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Text File | 1994-04-25 | 68.2 KB | 1,265 lines |
- BLASTER Master
- Tutorial
- NOTE: The SAMPLE1.VOC example file is not included with the
- shareware version. Substitute any VOC file.
- The future of sound recording is digital. Digital recording,
- also known as sampling, uses a system of numbers to
- represent the sounds recorded. Because the sound is stored
- as numbers, the quality of the recording never changes.
- Unlike analog recordings like tape and vinyl records that
- lose fidelity each time a copy is made or the record is
- played, a digital recording will always sound the same. With
- the release of the Sound Blaster, PC users can explore the
- world of digital recording.
- Another big advantage of digital recording is that sounds
- can be easily edited and manipulated mathematically. Usually
- when a digital recording is made, there are segments at the
- beginning and ending of the file that need to be trimmed
- away. If you are recording speech, there will be "ugh"
- sounds and long pauses that you will want to remove. Your
- digital file will be smaller and sound more professional by
- using these simple editing functions. This is where BLASTER
- Master comes in.
- BLASTER Master is a shareware program for editing sound
- files. It is graphically based and has a very elegant and
- intuitive user interface. But do not let the simplicity of
- the user interface fool you. BLASTER Master is one of the
- most powerful tools for manipulating digital files
- available. All the basic editing functions are included.
- Segments of the sound file can be removed, saved, moved,
- copied and more. In addition to these basic block functions,
- BLASTER Master also includes a tool kit of advanced digital
- signal processes (DSP) for altering your sound files in ways
- that are nothing short of amazing! With a little practice
- and experimentation, you will be able to combine the many
- functions in BLASTER Master to create sounds you never
- dreamed were possible.
- This is a short tutorial on using BLASTER Master. We will
- cover some basic editing and also have some fun too! Here is
- a list of some of the features we will explore.
- * Echoing files with different delays and
- echo volumes to achieve a variety of effects.
- * Reversing files to see what they sound
- like backwards.
- * Changing the pitch so your voice sounds
- like either a Munchkin or a giant.
- * Adjusting the volume of sound files
- * Fading the volume at the beginning and end
- for very professional sounding results.
- * Mixing sound files together to make a
- combined file just like a multitrack recorder.
- * Looping segments of sound files for some
- really cool Rap DJ effects.
- These are only a few of the processes we will explore. Don't
- worry if you don't understand some of the features. By the
- time this tutorial is completed, you will be well on your
- way to becoming a Sound Blaster Master!
- This tutorial assumes that you have already correctly installed
- BLASTER Master.
- Here are a few tips for getting the most from the software:
- You will need at least an 80286 based IBM PC compatible. Sound
- processing requires alot of computer system resources. The
- faster your computer runs and the faster your hard drive reads
- and writes the better. Since most of the DSP functions require
- thousands, if not millions, of calculations, a math co-processor
- is very handy, but not required. 80486 DX processors have a math
- co-processor built in, so these CPUs naturally work quite well.
- You will also need a high resolution EGA or standard VGA
- graphics system to run the software. BLASTER Master visually
- plots the wave form to make editing easier and quicker. If you
- want to edit individual segments of the file for cut and paste
- type operations, you will need a Microsoft compatible mouse. You
- will also need alot of free 640k memory. Since BLASTER Master is
- a large program capable of working with very large files, I
- recommend a minium of 560k free memory. You might could get by
- with slightly less, but some of the functions might not be able
- to work correctly. Most PCs sold today come with at least two
- megabytes of memory. We are only concerned with how much 640k
- DOS memory is free. That's what counts for running programs.
- Last but certainly not least, I recommend you have plenty of
- free space on your hard drive. Even though the unregistered
- shareware version of BLASTER Master will only process files no
- larger than 25 seconds in length, you can quickly use up several
- megabytes of disk space. A 25 second stereo file sampled at
- 22khz uses about 1.2 megabytes of disk space!
- BLASTER Master is a shareware program. In other words, it is
- released in a form that may be shared with others. It is not
- public domain. It is a copyrighted program and subject to the
- same legal protection as all copyrighted works. BLASTER Master
- can be found on BBS's and online services like GEnie, CompuServe
- and America Online. Unlike most shareware, you are not limited
- to only 30 days of use. You may use the unregistered version of
- BLASTER Master for as long as you like. I hope you enjoy it! I
- do this because many of my BLASTER Master users are students and
- coming up with even a paltry sum of $29.95 is very hard. If you
- are able to pay for the software, then I would appreciate your
- support.
- When you register BLASTER Master, I send you a code number to
- remove the 25 second editing limitation. This number works on
- all versions of BLASTER Master. Not only do you get unlimited
- use for the version you currently have, you will also have
- unlimited use with the frequent updates of the software. As long
- as people continue to support BLASTER Master financially, I will
- continue to produce updates.
- We are ready now to learn how to navigate through the functions
- and dialog boxes of the program. As stated earlier, I strongly
- recommend the use of a mouse. In most cases, you will only need
- your keyboard for entering a few function parameters and
- entering file names. If you should be using your keyboard, you
- can advance through the dialog boxes using the TAB key. The TAB
- key combined with the SHIFT key moves in the reverse direction.
- You will also find the arrow keys and the PgUp, PgDn, Home and
- End to be very useful.
- From the DOS prompt, type:
- The program will clear the screen and begin "looking" for your
- Sound Blaster. If everything is as it should be, you will see a
- light blue graphic screen with the BLASTER Master logo and a
- large dark blue dialog box titled, "Select Sound File". This is
- the opening screen and where we will select our sound files
- from. The top of the File Select dialog box contains an input
- box for entering file names from the keyboard. "*.VOC" should be
- high-lighted within this input box. Just below the input box is
- displayed
- the current path. A large list box is displayed in the center
- and to the left of the File Select dialog box. All of the files
- with a VOC extension in the current path are displayed. This
- list box is used to quickly and easily select sound files
- without having to type them in. To the right of the list box is
- another list box that displays the disk drives on your system.
- This list box is very handy for selecting other drives and
- subdirectories. Both disk drives and subdirectories are
- displayed in this list box. Selecting the ".." selection will
- cause the current path to fall back one directory level. In
- other words, if the path displays:
- Choosing the ".." will change the path display to the root
- directory or:
- C:\
- At the bottom of the File Select Dialog box is a row of six
- light blue buttons. The functions of the buttons are described
- below:
- Play the selected sound file. You can choose this function from
- the keyboard by using ALT-P.
