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- BLASTER Master v6.0
- for the Sound Blaster and compatibles
- Copyright (C) 1993 by Gary Maddox
- BLASTER Master is a program designed for serious PC
- soundcard enthusiasts who are interested in getting the most
- from their PC audio cards when sampling sounds and then
- playing them back. A tool kit for working with Sound
- Blaster type VOC, .WAV and .SND files, BLASTER Master offers
- many features that are available on Digital Audio
- Workstations which normally cost many thousands of dollars.
- SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ---------------
- Before running BLASTER Master on your PC, please check the system
- requirements and user information listed below:
- > This program requires EGA/VGA graphics, a mouse, a hard
- disk and at least a 286 PC.
- > NOTE: BLASTER Master will function without a soundcard
- being present, but the PLAY, RECORD and SCOPE functions will
- be disabled.
- > BLASTER Master includes internal driver support for Sound
- Blaster compatibles but most other sound cards can be used
- by installing your cards DOS based player/recorder
- utilities. See the section on Configuring External Players
- for detailed information on this.
- > Unregistered versions will only process a 25 second sound
- file while the registered version will process any size
- sound file.
- More requirements and performance tips for using BLASTER Master can be
- found in the section entitled "Performance Tips" (near the end of the
- documentation).
- OVERVIEW ---------------
- One of the great features of the Sound Blaster and other PC audio cards
- is the ability to sample sound and play it back. Now you can tailor
- your own sound files using the BLASTER Master program, a very fast
- EGA/VGA graphic editor. Useless and noisy sample data (at the beginning
- and endings of VOC files) can be quickly removed and sections from
- within the sample can be saved as a new sample file. A graphic of the
- entire sample appears on your monitor along with a grid that divides
- the sample into seconds to aid in selecting the "cut points". A zero-
- crossing/phase approximation method allows you to select the displayed
- bytes, helping you choose the "cleanest" points for processing. Cross-
- fading is applied to splice points when needed.
- During playback, a pulsing index line displays the position of the file
- being played. The various digital processes can be selected using the
- mouse, or in most cases, you can use ALT plus the first letter of the
- option.
- > Example: ALT-P (holding down the ALT key while pressing the
- "P" at the same time) will "PLAY" the currently selected
- sound file.
- A color palette is also included in BLASTER Master's graphic
- capabilities. Using your keyboard's function keys F1-F10, you can
- control the colors displayed on the screen. Play around with the
- available color combinations to find the one that best suits you! For a
- listing of the function key color settings, refer to the section
- entitled "Changing Screen Colors" .
- Functions of a sound file -- SELECTing, RECORDing and EDITing -- are
- covered in the following four sections.
- SELECTING A SOUND FILE ---------------
- If you don't specify a sound file when starting the editor, a file
- selection dialog box will appear. The current path can be changed by
- selecting the right selection box and selecting a new path. From this
- dialog box, you can PLAY the sound file, RECORD a new sound file,
- ACCEPT the file to process or QUIT the program, returning to DOS. You
- can also display useful file information to audition a file by choosing
- the PLAY option. The various options can be selected using the mouse
- or, in most cases, pressing <ALT> plus the first letter of the option
- as explained earlier. You can also select files with your mouse by
- double-clicking on the file you want to access. If you accept a sound
- file that is multi-blocked, BLASTER Master will allow you to remove the
- blocks and convert to a RAW VOC file.
- IMPORTING A SOUND FILE ---------------
- Choosing certain sound files other than VOC files from the File
- Selection Dialog Box will allow you to import WAV, NTI, 8SV, MOD, SAM,
- VOX and SND format files into BLASTER Master.
- > WAV files are the Microsoft Multi-Media format and are
- supported by the Pro Audio Spectrum and the ATI Stereo F/X
- sound cards and others.
- > SND files: completely raw wave data files not including
- header information.
- > NTI & SAM files are Amiga sample files as used by MOD file
- editors.
- > VOC type files can also be saved in these three formats.
- > 8SV: the extension normally used for Amiga IFF sound files.
- You can import Amiga IFF sound files, but cannot currently
- save files in Amiga IFF format.
- > MOD: only the samples from a MOD file can be extracted for
- editing.
- > VOX files are sample files made by voice mail type cards. A
- sample rate of 6750 is assumed. You can use the PITCH
- function to quickly adjust this.
