home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 1995-07-20 | 22.9 KB | 1,026 lines |
- ;;
- ;; $Final Writer 4 Installation Script US English Version $
- ;; $Date: 1995/07/20 11:20:09 $
- ;; $Revision: 1.5 $
- ;;
- (set is_update 0)
- (set @user-level 1) ; force to use average mode
- (complete 0)
- ;
- ; Installation Disk Names
- ;
- (set #install_disk_1 "Disk 1")
- (set #install_disk_2 "Disk 2")
- (set #install_disk_3 "Disk 3")
- (set #install_disk_4 "Disk 4")
- (set #install_disk_5 "Disk 5")
- (set #install_disk_6 "Disk 6")
- (set #install_disk_7 "Disk 7")
- (set #install_disk_8 "Disk 8")
- (set #install_disk_9 "Disk 9")
- ;
- ; File/drawer names to changes with different language versions.
- ;
- (set #fw_drawer "FinalWriter")
- (set #old_hyph_file "FWFiles/eng.hyp")
- (set #ud_file "FWSpell/userdict.eng")
- (set #save_ud_file "FWSpell/userdict.eng.save")
- (set #gram_file "gen4mus0.dat")
- ; -------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; TEXT TRANSLATION SHOULD BEGIN HERE - Translate everything in quotes.
- ;
- (set #which_drawer_prompt
- (cat "In which disk or drawer should the Final Writer drawer be created in?"
- ))
- (set #which_drawer_help
- (cat "The installation utility will create a drawer named \""
- #fw_drawer
- "\" "
- "in the selected drawer. All \"Final Writer\" files will be placed "
- "inside this new drawer.\n\n"
- @askdir-help
- ))
- (set #min_or_comp_prompt
- (cat "Do you wish to do a \"Complete\" or \"Minimal\" installation "
- "of \"Final Writer?\" The complete installation will require "
- "approximately 12 megabytes of free disk space. The minimal "
- "installation will require approximately 5 megabytes of free "
- "disk space."
- ))
- (set #min_or_comp_help
- (cat "Choosing \"Complete\" will install all of the files that are "
- "included in the Final Writer disk set. This will require "
- "approximately 12 megabytes of free disk space. If \"Minimal\" "
- "is choosen, then the ARexx Macros, EPS Clip Art, and Extra Fonts "
- "will not be installed. The minimal installation will require "
- "approximately 5 megabytes of free disk space."
- ))
- (set #option_complete "Complete")
- (set #option_minimal "Minimal")
- (set #disk_space_prompt
- (cat "There may not be enough room available on this drive to install "
- "\"Final Writer\". Do you wish to continue?"
- ))
- (set #disk_space_help
- (cat "Final Writer needs approximately 12 megabytes of disk space for a "
- "complete installation or 5 megabytes for a minimal installation. "
- "If Final Writer is already installed on this partition, you may "
- "wish to continue. Otherwise, press ABORT or NO now and either free "
- "some space on this partition or select a different partition for "
- "the installation."
- ))
- (set #disk_space_abort
- (cat "Final Writer installation cancelled. Not enough disk space on Volume \""
- ))
- (set #update_options_prompt
- (cat "What parts would you like to update?"
- ))
- (set #update_program "Final Writer Program")
- (set #update_macros "ARexx Macros")
- (set #update_sysfiles "System Data Files")
- (set #update_syslibs "System Libraries")
- (set #update_sysfonts "System Fonts")
- (set #update_spellhyph "Speller & Hyphenation")
- (set #update_thes "Thesaurus")
- (set #update_clipart "EPS Clip Art")
- (set #update_xfonts "Extra Fonts")
- (set #ask_disk_prompt
- (cat "Please insert the disk labeled \"%s\" in any drive."
