
- Commands
- Cut 6
- Easy Header/Footer 7
- Easy Page Number 8
- Paste 6
- Redo 2
- Undo 2
- D
- "Display Preferences" requester 2, 12
- "Document Preferences" requester 15, 16
- "Document Save Preferences" requester 5
- Double-click 5
- Drag and Drop 6
- Drawing
- arcs 10
- polygons 9
- special shapes 9
- E
- "Easy Header/Footer" requester 7, 14
- "Easy Page Number" requester 4, 14
- F
- Final Data 8
- Floating palettes 3-4
- Font/Style strip 2, 3
- Footer 7
- G
- Graphics
- Drawing empty and filled arcs 10
- Polygon tool 9
- Special shapes 9-10
- H
- Header 7
- Hyphenation
- Algorithm only 13
- Dictionary and Algorithm 13
- Dictionary only 13
- "Hyphenation Preferences" requester 13
- L
- Language 15, 16
- "Layout" menu 8, 15
- M
- Master pages 7, 14
- selective display of 4, 11
- Menu changes
- "Layout" menu 15
- Multiple language support 15, 16
- N
- New features
- Release 2
- Easy Bold, Italic, and Underline 3
- Floating palettes 3-4
- Font/Style strip 2
- Undo/Redo 2
- Release 3
- Auto-Save without requester 5
- Drag and Drop 6
- Drawing empty and filled arcs 10
- Easy Header/Footer 7, 14
- Easy page numbering 8, 14
- Enhanced text selection 6
- Final Data interface 8
- Hyphenation Preferences 13
- Multiple language support 16
- New Page formats 5
- Polygon graphic tool 9
- Selective display of master pages 4
- SHIFT key extended selection 5
- Special graphic shapes 9-10
- Triple-click and quad-click 5
- Type and Spell 15
- Index - 1
- P
- Page formats 5
- selection of 11
- "Page Setup" requester 12
- Palettes
- closing 4
- Paragraph Style 3, 4
- position and size 4
- Tool 3
- User Button 3, 4
- "Paragraph Style" palette 3, 4
- Polygon graphic tool 9
- Print Merge 8
- Q
- Quad-click 5
- R
- "Redo" command 2
- Requester changes
- Display preferences 12
- Document preferences 15
- Page Setup 12
- Section Setup 11
- Speller Preferences 13
- Requesters
- Display Preferences 2, 12
- Document preferences 15
- Easy Header/Footer 7, 14
- Easy Page Number 4, 14
- Hyphenation Preferences 13
- Page Setup 12
- Section Setup 4, 11
- Shape Setting Preferences 9
- Speller Preferences 13
- S
- "Section Setup" requester 4, 11, 12
- "Shape Settings" requester 9
- Single-click 5
- Special graphic shapes 9-10
- "Speller Preferences" requester 13
- "Speller/Hyphenation" requester 13
- Spelling 15
- T
- Text
- editing
- Drag and Drop 6
- move a block 6
- setting style 3
- Type and Spell 15
- selecting
- double-click 5
- enhanced 6
- quad-click 5
- single-click 5
- triple-click 5
- using SHIFT key 5
- Tool
- palette 3, 9
- strip 2, 9
- Triple-click 5, 6
- Troubleshooting 16-19
- Type and Spell 15
- U
- "Undo" command 2
- User Button
- palette 3, 4
- strip 12
- V
- "View" menu 3
- Index - 2