- SOUND FILE UTILITIES ---------------
- When you select UTILITY from the File Selection Dialog Box, the File
- Utility Dialog Box appears. This useful option will allow you to
- DELETE, RENAME, COPY or MOVE the selected sound file. You can not
- choose this option unless you have selected a file. When using the
- RENAME, COPY or MOVE functions, you will need to supply a DOS path in
- the TO: input box. You can not RENAME a sound file unless the new name
- does not exist in the current path. COPY will warn you if you attempt
- to over-write an existing file. The MOVE function is very handy in that
- it will move the sound file from one path to another. The MOVE function
- is particularly fast when the new path exists on the same disk drive.
- RECORDING A SOUND FILE ---------------
- When you select RECORD from the File Selection Dialog Box, the Record
- Dialog Box appears. Here, enter the name of the VOC file you wish to
- record.
- > NOTE: If specifying a VOC file that already exists, it will
- be overwritten!
- Using a mouse, select the sample rate to use when recording-- 13,000-
- 4000 if using Sound Blaster or 44,000-4000 if using Sound Blaster Pro.
- (The higher the sample rate, the better the file will sound.) When
- using the various digital processes, a higher rate will produce much
- better sounding file. Choose SCOPE to display a graphic scope, which is
- very useful for setting the volume on a device from which you are
- recording. Select RECORD when ready to begin recording and <ESC> when
- ready to stop. Your file is then displayed on the Editor screen so you
- can modify it.
- > NOTE: Sound Blaster Pro and SB16 users will also select
- the recording input source, input filter, and MONO or STEREO
- recording. Users of CDROM drives need to read about Syncro
- CD sampling.
- USING SYNCRO CD ---------------
- Anyone using a CDROM from Creative Labs MultiMedia can use BLASTER
- Master to sample recordings directly from your favorite CDs! I have
- gotten excellent (if not the BEST) recordings with the Sound Blaster
- Pro using the CDROM.
- If you are equipped with a CDROM, a standard CD player control bar will
- appear on the RECORD dialog box you see on your monitor. BLASTER Master
- currently supports the following CD player controls -- PLAY, PAUSE,
- from your favorite CDs, make sure you have selected "CD" as your input
- source. You can either start the CD and then pick RECORD, or what I
- have found works better is to use SYNCRO CD, as explained below.
- If BLASTER Master detects that your CDROM is in PAUSE mode, you can
- select RECORD to automatically synchronize the sampling and the CD
- audio playback. When you press <ESC> to stop recording, the CD playback
- will shut off automatically. Using this SYNCRO CD feature, your results
- are a very precise, high quality sample that should require very little
- editing.
- EDITING A SOUND FILE ---------------
- The EDIT option enables you to edit selected sections of a sound file.
- When selecting a sound file section to edit (remove, save, hear or
- zoom), position the cursor over the graph at the first desired cut
- point and press the LEFT mouse button. Now, position the cursor over
- the second cut point and press the LEFT button again. This marks a
- section with a blue box, signifying that you can PLAY that section, CUT
- it from the sample or SAVE it as a new file.
- The ZOOM option displays the marked section so you can choose a new
- block from the zoomed area, editing the sound file with surgical
- precision. (You can zoom the file until the resolution reaches 1:1. The
- current resolution is shown just above the options selection box.) The
- UNZOOM option will back up to the last marked block. You can UNZOOM
- upto 128 times or until the original BLOCK is once again reached.
- > MOVE: allows a selected block to be moved to a new section
- in the same file.
- > COPY: (Vanishing Menu only) moves a copy of the selected
- block to a new section of the same file.
- > FULLVIEW: (Vanishing Menu only) displays the entire file
- with the current block highlighted. This is very useful when
- zoomed into a block and you need to view the entire
- waveform.
- SETTING A MARKER ---------------
- BLASTER Master features a marker function which allows you to pre-
- select a point in a sound ile. This function is especially useful for
- mixing and inserting sounds in sound files. To set a marker, position
- the mouse cursor at the appropriate spot on the blue bar just below the
- sound file grid. Then, using the right mouse button, click on this
- position to place a white arrow on this blue bar.
- TOOLS ---------------
- This program includes special processes, called tools, that operate on
- a block of data. When you select the TOOLS button, a selection menu
- containing special block functions pops up on your screen. These tool
- functions are listed below:
- Repeats block up to 10 times, adding a Max Headroom-type
- stutter to the file.