- ))
- (set #ask_disk1_help
- (cat "\"%s\" contains the Final Writer macros, libraries, data files, "
- "and system fonts to be installed.\n\n"
- @askdisk-help
- ))
- (set #ask_disk2_help
- (cat "\"%s\" contains the Final Writer system fonts, speller, and "
- "hyphenation files to be installed.\n\n"
- @askdisk-help
- ))
- (set #ask_disk3_help
- (cat "\"%s\" contains the Final Writer thesaurus files and EPS Clip Art "
- "to be installed.\n\n"
- @askdisk-help
- ))
- (set #ask_disk4_help
- (cat "\"%s\" contains EPS Clip Art to be installed.\n\n"
- @askdisk-help
- ))
- (set #ask_disk5_help
- (cat "\"%s\" contains EPS clip art and additional decorative and serif fonts "
- "to be installed.\n\n"
- @askdisk-help
- ))
- (set #ask_disk6_help
- (cat "\"%s\" contains additional serif fonts to be installed.\n\n"
- @askdisk-help
- ))
- (set #ask_disk7_help
- (cat "\"%s\" contains additional sans serif fonts to be installed.\n\n"
- @askdisk-help
- ))
- (set #ask_disk8_help
- (cat "\"%s\" contains the Final Writer program and grammar checker files "
- "to be installed.\n\n"
- @askdisk-help
- ))
- (set #ask_disk9_help
- (cat "\"%s\" contains grammar checker files to be installed.\n\n"
- @askdisk-help
- ))
- (set #install_program "Installing Final Writer program from \"%s\".")
- (set #install_program_icon "Installing Final Writer program and icon from \"%s\".")
- (set #install_macros "Installing ARexx Macros from \"%s\".")
- (set #install_datafiles "Installing Data Files from \"%s\".")
- (set #install_libs "Installing Libraries from \"%s\".")
- (set #install_sysfonts "Installing System Fonts from \"%s\".")
- (set #install_grammar "Installing Grammar File from \"%s\".")
- (set #combine_grammar "Combining grammar data files.")
- (set #install_spell "Installing Speller & Hyphenation files from \"%s\".")
- (set #install_thes "Installing Thesaurus files from \"%s\".")
- (set #install_clipart "Installing EPS Clip Art from \"%s\".")
- (set #install_deco "Installing Decorative Fonts from \"%s\".")
- (set #install_serif "Installing Serif Fonts from \"%s\".")
- (set #install_sans "Installing Sans Serif Fonts from \"%s\".")
- (set #install_program_err "Error installing Final Writer Program.")
- (set #install_macros_err "Error installing ARexx Macros.")
- (set #install_datafiles_err "Error installing Data Files.")
- (set #install_libs_err "Error installing Libraries.")
- (set #install_sysfonts_err "Error installing System Fonts.")
- (set #install_gram_part1_err "Error installing Grammar file part 1.")
- (set #install_gram_part2_err "Error installing Grammar file part 2.")
- (set #combine_grammar_err "Error combining grammar data files.")
- (set #install_spell_err "Error installing Speller & Hyphenation files.")
- (set #install_thes_err "Error installing Thesaurus files.")
- (set #install_clipart_err "Error installing EPS Clip Art.")
- (set #install_deco_err "Error installing Decorative Fonts.")
- (set #install_serif_err "Error installing Serif Fonts.")
- (set #install_sans_err "Error installing Sans serif Fonts.")
- ;
- ; TEXT TRANSLATION SHOULD END HERE - nothing below needs translation.
- ; -------------------------------------------------------------------
- (set FW_dest
- (askdir
- (prompt #which_drawer_prompt)
- (help #which_drawer_help)
- (default @default-dest)
- )
- )
- ; Check if this is an update
- ; the FWLibs directory is a tell-tale sign
- ; that FW is already installed here
- (if (exists (tackon FW_dest "FWLibs"))
- (set is_update 1)
- ( (if (exists (tackon FW_dest #fw_drawer))
- (set is_update 1)
- (makedir (tackon FW_dest #fw_drawer) (infos))
- )
- (set FW_dest (tackon FW_dest #fw_drawer))
- )
- )
- (set @default-dest FW_dest)
- (set disk_space (getdiskspace FW_dest))
- ; If first time install ask user if he wants a complete
- ; or a minimal installation. The minimal installation
- ; will not install the eps clip art or the extra fonts.