- Record a new sound file. Choosing this function brings up the
- Record dialog box. We'll learn more about it later. You can
- choose this option from the keyboard by using ALT-R.
- Delect the selected sound file. Because sound files take up
- quite a bit of disk space and experimentation is usually
- required to get the effect you want, I have included an option
- to "clean up" un-needed sound files. Please be very careful when
- using this option! You can choose this option from the keyboard
- by using ALT-D
- Import other sound file formats. Choosing this function brings
- up the Import dialog box. Windows 3.1 Wave files, raw SND files
- and Amiga IFF files can be loaded into BLASTER Master from here.
- We'll learn more about importing files later. You can choose
- this function from the keyboard by using ALT-I.
- Accept the selected sound file for editing. Mouse users can also
- "double click" the left mouse button to select a file for
- editing without using this button. Keyboard users can choose
- this option by using ALT-A.
- Quit BLASTER Master and return to DOS. You can choose this
- option from the keyboard by using ALT-Q and [ENTER].
- Sound Blaster Pro users will also see four controls for
- adjusting the onboard mixer. The Master volume, VOC player
- volume, Microphone and Line In volumes can all be quickly
- adjusted by using these sliders. These controls are active
- during playback.
- Now let's select a file and play it back. The file list box
- should display the file EXAMPLE1.VOC. Using your mouse, place
- the white arrow over EXAMPLE1.VOC and press the left mouse
- button only once. If you are using the keyboard, press the TAB
- key once to highlight EXAMPLE1.VOC and press [ENTER]. The file
- name input box should now display "EXAMPLE1.VOC" instead of
- "*.VOC". Using the mouse once again, place the white arrow over
- the PLAY button and click the left mouse button once. Keyboard
- users can press the ALT key and the P key at the same time. A
- red, shadowed box will appear with some useful information about
- the sound file during playback. This is the Playback Information
- box. It tells you the name of the file, how big it is, what the
- sample rate is and the type of file. Playback can be stopped by
- clicking the left mouse button or pressing the [ESC] key. Sound
- Blaster Pro users can also adjust the various mixer volumes
- during playback.
- Now that we've heard the file, let's take a look at it! Using
- your mouse, place the white arrow over the ACCEPT button and
- press the left button once. Keyboard users can press [ENTER] or
- use ALT-A. The File Select dialog box and the logo will
- disappear. A graphical representation of the sound file will be
- drawn on the upper section of the screen. From this display, we
- can see where segments of our sound files start and end. The
- width of the screen represents the playback length of the file.
- The height of the screen represents the amplitude or volume of
- the playback. This visual interface makes it very easy to see
- individual segments of sound files. The vertical grid lines
- divide the sound file into seconds or in the case of very long
- files, into minutes. With very little practice and
- experimentation, you will quickly begin to develop a "feel" for
- editing sound files.
- Below the wave form display is some very useful information
- about the file we are currently editing. The name of the file,
- length sample rate and playback time is always displayed. To the
- right of this information are eight buttons. These buttons are
- used to select DSP functions that will act upon the entire file.
- Placing your mouse cursor over a button and pressing the LEFT
- mouse button will select the function. Keyboard users can use
- the TAB and Shift-TAB keys to highlight the desired option and
- then pressing the ENTER key to select that function. The two
- farthest buttons to the right are very important. They are the
- NEW and MORE buttons. Selecting NEW will allow you to select
- another sound file. Don't press it yet though! The MORE button
- will cause the function buttons to change. Select the MORE
- button now. You should see seven more functions appear. The MORE
- button is still there to go back to the original functions.
- Current Time Display
- Lets move the mouse cursor across the wave form graph. You will
- notice that the time display across from the Playing Time
- changes as we move the mouse cursor back and forth across the
- wave for graph. This feature displays the approximate time of
- the sound file at the point the mouse cursor is positioned over.
- I am sorry but keyboard users do not have an equivalent for this
- in the software.
- Setting the Marker
- With the mouse cursor still in the wave form graphic area, press
- the RIGHT mouse button. Just below the mouse cursor position on
- the blue bar a small white triangle will appear. This marker
- will come in very handy in the future. It can be used to mark a
- reference point as a reminder. The INSERT and MIXER functions
- can also use the marker as the position to begin their
- processes.
- The Vanishing Menu
- When we move the mouse cursor to the upper most area of the wave
- form graphic area, a pull-down type menu will appear. It will
- remain visible as long as the mouse cursor is over it or the
- SHIFT key is held. Moving the cursor away will cause the menu to
- vanish once again. Now you see it... now you don't!
- The Vanishing Menu contains four sub-menu options:
- These menu options allow you to select a NEW file, SAVE the
- current file, SAVE AS a new name or sound file format, IMPORT a
- new sound file, RECORD a new sound file and QUIT the program
- and return to DOS. The ABOUT option will display some very
- useful information like the BLASTER Master version number, your
- soundcards DSP version and the DMA, IRQ and PORT settings.
- These menu options allow you to LOOP play the sound file over
- and over again, SAVE SCREEN COLORS and if you have made a change
- to the sound file, an UNDO or RETURN TO ORIGINAL option is
- available.
- These menu options correspond to the same DSP functions as the
- lower buttons. There are some options not available from the
- buttons: The PANNING function allows a stereo file to pan from
- speaker to speaker. The SILENCE function allows silence bytes to
- be inserted into the file to extend the playback time. The MAKE
- MONO function converts a stereo file to a mono file. The HISS
- function (Noise Gate) removes all bytes below a certain
- amplitude.
- This menu option displays a simple online help screen. The DSP
- functions are described in more detail than just the button
- labels. This is a handy reminder from time to time if there are
- features that you have not used very often.
- Marking a Block
- Now that we have had a look at functions for working with a
- whole sound file, we are ready to see some Block functions.
- Processes that function with segments of the file, like cutting,
- saving and moving segments require that way to identify the area
- we want to work with. This selection process requires a mouse.
- Keyboard will not be able to select a block for processing.
- We mark a block by placing the mouse cursor over the wave form
- graph at the point we want to start and pressing the LEFT mouse
- button. A blue line will appear at the point the mouse cursor
- was over and the function buttons will disappear. If you have
- selected an area you do not want, press the ESC key and the blue
- line will disappear and the function buttons will pop up again.
