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Text File | 1991-10-22 | 78.6 KB | 1,825 lines |
- QUIKMENU USER'S GUIDE (Version 1.07)
- ------------------------------------
- ----------------
- For the steps below, we assume that you have installed QuikMenu in the
- directory C:\QUIKMENU, which is the default directory used by the install
- program.
- To start QuikMenu:
- o If you plan to use QuikMenu with a mouse, your mouse driver(usually
- MOUSE.COM) must be loaded first. Please refer to your mouse's user
- manual for more information. NOTE: A mouse is not required to use
- QuikMenu.
- o At the DOS prompt (C:\), type CD\QUIKMENU and press Enter. This places
- you in the QUIKMENU directory. If you installed QuikMenu in a different
- directory, substitute that name in place of QUIKMENU in the CD\QUIKMENU
- instructions above.
- o Type QM and press Enter.
- To start QuikMenu on a network, type QNET [user name] and press Enter. For
- example, type QNET JOHN or QNET SALLY. Each user name must be unique to
- QuikMenu. You cannot have two workstations using the same name. For
- additional information about running QuikMenu on a network, please refer
- to the Appendix in the back of this manual.
- --------------
- Once your menu is created, you can activate any program simply by pressing
- the speed key assigned to the software button (such as pressing W to
- activate a software button showing W=WordPerfect) or by clicking the button
- with your mouse. Running programs is only part of what QuikMenu can do. In
- the later chapters, we'll see how you can modify the menu, create
- phonebooks, send mail (networks only), maintain calendar reminders,
- generate reports using the Time Log and manipulate files with the File
- Manager.
- As you've already discovered, the QuikMenu screen is divided into several
- sections. Let's take a closer look at each one.
- Page Title
- The title assigned to the currently active page.
- Command Buttons
- A list of command options at the top of the screen (Info, Modify, Page,
- DOS, Files, Utility, Exit, etc.). QuikMenu uses a system of buttons to help
- you activate many program functions. The buttons vary depending on the
- screen and function you are using. Use these buttons to control the basic
- features of QuikMenu. You can activate a command button one of two ways.
- If you have a mouse, just click on the button. If you are not using a
- mouse, hold down the ALT key and then press the underlined letter in the
- command button you want to use. This principle works for any QuikMenu
- function. For example, to activate Modify, either click on the button or
- press ALT and the M key.At the top of the screen are several command
- buttons used to control various aspects of QuikMenu.
- Info (ALT/I) Tells you how to register your copy of QuikMenu. Once
- you receive and enter your serial number, the "nag
- screen" reminding you to register no longer displays.
- Load (ALT/L) This button allows you to create new menus as well as
- load existing menus. This option can be protected with
- a password and is initially hidden (see Chapter 3:
- Modifying The Menu).
- Modify (Alt/M) Allows you to change the menu, including adding
- programs, setting passwords, changing page titles,
- screen colors,etc. This option can be protected with
- a password.
- Page (Alt/P) Displays a list of all the page titles you've created
- so far. Select a page from the box and that page
- displays on the screen. Up to 40 pages are available.
- You can protect pages 2 through 40 so that users are
- required to enter a password before the page will
- display. You can also create page buttons to move
- between specific pages.
- /\ \/ Use the up and down arrow buttons to display the
- previous or next page in the menu. You can also move
- between menu pages by pressing the Page Up, Page Down,
- Home and End keys on your keyboard. NOTE: You can only
- go to pages that have a menu item on them. To add an
- item to a blank menu page you must be in the Modify
- mode.
- DOS (Alt/O) Allows you to leave QuikMenu temporarily to perform
- DOS operations. Once you complete your DOS chores,
- return to QuikMenu by typing EXIT at any DOS prompt.
- This option can be protected with a password.
- File (Alt/F) Lets you use the File Manager feature to perform many
- DOS file management functions, except in a much easier
- format. You can copy, move, delete, rename files;
- copy, move, create, remove directories, etc. You can
- also protect this option with a password.
- Utility (Alt/U) Provides access to the built-in calculator, calendar,
- phone book, time log and on networks electronic mail.
- You can protect this option with a password.
- Exit (Alt/X) Leaves the QuikMenu environment completely and places
- you at the DOS prompt (C:\). This option can be
- protected with a password.
- Help (F1) Displays help screens that briefly describe QuikMenu
- functions and features. Use the Page Up, Page Down,
- Home and End keys to view the help or select the Print
- command to send the file to your printer. More
- detailed descriptions of help subjects are available
- in this manual.
- Status Line
- The line at the bottom of the screen that contains the current date and
- time. When performing most QuikMenu functions, a brief one-line explanation
- of that function will also appear in the status line.
- Work Area
- A window, occupying most of the screen, through which you view and
- manipulate your menu. Each menu may contain up to 40 pages - one of which
- is always displayed in the work area. The number in the top right corner
- of the screen indicates the currently active page.
- Dialog Boxes
- A box on the screen where you enter information needed to execute a
- command. While some QuikMenu functions work just by selecting a command
- button, others require more information from you before executing a
- command. A dialog box gives you a way to answer questions, type text or
- choose settings that determine how the selected command works. Some dialog
- boxes appear as an error message, and require that you merely respond by
- pressing Enter or clicking the mouse. Here are the components found in most
- of QuikMenu's dialog boxes.
- Text Box A place to enter information such as file names, dates,
- page titles, etc. You'll find a description of what's
- needed next to each text box (for example, "Page Title" in
- the Page Title dialog box). Some dialog boxes contain more
- than one text box. In that case, you can click the mouse on
- the field you want to change or use the Tab or Up and Down
- arrow keys to move around.
- Check Button Tells QuikMenu to activate or deactivate the option
- described in the text next to the button. You can select
- this option either by clicking the mouse on the button or
- holding down the Alt key and pressing the underlined
- letter. The option is active when an "X" or"diamond"
- appears in the box, inactive when the box is blank.
- List Box Allows you to select from a group of options, such as file
- names or page titles. The item with the dotted border
- around it represents the currently active item. If the list
- contains file names a solid bar across the top of the list
- box shows you which drive and directory is currently
- active. Choose a different item by using the Up and Down
- arrow keys along with the Page Up, Page Down and Home and
- End keys. When the dotted border surrounds the item you
- want, press Enter to select it. To advance directly to
- items beginning with a specific letter, simply type the
- letter and QuikMenu finds the first item in the list that
- starts with that letter. Continue pressing the letter to
- view the next item and so on. You may also use the mouse to
- scroll through the list and select an item. Clicking the up
- arrow and down arrow buttons will move the window one item
- at a time. Clicking and dragging the scroll button up or
- down allows you to scroll quickly through the list. You can
- also scroll one page at a time by clicking the shaded area
- between the up or down arrow buttons and the scroll button.
- Command Button A command button performs the command described inside the
- button.You will frequently use command buttons to exit a
- dialog box. Activate a command button by pressing the key
- shown in the button or clicking the button with the mouse.
- ------------------
- The Modify command is used to add, edit, copy, size, move or delete menu
- items. In this mode, you may also change page titles, screen colors,
- passwords and change how you interact with QuikMenu. Before you can begin
- modifying the menu, however, you must first select the Modify option
- (Alt/M) from the command buttons at the top of the screen. This selection
- tells QuikMenu you want to change the appearance of your menu.If the Modify
- command is password protected (see Setup below), you will be prompted to
- enter the correct password before continuing.If the password has been typed
- correctly, you will see the Modify screen; otherwise, an error message will
- appear.
- When you add an item to QuikMenu, it will appear on the screen in the form
- of a button. It's far easier to select a button by pressing a single key
- or clicking the mouse than it is to remember and type a long series of DOS
- commands. Buttons can greatly simplify large, complex tasks and make
- computing easier for novices and experts alike.The Add command at the top
- of the screen allows you to add new buttons to your menu. Once the Add
- (Alt/A) command is selected, a dialog box will appear. Choose the type of
- button you want to create. Each type is described is more detail below.