- (if (NOT is_update)
- (
- (set install_all
- (askbool
- (prompt #min_or_comp_prompt)
- (help #min_or_comp_help)
- (choices #option_complete #option_minimal)
- (default 1)
- )
- )
- (if install_all
- (set disk_space_needed 12582912) ; 12 Megs
- (set disk_space_needed 5242880) ; 5 Megs
- )
- )
- )
- (if (AND (< disk_space disk_space_needed) (NOT is_update))
- (
- (set answer1
- (askbool
- (prompt #disk_space_prompt)
- (help #disk_space_help)
- )
- )
- (if (NOT answer1)
- (abort #disk_space_abort
- (getdevice @default-dest)
- "\"."
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ; Allow updating user to select what they want updated
- (if is_update
- (set install_options
- (askoptions
- (prompt #update_options_prompt)
- (help @askoptions-help)
- (choices
- #update_program
- #update_macros
- #update_sysfiles
- #update_syslibs
- #update_sysfonts
- #update_spellhyph
- #update_thes
- #update_clipart
- #update_xfonts
- )
- (default 31) ; default to Program, Macros, Files, Libs, SysFonts
- )
- )
- ; First time install
- (if install_all
- (set install_options 511) ; hex 1FF - all nine options on
- (set install_options 125) ; hex 07D - Macros, EPS, and Extra fonts off
- )
- )
- ; Copy the extraction utility over and remember where it is
- (copyfiles
- (source "Disk 1:lhex")
- (dest FW_dest)
- )
- (set DeArcher (tackon FW_dest "lhex"))
- (set error 0)
- ; Installing Files on Disk 1?
- (if (IN install_options 1 2 3 4)
- (
- ; Get Disk 1
- (askdisk
- (prompt (#ask_disk_prompt #install_disk_1))
- (help (#ask_disk1_help #install_disk_1))
- (dest #install_disk_1)
- )
- ; Installing FWMacros
- (if (IN install_options 1)
- (
- ; If FWMacros doesn't exist, create it.
- (if (NOT (exists (tackon FW_dest "FWMacros")))
- (
- (makedir (tackon FW_dest "FWMacros") (infos))
- )
- )
- ; Make installer cd into FWMacros when it executes the run statement
- (set @execute-dir (tackon FW_dest "FWMacros"))
- ; Extract the macro files
- (working (#install_macros #install_disk_1))
- (set error
- (run
- ("\"%s\" -f x \"Disk 1:FWMacros.lha\" >NIL:" DeArcher)
- )
- )
- ; Abort if any errors
- (if error
- (abort #install_macros_err)
- )
- )
- )
- (complete 5)
- ; Installing FWFiles
- (if (IN install_options 2)
- (
- ; If FWFiles doesn't exist, create it.
- (if (NOT (exists (tackon FW_dest "FWFiles")))
- (
- (makedir (tackon FW_dest "FWFiles") (infos))
- )
- )
- ; Make installer cd into FWFiles when it executes the run statement
- (set @execute-dir (tackon FW_dest "FWFiles"))
- ; Extract the files
- (working (#install_datafiles #install_disk_1))
- (set error
- (run
- ("\"%s\" -f x \"Disk 1:FWFiles.lha\" >NIL:" DeArcher)
- )
- )
- ; Abort if any errors
- (if error
- (abort #install_datafiles_err)
- )
- ; Previous versions of Final Writer have the hyphenation
- ; file, xxx.hyp, in FWFiles. With Final Writer Release 3
- ; the hyphenation file will reside in FWSpell instead.
- ; So, if we find the hyphenation file in FWFiles, then
- ; move it to FWSpell.
