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__ __ ___ __ __ ____ __
| ||\ | ||___\ \ \ / / || | |
| || \ | | ____ \ \ / / || | |
| | \ \ | ||____\ \ \ / / || | |
| |___\ | | |______ \ \/ / || | |____
|_________| |_________\ \__/ _||_ |_______\
A Tutorial for editing DESCENT levels with DEVIL (V0.99)
Compiled by Boris Postler (ub0u@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de).
DEVIL was made by Achim Stremplat (ubdb@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de).
This article is (C) Copyright 1995 by Boris Postler. All rights
reserved. You are welcome to make copies and redistribute this article,
as long as it is kept in its original form.
DEVIL is (C) Copyright 1995 by Achim Stremplat. All rights reserved.
All specific names included herein are trademarks: Descent, Interplay
Productions, Parallax Software, Pentium, Intel, Id Software, Doom, OS/2,
Microsoft Windows.
Any trademarks not mentioned here are hypothetically acknowledged.
I hope nobody wants to sue me but I may forget some of them.
Parallax Software cannot and will not provide support for DEVIL.
Parallax Software will not provide support for ANY file that has been
modified or created by DEVIL.
DEVIL will not allow you to modify the shareware version of DESCENT.
(It may be allowed but we'll ask Parallax first.)
The author of DEVIL will not provide support or be liable for damage
caused by the use of DEVIL.
It is illegal to distribute the registered version of the DESCENT.HOG
file in any form, original or modified.
The author of DEVIL reserve the right to add or remove any functionality
of the DEVIL software.
Okay, I'm trying to write a Tutorial for building levels with DEVIL so
that you get prepared for the challenge of building levels for DESCENT
(which is rather more difficult then building 2D levels for DOOM). By the
way, I'm writing this without an english dictionary so that there may be
some severe faults (spelling/gramatical/ethical/political/...). Please
don't mind and have a nice day.
Thanks go to
Interplay/Parallax for this great game
ID Software 'cause I still think DOOM is the best kick-ass game ever
Thomas Axelsson for the first two letters of the ASCII title
XX-Thanks go to
Achim Stremplat for coding DEVIL (best DESCENT-editor I know)
(and if I don't get XXXX-Thanks for coding this file he'll be in deep
Now let's start:
[1a] What is DEVIL ?
[1b] What is this file ?
[1c] How do I start DEVIL ?
[2a] Areas on the screen
[2b] The different modes
[2c] The substructures
[2d] The pulldown menus
[2e] The Internal menu
[3a] Cubes
[3b] Points and corners
[3c] Sides
[3d] Walls
[3e] Textures
[3f] Things
[4a] Moving in the level
[4b] Moving objects
[6a] All time favorites
[6b] Cube-mode
[6c] Side-mode
[6d] Wall-mode
[6e] Thing-mode
[7a] Cubes
[7b] Points
[7c] Sides
[7d] Walls
[7e] Textures
[7f] Things
[7g] Light
[7h] Direct editing
[7i] Macros
[7j] Side effects
[7k] Specials
--[1a]------ What is DEVIL?
DEVIL is a program for editing DESCENT levels and building own levels
'from the scratch'. It was made by Achim Stremplat (not identical with
the author of this humble file) for all you weirdos who want to build
levels. DEVIL is GREAT, it is that GREAT that I could ..//censored//..
..//censored//.. ..//censored//.. ..//censored//..
OK, I've calmed down a bit by now, so let's continue.
--[1b]------ What is this file?
I've build some levels for DOOM (using DEU) which are considered 'not
too bad' by my friends and since I was one of the beta-testers I think
I should give some tips and hints concerning level-building. This is,
as I mentioned, a bit more difficult because of 3D-effects.
--[1c]------ How do I start DEVIL?
You do that by typing D-E-V-I-L at the DOS-Prompt. You can't start
DEVIL with a mouse unless you are in Windows or OS/2 and we don't know
if it works there (don't know, don't care ;).
--[2a]------ Areas on the screen
To the left is a big Window: this is where your level is shown. The
upper line consists of pull-down menus. I will say more to that later.