- Software Buttons allow you to run programs, format disks, backup
- directories and perform other tasks. For example, a typical QuikMenu user
- might create a Software Button called WordPerfect to represent their word
- processing software. The button makes loading WordPerfect as easy as
- pressing a single key or clicking the mouse. Other Software Buttons might
- be used to format new diskettes, activate a telecommunication package or
- run a batch file.Basically, anything that can be done with DOS can be done
- quicker and easier with a Software Button.
- If you selected Software Button from the Add dialog box, you will see a
- screen with the following options:
- This is where you will enter information about the program you want added
- to your menu.
- Speed Key
- This is the key on your keyboard that will be used to activate the Software
- Button. Valid choices are the letters A through Z, numbers 0 through 9 and
- characters: @ # $ & * ( ) + { } [ ] : ; ? ! / | \" ^ - _ ~ . , < > = ` '.
- QuikMenu automatically assigns speed keys to each software button it
- creates during the install procedure. If you like, you can change any of
- those assignments to something else. For example, you may want to assign
- W as your word processor speed key. Each speed key letter on a page must
- be unique. Even if you decide not to use or display the speed keys (see
- Setup below), you must still assign a key for each button.
- Name
- This is the text that will appear inside the software button when it's
- displayed on the screen. The text entered here has no effect on the
- operation of the software, so you may type virtually anything you like.
- Keep in mind, however, that the text should describe what the button does
- - usually the name of the program or DOS option that the button will
- activate.
- You can instruct QuikMenu to display the button text as multiple lines by
- using a tilde (~) character to represent line breaks. For example,
- My~Word Processing~Program
- Location
- The location is the drive and directory where the program or DOS option is
- located. If you're a typical computer user, most of your programs are
- located in separate areas on the hard drive known as directories. Each
- directory contains a number of related files, one of which is usually used
- to activate the overall program. For example, the file used to run
- WordPerfect 5.1 is WP.EXE and is normally located in the WP51 directory on
- the C: drive. Therefore, WordPerfect's location would be C:\WP51.TIP: Using
- the F5=List Programs option is the easiest way to fill in the Location and
- Command fields. This method eliminates the need to remember and type a
- location and command (see List Programs below).
- Command
- This is the command that DOS uses to activate the program or DOS option.
- For example, if you normally load your word processor by typing WP at the
- DOS prompt (C:\), then enter WP here. Your software reference manual or
- your DOS manual is the best place to find this information (see List
- Programs below).
- If you want to automatically load a document, macro or some other file with
- the program, type the file's name at the end of the command line. For
- example, to load a document into WordPerfect named MEMO.LTR, located in the
- C:\FILES directory, type:
- You may also include any command line options, parameters or switches
- required to make the program work. There are also a number of other options
- that can be added to the command line that make QuikMenu very powerful.
- User Input
- Placing a pair of [ ] brackets on the command line with a question between
- them will prompt you whenever the button is activated. For example, a
- command like:
- CHKDSK [Which Drive?]
- will prompt you with the question "Which Drive?" each time you activate the
- Check Disk button. Your response, if any, is then passed along to the
- CHKDSK program. You can even place multiple questions on the same command
- line. For example:
- CHKDSK [Which Drive?] [Options?]
- QuikMenu questions can even include an optional default answer. Users can
- then easily select the default response by simply pressing Enter when the
- question appears. Answers are indicated by placing a caret (^) symbol
- inside the [ ] brackets. For example, to establish A: drive as the default
- choice for the FORMAT button, use the command:
- FORMAT [Which Drive?^A:]
- Everything between the caret (^) and the closing bracket (]) becomes the
- default choice. Selecting a File You can also have the prompt display a
- list of files to choose from, simply by putting an equal sign (=) inside
- the [ ] brackets. For example, a command like:
- WP [Which File?=C:\FILES\*.DOC]
- allows you to choose from a list of files in the C:\FILES directory that
- have the extension DOC. The *.DOC is a standard directory mask used by DOS
- to display only certain types of files. See your DOS manual for more
- information about masks. By using two equal signs (==) instead of one, you
- can search for files across an entire drive. For example, a command like:
- WP [Which File?==C:\*.DOC]
- will find every file with the DOC extension on C: drive, regardless of
- which directory it's in. If you use the equal sign (=) or the double equal
- sign (==) without a mask, the List Files box will display only executable
- program files (*.BAT, *.EXE and *.COM). For example:
- [Select a Program=]
- Three equal signs (===) will display a dialog box that allows you to select
- only drives and directories. For example:
- [Path?===C:\]
- You may also combine the above examples and even place questions within
- questions. For example:
- WP [Select a File=C:\FILES\[Type of File?]]
- Advanced Options
- There's even more you can do with the command line. QuikMenu includes
- several command line options that you can use to insure a program doesn't
- run without advance warning or confirmation. Place these commands inside
- the [ ] brackets, followed by a comma, and then the message you want to see
- on the screen.
- Usage: [x,message] x=one of the options below:
- Option/Title What it does
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- A (Alert) Displays a dialog box containing message and waits for the
- user to press Enter before continuing.
- C (Confirm) Displays a dialog box containing message and waits for the
- user to press Enter to continue the operation or Esc to
- cancel. Pressing Esc halts execution of the command line.
- D (Delay) Displays a dialog box containing message and waits
- approximately 5 seconds before continuing. You can
- optionally change the delay interval by placing a number
- after the D option. Usage: [D,n,message] where n = a number
- of milliseconds between 1 and 32000. Delay time vary
- according to CPU speed.
- Q (Query) Displays a dialog box containing message, up to 8 user
- defined buttons and a Cancel button. User defined buttons
- are separated by(|) characters and placed at the end of the
- message text. Usage: [Q,message|Button1|Button2|Button8]
- The Cancel button is added automatically by QuikMenu. When
- a user selects one of the buttons,the text inside that
- button is placed on the command line and passed to DOS as
- a parameter.
- The Alert (A) option can be handy for warning users when something is about
- to happen. For example, a command like:
- FORMAT A: [A,Place a diskette in drive A!]
- will prompt you with the message "Place a diskette in drive A!" each time
- you activate the FORMAT button. You can also place multiple commands on the
- same line. For example:
- FORMAT [Which Drive?^A:] [A,Place a diskette in drive %1!]
- The %1 tells QuikMenu to insert the response from the first question.
- Similarly, you can use the Confirm (C) option to give users the choice of
- continuing or canceling a QuikMenu function. For example,a command like:
- WP [C,Do you want to use word processing?]
- will display a dialog box with the message "Do you want to use word
- processing?" each time the user selects the word processing button.
- If you want to briefly delay the activation of a selected program button,
- you can use the Delay (D) option. For example:
- WP [D,WordPerfect will appear shortly...]
- will display the message "Wordperfect will appear shortly..." and after a
- brief delay activate the WP program. You can optionally change delay time
- placing a number after the (D) option and before the message. The delay
- interval can be any number between 1 and 32000. For example:
- WP [D,800,WordPerfect will appear shortly...]
- A more advanced command line option gives you an elegant way of allowing
- users to select from multiple options for programs and batch files. The
- Query (Q) option, displays a dialog box prompting the user with a multiple
- choice question. For example, the command:
- MYFORMAT [Q,Disk type to format?|1.2MB|360K]
- will display a dialog box containing the question "Disk type to format?"
- along with three buttons for the user to choose from. Two of the buttons
- are found in the command line separated by (|) characters (i.e. "1.2MB" and
- "360K"), the third ("Cancel") is added automatically by QuikMenu. The text
- inside the button selected by the user will be passed to the specified
- program as a parameter. Selecting "Cancel" returns the user to the QuikMenu
- screen. In our example above, the program MYFORMAT is a batch file
- containing the following commands:
- IF %1 == 1.2MB FORMAT A:
- IF %1 == 360K FORMAT A: /4
- Viewing and Editing Text Files
- There is also an option you can use on the command line for viewing ASCII
- text files. For example, to view your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, use the command:
- Another command line option built into QuikMenu allows you to create and
- edit simple ASCII text files. For example, to edit your CONFIG.SYS file,
- use the command:
- You can even use the @VIEW and @EDIT options with other command line
- functions. For example:
- @VIEW=[View what?=C:\*.*]
- Special Options
- To run a program without returning to QuikMenu, place the !BYE option at
- the end of the command line. For example, to run a hard drive parking
- utility, use the command:
- Normally, when QuikMenu activates a software application, it does so by
- loading a temporary DOS command shell. The command shell typically requires
- between 2 and 6K of RAM. This method is very reliable and always assures
- that QuikMenu is reloaded after an application is terminated. There may be
- instances, however, when a DOS shell interferes with certain functions,
- such as loading and removing TSR's (Terminate and Stay Resident programs)
- or programs that require a large DOS environment space. The !NOSHELL option
- allows QuikMenu to run applications without invoking a DOS command shell.