- Replaces the block with silence bytes, which is very useful
- for removing glitches and other undesirable noises without
- effecting the playback time.
- Reverses the block to playback backwards.
- Changes the pitch of the block (lowering/raising it); effects
- playback time.
- Adds echo to the block. Same parameters as in Echo function
- for whole files.
- Adjusts the block's playback volume. Same parameters as in
- Volume function
- for whole files.
- Increases the playback speed of the block for a speeded up
- effect.
- Decreases the playback speed of the block for a slowed down
- effect.
- SPECIAL PROCESSES ---------------
- BLASTER Master supports several special digital processes for modifying
- processes are not all displayed at the same time on the Wave Edit
- screen, so to display the next set of options, press the MORE button.
- Once again, options here are selected using the mouse or, in most
- cases, pressing <ALT> plus the first letter of the option you want.
- > EXAMPLE: ALT-E (holding down the ALT and "E" keys
- simultaneously) allows you to "ECHO" the currently selected
- sound file.
- You can use the NEW button to select a new file when in the Editor
- screen or to unmark a block when in the Cut/Save/Zoom screen. The
- special processes listed above are described in detail as follows:
- Graphically displays sample input real-time. To see this first-hand,
- speak into a microphone and see what your voice looks like or play
- music directly into the Sound Blaster. (This works particularly well on
- faster machines and is an excellent way to check your system's
- quality.) When there is no sound input, you should see a straight, flat
- line that is exactly even with the white line on the sound file grid.
- Any spikes you see above or below this white line indicate that your
- system is registering noise of some kind. Pressing any key or either of
- the mouse buttons will cancel the scope and return you to the editor.
- Adds echo or delay to a VOC file to give it a richer, fuller sound.
- This feature is also great for adding special effects. Two parameters
- are used to determine the type of echo desired:
- 1) SIZE -- The "size" of the effect is determined by the
- number of milliseconds before the echo starts. Delays of 60-
- 100 simulate a large room, while larger delays (up to 200
- milliseconds) will sound like a cavern or canyon.
- 2) MIXTURE -- The mixture (how loud the echo should be mixed
- in) has an effect on the type of echo desired. A 30-60%
- mixture will sound more realistic than using a higher volume
- for the delayed sounds. To determine how the echo will
- repeat, select either INFINITE or FINITE.
- Reverses the playback of a VOC file, which is effectively the same as
- playing a tape backwards. You older Beatles fans can see for yourself
- if the song "Number 9" really says "turn me on, dead man" backwards.
- This is also a great tool for televangelists to use in searching for
- those pesky satanic references in rock & roll songs! Did you know that
- the famous Tarzan yell sounds the same backwards as forwards? Try it!
- Allows another sound file to be inserted into the sound file you are
- currently editing. When you select INSERT, the File Select Dialog Box
- will appear. From here, you can SELECT a VOC file, RECORD a new sound
- file or CANCEL the INSERT process and return to the Edit screen. Once
- you have selected a VOC file for insertion, the system will give you
- the option of selecting the point in the original file for insertion by
- using either the mouse pointer, the marker, a sample point in the file
- or a point in time. If the sample rate of the new sound file does not
- match the original file, the sample rate will be adjusted to blend in
- correctly.
- > NOTE: Use care when selecting a new sound file that is not
- packed, contains silence compression or is a multi-block
- file. The resulting sound file will not be usable!
- Extends the time domain without effecting the frequency domain... or in
- plain English, the SLOW process allows you to re-sample a VOC file that
- will play back at the selected speed without effecting the pitch. This
- function will double the size of the original sound file. Imagine you
- are a guitar player and want to learn the latest white hot guitar licks
- from Joe Satriani or Eric Johnson... SLOW makes listening and learning
- MUCH easier! It is also very useful for preparing multi-media
- presentations.
- > HINT: Sound files with sample rates above 12khz produce a
- more natural sound.
- I couldn't have a "slow down" process without a "speed up" one, too,
- could I? Unlike SLOW, the FAST process includes a "slider" for
- selecting how much of a speed increase you desire. This function will
- decrease the size of the original sound file accordingly.
- > HINT: Like SLOW, sound files with higher sample rates
- produce better results.