The lower line is the status line where the messages will be shown. If
you don't have an OK there your Computer has an Pentium inside - bad
luck. To the right there are several displays: in the lower right the
texture of the actual side is shown. The arrows are for mouse-
controlling. Below the arrows is shown wether you are in modify- or
move-mode. Above that are the different editing modes: cubes, sides
(a side is a cube-side with no adjacent cube), walls (a wall is a cube-
side with an adjacent cube), points, things and internal. In the upper
right corner the actual editing-mode is displayed and below that the
substructures of cubes/sides/walls/... (and so on).
--[2b]------ The different modes
DEVIL has six different modes. They are:
-CUBES for cube-editing and moving
-SIDES for side-editing and moving
-INTERNAL for changing internal constants of DEVIL
You change mode by pressing '[CONTROL]+first letter of mode'.
Some actions act different in different modes, e.g. INSERT in cube-mode
inserts a macro, in thing-mode a thing and in point-mode ....
NO! Not a point. You can't insert points :).
--[2c]------ The substructures
Each mode has a different substructure. You change the substructures
using the cursor-keys and [RETURN]. (Ok, ok: for mouse-users: just move
the little arrow to the substructure you want to change and press a
mouse-button.) Then you got either another menu (e.g. of different
robots) or you have to enter a number (e.g. light). (This is really the
last time I will mention mouse in this file but no, you can't enter
numbers with the mouse. :) Since some substructures are a bit complica-
ted, I will explain them later in 'EDITING'
--[2d]------ The pulldown menus
The pulldown menus are activated by pressing '[ALT]+highlighted letter'
(for mouse-users now and for ever: just click and be quit, OK?). The
menus are:
-FILE for loading/saving/quit (hope this is self-explaining:)
-EDIT for insert/fast insert/delete/delete all/fit bitmap/tag/tag all
INSERT: to insert a macro/thing/door/...
FAST INSERT: as INSERT but in cube-mode DEVIL will join the sides as
well (making a wall)
DELETE: to delete the tagged objects of the current mode; you can't
delete the active object (shown in green)
DELETE ALL: to delete all tagged objects, regardless of the current
FIT BITMAP: this is for texture-mapping
TAG: tags an object of the current mode (shown in blue)
TAG ALL: tags all objects of the current mode
-EXTRA for make macro/save macro/choose macro/set exit
MAKE MACRO: makes a macro consisting of all tagged objects (regard-
less of current mode); reference point and side of the macro are the
current point and macro
SAVE MACRO: saves a macro for later use
CHOOSE MACRO: loads a macro
SET EXIT: set a side to exit, DESCENT needs an exit (see later)
-SELECT is for selecting the current object
-DRAWING tells DEVIL what is to be shown and what not (DATA is special)
The menus are case-sensitive to prevent the deleting of the whole level
with just one key (now you need two). Several other events can be
activated via hotkeys, they're listed below (see 'HOTKEYS').
--[2e]------ The Internal menu
You won't need to change things in this menu often but when you do
don't blame us. Exception are the grid, the moving factors and the
sight range. The grid forces points on an angular, well, grid and the
moving factor shows the size of your moving-steps. The sight range in-
dicates how far you can see. When you turn it to low you'll get lost
but when you turn it to high, DEVIL will slow down a lot.
The other numbers show the angle when you turn, the zooming-factor,..
Since the 'standard cube' has a sidelength of aprox. 1.3e06 some of
the numbers are pretty high but don't worry, keep smiling :)
--[3a]------ Cubes
For experienced WAD-builders: cubes are sth. like sectors (not quite
right: while it was possible to divide a sector in parts that are not
connected, this is not allowed with cubes). A cube has always eight
corners but you may arange these points (almost) as you want. You have
to keep in mind:
1.) Cubes need to be convex. Well, what does that mean? Take the inte-
riour of a ball: it is convex. That means, you can draw a line from
every point inside the cube to every other point and this line DOES
NOT LEAVE THE CUBE. This is important for DESCENT. Let me show you
some examples:
________ __________ ___ ___
| | \ / \ \ / /
| | \ / \ \/ /
YES:| | CLOSE THING: \ / NO: \ /
| | \ / \ /
|________| \/ \/
Luckily, DEVIL handles this thing automatically, so you won't have
to be bothered.