- For example, to load WordPerfect using !NOSHELL:
- WP [File to Edit?=C:\FILES\*.WP5] !NOSHELL
- If this option is used when running batch files, you will need to use ONE
- of the following procedures to return to QuikMenu after the batch file is
- finished:
- 1. Place the DOS CALL option before the name of the batch file in the
- software button's command line. For example:
- -OR-
- 2. Include commands for returning to QuikMenu at the end of the batch file.
- For example:
- C:
- QM
- Multiple DOS Commands
- You can chain several DOS commands together by placing a tilde (~)
- character between them on the command line. For example, the command:
- will load a screen capture utility, run WordPerfect and then unload the
- screen capture utility. NOTE: When used with multiple commands the !NOSHELL
- option affects all the commands.
- List Programs
- (F5) This is an alternative method for filling in the Location and Command
- fields. Selecting this option displays a dialog box containing an
- alphabetical list of all the drives, subdirectories and programs (*.BAT,
- *.COM and *.EXE) installed on your system.Drives, directories and program
- files each appear with a different icon symbol to the left of the item.
- Selecting a directory, such as LEARN, displays a list of all program files
- within that directory. Selecting the parent directory (..), moves you up
- one level in the directory tree, while the (\) symbol takes you all the way
- back to the root directory of the current drive. If there are more files
- and directories than will fit in the list box, use the scroll buttons to
- bring additional items into view (see Chapter 2: Using QuikMenu).
- Find
- (Alt/F) Allows you to change what type of files will be displayed in the
- List Programs window.You may use any standard DOS file name specifications;
- for example,the wild card options * and ?, parts of filenames, parts of
- extensions or even full file names. Leave the Directory mask field blank
- to display only *.BAT, *.COM and *.EXE files (this is the default). Select
- the Search Entire Drive option (Alt/S) to locate files regardless of which
- directory they're in.
- Once you have found the drive and directory where your program resides, use
- the arrow keys to highlight the appropriate file name. Press the Enter key
- to insert the information into the Software Button's Location and Command
- fields. If you have a mouse, simply click the file name to insert it. To
- cancel this option, select the Cancel button or press Esc.
- Password
- (F7) Allows you to prevent unauthorized users from running and/or modifying
- a button. If you use this feature, be sure to remember your password. A
- forgotten password means the button cannot be activated and/or edited
- again.
- Style
- (F9) Lets you change the appearance of the Software Button. You can control
- four different aspects of a button's appearance: Shape, Color, Font and
- Alignment. QuikMenu's default values will automatically take care of the
- button style if you do not make any of these selections. QuikMenu contains
- several predefined button shapes for you to choose from. To change the
- button shape press the Page Up and Page Down keys on your keyboard. If you
- have a mouse click the Prev and Next buttons. A preview of the new button
- shape, as well as its color and font, will appear in the large window in
- the center of the Style dialog box.
- Color
- (Alt/C) Allows you to choose separate colors for the Fill (Alt/F) area
- inside the button, the Text (Alt/T) inside the button and the Border
- (Alt/B) around the perimeter of the button. NOTE: If you have a monochrome
- monitor, your choices are limited since colors will appear as black, white
- or 50% gray.
- Font
- (Alt/F) Gives you a selection of fonts or type styles to choose from.
- Select a font from the F5=List Fonts box and then change the point size
- with the Up and Down arrow keys. You can preview the font in the window
- next to the Size box.
- Alignment
- (Alt/A) Lets you position text in the button either to the Left(Alt/L), in
- the Center (Alt/C) or to the Right (Alt/R).
- Pause
- (Alt/P) Select this option if you want the program to pause after it's
- finished and prompt you with a "Strike any key when ready..." message. This
- is extremely helpful when running a program that displays information on
- the screen and then terminates, causing QuikMenu to clear the screen before
- you've had a chance to read it.
- Ask For File
- (Alt/A) Inserts a question ([Select A File-*.*]) into the Command field
- requesting QuikMenu to display a list of files whenever this button is
- activated. The default directory mask is *.*, but can be changed to
- anything you like. For example, changing the mask to*.WK? will display a
- list of Lotus 123 worksheets. (See Command above.)
- Editor
- (F2) Starts QuikMenu's Batch Editor and automatically loads or creates any
- batch file found at the beginning of the command line. QuikMenu's Batch
- Editor allows you to create and/or modify simple ASCII text files. File
- width is limited to 128 characters and file length is limited by the amount
- of available RAM. The Text Editor recognizes the following keyboard
- commands:
- Keyboard Command What it does
- -------------------------------------------------
- Up Arrow Up one line
- Down Arrow Down one line
- Left Arrow Left one character
- Right Arrow Right one character
- Page Up Up one screen
- Page Down Down one screen
- Home Beginning of line
- End End of line
- Control/Home Top of file
- Control/End End of file
- Tab Insert 5 spaces
- Insert Toggle insert/overwrite
- Control/T Erase current line
- Control/Y Delete line
- Enter Insert a line (insert mode)
- Delete Delete character right
- Backspace Delete character left
- Alt/S Save and continue editing
- Esc or Alt/D Save and exit
- After you have completed your modifications, choose the Done command
- (Alt/D) from the top of the screen. You will be asked if you want to save
- the changes. If the file already exists, you will also be asked if you want
- to replace it or save the changes under a new name. Backup files (*.BAK)
- will NOT be created in either circumstance.
- Positioning The Software Button
- Once you've selected ENTER=OK, QuikMenu gives you an opportunity to
- position the Software Button on the menu. The question "Where do you want
- to place this item?" appears at the top of the screen. The new button has
- a marquee-type moving border, indicating it is not yet permanently
- positioned. Position the button by using the arrow keys on your keyboard
- or by moving the mouse. To move the button to another page, press the Page
- Up or Page Down keys until the desired page appears on the screen. To
- anchor the button, press Enter or click the mouse. You can always move the
- button again with the Move command below.
- Page Buttons are used to move between pages within a menu. For example,
- page one might contain a button labeled "Games" which is linked to page
- five. Page five might contain several items related to game software as
- well as a "Go Back" button for returning to page one.
- Select the Add command (Alt/A) from the top of the screen. Next, select
- Page Button (Alt/P) and a dialog box with the following options appears:
- Speed Key
- This is the key on your keyboard that will be used to activate the Page
- Button. QuikMenu automatically assigns a speed key for you. However, you
- can change it as long as the speed key is not used more than once per page.
- Valid choices are the letters A through Z, numbers 0 through 9 and the
- characters: @ # $ & * ( ) + { } [ ] :; ? ! / | \ " ^ - _ ~ . , < > = ` '.
- (See Adding Software Buttons above.)
- Name
- This is the text that will appear inside the Page Button when it's
- displayed on the screen. The text entered here has no effect on what page
- the button is actually linked to, so you can type virtually anything you
- like. Keep in mind, however, that the text should describe what will happen
- when the button is selected. (See List Pages below.)
- As with Software Buttons, you can instruct QuikMenu to display the Name
- text as multiple lines by using a tilde (~) character to represent line
- breaks (see Adding Software Buttons above).
- Link To Which Page Number
- Type the number of the page you want to link with this button. Valid page
- numbers are 1 to 40. (See List Pages below.) If you place an asterisk (*)
- in this field instead of a page number, the button will always return to
- the previous page regardless of it's position in the menu.