- The blue lines can not be moved with the mouse. Assuming the
- first point is what we want, position the mouse cursor over the
- wave form graph where you would like the block to end and press
- the LEFT mouse button once again. Our block should be surrounded
- by a blue box and eight new buttons will appear where the
- function buttons were before. Since we can not move the blue box
- lines, it is always a very good idea to select slightly more
- area than we need. You can ZOOM into the block and continue to
- mark new segments until you have exactly the block you need.
- Don't worry if you don't like the new block, UNZOOM will return
- you to the previous segment. You can ZOOM up to 128 times or
- until the sample to pixel resolution is 1:1. The current
- resolution is displayed over the function buttons to the right
- of the screen. The size of the current block is displayed to the
- left of the File Size display. The playing time of the block is
- similarly displayed across from the Playing Time. With very
- little practice, you will quickly learn to mark a block with
- surgical precision.
- Block Functions
- As mentioned earlier, the DSP function buttons have been
- replaced with processes that act upon the selected block rather
- than the whole sound file. Even the Vanishing Menu has different
- options and a different help screen now. The PLAY button now
- will only play the block and the NEW function discards the blue
- box and returns to the original file.
- The CUT Function
- The most common editing feature used in block mode is the CUT.
- There is usually some unwanted sample data at the beginning and
- end of the sound file that needs to be removed. There may also
- be some undesirable vocal components like "ughs" and breath
- sounds that should be removed to have a more professional sound.
- We will cover all the functons later in the tutorial.
- Handy Tip
- When trimming the front and end of a new sound file, always CUT
- the left-most segment first. BLASTER Master uses a DOS function
- to resize an UNTITLED or edited sound file when the right-most
- segment is removed. This is much faster than having to make a
- copy of the new file. You'll like it!
- The ZOOM/UNZOOM Functions
- The currently selected block can be displayed in more detail by
- using the ZOOM function. Position the mouse cursor over the ZOOM
- button and press the LEFT mouse button. The wave form graph will
- change to display the block only. A new block can be selected
- with the mouse cursor and LEFT mouse button as before. We can
- continue to mark and ZOOM until we reach a sample to pixel
- resolution of 1:1. Selecting the UNZOOM function will redisplay
- the previously marked block in ZOOM mode until we return to the
- original block. Try the UNZOOM function now.
- Exiting the Wave Editor
- Now that we have seen how to mark a block, select the NEW button
- and press the LEFT mouse button (or press the ESC key). The blue
- box will disappear and the DSP function buttons will reappear.
- Select the NEW button again (or press the ESC key) and you will
- be returned to the File Selection Dialog Box. If a change was
- made to the sound file, a dialog box will appear to SAVE the
- changes. We will talk more about that in the next section of
- this tutorial.
- Handy Tip
- You can quickly quit BLASTER Master and return to DOS from the
- Wave Editor by pressing CTRL-Q!
- Using the DSP Functions
- Now that we have taken a quick tour through BLASTER Master, you
- should be familiar with the user interface and navigating
- through the software. We will cover a few of the more common DSP
- functions that operate on the entire sound file. Some of the
- functions will require some parameters and other functions will
- not. The functions requiring user supplied parameters will
- require some experimentation and experience to achieve the
- results you want.
- The ECHO Function
- An echo occurs when accoustic sound waves that have passed our
- ears are reflected back from some surface that is off in the
- distance. The distance of the reflecting surface and how well
- the sound is reflected determines the kind of echo that is
- produced. One of the more common DSP functions and also one of
- the more versatile functions is the ECHO. Everything from short,
- gated reverbs to continuous canyon echos can be processed using
- this single function. A bit of echo can help to sweeten a voice
- recording and produce a more professional sound. Three user
- supplied parameters are required to process an echo:
- Time Delay
- The time delay determines the point in which the echo is
- returned. The range of this parameter helps determine whether a
- reverb type effect is achieved or a long canyon type echo. This
- parameter ranges from 60 milliseconds to 400 milliseconds. The
- majority of the echos desired will probably be in the 60 to 200
- millisecond range. This parameter is the same element as the
- distance of the reflective surface in an accoustic echo.
- Mixture
- The mixture is how loud the echos will be mixed into the
- original sound. This is a very important parameter for how the
- resulting echo will sound. Remember to not go overboard on this
- setting. A setting of 30% to 60% is usually all that is needed
- to achieve a very realistic result. This parameter is the same
- element as how well the distant surface reflects the accoustic
- sound waves. The louder the accoustic echo is returned, the more
- reflective the distant surface is.
- Finite or Infinite Filtering
- This parameter determines how many times the echo will be
- repeated. Finite means the echo will only be repeated once. This
- is very good for gated reverbs or when the sound file is very
- complex. The Infinite filter causes the echo to repeat over and
- over until it eventually fades away. This is a more natural echo
- but does not lend as well to reverb effects of short delay.
- Echoing a Sound File
- We will apply some echo to the SAMPLE1.VOC sound file now. From
- the File Select dialog box, select the SAMPLE1.VOC file. As
- discussed earlier in the tutorial, you may select this file by
- using the mouse or the keyboard. If you have correctly selected
- the sound file, you should now be in the Wave Editor and
- SAMPLE1.VOC should be graphically displayed. Using the mouse,
- place the cursor over the ECHO button and press the LEFT mouse
- button. Keyboard users can press ALT-E to select the ECHO
- function. A ECHO function dialog box will appear in the center
- of the wave form graph. We will need to add the delay and volume
- mixture parameters using the keyboard. The Delay field should be
- highlighted. We will use a delay of 150 milliseconds. Enter the
- following number:
- 150 [ENTER]
- The Mixture field should now be highlighted. We will set the
- volume mixture to 45. This will give an echo that is not too
- overwhelming. Enter the following number:
- 45 [ENTER]
- The OK button should be highlighted now. There is another
- parameter that we could choose to select at this time. That
- parameter is the FINITE or INFINITE filter. The ECHO function
- defaults to the INFINITE option. If you wish, you can use your
- mouse to toggle between the FINITE and INFINITE parameter to get
- a feel for it. For the purposes of this experiment, select the
- INFINITE option if it is not already selected. Using the mouse,
- select the OK button. A graphical guage will pop up in the wave
- form graph in the lower left corner. This guage is used with
- most functions to let us know how the function is progressing. A
- percentage completed will also be displayed to the right of the
- guage. Depending on the speed of your PC, this function will
- take a few seconds.