- Allows a VOC file created with a high sample rate to be "down" sampled
- to a lower sample rate. Some PCs have problems playing VOC files with
- the higher sample rates, so this RATE process provides you with a way
- to change the sample rate to something more compatible with your PC. It
- is also a good way to make files smaller without the degradation
- associated with compression.
- > A VOC file recorded at 12,000Hz+ down-sampled to 8000Hz
- will probably sound better than if it had been originally
- recorded at the slower rate.
- > Sound files originally sampled on the MAC at 22,000Hz can
- be down-sampled to 12,000Hz or less with almost no loss in
- clarity.
- The RATE process is also capable of "up" sampling, although you WILL
- NOT gain any noticable resolution. Approximating the "missing" byte is
- just not the same as having the original bytes in all cases.
- Either increases or decreases the amplitude of VOC files. One way to
- get a very clean sample is to make your sample at a fairly low volume
- and then re-sample up to a higher volume. (The Sound Blaster has a
- tendency to introduce distortion as you increase the volume used for
- sampling.)
- The VOLUME process works very well for sampling directly from a CD or
- tape deck. Enter either "I" to increase the volume or "D" to decrease
- the volume. The numeric value you enter after either "I" or "D" will
- determine the amount of change in the resulting file.
- > Increasing the volume: values of 10-50 have a subtle effect
- on the resulting sound file. Values of 50-200+ will have an
- even more dramatic effect.
- > Decreasing the volume: values of 1-99 will cause the
- resulting file to have approximately the same volume as the
- percent of the number entered. Entering "50" will produce a
- sound file that is only 50% as loud as the original. If a
- value greater than 100 is entered, the effect will be to
- INCREASE the volume, even though you selected to DECREASE.
- Blends two VOC files into a single sample. There is also a volume mix
- parameter that controls how loud the mixed-in sample will be. The
- volume mix can be a number between 1 and 100; 50 to 60 is often a very
- good mixing level. Before beginning the MIXing process, you can select
- the point within your original file where you want to begin mixing. If
- you want to start at the beginning of your file, choose the farthest
- point to your left.
- The Mixer is a great way to add special effects to your sound files.
- This process does not try to adjust the sample rates if the files are
- different.
- These processes will either pack or unpack a sound file, depending on
- its current state. The previously-discussed functions only work on
- unpacked files. Many of the available files come packed; once unpacked,
- all of the special BLASTER Master features can be applied to the files.
- Alters the sample rate value contained within the VOC file. If you want
- to raise or lower the pitch, you can select the slider. Altering the
- pitch will also effect the playback time, but not the size of the file.
- This process comes in handy when importing a WAV or SAM file (for
- instance) that does not quite sound right. Used with the FAST and SLOW
- processes, you can produce some very interesting effects.
- Allows you to fade in or out on the volume of a sound file at the
- file's beginning and ending points. When choosing this function, you
- can specify the amount of time you want for the fade in and fade out.
- Neither of these times can exceed 1/2 of the total time of the sound
- file. If for instance, you wish to only fade out a sound file, use zero
- as the fade in time. When combining multiple files, a little fading can
- result in a smoother transition in the sound, making the switch between
- sounds less abrupt. This can be especially effective when a sound file
- has lots of background noise and the joining sound file does not.
- Inserts a period of silence into the sound file. This is very handy for
- padding out multimedia sounds.
- Mutes background noise based on the Threshold value. This function is
- very effective with speech only sound files, others may sound choppy.
- Mixes in a second waveform one octave above or below the current
- waveform. This is a very interesting effect for both voice and music
- sounds. It was named after the guitar effect that Jimi Hendrix used.
- VOCALS: (Stereo files only)
- "Removes" vocals from a stereo sound file. This process actually
- inverts the left channel 180 degrees and mixes it back into the right
- channel. This has a tendency to cancel out all the center waves where
- vocals are often mixed in. The effect varies significantly from song to
- song depending on how it was originally mixed. For example, "I Feel
- Fine" by The Beatles will process out 99% of the vocal, whereas
- "Eleanor Rigby" has the effect of enhancing the vocals and reducing the
- cellos. You can also tweak the results by modifying the sampling SOURCE
- -- that is, play around with the channel balance and use some EQ or
- even stereo synthesis. In any case, VOCALS is lots of fun and works as
- well as the $350 unit you see advertised.