- List Pages
- This serves as an alternative method for filling in the Name and Link To
- Page Number fields above. Selecting this option displays a dialog box
- containing a list of page titles for all 40 QuikMenu pages. Press the Up
- or Down arrow keys to reach the page title you want and press Enter. You
- may also select a page by clicking on its title with the mouse. The name
- and number information will be automatically entered into the appropriate
- fields in the Page Button dialog box.
- Style
- Use the Style option to select the color, font and alignment choices to
- represent the page link on the menu. (See Adding Software Buttons above.)
- Positioning The Page Button
- Once you've selected ENTER=OK, QuikMenu gives you an opportunity to
- position the Page Button on the menu. The question "Where do you want to
- place this item?" appears at the top of the screen. The new button has a
- marquee-type moving border indicating it is not yet permanently positioned.
- Position the button by using the arrow keys on your keyboard or by moving
- the mouse. To move the button to another page, press the Page Up or Page
- Down keys until the desired page appears on the screen. To anchor the
- button, press Enter or click the mouse button.
- The Edit option allows you to change the appearance and behavior of a
- button. After selecting the Edit command, the question "Which item do you
- want to edit?" will appear at the top of the screen. Select the button you
- want to change by typing its speed key (i.e.,the letter W if the button
- label is W=WordPerfect) or clicking the button with the mouse. A dialog box
- like the one used to create the item will appear. You can now change any
- of the options or fields. When you're finished, select ENTER=OK to save
- your changes. (See Adding Items To The Menu above.)
- Use the Copy command to make a duplicate of an existing button. Copied
- buttons can be placed anywhere on the current page or even moved to another
- page. This is handy when you want to place the same button on several
- different pages. To copy a button, select the Copy command (Alt/C) from the
- top of the screen. Next, select a button by typing its speed key or
- clicking the button with the mouse. Position the button using the arrow
- keys on your keyboard or by moving the mouse. To copy the button to another
- page, press the Page Up or Page Down keys until the desired page appears
- on the screen. To anchor the button, press Enter or click the mouse.
- The Move command allows you to change the position of a button. To move a
- button, select the Move command (Alt/M) from the top of the screen. Next,
- select a button by typing its speed key or by clicking it with the mouse.
- Position the button using the arrow keys or by moving the mouse. To move
- the button to another page, press the Page Up or Page Down keys until the
- desired page appears on the screen. To anchor the button, press Enter or
- click the mouse.
- TIP: From the Modify mode, you can also move a button simply by typing the
- button's speed key or by clicking the button with the mouse.
- The Size option lets you change the dimensions of a button. If you have a
- mouse, simply click the mouse on the size handle that appears in the lower
- right corner of each button. Then drag the mouse until the button is
- resized to your desired proportions and click the mouse. Using the
- keyboard, select Size (Alt/Z) from the commands at the top of the screen.
- The question "Which item do you want to size?" appears. Select a button by
- typing its speed key or clicking it with the mouse. Next, another question
- appears at the top of the screen: "How do you want to size this button?"
- You'll also see amoving marquee border around the button. Use the arrow
- keys or move the mouse until the button is resized to your satisfaction.
- To anchor the button, press Enter or click the mouse. NOTE: QuikMenu won't
- allow you to size the button smaller than the space needed to display the
- button's text.
- Use the Delete command to remove unwanted buttons from your menu.Select
- Delete (Alt/L) from the top of the screen. You will be asked: "Which item
- do you want to delete?" Respond by typing the button's speed key or by
- clicking the button with the mouse. You will then be asked if you're
- absolutely certain you want to delete the button. Press Enter to delete it
- or Esc to cancel.
- The Title command allows you to assign menu headings for each of QuikMenu's
- 40 pages. Menu titles appear at the top of each page and may contain up to
- 40 characters. This allows you to identify your menu screens with
- descriptive names like "DOS Commands," "Games,""Sally's Programs", "ACME
- Supply Co." or whatever. When you select the Title command (Alt/T), a
- dialog box will appear with the title of the current page already
- displayed. To change the title, backspace over the existing text and type
- the new title. You can also change the title of other pages by pressing the
- Page Up or Page Down keys until the desired title appears in the text
- field. The number of the affected page is displayed at the top of the
- dialog box.
- The Protect command allows you to protect an entire page with a unique
- password. In this way, unauthorized users can be prevented from accessing
- or even viewing selected pages. All pages except the first page may be
- protected. To use the Protect command, go to the page you want to protect
- using the Page Up and Page Down keys. From the Modify mode, select the
- Protect command (Alt/P) from the top of the screen. Enter your password in
- the text field and press Enter. To remove a password, press Backspace until
- the text field is empty.
- The Setup option provides you with the ability to personalize many features
- of QuikMenu. You can use Setup to change the background color, set the date
- and time, change the mouse speed, password protect many QuikMenu functions,
- set the Time Log and tell the Dialer where to find your modem. Screen When
- you select the Screen command, QuikMenu displays a dialog box with a number
- of options.Color (Alt/C) Changes the color of the selected QuikMenu item.
- To select an item, choose the F5=List button. A dialog box will appear
- containing a list of interface elements, such as the menu background,
- command buttons, dialog boxes, etc., that can be colorized. Scroll down the
- list using the arrow keys or the mouse until the desired item is
- highlighted. Press Enter or click the item with the mouse. Next, select a
- color by pressing Alt/O or Shift/Alt/O until the desired color is
- highlighted or click one of the colors with the mouse. Repeat for each item
- you wish to modify.
- Use PCX Image
- If you have any PCX graphics files created by draw or paint programs, you
- can use one of those files as your menu background. These files are stored
- on your disk with a .PCX extension. Select this option if you want to use
- such a file. See Choose File below.
- NOTE: This option requires expanded memory.
- Choose File
- (Alt/F) Lets you see a list of .PCX files (if any) on your computer system.
- Use the arrow keys to select a file and press Enter or click the file name
- with the mouse.
- Default
- (Alt/D) Lets you set all your screen color selections back to the original
- default values.
- Sound Effects
- (Alt/S) QuikMenu occasionally emits audible beeps and tones in response to
- certain menu actions. If you'd prefer not to hear them, simply turn this
- option off.
- Confirm Applications
- (Alt/C) Requests a confirmation (Yes/No) before running a program. Confirm
- also affects the DOS and Exit commands. A confirmation helps prevent you
- from accidentally activating an item you did not intend to use. This option
- has no effect on Page Buttons and is superseded by some password settings.
- 3-D Interface
- (Alt/I) Allows QuikMenu's three-dimensional interface to be turned off
- (this is the default for monochrome systems). This is handy if you are
- using QuikMenu on an older computer system. 3-D interfaces are generally
- more complex and, therefore, appear to run slower on some systems.
- Display Speed Keys
- (Alt/D) Allows the speed key character in front of the button text to be
- turned off. All speed keys remain fully functional; the only difference is
- that they are not displayed.
- Display Grid
- (Alt/G) Displays a visible grid to use as a reference when positioning and
- sizing buttons on the menu.
- Snap To Grid
- (Alt/N) Automatically snaps buttons to the grid when positioning and sizing
- them on the menu. The grid does not have to be visible to use this feature.
- Password
- The Password function is used to prevent unauthorized users from running
- the DOS Shell, modifying the menu, viewing the Time Log, using the File
- Manager and leaving QuikMenu. (To protect individual programs, see Adding
- Items To The Menu above. To protect individual pages, see Password
- Protecting Pages above.)
- Setting Up Passwords
- Select the Password command (Alt/P) from the Setup dialog box. Select the
- command you want to protect by using the F5=List option. You'll see a list
- of QuikMenu options that can be password protected. Use the arrow keys to
- select a option or click your choice with the mouse. Your selection will
- appear in the box next to the List option. Type your password in the text
- field. Select Hide This Button (Alt/H) if you do not want the button to
- display on the menu. Hidden command buttons cannot be accessed via the
- mouse. Keyboard access, however, is still available. Functions that are to
- have restricted access should also be password protected. Some commands
- cannot be hidden, others cannot be protected. The options available vary
- according to the command you select from the List Options box. For example,
- if a command cannot be password protected, the Password entry box will not
- be visible. If you use this feature, be sure to remember your passwords.
- A forgotten password means you will not be able to access the protected
- options.
- NOTE: If you hide the Modify button it can be activated by pressing ALT/M.