- When the function is completed, the wave form graph will be
- redisplayed and SAMPLE1.VOC will be replaced with UNTITLED. This
- tells us that the current file has been modified. BLASTER Master
- never changes the original file unless you choose to save on top
- of it. It is a very good idea to always rename the file unless
- disk space is getting low. Working with digital files gobbles up
- hard disk space very quickly! BLASTER Master will warn you when
- your disk space is marginal.
- Select the PLAY function and we will hear what our sound file
- sounds like with echo. You can select the PLAY function by using
- the mouse or keyboard users can press ALT-P. You should hear a
- very noticable echo in the sound file. By using different delay,
- mixture and filter combinations you can achieve a wide variety
- of effects. I will leave it to you to experiment with these
- settings.
- Saving the New Sound File
- Now that we have applied some echo to our sound file, we need to
- save it and try some other functions. We could continue to add
- more DSP functions to the sound file. There is no limit to how
- many functions can be applied to a single sound file. Later in
- the tutorial we will discuss combining functions to achieve some
- interesting effects.
- Using the mouse, place the cursor over the NEW function and
- press the LEFT mouse button. The Save File dialog box will
- appear in the center of the wave form graph. The cursor will be
- in the file name field of the dialog box. Using the keyboard,
- enter:
- We could save our file in another format besides VOC. In the
- lower right of the Save File dialog is a series of radio buttons
- to select the desired format, such a WAV. This dialog always
- defaults to the VOC file format. Just below the file name and to
- the left are three option buttons. These options can be used to
- SAVE the file as named, RETURN TO THE EDITOR and make more
- changes or DON'T SAVE and discard the sound file and lose the
- changes. For purposes of our experiment, we want to SAVE the
- sound file. When you begin experimenting on your own, you will
- often choose to not save the sound file to conserve disk space.
- BLASTER Master will return you to the File Select dialog box.
- You should see ECHO1.VOC included with the other sound files.
- The REVERSE Function
- Because digital files are nothing more than a series of
- amplitude values captured at a constant rate, the playback can
- be easily reversed by simply reversing the order of the samples.
- In other words, the last sample byte becomes the first sample
- byte and the first sample byte becomes the last sample byte. All
- the subsequent sample bytes are reversed in this same manner
- until the whole file has been processed. This is one of the
- easiest of the DSP functions to do. It is also one of the
- fastest. No user supplied parameters are required because of the
- simplicity of the process. Because of the simplicity of this
- function, we will not go over the steps for accessing it. We
- will combine the REVERSE function with ECHO for a very
- interesting effect a bit later in this tutorial.
- Fun with the REVERSE Function
- There is not that much practical use for the REVERSE function,
- but you can have alot of fun with it. Television evangelists can
- spend hours and hours looking for those pesky satanic references
- in rock and roll lyrics. Many phrases will make new phrases when
- reversed and auditioned with a bit of imagination. The reversed
- words tend to be one or two syllable words but they are there
- none the less. I have always poked fun at this but maybe there
- is something to it afterall... If you reverse Robert Johnson's
- 1935 song, "Hellhound on My Trail" it seems to very clearly
- state, "He's someone that I like!". Blues legend maintains that
- Robert Johnson sold his soul to the devil to be the world's
- greatest blues singer. Maybe they are right.
- Those of us who can remember that Paul McCartney had a band
- before Wings may remember that "Number Nine" from The Beatles
- White Album song "Revolution Number Nine" played in reverse
- sounds like "turn me on, deadman". It does indeed. The British
- accent helps though. When I reverse my own Texas drawl saying
- "Number Nine" it sounds more like "turn me own, dumb dumb".
- Did you know that Johnny Weissmuller's famous Tarzan yell sounds
- the same after being reversed? It does. Try it. Who ever created
- the original effect spliced the tape onto itself in reverse to
- extend the call. Using the ZOOM feature will reveal the actual
- point the sounds connect. The warbled yodel in the Tarzan yell
- is produced by playing the original vocal at a faster speed and
- mixing it back in several times. That explains why neither
- Johnny or Carol Burnet could ever reproduce it exactly. Someone
- put alot of work into it with tape and scissors!
- Another interesting experiment with the REVERSE function is to
- record your voice saying your name and then reverse it. Practice
- saying your name in reverse until you can record it and reverse
- it to produce your name forward again. Whereas this ability may
- not help your resume' very much, it is fun for children of all
- ages.
- Combining the REVERSE and ECHO Functions
- This experiment will combine the REVERSE and ECHO functions to
- produce a very different type of echo than is found in the real
- world. This is only one example of how functions can be combined
- to produce some very interesting effects. You will soon be able
- to use your imagination to achieve your own special effects. I
- also recommend you begin to pay attension to the special effects
- in movies and on television. You will begin to recognize how the
- sound F/X experts make their magic.
- Select and REVERSE the Sound File
- Using the same steps to select a sound file as we did earlier in
- this tutorial, select the SAMPLE1.VOC file and enter the wave
- editor. First we will REVERSE the file. Select the REVERSE
- button using the mouse cursor and the LEFT button. A small
- dialog box will appear in the center of the wave form graph with
- only two options, OK and CANCEL. Choose the OK button and the
- sound file will be quickly reversed. Once again the file name
- has changed to UNTITLED. Select the PLAY option to audition the
- reversed sound file. Did it sound like you expected?
- ECHO the Reversed Sound File
- We will now select the ECHO function exactly as we did before,
- only this time the file is in reverse. Follow the same steps and
- parameters as before. For added effect, you can use a delay of
- 200 milliseconds if you wish. Once the ECHO function is
- completed, the echoed sound file will be redisplayed in the wave
- form graph. Select the PLAY option again to hear the multi-
- processed sound file.
- Reverse the Sound File Again!
- Once more, select the REVERSE option and process the sound file
- for a third time. When the sound file is redisplayed, select the
- PLAY option to hear the results of combining these two
- functions. Instead of a natural echo, we have the effect of a
- "reverse echo". The sounds fade into the original instead of
- fading out. This can be very useful for outer space effects and
- bizarre Doppler effects.
- Saving the Multi-processed Sound File
- Using the mouse, place the cursor over the NEW function and
- press the LEFT mouse button. The Save File dialog box will
- appear in the center of the wave form graph. The cursor will be
- in the file name field of the dialog box. Using the keyboard,
- enter:
- As mentioned earlier, we could save our file in another format
- besides VOC. In the lower right of the Save File dialog is a
- series of radio buttons to select the desired format, such a
- WAV. This dialog always defaults to the VOC file format. Just
- below the file name and to the left are three option buttons.
