Fun & Games 31
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Text File
226 lines
57344 Fallen Haven
61000 Ok
61001 Enemy
61002 Terrain
61003 Wall
61004 Strategic
61005 Tactic
61006 Year
61007 Cancel
61008 Towers
61011 Fast
61012 Slow
61013 Abort
61015 No
61016 Yes
61018 Map
61019 Abandon current game?
61020 Menu
61021 Technology
61022 Computer
61201 Error intiliazing application
61202 Can't find video file
61203 Your system can not play Video for Windows (AVI) files.
61204 A major system error occured. \nProgram will terminate. \nPlease check your manual.
61206 The Windows Registry entries for this program are corrupted. \nPlease Re-install %1.
61207 Your system must be in 256 colors mode.\nChange your configuration and try again.
61208 Your system must be in 640x480 or better resolution .\nChange your configuration and try again.
61209 Your system must have 8 megs of RAM or more.
61210 Your system must have a mouse or other pointing device.
61211 FALLEN HAVEN: Incorrect system configuration
61212 Error in saving game data.\nTry again under another game slot.
61213 Error in loading saved game
61214 Second Instance!\nOnly one copy of this program can run at the same time.\nProgram will exit.\n
61215 An error occured while initializing the sound system.
61216 An error occured while starting the new game
61217 Invalid data files.\nThe data files for the player are corrupted.\nReinstall the application.
61218 Unable to initialize Wavemix
61400 Lack of Credits
61401 Only one %1 per province
61402 Maximum number of structures reached
61403 Maximum of %1!d! %2 per province
61404 Can't build structure %1
61405 Not enough Energy to build\n%1
61406 Not enough Credits to build\n%1
61407 Too many units in structures
61408 Too many units in province
61501 Passive defense capacity
61503 Automatic active defense
61508 Energy production: %1!d! EP
61510 Credits production: %1!d! Credits
61600 Energy consumption: Nil
61601 Energy consumption: %1!d! EP per turn
61602 Armor: %1!d!
61603 Cost: %1!d!
61604 Under Construction
61605 Production
61606 Construction
61607 Cost %1!d! Credits
61608 Recycling
61650 Upkeep: %1!d! Credits
61651 FIRING: %1
61652 AP %1!3d!
61653 AR %1!3d!
61654 L %1!d!
61655 H %1!d!
61657 MOVING
61675 rookie
61676 experienced
61677 veteran
61678 marksman
61800 Initializing Zone
61801 Deploying Zone
61802 Loading Terrains
61803 Loading Roads
61804 Loading Shots
61805 Loading Anims
61806 Creating Players
61807 Creating Colony
61808 Booting AI
61809 Reading File
61810 Reading AI Matters
61811 Initializing AI
61812 Populating Provinces
61813 ...STARTING...
61815 ...SAVING...
61900 You must have selected the game to load.
61901 You must have selected a game slot.
62000 Units Inside
62003 (In Construction)
62200 Save Game
62201 Load Game
62202 Quit
62203 Surrender
62210 Shot Animation Speed
62211 Movement Animation Speed
62212 Scrolling Speed
62400 EP
62401 RP
62402 Credits
62500 %1 on province: %2!d!
62501 Each produces %1!d! %2
62502 Total Production
62503 %1!d! %2
62600 Launch DropShip
62601 Dropship can't take off
62602 Dropship can't take off \nThere must be units aboard
62603 Can't go
62802 Allows scanning of adjacent
62803 provinces
63100 Storage space: %1!d!
63101 Units Inside: %1!d!
63102 Storage
63103 All Out
63200 Repairs: %1!d!
63201 Armor: No damage
63202 Armor: Click here to repair
63203 You don't have enough credits\nfor repairs
63400 Weapon Damage %1!d!
63401 ERROR: No Embedded Unit
63402 Choose Target of Tower
63403 Not Enough AP to shoot
63500 Year %1!d!
63501 End Strategic Turn?
63505 Zoom on Province
63506 End Strategic Turn
63507 Choose
63508 Destination
63509 Sending Province has
63510 a %1
63511 This allows precise
63512 targeting
63513 Owner: %1
63514 Units %1!d!
63515 Buildings %1!d!
63516 In range
63517 Origin
63518 Invalid target
63519 Out of range
63520 Units inside %1!d!
63521 Units outside %1!d!
63522 Total units %1!d!
63523 Province is not a
63524 neighbour.
63525 Can only attack
63526 ONE province per turn.
63527 Can't attack an enemy
63528 province with no
63529 units aboard.
63530 Too many dropships
63531 already sent on province.
63532 Too many dropships
63533 already on province.
63534 Can't send any more
63535 units on province.
63536 Towers %1!d!
63601 Forest
63700 Global credits reserve / Global credits income
63702 Out of scanning range
63703 In scanning range
63704 Missile Defense %1
63705 Radar %1
63706 Missile Launcher %1
63707 Dropships %1!d!
63708 If you lose your capital !you lose the campaign
63709 Capture this province !to win the game.
63750 Energy %1
63751 Credits %1
63752 Research %1
63900 Poor
63901 Average
63902 Rich
63903 Very rich
64000 Energy income %1!d!
64001 Credits income %1!d!
64002 Research income %1!d!
64500 Please Wait
64501 Click to Continue
64600 Autodestruct
64601 Ship %1!d! of %2!d!
64602 Confirm destruction of\nDROPSHIP\n and all units aboard
64700 Do you wish to surrender?
64701 Research Points produced
64702 Energy Points available
64703 Global Credits reserve / Province income
64800 Repair all buildings and dropships
64801 Build structure
64802 Build road
64803 Recycle
64804 Map
64805 Menu
64806 Colony
64807 Not Enough Energy\nYour buildings will start to degrade\nand all production is stopped.
64808 Negative Credits Production\nThis province cost more\nthan it produces.\n
64809 Not enough resources\n to build a road
64810 Confirm disbanding of \n %1 %2 unit \n for %3!d! Credits
64811 You cannot destroy your\n%1\nIt's the only one you will have.
64812 There are units left in %1.\nStructure must be emptied\nbefore destruction.
64813 Confirm demolition of \n%1\nfor %2!d! Credits
64814 You can't remove \nthe last piece of road.
64815 REPAIR ALL BUILDINGS\nAND DROPSHIPS\nNo buildings or dropships damaged.
64816 REPAIR ALL BUILDINGS\nAND DROPSHIPS\nRepairing everything will cost\n%1!d! Credits\nRepair?
64817 REPAIR ALL BUILDINGS\nAND DROPSHIPS\nRepairing everything will cost\n%1!d! Credits\nYou do not have enough credits.
64900 Select next unit
64901 Select next unit w/o coming back
64902 Overwatch Light weapon
64903 Light Weapon
64904 Heavy Weapon
64905 Overwatch Heavy Weapon
64906 End tactical turn
64907 Not enough action points\nto get %1 out.
64908 Not Enough AP
64909 Target Not in Range
64910 No line of Fire
64911 Can't shoot at your own units.
64912 Can't shoot at your own buildings.
65000 In the full version\nyou will build your Dropships here
65001 In the full version,\nyou can instantly repair\nall damaged buildings and\ndropships
65002 In the full version,\nyou can recycle buildings \nand units to shape the city\nas you want