- PANNING: (Stereo files only)
- Adds left channel to right channel stereo panning or right channel to
- left channel stereo panning. In other words, it allows a sound file to
- sweep from one speaker to the next.
- MAKEMONO: (Stereo files only)
- This process converts a stereo file to monophonic. The two channels can
- be mixed together to form a single channel or either the left or right
- channel can be selected to form a mono soundfile. This is very useful
- for people with soundcards that are MONO only or to reduce the size of
- large stereo files.
- USING THE VANISHING MENU ---------------
- The system reveals a drop-down bar menu when, during file editing, you
- move the mouse cursor to the top of the screen or hold down the <SHIFT>
- key. All of the button functions are available from the Vanishing Menu.
- Many other useful functions are also available, as explained below.
- > SAVE -- Save the current sound file. If the current sound
- file is UNTITLED, you will be prompted for a file name.
- > SAVE AS -- Save the current sound file by a new name or
- file format.
- > QUIT -- Quit to DOS immediately. If the current sound file
- is UNTITLED, you will be prompted for a file name.
- > LOOP PLAY ON/OFF -- Causes playback to be single or looped.
- > SAVE SCREEN COLORS -- Saves the current screen colors. For
- more details, see the sections about Changing and Saving
- Default screen colors.
- > BLOCK PLAY ON/OFF (block edit only) -- Plays either the
- whole sound file or selected block. This function is not
- supported in ZOOM.
- > UNDO LAST EDIT/RETURN TO ORIGINAL -- This function undoes
- the last edit.
- >VOLUME MIXER -- Sound Blaster Pro and SB16 users will be
- able to set their mixer controls using this option.
- Displays a short help file that briefly details the
- various functions.
- You can access these menus quickly from the keyboard by using <SHIFT>
- and the first letter of each option: Shift-F for FILE, Shift-H for
- HELP, etc.
- Many compatible soundcards only support the original Soundblaster.
- Often these cards sound better in native mode and offer better playback
- support like stereo and 16bit files. Cards like the Pro Audio Spectrum
- and Advanced Gravis Ultrasound (GUS) are good examples of cards with
- advanced features that seldom get support outside of Windows.
- SB16 users can also take advantage of the VOC and WAV file utilities
- that are included with the bundled software.
- Selecting the CONFIG option from the File Select dialog box allows you
- to set up four external options: a WAV file player, SND file player,
- VOC file player and a recorder program. You are not required to use ANY
- external players if you do not want to. All soundcard users can take
- good advantage of the WAV and SND players. Only SB16 and non-
- Soundblaster users should consider using the VOC file player option.
- The external players are set up exactly as if you were running them
- from the DOS command line, with exception that BLASTER Master supports
- several "variables" for including information about the file being
- played. These variables will be filled in at the time the external
- player/recorder is accessed by BLASTER Master.
- Variable List:
- %F = File Name
- Use this variable to insert the selected file name.
- %R = Sample Rate
- Use this variable to insert the sample rate
- %S = Recording Source (CD/MIC/LINE)
- Use this variable to insert the RECORDING source
- %M = Mode (STEREO/MONO)
- Use this variable to insert the RECORDING mode (STEREO or MONO)
- %M1 = Mode (-s)
- Use this variable to insert an "-s" if the file is
- STEREO (PAS-16 and GUS users, etc...)
- %M2 = Mode (S)
- Use this variable to insert an "S" if the file is STEREO (PAS-16 users, etc...)
- These variable options should allow you to support most external
- player/recorders such as WPLAY, VPLAY, PLAY, PLAYFILE, RECFILE, VREC,
- etc...
- Here is an example for setting up WPLAY for the SB16:
- This setting includes the full path name, the %F file name variable and
- the WPLAY command like switch "/Q" to suppress screen output. Sound
- Blaster Pro users would change the \SB16\ to \SBPRO\ or whatever the
- appropriate path is to WPLAY.EXE. You could also set up a .BAT file to
- run the program as well. Once properly set up, using the PLAY option
- from the File Select dialog will now allow you to audition WAV files!
- Here in an example for setting up PLAYFILE for the PAS-16 to play
- either WAV or VOC files:
- This setting includes the full path name, the %F file name variable and
- the PLAYFILE command line switch to play the file as a STEREO file (S).