- Screen Blank
- The Screen Blank function lets you choose an option that displays if no
- keyboard or mouse activity occurs after a specified number of minutes. This
- screen-saver helps to protect your monitor if you leave your QuikMenu
- screen unattended for periods of time.
- NOTE: The screen blanker only works while you are in QuikMenu, not in other
- programs.
- Selecting A Screen Blank Option
- Select Screen Blank (Alt/B) from the Setup command dialog box. Next, select
- one of the screen blank options from the list by pressing the Alt key and
- the underlined letter in the option name. One option, Screen Shuffle
- (Alt/S), requires a choice of Small (Alt/F), Medium (Alt/M) or Large
- (Alt/L). Screen Shuffle displays a continuously overlapping series of
- rectangles on the screen. Your choice of Small, Medium or Large determines
- the size of the rectangles.
- Preview
- You can see how each screen blank option looks on your screen before you
- finalize your decision. Select Preview (Alt/P) to view a sample. The
- preview will stay on the screen until you move the mouse or press a key.
- Return to the screen to either change your selection or confirm it by
- selecting Enter.
- Interval
- Use the Interval option to enter how many minutes should elapse before the
- Screen Blank option is activated. Backspace (if necessary) over the
- existing number and type your selection. Enter a 0 (zero) here to turn the
- screen saver off.
- Date/Time
- (Alt/T) This is probably as simple as it appears, much like setting a
- digital watch. Backspace (if necessary) over the existing numbers and type
- the new information. Press the Tab key to move to the next field. Indicate
- whether the time is AM (Alt/A) or PM (Alt/P). Also,indicate whether you are
- using a 12-Hour or 24-Hour clock by clicking on the Hour option (Alt/H).
- NOTE: This function may not work correctly on some PC's and XT's since
- there is no standard among clock cards used by these machines. In any
- event, the worst that could happen is that your computer will forget the
- time when it's turned off.
- Log
- The Time Log option (Alt/L) allows you to turn the time log on or off and
- to change the name of the log file. The default name for the log file is
- QM.LOG. The information in the Time Log can be accessed via the Log command
- button in the Utility menu. The Log may be password protected (see Password
- above.)
- Mouse
- Use this option (Alt/M) to adjust the sensitivity of your mouse. The higher
- the setting, the less desk space you'll need to move the mouse across the
- screen.
- Dialer
- (Alt/D) If you're using a Hayes compatible modem, you can use this option
- to tell QuikMenu which port it's attached to by selecting the appropriate
- COM button (Com1 or Com2). If you have a modem, but you're not sure which
- port it's using, there is a general rule of thumb: if you don't have a
- mouse, your modem is probably on Com1, and if you do have a mouse, your
- modem is probably on Com2. You may also need to tell QuikMenu whether your
- telephone company expects a Pulse or Tone type phone.
- NOTE: The Com2 option in QuikMenu will allow access to some modems on Com3
- or Com4, but not all.
- Palette (VGA color only)
- (Alt/E) If you have a VGA monitor, you can modify the palette of colors
- that QuikMenu uses to display your menu on the screen. For example, if you
- find that red isn't quite red enough, you can easily adjust it. The palette
- command allows you to change the percentages of cyan, magenta and yellow
- that compose each color. Select a color to modify by clicking one of the
- color boxes with the mouse or by pressing ALT/O or Shift/Alt/O. Next, click
- the (+)or (-) buttons next to the desired color control with the mouse.
- Using the keyboard press Alt/C or Shift/Alt/C for Cyan, Alt/M or
- Shift/Alt/M for Magenta, Alt/Y or Shift/Alt/Y for Yellow or Alt/B or
- Shift/Alt/B for Brightness. The percentage of color is indicated by the
- graph and numeric value next to the (+) button. The Brightness control adds
- (+) or subtracts (-) equal amounts from Cyan, Magenta and Yellow
- simultaneously.If your new QuikMenu colors, you can restore the original
- settings by selecting the Default button (Alt/D).
- NOTE: Color changes appear only while in QuikMenu and should not interfere
- with other programs.
- Mail (Networks only)
- (Alt/A) Select the Check Mailbox Continuously option if you want QuikMenu
- to check your mailbox every 10 seconds while QuikMenu is on the screen. You
- will be notified of new mail arrivals as they occur. If this option is
- turned off QuikMenu will only check your mailbox when: 1.) you first start
- QuikMenu, 2.) after running a program or DOS option or 3.) when you
- manually activate the Mail command from the Utilities menu. You can also
- specify a directory where QuikMenu will send and receive mail.NOTE:
- The Mail directory must be the same for all users accessing the Mail
- feature. The directory must be accessible to all users and all users must
- have Read, Write and Delete privileges in the directory.
- To exit Modify, choose Done (Alt/D). QuikMenu returns to the Main menu
- screen.
- ----------------------
- The File Manager is a powerful tool that makes it possible to perform many
- common DOS function without ever leaving QuikMenu. File Manager's graphical
- interface makes copying, moving, renaming and even deleting files easy. You
- can also create, copy, move and delete directories, view and print ASCII
- text files and display information about files, directories and drives. The
- Find option allows you to search for a specific file or group of files
- across an entire drive. These files can then be copied, moved, renamed or
- even deleted as easily as if they were all in the same directory.
- The File Manager is activated by selecting the File command (Alt/F) from
- the command list at the top of the screen. A dialog box containing the
- following options will appear:
- Path Box
- You can think of the path as a navigational aid, always pointing to your
- current location. The path consists of the current disk drive (i.e., A:,
- B:, C:, etc.) followed by the name of the current directory and the
- directory mask. QuikMenu's directory mask is exactly like the ones used by
- DOS' Dir, Copy and Del commands (see Find below).
- Directory Window
- This is the window through which you view and manipulate your disk drives,
- directories and files. Drives, directories, executable files and text files
- each appear with a different icon symbol to the left of the item name.
- Scroll Bar
- Often times a list of files will be larger than the space available in the
- Directory Window. QuikMenu's scroll bars allow you to quickly and easily
- move through large groups of files. (See Chapter 2: Using QuikMenu, for
- more information about scroll bars.)
- Command Buttons
- The Command Buttons are the controls used to operate the File Manager.
- These options affect only the files and directories that are currently
- selected (see Selecting Files and Directories below).
- Item Selector
- The dotted rectangle marks the currently selected item. To select another
- item, move the selector using the arrow keys or click the desired item with
- the mouse.
- Most File Manager options permit you to work with individual as well as
- multiple files. Before selecting a command option, you must first tell the
- File Manager which file or files you want the command to affect. The File
- Manager provides several methods for selecting files.
- A selected file will appear highlighted with white letters on a black
- background. If nothing has been highlighted, then the file inside the item
- selector is considered to be selected.
- Using The Keyboard
- Use the Up and Down arrow keys to move the item selector to the desired
- file. To change drives or directories, move the selector to any item with
- the drive or directory icon symbol (as illustrated above) and press Enter.
- To select multiple files or directories, hold down the Shift key and press
- Enter.
- Using The Mouse
- Position the mouse cursor over the desired file and click the mouse button.
- To change drives or directories, click twice on any item with a drive or
- directory icon symbol (as illustrated above). To select multiple files or
- directories, hold down the mouse button and drag the mouse over the desired
- items. To select multiple blocks of files or directories that are not
- contiguous to one another, hold down the Shift key and drag the mouse over
- each block of items you want to select.
- To select all files in the current window, press the Space Bar or click the
- Path Box at the top of the Directory Window.
- You can reverse the display order in the Directory Window so that files are
- listed before directories and drives. Simply click the mouse on the
- asterisk (*) button in the Path Box at the top of the list or press the
- asterisk key on your keyboard. A second click reverses the order once
- again.
- To advance the item selector directly to files or directories beginning
- with a specific letter, just type the desired letter or character. For
- example, if you type an "E", QuikMenu advances the item selector to the
- next item starting with E. Continue pressing the letter to scroll through
- all the items beginning with the selected character.