- These options can be used to SAVE the file as named, RETURN TO
- THE EDITOR and make more changes or DON'T SAVE and discard the
- sound file and lose the changes. For purposes of our experiment,
- we want to SAVE the sound file. When you begin experimenting on
- your own, you will often choose to not save the sound file to
- conserve disk space.
- BLASTER Master will return you to the File Select dialog box.
- You should see ECHO2.VOC included with the other sound files.
- You can use the PLAY option from the File Select dialog box to
- compare the ECHO1.VOC and ECHO2.VOC if you wish.
- Using the PITCH Function
- One of the components of a digital sound file is the Sample
- Rate. The sample rate is a steady, constant value that reflects
- how many samples are played during a single second. A sample
- rate of 22khz (twenty-two kilohertz) means that 22,000 samples
- are played each second. When the original digital sound file was
- sampled (recorded), a measurement of the voltage passing through
- the microphone was made 22,000 times a second. Playing back the
- file at the same sample rate will reproduce the digital sound
- file at the exact same pitch it was originally sampled. If we
- increase or decrease the original sample rate during playback
- the pitch will change accordingly.
- The PITCH function is accessed like the other DSP functions in
- BLASTER Master. It is not one of the default functions that
- appear when a sound file is first displayed so it is necessary
- to use the MORE button. It is also included in the TOOLS under
- the Vanishing Menu, as are all the other functions. The PITCH
- dialog box uses a rangebar or slider to choose the amount of
- pitch change. The first time the pitch is changed the sound file
- will be redisplayed and the file name will change to UNTITLED.
- All pitch changes to the UNTITLED sound file will be much
- faster. Only the header will be changed to reflect the new
- sample rate. Do not confuse the PITCH and the RATE functions.
- They are very different. We will discuss the RATE function
- below.
- Handy Tip
- When the PITCH function is used the playback speed is also
- altered along with the pitch. When lowering the pitch you may
- wish to combine it with the FAST function to increase the
- playback speed without changing pitch. This is particularly
- useful with speech type sound files. The vocal inflection will
- sound more natural. The same applies to increasing the pitch.
- Use the SLOW function to make the sound file less chattery. Try
- applying the REVERSE/ECHO/REVERSE technique along with a pitch
- reduction and playback speed increase. This produces an erie,
- alien type voice that can be useful for games that you write.
- Using the RATE Function
- Unlike the PITCH function that merely changes the rate which a
- sound file is played back, the RATE function actually changes
- the sample rate while maintaining the original pitch. The RATE
- function uses a mathematical function known as spline
- interpolation. Interpolation can calculate missing samples in
- the case of raising the sample rate or determine which samples
- to remove or replace in the case of lowering the sample rate.
- This function can be very useful for reducing the size of a
- sound file without using compression (packing). Many sound files
- will sound no different when resampled to a lower rate.
- Aliasing
- If after using the RATE function to lower the sample rate. the
- sound file begins to get a tinny sound, then try again at a
- slightly higher sample rate. The tinny sound is called aliasing.
- It is produced when the sample rate is not high enough to
- capture the higher frequencies accurately. The Nyquest theorum
- states that a sound file must be sampled at twice the sample
- rate of the highest frequency. In other words, to capture
- frequencies up to 11khz requires a sample rate of at least
- 22khz. Many people falsely believe that a high sample rate will
- insure a clear sample with very little hiss or background noise.
- The sample rate is used purely to capture frequency range. The
- signal to noise ratio is determined by the number of bits used
- in each sample. A 16bit file has a theoretic signal to noise
- ratio of 96db. An 8bit file can only have a signal to noise
- ratio of 48db.
- Using the VOLUME Function
- Some digital sound files may not be sampled at a audio volume
- that suits your purposes. The VOLUME function is used to adjust
- the amplitude of digital sound files. Increasing the audio
- volume of a sound file will not introduce any new noise to the
- signal but it will increase the volume of any noise present.
- This is almost never a problem unless the original sound file is
- of a very poor quality. The VOLUME function is one of the easier
- DSP functions to do. It multiplies each sample byte evenly by a
- factor that will increase or decrease the amplitude. It is very
- usefull when combined with the MIXER functions.
- The VOLUME function is accessed like all the other DSP
- functions. It is also available as a block tool and is often
- more desirable for reducing noise than is the MUTE block tool.
- Two user supplied parameters are required to perform this
- function. First, we must tell the the function whether we will
- be increasing or decreasing the volume. Enter either an "I" to
- increase or a "D" to decrease. Do not use the quotation marks!
- Next we must supply the function with the factor in which to
- adjust the volume. In the case of decreasing the volume, the
- factor must be between 99 and 1. This will lower the amplitude
- to that level relative to the original sound file. A sound file
- can be increased over a much wider range. The volume can be
- doubled by entering a value of 100. This process can be ran
- several times if some tweaking is required.
- The VOLUME function will recreate the sound file as UNTITLED and
- redisplay the processed file like the other functions. Go
- through the same steps to save the file as before.
- Using the FADE Function
- The FADE function is very similar to the VOLUME function.
- Instead of applying a constant factor that the samples will be
- scaled to, it uses an increasing or decreasing factor to cause
- the sound file volume to fade in or to fade out. A FADE IN
- assumes you will be starting at the beginning of the sound file.
- You can FADE IN from the beginning to approximately half way
- into the file. The FADE OUT function assumes that you will be
- fading out to the end of the sound file. You can begin the FADE
- OUT function approximately half way into the sound file to the
- end. This is an extremely usefull DSP function and can be
- applyed to almost any digital sound file.
- Determining the Fade time
- Usually the amount of time to fade can be determined visually by
- using the time grid that is displayed in the wave form graph. A
- more specific method is to use the mouse cursor to determine the
- FADE IN time by moving it over the wave form graph and noticing
- the current time as it is displayed to the right of the total
- playing time. Another method that can be applied to both the
- FADE IN and FADE OUT time window is to use the mouse cursor
- combined with the LEFT mouse button to mark a block at the
- beginning or ending of the sound file. The playback time for the
- block is displayed to the right of the total playback time.