- (if (exists (tackon FW_dest #old_hyph_file))
- (
- (if (exists (tackon FW_dest "FWSpell"))
- (
- (copyfiles
- (source (tackon FW_dest #old_hyph_file))
- (dest (tackon FW_dest "FWSpell"))
- )
- (delete (tackon FW_dest #old_hyph_file))
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (complete 10)
- ; Installing FWLibs
- (if (IN install_options 3)
- (
- ; If FWLibs doesn't exist, create it.
- (if (NOT (exists (tackon FW_dest "FWLibs")))
- (
- (makedir (tackon FW_dest "FWLibs"))
- )
- )
- ; Make installer cd into FWLibs when it executes the run statement
- (set @execute-dir (tackon FW_dest "FWLibs"))
- (working (#install_libs #install_disk_1))
- (set error
- (run
- ("\"%s\" -f x \"Disk 1:FWLibs.lha\" >NIL:" DeArcher)
- )
- )
- ; Abort if any errors
- (if error
- (abort #install_libs_err)
- )
- (run ("Avail FLUSH"))
- )
- )
- (complete 15)
- ; Installing FWFonts
- (if (IN install_options 4)
- (
- ; If FWFonts doesn't exist, create it.
- (if (NOT (exists (tackon FW_dest "FWFonts")))
- (
- (makedir (tackon FW_dest "FWFonts") (infos))
- )
- )
- ; Make installer cd into FWFonts when it executes the run statement
- (set @execute-dir (tackon FW_dest "FWFonts"))
- (working (#install_sysfonts #install_disk_1))
- (set error
- (run
- ("\"%s\" -f x \"Disk 1:FWFonts.lha\" >NIL:" DeArcher)
- )
- )
- ; Abort if any errors
- (if error
- (abort #install_sysfonts_err)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (complete 20)
- (if (IN install_options 0 2)
- (
- ; ----------
- ; Get Disk 8
- ;
- (askdisk
- (prompt (#ask_disk_prompt #install_disk_8))
- (help (#ask_disk8_help #install_disk_8))
- (dest #install_disk_8)
- )
- ; If installing/updating the program
- (if (IN install_options 0)
- (
- ; Make installer cd into FW_dest when it executes the run statement
- (set @execute-dir FW_dest)
- ; copy the Final Writer program over if the program
- ; icon doesn't exists copy it over too.
- ( if (exists (tackon FW_dest "FinalWriter.info"))
- ; This DOES NOT copy the icon, in case the user
- ; has modified the tool-types
- (
- (working (#install_program #install_disk_8))
- (set error
- (run
- ("\"%s\" -f x \"Disk 8:FinalWriter.lha\" FinalWriter >NIL:" DeArcher)
- )
- )
- )
- ; This DOES copy the icon
- (
- (working (#install_program_icon #install_disk_8))
- (set error
- (run
- ("\"%s\" -f x \"Disk 8:FinalWriter.lha\" >NIL:" DeArcher)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (if error
- (abort #install_program)
- )
- (complete 25)
- ; Installing grammar part 1 into FWFiles
- (if (IN install_options 2)
- (
- ; If FWFiles doesn't exist, create it.
- (if (NOT (exists (tackon FW_dest "FWFiles")))
- (
- (makedir (tackon FW_dest "FWFiles") (infos))
- )
- )
- ; Make installer cd into FWFiles when it executes the run statement
- (set @execute-dir (tackon FW_dest "FWFiles"))
- ; Extract the files
- (working (#install_grammar #install_disk_8))
- (set error
- (run
- ("\"%s\" -f x \"Disk 8:FWGram1.lha\" >NIL:" DeArcher)
- )
- )
- ; Abort if any errors
- (if error
- (abort #install_gram_part1_err)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (complete 30)
- (if (IN install_options 2)
- (
- ; ----------
- ; Get Disk 9
- ;
- (askdisk
- (prompt (#ask_disk_prompt #install_disk_9))
- (help (#ask_disk9_help #install_disk_9))
- (dest #install_disk_9)
- )
- ; Installing grammar part 2 into FWFiles
- (if (IN install_options 2)
- (
- ; If FWFiles doesn't exist, create it.