- The "S" will only be added if the file being played is a stereo file.
- If PLAYFILE does not reside in the \PROAUDIO\ subdirectory, substitute
- the correct path. GUS users would call their PLAYFILE utility using a
- similar set up. I have found PLAYFILE great for playing all WAV files,
- but PLAY will handle VOC files better. PLAYFILE does not seem to
- understand stereo VOC files or the newer VOC format supported by the
- most recent Soundblaster utilities.
- Here in an example for setting up VREC for the SB16:
- C:\SB16\VOCUTIL\VREC %F /S:%R /M:%M /Q /B:2
- This setting includes the full path name, the %F file name variable,
- the %R sample rate variable, the %M mode variable, VREC's switch for no
- screen output and buffer size to 2K.
- If you are using a soundcard that is not compatible or has difficulty
- using external players, you also have the option of starting BLASTER
- Master with the "/I" command line switch. This switch causes the
- initialization and driver phase to be bypassed. You will have to use
- external players exclusively if you choose this option.
- CHANGING SCREEN COLORS ---------------
- BLASTER Master's graphic screen colors can be changed via these
- function keys:
- [Default colors are given as <color> after each function key
- description.]
- F1: Background <Cyan>
- F2: Fileselect Playbox <Red>
- F3: Time Grid <Brown>
- F4: File Info text, Highlighted text, Vanishing Menu text<White>
- F5: Field labels, backgrounds of Vanishing Menu & Dialog Box<Blue>
- F6: Vanishing Menu Bar background, Pipe shading <Bright Blue>
- F7: Button Highlights, Pipe shading <Bright Cyan>
- F8: List Box Highlight, Fileselect Playbox text <Yellow>
- F9: Wave Tip Highlight <Bright Red>
- F10: Wave Background <Cyan>
- CTRL-F2: Wave <Red>
- If you have color VGA graphics, you can choose from 256 colors. EGA
- users can choose from 64 separate colors. Keep in mind that the way
- certain colors interact with each other should effect your color
- choices. A poor choice of screen colors (the poor interaction between
- F4 and F5, for example) could result in unreadable dialog boxes and
- help screens.
- SAVING SCREEN COLORS ---------------
- To save your current screen colors, select the Options Menu available
- via the Vanishing Menu, which saves the colors in a file named
- BMASTER.CFG. Return to the Default screen colors by renaming or
- deleting this file.
- SB Pro and SB16 card users can set certain recording parameter defaults
- by using the SET BMDEFS environment parameter.
- Input Source Input Mode Filter Rate CDROM F/X FUNCTIONS
- To set BLASTER Master's default recording parameters to stereo line
- input with lo-pass filter and a sample rate of 22khz, use settings like
- the one shown in this example:
- The order of the parameters does not matter. Use the SET command alone
- at the DOS prompt to check your environment. Users of the Multimedia
- upgrade CDROM may find a long pause on the Fileselect Dialog Box when
- an Audio CD is in the drive. Use the ROMx: parameter to skip verifying
- that drive.
- To skip CD ROM drive F:, use ROMF:. You may skip upto 2 CDROM drives.
- Use NOFM to turn off the sound F/X. MORE will select secondary DSP
- functions.
- Users of compatible soundcards and 1.0 Sound Blasters can skip the
- port/IRQ/DMA scanning by using the SET BLASTER environment parameters
- supported by the 2.0 and Pro versions of the Sound Blaster.
- > Example: SET BLASTER=A220 I7 D1
- (A = the port address; I = the interrupt; and D = the DMA
- channel.
- If you have problems with BLASTER Master executing on your machine, try
- using this setting. It will also make the program boot up quicker!
- REPORTING TROUBLE ---------------
- If you find a bug in BLASTER Master, please report it in as much detail
- as possible so that I can fix it in the next version. I need to know
- which specific function you were using, where the VOC file originated
- from and the sample rate. If the problem is hardware-related (i.e.
- video display, mouse functions), please include information about the
- system you are using. Support beyond that will only be provided to
- registered users.
- COMMON PROBLEMS ---------------
- ERROR 5:
- This is a DOS error meaning Illegal Function Call, which
- could signify just about anything. The most common
- occurrence of this is when try to run BLASTER Master on a PC
- with a graphics card that does not properly support
- 640x350x16 HI-RES EGA graphics mode. If you get this error
- immediately after typing BMASTER, then the problem is
- probably with your graphics card. The only fix in this case
- is to change your graphics card.