2.) Take a normal cube and push one corner inwards. This will not only
make the cube 'lesser convex' but it will also bent the adjacent
sides of the cube (try it for yourself). DESCENT has problems with
highly bent walls (e.g. the laserbolts won't collide with the wall)
but DEVIL won't allow such walls and will refuse to move a point
You don't have to think about wether or not this cube is allowed be-
cause DEVIL does it for you (thanks, Achim!). I just mentioned these
problems so that you can understand why DEVIL refuses to execute a
I'll often refer to a so-called 'standard cube'. This is a cube with
a sidelength of ca. 1300000 units. The cube in 'new.rdl' is such a
standard cube. Since this number is pretty high and since the cube is
just about the average corridor size in DESCENT, you'll have problems
estimating the actual size of a level (in contrary to DOOM).
--[3b]------ Points and corners
I hope that I won't have to explain what a point is, but corners are a
bit more tricky. A point belongs to three sides (if it's only one cube)
but when you have adjacent cubes there could be LOTS of sides belonging
to one point. Each of these sides has a corner at the point of the
point (:). Every corner has a seperate light level, concerning only
this one side. Most of the time you'll just change the light level of
the side but it is possible to give seperate light levels to the
different corners of a side. IMPORTANT: light is only available for
sides (cube-sides without adjacent cube); walls (cube-sides with
adjacent cube) don't have light levels. More to light in 'EDITING'
--[3c]------ Sides
A side is a cube-side without an adjacent cube (this is the last time I
mention it, but it IS important to notice the difference). You can
place two cubes wall-to-wall, as long as you don't change the sides into
walls DESCENT will just ignore this (infinitessimal thin walls are no
problem). A little trick: if you build a big room and a corridor through
this room DESCENT will ignore the existence of the corridor when you are
in the room as long as you doesn't mend the sides. (Perhaps I'll have
enough time to build a level that shows this, you can make pretty weird
things with this one. :))))
--[3d]------ Walls
A wall is a cube-side with an adjacent cube. Walls can act in many
ways: as doors, switches for producers, energy rechargers (the yellow
dots in the air), ....
More to the different functions in 'EDITING'
--[3e]------ Textures
A side has allways a texture, a wall may have a texture. Textures in
DESCENT are a bit more 'powerful' than in DOOM (they are not only
textures). E.g. the lava-texture behaves like lava, this is only
because of the texture. Also, when a side doesn't have a texture, you
can fly through it (including, of course, the infamous 'hall of mirror'-
effect). Notice that you can't fly back then: when you get 'out of
bonds', you're sure to stay there.
--[3f]------ Things
Things have different types: startpoints (each level has to have at
least one of them :), items (keys, weapons and suchlike), robots (blow
'em up) and hostages (pity you can't blow up these).
--[4a]------ Moving in the level
To control your movements with your mouse just click on the arrows to
the right: left click is turn and right click is move. On the keyboard
the commands are (you have to switch the NUMLOCK ON):
A/Y (perhaps Z ?) forwards/backwards (sorry, german keyboard)
1/3 banking
2/4/6/8 turn around
[SHIFT]+2/4/6/8 gliding
IMPORTANT: when I refer to NUMLOCK ON or OFF, I assume that you change
the Move/Modify-mode ONLY with your NUM-key. If you keep clicking with
that mouse of yours this will switch the mode but not the numlock-light
(of course) so that the default is inverted (this will be fixed in a
later version (perhaps, I keep pestering him all the same :)).
--[4b]------ Moving objects
If you want to move something else instead yourself you have to switch
the NUMLOCK OFF (or click on the button below the arrows). You can only
move tagged objects. This is because it may happen very fast that you
move something you didn't want and this may mess up your level quite a
lot. You can move all objects around. Cubes may only be banked (well,
you know what I mean) around the current side because when you turn
them, nobody knows around which axis. Items have a symmetric structure
therefore it is useless to turn them. Things with orientation behave
different: when you move them, you steer them. That means when you
press left, this isn't left from your point of view (as with items
/cubes/points/...) but left from the things point of view. Just try it.
