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- =======================================================================
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- +-----------------+
- | 1. Requirements |
- +-----------------+
- This 1995CARD game requires following:
- * IBM PC compatibles
- * 580kb Base Memory
- * Microsoft Compatible Mouse
- Optional: Sound Blaster compatible/Gravis Ultrasound for digital sounds
- Note: If you have a fast PC, such as 486+, you can use digital speaker,
- which uses same sounds as sound cards, but play them to speaker.
- +------------------------------------+
- | 2. How to Install and Run 1995CARD |
- +------------------------------------+
- 1. Run Install.exe (if you got it from the floppy disk)
- Or copy all the files to Hard Disk.
- 2. Change directory to where game is installed. (e.g. cd c:\1995CARD)
- 3. Run Setup.exe to setup the game (Such as Sound card, Memory, etc)
- 4. Run 1995CARD.EXE or GODORI.EXE (for Godori shareware game).
- 5. Select How much money you want to start with.
- 6. Then select the CUT point(press left mouse button) and begin!
- 7. Press HELP button for the game rules, and more instructions!
- 8. Enjoy the game!
- +-------------------------+
- | 3. Trouble Shooting Q/A |
- +-------------------------+
- Q. The game doesn't run! It gives Not Enough Base Memory error or
- Cannot execute 1995CARD.EXE!
- A. This 1995CARD game requires at least 540KB Base Memory in which you
- will get more memory by removing TSRs, such as those programs that
- are loaded during computer boot-up. To increase base memory, try
- boot with clean-disk (to make clean-boot disk, use FORMAT A: /S).
- Also you may want to try to remove some TSRs that are loaded from
- AUTOEXEC.BAT file in hard drive.
- How to increase memory by rebooting from the floppy disk.
- Only following commands should be in the file, '.
- rem ** remove 'rem' if you have Sound Blaster 16
- rem DEVICE=C:\SB16\DRV\CTSB16.SYS /UNIT=0 /BLASTER=A:220 I:10 D:1 H:5
- device=c:\dos\himem.sys
- device=c:\dos\emm386.exe 512
- rem (or device=c:\qemm\qemm386.sys instead of emm386.exe line)
- dos=high,umb
- In 'autoexec.bat', load mouse driver
- loadhigh c:\1995card\mmouse.com
- Add appropriate driver, such as your sound card driver, etc.
- Try to load device drivers using 'devicehigh' in config.sys file,
- and 'loadhigh' in autoexec.bat file.
- Please refer to your DOS manual. ( MSDOS ver 5.0 or higher )
- ---
- Q. is QEMM or EMM386 helps in running the game?
- A. Yes and no. You will get a lot of base memory (almost up to 700k!)
- if you install QEMM or EMM386 memory manager, however, your computer
- speed slows down considerably. If you have fast machine, such as
- 486+, 586+, etc., probably you won't notice speed difference at all,
- but for 386 or less, it's better not to use memory manager for the
- maximum speed.
- ---
- Q. Mouse doesn't appear in the game. (or some lines appear across the
- screen.)
- A. This game requires 100% Microsoft(tm) compatible mouse. Even for some
- mouse drivers that claim 100% compatible, they may not support high
- resolution graphics for this game. It is not the mouse that does
- not support, but it's the "mouse driver" that did not implement
- all the necessary functions. I suggest that you change to different
- mouse drivers. Probably you have only one mouse driver on your
- system, so if you know anyone who has IBM computer, ask for his/her
- mouse driver, and try to run the game with different mouse driver.
- In autoexec.bat, you will see mouse.com, gmouse, kmouse, amouse, etc.
- Comment those out by adding "REM", for example, originally
- "c:\mouse\mouse.com" may be changed to "rem c:\mouse\mouse.com",
- and then add this line. "c:\mouse\xmouse.com", where xmouse.com is
- the new name for a new mouse driver. If it still doesn't work,
- you will have to find other mouse drivers.
- For shareware version, you might have got 'mmouse.com'. Just run this
- new mouse driver and try the game. If mouse still gives problem,
- please contact us for another mouse drivers.
- ---
- Q. When I run the game under windows, the program terminates. Why?
- A. I recommend you to exit windows, and run the game in standard DOS.
- If you still want to run the game under window, please change sound
- mode(sound card, digital speaker mode) to normal speaker mode in
- Setup.exe. Then, the game will run fine.
- ---
- Q. Setup.exe hangs when trying to save to file.
- A. Try to run setup with arguments, i.e., "setup /n" will disable
- automatic detection of sound card. However, you can later change to
- sound card option either in the setup, or in the game.
- Setup creates 14 bytes-long .CFG file called 1995CARD.CFG.
- Here is .CFG file structure:
- Hex Offset Values and its meaning
- -- -------------------------------------------------
- 00 : 0 - Don't use EMS 1 - Use EMS
- 01 : 0 - Don't use XMS 1 - Use XMS
- 02 : 0 - No Sound 1 - Speaker 2 - Sound Card
- 03 : low 8-bit of sound blaster port (usually hex 220)
- 04 : high 8-bit of sound blaster port
- 05 : DMA channel (usually 1)
- 06 : IRQ (usually 5 or 7)
- 07 : 1 - Speaker Normal 10 - Speaker Digital Mode
- 08 : 2 - Sound Blaster 3 - Gravis Ultrasound
- 09 : 0 - Disable Music 1 - Music Enable
- 0A-0E : reserved.