- I have recently heard of three or four instances of the mouse
- cursor seeming to erase the screen when it is moved. This is
- a problem with your mouse driver. I only make calls to the
- Mouse API; I don't re-paint the screen. Switching mouse
- drivers has fixed this problem in every case so far.
- PERFORMANCE TIPS ---------------
- BLASTER Master works best on a very fast PC -- fast processor, fast
- graphics and fast hard drive. I use mostly floating point operations
- for accuracy. A Math Co-Processor speeds up most of the functions by as
- much as 40%. For example, mixing two 50K files requires over 1,000,000
- calculations. A slow graphics card can cause wait states on your
- processor. That bargain-priced VGA system may not be such a bargain if
- you saved a mere $50 yet slowed your PC down by 40-60% in graphics
- mode. BLASTER Master is based on using "virtual memory", i.e., using
- your hard drive wherever possible. While this is slower, it is much
- more reliable and supports a wider system base. It also easily supports
- HUGE file sizes. If you are lucky enough to have several megabytes of
- RAM, try running from a RAM Disk or at least use an extended/expanded
- memory Disk Cache. It makes a big difference in performance. Disk
- fragmentation can also lessen performance, regardless of what software
- you are running.
- USING BLASTER MASTER WITH OS/2 ---------------
- The following settings are required to run BLASTER Master from OS/2:
- full screen
- audio_adapter_sharing ON
- hw_timer ON
- int_during_IO ON
- ----
- BLASTER Master works very well with the Soundblaster mode of the PAS-16
- and PAS+ soundcards by Media Vision. The Logitech Soundman 16 should
- also work just the same as the PAS cards. You may need to set the
- BLASTER environment to insure that you will be able to use the PLAY
- functions. The main point needed in the SET BLASTER environment is the
- card type parameter. Be sure to use "T0" (Tee Zero) as the card type.
- See more about this under the section about setting the BLASTER
- parameters. This is a minimal example of using the SET command for the
- PAS:
- {where A=address, D=DMA channel, I=IRQ and T=card type zero}
- PAS users also have the option of calling PLAYFILE.EXE and
- RECFILE.EXE during playback and recording. The advantage to
- this is the PAS cards are only stereo in native mode, not in
- Sound Blaster emulation mode. Using these DOS utilities
- should sound better and give you stereo VOC and WAV file
- support. See the section on Configuring External Players for
- detailed information on this.
- SUGGESTED READING ---------------
- If you are interested in learning more about how BLASTER Master works, I
- suggest you read the following books:
- > "Principles of Digital Audio" by Ken C. Pohlmann
- (Howard W. Sams & Co., 1985, 1989 second edition)
- An excellent introduction to everything from fundamental acoustic theory to
- the way compact disks work. Some chapters are relatively easy to understand &
- others are definitely NOT for the faint of heart.
- > "Musical Applications of Microprocessors" by Hal Chamberlin
- (Hayden Books, 1985, 1987 second edition)
- Absolutely the best edition ever published in the field of digital sound
- production and is universally considered a classic. This book is 800 pages
- long and you really must have an understanding of advanced mathematics to
- read it.
- > "Elements of Computer Music" by F. Richard Moore
- (Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1990)
- An excellent source of information about digital sound reproduction.
- Especially good for C programmers; examples are working C routines.
- > "An Introduction to Digital Signal Processing" by John H. Karl
- (Academic Press, Inc. 1989)
- This is a very good crash study course in DSP and assumes the reader is
- familiar with higher mathmatics.
- > "The Ultimate Sound Blaster Book" by Martin L. Moore
- (Que, 1993)
- A shareware copy of BLASTER Master is included with this book along with other
- interesting programs. The information about FM music is particularly good.
- > "The Sound Blaster Book" by Axel Stolz
- (Abacus, 1992)
- The first comprehensive book dedicated to the Sound Blaster. It covers DOS,
- Windows, MIDI, programming, and shareware.
- > "Sound Effects Playhouse" by Kevin Weiner
- (Waite Group Press, 1993)
- This is a neat little book with some good explanations on digital audio and FM
- basics. It includes two 3.5" discs of programs, including a shareware copy of
- BLASTER Master.