- After noting the block time, use the NEW button to exit block
- mode and return to function mode. Be carefull to only press the
- NEW button once. Otherwise you will be returned to the Select
- Soundfile Dialog box. If you are working with an UNTITLED sound
- file and you accidentally press the NEW button twice, the Save
- Soundfile Dialog box has a Return to Edit button that will put
- you back in function mode.
- Cross-fading
- The FADE function can also be used very effectively with the
- MIXER function to apply cross-fading of two files. Cross-fading
- occurs when one sound file fades out as another sound file fades
- in. Cross-fading is very commonly used in broadcast radio to
- segue one song into another. Disk Jockeys use a mixer board
- rather than digital signal processing. An example of cross-
- fading using BLASTER Master would be to fade out about 4 seconds
- of the first sound file and fade in 4 seconds of the second
- sound file. Using the MIXER function, mix the second sound file
- into the last 4 seconds of the first sound file. Don't worry if
- you don't know how to use the MIXER function. That is our next
- topic.
- Using the MIXER Function
- The MIXER function is a very powerful tool in our arsenal of DSP
- functions. It literally combines two digital sound files into a
- third combined sound file. The combined sound file can then have
- another sound file mixed in, and so forth. Each generation will
- lose some clarity so there is a limit to how many sound files
- can be mixed in and still achieve decent fidelity. You can also
- choose the exact point to mix a sound file in using the mouse
- cursor, the marker, a certain time into the sound file or a
- certain number of samples into the the sound file. One primary
- thing you should be aware of is the mixer does not attempt to
- adjust the sample rate of the sound file being mixed in if it
- does not match the sound file selected for editing. This can
- work to your advantage for achieving certain effects. In most
- cases you will want to process one file or the other using the
- RATE function if the two sound files have different sample
- rates. The amplitude or volume can be adjusted for the sound
- file being mixed in. The basic use of the MIXER function is
- quite simple but getting the sound balance adjusted correctly
- and selecting the point to begin the mix will take some practice
- and often several attempts to get it just right.
- Selecting the Mix File
- We begin our MIXER experiment by selecting the original sound
- file to be processed. Use the same steps as before to select a
- sound file and display it in the Wave Form Graphic Display. When
- the MIXER function is selected using either the Function buttons
- or from the Tools menu of the Vanishing Menu, the familiar File
- Select Dialog box will be displayed across the Wave Form Graphic
- Display. The heading of the dialog box will be SELECT SOUND FILE
- TO MIX IN. This can be disorienting the first time the MIXER or
- INSERT functions are selected. Both functions use the File
- Select Dialog box to choose the secondary sound file, so don't
- be confused. You are still in Function mode. Select the Mix in
- sound file using your mouse or the keyboard just like you would
- select any other sound file for editing. (You could also RECORD
- a new sound file to Mix in. We will not go into that at
- present.) Remember! The MIXER function does not adjust the
- sample rate of the sound file being mixed in. If you select a
- sound file with a lower sample rate, the mixed in sound file
- will playback at a faster rate. If a sound file with a higher
- sample rate than the original is chosen, the mixed in sound file
- will playback at a slower rate. If the sample rates do not
- match, you can always first process one of the sound files using
- the RATE function as described earlier in this tutorial. After
- selecting the Mix in sound file, the Mix In Volume dialog box
- will be displayed.
- Choosing the Mix In File Volume
- The Mix in sound file can be added at a different volume than
- the original sound file. The Mix in Volume has a range of 1 to
- 200. To use the original volume of the sound files, enter 100 as
- the volume. To lower the volume, enter a value less than 100. To
- boost the volume, use a value that is greater than 100. If you
- are adding background sounds to the original sound file, you
- will probably want to use a lower volume than 100. If you are
- mixing in a sound file over a bed or background sound file, then
- you may wish to boost the Mix in sound file. In either case, you
- may wish to experiment and apply the mixing more than once.
- Remember to use a different name each time you save the
- processed sound file. You will have to enter the Mix in Volume
- value using the keyboard.
- Choosing the Mix In Point
- After entering the Mix in Volume, a dialog box will be displayed
- for you to select how you want to select the point to begin
- mixing. The Mix in Point can be selected using your MOUSE
- cursor, the MARKER, TIME into the original sound file or SAMPLES
- into the original sound file.
- Using the MOUSE Option
- Choosing the MOUSE option will cause the Function buttons to
- disappear and a graphical box will appear where the buttons were
- before. Move the mouse cursor over the Wave Form Graphic to the
- point you wish to begin the mix in and press the LEFT mouse
- button. If you wish to mix in from the beginning of the original
- sound file, move the mouse cursor as far to the left as it will
- go before you press the LEFT mouse button.
- Using the MARKER Option
- Choosing the MARKER option will begin the mix in from the point
- that the marker is set. If the MARKER is not set, the process
- will abort. Using the MARKER is a very handy method for
- preselecting the mix in point. Remember, the MARKER can be set
- by pressing the RIGHT mouse button with the mouse cursor over
- the Wave Form Graph. The MARKER appears as a white triangle just
- below the Wave Form Graph.
- Using the TIME Option
- The TIME option is a very accurate method of selecting the mix
- in point. It offers selectability up to 1/1000th of a second.
- The time value is entered using the keyboard.
- Using the SAMPLES Option
- The SAMPLES option allows you to select the mix in point at a
- sample level. It is also a very accurate method of selecting the
- mix in point. Both the TIME and SAMPLES options will be used in
- special cases. The MARKER and MOUSE options will usually be more
- than adequate for general use.
- Creating Special Effects with the MIXER Function
- The MIXER function can be used to create many special effects.
- Longer echo delays can be processed using the MIXER function.
- You can not mix a sound file onto itself, but the SAVE AS...
- option can be quickly selected from the Vanishing Menu's FILE
- menu to make a copy of the original sound file. Some interesting
- speech effects can be created by using several DSP functions to
- generate a very altered speech file. Then overlay the original,
- unprocessed speech file to add clarity back in. Like all the DSP
- functions in BLASTER Master, you are only limited by your
- imagination.
- Using the INSERT Function
- The INSERT function uses the same basic user interface as the
- MIXER function. There is no VOLUME parameter required. Unlike
- the MIXER function, INSERT will adjust the sample rate or the
- insert sound file to match the original sound file. It will also
- adjust the number of channels of the insert file to match the
- original sound file. In other words, a mono sound file inserted
- into a stereo sound file will be coverted to a two channel sound
- file. A slight delay is added to the converted channels to
- simulate stereo and add more depth. If a stereo sound file is
- inserted into a mono sound file, the two channels of the stereo
- sound file will be compared and mixed where needed. The INSERT
- is a very fundimental DSP function. You will find yourself using
- it quite a bit.