- (if (NOT (exists (tackon FW_dest "FWFiles")))
- (
- (makedir (tackon FW_dest "FWFiles") (infos))
- )
- )
- ; Make installer cd into FWFiles when it executes the run statement
- (set @execute-dir (tackon FW_dest "FWFiles"))
- ; Extract the files
- (working (#install_grammar #install_disk_9))
- (set error
- (run
- ("\"%s\" -f x \"Disk 9:FWGram2.lha\" >NIL:" DeArcher)
- )
- )
- ; Abort if any errors
- (if error
- (abort #install_gram_part2_err)
- )
- ; Join the two grammar data files.
- (working #combine_grammar)
- (set error
- (run
- ("Join gram.part1 gram.part2 TO %s" #gram_file)
- )
- )
- ; Abort if any errors
- (if error
- (abort #combine_grammar_err)
- )
- ; Delete part 1 and part 2 files.
- (delete (tackon FW_dest "FWFiles/gram.part1") )
- (delete (tackon FW_dest "FWFiles/gram.part2") )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (complete 35)
- ; Installing Speller
- (if (IN install_options 5)
- (
- ; Get Disk 2
- (askdisk
- (prompt (#ask_disk_prompt #install_disk_2))
- (help (#ask_disk2_help #install_disk_2))
- (dest #install_disk_2)
- )
- ; Instaling FWSpell
- (if (IN install_options 5)
- (
- ; If FWSpell doesn't exist, create it.
- (if (NOT (exists (tackon FW_dest "FWSpell")))
- (
- (makedir (tackon FW_dest "FWSpell"))
- )
- )
- ; Preserve the user dictionary.
- (if (exists (tackon FW_dest #ud_file))
- (
- (set restore_UD 1)
- (copyfiles
- (source (tackon FW_dest #ud_file))
- (dest (tackon FW_dest "FWSpell"))
- (newname #save_ud_file)
- )
- )
- (set restore_UD 0)
- )
- ; Make installer cd into FWSpell when it executes the run statement
- (set @execute-dir (tackon FW_dest "FWSpell"))
- (working (#install_spell #install_disk_2))
- (set error
- (run
- ("\"%s\" -f x \"Disk 2:FWSpell.lha\" >NIL:" DeArcher)
- )
- )
- (if restore_UD
- (
- (copyfiles
- (source (tackon FW_dest #save_ud_file))
- (dest (tackon FW_dest "FWSpell"))
- (newname #ud_file)
- )
- (delete (tackon FW_dest #save_ud_file))
- )
- )
- ; Abort if any errors
- (if error
- (abort #install_spell_err)
- )
- ; Previous versions of Final Writer have the hyphenation
- ; file, xxx.hyp, in FWFiles. With Final Writer Release 3
- ; the hyphenation file will reside in FWSpell instead.
- ; So, if we find the hyphenation file in FWFiles, then
- ; move it to FWSpell.
- (if (exists (tackon FW_dest #old_hyph_file))
- (
- (if (exists (tackon FW_dest "FWSpell"))
- (
- (copyfiles
- (source (tackon FW_dest #old_hyph_file))
- (dest (tackon FW_dest "FWSpell"))
- )
- (delete (tackon FW_dest #old_hyph_file))
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (complete 40)
- (if (IN install_options 6 7)
- (
- ; Get Disk 3
- (askdisk
- (prompt (#ask_disk_prompt #install_disk_3))
- (help (#ask_disk3_help #install_disk_3))
- (dest #install_disk_3)
- )
- ; Instaling FWThes
- (if (IN install_options 6)
- (
- ; If FWThes doesn't exist, create it.
- (if (NOT (exists (tackon FW_dest "FWThes")))
- (
- (makedir (tackon FW_dest "FWThes"))
- )
- )
- ; Make installer cd into FWThes when it executes the run statement
- (set @execute-dir (tackon FW_dest "FWThes"))
- (working (#install_thes #install_disk_3))
- (set error
- (run
- ("\"%s\" -f x \"Disk 3:FWThes.lha\" >NIL:" DeArcher)
- )
- )
- ; Abort if any errors
- (if error
- (abort #install_thes_err)
- )
- )
- )
- (complete 45)
- ; Installing EPS Clip Art <cc> <fed> <maps> <metro1>
- (if (IN install_options 7)
- (
- ; If FWClipArt doesn't exist, create it.
