This is my first solo game, infact it is only the second game that I have ever written.
Amos enabled me to do this on a machine that I thought was only programable by the experts, but thanks to Mr Francois Lionet the world of the Amiga is now open to everyone (even me).
As you can probably see the game that you play has been compiled so that it will run from WorkBench.
The idea of the game is to try and get to the bottom of the screen, through the barrage of planes and helicopters.
All the screens are possible and the are 14 different screens.
The controls are as follows:
Left Joystick will turn you left
Right Joystick will turn you right
If you pull down and either left or right you will increase your speed down and in your chosen direction.
A couple of things to remember you always drop(as in Newtons law: That which goes up must come down) and you are always moving forward(have you ever tried stoping a hanglider in midair).
Anwyay thats all from me, I hope that you enjoy the program.
Good Luck
See you next time.
Tony Street.
(0268) 766677 and ask for me (but only if you like it)