Labels:clock | crt screen | fence | hakham | monitor | person | plant | poster | road | sky | stairs | window | windowpane OCR: PLAY GUITAR F new method for the D guitar by Naftali ahay [Page Microsoft Internet Explorer 6Ox Subor Upravy Kam Obrubene polozky Pomocnik Dozadu Dopredt Stop Obnovit Domov Hradat Obrubene Historia Kanaly Adresa -\Proaram Files\Plau Guitar page8. htm Prepojenia How to... Chapter Chapter Chapter II1 Chapter Chapter U You. just entered Chapter T Page No. Plucking with my p on an Open The Chapters... We shell start with our right hand with the thumb. The thumb: the key for your right hand play ing. After each stroke have to reach i+'s resting zero point Practice the opening paqes slow!! This means playing on an open string ON your left hand Tento pocitac study Lahay Zobrazit Pomocnil Dooredt Obnovi Kanalu Prooram Prepoienia riqht pages Hotovo