Fun & Games 30
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Welp, this is our 1st map. And quite frankly, it rocks all the other maps
I've played to hell. Not only do you have to worry about getting wasted by
your buddies in dukematch, but now ya gotta worry about getting smacked in
the back of the head by a turret or fat-ass-commander-bitch.
to Brett Gmoser:
Hey Brett, we like, didn't read all of your damn faq before we wrote our
level, NOR did we read all of buildhlp.exe! Doesn't that piss you off?!
Fuck you, you little anti-pirate, rule-following bastard bitch crotch
piece of shit. :)
Misc. Level Info:
Um, screw that author template shit. That's a load of crap. Just play the
level in any mode. And don't use the cheat codes you bastard. Yeah, I knew
what you were thinking, "Hey, this level looks kinda hard... maybe I should
just... ya know... throw on god mode..." well... don't... cuz if ya do...
ya really suck.
oh by the way, if you hate Rage Against the Machine (which means you just
suck and should be drug out into the street and beaten to death by a bunch
of grandmothers wielding stuffed ferrets) then you can get rid of the music
by deleting barmusic.voc... um... ok then...
you may be asking yourself "what the hell is that chick in the secret room
doing?!" she's smoking pot. she just took an enormous hit before you walked
in or something (gotta give us a point for creativity. :) ). yes, we promote
marijuana use. don't be doing crack or speed or or any of that shit cuz
it'll fuck ya up. but mary-j is ok.
good quote:
"They may take our lives, but they'll never have... OUR FREEDOM!"
stupid quote:
"Yes, at first, BUILD looks VERY complicated. It is used by with the
-Brett Gmoser
-fuck the system, advance the revolution, take the power back.
-get off your ass, go to the library, and read a book, preferably one about
our fucked up government so you'll know how to fix it when the revolution
-quit playing on your computer all the time, go get some sun, you're looking
pretty pale.
gambit & toto
info for people that really, really suck to hell:
First of all, I must say if you're reading this, you really, really suck to
hell... You can remedy this by not reading any further.........
level secrets:
but in case you actually, really do suck to hell, here's all the secrets to
the level, hope you found at least 2 of these before you read this:
in the bathtub, you can swim down and kick/blowout/etc 2 sheets of glass.
hardness level=0 (therefore you really suck if you didn't find this)
once you've blown out the 2 pieces of glass, you can swim up!
hardness level=1 (you still suck to hell)
if you crouch down and run into the door of the cars, you will be hidden.
hardness level=4 (you kinda suck)
if you jump on the counter in the bathroom, you can run into the wall behind
the faucet and go into the other bathroom.
hardness level=6 (you're starting not to suck)
if you run into the wall in the far bedroom (the one at the end of the hall
on the left, stupid!) there's a little closet type thing with a couple
weapons and a one way wall that you can hide in.
hardness level=8 (you sorta suck)
if you're hardness points add up to 10, you can safely say that you don't
if you used build to find them... then well... rot in hell, cheater.