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/ Freesoft 1997 June / Freesoft_1997-06_cd.bin / nerecenz / programmers / SSW / SQLKWORD.TXT < prev    next >
Text File  |  1996-10-29  |  2KB  |  227 lines

  1. absolute
  2. action
  3. add
  4. all
  5. allocate
  6. alter
  7. and
  8. any
  9. are
  10. as
  11. asc
  12. assertion
  13. at
  14. authorization
  15. avg
  16. begin
  17. between
  18. bit
  19. bit_length
  20. both
  21. by
  22. cascade
  23. cascaded
  24. case
  25. cast
  26. catalog
  27. char
  28. character
  29. char_length
  30. check
  31. close
  32. coalesce
  33. collate
  34. collation
  35. column
  36. commit
  37. connect
  38. connection
  39. constraint
  40. constraints
  41. continue
  42. convert
  43. corresponding
  44. count
  45. create
  46. cross
  47. current
  48. current_date
  49. current_time
  50. current_timestamp
  51. current_user
  52. cursor
  53. date
  54. day
  55. deallocate
  56. dec
  57. decimal
  58. declare
  59. default
  60. deferrable
  61. deferred
  62. delete
  63. desc
  64. describe
  65. descriptor
  66. diagnostics
  67. disconnect
  68. distinct
  69. domain
  70. double
  71. drop
  72. else
  73. end
  74. end-exec
  75. escape
  76. except
  77. exception
  78. exec
  79. execute
  80. exists
  81. external
  82. extract
  83. false
  84. fetch
  85. first
  86. float
  87. for
  88. foreign
  89. found
  90. from
  91. full
  92. get
  93. global
  94. go
  95. goto
  96. grant
  97. group
  98. having
  99. hour
  100. identity
  101. immediate
  102. in
  103. indicator
  104. initially
  105. inner
  106. input
  107. insensitive
  108. insert
  109. int
  110. integer
  111. intersect
  112. interval
  113. into
  114. is
  115. isolation
  116. join
  117. key
  118. language
  119. last
  120. leading
  121. left
  122. level
  123. like
  124. local
  125. lower
  126. match
  127. max
  128. min
  129. minute
  130. module
  131. month
  132. names
  133. national
  134. natural
  135. nchar
  136. next
  137. no
  138. not
  139. null
  140. nullif
  141. numeric
  142. octet_length
  143. of
  144. on
  145. only
  146. open
  147. option
  148. or
  149. order
  150. outer
  151. output
  152. overlaps
  153. pad
  154. partial
  155. position
  156. precision
  157. prepare
  158. preserve
  159. primary
  160. prior
  161. priveleges
  162. procedure
  163. public
  164. read
  165. real
  166. references
  167. relative
  168. restrict
  169. revoke
  170. right
  171. rollback
  172. rows
  173. schema
  174. scroll
  175. second
  176. section
  177. select
  178. session
  179. session_user
  180. set
  181. size
  182. smallint
  183. some
  184. space
  185. sql
  186. sqlcode
  187. sqlerror
  188. sqlstate
  189. substring
  190. sum
  191. system_user
  192. table
  193. temporary
  194. then
  195. time
  196. timestamp
  197. timezone_hour
  198. timezone_minute
  199. to
  200. trailing
  201. transaction
  202. translate
  203. translation
  204. trim
  205. true
  206. union
  207. unique
  208. unknown
  209. update
  210. upper
  211. usage
  212. user
  213. using
  214. value
  215. values
  216. varchar
  217. varying
  218. view
  219. when
  220. whenever
  221. where
  222. with
  223. work
  224. write
  225. year
  226. zone