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415 lines
; $VER: Install_SVLib V15.2 (16.9.96)
; © 1993-96 by Andreas R. Kleinert.
; This is the Installer Script for superview.library V15+
(set @app-name "SuperView-Library")
; ask for CPU and try handling 68060
(set MC68x (database "cpu"))
(if (> (exists "libs:68060.library") 0)
(set MC68x 68040)
(welcome "SuperView-Library Installation Utility")
(if (= @language "deutsch")
(set MSG_Yes "Ja")
(set MSG_No "Nein")
(set MSG_BasicConfig "Was ist Ihre Grundkonfiguration ?")
(set Gfx0 "Keine Angabe (nichts ändern)")
(set Gfx1 "Amiga ECS, keine Grafikkarte")
(set Gfx2 "Amiga AGA, keine Grafikkarte")
(set Gfx3 "CD-32 AGA, keine Grafikkarte")
(set Gfx4 "Karte mit CyberGraphX-Emulation")
(set Gfx5 "Karte mit EGS-Emulation")
(set Gfx6 "Picasso II")
(set Gfx7 "Retina Z2/Z3")
(set Gfx8 "Merlin")
(set Gfx9 "OpalVision")
(set Gfx10 "Amiga ECS/AGA, andere Grafikkarte")
(set MSG_CopyEnvConfig "Kopiere notwendige Konfiguration nach ENV:")
(set MSG_LibPath "Library-Pfad")
(set MSG_InstallingLibs "Kopiere Libraries...")
(set MSG_LZWUsage (cat "\nIst LZW-Nutzung in Ihrem Land rechtlich lizenzfrei ?\n\n"
"Falls nicht, werden die LZW-basieren Routinen\n"
"nun desaktiviert. Falls Sie dennoch <Ja> wählen,\n"
"stimmen Sie hiermit zu, alle möglichen fälligen\n"
"Lizenzzahlungen, für kommerzielle oder sonstige\n"
"Nutzung, selbst zu zahlen. Falls Sie hiermit nicht\n"
"übereinstimmen, wählen Sie Installationsabbruch.\n"
(set MSG_LZWYes "Ja (z.B. Deutschland)")
(set MSG_LZWNo "Nein (z.B. USA)")
(set MSG_Ghostscript (cat "\nHaben Sie bereits Ghostscript installiert ?\n\n"
"(Falls <Ja>, müssen Sie hier nun den\n"
" Programmpfad und -namen angeben.)\n"
(set MSG_GSPath "Pfad und Name des Ghostscript-Programmes")
(set MSG_CatPath "Katalogpfad")
(set MSG_InstallingCats "Kopiere Katalogdateien...")
(set MSG_VMEM "Ändere jetzt S:User-Startup für VMem-Unterstützung...")
(set MSG_VMemPath "Pfad für virtuellen Speicher")
(set MSG_CopyPrefs "SVPrefs nach SYS:Prefs kopieren ?")
(set MSG_PackerSupport "Packer-Unterstützung jetzt gleich installieren ?")
(set MSG_SQOperators "SQ-Operators jetzt gleich installieren ?")
(set MSG_Ready "SuperView-Library wurde installiert.\nFalls dies ein Update war, sollten Sie ggf.\nIhren Rechner nun neu starten.")
(if (= @language "english")
(set MSG_Yes "Yes")
(set MSG_No "No")
(set MSG_BasicConfig "What's your basic configuration ?")
(set Gfx0 "Not specified (do not change)")
(set Gfx1 "Amiga ECS, no GfxCard")
(set Gfx2 "Amiga AGA, no GfxCard")
(set Gfx3 "CD-32 AGA, no GfxCard")
(set Gfx4 "Card with CyberGraphX-Emulation")
(set Gfx5 "Card with EGS-Emulation")
(set Gfx6 "Picasso II")
(set Gfx7 "Retina Z2/Z3")
(set Gfx8 "Merlin")
(set Gfx9 "OpalVision")
(set Gfx10 "Amiga ECS/AGA, other GfxCard")
(set MSG_CopyEnvConfig "Copying appropriate configuration to ENV:")
(set MSG_LibPath "Library Path")
(set MSG_InstallingLibs "Copying Libraries...")
(set MSG_LZWUsage (cat "\nIs LZW usage license-free by your countries' law ?\n\n"
"If not, LZW dependent routines will be\n"
"deactivated now. If you select Yes\n"
"nevertheless, you hereby agree to pay\n"
"any possible license fees for commercial\n"
"or other usage by yourself. If you do not\n"
"agree with that, select >Abort Install<\n"
(set MSG_LZWYes "Yes (e.g. Germany)")
(set MSG_LZWNo "No (e.g. USA)")
(set MSG_Ghostscript (cat "\nDo you already have Ghostscript installed ?\n\n"
"(When answering with <Yes>, you have to supply\n"
" the program's path and name here.)\n"
(set MSG_GSPath "Path and name of Ghostscript executable")
(set MSG_CatPath "Catalog Path")
(set MSG_InstallingCats "Copying catalog files...")
(set MSG_VMEM "Now modifying your S:User-Startup for VMem-Support...")
(set MSG_VMemPath "Virtual Memory Path")
(set MSG_CopyPrefs "Copy SVPrefs to SYS:Prefs ?")
(set MSG_PackerSupport "Install PackerSupport right now ?")
(set MSG_SQOperators "Install SQ-Operators right now ?")
(set MSG_Ready "SuperView-Library has been installed now.\nIf this was an Update, you should\nreboot your computer now.")