- (if (NOT (exists (tackon FW_dest "FWClipArt")))
- (
- (makedir (tackon FW_dest "FWClipArt"))
- )
- )
- ; Make installer cd into FWClipArt when it executes the run statement
- (set @execute-dir (tackon FW_dest "FWClipArt"))
- (working (#install_clipart #install_disk_3))
- (set error
- (run
- ("\"%s\" -f x \"Disk 3:cc.lha\" >NIL:" DeArcher)
- )
- )
- ; Abort if any errors
- (if error
- (abort #install_clipart_err)
- )
- (complete 50)
- (set error
- (run
- ("\"%s\" -f x \"Disk 3:fed.lha\" >NIL:" DeArcher)
- )
- )
- ; Abort if any errors
- (if error
- (abort #install_clipart_err)
- )
- (complete 55)
- (set error
- (run
- ("\"%s\" -f x \"Disk 3:maps.lha\" >NIL:" DeArcher)
- )
- )
- ; Abort if any errors
- (if error
- (abort #install_clipart_err)
- )
- (complete 60)
- (set error
- (run
- ("\"%s\" -f x \"Disk 3:metro1.lha\" >NIL:" DeArcher)
- )
- )
- ; Abort if any errors
- (if error
- (abort #install_clipart_err)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (complete 65)
- (if (IN install_options 7)
- (
- ; ----------
- ; Get Disk 4
- ;
- (askdisk
- (prompt (#ask_disk_prompt #install_disk_4))
- (help (#ask_disk4_help #install_disk_4))
- (dest #install_disk_4)
- )
- ; Installing EPS Clip Art <dms> <totem>
- ; If FWClipArt doesn't exist, create it.
- (if (NOT (exists (tackon FW_dest "FWClipArt")))
- (
- (makedir (tackon FW_dest "FWClipArt"))
- )
- )
- ; Make installer cd into FWClipArt when it executes the run statement
- (set @execute-dir (tackon FW_dest "FWClipArt"))
- (working (#install_clipart #install_disk_4))
- (set error
- (run
- ("\"%s\" -f x \"Disk 4:dms.lha\" >NIL:" DeArcher)
- )
- )
- ; Abort if any errors
- (if error
- (abort #install_clipart_err)
- )
- (complete 70)
- (set error
- (run
- ("\"%s\" -f x \"Disk 4:totem.lha\" >NIL:" DeArcher)
- )
- )
- ; Abort if any errors
- (if error
- (abort #install_clipart_err)
- )
- )
- )
- (complete 75)
- (if (IN install_options 7 8)
- (
- ; ----------
- ; Get Disk 5
- ;
- (askdisk
- (prompt (#ask_disk_prompt #install_disk_5))
- (help (#ask_disk5_help #install_disk_5))
- (dest #install_disk_5)
- )
- ; Instaling EPS Clip Art
- (if (IN install_options 7)
- (
- ; Make installer cd into FWClipArt/Metro when it executes the run statement
- (set @execute-dir (tackon FW_dest "FWClipArt/Metro"))
- (working (#install_clipart #install_disk_5))
- (set error
- (run
- ("\"%s\" -f x \"Disk 5:Metro2.lha\" >NIL:" DeArcher)
- )
- )
- ; Abort if any errors
- (if error
- (abort #install_clipart_err)
- )
- )
- )
- (complete 80)
- ; Instaling Decorative fonts
- (if (IN install_options 8)
- (
- ; If FWFonts/SWOLFonts/Deco doesn't exist, create it.
