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/ Freesoft 1999 February / Freesoft_1999-02_cd.bin / Katalog / Nerecenz / Free041.gif < prev    next >
Graphics Interchange Format  |  1999-04-08  |  10KB  |  572x359  |  8-bit (49 colors)
Labels: crt screen | monitor | sky | trade name | window | windowpane
OCR: PLAYDSP 60x de okna PLAYDSP 2.22 Copyr ight 1994-95 DiamondWare Ltd. All rights reserved quit faster slower vol up ol down Percent of original Sound length 99 Percent 01 or i9 inal sound length 98 Percent 01 or 19 inal 5ound length 97 ercent of original sound length 96 Percent of orig inal 5ound length 95 Percent of orig inal sound length 94 Percent of 5ound length 93 Percent of origina] sound length Percent of or iginal sound length Percent of or iginal punos length 90 Percent 01 original 5ound o] ume 0x110 ercent of or ig inal 5ound vo lume Ix 120 ercent of original Sound vo ume x 130 lower erceni 0x120 0x130