- Using the SLOW Function
- The SLOW function is a tool for very specialized use.
- Essentially, it slows the playback speed of a digital sound file
- without effecting the pitch. The playback speed will be
- approximately half of the original, depending on the sound file
- used. It requires no input parameters. The function itself is a
- fairly involved process. It scans through the file and
- duplicates very small segments of the waveform to extend the
- time. It uses some inteligence to find the segments and then
- cross-fades the splice points. It works best with simple speech
- tracks but can also be used effectively with more complex sound
- files like music. Musicians will find it particularly useful for
- slowing down solos for closer study. Hardware devices to perform
- the same function, such as the SloMo, cost several hundred
- dollars and are limited to a few seconds. The SLOW function can
- also be very useful when used with the PITCH function. When
- increasing the PITCH, use the SLOW function to give the speech a
- more natural and less chattery sound.
- Using the FAST Function
- We could not have a SLOW function without a FAST function as
- well. The FAST function is a simpler process and does allow for
- user selectable effect. Choosing the FAST function displays a
- dialog box with a rangebar or slider for selecting how much to
- speed the playback. Like the SLOW function, it works best with
- simple speech type sound files but music can also be processed
- effectively. The function works by removing minute segments of
- the waveform and cross-fading the splice point. The FAST
- function also works well when used in conjunction with the PITCH
- function. When using PITCH to lower the sound file pitch, apply
- the FAST function to give the resulting sound file a more
- natural sound. Both the FAST and SLOW functions are interesting
- effects and worth some time experimenting with.
- Using the VOCALS Function
- The VOCALS function requires a stereo sound file. It can be used
- to eliminate the vocals from music type sound files. The results
- will vary from sound file to sound file. The process works by
- inverting one channel of a stereo sound file and mixing it into
- the remaining channel to produce a mono file. All of the
- waveforms that are in the center of the stereo space are
- canceled out. Vocals are usually mixed in the center so they are
- usually canceled out. Unfortunately the solos are also usually
- mixed in the center so they are also canceled out. As mentioned
- above, the results are determined on how the original stereo
- recording was mixed and balanced. You can sometimes improve the
- results sometimes by tweaking the balance of the source channels
- during recording. The VOCALS function does work just as well as
- the $350 devices that are sold in magazines. There are no user
- supplied parameters required for this function. It is alot of
- fun and worth experimenting with.
- Using the PANNING Function
- The PANNING function also requires a stereo sound file. PANNING
- causes the volume to pan from one stereo channel to another. The
- user may select a left channel to right channel pan or a right
- channel to left channel pan. It is a very simple process can be
- very effective and useful. The PANNING function can only be
- accessed from the TOOLS menu of the Vanishing Menu.
- Using the SILENCE Function
- The SILENCE function will insert silence bytes into a stereo or
- mono sound file. It is very usefull for extending the playback
- time for syncing with a graphic file, such as an FLI file. It
- can also be indespensible when mixing multiple files together.
- Using the MAKE MONO Function
- The MAKE MONO function requires a stereo sound file. It will
- convert the stereo file to a mono sound file. This is very handy
- for reducing the size of a file by half or for users with a mono
- only soundcard.
- Using the HISS Function
- The HISS function can be more accurately described as a noise
- gate filter. There is a very popular utility with a similar
- name. I had several requests from my registered users to add
- this function, so I retained the name. It essentially replaces
- sound bytes below a certain amplitude with silence bytes. It is
- very usefull with spoken word sound files to remove any
- background noise.
- Using the PACK/UNPACK Functions
- The PACK/UNPACK functions only work on mono sound files. Packing
- involves applying a real-time compression known as ADPCM
- (Adaptive Delta Pulse Code Modulation). It is not a lossless
- compression and should only be used when absolutely necessary.
- Depending on the amount of compression applied, the loss in
- clarity will be quite apparent. An example of 2:1 compression is
- as follows:
- The first sample byte is preserved uncompressed as the
- "reference sample". The difference between that sample value and
- the next sample value is stored as a 4 bit value in the next
- byte. Each subsequent sample is then stored as the difference
- between the last value as a 4 bit value. Each byte after the
- first sample byte then contains the value of two sample bytes.
- Because waveforms follow a rising and falling pattern, an
- adaptive difference is applied to help minimize the amount of
- clarity loss. This adaptation is different for one ADPCM
- algorythmn to another.
- The UNPACK function will only work with a previously packed
- sound file. It retunrs the sound file to an uncompressed format
- although it can not restore the lost resolution of the original
- sound file. It is necessary to UNPACK a packed sound file before
- most of the DSP functions can be used.
- Compression works best with speech type sound files. Music type
- sound files will usually have the pitch and frequencies altered
- too much for any practical applications. Once again, do not use
- compression unless absolutely necessary.
- Using the SCOPE Function
- The SCOPE function is not actually a DSP function at all. It is
- very entertaining and educational and was included for those
- purposes. It can be very useful for adjusting the input volume
- of your input source. That is the reason it is included in the
- RECORD dialog functions. The SCOPE function can be exited by
- pressing any key or clicking either mouse button. Just connect a
- microphone, select the SCOPE function and speak into it. Sound
- Blaster Pro users will have the option of selecting the input
- source (Microphone, Line In or CD Audio). The input source can
- be selected from the RECORD function. You will get to see your
- voice as well as hear it. Children particularly love the SCOPE
- function.
- The SCOPE function uses the direct mode of sampling from the ADC
- (Analog to Digital Converter). The sample rate is set at the
- highest number of cycles your processor can perform. The
- smoothness of the waveforms are achieved using two page
- animation mode.
- Using the BLOCK MODE Functions
- We have seen how processes can be performed on an entire digital
- sound file. We have also combined several functions to create
- new and exciting special effects. Now it is time to explore some
- of the specific editing functions and block tools. There will
- usually be sections of the sound file at the beginning and end
- that need to be removed. There could also be noise or unwanted
- vocal pauses like "ughs" that can be cut from the sound file. A
- sound file may contain a segment that needs to be moved or
- copied to another portion of the file. We will go over each
- editing function in detail in this section of the tutorial.
