Text version of TurboExplorer« 2.0.3 ReadMe (text version, if you have a browser please open the html version readme.htm)
TurboExplorer« 2.0.3 ReadMe (local page)
This is the local TurboExplorer« readme page and it's automatically displayed
when you aren't online. Please read carefully before to use TurboExplorer«.
What's TurboExplorer
Key Benefits
Key Features
How it Works
Running Setup
Startup Folder
Installation Files
Manual-Settings License Agreement
Disclaimer Of Warranty
FAQ & Support
Related Items OnLine
What's TurboExplorer
TurboExplorer« 2.x is a real-time web surfing accelerator specifically designed for Internet Explorer« 4/5 to achieve a faster and more effective approach to the internet.
It enhances your web navigation by predicting your need for web pages with a sophisticated algorithm to anticipate hyperlinks and to retrieve web pages before the browser needs to display them. And if you drag&drop some links into TurboExplorer« control window it will download your links in the background while you're surfing.
Moreover a built-in TCP-IP transport protocol optimizer increases your modem or network bandwidth by efficiently taking full advantage of each unused instant of your internet connection.
TurboExplorer« works automatically "behind the scene" without user interaction. It's fully integrated with Internet Explorer« and don't require any user settings. And if a Web page has changed since the last time you visited it, TurboExplorer«, using its auto-refresh background function, will refresh it automatically.
This new version is an important upgrade and includes the following features: drag&drop of user links, auto-refresh of current page, compatibility with Internet Explorer« 4 and 5 on Windows 95/98/NT and performance improvements of around 30%.
TurboExplorer« means faster navigation, as well as shorter and cheaper connections . TurboExplorer« can make enjoy your internet navigation and save you money.
Key Benefits
Faster and more effective approach to internet.
Money saving through reduced connection time.
It is specifically designed for Internet Explorer« 4/5
It works automatically "behind the scene" without user interaction.
Key Features
Predictive read-ahead caching with a sophisticated algorithm to anticipate
hyperlinks and to retrieve web pages before the browser needs to display it.
Drag&Drop and download your links in the background while you're surfing.
Full integration with Internet Explorer«
Integrated cache with Internet Explorer«, no waste of disk space.
Auto-setting on Internet Explorer« and WinInet« cache and proxy
Auto-tuning on Internet Explorer« and WinInet« parameters.
Auto-tuning on browser content-type capability.
Internet Explorer« multi-instance control.
Background control of current page with auto-refresh if needed.
Multi-threading execution for simultaneous caching up to 50 pages.
It increases your modem bandwidth with built-in TCP-IP transport protocol
It caches every type of page contents (html, images, Java« applets, etc..)
and filters banners and cookies.
How it Works
This section is graphics and it's available only online; please take a look at
Help page online.
Turboexplorer« is based on VB5 Run-Time files (Service Pack version 3 or above).
Therefore, before executing the setup of TurboExplorer« you must be sure to have
already installed on your system the VB5 Run-Time. If you don't have the VB5
Run-Time, you must download it and install it before continuing.
Turboexplorer« needs Internet Explorer« 4/5 with Active Desktop component
installed, Windows 95/98/NT, 3 MByte HD free space and WinZip 6.3 or above.
Running Setup
Extract the TurboExplorer« zipfile in a temporary directory and read the
ReadMe.htm file first. If you have a previous version of TurboExplorer« already
installed in your system you must uninstall it before install TurboExplorer«
Then double-click on the TESetup.exe file which will begin the installation. All
files in the temporary directory may be deleted once the installation is
Startup Folder
TurboExplorer« setup will add a link to TE.exe into your startup folder.
TurboExplorer« will start on system startup and will stay resident without user
interaction. During the waiting status the resource usage of TurboExplorer« is
Installation Files
The TurboExplorer« setup program will install and/or replace these files in your
system :
Visual Basic Ocx Files (windows system directory) : Comctl32.ocx.