- Launching A Program
- QuikMenu allows you to launch, or activate a program, right from the File
- Manager window. Program, or executable, files are those that end with the
- extensions .COM, .BAT or .EXE. For example, WordPerfect uses the file
- WP.EXE.To launch a program, place the item selector over the executable
- file for the program you want to run. Next, press Enter or click the file
- name with the mouse. The Launch A Program screen will appear showing the
- current directory (Location) and the selected file name (Command). At this
- point you may change the Location and add any command line options required
- to make the program work. Select the Pause option if you want to wait for
- a keystroke after you exit the program. To launch the program press Enter
- or click the Ok button.
- Copy
- (Alt/C) This command is used to copy selected files and directories. When
- activating this command, a dialog box will prompt you to choose a drive and
- directory to copy the files to. As with DOS' Copy command, if the
- destination contains a file with the same name as the file you are copying,
- it will be overwritten by the new file. However, QuikMenu will ask your
- permission before overwriting any existing files.
- Move
- (Alt/M) The Move command is used to move selected files and directories.
- When activating this command, a dialog box will prompt you to choose a
- drive and directory to move the files to. As with many DOS commands, if the
- destination contains a file with the same name as the file you are moving,
- it will be overwritten by the new file. However, QuikMenu will ask your
- permission to overwrite the existing file or files before proceeding.
- Rename
- (Alt/R) Used to change the name of a file. When used with multiple files,
- you will be prompted to enter a new name for each selected file. You cannot
- use Rename to change the name of a directory.
- Delete
- (Alt/D) The Delete command is used to erase selected files or directories.
- Delete can even remove directories that contain files or other directories.
- Remember, the Delete command can be extremely destructive if not used with
- care. As with Copy and Move, QuikMenu asks your permission before deleting
- anything.
- Mk Dir
- (Alt/K) The Mk Dir command is used to create a new directory or
- subdirectory. This is similar to DOS' Make Directory (MD) command.
- Ch Dir
- (Alt/H) This command is used to change the currently active directory. You
- can also change directories by selecting them from the Directory Window
- (see Selecting Files and Directories above).
- Info
- (Alt/I) This option displays valuable information about files, drives and
- directories. For drives, Info shows you the total size, bytes
- used/available and a bar graph showing the percent of used and available
- space. For directories and files, Info shows you their size and the
- date/time they were last modified. You can also modify attributes for files
- (i.e. Archive, System, Read Only and Hidden).If you've selected multiple
- items, QuikMenu shows you the collective size and characteristics of the
- entire group.
- View
- (Alt/V) Used to view and print ASCII text files. Selecting the View command
- replaces the File Manager with a full screen text window. Use the Page Up,
- Page Down, Home and End keys to view the file. You can also scroll with the
- mouse using the text window's scroll bar. To send the file to a printer,
- select the Print command (Alt/P) from the top of the screen. The default
- printer connection in QuikMenu is LPT1. To change the default setting,
- enter the name of the desired port in the text field (i.e. LPT1, LPT2,
- etc.) Make sure your printer is on-line and loaded with paper. Then select
- ENTER=Print from the print dialog box. You can also send the file to the
- Batch Editor by selecting the Edit command (Alt/E). See the Editor
- discussion in Chapter 3: Modifying The Menu. When you have finished viewing
- the file, choose the Done command(Alt/D) or press Esc.
- Find
- When you want to find a file but can't remember where it's located, you can
- use QuikMenu's Find command (Alt/F). This is one of QuikMenu's most
- powerful features. The Find command uses simple DOS wild card characters
- (*,?) to search for individual files or groups of files that have related
- file names and/or extensions. Searches can be restricted to the current
- directory or expanded to include an entire drive. This is a very unique and
- handy option since it allows similar files to be placed into one Directory
- Window, regardless of their location. You can then select items and perform
- any File Manager function.
- Directory Mask
- Displays certain types of files or groups of files with similar names
- and/or extensions. To search for groups of related files, you can use
- standard DOS wild card characters (*,?). For example, you could display
- only those files with the extension .BAT by entering *.BAT in this field.
- To find all files, use *.* (this is the default). Only files that match the
- criteria you specify will be displayed in the Directory Window.
- Search Entire Drive
- Applies the search criteria across the entire drive. Turn this option off
- to search only the current directory.
- To end your session with the File Manager, select the Done command with the
- mouse or press Esc.
- -------------------
- QuikMenu's Utility Command offers you a host of features that make it
- easier for you to perform many office functions right from your computer.
- You no longer have to run separate programs to send electronic mail
- (networks only), jot down a quick reminder or check a phone number.
- QuikMenu lets you access these options - and more- in a single program.
- This chapter explains how to use the options available in the QuikMenu
- Utility menu.
- To access the Utility menu, select the Utility command from the top of the
- screen by pressing the Alt key and the letter "U" or by clicking the button
- with the mouse.
- QuikMenu provides a useful on-screen calculator so you can perform some
- quick arithmetic while you're on the phone or in the middle of a project.
- From the Utility menu, select the Calculator option (Alt/C). Your screen
- automatically turns into a full-size calculator complete with a running
- tape that shows what you've entered.
- The calculator works on the same principle as a standard desk calculator.
- Use the keypad and action keys (add, subtract, multiply, divide) as you
- normally would. The "C" key clears the current calculations. Use the Mem
- Recall (Alt/R), Mem Save (Alt/S) and Mem Clear (Alt/C) keys to recall, save
- and clear numbers or totals you want to use in other calculations. Select
- Done (Alt/D)when you have completed your calculations. Any current totals
- are cleared from the calculator's memory.
- QuikMenu's calendar feature is a handy tool to help you keep your days
- organized so you don't miss important deadlines and commitments. You can
- create reminders that pop up on the day you've specified when you first
- start your computer. You can also use the calendar as a reference for prior
- and future months and years. From the Utility menu, select the Calendar
- option (Alt/A). Next, you'll see the Calendar for the current month with
- today's date highlighted.
- Viewing The Calendar
- To change the highlighted date, use the arrow keys on your keyboard or hold
- down the Shift key and position the mouse pointer over the desired date and
- click. Use the Up and Down arrow buttons on the top of the screen or the
- Page Up and Page Down keys to move backward or forward one month at a time.
- To move in greater increments, select the Prev Year (Alt/P) or Next Year
- (Alt/N) commands. To return to today's date select the Today (Alt/T)command
- or press the Home key. To move quickly to a specific date, select the Goto
- (Alt/G) command. The Goto screen gives you a place where you can enter a
- specific date. Use the Tab key to advance from one field to the next. You
- must fill in the month, day and year fields.
- Entering Reminders
- QuikMenu's Calendar gives you a place to type simple notes, appointments,
- etc. for a specific date. First, highlight the date you wish to attach
- notes to using the techniques described in Viewing The Calendar above. Once
- the date is highlighted, press Enter. If you have a mouse, you can simply
- position the mouse pointer over the desired date and click. A simple text
- editor will appear where you can enter your notes in a free form format.
- For information about the editor, see Chapter 3: Modifying The Menu. When
- you have finished with the editor, select the Done command (Alt/D) or press
- Esc. Dates that have reminders attached to them will appear on the calendar
- with a tiny page icon in the upper left corner.
- Delete
- (Alt/L) This command removes calendar reminders (if any) for the
- highlighted date.
- Load
- (Alt/O) Use the Load command to retrieve an existing calendar or create a
- new one. You can create separate calendars for different users or, for
- example, to keep business notes and reminders separate from your personal
- calendar. The first time you access the Calendar, QuikMenu automatically
- creates and loads a file called QM.CAL (or USERNAME.CAL on networks - such
- as F:\QUIKMENU\SALLY.CAL). Otherwise, the currently active calendar file
- shows in the File Name field. Enter the name of the calendar file you want
- to use. IF the calendar file does not exist, it will be created for you.
- Use the List Files (F5) option to view and select from existing files on
- your hard disk.
- Setup
- (Alt/S) This option controls various aspects of the calendar as described
- below.
- Password
- Calendars can be password protected so other users cannot alter your setup
- selections. Users will need to know the password before the calendar file
- can be loaded. To remove the password, press the Backspace key to blank out
- each character in the field.
