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This is beta software and may contain bugs.
Version Information
I will be using the file name for all versions of IP Ultra Monitor 2.0
This version is IP Ultra Monitor 2.0 Build 15
The version information is also available from the splash screen or the about box.
IP Ultra Monitor is a program to monitor TCP/IP ports on remote servers (e.g. http, ftp, smtp, dns)
IP Ultra Monitor 2.0 BETA 15 is freeware.
This program was written in Visual Basic 6.0 Service Pack 2 by ultrajones.
Features of IP Ultra Monitor
- Uses a Microsoft Access database to store information using Microsoft DAO.
- Monitor Services (FTP, NNTP, SMTP, HTTP) on remote devices. (It will open a TCP/IP connection to the remote device and port specified. If a connection can not be made a description of the error is recorded.)
- Monitor device status by ICMP Ping.
- Devices are checked every 5 to 60 minutes (user specified.)
- Tracks the following:
1) Number of successful and non-successful connections.
2) Last error message
3) Date and time when device or port failed.
4) Date and time when device or port recovered.
5) Minimum, maximum and average ping round trip times.
6) Uptime summary.
7) Logs all device and port status activity.
- System tray support showing status and number of problems detected.
- HTML output indicating device and port status for all monitored devices.
- Microsoft Agent Characters will notify you of problems found during a schedule check.
- Option to send an Email if failures are detected (user specified failure interval.)
Major Fixes and Changes
Version 2.0.0 Build 15
- Fixed error messages if Microsoft Agent 2.0 is not installed.
- Fixed script error on HTML output web page.
Version 2.0.0 Build 14
- Added the ability to reset the icons after a device has recovered for a user specified amount of times.
- An HTML template is used when creating the HTML output.á The template can be customized using any HTML editor.
- Added the ability to define aliases to the device.á IP Ultra Monitor 2.0 will use the alias name when recording and announcing device activity.
- Added views menu in the listview control window.
- Changes have been made to the email notification.á A summary of the number of devices that have failed and recovered are now included in the email message.
- Hiding the selection has been disabled in the listview and treeview to avoid confusion while maneuvering through the interface.
- Microsoft Agent will not say "dot" when announcing a DNS name with a "." in it.
- Important Information About Build 14. The database is NOT compatible with version prior to build 14.á If this causes you grief I will refund your money.á :-)á If you have Microsoft Access 97 or later you can open the database and make the changes to convert your database.á Let me know if you need this information.
- Email notification bug has been fixed.á Only sends an email on the devices that have failed or recovered.
- Fixed the bug that was causing the device wizard to freeze after checking the "do not show introduction in the future" check box.
- Device time-out option has been fixed.
- The splash screen refresh problem has been fixed.
- Menu options that should be disabled have been disabled.
- Microsoft Agent Characters return animation has been re-implemented.
- Locked all controls in the options dialogue to prevent users from causing the program to fail due to incorrect data values.
- Added speech recognition using Microsoft Agent and the Microsoft Speech Recognition Engine.á Requires a soundcard, microphone and the Microsoft Speech Recognition Engine, which is available free from Microsoft. The following voice commands are supported: Monitoring On, Monitoring Off, Monitoring Status, Show Log File and Show HTML.
Version 2.0.0 Build 11
- Updated icons for device and ports in the treeview and listview.
- A bunch of stuff. I am not very good at tracking changes.
Version 2.0.0 Build 3
- Complete re-write from version 1.0.5. Ping checking is currently single threaded due to the ICMP ping control I am using. If I use multiple instances of this control it produces unpredictable resutls. (
- Added ICMP port ping.
- Added device add wizard to assist in the creation of a monitored device.
- Added TCP/IP port monitor wizard to assist in the selection of monitored ports.
- Added the ability to save, open and compact the Microsoft Access database.
- Added the ability to expand and collapse the treeview using toolbar button.
Version 1.0.5 (Beta 5)
- Fixed a major bug that would cause the program not to function when either Microsoft Agent or the Merlin character was not installed prior to running IP Ultra Monitor.
- Removed the ability to select an animation for the failure announcement.
- Added the ability to customize the Microsoft Agent balloon.
- Reorganized the options dialogue form.
- A bunch of tweaks.
Version 1.0.4 (Beta 4)
- Bug fixes and tweaks.
- Fixed problem where Microsoft Agent would appear every time when announce date/time was checked.
- Tweaks to SMTP control (error control and checking).
Version 1.0.3 (Beta 3)
- Bug fixes and tweaks.
- Fixed error in the add device form when pressing cancel.
- Added the abilty to modify the device and port descriptions.
- Added the ability to notify you when devices recover after a failure.
- Added the ability to log all events to ultramonitor.txt in the application directory.
Version 1.0.2 (Beta 2)
- Added the ability to configure a description for ports and devices.
- Added MS Agent 2.0 (from 1.5)
- Added the ability to send an email message on failure. (This uses an ActiveX SMTP control that I wrote.)
- Tons of other stuff.
Version 1.0.1 (Initial Release to Beta Testers)
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Minimum Requirements
Some type of Internet or Intranet connection (dial-up / cable modem / ISDN etc.)