It only affects starting points, robots and the reactor.
Moving around has been explained before, now to the difficult part:
choosing objects. You choose a thing with the left mouse-button and a
cube with the right mouse-button. Try to aim for the center of items
when you choose them but aim at the lower backside (what do you think
now ?!?) of a thing with orientation (robots and suchlike). It's easier
when you're far away and almost impossible when you're near the robot.
For cubes: aim at a poit and DEVIL will take this point, the side next
to this point and nearest to you and the cube of this side and point
nearest to you (uff). This works most the time but you'll have to
move around sometimes until you get the righ angle. You can only click
at things and points that you see.
When you want to choose a wall, you have to press [SHIFT] and click
with the right button on the cross of the wall.
Part [6]. HOTKEYS
--[6a]------ All time favorites
These hotkeys are available in every mode:
[F1] activate help, cursor scrolls, any
other key exits
[CONTROL] + [SHIFT] + s/l save/load level
[SHIFT] + [ESCAPE] end DEVIL (you're crazy! :)
[SHIFT] + a/y increases/decreases sight
NUMLOCK * / increase/decrease moving factor of
yourself or of objects depending of
the current mode (move/modify)
NUMLOCK +/- increase/decrease zooming
NUMLOCK 9/7 increase/decrease rotation angle
[ALT] + g switch grid ON/OFF
[SHIFT] + g increase grid size
g decrease grid size
[SHIFT] + m make macro
[CONTROL] + m save macro
m choose macro
[CONTROL] + c/s/w/t/i/p changes mode
[SHIFT] + c/s/w/t/p previous cube/side/wall/thing/point
c/s/w/t/p next cube/side/wall/thing/point
[CONTROL] + [SHIFT] + c/s/w/p/t enter number of current cube ...
[SPACE] tag untagged object or
untag tagged object
[SHIFT] + [SPACE] tag all objects if none are tagged or
untag all objects if one is tagged
[CONTROL] + key command only for current object,
ignore tagged objects
[SHIFT] + key no side-effects
[SHIFT] + [DELETE] delete all tagged objects (be careful
with this one!)
[END] insert exit wall in current side
cursor up/down move in substructure-menu
[RETURN] edit substructure
f fit bitmap of current side (f also
exits the bitmap-fitting)
--[6b]------ Cube-mode
[INSERT] insert a macro without joining the
[SHIFT] + [INSERT] insert a macro and make a wall between
the cubes (deleting the sides)
[DELETE] deletes all tagged cubes but not the
current cube
--[6c]------ Side-mode
[INSERT] separates to cubes
[DELETE] joines tagged and current side to wall,
matches tagged to current side
--[6d]------ Wall-mode
[INSERT] inserts a door/switch
[DELETE] deletes all tagged walls
--[6e]------ Thing-mode
[INSERT] inserts a thing (default: energy)
[DELETE] deletes all tagged things but not the
current thing
Part [7]. EDITING
Properties of an object are changed with the cursor-keys and [RETURN],
regardless of the current mode. When you tag several objects, the
changes (and movements) will affect all tagged objects.
--[7a]------ Cubes
You can move and bank cubes (as mentioned before). The cube substruc-
ture consists of: type/cube light/pnt light. The light will be ex-
plained later (see below), the type is one of those:
- normal : just a plain cube
- producer : these nasties produce robots (3 robots, 3 times default)
- reactor : the cube which contents the reactor has to be marked
- energy : energy recharger (in special, it's a different byte)
When the cube is changed to producer you'll have to enter the kind of
robot(s) this producer shall produce. You can mark more then one type
(with [SPACE]) and press [RETURN] when you're done. DESCENT will choose
one of the give robot-types when a robot appears. Since the fat ones
end a level they tend to behave funny when they appear in masses out
of a producer (could be done but shouldn't).
--[7b]------ Points
You can move points in all directions (while the cubes are still convex
and the walls ain't weird). The substructure is pretty unimportant
(except the light, see below).