- Auto-Remind
- (Alt/A) Select this option to automatically display calendar reminders for
- the current date when you first power up your computer.
- Require Password To Delete Reminders
- (Alt/P) Select this option to require users to enter the correct password
- before they can activate the Delete option.
- Remove Reminders After [Number of Days]
- (Alt/R) Select this option and enter a specified number days (1 to 99) to
- help manage your Calendar. QuikMenu will automatically remove reminders
- after the specified number of days. If this option is turned off, reminders
- are removed only at your request.
- Leaving The Calendar
- To end your session with the Calendar, select the Done command (Alt/D) or
- press Esc.
- The QuikMenu PhoneBook is a mini database where you can store names and
- phone numbers of business associates, friends or anyone you contact
- frequently. If your computer system includes a modem, the PhoneBook can
- dial your telephone for you. PhoneBook sorts names in alphabetic order and
- can print a list of all or selected names and addresses. From the Utility
- menu, select the PhoneBook option (Alt/P).
- Viewing The PhoneBook
- To view records in the PhoneBook, press Page Up and Page Down or click the
- Up and Down arrow buttons with the mouse. Across the top of the PhoneBook
- screen you'll see a set of letters (A,B,C,etc.). Use these letters just
- like a set of index tabs. Press the Control key and the Left or Right arrow
- keys to scroll through the file. If you have a mouse, click the tab with
- the letter you want view. The first record beginning with the selected
- letter will be displayed on the screen. Select the asterisk (*) to locate
- entries that start with numbers or unusual characters.
- Adding Records To The PhoneBook
- Use the first text field on the top of the screen to enter the name you'll
- use to recall the PhoneBook record. It's easiest to enter individual names
- with the last name first (for example: Smith, John). You can also enter
- company names in place of individual names. Just remember that sorting will
- be more effective if the most important word is first on the line (such as
- Jones Company, The). If you entered The Jones Company, PhoneBook will sort
- this record in the T's, instead of the J's.
- Use the Tab key and the Up and Down arrow keys to move from field to field
- on the screen. The address field is the large box below the name. This is
- a six line free-form text field where you can type anything you like.
- Phone numbers are entered in the boxes on the right. QuikMenu automatically
- fills in Work Phone and Home Phone as field titles. However, you can change
- these titles to meet your needs. You may want to use one field for the work
- phone and the other field for the fax or modem number. Use the blank field
- below each title to enter the appropriate phone number. If you intend to
- use the Dial feature, be sure to enter the phone number, including 1 for
- the long distance and the area code where needed (for example,
- 1-800-555-1234).
- Find
- (Alt/F) The Find option allows you to search the database for a specific
- record or related records. You will be asked, "Find What?". Enter a letter
- or complete word to narrow the search even further. Select Search Index
- Only (Alt/S) if you want QuikMenu to look only at the name field of each
- record. Otherwise, QuikMenu looks at complete entries to find the first
- occurrence of the letter or word you specify.
- Find Next
- (Alt/N) Advances to the next record in the PhoneBook that matches your
- search criteria (see Find above).Add(Alt/A) Pulls up a blank screen where
- you can enter a new PhoneBook record.
- Delete
- (Alt/L) Removes the currently displayed record from the PhoneBook.
- Dial
- (Alt/D) If you have a modem, this option will automatically dial the phone
- for you. Your communication ports must already be installed and set up with
- the proper configuration before you can use the Dial command. If you aren't
- sure about how your communication ports are set up, please consult your
- modem manual or someone who has experience in this area.
- Print
- (Alt/P) Use this option to Print PhoneBook records. Print the Current
- record (Alt/C), Found records (Alt/F) or All records (Alt/A). To select
- Found, you'll first have to use the Find feature on the main PhoneBook
- screen and define your search criteria. If you want the printer to stop
- between pages, select Pause Between Pages. You will have to press Enter at
- the end of each page so QuikMenu knows when to resume printing.
- Load
- (Alt/O) Select Load to retrieve an existing PhoneBook or create anew one.
- The default PhoneBook name is QM.PB on single user systems and USERNAME.PB
- on networks. You will be asked to enter the name of the PhoneBook you want
- to use (such as C:\QUIKMENU\SALLY.PB).
- Leaving The PhoneBook
- To end your session with the PhoneBook, select the Done command with the
- mouse or press Esc.
- QuikMenu's Time Log is a valuable resource for consultants, secretaries,
- lawyers or anyone who keeps track of expenses on the basis of time. The
- Time Log allows you to view, sort and print a variety of reports based on
- how long and how often you use your computer.
- The log keeps track of programs by the name you assign to your Software
- Buttons. It may be helpful to keep a separate page of Software Buttons for
- specific projects and give each button a unique project name. For example,
- page 6 could have a "Jones Word Processor," a "Jones Database" and a "Jones
- Spreadsheet."
- Activating The Time Log
- All Time Log information is stored in a file, usually in the QuikMenu
- directory on your hard drive. The default log file name is QM.LOG. You can
- change the name of this file, as well as turn the Time Log on and off, from
- within the Setup dialog box (see Chapter 3: Modifying The Menu).
- Once the Time Log is activated, it becomes completely transparent to the
- user. Simply use the menu as you always have - running programs, DOS
- operations, etc. and QuikMenu will automatically record when and how long
- you access each program.
- To use the Time Log to its full potential, there are a few basic elements
- to be aware of when creating your menus.
- For example, suppose your favorite client, Mr. Jones, calls and requests
- that you prepare a multi-page proposal for an upcoming sales meeting. The
- proposal will incorporate information from Lotus 123, WordPerfect and
- dBase. Of course, you'll want to bill Mr.Jones for all your hard work. Your
- regular Lotus, WordPerfect and dBase software buttons just won't do because
- you'll never be able to separate the Jones Project from all your other
- work. Fortunately, with QuikMenu, the solution is simple. Create a page on
- your menu to be used exclusively for the Jones Project. Copy or create
- software buttons for the programs you'll be using on this page and give the
- buttons new names such as "Jones WordPerfect", "Jones Database" or "Jones
- Report." Make sure that "Jones" is the first word in each name. The rest
- of the name can be anything you like, as long as the first part of each
- software button name is the same. This will make it easy to produce a
- report based on the amount of time you spend on the Jones Project.
- Viewing The Time Log
- From the Utility menu, select the Log (Alt/L) option from the list on the
- screen. QuikMenu will generate a report detailing all of your menu
- activity. This may take several seconds, depending on the complexity of the
- report and the number of entries in the log file. After creating the
- report, QuikMenu will display a list of programs based on the current
- search criteria.
- Creating Your Own Reports
- To change the search criteria, the date range or the format of the Time
- Log, select the Search (Alt/S) command button from the top of the screen.
- A dialog box containing the following options will appear.
- Report Title
- This is the heading that will appear at the top of each page when your
- report is printed. The heading can also be seen at the top of the QuikMenu
- screen in the Title Bar along with the name of the current log file.
- Sort By
- Select the Program button (Alt/P) to sort log entries alphabetically by
- name. Choose the Date button (Alt/D) to sort log entries in chronological
- order.
- View As
- This option controls the level of detail displayed by the Time Log.The
- Summary (Alt/S) option displays each log entry only once and shows the
- total number of times and percentage of total daily time each item was
- used. The Detail (Alt/D) option shows user name (networks only), time in,
- time out, and total time for each item.
- Find Programs Beginning With
- Use this option to locate specific programs or projects within the Time
- Log. For example, typing "Word" might find entries for "WordPerfect,"
- "Wordstar" and "Word Processing," anything that begins with "Word." Items
- like "The Word" and "Windows Word" would not be found because they do not
- begin with "Word." The search is not case-sensitive, so don't worry about
- capitalization (i.e.,searching for "JONES" yields the same results as
- "jones" or"Jones.") To find all entries, leave this field blank.
- Start Date
- You may want to create a report for a specific range of dates. In the text
- fields, type in the month, day and year for the beginning of the report.
- Use the Tab key to move from field to field. Leave these fields blank to
- search from the beginning of the file.
- End Date
- In the text fields, type in the month, day and year for the end of the
- report. Use the Tab key to move from field to field. Leave these fields
- blank to search from the start date to today's date.