; **************************************************************************
; Create/Update basic configuration
(makedir "ENV:SuperView-Library")
(makedir "ENVARC:SuperView-Library")
(set selectsvdriver (askchoice
(prompt MSG_BasicConfig)
(help @askchoice-help)
(choices Gfx0 Gfx1 Gfx2 Gfx3 Gfx4 Gfx5 Gfx6 Gfx8)
(default 1)
(if (= selectsvdriver 1) (set env_source "docs/SampleConfigs/env_ECS") )
(if (= selectsvdriver 2) (set env_source "docs/SampleConfigs/env_AGA") )
(if (= selectsvdriver 3) (set env_source "docs/SampleConfigs/env_AGA_CD32") )
(if (= selectsvdriver 4) (set env_source "docs/SampleConfigs/env_CyberGraphics") )
(if (= selectsvdriver 5) (set env_source "docs/SampleConfigs/env_EGS7") )
(if (= selectsvdriver 6) (set env_source "docs/SampleConfigs/env_PicassoII") )
(if (= selectsvdriver 7) (set env_source "docs/SampleConfigs/env_Retina") )
(if (= selectsvdriver 8) (set env_source "docs/SampleConfigs/env_Merlin") )
(if (= selectsvdriver 9) (set env_source "docs/SampleConfigs/env_OpalVision") )
(if (= selectsvdriver 10) (set env_source "docs/SampleConfigs/env_GfxCards") )
(if (> selectsvdriver 0)
(prompt MSG_CopyEnvConfig)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source env_source)
(dest "ENV:")
(prompt MSG_CopyEnvConfig)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source env_source)
(dest "ENVARC:")
(prompt MSG_CopyEnvConfig)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "env")
(dest "ENVARC:")
; **************************************************************************
; Install main libraries
(prompt MSG_InstallingLibs)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "libs/superview.library")
(set svlibdir
(prompt MSG_LibPath)
(help @askdir-help)
(default "LIBS:")
(dest svlibdir)
(set @default-dest svlibdir)
(prompt MSG_InstallingLibs)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "libs/superviewsupport.library")
(dest svlibdir)
; **************************************************************************
; Ask for LZW
(set lzwquest (askchoice
(prompt MSG_LZWUsage)
(help @askchoice-help)
(choices MSG_LZWYes MSG_LZWNo)
(default 0)
(if (= lzwquest 0)
(dest "ENV:SuperView-Library/LEGAL.controlpad")
(append "LZW=ENABLED\n")
(source "ENV:SuperView-Library/LEGAL.controlpad")
(dest "ENVARC:SuperView-Library")
(if (= lzwquest 1)
(dest "ENV:SuperView-Library/LEGAL.controlpad")
(append "LZW=DISABLED\n")
(source "ENV:SuperView-Library/LEGAL.controlpad")
(dest "ENVARC:SuperView-Library")
; **************************************************************************
; Ask for Ghostscript
(set gsquest (askchoice
(prompt MSG_Ghostscript)
(help @askchoice-help)
(choices MSG_Yes MSG_No)
(default 0)
(if (= gsquest 0)
(set gspath (askfile
(prompt MSG_GSPath)
(help @askfile-help)
(default "gs000")
(set gspathopt (cat "GS_PATH=" gspath "\n"))
(dest "ENV:SuperView-Library/Ghostscript.controlpad")
(append gspathopt)
(source "ENV:SuperView-Library/Ghostscript.controlpad")
(dest "ENVARC:SuperView-Library")
; **************************************************************************
; Install catalogs
(makedir "SYS:locale")
(makedir "SYS:locale/catalogs")
(prompt MSG_InstallingCats)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "locale/catalogs")
(set svcatdir
(prompt MSG_CatPath)
(help @askdir-help)
(default "SYS:locale/Catalogs")
(dest svcatdir)
; **************************************************************************
; Install library modules
(set svobjectdir (tackon svlibdir "svobjects"))
(set svdriverdir (tackon svlibdir "svdrivers"))
(set svoperatordir (tackon svlibdir "svoperators"))
(makedir svobjectdir)
(makedir svdriverdir)
(makedir svoperatordir)
(prompt MSG_InstallingLibs)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "libs/svobjects")
(dest (tackon svlibdir "svobjects"))
(pattern "#?")
(prompt MSG_InstallingLibs)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "libs/svdrivers")
(dest (tackon svlibdir "svdrivers"))
(pattern "#?")
(prompt MSG_InstallingLibs)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "libs/svoperators")
(dest (tackon svlibdir "svoperators"))
(pattern "#?")
(if (>= MC68x 68020)
(prompt MSG_InstallingLibs)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "libs/68030")
(dest svlibdir)
; **************************************************************************
; Modify User-Startup
(startup "SuperView-Library"
(prompt MSG_VMEM)
(help @startup-help)
(set vmemdir
(prompt MSG_VMemPath)
(help @askdir-help)
(default "T:")
(command "Assign VMEM: "vmemdir"\n")
; **************************************************************************
; Install SVPrefs
(prompt MSG_CopyPrefs)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "Prefs")
(dest "SYS:Prefs")
; **************************************************************************
; Ask for Packersupport
(set ask_ps (askbool (prompt MSG_PackerSupport) (help @askbool-help) ) )
(if (= ask_ps TRUE)
(prompt MSG_InstallingLibs)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "PackerSupport/libs/svobjects")
(dest (tackon svlibdir "svobjects"))
(pattern "#?")
; **************************************************************************
; Ask for SQOperators
(set ask_sq (askbool (prompt MSG_SQOperators) (help @askbool-help) ) )
(if (= ask_sq TRUE)
(prompt MSG_CopyEnvConfig)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "SQ-Operators/envarc")
(dest "ENVARC:")
(prompt MSG_InstallingLibs)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "SQ-Operators/libs/svoperators")
(dest (tackon svlibdir "svoperators"))
(pattern "#?")
; **************************************************************************
; EOF ;-)
(exit MSG_Ready)