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/ Freesoft 1999 February / Freesoft_1999-02_cd.bin / Katalog / Nerecenz / Free004.gif < prev    next >
Graphics Interchange Format  |  1999-04-06  |  59KB  |  620x570  |  8-bit (120 colors)
Labels: arcade machine | ball | chair | clock | crt screen | monitor | slopshop | slot | windowpane
OCR: Extreme Slots Shareware Version Options Bank Buto Play Register Help Shareware Version This is the shareware version of Extreme Slots Ir the Credits 80.00 wager .00 registered version there i FT statistics chart here instead these wertserert- Pegistration is only $20 If you call ol Spins: Payoffs: TFE THIREE Win Three 3RE Free Spins @1996 ultisoft Presents.. Auto LREE