- NOTE: If both the Start Date and End Date are blank, all entries will be
- searched.
- Match User With (Networks Only)
- Enter a name in this field to limit the log report to a specific user.
- Leave this field blank to show activity for all users.
- Printing The Time Log
- Printed Time Log reports are very similar to the ones displayed on the
- screen, with the exception of page breaks, page headings and page numbers.
- To send the Time Log report to the printer, select Print (Alt/P) from the
- top of the screen. Make sure your printer is on-line and loaded with paper,
- then press Enter.
- The default printer connection in QuikMenu is LPT1. To change the default
- setting, enter the name of the desired port in the text field (i.e., LPT1,
- LPT2, etc.). You may also send the report to a disk file by entering a file
- name instead of a port. Time Log reports can then be imported into
- WordPerfect, Wordstar, Microsoft Word or any other program capable of
- reading ASCII text files.
- If you have installed the network version of QuikMenu, you can use the Mail
- option to communicate with other QuikMenu users on your network. Mail will
- work with any DOS-based network.
- Finding The Mail Waiting Symbol
- If mail has arrived for you, you'll see an envelope symbol in the upper
- left corner of the QuikMenu screen. The number next to the envelope tells
- you how many messages are waiting in your mailbox.
- Activating The Mail Option
- From the Utility menu, select the Mail option (Alt/M). The QuikMenu Mailbox
- appears. Your user name and number of messages waiting for you appear at
- the top of the box. If you do have messages, the mailbox lists the date,
- time, sender and subject of each message.From here, you can view messages,
- send and reply to mail, or print,save and delete messages.
- NOTE: You can also access the Mail option if you have mail in your mailbox
- by clicking the envelope symbol in the upper left corner of the screen.
- Sending Mail
- You can send electronic mail (E-Mail) to anyone on your network who has
- installed QuikMenu. Select Send Mail (Alt/S) from the mailbox screen. Then
- you have a choice of selecting Use Mail Editor (Alt/E) or Send Text File
- (Alt/F) to send an ASCII text file created in another program, such as a
- word processor.
- Using The Mail Editor
- When you select Use Mail Editor, QuikMenu displays the Mail Editor screen
- where you type the text for your messages. See the Editor discussion in
- chapter 3: Modifying The Menu. When you're ready to send the message,
- select Send (Alt/S) from the top of screen. Next, enter the name of the
- person you wish to send mail to in the To field. You can select from a list
- of current users by selecting the List Users (F5) button. To send mail to
- multiple users, enter the additional names separated by spaces. Choosing
- Send To All Users (Alt/S) will bypass the To field and send mail to
- everyone in the List Users box. Subject is optional and will appear on the
- message line in the receiver's mailbox.
- Sending A Text File
- To send a text file (Alt/F), you must first create the message in another
- program on the computer. This feature is handy when, for example, you've
- already written a memo in your word processor and want to send it to
- another user.
- Viewing Mail
- To view a message, use the Up and Down arrow keys to highlight the desired
- message and press Enter. QuikMenu immediately displays the selected message
- on the screen.
- Responding To Mail
- Once you've reviewed an E-mail message, you can choose one of the command
- buttons at the top of the mailbox screen.
- Reply
- (Alt/R) Allows you to quickly send a response to the user who sent the
- message. Type your message in the text editor and select Send (Alt/S). The
- message will be automatically addressed and sent.
- Forward Mail
- The Forward (Alt/F) option lets you pass the message along to someone else
- on the network. Again, you can forward to more than one person by entering
- more than one user name in the To field.
- Copy to File
- Use the Copy (Alt/C) command to save messages outside of QuikMenu. The
- dialog box lets you tell QuikMenu where to send the file. For example, you
- may want to save a message to a file in your word processor's directory.
- You will need to enter the complete path along with a file name (i.e.
- Print
- Print (Alt/P) a paper copy of the a message for reference. QuikMenu will
- ask where to send output and fill in the default printer identification it
- finds for your system (such as LPT1). You can enter a different printer or
- printer file name. Select Pause Between Pages if you need to load single
- sheets in your printer. You will also be asked if the printer is on-line
- and loaded with paper.
- Delete
- Removes (Alt/L) old messages from the list. Messages stay in your mail box
- until they're deleted.
- Done
- Ends (Alt/D) viewing and sending mail for this session. The screen will ask
- if you want to delete the current message before exiting Mail.
- NOTE: On LANtastic and Novell networks, QuikMenu can intercept and display
- broadcast messages that originated from a network command. For example, if
- you are entering text in a word processor (in a non-graphics mode) and
- someone on your network sends a broadcast message, a message bar appears
- at the bottom of your text screen. If you are in QuikMenu, the message is
- displayed right on your screen.
- Exiting Mail
- To end your Mail session, select the Done command with the mouse or press
- Esc.
- --------------------
- You can specify several options when starting QuikMenu. An option consists
- of a slash (/) followed by an option letter followed by information about
- that option. Up to 4 command line options can be used at the same time.
- QuikMenu automatically determines what type of monitor you have and loads
- the appropriate software driver. If you have an unusual video card, you may
- want to override the built-in video detection routine. The /G command
- allows you to run QuikMenu in a variety of different graphics modes.
- Usage: /Gx x=one of the commands below.
- Video Mode Command
- -------------------------------
- Hercules 7.0
- CGA 1.4
- EGA 3.1
- EGA 64K 4.0
- VGA 9.2
- AT&T 8.5
- IBM 8514 640x480 6.0
- IBM 8514 1024x768 6.1
- Example: QM /G1.4
- The /H option displays a simple greeting message each time QuikMenu is
- loaded. Possible messages include: "Good Morning", "Good Afternoon" and
- "Good Evening" depending on what time of day it is.
- Usage: /H
- Example: QM /H
- This option can be used to create or access other QuikMenu menu (*.MNU)
- files.
- Usage: /Mx x=filename
- If you specify a non-existent file name, QuikMenu will create a new menu.
- Be sure to include complete drive and path when using this feature.
- QuikMenu will use the new menu file until you tell it not to. To return to
- your original menu type:
- You can even use the /M option from within QuikMenu by creating a special
- Software Button. For example, a button with the following commands:
- Location: C:\QUIKMENU
- will exit and reload QuikMenu with the file MYMENU.MNU. To return to your
- original menu, simply create another button replacing MYMENU.MNU with
- NOTE: You can also load additional menus by using the Load command. See
- Chapter 3: Modifying The Menu.
- The /P option forces QuikMenu to return to page one after running a program
- or DOS option.
- Usage: /P
- Example: QM /P
- -------------------------------------
- QuikMenu lets you relocate its temporary and information files on both
- network and stand-alone systems. These files include QM_APP.BAT, QM.INF,
- etc. For example, to change the location of the temporary files to C:\TEMP,
- follow these instructions:
- Stand-Alone PC Users
- Use an ASCII text editor to change QuikMenu's QM.BAT file to the following:
- QM_PROG %1 %2 %3 %4 %5
- Next, place the following command into your AUTOEXEC.BAT file:
- Be sure to include the backslash (\) at the end of the path and don't use
- any spaces.
- Network Users
- Use an ASCII text editor to change QuikMenu's QNET.BAT file to the
- following:
- QM_PROG /N %1 %2 %3 %4 %5
- Next, place the following command into your AUTOEXEC.BAT file:
- Be sure to include the backslash (\) at the end of the path and don't use
- any spaces. You may specify a different directory (local or network) for
- each person if you like.
- NOTE: Some early versions of DOS may have trouble with this option.
- -------------------------
- This option is for those who like to use those handy Pop-Up calculators,
- note pads, outliners, etc. These are commonly known as terminate and stay
- resident utilities or TSR's. QuikMenu includes a handy TSR window that
- allows you to easily access your favorite TSR utilities. Simply load your
- TSR's as you normally do, then activate QuikMenu. From the QuikMenu main
- screen, press the F3 function key. QuikMenu's graphical display is replaced
- by a rather plain text-only window. At this point, input the key
- combination required to bring up your TSR. When you're finished, press the
- Esc key to return to the original QuikMenu screen.