If the grid is switched ON, all points will lay on the grid. If you
try to move a point but can't, the moving factor is below the gridsize.
--[7c]------ Sides
Each side has two textures: texture 1 is the 'main' texture, texture 2
overlays the first texture. Texture 2 is used for lights, monitors,
doors, signs,... The complete texture (1+2) is shown in the lower right
corner. The orientation of the texture is shown by the two blue lines
on the current side and on the image of the textures. You can change
the orientation of the second texture (e.g. to level monitors). You can
also change the orientation of the whole side using 'fit bitmap' (in
the pulldown-menu or hotkey 'f').
The joining or seperating of cubes is also done in side-mode. This is
because it changes sides to walls and vice versa and does not affect
the cubes as such. To join two cubes tag one wall of one cube and make
one of the sides of the other cube to the actual side. When you press
[DELETE], DEVIL tries to delete the two sides and make a wall of them.
If the two sides don't match, DEVIL will change the size and position
of the TAGGED side (within certain limits of course), the actual side
will remain where it is. To separate two cubes, just choose the side
and press [INSERT].
--[7d]------ Walls
A wall may have max. two functions (or none): door and switch.
The different wall-types are:
- blow door: standard jail door (hostages) enter hitpoints in hex
(the door in level 1 has 64 hex = 100)
- normal door: clear
- only texture: like in energy stations
- only switch: no texture, just switch
- shoot through: but not fly through (windows, grates, ventilators)
If it is a door, there are four door-types:
- stay open, laser: once opened, this door stays open
- stay open, switch: can only be opened with switches or at the end of
the level
- open/close w. laser: standard door, closes after a few seconds
- open/close w. switch: same as with laser, only with switch
The open at end- and the key-structure won't need explanation, but
there are several switch-types:
- no switch (default)
- alternate/normal exit: when this switch is activated, the computer
will attempt to steer the ship to the exit-wall (ends level)
- producer/doors: starts producer/opens doors
The doortype defines the animation sequence. This is only needed for
doors. Since it works with side effects (see below) there may be some
minor problems (well, I've had some but maybe I'm just a bit clumsy).
Concerning switches: when you want to trigger an event (start producing
robots or open door(s)), first insert the switch-wall. Then tag all
objects you want to trigger (cubes for producers and doors for doors).
Then go again to the switch and change the switch to the event. It will
show how many objects are affected. If you want to add another object,
you have to tag all previous objects as well; if you want to trigger
the event with another switch just do the same procedure again ... and
again ... and again ...
A wall has two sides and so it has two doors and switches (one for each
side). Therefore you can trigger different events depending of your
flight-direction. When you want to trigger an event by flying through a
corridor from the left to the right, you should set the switch to the
left side (see demo level for examples).
IMPORTANT: Doors that are opened with switches can't be opened with la-
serbolts (normaly). So if you got a door of the type 'open/close with
switch' it may happen that the player is trapped without the possibili-
ty to trigger the switch again. So be sure to make the other side of
such a door 'open/close w. laser'. You have to press the [SHIFT] key to
prevent the side effect (if you don't, DEVIL will change both sides).
The alternate exit-switch is only of use when you're in a level which
has an alternate exit (this is e.g. level 10 for secret level 1). When
you use it in level 1 it will just end the level and go to level 2.
An exit-corridor isn't needed for this kind of exit because DESCENT
doesn't steer the ship after passing the alternate exit: the level just
--[7f]------ Things
There are several different kinds of thing-types: robots, hostages,
start, items, reactor, coop start. I think hostages, start, reactor and
coop start should be clear 'cause you can't change them much.
An Item consists of an effect and a graphic which may differ. So you can
make an energy boost and disguise it as mega-missile. The default is
energy boost.
A robot is a bit more complicated. It consists of the type (clear), the
drop thing and (somtimes) the drop number. The drop thing is a bit
uncertain, but it seems to work: DESCENT distinguishes between
drop nothing: robot destroyed -> no item
drop sth. : robot destroyed -> random item (depends on robot,
mostly energy boost and shield)
drop item : robot destroyed -> item(s)
When you choose 'drop item' you can select the item out of a list. The
drop number is the number of this thing the robot drops when destroyed.