- Also, the file 'DEFAULT.CFG' is included in case Setup.exe does not
- work. Please rename it to '1995CARD.CFG' before running the game.
- (Use 'rename default.cfg 1995card.cfg') The default setting is
- Speaker Digital Mode, no EMS, use XMS, IRQ = 7, DMA = 1, and
- sound blaster port hex 220.
- ---
- Q. When I switch to 'Speaker Digital' mode, the speaker just makes a lot
- of noise-like sound when playing the game!
- A. 'Speaker Digital' option in Setup.exe was intended to be used only
- with high-speed computers, such as 386-33, 486, 586+(Pentium), etc.
- Even 386 with 16Mhz speed is not fast enough to support digitized sound
- for internal speaker. If you don't have sound card, then choose
- 'Speaker Normal' option which does not use digitized sound.
- ---
- Q. Setup.exe doesn't detect my sound card!
- A. This game support 100% Sound Blaster compatibles Music card, and
- Gravis Ultrasound card. Make sure your Sound Card supports Sound
- Blaster, and load appropriate driver if necessary. However,
- SB-emulation may not work since this game does not use native mode,
- but uses DMA operation for sound and music.
- ---
- Q. For the SB compatible sound card, the music stops right after some
- sound...
- A. Probably you have wrong IRQ number. If you haven't install with
- your disk that came with sound card, I recommend to install it.
- However, you may change by running Setup.exe, and change IRQ.
- The default is set to 7(most common), but try to change to 5 which
- is pretty common as well.
- ---
- Q. When I play music, everything slows down, even mouse!
- A. The generated music is a high-quality digital music which requires
- high burden of the CPUs, which 386/486+ or better is a minimum.
- Please turn Music Enable option off in Setup.exe if you experience
- problems with music.
- Also, try NOT to change 'TURBO' button during or before the game
- start. If you have changed your computer's turbo button, try to
- reboot and run the game again.
- --
- Q. Program hangs when I play with 'Speaker Digital' option in Setup.exe!
- A. Again, for slow computers such as 386-16,20, etc, computer may not
- catch up with heavily digitized sound to the speaker. Turn off this
- option, and choose 'Speaker Normal' option in Setup.exe.
- ---
- Q. What is shareware? What does 'register this game' mean?
- A. This game is distributed freely as "shareware", which means
- "try before you buy" program. There is almost no-functional difference
- between shareware and registered(or commercial) version. However,
- you will get 2 registered version of 1995Card and Godori with
- CPU-IQ of 100 - 190, and receive all future shareware games by mail.
- You will automatically be on our mailling-list to receive first
- future shareware games. We encourage that you copy this game to
- your friend, upload to BBS, etc. as long as no files are removed
- nor modified. Please see Order.Me for how to order the registered
- version of 1995CARD and GODORI.
- ---
- Q. Where could I get the latest shareware version of 1995CARD?
- A. So far, at this time the latest version is V6.3, but may be come out
- any time with higher updated version. (6.3 for at least December 1994)
- ======================================================================
- BBS: To get the latest shareware version of 1995CARD by BBS:
- Knightec BBS +1(519)940-0007 Orangeville (CANADA)
- +1(519)940-0008 2nd node
- ExecNet Info. Sys. +1(914)667-4567 Mount Vernon, New York (USA)
- The Seaside BBS +1(805)964-4766 Santa Barbara, Calif. (USA)
- Living Water BBS +1(602)380-0362 Mesa, Arizona (USA)
- Starz Chicago BBS +1(312)348-3508 Chicago, Illinois (USA)
- The Nashville Exchge +1(615)383-0727 Nashville, Tennessee (USA)
- The Break RBBS +1(703)680-9269 Dale City, Virginia (USA)
- Note: If you are a sysop operating 24hr. BBS and want to become our
- distribution site for the latest version of 1995CARD, feel
- free to add your BBS number and send us letter with your
- BBS number & address, so we can send you updates and other
- sharewares we made by mail. Thank you.
- ======================================================================
- FTP: To get the latest shareware version of 1995CARD by anonymous ftp:
- ftp.uml.edu /msdos/games_uwp/card-games (or billiard-games)
- ftp.eng.ufl.edu /pub/msdos/demos/incoming (dir. may be moved)
- ftp.uwp.edu /pub/.../msdos/games/.../card-games
- wuarchive.wustl.edu /pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/games (dir. may be moved)
- cancun.caltech.edu /pub/incoming/PC/korean-games
- ftp.cdrom.com /.8/cdrom/incoming (dir. may be moved soon)
- ftp.dungeon.com /pub/msdos/games/Misc
- ======================================================================
- As a last resort, contact us:
- Chung & Shin
- 1205 E. Apache 128
- Tempe AZ 85281
- U.S.A.
- +1(602)731 - 9832 (Help)
- +1(800)484 - 9762 <6442> (24 hrs, 7 days Ordering)
- E-mail: king.sejong@asu.edu
- +-----------------------------------------+
- +-----------------------------------------+
- Please see register information inside the game to find out how you can
- order your personalized copy of 1995CARD+. (Also see Order.Me file)