- Distribution BBS Numbers ---------------
- These BBS's should always have the latest release. BLASTER Master is also
- available on SBCnet and hundreds of other BBS's around the world.
- CompuServe GO MIDIFORUM Channel One (617) 354-3137
- Data Dimension (404) 921-1186 Hacker Box (49) 2153-800252
- Blue Flame (214) 573-3649 Rusty & Eddy's (216) 726-1804
- User-to-User (214) 492-6565 GEnie MIDI
- Music Connection(214) 596-2827 EXEC-PC (414) 789-4360
- The Pier (716) 875-3130 TeleGraFX Net (816) 221-6378
- Eleutheria (606) 223-1853 The Navigator (061) 243-7676
- Detroit D/L Center(313) 885-3956 WSMR-SIMTEL20.Army.Mil ftp site
- BLASTER Master is the result of over three years of programming, study and
- experimentation (not to mention 6 years of college). If you find this program
- to be interesting and of use to you, please register BLASTER Master and help
- support future development towards more applications of sound files. I would
- like to take this opportunity to thank the individuals and institutions that
- have already registered. Your support has made this version possible. As long
- as you continue to support BLASTER Master, I will continue to release new
- versions. All future updates are free. One registration will automatically
- register future versions. Please mention the version number in your letter and
- include your telephone number and computer system hardware. I will also be
- interested to hear which BBS you downloaded it from. Please tell me of your
- suggestions for future enhancements, too! Think of it this way... when you
- register BLASTER Master, you aren't paying for the version you are currently
- using; you are helping to finance the next release! When I receive your
- payment, I will send you your registration number and instructions on
- installing it.
- Due to dozens of requests, I am now offering two registration levels: the
- regular, $29.95 registration that provides a re-usable unlock code for all
- versions of BLASTER Master, and a NEW Deluxe registration for $49.95. With the
- deluxe registration, you will receive the latest version along with several
- other extras, including a 64 band graphic equalizer, VOC compiler, CD player,
- bulk MOD sample extractor, Windows Write formatted documentation file,
- tutorial and other surprises. The deluxe registration is only available from
- the author and also only available on a 1.44m 3.5" disk.
- New Shareware CD ROM Coupon!
- As an additional registration insentive, you will also receive a coupon that
- will allow you to purchase a copy of the JCSM Shareware Collection for just
- $9.95 plus S/H. This is an exceptionally nice collection of shareware programs
- submitted directly from the authors and updated quarterly.
- To register, send $29.95 (Standard) or $49.95 (Deluxe) in US dollars to:
- Gary Maddox
- 1901 Spring Creek Apt 315
- Plano, TX 75023-4219
- Foreign orders mailed directly to me should include $5 for the extra postage.
- CARDS!!!
- CompuServe users can register online! GO SWREG to register online and receive
- your registration code within 24 hours or less! The registration cost will be
- billed to your CIS account.
- To register in Germany, send 59 Deutche Marks plus handling fee to:
- Ettlingerstr. 5
- D-7500 Karlsruhe 1
- Germany
- I suggest you contact CDV to find out the current handling charges and to obtain
- a catalog of their other excellent shareware offerings.
- To register in the U.K., send 16 pounds Sterling to:
- Carl Ricketts
- 54 St. Anne's Road
- Tankerton
- Whitstable
- Kent
- CT5 2DR
- England
- Danske brugere kan henvende sig til:
- Pro Soft Phone 53 61 90 42
- Benloese Skel 4 G Fax 53 61 93 91
- 4100 Ringsted BBS 57 67 17 47.
- Paa BBS kan den sidste nye version hentes gratis.
- To register in Australia, contact:
- BUDGETWARE Phone (02) 519-4233
- PO Box 496 Fax (02) 516-4236
- Newtown NSW 2042
- To register in Switzerland, contact:
- Software News! Phone (061) 313 45 45
- Sissacherstr. 57 Fax (061) 313 42 02
- 4052 Basel CIS 100042,1105
- Switzerland
- >> You can drop me a line on CompuServe at 76711,547.<<
- >> InterNet users can email me at 76711.547@compuserve.com.<<
- Thank you for using my digital sound software.
- * Sound Blaster is a registered trademark of Creative Labs, Inc
- BLASTER Master Copyright (C) 1990-1993 by Gary Maddox, all rights reserved