It may vary between 0 and 127. (DESCENT will become a bit slow when 127
items are on screen.) Ever destroyed a class 1 drone and recieved 127
mega-missiles? :)
For people that want to help: ther're still some unknown bytes in the
robot- and the reactor-structure. If you know some of them, just mail.
There should be something like an 'agressive byte' which rules the
behaviour of the robot (some just lurk behind a corner while others
will follow you through the whole level). See the room in level 1 with
the red key: the light hulks will just stand and cover the entry while
the class 2 drone darts out and chases you (or the reactor room
and the different behaviour of the three light hulks).
Another thing: the gopher robot can only be inserted as a laser-
shooting robot. But in some levels of DESCENT the same robot will fly
through the corridors, leaving proximity-bombs behind. Perhaps first
is agressive, second is defensive behaviour? Check it out!
--[7g]------ Light
There are two different kinds of light: cube-light and point-light.
Point light is only available on sides, NOT on walls, and it can be
edited in the following modes:
Point-mode: change the light level of the corner of the current side
Side-mode : change the light level of all 4 corners
Cube-mode : change the light level of all corners in the cube
Now we have a problem. Imagine a cube with 6 adjacent cubes (on each
side of the cube). Such a cube has only walls and no sides and there-
fore no light level. But 'lo! Parallax has made something called 'cube
light'. This sets the light level in the cube. It is only available in
cube-mode. So it is possible to make a big, dark room (point-light set
to 0) with a floating reactor in the middle in bright light (cube-light
to aprox. 6000). Looks GREAT!
The light is entered in hex and ranges from 0 to 8000 (that is 32768).
--[7h]------ Direct editing
This is for pro's only. You can choose this mode via the pulldown menus
(Drawing -> Data). Then the hex-code of the current object is displayed
on the right of the screen. You may edit them directly by mouse-clicking
on the hex-code and entering new values. [PAGE UP] and [PAGE DOWN]
scrolls up and down. The coloured numbers are known, the black ones
ain't (they're set to zilch by DEVIL). So if you know what a certain
address stands for, e-mail us. We will ask Parallax about the unknown
bytes but I think if there are many people asking, things will go
faster for us ;-)
We've just seen that Parallax has published the Specs so don't bother
them just now, read the Specs first and ask afterwards.
--[7i]------ Macros
Macros are powerful tools with wich you may copy parts of a level on
disk and inserting them later in another level. Still, DEVIL is not
100% steady when using macros so that there may be some minor problems
(up to, and including, a formated hard disk). Well, not really. But you
should save your level before an extended using of the macro function.
Remember: save early, save often. There are different groups of macros
so that you won't have to search several hours just to find a 'piece of
corridor, 8 cubes long'.
When you make a macro, it will not be saved until you choose the menue-
point 'Extras -> save macro'. A macro consists of all tagged cubes and
other objects that are tagged. The current side and point (at the mo-
ment when you make the macro) will be reference side and point. When
you insert a macro, DEVIL lays the reference point of the macro on the
current point and tries to match the reference side and the current
side. I think it would be nice if everybody would add a standard cube to
his macro and save the macro with reference side and point on this cube
so that all macros in the Internet are compatible between each other.
You can make a macro regardless of the current mode but you have to be
in cube-mode when inserting one. When you make a macro it will consist
of ALL objects (including switches, special areas, things, ...).
All inserted macros are tagged. This is because most of the time the
macro has been wrong inserted and the only thing you have to do in this
case is pressing [DELETE] to delete the macro (since it is possible
to insert different objects with one macro you may need to press
[SHIFT] + [DELETE] to delete all objects and not only those of the cur-
rent mode). A foresight is in work but will take some more time.
If the macro contains an exit, it won't appear in the macro structure.
This is because only one exit per level is allowed.