- (if (NOT (exists (tackon FW_dest "FWFonts/SWOLFonts/Deco")))
- (
- (makedir (tackon FW_dest "FWFonts/SWOLFonts/Deco") (infos))
- )
- )
- ; Make installer cd into Deco when it executes the run statement
- (set @execute-dir (tackon FW_dest "FWFonts/SWOLFonts/Deco"))
- (working (#install_deco #install_disk_5))
- (set error
- (run
- ("\"%s\" -f x \"Disk 5:Deco.lha\" >NIL:" DeArcher)
- )
- )
- ; Abort if any errors
- (if error
- (abort #install_deco_err)
- )
- )
- )
- (complete 85)
- ; Instaling Serif1 fonts
- (if (IN install_options 8)
- (
- ; If FWFonts/SWOLFonts/Serif doesn't exist, create it.
- (if (NOT (exists (tackon FW_dest "FWFonts/SWOLFonts/Serif")))
- (
- (makedir (tackon FW_dest "FWFonts/SWOLFonts/Serif") (infos))
- )
- )
- ; Make installer cd into Serif when it executes the run statement
- (set @execute-dir (tackon FW_dest "FWFonts/SWOLFonts/Serif"))
- (working (#install_serif #install_disk_5))
- (set error
- (run
- ("\"%s\" -f x \"Disk 5:Serif1.lha\" >NIL:" DeArcher)
- )
- )
- ; Abort if any errors
- (if error
- (abort #install_serif_err)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (complete 90)
- (if (IN install_options 8)
- (
- ; ----------
- ; Get Disk 6
- ;
- (askdisk
- (prompt (#ask_disk_prompt #install_disk_6))
- (help (#ask_disk6_help #install_disk_6))
- (dest #install_disk_6)
- )
- ; Instaling Serif2 fonts
- (if (IN install_options 8)
- (
- ; If FWFonts/SWOLFonts/Serif doesn't exist, create it.
- (if (NOT (exists (tackon FW_dest "FWFonts/SWOLFonts/Serif")))
- (
- (makedir (tackon FW_dest "FWFonts/SWOLFonts/Serif") (infos))
- )
- )
- ; Make installer cd into Serif when it executes the run statement
- (set @execute-dir (tackon FW_dest "FWFonts/SWOLFonts/Serif"))
- (working (#install_serif #install_disk_6))
- (set error
- (run
- ("\"%s\" -f x \"Disk 6:Serif2.lha\" >NIL:" DeArcher)
- )
- )
- ; Abort if any errors
- (if error
- (abort #install_serif_err)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (complete 95)
- (if (IN install_options 8)
- (
- ; ----------
- ; Get Disk 7
- ;
- (askdisk
- (prompt (#ask_disk_prompt #install_disk_7))
- (help (#ask_disk7_help #install_disk_7))
- (dest #install_disk_7)
- )
- ; Instaling Sans serif fonts
- (if (IN install_options 8)
- (
- ; If FWFonts/SWOLFonts/Sans doesn't exist, create it.
- (if (NOT (exists (tackon FW_dest "FWFonts/SWOLFonts/Sans")))
- (
- (makedir (tackon FW_dest "FWFonts/SWOLFonts/Sans") (infos))
- )
- )
- ; Make installer cd into Sans when it executes the run statement
- (set @execute-dir (tackon FW_dest "FWFonts/SWOLFonts/Sans"))
- (working (#install_sans #install_disk_7))
- (set error
- (run
- ("\"%s\" -f x \"Disk 7:Sans.lha\" >NIL:" DeArcher)
- )
- )
- ; Abort if any errors
- (if error
- (abort #install_sans_err)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ; If FWDocs doesn't exist, create it.
- (if (NOT (exists (tackon FW_dest "FWDocs")))
- (
- (makedir (tackon FW_dest "FWDocs") (infos))
- )
- )
- ; If FWTextClips doesn't exist, create it.
- (if (NOT (exists (tackon FW_dest "FWTextClips")))
- (
- (makedir (tackon FW_dest "FWTextClips") (infos))
- )
- )
- (delete DeArcher)
- (complete 100)
- (exit)