- Entering BLOCK MODE
- BLOCK MODE can only be entered by using a mouse. There is no
- keyboard equivalent to select a section of a sound file. To
- select a section of a file, move the mouse cursor over the
- waveform graph and press the left mouse button once. A blue
- vertical line will appear at the point where the mouse cursor
- was. The DSP Function buttons will disappear and you will be
- prompted to select the next section of the block. You can select
- from either side of the first mark. Press the left mouse button
- once again to select the next section of the block. The block
- selected will be enclosed within a blue box. The Edit Mode
- Function buttons will appear where the DSP Function buttons were
- before. The size in bytes of the block will be displayed next to
- the file size. The playing time of the block will be displayed
- next to the playing time of the full file.
- Important Tip!
- Always select more of the file for your first (primary) block
- than you want. Once a block is marked you can not use the mouse
- to move the blue lines, although you can select another block
- within the original block after selecting the ZOOM function. The
- ZOOM function will allow you to very accurately select exactly
- the section of the file you wish to modify. You can always use
- the UNZOOM function to return back to your previous block if you
- want to try again. With a very little bit of practice, you will
- soon be able to select exactly the block you need.
- The BLOCK MODE Vanishing Menu
- The Vanishing Menu options are different in BLOCK MODE. It is
- accessed the same way but the sub-menu options have changed:
- These menu options allow you to select a NEW block, CUT the
- block from the sound file, SAVE the block as a new sound file,
- MOVE the block to a new location in the sound file, make a COPY
- of the block in a new location in the sound file or to PLAY the
- block.
- These menu options allow you to LOOP play the block or sound
- file over and over again and choose whether the PLAY function
- will only play the selected block or the entire file.
- These menu options correspond to the same DSP functions as the
- TOOLS button that appears on the lower screen. We will discuss
- them in detail later.
- This menu option displays a simple online help screen. The BLOCK
- MODE functions are described in more detail than just the button
- labels. This is a handy reminder from time to time if there are
- features that you have not used very often.
- The BLOCK MODE Functions
- The PLAY Function
- The PLAY function in BLOCK MODE usually plays the selected block
- only. This is very useful for verifying that you have exactly
- marked the section you want. You can play the entire file by
- choosing the Options sub-menu from the Vanishing Menu and set
- playback to ALL.
- The TOOLS Function
- This function displays a menu of DSP function tools that will
- modify the selected block. Some of the tools are much the same
- as the DSP functions for modifying the complete file but others
- are more specific to a block of sound. These unique functions
- can always be applyed to the entire file by selecting a block
- large enough to contain the sound file. The BLOCK MODE tools
- are:
- This function will repeat the block in the soundfile upto 10
- times. This function is very handy for making a sound stutter or
- to create a pad for later mixing into another file. The number
- of loops can be selected using a sliding range bar with options
- from 2 to 10. This function will increase the size of the file
- accordingly.
- This function will replace the selected block with silence. This
- can be very useful for removing extraneous sounds without
- changing the playback time of the sound file.
- This function will reverse the playback of the block.
- This function will raise or lower the pitch of the selected
- block. The amount of pitch adjustment is based on a percentage
- of the original sample rate. The adjustment is selected by using
- a sliding range bar.
- This function will echo the selected block. The input parameters
- are the same as the DSP Echo function for processing the whole
- soundfile.
- This function will increase or decrease the playback volume of
- the selected block. The input parameters are the same as the DSP
- Volume function for processing the whole soundfile. This
- function is often more desirable for removing background noise
- than the MUTE function. Whereas the MUTE function is dead
- silence, the VOLUME function can be used to reduce the
- background sound and retain a certain amount of ambience.
- This function will gradually increase the pitch and playback
- speed of the selected block.
- This function will gradually decrease the pitch and playback
- speed of the selected block.
- The CUT Function
- This function will remove the selected block from the sound
- file. It is very useful for removing unwanted sections at the
- beginning and ending of a sound file. It can also be used to
- remove vocal "ughs" and such and to shorten the gaps between
- words and sentences.
- Handy Tip
- The CUT funtion will use a DOS trick to shorten the length of a
- file when you are cutting the far right section of an UNTITLED
- sound file, i.e., one that has already been edited at least
- once. The block can not be ZOOMed to use this fast method. If
- you want to remove sections from both the beginning and end of a
- sound file, remove the beginning section first! This will create
- an UNTITLED sound file and make cutting the end of the sound
- file much faster.
- The NEW Function
- This function will allow you to select a new block for
- modifying. The blue box will disappear and you will be returned
- to the DSP functions for processing the whole sound file.
- The ZOOM Function
- This function will display the selected block across the
- Waveform screen graph. Once a block has been ZOOMed, you may
- select another block until the display resolution reaches 1:1.
- BLASTER Master supports upto 64 ZOOM levels.
- The UNZOOM Function
- This function will return the screen to the previous resolution
- before the last ZOOM. By combining the ZOOM and UNZOOM
- functions, you can very accurately select exactly the section of
- the sound file to be modified.
- The SAVE Function
- This function will save the selected block as a new sound file.
- The original sound file is left exactly as it was. You will then
- be prompted to return to editing the original sound file or to
- edit the new saved block.
- The MOVE Function
- This function will move the selected block to a new location
- within the sound file. You can have alot of fun altering speech
- files and such by moving the words around to make new sentences.
- The COPY Function
- This function will copy the selected block to a new location
- within the sound file. The original block is left intact. This
- is a very handy function for making RAP type sound files. NOTE:
- This function is only available from the BLOCK sub-menu of the
- Vanishing Menu.
- Exiting BLOCK MODE
- Clicking the NEW button will exit BLOCK MODE and return you to
- the DSP Functions. You also have the keyboard options of using
- the ESC key or pressing ALT-N. This is also the method for
- selecting a NEW primary block for modifying.
- Summary
- We have now covered the functions and techniques needed to get
- the most from BLASTER Master. With a little practice you will
- develop the skill to manipulate your sound files like an expert.
- With a little imagination, the possibilities are endless!
- Because I am constantly adding new features and improving the
- interface, BLASTER Master will always be the most advanced
- digital editor available.
- Please refer to the BMASTER.DOC file for a listing of BBSs and
- online services where you can find the latest update of BLASTER
- Master. It is also available on hundreds of other BBSs around
- the world. I appeciate any help you can offer by uploading
- BLASTER Master to any BBSs you can!
- Thank you for using my software.
- BLASTER Master
- (c) Copyright 1993 by Gary Maddox, all rights reserved.