--[7j]------ Side effects
Side effects have nothing to do with sides (hence the name :). It means
that when you do one thing, DEVIL will modify another thing. It's name
comes from the german word 'Seiteneffekt' which means what I've said
before but I don't know if that expression does exist in the english
language. It is best explained with an example:
When you change the animation sequence of a door (that is: the way it
opens) you'll want to do that on the other side as well. Well, DEVIL
does it for you. Same with the things: when you change the type of an
item, DEVIL changes the graphic as well.
Sometimes it doesn't seem to work even if he says it does, but my doors
still tend to have two different animation sequences.
You can avoid side effects when you keep [SHIFT] pressed when you
change the substructure.
--[7k]------ Specials
Some objects in DESCENT just are 'special'. Here is a list:
1) The exit
It seems that DESCENT needs an exit 'cause it keeps crushing down
when a level without exit is included (but not always, sometimes it
just works). An exit consists of several parts: the exit-door (with
'stays open, switch', 'open at exit') and the switch 'normal exit');
the exit-corridor which seems to must have a certain length (look at
the original levels) and the exit-wall which is the last side in the
exit-corridor and the only wall not adjacent to another cube. This
wall has no texture and should therefore be invisible from the point
of the door (DESCENT won't crash but it looks better). This can be
made by curves in the exit-corridor or by just setting the light
level very low. Also, the exit-corridor shouldn't have sharp turns
because DESCENT will refuse to steer the ship through such hazardous
areas (again, look at the originals).
2) The reactor
The reactor needs a special cube so be shure to change the cube-type
as well. You should place it next to the floor so that it doesn't
float (not nessesary but ...).
3) Switches
They can open doors or activate producers. You may group several
switches to activate one producer/door or one switch for several
producers/doors. Switches work only for one side, so you may trigger
two events with one wall depending of the direction in which the
wall is flown through (that's good english??).
4) The producers
A producer produces 3 times 3 robots. When you choose more than one
type of robot, DESCENT will decide randomly which robot will appear.
5) Traps
A trap consists of a big room and several adjacent small cubes (con-
nected via secret doors, 'not normally open'). When the player flies
through the big room, a switch is triggered. This opens the secret
doors and (surprise, surprise!) robots will pour out of them.
6) Secret vault
It's a secret room with a switch-triggered door that closes after
some seconds. If the player is really fast he may reach the vault
*just* in time to see the door closing between him and the extra
life (:))).
DESCENT will exit to DOS when
- ther is no exit-wall (took us some hours to get a grip on it 'caus
DESCENT still works sometimes)
- reactor not in reactorroom
- big boss and reactor in the same level (except level 7: there is a
reactor in multiplayer and a big boss in single player mode)
In this cases the screen will turn black. Just type 'mode 80' or 'mode
co80' to reset the screnn. You will need earplugs when you use DEVIL or
play DESCENT right after such a crash, so it would be a good idea to
reset your soundcard.
DESCENT will set you in white fog if the start is out of bounds. This
should now be prevented by DEVIL so don't bother about it.
If the exit-corridor isn't straight enough, the computer will fail to
steer the ship through and just ending the level without the last ani-
mation sequence.
Hall of mirror effect (HOM) when: no sidetexture, no first texture or
only a second texture and a walltexture on side. You may fly through
a side without texture but you won't be able to enter the level again.
Walls are black with little dots on them: DEVIL hasn't calculated all
of the wall's points. Just move one of the side-points to force a new
Sorry, but I've just seen that you've get an older version of this
file with the first publication of DEVIL. This is the fault of
campus security guard dragging me from the PC's at the uni (my only
access to the Internet). Well, maybe they just wanted to close for
this day. But so things went a little on the hectic side while we
tried to upload it and send word to the newsgroup. So this is the
complete version of 'DEVIL.DOC' including even an explanation how
to handle walls (pretty unimportant anyway ;).
Also, DEVIL will be in the wrong directory (DESCENT\DEVIL095 and not
just DESCENT\DEVIL) and our upload session wasn't very effective.
Achim tried to do same work later with his (very slow) modem, but
connections to US are veeeery slow from here (he achieved the maxi-
mum performance of 1.63 bytes per second).
Ok, that's it...
Have fun!
Don't panic!
The turtle moves!
Bye, Boris