Labels:dialog box | monitor | road | sky | web site | window OCR: Telnet No Connection GOx Auto send *transmit spec ial characters send for more set xset operat JUT parame ters more tatus xpr int informat 10n 1660 60 le operating parame ters or more *suspend te lne print he In information te lnet>close te lne te lne Commands may be abbreviated =not impl imented Connands are close close current connection display xdisplay operating parame ters emu late xemu late vt1 L00 3270 terminal mode xtry to enter line- -by-line character-at-a-time mode open connect to site 3Tnb exit te 1net keys changes ke ymap send xtransmit pec ial characters send for more set xset operating parame ters set for more> tatus int status informa tion 660 le 60 le operating parame ters toggle for more *suspend te lnet pP int he 1p in ormation te lnet ransmit Formation nore pend abbrev ...